Example #1
 * FUNCTION:    PrvCreateTimeZoneArray
 * DESCRIPTION: Create the array of time zone entries from our string
 *		list, gtm offset list, and country list resources. Sort based on
 *		time zone name.
 *	DOLATER kwk - we could save the time zone array we're creating here
 *		in memory, to avoid the performance hit of creating the array.
 *		On the other hand, then the list of names would need to stay
 *		locked down, unless we also copy those into the memory buffer,
 *		which means another 700+ bytes.
 *		timeZoneNames	<->	Ptr to returned handle to list of names.
 *		numTimeZones	<->	Ptr to count of number of time zones.
 *		Ptr to allocated array of time zone entry records.
 *		07/31/00	kwk	Created by Ken Krugler.
 *		08/23/00	kwk	Fixed bug where release ROMs caused ErrNonFatalDisplayIf
 *							to become a no-op, and thus the country and time zone
 *							offset list ptrs weren't skipping the count word.
static TimeZoneEntryType* PrvCreateTimeZoneArray(MemHandle* timeZoneNames, UInt16* numTimeZones)
	const Char* tzNamesP;
	TimeZoneEntryType* tzEntries;
	MemHandle offsetsH;
	MemHandle countriesH;
	UInt16* resP;
	Int16* gmtOffsetsP;
	UInt16* countriesP;
	UInt16 i;
	// Specify the number of items in the list, based on total # of items
	// in our time zone name list resource.
	*timeZoneNames = DmGetResource(strListRscType, TimeZoneNamesStringList);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(*timeZoneNames == NULL, "No time zone names");
	tzNamesP = (const Char*)MemHandleLock(*timeZoneNames);
	// Skip over prefix string, then get the entry count.
	tzNamesP += StrLen(tzNamesP) + 1;
	*numTimeZones = *tzNamesP++;
	*numTimeZones = (*numTimeZones << 8) +  *tzNamesP++;
	// Allocate the array of time zone records.
	tzEntries = (TimeZoneEntryType*)MemPtrNew(*numTimeZones * sizeof(TimeZoneEntryType));
	ErrFatalDisplayIf(tzEntries == NULL, "Out of memory");
	// Find and lock down the gtm offset and country integer lists.
	offsetsH = DmGetResource(wrdListRscType, TimeZoneGMTOffsetsList);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(offsetsH == NULL, "No time zone offsets");
	resP = (UInt16*)MemHandleLock(offsetsH);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(*resP != *numTimeZones, "GMT offset count != name count");
	// Skip count at start of list.
	gmtOffsetsP = (Int16*)resP + 1;
	countriesH = DmGetResource(wrdListRscType, TimeZoneCountriesList);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(countriesH == NULL, "No time zone countries");
	resP = (UInt16*)MemHandleLock(countriesH);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(*resP != *numTimeZones, "Time zone country count != name count");
	// Skip count at start of list.
	countriesP = resP + 1;
	// Now loop to fill in all of the records.
	for (i = 0; i < *numTimeZones; i++)
		tzEntries[i].tzName = tzNamesP;
		tzNamesP += StrLen(tzNamesP) + 1;
		tzEntries[i].tzOffset = gmtOffsetsP[i];
		tzEntries[i].tzCountry = (CountryType)countriesP[i];
	// Now sort the list, based on the time zone name.
	SysQSort(tzEntries, *numTimeZones, sizeof(TimeZoneEntryType), PrvCompareTimeZoneEntries, 0);
} // PrvCreateTimeZoneArray
Example #2
Boolean IntlSetStrictChecks(Boolean iStrictChecks)
	Boolean oldSetting;
	UInt32 flags;
	Err result;
	// Global flags has precedence over feature value.
	oldSetting = (GIntlData->intlFlags & kStrictChecksFlag) != 0;
	result = FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, &flags);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't get sysFtrNumIntlMgr feature");
	if (iStrictChecks)
		flags |= intlMgrStrict;
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kStrictChecksFlag;
		flags &= ~intlMgrStrict;
		GIntlData->intlFlags &= ~kStrictChecksFlag;
	result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, flags);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't set sysFtrNumIntlMgr feature");
} // IntlSetStrictChecks
Example #3
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine converts a string to an integer.  It behaves
 *						the same as the standard C library function atoi. Because
 *						of a bug in the Metrowerks libraries however, we can't link
 *						with the atoi() function in the library when compiling
 *						for the device.
 * PARAMETERS:  str    - string to convert
 * RETURNED:    converted integer
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			ron	8/18/95	Initial Revision
 *			adamh	8/12/97	Added a for Max Int32 Int16 when Error Check Level == Full
 *			art	9/15/97	Fix error checking code.
 *			vmk	1/15/98	Disabled error checking code because it modified function's behavior
 *								and interfered with normal user input testing on debug builds
 *								(with agreement from Ron, Roger)
Int32 StrAToI (const Char* str)
	Int32 result=0;
	Int16	sign = 1;
	Char	c;
	// DOLATER... what is needed here, is a way to signal an overrun error to the caller. vmk 1/15/98

#if 0		// CASTRATION
		Int32 MaxInt=0x7FFFFFFF;
		Int32 Divisor=1000000000;
		Boolean Risk=0;
		Int16 N=0;
		Int16 MaxDigits=10;
	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(str == NULL, "NULL string ptr passed");
	// First character can be a sign
	c = *str++;
	if (!c) return 0;
	if (c == '+') {sign = 1; c = *str++;}
	else if (c == '-') {sign = -1; c = *str++;}
	// Accumulate digits will we reach the end of the string
		if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
		result = result * 10 + c -'0';
		c = *str++;
#if 0		// CASTRATION

			if(MaxInt / Divisor < result)		//If the current number were brought out to maximum length
				Risk = true;						//would it go over maximum size for a Int32 Int16.
			Divisor /= 10;

#if 0		// CASTRATION
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf((Risk && N >=MaxDigits) || result < 0,"Number exceeds maximum value for a long integer");

	return result * sign;
Example #4
 *  FUNCTION: StrCat
 *  DESCRIPTION: Concatenates 1 string to another
 *  PARAMETERS: 2 string pointers
 *  RETURNS: pointer to dest string
 *  CREATED: 11/09/94 
 *  BY: Ron Marianetti
Char * StrCat(Char * dst, const Char* src)
	Char *	tmp = dst;

	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(dst == NULL || src == NULL, "NULL string passed");
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(dst == src, "dest and source can't be the same");
	tmp += StrLen(dst);

