Example #1
// Enumerates D3D devices for a particular adapter.
HRESULT CD3DEnumeration::EnumerateDevices( CD3DEnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo, CGrowableArray<D3DFORMAT>* pAdapterFormatList )
    HRESULT hr;

    const D3DDEVTYPE devTypeArray[] = 
    const UINT devTypeArrayCount = sizeof(devTypeArray) / sizeof(devTypeArray[0]);

    // Enumerate each Direct3D device type
    for( UINT iDeviceType = 0; iDeviceType < devTypeArrayCount; iDeviceType++ )
        CD3DEnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = new CD3DEnumDeviceInfo;
        if( pDeviceInfo == NULL )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        // Fill struct w/ AdapterOrdinal and D3DDEVTYPE
        pDeviceInfo->DeviceType = devTypeArray[iDeviceType];

        // Store device caps
        if( FAILED( hr = m_pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceInfo->DeviceType, 
                                              &pDeviceInfo->Caps ) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombos( pAdapterInfo, pDeviceInfo, pAdapterFormatList ) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;

        // If at least one devicecombo for this device is found, 
        // add the deviceInfo to the list
        if (pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetSize() > 0 )
            pAdapterInfo->deviceInfoList.Add( pDeviceInfo );
            delete pDeviceInfo;

    return S_OK;
// Name: EnumerateDevices
// Desc: Enumerates D3D devices for a particular adapter.
HRESULT CD3DEnumeration::EnumerateDevices( D3DAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo, 
                                           CArrayList* pAdapterFormatList )
    const UINT devTypeArrayCount = sizeof(devTypeArray) / sizeof(devTypeArray[0]);
    HRESULT hr;

    D3DDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = NULL;
    for( UINT idt = 0; idt < devTypeArrayCount; idt++ )
        pDeviceInfo = new D3DDeviceInfo;
        if( pDeviceInfo == NULL )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList = new CArrayList( AL_REFERENCE ); 
        if( pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList == NULL )
            delete pDeviceInfo;
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        pDeviceInfo->AdapterOrdinal = pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal;
        pDeviceInfo->DevType = devTypeArray[idt];
        if( FAILED( m_pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal, 
            pDeviceInfo->DevType, &pDeviceInfo->Caps ) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombos(pDeviceInfo, pAdapterFormatList) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;
            return hr;

        // If at least one devicecombo for this device is found, 
        // add the deviceInfo to the list
        if (pDeviceInfo->pDeviceComboList->Count() == 0)
            delete pDeviceInfo;
    return S_OK;
// Enumerates D3D devices for a particular adapter.
HRESULT CD3DEnumeration::EnumerateDevices( CD3DEnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo, CGrowableArray<D3DFORMAT>* pAdapterFormatList )
    HRESULT hr;

    const D3DDEVTYPE devTypeArray[] = 
    const UINT devTypeArrayCount = sizeof(devTypeArray) / sizeof(devTypeArray[0]);

    // Enumerate each Direct3D device type
    for( UINT iDeviceType = 0; iDeviceType < devTypeArrayCount; iDeviceType++ )
        CD3DEnumDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = MEMALLOC_NEW(CD3DEnumDeviceInfo);
        if( pDeviceInfo == NULL )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        // Fill struct w/ AdapterOrdinal and D3DDEVTYPE
        pDeviceInfo->DeviceType = devTypeArray[iDeviceType];

        // Store device caps
        if( FAILED( hr = m_pD3D->GetDeviceCaps( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceInfo->DeviceType, 
                                                &pDeviceInfo->Caps ) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;

        // Create a temp device to verify that it is really possible to create a REF device 
        // [the developer DirectX redist has to be installed]
        D3DDISPLAYMODE Mode;
        m_pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(0, &Mode);
        ZeroMemory( &pp, sizeof(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS) );
        pp.BackBufferWidth  = 1;
        pp.BackBufferHeight = 1;
        pp.BackBufferFormat = Mode.Format;
        pp.BackBufferCount  = 1;
        pp.SwapEffect       = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY;
        pp.Windowed         = TRUE;
        pp.hDeviceWindow    = DXUTGetHWNDFocus();
        IDirect3DDevice9 *pDevice = NULL;
        if( FAILED( hr = m_pD3D->CreateDevice( pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal, pDeviceInfo->DeviceType, DXUTGetHWNDFocus(),
                                          D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING | D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE, &pp, &pDevice ) ) )
            if( hr == D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE )
                delete pDeviceInfo;
        SAFE_RELEASE( pDevice );

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombos( pAdapterInfo, pDeviceInfo, pAdapterFormatList ) ) )
            delete pDeviceInfo;

