INT cmd_move (LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR *arg; INT argc, i, nFiles; LPTSTR pszDest; TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullDestPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSrcDirPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags = 0; INT nOverwrite = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA findBuffer; HANDLE hFile; /* used only when source and destination directories are on different volume */ HANDLE hDestFile = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA findDestBuffer; TCHAR szMoveDest[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMoveSrc[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszDestDirPointer; LPTSTR pszSrcDirPointer; INT nDirLevel = 0; LPTSTR pszFile; BOOL OnlyOneFile; BOOL FoundFile; BOOL MoveStatus; DWORD dwMoveFlags = 0; DWORD dwMoveStatusFlags = 0; if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { #if 0 ConOutPuts (_T("Moves files and renames files and directories.\n\n" "To move one or more files:\n" "MOVE [/N][/Y|/-Y][drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination\n" "\n" "To rename a directory:\n" "MOVE [/N][/Y|/-Y][drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2\n" "\n" " [drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the file\n" " or files you want to move.\n" " /N Nothing. Don everthing but move files or directories.\n" " /Y\n" " /-Y\n" "...")); #else ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_MOVE_HELP2); #endif return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; arg = splitspace(param, &argc); /* read options */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("/N"))) dwFlags |= MOVE_NOTHING; else if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("/Y"))) dwFlags |= MOVE_OVER_YES; else if (!_tcsicmp(arg[i], _T("/-Y"))) dwFlags |= MOVE_OVER_NO; else break; } nFiles = argc - i; if (nFiles < 1) { /* there must be at least one pathspec */ error_req_param_missing(); freep(arg); return 1; } if (nFiles > 2) { /* there are more than two pathspecs */ error_too_many_parameters(param); freep(arg); return 1; } /* If no destination is given, default to current directory */ pszDest = (nFiles == 1) ? _T(".") : arg[i + 1]; /* check for wildcards in source and destination */ if (_tcschr(pszDest, _T('*')) != NULL || _tcschr(pszDest, _T('?')) != NULL) { /* '*'/'?' in dest, this doesnt happen. give folder name instead*/ error_invalid_parameter_format(pszDest); freep(arg); return 1; } if (_tcschr(arg[i], _T('*')) != NULL || _tcschr(arg[i], _T('?')) != NULL) { dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_SOURCE_HAS_WILD; } /* get destination */ GetFullPathName (pszDest, MAX_PATH, szDestPath, NULL); TRACE ("Destination: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szDestPath)); /* get source folder */ GetFullPathName(arg[i], MAX_PATH, szSrcDirPath, &pszFile); if (pszFile != NULL) *pszFile = _T('\0'); TRACE ("Source Folder: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szSrcDirPath)); hFile = FindFirstFile (arg[i], &findBuffer); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorMessage (GetLastError (), arg[i]); freep (arg); return 1; } /* check for special cases "." and ".." and if found skip them */ FoundFile = TRUE; while(FoundFile && (_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName,_T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName,_T("..")) == 0)) FoundFile = FindNextFile (hFile, &findBuffer); if (!FoundFile) { /* what? we don't have anything to move? */ error_file_not_found(); FindClose(hFile); freep(arg); return 1; } OnlyOneFile = TRUE; /* check if there can be found files as files have first priority */ if (findBuffer.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR; else dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE; while(OnlyOneFile && FindNextFile(hFile,&findBuffer)) { if (!(findBuffer.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { ConOutPrintf(_T("")); if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE) OnlyOneFile = FALSE; else { /* this has been done this way so that we don't disturb other settings if they have been set before this */ dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE; dwMoveStatusFlags &= ~MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR; } } } FindClose(hFile); TRACE ("Do we have only one file: %s\n", OnlyOneFile ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); /* we have to start again to be sure we don't miss any files or folders*/ hFile = FindFirstFile (arg[i], &findBuffer); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorMessage (GetLastError (), arg[i]); freep (arg); return 1; } /* check for special cases "." and ".." and if found skip them */ FoundFile = TRUE; while(FoundFile && (_tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName,_T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(findBuffer.cFileName,_T("..")) == 0)) FoundFile = FindNextFile (hFile, &findBuffer); if (!FoundFile) { /* huh? somebody removed files and/or folders which were there */ error_file_not_found(); FindClose(hFile); freep(arg); return 1; } /* check if source and destination paths are on different volumes */ if (szSrcDirPath[0] != szDestPath[0]) dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_PATHS_ON_DIF_VOL; /* move it */ do { TRACE ("Found file/directory: %s\n", debugstr_aw(findBuffer.cFileName)); nOverwrite = 1; dwMoveFlags = 0; dwMoveStatusFlags &= ~MOVE_DEST_IS_FILE & ~MOVE_DEST_IS_DIR & ~MOVE_SRC_CURRENT_IS_DIR & ~MOVE_DEST_EXISTS; _tcscpy(szFullSrcPath,szSrcDirPath); if (szFullSrcPath[_tcslen(szFullSrcPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat (szFullSrcPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szFullSrcPath,findBuffer.cFileName); _tcscpy(szSrcPath, szFullSrcPath); if (IsExistingDirectory(szSrcPath)) { /* source is directory */ if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE) { dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_SRC_CURRENT_IS_DIR; /* source is file but at the current round we found a directory */ continue; } TRACE ("Source is dir: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szSrcPath)); dwMoveFlags = MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH | MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; } /* if source is file we don't need to do anything special */ if (IsExistingDirectory(szDestPath)) { /* destination is existing directory */ TRACE ("Destination is directory: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szDestPath)); dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_DEST_IS_DIR; /*build the dest string(accounts for *)*/ _tcscpy (szFullDestPath, szDestPath); /*check to see if there is an ending slash, if not add one*/ if (szFullDestPath[_tcslen(szFullDestPath) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat (szFullDestPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat (szFullDestPath, findBuffer.cFileName); if (IsExistingFile(szFullDestPath) || IsExistingDirectory(szFullDestPath)) dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_DEST_EXISTS; dwMoveFlags |= MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH | MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; } if (IsExistingFile(szDestPath)) { /* destination is a file */ TRACE ("Destination is file: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szDestPath)); dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_DEST_IS_FILE | MOVE_DEST_EXISTS; _tcscpy (szFullDestPath, szDestPath); dwMoveFlags |= MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH | MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; } TRACE ("Move Status Flags: 0x%X\n",dwMoveStatusFlags); if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR && dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_DEST_IS_DIR && dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_HAS_WILD) { /* We are not allowed to have existing source and destination dir when there is wildcard in source */ error_syntax(NULL); FindClose(hFile); freep(arg); return 1; } if (!(dwMoveStatusFlags & (MOVE_DEST_IS_FILE | MOVE_DEST_IS_DIR))) { /* destination doesn't exist */ _tcscpy (szFullDestPath, szDestPath); if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE) dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_DEST_IS_FILE; if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR) dwMoveStatusFlags |= MOVE_DEST_IS_DIR; dwMoveFlags |= MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH | MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; } if (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_FILE && dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_DEST_IS_FILE && !OnlyOneFile) { /*source has many files but there is only one destination file*/ error_invalid_parameter_format(pszDest); FindClose(hFile); freep (arg); return 1; } /*checks to make sure user wanted/wants the override*/ if ((dwFlags & MOVE_OVER_NO) && (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_DEST_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(dwFlags & MOVE_OVER_YES) && (dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_DEST_EXISTS)) nOverwrite = MoveOverwrite (szFullDestPath); if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_NO || nOverwrite == PROMPT_BREAK) continue; if (nOverwrite == PROMPT_ALL) dwFlags |= MOVE_OVER_YES; ConOutPrintf (_T("%s => %s "), szSrcPath, szFullDestPath); /* are we really supposed to do something */ if (dwFlags & MOVE_NOTHING) continue; /*move the file*/ if (!(dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR && dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_PATHS_ON_DIF_VOL)) /* we aren't moving source folder to different drive */ MoveStatus = MoveFileEx (szSrcPath, szFullDestPath, dwMoveFlags); else { /* we are moving source folder to different drive */ _tcscpy(szMoveDest, szFullDestPath); _tcscpy(szMoveSrc, szSrcPath); DeleteFile(szMoveDest); MoveStatus = CreateDirectory(szMoveDest, NULL); /* we use default security settings */ if (MoveStatus) { _tcscat(szMoveDest,_T("\\")); _tcscat(szMoveSrc,_T("\\")); nDirLevel = 0; pszDestDirPointer = szMoveDest + _tcslen(szMoveDest); pszSrcDirPointer = szMoveSrc + _tcslen(szMoveSrc); _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer,_T("*.*")); hDestFile = FindFirstFile(szMoveSrc, &findDestBuffer); if (hDestFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) MoveStatus = FALSE; else { BOOL FirstTime = TRUE; FoundFile = TRUE; MoveStatus = FALSE; while(FoundFile) { if (FirstTime) FirstTime = FALSE; else FoundFile = FindNextFile (hDestFile, &findDestBuffer); if (!FoundFile) { /* Nothing to do in this folder so we stop working on it */ FindClose(hDestFile); (pszSrcDirPointer)--; (pszDestDirPointer)--; _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer,_T("")); _tcscpy(pszDestDirPointer,_T("")); if (nDirLevel > 0) { TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; INT_PTR nDiff; FoundFile = TRUE; /* we need to continue our seek for files */ nDirLevel--; RemoveDirectory(szMoveSrc); GetDirectory(szMoveSrc,szTempPath,0); nDiff = _tcslen(szMoveSrc) - _tcslen(szTempPath); pszSrcDirPointer = pszSrcDirPointer - nDiff; _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer,_T("")); GetDirectory(szMoveDest,szTempPath,0); nDiff = _tcslen(szMoveDest) - _tcslen(szTempPath); pszDestDirPointer = pszDestDirPointer - nDiff; _tcscpy(pszDestDirPointer,_T("")); if (szMoveSrc[_tcslen(szMoveSrc) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat (szMoveSrc, _T("\\")); if (szMoveDest[_tcslen(szMoveDest) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat (szMoveDest, _T("\\")); pszDestDirPointer = szMoveDest + _tcslen(szMoveDest); pszSrcDirPointer = szMoveSrc + _tcslen(szMoveSrc); _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer,_T("*.*")); hDestFile = FindFirstFile(szMoveSrc, &findDestBuffer); if (hDestFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue; FirstTime = TRUE; } else { MoveStatus = TRUE; /* we moved everything so lets tell user about it */ RemoveDirectory(szMoveSrc); } continue; } /* if we find "." or ".." we'll skip them */ if (_tcscmp(findDestBuffer.cFileName,_T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(findDestBuffer.cFileName,_T("..")) == 0) continue; _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer, findDestBuffer.cFileName); _tcscpy(pszDestDirPointer, findDestBuffer.cFileName); if (IsExistingFile(szMoveSrc)) { FoundFile = CopyFile(szMoveSrc, szMoveDest, FALSE); if (!FoundFile) continue; DeleteFile(szMoveSrc); } else { FindClose(hDestFile); CreateDirectory(szMoveDest, NULL); _tcscat(szMoveDest,_T("\\")); _tcscat(szMoveSrc,_T("\\")); nDirLevel++; pszDestDirPointer = szMoveDest + _tcslen(szMoveDest); pszSrcDirPointer = szMoveSrc + _tcslen(szMoveSrc); _tcscpy(pszSrcDirPointer,_T("*.*")); hDestFile = FindFirstFile(szMoveSrc, &findDestBuffer); if (hDestFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FoundFile = FALSE; continue; } FirstTime = TRUE; } } } } } if (MoveStatus) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_MOVE_ERROR1); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_MOVE_ERROR2); } while ((!OnlyOneFile || dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SRC_CURRENT_IS_DIR ) && !(dwMoveStatusFlags & MOVE_SOURCE_IS_DIR) && FindNextFile (hFile, &findBuffer)); FindClose (hFile); if(hDestFile && hDestFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(hDestFile); freep (arg); return 0; }