		*tmp++ = *src++;
	*tmp = 0;
	return dst;
Example #5
File: draw.c Project: docwhat/cwimp
static void SetComputers( Short num ) {
    FormPtr frm;
    ControlPtr cPtr;
    Word oIdx;

    if( num > (MaxPlayers - 1) || num < 0 ) {
        ErrNonFatalDisplayIf( true, "SetComputers: Out of Bounds");

    if( stor.tmpcomputers == num ) {

    frm = FrmGetActiveForm();

    /* Unset the old one */
    oIdx = FrmGetObjectIndex( frm, cbtnVal[stor.tmpcomputers] );
    cPtr = FrmGetObjectPtr( frm, oIdx );
    CtlSetValue( cPtr, false );

    /* Set new one */
    oIdx = FrmGetObjectIndex( frm, cbtnVal[num] );
    cPtr = FrmGetObjectPtr( frm, oIdx );
    CtlSetValue( cPtr, true );

    stor.tmpcomputers = num;

    if( stor.tmpcomputers + stor.tmpplayers > MaxPlayers ) {
        SetPlayers( MaxPlayers - stor.tmpcomputers );

Example #6
 *  FUNCTION: StrLocalizeNumber
 *  DESCRIPTION: Localize a number by converting from US number
 *  notation to a localized version by replacing any thousand
 *  or decimal separators.
 *  PARAMETERS: s - number asci string to localize
 *					 thousandSeparator - the localized thousand separator
 *					 decimalSeparator - the localized decimal separator
 *  RETURNS: s
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			roger	8/28/96	Initial version
 *			roger	4/29/98	Fixed case when thousandSeparator is '.'
Char * StrLocalizeNumber(Char * s, Char thousandSeparator, Char decimalSeparator)
	Char * 	str = s;
	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(s == NULL, "NULL string passed");

	while (*str != '\0')
		// Check for thousandSeparator
		if (*str == ',') 
			*str = thousandSeparator;
		// Check for decimalSeparator
		else if (*str == '.') 
			*str = decimalSeparator;
		// Look at the next char.
	return s;
Example #7
 * FUNCTION:    PrvSetTimeField
 * DESCRIPTION: Set the given field's text to show a time and day of week.
 * PARAMETERS:  frm - a pointer to the form containing the field to set
 *					 timeFieldID - the ID of the field to set
 *					 timeHandle - the handle used for storing the text for this field
 *					 time - a pointer to the date and time to show in the field
 *					 drawField - whether to draw field after setting its text
 * RETURNED:	 nothing
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			peter	3/7/00	Initial Revision
static void PrvSetTimeField(FormType * frm, UInt16 timeFieldID, MemHandle timeHandle,
	DateTimeType *time, Boolean drawField)
	FieldType * timeFieldP;
	Char * timeString, * timeZoneDOWFormatString, * currentDOWString;
	MemHandle resHandle;
	TimeFormatType timeFormat;			// Format to display time in

	timeFormat = (TimeFormatType)PrefGetPreference(prefTimeFormat);
	timeString = MemHandleLock(timeHandle);
	TimeToAscii(time->hour, time->minute, timeFormat, timeString);
	currentDOWString = timeString + StrLen(timeString);
	currentDOWString[0] = ' ';

	resHandle = DmGetResource(strRsc, DOWformatString);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(resHandle == NULL, "Missing string resource");
	timeZoneDOWFormatString = MemHandleLock(resHandle);
	DateTemplateToAscii(timeZoneDOWFormatString, time->month, time->day, time->year,
		currentDOWString, dowLongDateStrLength);
	timeFieldP = FrmGetObjectPtr (frm, FrmGetObjectIndex (frm, timeFieldID));
	FldSetTextHandle(timeFieldP, timeHandle);
	if (drawField)
Example #8
 * FUNCTION:    FntSetFont
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine set the current font.  If the font is a valid
 * font but doesn't exist, the stdFont is used.
 * PARAMETERS:  fontID   id of the font to make the active font
 * RETURNED:    ID of the current font prior to the change.
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			art	12/14/94	Initial Revision
 *			roger	9/26/97	Now substitutes the stdFont for missing fonts
 *			SCL	12/10/97	Rewrote to support new (separate) font tables
 *			SCL	1/23/98	Now uses stdFont if passed an invalid font
 *			bob	3/5/99	Update GState values with new font
FontID FntSetFont (FontID fontID)
	FontID newFontID = fontID;
	FontID oldFontID;

	// See if fontID is a valid system font or app font ID
	if ( !FntIsAppDefined(newFontID) ? (newFontID >= UINumSysFonts) :
			(newFontID-fntAppFontCustomBase >= UINumAppFonts) ) {
		ErrNonFatalDisplay("Invalid font");
		newFontID = stdFont;
	oldFontID = UICurrentFontID;
	UICurrentFontID = newFontID;
	// Set the new font or a default one.
	if ( FntIsAppDefined(newFontID) ) {
		UICurrentFontPtr = UIAppFontPtr[newFontID-fntAppFontCustomBase];
	} else {
		UICurrentFontPtr = UISysFontPtr[newFontID];

	if (UICurrentFontPtr == NULL)
		UICurrentFontPtr = UISysFontPtr[stdFont];

	GState.drawStateP->fontId = UICurrentFontID;
	GState.drawStateP->font = UICurrentFontPtr;

	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf (UICurrentFontPtr == NULL, "Invalid font");
	return oldFontID;
Example #9
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine looks for a substring within a string. It
 *		behaves the same as the standard C library function strstr, except
 *		that it correctly handles multi-byte character encodings.
 *		str    - string to search
 *		token  - the string to search for
 * RETURNED:	pointer to the first occurance of token in str, or null
 *		if not found.
 *		08/18/95	ron	Created by Ron Marianetti.
 *		05/13/00	kwk	Made it work for all char encodings, not just Latin.
 *		11/30/00	kwk	Cast token to unsigned before comparing to kTxtMaxNeverMultiByte.
Char* StrStr(const Char* str, const Char* token)
	register Char * srcP = (Char *)str;
	const Char*	tP;
	const Char* sP;
	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(str == NULL || token == NULL, "NULL string passed");
	// Return null if token is null
	if (*token == '\0')
	while (*srcP != '\0')
		tP = token;
		sP = srcP;
			if (*tP != *sP)
		} while (*tP != '\0');
		// We think we have a match. Make sure we didn't start the match
		// in the middle of a character. We only need to do this check if
		// the first byte of token could be in the middle/end of a multi-
		// byte character.
		if (*tP == 0)
			if (*(UInt8*)token > kTxtMaxNeverMultiByte)
				UInt32 charStart, charEnd;
				TxtCharBounds(str, srcP - str, &charStart, &charEnd);
				if (str + charStart == srcP)