        // If at least one devicecombo for this device is found, 
        // add the deviceInfo to the list
        if (pDeviceInfo->deviceSettingsComboList.GetSize() > 0 )
            pAdapterInfo->deviceInfoList.Add( pDeviceInfo );
            delete pDeviceInfo;

    return S_OK;
Example #4
// Enumerate for each adapter all of the supported display modes, 
// device types, adapter formats, back buffer formats, window/full screen support, 
// depth stencil formats, multisampling types/qualities, and presentations intervals.
// For each combination of device type (HAL/REF), adapter format, back buffer format, and
// IsWindowed it will call the app's ConfirmDevice callback.  This allows the app
// to reject or allow that combination based on its caps/etc.  It also allows the 
// app to change the BehaviorFlags.  The BehaviorFlags defaults non-pure HWVP 
// if supported otherwise it will default to SWVP, however the app can change this 
// through the ConfirmDevice callback.
HRESULT CD3D11Enumeration::Enumerate( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D11DEVICEACCEPTABLE IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc,
                                      void* pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext )
    CDXUTPerfEventGenerator eventGenerator( DXUT_PERFEVENTCOLOR, L"DXUT D3D11 Enumeration" );
    HRESULT hr;
    IDXGIFactory1* pFactory = DXUTGetDXGIFactory();
    if( !pFactory )
        return E_FAIL;

    m_bHasEnumerated = true;
    m_IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc = IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc;
    m_pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext = pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext;


    for( int index = 0; ; ++index )
        IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter = nullptr;
        hr = pFactory->EnumAdapters( index, &pAdapter );
        if( FAILED( hr ) ) // DXGIERR_NOT_FOUND is expected when the end of the list is hit

        IDXGIAdapter2* pAdapter2 = nullptr;
        if ( SUCCEEDED( pAdapter->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IDXGIAdapter2), ( LPVOID* )&pAdapter2 ) ) )
            // Succeeds on DirectX 11.1 Runtime systems
            DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 desc;
            hr = pAdapter2->GetDesc2( &desc );

            if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && ( desc.Flags & DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE ) )
                // Skip "always there" Microsoft Basics Display Driver

        CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = new (std::nothrow) CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo;
        if( !pAdapterInfo )
            SAFE_RELEASE( pAdapter );
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal = index;
        pAdapter->GetDesc( &pAdapterInfo->AdapterDesc );
        pAdapterInfo->m_pAdapter = pAdapter;

        // Enumerate the device driver types on the adapter.
        hr = EnumerateDevices( pAdapterInfo );
        if( FAILED( hr ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        hr = EnumerateOutputs( pAdapterInfo );
        if( FAILED( hr ) || pAdapterInfo->outputInfoList.empty() )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombos( pAdapterInfo ) ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        m_AdapterInfoList.push_back( pAdapterInfo );

    //  If we did not get an adapter then we should still enumerate WARP and Ref.
    if (m_AdapterInfoList.size() == 0)
        CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = new (std::nothrow) CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo;
        if( !pAdapterInfo )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        pAdapterInfo->bAdapterUnavailable = true;

        hr = EnumerateDevices( pAdapterInfo );

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombosNoAdapter(  pAdapterInfo ) ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_AdapterInfoList.push_back( pAdapterInfo );

    // Check for 2 or more adapters with the same name. Append the name
    // with some instance number if that's the case to help distinguish
    // them.
    bool bUniqueDesc = true;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < m_AdapterInfoList.size(); i++ )
        auto pAdapterInfo1 = m_AdapterInfoList[ i ];

        for( size_t j = i + 1; j < m_AdapterInfoList.size(); j++ )
            auto pAdapterInfo2 = m_AdapterInfoList[ j ];
            if( wcsncmp( pAdapterInfo1->AdapterDesc.Description,
                pAdapterInfo2->AdapterDesc.Description, DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING ) == 0 )
                bUniqueDesc = false;

        if( !bUniqueDesc )

    for( auto it = m_AdapterInfoList.begin(); it != m_AdapterInfoList.end(); ++it )
        wcscpy_s( (*it)->szUniqueDescription, 100, (*it)->AdapterDesc.Description );
        if( !bUniqueDesc )
            WCHAR sz[100];
            swprintf_s( sz, 100, L" (#%u)", (*it)->AdapterOrdinal );
            wcscat_s( (*it)->szUniqueDescription, DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING, sz );


    // Check WARP max feature level
        ID3D11Device* pDevice = nullptr;
        hr = DXUT_Dynamic_D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP, 0, 0, fLvl, _countof(fLvl),
                                             D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &m_warpFL, nullptr );
        if ( hr == E_INVALIDARG )
            // DirectX 11.0 runtime will not recognize FL 11.1, so try without it
            hr = DXUT_Dynamic_D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP, 0, 0, &fLvl[1], _countof(fLvl) - 1,
                                                 D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &m_warpFL, nullptr );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            m_warpFL = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1;