void OpenSMOKE_CHEMKINInterpreter_ThermoData::ReadThermoData(const std::string file_name, ofstream *_fLog) { const int SIZE = 400; char comment[SIZE]; fLog = _fLog; ifstream fInput; openInputFileAndControl(fInput, file_name); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading lines // --------------------------------------------------------------- lines.push_back("List of lines"); while(!fInput.eof()) { fInput.getline(comment, SIZE); lines.push_back(comment); } fInput.close(); number_of_lines = lines.size()-1; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Parsing lines // --------------------------------------------------------------- int i; for(i=1;i<=number_of_lines;i++) { if (CheckForBlankLine(lines[i]) == true) indexBlankLines.Append(i); else if (CheckForCommentLine(lines[i]) == true) indexCommentLines.Append(i); else if (CheckForEndLine(lines[i]) == true) indexCommentLines.Append(i); else indexLines.Append(i); } int count_additional=0; for(i=1;i<=indexLines.Size();i++) count_additional += StringFind(lines[indexLines[i]], "1&"); total_number_of_species = (indexLines.Size()-count_additional)/4; *fLog << " ----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; *fLog << " Thermodynamic Database " << endl; *fLog << " ----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; *fLog << " Total number of full lines: " << indexLines.Size() << endl; *fLog << " Total number of blank lines: " << indexBlankLines.Size() << endl; *fLog << " Total number of comment lines: " << indexCommentLines.Size() << endl; *fLog << " Total number of lines: " << number_of_lines << endl; *fLog << " Total number of species: " << total_number_of_species << endl; *fLog << " ----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; species = new OpenSMOKE_CHEMKINInterpreter_ThermoSpecies[total_number_of_species+1]; vector<string> instructions; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // First line // --------------------------------------------------------------- SeparateInstructions(lines[indexLines[1]], instructions); if (instructions.size()-1 > 2) ErrorMessage("Too many arguments in the first line"); if (instructions[1] != "THERMO") ErrorMessage("Expected: THERMO - Found: " + instructions[1]); if (instructions.size()-1 == 2) if (instructions[2] != "ALL") ErrorMessage("Expected: ALL - Found: " + instructions[2]); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Second line // --------------------------------------------------------------- SeparateInstructions(lines[indexLines[2]], instructions); if (instructions.size()-1 != 3) ErrorMessage("Too many arguments in the second line"); tmin = atof(instructions[1].c_str()); tmean = atof(instructions[2].c_str()); tmax = atof(instructions[3].c_str()); int j=3; for(i=1;i<=total_number_of_species;i++) { species[i].AssignTemperatures(tmin, tmean, tmax); species[i].ReadMainData(lines[indexLines[j]], indexLines[j]); j++; if (species[i].iContinuation==true) { species[i].ReadAdditionalLine(lines[indexLines[j]]); j++; } species[i].ReadFirstLine(lines[indexLines[j]]); j++; species[i].ReadSecondLine(lines[indexLines[j]]); j++; species[i].ReadThirdLine(lines[indexLines[j]]); j++; species[i].Analyze(); } }
inline T OpenSMOKEVector<T, IndexPolicy>::GetValue(const int i) const { if( (i<IndexPolicy::index_) || (i>dimensions_-1+this->index_) ) ErrorMessage("Vector index outside the ranges"); return vector_[i]; }
double UNITS::LinearFactor () { double factor = 1; /// First convert all to meters switch (in) { case ANG: factor = 1E-10; break; case NM: factor = 1E-09; break; case MUM: factor = 1E-06; break; case MM: factor = 1E-03; break; case CM: factor = 1E-02; break; case M: factor = 1; break; case KM: factor = 1E+03; break; case UA: factor = 1.49597870700E11; break; case PC: factor = 3.08567758E16; break; case KPC: factor = 3.08567758E19; break; case MPC: factor = 3.08567758E22; break; default: ErrorMessage(); return factor; } switch (out) { case ANG: factor *= 1E+10; break; case NM: factor *= 1E+09; break; case MUM: factor *= 1E+06; break; case MM: factor *= 1E+03; break; case CM: factor *= 1E+02; break; case M: factor *= 1; break; case KM: factor *= 1E-03; break; case UA: factor *= 6.68458712E-12; break; case PC: factor *= 3.24077929E-17; break; case KPC: factor *= 3.24077929E-20; break; case MPC: factor *= 3.24077929E-23; break; default: ErrorMessage(); factor=1; return factor; } return factor; }
SndAiff::SndAiff(char* name, short mode, short channels, short bits, SndObj** inputlist, float spos, int vecsize, float sr): SndFIO(name, mode, channels, bits, inputlist, spos, vecsize, sr) { m_selfdesc = 1; // yes, this is a self-describing format !!!! m_isaiff = false; if(m_mode != READ){ // OUTPUT m_framesize = (short)((m_bits/8)*m_channels); m_header = PutHeader(); if(m_mode != APPEND){ fwrite((char *)&m_form, sizFormHdr, 1, m_file); fwrite((char *)&m_comm1, sizCommChunk1, 1, m_file); fwrite((char *)&m_comm2, sizCommChunk2, 1, m_file); fwrite((char *)&m_ssnd, sizSoundDataHdr, 1, m_file); m_datapos = ftell(m_file); if(spos > 0) SetPos(spos); } } // OUTPUT else { // INPUT if(m_filestat==SFERROR) { m_dataframes = 0; m_sr = 0.f; m_bits = 0; m_channels = 0; m_error = 21; return; } int IDchk; fread(&IDchk, 4, 1, m_file); if(!is_aiff_form(IDchk)){ m_filestat = SFERROR; m_sr = 0.f; m_bits = 0; m_channels = 0; m_dataframes = 0; m_error = 25; return; } fseek(m_file, 4, SEEK_CUR); fread(&IDchk, 4, 1, m_file); if(IDchk != *(int *) FORM_TYPE){ m_filestat = SFERROR; m_sr = 0.f; m_bits = 0; m_channels = 0; m_dataframes =0; m_error = 26; m_output = 0; return; } fseek(m_file, 0, SEEK_SET); if(!ReadHeader()){ m_dataframes = 0; m_error = 27; m_output = 0; return; } m_bits = m_header.size; m_channels = m_header.nchns; m_dataframes = m_header.numSampleFrames; int datasize = m_dataframes*m_channels*m_sampsize; m_isaiff = true; m_itemsleft = (datasize%m_buffsize)/m_sampsize; m_spos=spos; m_datapos = ftell(m_file); if(spos > 0) SetPos(spos); delete[] m_output; delete[] m_buffer; m_samples = m_vecsize*m_channels; if(!(m_output = new float[m_samples])){ m_error = 1; cout << ErrorMessage(); return; } m_buffsize = (m_bits/8)*m_samples; if(!(m_buffer = new char[m_buffsize])){ m_error = 11; cout << ErrorMessage(); return; } // these are the pointers used to read the buffer m_cp = (unsigned char *) m_buffer; m_sp = (short *) m_buffer; m_lp = (int *) m_buffer; m_s24p = (_24Bit *) m_buffer; } // INPUT }