} // StrStr
Example #10
 * FUNCTION:    FntLineWidth
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns the width of the specified line
 *              of text.  It takes tab characters in to account.  It is
 *					 assumed that the characters passed are left-align and
 *              that the fisrt character of the string is the first
 *              charater draw on a line.  In other words, this routine
 *              will not work for characters that start in a
 *              position other than the start of a line.
 * PARAMETERS:	 charsP  pointer to a string of characters
 *              length  number of character in the string.
 * RETURNED:	 nothing
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			art	10/20/95	Initial Revision
 *			kcr	11/7/95	handles missing chars
 *			art	5/6/98	Add support for double byte fonts.
Int16 FntLineWidth (Char const * charsP, UInt16 length)
	FontCharInfoType * ptr;
	Int16 width = 0;
	Int16 firstChar;
	Int16 lastChar;
	Int16 charSize;
	UInt8 ch;

	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(length > 0 && charsP == NULL, "Null charsP");
	if (((UInt16)UICurrentFontPtr->fontType & fntFontMapMask) != fntFontMapMask)
		firstChar = UICurrentFontPtr->firstChar;
		lastChar = UICurrentFontPtr->lastChar;
		ptr = (FontCharInfoType *) (&UICurrentFontPtr->owTLoc) + 
		while (length)
			ch = *charsP;
			if (ch == tabChr)
				// DOLATER art - calculate tab width base on the size of the font
				width += fntTabChrWidth - (width % fntTabChrWidth);
			else if (ch >= firstChar && ch <= lastChar &&
						ptr[ch - firstChar].width != fntMissingChar)	//	char exists in font
				width += ptr[ch - firstChar].width;
			else	//	Use width of Missing Char Symbol
				width += ptr[lastChar - firstChar +1].width;
		while (((Int16)length) > 0)
			if (*charsP == tabChr)
				width += fntTabChrWidth - (width % fntTabChrWidth);
				width += GetCharsWidth (charsP, &charSize);
				length -= charSize;
				charsP += charSize;
	return (width);
Example #11
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine looks for a character within a string. It
 *		behaves the same as the standard C library function strchr, except
 *		that it works correctly with multi-byte character encodings.
 *		str  - string to search
 *		chr  - the character to search for
 * RETURNED:	pointer to the first occurance of character in str, or NULL
 *		if not found.
 *		08/18/95	ron	Created by Ron Marianetti
 *		05/07/96	rsf	Fixed to MemHandle searching for '\0'
 *		10/24/96	rsf	Check chr
 *		08/12/97	ADH	Revised Algorithm
 *		08/26/98	kwk	Changed chr param from Int16 to WChar. Fixed up
 *							sign extension problem.
 *		05/13/00	kwk	Made it work for all char encodings, not just Latin.
Char* StrChr(const Char* str, WChar chr)
	Char c = (Char)chr;
	register const Char* srcP = str;
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(str == NULL, "NULL string passed");

	// Correct for sign extension. This will happen if the caller passes
	// a single byte >= 0x80, which the compiler will sign extend.
	if (chr >= 0xFF80)
		ErrNonFatalDisplay("Sign extended character passed to StrChr");
		chr = chr & 0x00FF;
	// See if we need to do the slower (multi-byte) search case.
	if (chr > kTxtMaxAlwaysSingleByte)
		Char buffer[maxCharBytes + 1];
		UInt16 len = TxtSetNextChar(buffer, 0, chr);
		if (len > 1)
			buffer[len] = '\0';
			return(StrStr(str, buffer));
	// Be sure to handle chr == '\0' correctly
		if (*srcP == c)
			// If the character we're searching for could be part of a
			// multi-byte character, then we need to do an extra check
			// to make sure we didn't find part of a multi-byte character.
			// Since most people use StrChr to search for tabs, returns,
			// etc. this typically never gets executed.
			if (chr > kTxtMaxNeverMultiByte)
				UInt32 charStart, charEnd;
				UInt32 charOffset = srcP - str;
				TxtCharBounds(str, charOffset, &charStart, &charEnd);
				if (charStart == charOffset)
	} while (*srcP++ != 0);
} // StrChr
Example #12
File: game.c Project: docwhat/cwimp
void NextPlayer() {
  Int x;
#ifdef DEBUG
  Int dd = 0;

  x = stor.currplayer;

  while(1) {
	stor.currplayer = (stor.currplayer + 1) % stor.numplayers;
	if ( x == stor.currplayer ) {
	  if ( stor.numplayers > 1 ) {
		// Only one guy hasn't lost
		FrmCustomAlert( calertDEBUG,
						"We have a weiner, I mean a winner!",
						"No, I'm not telling you who.",
						"ToDo: Do this correctly." );
	if ( ! stor.player[stor.currplayer].lost ) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf( ++dd > (MaxPlayers + 4), "NextPlayer: Had to rely on dd loop check!" );
	DrawPlayerScore( x );
	DrawPlayerScore( stor.currplayer );

  // Clear scores
  stor.scorethisroll = stor.scorethisturn = 0;
  StayBit = false;

  // Clear cubes
  for( x = 0 ; x < NumCubes ; x++ ) {
	stor.cube[x].keep = false;
	stor.cube[x].value = 0;

  stor.status = DS_NextPlayer; // Bypass StatusLine();

  if ( stor.flags & flag_NextPlayerPopUp ) {
	FrmCustomAlert( calertNEXTPLAYER,
					" ", " ");
  } else {

Example #13
 *  FUNCTION: StrLen
 *  DESCRIPTION: Computes the length of a string
 *  PARAMETERS: string pointer
 *  RETURNS: length of string
 *  CREATED: 11/09/94 
 *  BY: Ron Marianetti
Int16 StrLen(const Char* str)
	Int16	i=0;

	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(str == NULL, "NULL string passed");

	return i;
Example #14
 *  DESCRIPTION: convert an integer to ascii
 *  PARAMETERS: Integer to convert and string pointer to store results
 *  RETURNS: s
 *  CREATED: 11/09/94 
 *  BY: Roger Flores
 *			Name				Date		Description
 *			----				----		-----------
 *			roger				4/2/96	MemHandle negative numbers
 *			eric lapuyade	10/5/99	use internal unsigned variable to allow for
 *											smallest possible negative number (bug no 15914)
Char * StrIToA(Char * s, Int32 i)
	Char * s1;
	Char * s2;
	Char c1;
	Char c2;
	UInt32 ui;

	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(s == NULL, "NULL string passed");