    // Check REF max feature level
        ID3D11Device* pDevice = nullptr;
        hr = DXUT_Dynamic_D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE, 0, 0, fLvl, _countof(fLvl),
                                             D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &m_refFL, nullptr );
        if ( hr == E_INVALIDARG )
            // DirectX 11.0 runtime will not recognize FL 11.1, so try without it
            hr = DXUT_Dynamic_D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE, 0, 0, &fLvl[1], _countof(fLvl) - 1,
                                                 D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &m_refFL, nullptr );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            m_refFL = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0;

    return S_OK;
Example #5
// Enumerate for each adapter all of the supported display modes, 
// device types, adapter formats, back buffer formats, window/full screen support, 
// depth stencil formats, multisampling types/qualities, and presentations intervals.
// For each combination of device type (HAL/REF), adapter format, back buffer format, and
// IsWindowed it will call the app's ConfirmDevice callback.  This allows the app
// to reject or allow that combination based on its caps/etc.  It also allows the 
// app to change the BehaviorFlags.  The BehaviorFlags defaults non-pure HWVP 
// if supported otherwise it will default to SWVP, however the app can change this 
// through the ConfirmDevice callback.
HRESULT CD3D11Enumeration::Enumerate( LPDXUTCALLBACKISD3D11DEVICEACCEPTABLE IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc,
                                      void* pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext )
    CDXUTPerfEventGenerator eventGenerator( DXUT_PERFEVENTCOLOR, L"DXUT D3D11 Enumeration" );
    HRESULT hr;
    IDXGIFactory1* pFactory = DXUTGetDXGIFactory();
    if( pFactory == NULL )
        return E_FAIL;

    m_bHasEnumerated = true;
    m_IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc = IsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFunc;
    m_pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext = pIsD3D11DeviceAcceptableFuncUserContext;


    for( int index = 0; ; ++index )
        IDXGIAdapter* pAdapter = NULL;
        hr = pFactory->EnumAdapters( index, &pAdapter );
        if( FAILED( hr ) ) // DXGIERR_NOT_FOUND is expected when the end of the list is hit

        CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = new CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo;
        if( !pAdapterInfo )
            SAFE_RELEASE( pAdapter );
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        ZeroMemory( pAdapterInfo, sizeof( CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo ) );
        pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal = index;
        pAdapter->GetDesc( &pAdapterInfo->AdapterDesc );
        pAdapterInfo->m_pAdapter = pAdapter;

        // Enumerate the device driver types on the adapter.
        hr = EnumerateDevices( pAdapterInfo );
        if( FAILED( hr ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        hr = EnumerateOutputs( pAdapterInfo );
        if( FAILED( hr ) || pAdapterInfo->outputInfoList.GetSize() <= 0 )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombos( pFactory, pAdapterInfo ) ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        hr = m_AdapterInfoList.Add( pAdapterInfo );
        if( FAILED( hr ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;
            return hr;

    //  If we did not get an adapter then we should still enumerate WARP and Ref.
    if (m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize() == 0) {

        CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo = new CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo;
        if( !pAdapterInfo )
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        ZeroMemory( pAdapterInfo, sizeof( CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo ) );
        pAdapterInfo->bAdapterUnavailable = true;

        hr = EnumerateDevices( pAdapterInfo );

        // Get info for each devicecombo on this device
        if( FAILED( hr = EnumerateDeviceCombosNoAdapter(  pAdapterInfo ) ) )
            delete pAdapterInfo;

        if (!FAILED(hr)) hr = m_AdapterInfoList.Add( pAdapterInfo );

    // Check for 2 or more adapters with the same name. Append the name
    // with some instance number if that's the case to help distinguish
    // them.
    bool bUniqueDesc = true;
    CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo;
    for( int i = 0; i < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); i++ )
        CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo1 = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( i );

        for( int j = i + 1; j < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); j++ )
            CD3D11EnumAdapterInfo* pAdapterInfo2 = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( j );
            if( wcsncmp( pAdapterInfo1->AdapterDesc.Description,
                pAdapterInfo2->AdapterDesc.Description, DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING ) == 0 )
                bUniqueDesc = false;

        if( !bUniqueDesc )

    for( int i = 0; i < m_AdapterInfoList.GetSize(); i++ )
        pAdapterInfo = m_AdapterInfoList.GetAt( i );

        wcscpy_s( pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription, 100, pAdapterInfo->AdapterDesc.Description );
        if( !bUniqueDesc )
            WCHAR sz[100];
            swprintf_s( sz, 100, L" (#%d)", pAdapterInfo->AdapterOrdinal );
            wcscat_s( pAdapterInfo->szUniqueDescription, DXGI_MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING, sz );

    return S_OK;