void ChangeEntry(void) { int dbid; DB_LIST parent; char name[256]; int etype; char *comment; char comval[256]; int ival; double rval; char sval[256]; char choice[10]; int ret; printf("\n\n"); printf("Change an entry\n"); printf("---------------\n"); dbid = ChooseDatabase(); if(dbid==-1) return; parent = ChooseParentList(dbid); printf("\nChoose entry name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); etype = eXdbmGetEntryType(dbid, parent, name); if(etype==-1) { printf("\nerror ==> entry not defined\n"); HitKey(); return; } printf("\nEntry values :\n"); printf( "------------\n\n"); printf("[NAME] = %s\n\n", name); comment = eXdbmGetEntryComment(dbid, parent, name); if(comment!=NULL) printf("[COMMENT] = %s\n\n", comment); printf("Do you want to specify a new comment (y/n) ? "); scanf("%s", choice); comment = NULL; if(toupper(choice[0])=='Y') { printf("[COMMENT] = "); fgets(comval,256,stdin); comment = comval; } if(comment!=NULL) eXdbmChangeEntryComment(dbid, parent, name, comment); switch(etype) { case DBM_ENTRY_LIST : printf("[TYPE] = List\n\n"); printf("Cannot change a list entry\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_INT : printf("[TYPE] = integer variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%d", &ival); ret = eXdbmChangeVarInt(dbid, parent, name, ival); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_REAL : printf("[TYPE] = real number variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%lf", &rval); ret = eXdbmChangeVarReal(dbid, parent, name, rval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_BOOL : printf("[TYPE] = boolean variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%s", sval); if(strcmp(sval, "FALSE")==0) ret = eXdbmChangeVarBool(dbid, parent, name, 0); else ret = eXdbmChangeVarBool(dbid, parent, name, 1); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_STRING : printf("[TYPE] = string variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); fgets(sval,256,stdin); ret = eXdbmChangeVarString(dbid, parent, name, sval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_IDENT : printf("[TYPE] = identifier variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); fgets(sval,256,stdin); ret = eXdbmChangeVarIdent(dbid, parent, name, sval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; } HitKey(); }
Position Position::read(Kernel::Reader* reader) { Position result(Distance::_Meter,0,0,0) ; std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator finder ; finder = reader->getAttributes().find("x") ; if (finder != reader->getAttributes().end()) { result.m_value.x = atof(finder->second.c_str()) ; } else { ErrorMessage("Model::Position::read required attribute : x") ; } finder = reader->getAttributes().find("y") ; if (finder != reader->getAttributes().end()) { result.m_value.y = atof(finder->second.c_str()) ; } else { ErrorMessage("Model::Position::read required attribute : y") ; } finder = reader->getAttributes().find("z") ; if (finder != reader->getAttributes().end()) { result.m_value.z = atof(finder->second.c_str()) ; } else { ErrorMessage("Model::Position::read required attribute : z") ; } finder = reader->getAttributes().find("unit") ; if (finder != reader->getAttributes().end()) { if (finder->second == "LightYear") { result.m_unit = Distance::_LightYear ; } else if (finder->second == "Parsec") { result.m_unit = Distance::_Parsec ; } else if (finder->second == "Meter") { result.m_unit = Distance::_Meter ; } else { ErrorMessage("Model::Position::read invalid unit : " + finder->second) ; } } else { ErrorMessage("Model::Position::read required attribute : unit") ; } // move out of node while (!reader->isEndNode() && reader->processNode()) {} reader->processNode() ; return result ; }
bool CSSOBuilder::LoginErrorMessage(int iSsoResult) { if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_MANDATORY_MISSING) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-MANDATORY-MISSING","Unable to log the user as their is a mandotory field missing"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_NOT_VALIDATED) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-NOT-VALIDATED","Unable to log the user as they need to validate their account"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-CHANGE-PASSWORD","Unable to log the user as they need to change their password"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_NOT_REGISTERED) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-NOT-REGISTERED","Unable to log the user as their are not registered"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_SERVICE_AGREEMENT) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-SERVICE-AGREEMENT","Unable to log the user has not accepted their service agreement"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_GLOBAL_AGREEMENT) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-GLOBAL-AGREEMENT","Unable to log the user has not accepted their global agreement"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_SQBLOCK) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-SQBLOCK","Unable to log the user in as their was a secret question block"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_PASSBLOCK) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-PASSBLOCK","Unable to log the user in as their password has been blocked"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_BANNED) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-BANNED","Unable to log the user in as they were banned"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_INCORRECT_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) { return ErrorMessage("INCORRECT-AUTHENTICATION-TYPE","Incorrect Authentication"); } else if (iSsoResult == CANTLOGIN_NOT_VALID) { return ErrorMessage("CANT-LOGIN-NOT-VALID","The login is not valid"); } return ErrorMessage("NO-SSO-RESULT","Unable to identify the result from Single Sign On"); }
SndFIO::SndFIO(char* name, short mode, short channels, short bits, SndObj** inputlist, float spos, int vecsize, float sr) : SndIO(channels, bits,inputlist,vecsize,sr){ m_name = name; m_mode = mode; m_spos = spos; m_datapos = 0; m_filestat = WAITOPEN; m_selfdesc = 0; m_eof=0; char* s_temp; switch (mode){ // open modes case INSERT: s_temp="r+b"; break; case OVERWRITE: s_temp="wb"; break; case APPEND: s_temp="ab"; m_datapos = 0; break; case READ: s_temp= "rb"; if(!m_selfdesc) m_bits = bits; else m_bits = 0; break; default: m_error = 8; #ifdef DEBUG cout << ErrorMessage(); #endif return; } // open file if ((m_file = fopen(name,s_temp)) != NULL) m_filestat=SFOPEN; else{ m_filestat=SFERROR; m_error=12; #ifdef DEBUG cout << ErrorMessage(); #endif return; } if(m_bits>0){ m_buffsize = (m_bits/8)*m_samples; if(!(m_buffer = new char[m_buffsize])){ m_error = 11; #ifdef DEBUG cout << ErrorMessage(); #endif return; } // these are the pointers used to read/write to the buffer m_cp = (unsigned char *) m_buffer; m_sp = (short *) m_buffer; m_lp = (int *) m_buffer; m_s24p = (_24Bit*) m_buffer; } else { m_buffsize = 0; m_buffer = 0; m_cp = 0; m_sp = 0; m_lp = 0; } if(m_bits != 16 && m_bits != 8 && m_bits != 32 && m_bits != 24){ m_error = 13; #ifdef DEBUG cout << ErrorMessage(); #endif } if(spos > 0) SetPos(spos); m_safe = m_file; }