	// Handle negative numbers
	if (i < 0)
		*s = '-';
		ui = -i;
		s1 = s + 1;	// place numbers after the negative sign we put
		ui = i;
		s1 = s;		// place numbers after the start
	// output the string in reverse order
	s2 = s1;
	do {
		*s2++ = ui % 10 + '0';
		ui /= 10;								// CSE should reuse the above division
	} while (ui > 0);
	*s2 = '\0';
	// Reverse the string
	while(s1 < s2) 
		c1 = *s1;
		c2 = *s2;
		*s1++ = c2;
		*s2-- = c1;

	return s;
Example #15
 *	FUNCTION:		StrToLower
 *	DESCRIPTION:	Converts a string to a lower case one.
 *	PARAMETERS: 2 string pointers
 *	RETURNS: pointer to dest string
 *		11/08/95	rsf	Created by Roger Flores.
 *		10/07/99	kwk	Speed up common case for lower-case 7-bit
 *							ascii, and call TxtTransliterate for other
 *							situations (high ascii, ShiftJIS, etc).
Char* StrToLower(Char* dst, const Char* src)
	Char *tmp = dst;
	UInt8 c;

	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(dst == NULL || src == NULL, "NULL string passed");
	// Optimize for the case of spinning through a bunch of lower-
	// case 7-bit ascii. Once we're into double-byte characters,
	// we have to slow way down to handle lower-casing properly
	// anyway, so this doesn't cost us that much extra as a percentage.
	while ((c = *src++) != chrNull)
		if (c < 'A')
			*tmp++ = c;
		else if (c > 'Z')
			// We assume that any character less than 0x80 can be
			// treated as 7-bit ascii. This isn't strictly true for
			// Shift-JIS, since 0x5C is the yen character, but that
			// can't be lower-cased anyway, so we're OK.
			if (c < 0x80)
				*tmp++ = c;
				// We need to do the slower lower-casing, so set up for
				// the call to TxtTransliterate. We don't know the size
				// of the dst buffer, so make it as big as possible.
				UInt16 dstLength = 0xFFFF;
				TxtTransliterate(src, StrLen(src), tmp, &dstLength, translitOpLowerCase);
				*(tmp + dstLength) = chrNull;
			*tmp++ = c + ('a' - 'A');

	*tmp = 0;
	return dst;
Example #16
 * FUNCTION:    FntWCharWidth
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns the width of the specified character,
 *		which can be any valid character character. If the specified
 *		character does not exist within the current font, the Missing Char
 *		Symbol will be substituted.
 * PARAMETERS:  ch   character whose width is desired
 * RETURNED:    width of the specified character, in pixels
 *		05/12/00	kwk	Created by Ken Krugler from TxtCharWidth.
 *		05/17/00	kwk	Add call to TxtCharIsValid on debug ROMs.
Int16 FntWCharWidth(WChar iChar)
	Char buffer[maxCharBytes];

	if (iChar >= 0xFF80) {
		ErrNonFatalDisplay("Sign extended char passed to FntWCharWidth");
		iChar &= 0x00FF;

	// On debug ROMs, make sure the character is valid (e.g. not a
	// virtual character).
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(!TxtCharIsValid(iChar), "Invalid char passed to FntWCharWidth");
	return(FntCharsWidth(buffer, TxtSetNextChar(buffer, 0, iChar)));
} // FntWCharWidth
Example #17
static Char * PrvAddPadding(Char * startOfBlock, Char * dstP, const Int16 minimumSize,
	const Boolean leftJustify, Boolean zeroPad, Char sign)
	Int16 stringSize = StrLen(startOfBlock);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf( sign && (sign != '+') && (sign != ' '), "illegal sign character specified in PrvAddPadding" );
	if (leftJustify && stringSize < minimumSize)		// Left Justified
		MemSet(dstP, minimumSize - stringSize, ' ');
		dstP += minimumSize - stringSize;
		*dstP = '\0';
	else if (!leftJustify && stringSize < minimumSize)	// Right Justified
		// If there is a sign present and the calling function as specified padding with
		// zero bytes then do not move the sign character with the rest of the value.
		if ( (sign == '+' || sign == ' ') && zeroPad )
			// If there is a sign present then only MemMove the value and not the sign.
			// The value will be moved minimum size specified for this value minus the
			// actual string size of the value plus the size of the sign (1).
			MemMove(startOfBlock + minimumSize - stringSize + 1, startOfBlock + 1, 
						stringSize - 1);
			// MemSet the space between the sign and moved value with the desired
			// padding value.
			MemSet(startOfBlock + 1, minimumSize - stringSize, zeroPad ? '0' : ' ');
			// MemMove the value and any potential sign character to make room for padding
			// characters.  The number of bytes to move is determined by the minimum string
			// specified for the value minus the actual string size of the value.
			MemMove(startOfBlock + minimumSize - stringSize, startOfBlock, stringSize);
			// MemSet the space between the sign and moved value with the desired
			// padding value.
			MemSet(startOfBlock, minimumSize - stringSize, zeroPad ? '0' : ' ');
		dstP += minimumSize - stringSize;
		*dstP = '\0';
	return dstP;
Example #18
 *  FUNCTION: PrvStrIToA			<internal>
 *  DESCRIPTION: convert an integer to ascii
 *  PARAMETERS: Integer to convert and string pointer to store results
 *  RETURNS: s
 *  CREATED: 11/09/94 
 *  BY: Roger Flores
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			roger	4/2/96	MemHandle negative numbers
 *			adamh 7/31/97	Modified to return the end of string to work with
 *								StrVPrintF
 *			roger	5/22/98	Added isSigned to MemHandle UInt32 numbers correctly.
static Char * PrvConvertIToA(Char * s, UInt32 i, Boolean isSigned)
	Char * s1;
	Char * s2;
	Char c1;
	Char c2;

	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(s == NULL, "NULL string passed");

