Example #1
static bool device_alloc_bufs(struct vnt_private *pDevice)
	struct vnt_usb_send_context *pTxContext;
	struct vnt_rcb *pRCB;
	int ii;

    for (ii = 0; ii < pDevice->cbTD; ii++) {

	pTxContext = kmalloc(sizeof(struct vnt_usb_send_context), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (pTxContext == NULL) {
            DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR "%s : allocate tx usb context failed\n", pDevice->dev->name);
            goto free_tx;
        pDevice->apTD[ii] = pTxContext;
	pTxContext->pDevice = (void *) pDevice;
	/* allocate URBs */
        pTxContext->pUrb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC);
        if (pTxContext->pUrb == NULL) {
            DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR "alloc tx urb failed\n");
            goto free_tx;
        pTxContext->bBoolInUse = false;

    /* allocate RCB mem */
	pDevice->pRCBMem = kzalloc((sizeof(struct vnt_rcb) * pDevice->cbRD),
    if (pDevice->pRCBMem == NULL) {
        DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR "%s : alloc rx usb context failed\n", pDevice->dev->name);
        goto free_tx;

    pDevice->FirstRecvFreeList = NULL;
    pDevice->LastRecvFreeList = NULL;
    pDevice->FirstRecvMngList = NULL;
    pDevice->LastRecvMngList = NULL;
    pDevice->NumRecvFreeList = 0;

	pRCB = (struct vnt_rcb *)pDevice->pRCBMem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < pDevice->cbRD; ii++) {

        pDevice->apRCB[ii] = pRCB;
	pRCB->pDevice = (void *) pDevice;
	/* allocate URBs */
        pRCB->pUrb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC);

        if (pRCB->pUrb == NULL) {
            DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR" Failed to alloc rx urb\n");
            goto free_rx_tx;
        pRCB->skb = dev_alloc_skb((int)pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
        if (pRCB->skb == NULL) {
            DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR" Failed to alloc rx skb\n");
            goto free_rx_tx;
        pRCB->skb->dev = pDevice->dev;
        pRCB->bBoolInUse = false;
        EnqueueRCB(pDevice->FirstRecvFreeList, pDevice->LastRecvFreeList, pRCB);

	pDevice->pInterruptURB = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_ATOMIC);
	if (pDevice->pInterruptURB == NULL) {
	    DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR"Failed to alloc int urb\n");
	    goto free_rx_tx;

    pDevice->intBuf.pDataBuf = kmalloc(MAX_INTERRUPT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (pDevice->intBuf.pDataBuf == NULL) {
	    DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_ERR,KERN_ERR"Failed to alloc int buf\n");
	    goto free_rx_tx;

    return true;



	return false;
Example #2
File: dpc.c Project: MaxChina/linux
int RXbBulkInProcessData(struct vnt_private *pDevice, struct vnt_rcb *pRCB,
	unsigned long BytesToIndicate)
	struct net_device_stats *pStats = &pDevice->stats;
	struct sk_buff *skb;
	struct vnt_manager *pMgmt = &pDevice->vnt_mgmt;
	struct vnt_rx_mgmt *pRxPacket = &pMgmt->sRxPacket;
	struct ieee80211_hdr *p802_11Header;
	u8 *pbyRsr, *pbyNewRsr, *pbyRSSI, *pbyFrame;
	u64 *pqwTSFTime;
	u32 bDeFragRx = false;
	u32 cbHeaderOffset, cbIVOffset;
	u32 FrameSize;
	u16 wEtherType = 0;
	s32 iSANodeIndex = -1;
	int ii;
	u8 *pbyRxSts, *pbyRxRate, *pbySQ, *pby3SQ;
	u32 cbHeaderSize;
	PSKeyItem pKey = NULL;
	u16 wRxTSC15_0 = 0;
	u32 dwRxTSC47_16 = 0;
	/* signed long ldBm = 0; */
	int bIsWEP = false; int bExtIV = false;
	u32 dwWbkStatus;
	struct vnt_rcb *pRCBIndicate = pRCB;
	u8 *pbyDAddress;
	u16 *pwPLCP_Length;
	u8 abyVaildRate[MAX_RATE]
		= {2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108};
	u16 wPLCPwithPadding;
	struct ieee80211_hdr *pMACHeader;
	int bRxeapol_key = false;

    DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO"---------- RXbBulkInProcessData---\n");

    skb = pRCB->skb;

	/* [31:16]RcvByteCount ( not include 4-byte Status ) */
	dwWbkStatus = *((u32 *)(skb->data));
	FrameSize = dwWbkStatus >> 16;
	FrameSize += 4;

	if (BytesToIndicate != FrameSize) {
		return false;

    if ((BytesToIndicate > 2372) || (BytesToIndicate <= 40)) {
        // Frame Size error drop this packet.
	DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "---------- WRONG Length 2\n");
        return false;

    pbyDAddress = (u8 *)(skb->data);
    pbyRxSts = pbyDAddress+4;
    pbyRxRate = pbyDAddress+5;

    //real Frame Size = USBFrameSize -4WbkStatus - 4RxStatus - 8TSF - 4RSR - 4SQ3 - ?Padding
    //if SQ3 the range is 24~27, if no SQ3 the range is 20~23
    //real Frame size in PLCPLength field.
    pwPLCP_Length = (u16 *) (pbyDAddress + 6);
    //Fix hardware bug => PLCP_Length error
    if ( ((BytesToIndicate - (*pwPLCP_Length)) > 27) ||
         ((BytesToIndicate - (*pwPLCP_Length)) < 24) ||
         (BytesToIndicate < (*pwPLCP_Length)) ) {

        DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO"Wrong PLCP Length %x\n", (int) *pwPLCP_Length);
        return false;
    for ( ii=RATE_1M;ii<MAX_RATE;ii++) {
        if ( *pbyRxRate == abyVaildRate[ii] ) {
    if ( ii==MAX_RATE ) {
        DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO"Wrong RxRate %x\n",(int) *pbyRxRate);
        return false;

    wPLCPwithPadding = ( (*pwPLCP_Length / 4) + ( (*pwPLCP_Length % 4) ? 1:0 ) ) *4;

	pqwTSFTime = (u64 *)(pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding);
  if(pDevice->byBBType == BB_TYPE_11G)  {
      pby3SQ = pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding + 12;
      pbySQ = pby3SQ;
  else {
   pbySQ = pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding + 8;
   pby3SQ = pbySQ;
    pbyNewRsr = pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding + 9;
    pbyRSSI = pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding + 10;
    pbyRsr = pbyDAddress + 8 + wPLCPwithPadding + 11;

    FrameSize = *pwPLCP_Length;

    pbyFrame = pbyDAddress + 8;

    pMACHeader = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) pbyFrame;

//mike add: to judge if current AP is activated?
    if ((pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_STANDBY) ||
        (pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_ESS_STA)) {
       if (pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[0].bActive) {
	 if (ether_addr_equal(pMgmt->abyCurrBSSID, pMACHeader->addr2)) {
	    if (pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[0].uInActiveCount != 0)
                  pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[0].uInActiveCount = 0;

    if (!is_multicast_ether_addr(pMACHeader->addr1)) {
        if (WCTLbIsDuplicate(&(pDevice->sDupRxCache), (struct ieee80211_hdr *) pbyFrame)) {
            return false;

	if (!ether_addr_equal(pDevice->abyCurrentNetAddr, pMACHeader->addr1)) {
		return false;