/********************************************************************************* bool CSSOBuilder::VerifyPostcode() Author: Created: Returns: false in case of an error Purpose: Verifies the postcode parameter *********************************************************************************/ bool CSSOBuilder::VerifyPostcode() { if (!m_InputContext.ParamExists("postcode")) { return ErrorMessage("NOPOSTCODE","failed to submit a postcode"); } CUser* pViewingUser = m_InputContext.GetCurrentUser(); if (pViewingUser == NULL) { return ErrorMessage("NOUSER","There was no user"); } CPostcoder Postcoder(m_InputContext); CTDVString sPostcode; bool bGotPostcode = false; m_InputContext.GetParamString("postcode",sPostcode); if (sPostcode.GetLength() > 0) { Postcoder.MakePlaceRequest(sPostcode, bGotPostcode); if (bGotPostcode) { CTDVString sPostcode; CTDVString sArea; CTDVString sAuthID; int iNode = 0; Postcoder.PlaceHitPostcode(sPostcode, sAuthID, sArea, iNode); // pViewingUser->SetPostcode(sPostcode); // pViewingUser->SetArea(sArea); // pViewingUser->SetTaxonomyNode(iNode); // pViewingUser->UpdateDetails(); // Update the users details if (!Postcoder.UpdateUserPostCodeInfo(sPostcode,sArea,iNode)) { CTDVString sMsg = "<NEWREGISTER><POSTCODE><POSTCODEERROR>"; sMsg << sPostcode << "</POSTCODEERROR></POSTCODE></NEWREGISTER>"; m_pPage->AddInside("H2G2",sMsg); return true; } //Generate NewRegister XML - synchronisation has already been done. return UserNewRegister(true,true,false); } else { CTDVString sMsg = "<NEWREGISTER><POSTCODE><BADPOSTCODE>"; sMsg << sPostcode << "</BADPOSTCODE></POSTCODE></NEWREGISTER>"; m_pPage->AddInside("H2G2",sMsg); return true; } } else { return ErrorMessage("NOPOSTCODE","Invalid postcode"); } }
bool CSSOBuilder::UserNewRegister(bool bFirstTime, bool bCreateXML, bool bSynchronise ) { CUser* pUser = m_InputContext.GetCurrentUser(); //there should be a user because they have just logged in! if (pUser == NULL) { return ErrorMessage("NOTSIGNEDIN","The user was not signed in"); } //user has logged in successfully from the inputcontext and actually if (pUser->IsUserLoggedIn()) { if ( bSynchronise ) { //Synchronisation with SSO is done on creation of new user in DNA. //Synchronisation will also be done in CRipley::HandleRequest() if s_sync=1 specified. //Could have a flag on User indicating that it has been synchronised. if ( !pUser->IsSynchronised() ) { pUser->SynchroniseWithProfile(false); } } if ( bCreateXML ) { CTDVString sPassThrough, sURLParams; GetPassThrough(sPassThrough,sURLParams); CTDVString sNewRegister = "<NEWREGISTER STATUS='LOGGEDIN'>"; if (!sPassThrough.IsEmpty()) { sNewRegister << sPassThrough; } sNewRegister << "<USERID>" << pUser->GetUserID() << "</USERID>"; sNewRegister << "<FIRSTTIME>"; if (bFirstTime) { sNewRegister << "1"; } else { sNewRegister << "0"; } sNewRegister << "</FIRSTTIME></NEWREGISTER>"; m_pPage->AddInside("H2G2",sNewRegister); } // Now set the h2g2 cookie if they are an editor so that // the perl tools will work. CTDVString sCookie; if (pUser->GetIsEditor() && pUser->GetCookie(sCookie)) { /* CTDVString sXML = "<SETCOOKIE><COOKIE>"; sXML << sCookie << "</COOKIE>\n"; sXML << "</SETCOOKIE>"; m_pPage->AddInside("H2G2",sXML); */ //declare cookie instance (can be more than one) CXMLCookie oXMLCookie ("", sCookie, "", false ); //add to page object m_pPage->SetCookie( oXMLCookie ); } } else { return ErrorMessage("NOTLOGGEDIN","The user was not logged in"); } return true; }
DWORD WINAPI MakeNSISProc(LPVOID p) { char buf[1024]; STARTUPINFO si={sizeof(si),}; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa={sizeof(sa),}; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd={0,}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi={0,}; HANDLE newstdout=0,read_stdout=0; OSVERSIONINFO osv={sizeof(osv)}; GetVersionEx(&osv); if (osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd,true,NULL,false); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; } else sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = true; if (!CreatePipe(&read_stdout,&newstdout,&sa,0)) { ErrorMessage(g_hwnd,"There was an error creating the pipe."); PostMessage(g_hwnd,WM_MAKENSIS_PROCESSCOMPLETE,0,0); return 1; } GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES|STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; si.hStdOutput = newstdout; si.hStdError = newstdout; if (!CreateProcess(NULL,g_script,NULL,NULL,TRUE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi)) { char buf[MAX_STRING]; wsprintf(buf,"Could not execute:\r\n %s.",g_script); ErrorMessage(g_hwnd,buf); CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); PostMessage(g_hwnd,WM_MAKENSIS_PROCESSCOMPLETE,0,0); return 1; } unsigned long exit=0,read,avail; my_memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); while(1) { PeekNamedPipe(read_stdout,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,&read,&avail,NULL); if (read != 0) { my_memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); if (avail > sizeof(buf)-1) { while (read >= sizeof(buf)-1) { ReadFile(read_stdout,buf,sizeof(buf)-1,&read,NULL); LogMessage(g_hwnd,buf); my_memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); } } else { ReadFile(read_stdout,buf,sizeof(buf),&read,NULL); LogMessage(g_hwnd,buf); } } GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&exit); if (exit != STILL_ACTIVE) break; Sleep(TIMEOUT); } g_retcode = exit; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); PostMessage(g_hwnd,WM_MAKENSIS_PROCESSCOMPLETE,0,0); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string argument; ParserClass parser; OpenSMOKE_ReactingGas mix; OpenSMOKE_GlobalKinetics global; OpenSMOKE_CSTR cstr; OpenSMOKE_GasStream inlet; OpenSMOKE_GasStream outlet; OpenSMOKE_2EModel soot2EModel; // 0. Parser setup parser.setup(argc, argv, parser_options); // 1. Detailed kinetic scheme setup if (parser.parse("--kinetics", argument)) mix.SetupBinary(argument); else ErrorMessage("The --kinetics option is compulsory"); // 2a. Global kinetic scheme setup global.assign_mix(&mix); if (parser.parse("--global", argument)) { global.read_from_file(argument); cstr.SetGlobalKinetics(); } // 2b. Soot 2E Model if (parser.parse("--soot2EModel", argument)) { soot2EModel.assign_mixture(mix); soot2EModel.setupFromFile(argument); cstr.SetTwoEquationModel(); } // 3. Inlet stream setup inlet.AssignKineticScheme(mix); if (parser.parse("--inlet", argument)) inlet.DefineFromFile(argument); else ErrorMessage("The --inlet option is compulsory"); inlet.VideoSummary(); // Output folder if (parser.parse("--output", argument)) cstr.SetOutputFolder(argument); // 4. CSTR Setup cstr.AssignKineticScheme(mix); cstr.AssignGlobalKineticScheme(global); cstr.AssignSoot2EModel(soot2EModel); cstr.AssignInletFlows(inlet); if (parser.parse("--input", argument)) cstr.DefineFromFile(argument); else ErrorMessage("The --input option is compulsory"); // 5. PFR Video Summary cstr.VideoSummary(); // 6. PFR Solution cstr.Solve(); // 7. Video Solution cstr.VideoFinalResult(); // 8. Outlet Stream cstr.OutletStream(outlet); outlet.VideoSummary(); // 9. Mass and Energy balance cstr.SummaryOnFile(); cstr.MassAnalysis(outlet); cstr.EnergyAnalysis(outlet); OpenSMOKE_logo("OpenSMOKE_CSTR", "0.3", "January 2014"); return 0; }