	// MemHandle negative numbers
	if (isSigned && (Int32) i < 0)
		*s++ = '-';
		i = -(Int32)i;
	s1 = s;	// numbers start after the negative if it exists or at the start of the string.
	// output the string in reverse order
	do {
		*s++ = i % 10 + '0';
		i /= 10;								// CSE should reuse the above division
	} while (i > 0);
	*s = '\0';
	s2 = s;
	// Reverse the string
	while(s1 < s2) 
		c1 = *s1;
		c2 = *s2;
		*s1++ = c2;
		*s2-- = c1;

	return s;
Example #19
 *	FUNCTION:	PrvConvertIToH	<internal>
 *	DESCRIPTION: convert an integer to hexadecimal ascii
 *	PARAMETERS: Integer to convert and string pointer to store results
 *		07/04/95	RM		Created by Ron Marianetti
 *		07/31/97	AdamH	Modified to return the end of the string to work with
 *							StrVPrintF.
 *		04/02/98	roger	Added sizeModifier and fixed to emit less than 8 digits when not a long
 *		11/08/99	kwk	Non-fatal alert if unknown sizeModifier.
static Char * PrvConvertIToH(Char * s, UInt32 number, SizeModifierType sizeModifier)
	UInt32		mask;
	UInt32		digit;
	UInt16		digitCount;
	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(s == NULL, "NULL string passed");
	switch (sizeModifier)
		case sizeLong:
			digitCount = 8;
		case sizeShort: 
			digitCount = 4;
			number <<= 16;
		case sizeInt:
			digitCount = 4;
			number <<= 16;
			ErrNonFatalDisplay("Invalid sizeModifier");
			digitCount = 8;
	mask = 0xF0000000;
	while (digitCount-- > 0) 
		digit = (number & mask) >> 28;
		if (digit < 0x0A) 
			*s++ = digit + '0';
			*s++ = digit - 10 + 'A';
		number <<= 4;
	*s = '\0';

	return s;
Example #20
/* SetFieldTextFromHandle -- Fills a field with contents of a handle
 * Args:    
 *     Word     fieldID  -- ID of field to fill, see cwimp.rpc file
 *     VoidHand txtH     -- Handle of String to fill ID with
 * Returns:
 *     FieldPtr          -- Ptr to the field set.
FieldPtr SetFieldTextFromHandle(Word fieldID, VoidHand txtH)
  Handle   oldTxtH;
  FormPtr  frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
  FieldPtr fldP;

  fldP = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, fieldID));
  ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(!fldP, "missing field");
  oldTxtH = FldGetTextHandle(fldP);

  FldSetTextHandle(fldP, (Handle) txtH);
  // FldEraseField( fldP );

  if (oldTxtH)
    MemHandleFree((VoidHand) oldTxtH);

  return fldP;
Example #21
Err IntlSetRoutineAddress(IntlSelector iSelector, void* iProcPtr)
	void** tablePtr;
	Int16 i;
	if (iSelector > intlMaxSelector)
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(iProcPtr == NULL, "Null proc ptr parameter");
	tablePtr = (void**)GIntlDispatchTableP;
	if (tablePtr == NULL)
		tablePtr = (void**)MemPtrNew((intlMaxSelector + 1) * sizeof(Int32*));
		if (tablePtr == NULL)
		// Make sure it doesn't get tossed when the current app quits.
		MemPtrSetOwner(tablePtr, 0);
		// Initialize the table with all of the default routine addresses.
		for (i = 0; i <= intlMaxSelector; i++)
			tablePtr[i] = IntlGetRoutineAddress(i);
		// Set up the low-memory global with our new, valid table.
		GIntlDispatchTableP = tablePtr;
	tablePtr[iSelector] = iProcPtr;
	ErrFatalDisplay("Can't call IntlSetRoutineAddress in Simulator");
} // IntlSetRoutineAddress
Example #22
File: helper.c Project: teras/FEdit
void SetFieldFromHandle ( UInt16 fieldID, MemHandle txtH )
	MemHandle oldTxtH;	/* Old text */
	FormType * frmP;	/* Form pointer */
	FieldType * fldP;	/* Field pointer */

	frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();	/* Find form pointer */
	fldP = FrmGetObjectPtr (frmP, FrmGetObjectIndex ( frmP, fieldID)); /* Find field pointer */

	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf ( !fldP, "missing field");	/* Check if the current object exists */
	oldTxtH = FldGetTextHandle(fldP);	/* Find text pointer of old text */
	FldSetTextHandle(fldP, txtH);	/* Set the new text */
	FldDrawField(fldP);	/* Redraw field */
	if (oldTxtH != NULL)	/* Free up old text */

Example #23
 *	FUNCTION: StrNCompareAscii
 *	DESCRIPTION: Compares two strings, up to a maximum of
 *		n bytes. It assumes that both strings are 7-bit ASCII,
 *		and the comparison is case-sensitive.
 *	PARAMETERS: 2 string pointers, max length to compare.
 *	RETURNS: 0 if they match, non-zero if not
 *				+ if s1 > s2
 *				- if s1 < s2
 *		08/18/00	kwk	Created by Ken Krugler.
Int16 StrNCompareAscii(const Char* s1, const Char* s2, Int32 n)
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf((s1 == NULL) || (s2 == NULL), "NULL string passed");
	while (n--)
		UInt8 c1 = *s1++;
		UInt8 c2 = *s2++;
		Int16 result = c1 - c2;
		if (result)
		else if (c1 == chrNull)
} // StrNCompareAscii
Example #24
 *  DESCRIPTION: convert an integer to hexadecimal ascii
 *  PARAMETERS: Integer to convert and string pointer to store results
 *  RETURNS: s
 *  CREATED: 7/4/95
 *  BY: Ron Marianetti
Char * StrIToH(Char * s, UInt32 i)
	UInt32		mask;
	UInt32		digit;
	UInt16		j;
	// Check for err
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(s == NULL, "NULL string passed");
	mask = 0xF0000000;
	for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
		digit = (i & mask) >> 28;
		if (digit <= 9) 
			s[j] = digit + '0';
			s[j] = digit - 10 + 'A';
		i <<= 4;
	s[j] = 0;

	return s;
Example #25
 *  DESCRIPTION: Converts a 4 character hex string into an integer
 *			Used exclusively by ErrAlertCustom below
 *			str	-> start of 4 character hex string
 *  RETURNS: integer value of str
 *  CREATED: 2/25/98
 *  BY: Ron Marianetti
static UInt16	Prv4HToI(Char * strP)
	UInt16	hex = 0;
	UInt16	digit;
	Int16	i;
	Char	c;
	for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
		c = *strP++;
		if (c >= 'a') 
			digit = c - 'a' + 10;
		else if (c >= 'A')
			digit = c - 'A' + 10;
			digit = c - '0';
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(digit > 0x0F, "invalid hex string");
		hex = (hex << 4) + digit;
	return hex;
Example #26
void	FntCharsInWidth (Char const * string, Int16 *stringWidthP, 
	Int16 *stringLengthP, Boolean *fitWithinWidth)
	Int16 width = 0;
	Int16 charWidth;
	Int16 length = 0;
	Int16 maxLength = *stringLengthP;
	Int16 maxWidth = *stringWidthP;
	Int16 firstChar;
	Int16 lastChar;
	Int16 charSize;
	UInt8 ch;
	Char const * s2;
	FontCharInfoType * info;
	FontPtr	fontP;