    // Use for TKIP MIC
    s_vGetDASA(pbyFrame, &cbHeaderSize, &pDevice->sRxEthHeader);

    if (ether_addr_equal((u8 *)pDevice->sRxEthHeader.h_source,
        return false;

    if ((pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_ESS_AP) || (pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_IBSS_STA)) {
        if (IS_CTL_PSPOLL(pbyFrame) || !IS_TYPE_CONTROL(pbyFrame)) {
            p802_11Header = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) (pbyFrame);
            // get SA NodeIndex
            if (BSSbIsSTAInNodeDB(pDevice, (u8 *)(p802_11Header->addr2), &iSANodeIndex)) {
                pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].ulLastRxJiffer = jiffies;
                pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].uInActiveCount = 0;

    if (IS_FC_WEP(pbyFrame)) {
        bool     bRxDecryOK = false;

        bIsWEP = true;

	bRxDecryOK = s_bHandleRxEncryption(pDevice, pbyFrame, FrameSize,
		pbyRsr, pbyNewRsr, &pKey, &bExtIV, &wRxTSC15_0, &dwRxTSC47_16);

        if (bRxDecryOK) {
            if ((*pbyNewRsr & NEWRSR_DECRYPTOK) == 0) {
                DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO"ICV Fail\n");
                if ( (pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA) ||
                    (pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPAPSK) ||
                    (pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPANONE) ||
                    (pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA2) ||
                    (pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA2PSK)) {
                return false;
        } else {
            DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO"WEP Func Fail\n");
            return false;
        if ((pKey != NULL) && (pKey->byCipherSuite == KEY_CTL_CCMP))
            FrameSize -= 8;         // Message Integrity Code
            FrameSize -= 4;         // 4 is ICV

    // RX OK
    /* remove the FCS/CRC length */
    FrameSize -= ETH_FCS_LEN;

    if ( !(*pbyRsr & (RSR_ADDRBROAD | RSR_ADDRMULTI)) && // unicast address
        ) {
        // defragment
        bDeFragRx = WCTLbHandleFragment(pDevice, (struct ieee80211_hdr *) (pbyFrame), FrameSize, bIsWEP, bExtIV);
        if (bDeFragRx) {
            // defrag complete
            // TODO skb, pbyFrame
            skb = pDevice->sRxDFCB[pDevice->uCurrentDFCBIdx].skb;
            FrameSize = pDevice->sRxDFCB[pDevice->uCurrentDFCBIdx].cbFrameLength;
            pbyFrame = skb->data + 8;
        else {
            return false;

    // Management & Control frame Handle
    if ((IS_TYPE_DATA((pbyFrame))) == false) {
        // Handle Control & Manage Frame

        if (IS_TYPE_MGMT((pbyFrame))) {
            u8 * pbyData1;
            u8 * pbyData2;

            pRxPacket = &(pRCB->sMngPacket);
            pRxPacket->p80211Header = (PUWLAN_80211HDR)(pbyFrame);
            pRxPacket->cbMPDULen = FrameSize;
            pRxPacket->uRSSI = *pbyRSSI;
            pRxPacket->bySQ = *pbySQ;
		pRxPacket->qwLocalTSF = cpu_to_le64(*pqwTSFTime);
            if (bIsWEP) {
                // strip IV
                pbyData1 = WLAN_HDR_A3_DATA_PTR(pbyFrame);
                pbyData2 = WLAN_HDR_A3_DATA_PTR(pbyFrame) + 4;
                for (ii = 0; ii < (FrameSize - 4); ii++) {
                    *pbyData1 = *pbyData2;

            pRxPacket->byRxRate = s_byGetRateIdx(*pbyRxRate);

            if ( *pbyRxSts == 0 ) {
                //Discard beacon packet which channel is 0
                if ( (WLAN_GET_FC_FSTYPE((pRxPacket->p80211Header->sA3.wFrameCtl)) == WLAN_FSTYPE_BEACON) ||
                     (WLAN_GET_FC_FSTYPE((pRxPacket->p80211Header->sA3.wFrameCtl)) == WLAN_FSTYPE_PROBERESP) ) {
			return false;
            pRxPacket->byRxChannel = (*pbyRxSts) >> 2;

            // Insert the RCB in the Recv Mng list
            EnqueueRCB(pDevice->FirstRecvMngList, pDevice->LastRecvMngList, pRCBIndicate);
            if ( bDeFragRx == false) {
            if (pDevice->bIsRxMngWorkItemQueued == false) {
                pDevice->bIsRxMngWorkItemQueued = true;

        else {
            // Control Frame