void LoadLayerTypeInfo(CCEtoODBDoc *doc, const char *filename) { CWaitCursor(); // try reading an xml layertype file first LayerTypeXMLReader reader(*doc); FileStatusTag retval =; // if not successful, then assume its the old one if (retval == statusSucceeded) { // init for (int i=0; i<MAX_LAYERSETS; i++) { for (int j=0; j<MAX_LAYTYPE; j++) { doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].color = RGB(255, 255, 255); doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].show = false; } } //reader.setDoc(doc); retval = reader.parse(); return; } FILE *stream; if ((stream = fopen(filename, "rt")) == NULL) { ErrorMessage(filename, "Unable to open file"); return; } char line[500], *tok; int i, j; int version = 1; if (fgets(line,500,stream) == NULL) return; if (strcmp(line, "! Layertype Information\n")) { if (!strcmp(line, "! Layertype Information V2\n")) { version = 2; } else if (!strcmp(line, "! Layertype Information V3\n")) { version = 3; } else { ErrorMessage("This is not a Layertype Information File"); return; } } // init for (i=0; i<MAX_LAYERSETS; i++) { for (j=0; j<MAX_LAYTYPE; j++) { doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].color = RGB(255, 255, 255); doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].show = false; } } if (version == 1) { int red, green, blue; for (i=0; i<MAX_LAYERSETS; i++) // Normal, Top, Bottom, Cust 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 { j=0; while (j<31) // this was 31 before version 2 { if (fgets(line,500,stream) == NULL) return; if (line[0] == '!' || line[0] == '\n') continue; // remark if ((tok = strtok(line, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].show = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; red = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; green = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; blue = atoi(tok); doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].color = RGB(red, green, blue); j++; } } } else if (version >= 2) { int red, green, blue; while (fgets(line,500,stream) != NULL) { if (line[0] == '!' || line[0] == '\n') continue; // remark if ((tok = strtok(line, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; if (!STRCMPI(tok,".NAME")) { CString colorsetname; if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == NULL) continue; int id = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, "\n")) == NULL) continue; colorsetname = tok; colorsetname = tok; colorsetname.TrimLeft(); colorsetname.TrimRight(); doc->CustomLayersetNames.SetAt(id, tok); } else { i = atoi(tok); if (i >= MAX_LAYERSETS) continue; if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; j = atoi(tok); if (j >= MAX_LAYTYPE) continue; if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].show = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; red = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; green = atoi(tok); if ((tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n(),")) == NULL) continue; blue = atoi(tok); doc->LayerTypeArray[i][j].color = RGB(red, green, blue); } } } fclose(stream); }
void PrintValues(void) { int dbid; DB_LIST parent; char name[256]; int etype; char *comment; DB_LIST list; long ival; double rval; char *sval; printf("\n\n"); printf("Values of an entry\n"); printf("------------------\n"); dbid = ChooseDatabase(); if(dbid==-1) return; parent = ChooseParentList(dbid); printf("\nChoose entry name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); etype = eXdbmGetEntryType(dbid, parent, name); if(etype==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } printf("\nEntry values :\n"); printf( "------------\n\n"); printf("[NAME] = %s\n\n", name); comment = eXdbmGetEntryComment(dbid, parent, name); if(comment!=NULL) printf("[COMMENT] = %s\n\n", comment); switch(etype) { case DBM_ENTRY_LIST : printf("[TYPE] = List\n\n"); list = eXdbmGetList(dbid, parent, name); printf("Info : This list contains %d entries\n\n", list->current_order); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_INT : printf("[TYPE] = integer variable\n\n"); eXdbmGetVarInt(dbid, parent, name, &ival); printf("[VALUE] = %ld\n\n", ival); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_REAL : printf("[TYPE] = real number variable\n\n"); eXdbmGetVarReal(dbid, parent, name, &rval); printf("[VALUE] = %f\n\n", rval); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_BOOL : printf("[TYPE] = boolean variable\n\n"); eXdbmGetVarBool(dbid, parent, name, &ival); if(ival==0) printf("[VALUE] = FALSE\n\n"); else printf("[VALUE] = TRUE\n\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_STRING : printf("[TYPE] = string variable\n\n"); eXdbmGetVarString(dbid, parent, name, &sval); printf("[VALUE] = %s\n\n", sval); free(sval); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_IDENT : printf("[TYPE] = identifier variable\n\n"); eXdbmGetVarIdent(dbid, parent, name, &sval); printf("[VALUE] = %s\n\n", sval); free(sval); break; } HitKey(); }
void CRusSemStructure::BuildMNAOutcoming(long ClauseNo) { try { for (long NodeNo = 0; NodeNo < m_Nodes.size(); NodeNo++) if ( IsInClause(NodeNo, ClauseNo) && ( m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_NodeType == MNA ) && ( m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType != CHEMOborot) ) { long PatternPoses; QWORD Grammems; GetMNAPattern(NodeNo, PatternPoses, Grammems); bool bAdjMNA = HasOutcomingSynRelation(NodeNo,"ОДНОР_ПРИЛ"); // мы начинаем поиск левых потомков от оператора однородности // (единственный правый потомок уже был присоединен в процедуре, которая ищет оператор однородности ) for (long LeftChildNo=NodeNo; LeftChildNo >= m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo; LeftChildNo--) { // ищем запятую, союз или какой другой оператор однородности for (; LeftChildNo >= m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo; LeftChildNo--) if (IsFiniteVerb(LeftChildNo)) goto NoMoreLeftChilds; else if ( IsCoordConj(LeftChildNo) || m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].HaveCommaAfter() || (m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].m_NodeType == MNA) ) break; if (LeftChildNo < m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo) break; // не нашли // ищем слово, которое согласовано со словом, которое стоит сразу же за оператором однородности, по падежу // или вообще не имеет граммем (ИЛЕ) for (; LeftChildNo >= m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo; LeftChildNo--) if (IsFiniteVerb(LeftChildNo)) goto NoMoreLeftChilds; else if ( (m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].m_MainWordNo != -1) && ( !m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].IsTimeRossNode() || m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].IsMainTimeRossNode() ) && ( ((m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].m_Words[m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].m_MainWordNo].m_Poses & PatternPoses) > 0) || ( ( ( PatternPoses & (1<<ADV) ) > 0) && ( m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].HasSomePrep() // в лесу || m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].IsMainTimeRossNode() // 9 мая ) && !HasIncomingNotWeakSynRelation(LeftChildNo) ) ) && ( ((m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].GetGrammems() & Grammems & rAllCases) > 0) || (Grammems == 0) || (( PatternPoses & (1<<ADV) ) > 0) || ( m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].GetGrammems() & Grammems & _QM(rComparative)) || ( HasSynRelation (LeftChildNo, "АНАТ_СРАВН") && (Grammems & _QM(rComparative))) ) && (!bAdjMNA || ( m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].HasPOS(ADJ_FULL) || m_Nodes[LeftChildNo].HasPOS(ADJ_SHORT)) ) ) break; if (LeftChildNo < m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo) break; if (FindFirstRelation(NodeNo, LeftChildNo) == -1) { AddRelation(CRusSemRelation(CValency(), NodeNo, LeftChildNo, "")); m_Relations[m_Relations.size() - 1].m_CannotHaveOnlyCommaBetween = true; }; }; NoMoreLeftChilds:; }; } catch (...) { ErrorMessage ("BuildMNAOutcoming Failed"); throw; }; };
void AddEntry(void) { int dbid; DB_LIST parent; char name[256]; int etype; char *comment; char comval[256]; int ival; double rval; char sval[256]; char choice[10]; int ret; printf("\n\n"); printf("Create an entry\n"); printf("---------------\n"); dbid = ChooseDatabase(); if(dbid==-1) return; parent = ChooseParentList(dbid); printf("\nChoose entry name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); etype = eXdbmGetEntryType(dbid, parent, name); if(etype!=-1) { printf("\nerror ==> entry already defined\n"); HitKey(); return; } printf("\nEntry values :\n"); printf( "------------\n\n"); printf("[NAME] = %s\n\n", name); printf("Do you want to specify a comment (y/n) ? "); scanf("%s", choice); comment = NULL; if(toupper(choice[0])=='Y') { printf("[COMMENT] = "); fgets(comval,256,stdin); comment = comval; } etype = 0; while(etype<1 || etype > 6) { printf("\nChoose the type of the entry :\n\n"); printf("1 => integer\n"); printf("2 => real\n"); printf("3 => bool\n"); printf("4 => string\n"); printf("5 => idenfifier\n"); printf("6 => list\n"); printf("\n Your choice ==> "); etype=0; scanf("%d", &etype); if(etype==0) scanf("%s", choice); } etype--; switch(etype) { case DBM_ENTRY_LIST : printf("[TYPE] = List\n\n"); ret = eXdbmCreateList(dbid, parent, name, comment); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_INT : printf("[TYPE] = integer variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%d", &ival); ret = eXdbmCreateVarInt(dbid, parent, name, comment, ival); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_REAL : printf("[TYPE] = real number variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%lf", &rval); ret = eXdbmCreateVarReal(dbid, parent, name, comment, rval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_BOOL : printf("[TYPE] = boolean variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%s", sval); if(strcmp(sval, "FALSE")==0) ret = eXdbmCreateVarBool(dbid, parent, name, comment, 0); else ret = eXdbmCreateVarBool(dbid, parent, name, comment, 1); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_STRING : printf("[TYPE] = string variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%s", sval); ret = eXdbmCreateVarString(dbid, parent, name, comment, sval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_IDENT : printf("[TYPE] = identifier variable\n\n"); printf("[VALUE] = "); scanf("%s", sval); ret = eXdbmCreateVarIdent(dbid, parent, name, comment, sval); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } break; } HitKey(); }
void CRusSemStructure::BuildMNAIncoming(long ClauseNo) { UpdateBlockedRelations(); try { for (long NodeNo = m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo; NodeNo < m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_EndNodeNo; NodeNo++) if (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_NodeType == MNA) for (long i = m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_BeginNodeNo; i < m_Clauses[ClauseNo].m_EndNodeNo; i++) if (i != NodeNo) for (size_t j=0; j < m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels.size();j++) { long Count = 0; /* считаем кол-во отношений с одинаковым названием (это варианты заполнения одной валентности) идущих из узла i (потенциальный хозяин однородного ряда) в в члены однородного ряда. Норамально, когда все члены однородного ряда подчиняются узлу i. */ for (size_t l=j; l < m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels.size();l++) if(m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_Valency == m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[l]].m_Valency) { long k=0; for (; k < m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_OutRels.size(); k++) if (m_Relations[m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_OutRels[k]].m_TargetNodeNo == m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[l]].m_TargetNodeNo) break; if (k < m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_OutRels.size()) Count++; }; // Для простых операторов однородности нужно, чтобы хотя бы один узел входил // в член однородного ряда,чтобы подчинить весь однородный ряд. Это сделано из-за случая: // 'я жил в Америке и России'. Здесь пропущен прдлог 'в' после союза, поэтому // 'России'не подсоединится к 'жить'. // Для сравнительного оборота такой эллипсис не возможен, например: // Я жил в Америке дольше, чем в России. // но возможны обороты: // Я не знаю человека, больше чем Вася (здесь "Вася" не стоит в рд. или вн.) // Я не отдаю тебе охотнее его (здесь "его" стоит в рд.) if ( ( (Count > 0) // && (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType != CHEMOborot) ) /*|| ( (Count > 1) // && (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType == CHEMOborot) )*/ ) { // если валентность слова А - непредложная, а оператору однородности приписан предлог // (такой предлог может придти из синтаксиса), тогда считаем, что слово А // не может управлят этим однородным рядом if (m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_Valency.IsFromDict()) { const CRossHolder* RossHolder = m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_Valency.m_RossHolder; const TCortege& C = m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_SynReal.m_Cortege; bool IsPrepCortege = RossHolder->IsLemGroupBegining(RossHolder->GetSynFet(C)) || (RossHolder->GetSynRel(C) == RossHolder->AdverbialGrpNo); if (!IsPrepCortege && m_Nodes[NodeNo].HasSomePrep()) continue; }; AddRelation(CRusSemRelation(m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_Valency, i, NodeNo, "")); m_Relations[m_Relations.size() - 1].m_CannotHaveOnlyCommaBetween = true; m_Relations[m_Relations.size() - 1].m_SynReal = m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_SynReal; m_Relations[m_Relations.size() - 1].m_SyntacticRelation = m_Relations[m_Nodes[i].m_OutRels[j]].m_SyntacticRelation; if (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_MNAType == CHEMOborot) m_Relations[m_Relations.size() - 1].m_SemFets = GetSemFetsOfFirstValency(NodeNo); }; }; } catch (...) { ErrorMessage ("BuildMNAIncoming Failed"); throw; }; };