	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(string == NULL, "Null string");
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(stringWidthP == NULL, "Null stringWidthP");
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(stringLengthP == NULL, "Null stringLengthP");
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(fitWithinWidth == NULL, "Null fitWithinWidth");
	fontP = UICurrentFontPtr;

	if (((UInt16)fontP->fontType & fntFontMapMask) != fntFontMapMask)
		firstChar = UICurrentFontPtr->firstChar;
		lastChar = UICurrentFontPtr->lastChar;
		info = (FontCharInfoType *) (&UICurrentFontPtr->owTLoc) + 
		while (*string != '\0' && *string != linefeedChr && length < maxLength)
			// If the character exist, get its width, otherwise get the width
			// of the Missing Character symbol.
			ch = *string;
			if (ch >= firstChar && ch <= lastChar && 
					info[ch - firstChar].width != fntMissingChar)
				charWidth = info[ch - firstChar].width;
				charWidth = info[lastChar - firstChar +1].width;
			if (width + charWidth <= maxWidth)
				width += charWidth;
				break;			// can't add any more characters.

		while (*string != '\0' && *string != linefeedChr && length < maxLength)
			charWidth = GetCharsWidth (string, &charSize);

			if (width + charWidth <= maxWidth)
				width += charWidth;
				length += charSize;
				break;			// can't add any more characters.
			string += charSize;
	// string is the first character that didn't get included.  A '\0'
	// means the entire string fit, a linefeedChr means the string wrapped
	// (didn't fit), and anything else means the string was too wide.
	// Now, if the string is too wide because of blank characters, then
	// the string shouldn't considered to be truncated.  It's entire visible
	// contents does fit.

	// If the character we were adding was a whitespace and
	// all the characters until the end of the string are white spaces
	// then we don't consider the string truncated.
	if (length >= maxLength)		// used up all the characters
		*fitWithinWidth = true;
	else if (*string == linefeedChr)
		*fitWithinWidth = false;
	else if (*string == '\0')
		*fitWithinWidth = true;
		s2 = string;
		while (*s2 == ' ' || *s2 == tabChr)
		if (*s2 == '\0')
			*fitWithinWidth = true;
			*fitWithinWidth = false;

	// Visual optimization.  If the last char was unseen remove it.
	// Drawing it adds nothing of value.
	while (length > 0 && 
		(*string == ' ' || *string == linefeedChr || *string == tabChr))
		width -= FntCharWidth(*string);

	*stringWidthP = width;
	*stringLengthP = length;
Example #27
 * FUNCTION:    FntWidthToOffset
 * DESCRIPTION: This routine returns the byte offset which corresponds
 *					to the pixel position (relative to the beginning of the
 *					text). The leadingEdge flag is set if the pixel position
 *					falls on the left side of the character; if this position
 *					is beyond the end of the text then leadingEdge is always
 *					true. Note that both leadingEdge & truncWidth parameters
 *					can be NULL if the caller doesn't want those results
 *					returned.
 * PARAMETERS:	charsP  	pointer to a string of characters
 *					length  	number of character in the string
 *					pixelWidth	position in pixels from beginning of text
 *					leadingEdge	boolean flag => true if left side of char
 *					truncWidth	width of text up to the returned offset
 * RETURNED:	UInt8 offset to inter-character boundary before first
 *					character located beyond pixelWidth.
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			kwk	07/01/98	Initial Revision
 *			kwk	08/19/98	Change test to be OK if width <= pixelWidth, versus
 *								less than.
Int16 FntWidthToOffset(Char const * charsP, UInt16 length, Int16 pixelWidth,
						Boolean *leadingEdge, Int16 * truncWidth)
	FontPtr			fontP = UICurrentFontPtr;
	Int16				offset = 0;
	Int16				curWidth = 0;
	Int16				charWidth = 0;
	Int16				charSize;
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(charsP == NULL, "Null string");
	// If it's a simple font (only single-byte characters) then process
	// it directly, otherwise we need to use the GetCharsWidth routine.
	if (((UInt16)fontP->fontType & fntFontMapMask) != fntFontMapMask) {
		Int16 firstChar = UICurrentFontPtr->firstChar;
		Int16 lastChar = UICurrentFontPtr->lastChar;
		FontCharInfoType *info = (FontCharInfoType *) (&UICurrentFontPtr->owTLoc) + 

		while (offset < length) {
			UInt8 ch = *charsP++;
			if ((ch >= firstChar) && (ch <= lastChar)) {
				charWidth = info[ch - firstChar].width;
				if (charWidth == fntMissingChar) {
					charWidth = info[lastChar - firstChar +1].width;
			} else {
				charWidth = info[lastChar - firstChar +1].width;
			curWidth += charWidth;
			if (curWidth <= pixelWidth) {
				offset += 1;
			} else {
	} else {
		while (offset < length) {
			charWidth = GetCharsWidth(charsP, &charSize);

			curWidth += charWidth;
			if (curWidth <= pixelWidth) {
				offset += charSize;
				charsP += charSize;
			} else {

	// If we ran over the end of the string, we know that the leading
	// edge result must be false, and we also want to prune back the
	// returned offset to be the length (just in case we got passed a
	// bogus double-byte character at the end of the string).
	if (offset >= length) {
		if (leadingEdge != NULL) {
			*leadingEdge = true;
		if (truncWidth != NULL) {
			*truncWidth = curWidth;
	} else {
		if (leadingEdge != NULL) {
			*leadingEdge = (curWidth - pixelWidth > (charWidth / 2));
		if (truncWidth != NULL) {
			*truncWidth = curWidth - charWidth;
} // FntWidthToOffset
Example #28
 * DESCRIPTION: Concatenates 1 string to another clipping the
 *		destination string to a max of N characters (including null
 *		at end).
 *		dstP	<-> String to receive catenated result.
 *		srcP	 -> String to catenate to the end of dstP.
 *		n		 -> Max length of resulting string, including null byte.
 * RETURNS:	pointer to dest string
 *		11/09/94	ron	Created by Ron Marianetti
 *		10/24/96	rsf	Added ec code
 *		12/18/96	vmk	Removed ec code -- it was trashing data during
 *							"copy in place" operations
 *		05/13/00	kwk	Made it work for all char encodings, not just Latin.
 *		11/02/00	kwk	Cast src to unsigned before comparing to kTxtMaxNeverMultiByte.
 *		01/02/01	rsf	Fix bug reading from srcP when n is 0.
Char* StrNCat(Char* dstP, const Char* srcP, Int16 n)
	Char*			tmp;
	const Char*	savedSrcP;
	Int16			len;
	Char*			endDstP;
	// Check for err
	ErrFatalDisplayIf((dstP == NULL) || (srcP == NULL), "NULL string passed");
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(dstP == srcP, "dest and source can't be the same");
	// If we already are full, we can quickly return. This means that
	// following code knows there's enough space to copy at least one
	// byte of data plus a terminating null.
	len = StrLen(dstP);
	if (len >= n - 1) {
	// Do the cat. Note that we leave space for the terminating null, thus
	// N is total size limit of the dst string, including the null.
	tmp = dstP + len;
	savedSrcP = srcP;
	while ((len < (n - 1)) && *srcP)
		*tmp++ = *srcP++;
	// Null terminate the string if there's room
	if (len < n)
		*tmp = '\0';
	// Make sure we didn't wind up copying over a partial byte. If we
	// still have source data then we must have been limited by n, and
	// thus need to check the bounds of the last character copied in the
	// source string. Though this check only needs to be made if the
	// first byte of the remaining source _could_ be part of a multi-
	// byte character.
	if (*(UInt8*)srcP > kTxtMaxNeverMultiByte)
		UInt32 charStart, charEnd;
		UInt32 offset = srcP - savedSrcP;
		TxtCharBounds(savedSrcP, offset, &charStart, &charEnd);
		if (charStart < offset)
			tmp -= (offset - charStart);
			*tmp = '\0';

	// Fill up the unused dest buffer with bytes to reveal errors.
	// Only copy over the remaining unused bytes.  This works correctly when
	// the src and dest overlap.
	tmp++;	// skip terminating null
	endDstP = dstP + n;
	if (tmp < endDstP)
		// Make sure that the MemSet call changes at least one value or it can 
		// complain that it didn't change anything and thus didn't need to be called.
		// This is basically extra debug code to help out other debug code.
		tmp[0] = 0;
		// Fill up the destination as much as allowed with a value to reveal errors.
		MemSet(tmp, endDstP - tmp, 0xfe);
} // StrNCat
Example #29
 * FUNCTION:    FntDefineFont
 * DESCRIPTION: Define a font.  Only an app font may be defined.  The
 * application is responsible for freeing or releasing the font when
 * the application quits.
 * PARAMETERS:  fontID - id of the font to define.  Should be a app defined
 * 							 font only.
 *					 fontP - Pointer to font to use.
 * RETURNED:    memErrNotEnoughSpace - if it isn't able to allocate
 *						space for the new font in the font table.
 *					 0 - if no error
 *			Name	Date		Description
 *			----	----		-----------
 *			roger	 9/26/97	Initial Revision
 *			SCL	12/10/97	Rewrote to support new (separate) app font table
 *			roger	11/ 9/98	Fixed MemMove reading past end of source.
 *			gavin	11/18/98	set UINumAppFonts to count, not index
 *			SCL	11/25/98	Fixed MemMove to copy exact size of old table
 *			vivek 06/07/00 Added support for hierarchical application fonts
Err FntDefineFont (FontID fontID, FontPtr fontP)
	UInt32			reqSize;
	FontTablePtr	tableP;
	FontTablePtr	newTableP;
	Err				err;
	Int16				appFontIndex;
	Int16				fontIndex;
	Int16				numAppFonts;
	Boolean			isSubFont;

	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf (!FntIsAppDefined(fontID), "App defined fonts only");
	// KEY POINT:  "...Index" is a zero-based array index, whereas
	// "...Num...Fonts" is a one-based number of fonts.
	// Thus, appFontIndex is the array index into which fontP will be installed.
	// The font table must be large enough to support this new font index.
	isSubFont = (fontP->fontType & fntAppSubFontMask) ? true : false;
	if (isSubFont)
			numAppFonts = MemPtrSize(GAppSubFontListPtr) / sizeof(FontPtr);		
			tableP = GAppSubFontListPtr;
			tableP = UIAppFontTablePtr;
			numAppFonts = UINumAppFonts;
	appFontIndex = (FontID) (fontID - fntAppFontCustomBase);
	// See if there's room in the app font table for this font
	if (appFontIndex >= numAppFonts) 
		// if not, try to resize the table (new size is appFontIndex+1 entries)
		reqSize = (appFontIndex+1) * sizeof(FontPtr);
		err = MemPtrResize(tableP, reqSize);
		// If we couldn't resize it, try and reallocate it
		if (err) 
			newTableP = MemPtrNew(reqSize);
			if (!newTableP) return memErrNotEnoughSpace;
			// Copy old table (numFonts entries) into new table
			MemMove(newTableP, tableP, numAppFonts * sizeof(FontPtr));
			MemPtrSetOwner(newTableP, 0);

			// Change global to point to new table, and free the old one
			if (isSubFont)
				GAppSubFontListPtr = newTableP;
				UIAppFontTablePtr = newTableP;
			tableP = newTableP;

		// Zero out (only) the newly added slots in the table
		for (fontIndex = numAppFonts; fontIndex <= appFontIndex; fontIndex++) 
			tableP[fontIndex] = NULL;
		// Save the new table size
		if (!isSubFont)
			UINumAppFonts = appFontIndex+1;

	tableP[appFontIndex] = fontP;
	return 0;
Example #30
 *  FUNCTION: ErrAlertCustom
 *		NOT present in PalmOS <= 3.0
 *		This routine can be used to display an alert for normal
 *		run-time errors that occur in an application. This is most
 *		likely to be used by network applications to display errors
 *		like "server not found", "network down", etc. In most cases
 *		the alert will simply have an OK button and execution will
 *		continue when the OK button is pressed.
 *		This routine will lookup the text assoicated with the given
 *		error code 'errCode' and display that in the Alert. If 'errMsgP'
 *		is not nil however, that text will be used in place of the
 *		text associated with 'errCode'. In addition, the 'preMsgP' and
 *		'postMsgP' text strings, if specified, will be pre-pended and
 *		post-pended respectively. 
 *		The text associated with an error code is looked up from a
 *		'tSTL' resource using the SysErrString() routine. A 'tSTL'
 *		resource contains a list of strings that can be looked up
 *		by index. All of the system defined error code strings are
 *		defined in the 'tSTL' resources numbered 10000 -> (10000+errClass) where
 *		'errClass' is the upper 8 bits of the error number. For example,
 *		the error strings for the DataManager (0x0200 -> 0x02FF) are
 *		found in 'tSTL' resource number 10002. 
 *		The text associated with application specific error codes
 *		are always numbered 0x8000 -> 0x80FF (appErrorClass + X). These
 *		are always looked up from a 'tSTL' resource number 0 contained
 *		within the application itself. 
 *		NOTE: The following paragraph is NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: 
 *		For system error codes that correspond to Libraries (like
 *		netErrorClass, inetErrorClass, etc.) This routine will first
 *		check for a 'tSTL' #0 resource in the library database itself before
 *		checking the appropriately numbered system 'tSTL' resource. In
 *		this way, libraries can contain their own error strings and don't
 *		have to rely on the error strings in the system resource file.
 *		Unfortunately, there is no programmatic way of determining if an
 *		error number corresponds to a library or not. This routine thus
 *		must be updated whenever a new error class is defined for a new
 *		library. 
 *    Button Command Strings
 *		---------------------------------------------------------------
 *		By default, only an OK button will be displayed in the alert and
 *		no particular action will be taken when the OK button is pressed.
 *		But, a cancel button can be added and special actions can be
 *		specified through control strings inserted in the front of the
 *		error text. Here's the format of the control sequence:
 *		"<" <btnID> [<cmdChar> <cmdVars>] ">"
 *		The <btnID> can be either 0 or 1. 0 is always an OK button and
 *		1 is a Cancel button. If a control sequence with a btnID if 1
 *		is not specified, then the alert will not show a Cancel button. 
 *		The <cmdChar> is a single character command. The only two currently
 *		supported are:  'K' and 'S'. The 'K' command will cause a key event
 *		to be posted to the event queue and the 'S' command will cause 
 *		an application switch through posting a quit event. 
 *		Here's an example text string that specifies an OK and a Cancel button
 *		and makes a switch to the Memo application if the user hits the OK
 *		button:
 *			"<0Smemoappl0000><1>Hit OK to switch to Memos, Cancel to ignore"
 *		Here are the formats of the commands:
 *		Key Command: "K" <ascii> <keyCode> <modifiers>
 *			where <ascii> <keyCode>, and <modifiers> are 4 character hex
 *			strings that specify the various fields of the key event. For
 *			example:
 *				"K011300000008"
 *			will generate a key event with an ascii code of 0x0113 (backlightChr)
 *			a keyCode of 0x0000, and a modifiers of 0x0008 (commandKeyMask).
 *		SwitchApp command: "S" <creator> <type> <launchCmd>
 *			where <creator> and <type> are the 4 character creator/type
 *			of the new application to switch to. 
 *			launchCmd is a 4 character hex string that specifies the
 *			action code to send the application: For example:
 *				"Smemoappl0004" 
 *			will make a call to SysUIAppSwitch to have it launch the
 *			Memo application with a launch code of 4. 
 *    Aliased Error Strings
 *		---------------------------------------------------------------
 *		Another possible control sequence that can appear as the error
 *		text is:
 *			"<" "*" <aliasErrCode> ">"
 *		This sequence acts as an alias to another error code. The <aliasErrCode>
 *		is a 4 character hex string representing the error code to alias to.
 *		This is useful when two or more error codes should display the
 *		same error string. 
 *		example:
 *			"<*1437>"
 *		will make this routine lookup the error string used by the 0x1437
 *		error code. 
 *		errCode		-> 16 bit error code to display
 *		errMsgP		-> if not NULL, then this text will be used in place
 *								of the associated 'errCode' text from the string
 *								resource
 *		preMsgP		-> if not NULL, text to prepend to error text
 *		postMsgP		-> if not NULL, text to append to error text
 *  RETURNS: index of button pressed:
 *						0 is always the OK button
 *						1 is the Cancel button, if present. 
 *  CREATED: 2/25/98
 *  BY: Ron Marianetti
UInt16	ErrAlertCustom(Err errCode, Char * errMsgP, Char * preMsgP, 
			Char *	postMsgP)
	const		Int16	maxErrLen = errMaxMsgLength+1;
	Char *	errBufP = 0;
	UInt16	result = 0;
	Char		emptyString[1];
	UInt16	index;
	UInt16	resID;
	Char *	cP;
	UInt16	alertID;
	Err		tmpErr;
	Int16		aliasIndex;
	Err		tmpErrCode;
	Char		neumonicString [maxErrNeumonicLength + 1];
	// Information parsed from error Text
	Boolean					parseErr = false;
	Boolean					hasCancel = false;
	Char *					okCmdP = 0;
	Char *					cancelCmdP = 0;
	Char *					cmdP = 0;
	UInt16						keyAscii, keyCode, keyMod;
	UInt32						appCreator, appType;
	// Used for doing appSwitch
	DmSearchStateType		dmState;
	UInt16						cardNo;
	LocalID					dbID;
	UInt16						launchCmd;
	UInt16						okAlertID;
	UInt16						okCancelAlertID;
	UInt16						cancelAlertID;
	UInt16						errClass;
	// Allocate a buffer to hold the error text
	errBufP = MemPtrNew(maxErrLen);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf (!errBufP, "out of memory");
	if (!errBufP) goto Exit;
	// Very Very First, Determine the buttons to use.
	errClass = errCode & 0xFF00;
	// Must use an If statement here because the complier otherwise generates code that 
	// cannot link
	if ((errClass==errInfoClass) || (errClass==netErrorClass) || (errClass==inetErrorClass) ||
		(errClass==webErrorClass) || (errClass==pwrErrorClass) )
	    okAlertID 			= InfoOKAlert;
	    okCancelAlertID 	= InfoOKCancelAlert;
	    cancelAlertID 	= InfoCancelAlert;
	    if (errClass == errInfoClass) errCode = 0;  // ignore errors in this class
	} else
	    okAlertID 			= ErrOKAlert;
	    okCancelAlertID 	= ErrOKCancelAlert;
	    cancelAlertID 	= ErrCancelAlert;
	// First, lookup the error text if not specified in the 'errMsgP'
	//  parameter
	if (!errMsgP) {
		errMsgP = errBufP;
		tmpErrCode = errCode;
		// Loop till we get the error string. If we find an
		//  alias escape code, we need to follow that to get
		//  the error string. We only follow a limited number of
		//  aliases in order to avoid recursion. 
		for (aliasIndex = 0; aliasIndex < 5; aliasIndex++) {
			// Get the index of the error string
			index = tmpErrCode & 0x00FF;
			// Compute which resource ID to fetch
			// If it's not an application specific error code, get it
			//  out of the appropriate system string resource. 
			if ((tmpErrCode & 0xFF00) != appErrorClass) 
				resID = sysResIDErrStrings + ((tmpErrCode >> 8) & 0x00FF);
			// For application custom errors, get it out of the 
			//  #0 resource in the application database. 
				resID = 0;
			// Read in the error text string
			cP = SysStringByIndex(resID, index, errBufP, maxErrLen);
			if (!cP) 
				errBufP[0] = 0;
			// If it's an alias string, follow it
			if (cP[0] == '<' && cP[1] == '*') 
				tmpErrCode = Prv4HToI(cP+2);
				break; // out of for(aliasIndex; ;) loop