void DeleteEntry(void) { int dbid; DB_LIST parent; char name[256]; int etype; char *comment = NULL; char choice[10]; int ret; printf("\n\n"); printf("Delete an entry\n"); printf("---------------\n"); dbid = ChooseDatabase(); if(dbid==-1) return; parent = ChooseParentList(dbid); printf("\nChoose entry name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); etype = eXdbmGetEntryType(dbid, parent, name); if(etype==-1) { printf("\nerror ==> entry not defined\n"); HitKey(); return; } printf("\nEntry values :\n"); printf( "------------\n\n"); printf("[NAME] = %s\n\n", name); if(comment!=NULL) eXdbmChangeEntryComment(dbid, parent, name, comment); switch(etype) { case DBM_ENTRY_LIST : printf("[TYPE] = List\n\n"); printf("Cannot change a list entry\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_INT : printf("[TYPE] = integer variable\n\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_REAL : printf("[TYPE] = real number variable\n\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_BOOL : printf("[TYPE] = boolean variable\n\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_STRING : printf("[TYPE] = string variable\n\n"); break; case DBM_ENTRY_VAR_IDENT : printf("[TYPE] = identifier variable\n\n"); break; } printf("Do you want to erase this variable (y/n) ? "); scanf("%s", choice); if(toupper(choice[0])=='Y') { ret = eXdbmDeleteEntry(dbid, parent, name); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); HitKey(); return; } printf("\nEntry deleted successfully\n"); } else printf("\nEntry not deleted\n"); HitKey(); }
void SSCScore::GenerateScore(SSModule *callingMod) { unsigned char *buffer; ScoreSectionPtr sp; NoteEventPtr np; char *p; // Open the file buffer = SuckFilefromSpec(&scoreFileSpec); // Locally implemented if (buffer == NULL) { ErrorMessage("Can't open score file"); parList->itsOwner->AbortSynthesis(); return; } p = (char *) buffer; // Reset vars nbrSections = 0; sections = NULL; AddSection(); sp = sections; sp->sectionStart = 0.0; sp->tempoScale = 1.0; sp->tempoStart = 0.0; sp->timeStart = 0.0; while (*p && parList->itsOwner->windowState == WS_Synthesize) { if (isspace(*p)) ++p; else if (*p == ';' || *p == '#') { while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') ++p; } else if (*p == 't') // tempo { ssfloat p1,p2; Boolean gotIt; ++p; p = GrabParam(p,1,&p1,&gotIt); p = GrabParam(p,2,&p2,&gotIt); sp->timeStart = (p1 - sp->tempoStart) * sp->tempoScale + sp->timeStart; sp->tempoStart = p1; sp->tempoScale = 60 / p2; // np = AddNoteEvent(sp,NEF_Tempo,((int) p1)-1,p2,0,0); while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') ++p; } else if (*p == 'f') // table (f0 is used to create silence) { // !!! Add wave table event NEF_Function while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') ++p; } else if (*p == 'i') // note event { // If 'i', parse instrument '+' in p2 = p2+p3 '.' = previous field // '<' is for ramping (mark 'begin ramp') // '>' treat as for ramping as well ssfloat p1,p2,p3; ssfloat optP[16]; int nbrOpts = 0; int n,i; Boolean gotIt; ++p; p = GrabParam(p,1,&p1,&gotIt); p = GrabParam(p,2,&p2,&gotIt); p = GrabParam(p,3,&p3,&gotIt); n = 4; do { p = GrabParam(p,n,&optP[nbrOpts],&gotIt); ++n; if (gotIt) ++nbrOpts; } while (gotIt); np = AddNoteEvent(sp,0,(int) p1,p2,p3,nbrOpts); for (i = 0; i < nbrOpts; ++i) np->op[i] = optP[i]; } else if (*p == 's') // section end { ScoreSectionPtr lastS = sp; AddSection(); sp = sections + (nbrSections-1); sp->sectionStart = lastS->sectionStart+lastS->sectionLength; sp->tempoScale = 1.0; sp->tempoStart = 0.0; sp->timeStart = 0.0; while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') ++p; } else if (*p == 'e') // end of score { break; } else { ErrorMessage("Invalid line in score: %.20s",p); parList->itsOwner->AbortSynthesis(); } } if (gDurationOverride) { ssfloat scoreDuration = (sp->sectionStart + sp->sectionLength)*sp->tempoScale; SSOutput *outMod = (SSOutput *) (parList->itsOwner->outMod); if (outMod != NULL && scoreDuration > outMod->sampleDuration) { LogMessage("Overriding duration %g -> %g\n", outMod->sampleDuration, scoreDuration); outMod->sampleDuration = scoreDuration; parList->itsOwner->mainInst->sampleDuration = scoreDuration; } } MyDisposePtr(buffer); buffer = NULL; }
double UNITS::TimeFactor() { double factor = 1; // First convert all to seconds. switch (in) { case S: factor = 1; break; case H: factor = 3600; break; case D: factor = 86400; break; case YR: factor = 3.1556926E+07; break; case KYR: factor = 3.1556926E+10; break; case MYR: factor = 3.1556926E+13; break; case GYR: factor = 3.1556926E+16; break; default: ErrorMessage(); return factor; } switch (out) { case S: factor *= 1; break; case H: factor *= 0.000277777778; break; case D: factor *= 1.15740741E-05; break; case YR: factor *= 3.16887646E-08; break; case KYR: factor *= 3.16887646E-11; break; case MYR: factor *= 3.16887646E-14; break; case GYR: factor *= 3.16887646E-17; break; default: ErrorMessage(); factor = 1; return factor; } return factor; }
void WorldDatabase::SetMailKey(int CharID, int IPAddress, int MailKey) { char MailKeyString[17]; if(RuleB(Chat, EnableMailKeyIPVerification) == true) sprintf(MailKeyString, "%08X%08X", IPAddress, MailKey); else sprintf(MailKeyString, "%08X", MailKey); std::string query = StringFormat("UPDATE character_data SET mailkey = '%s' WHERE id = '%i'", MailKeyString, CharID); auto results = QueryDatabase(query); if (!results.Success()) Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "WorldDatabase::SetMailKey(%i, %s) : %s", CharID, MailKeyString, results.ErrorMessage().c_str()); }
int runSpecificGraphTest(char *command, char *infileName) { char *commandLine[] = { "planarity", "-s", "C", "infile", "outfile", "outfile2" }; char *outfileName = ConstructPrimaryOutputFilename(infileName, NULL, command[1]); char *outfile2Name = ""; char *testfileName = strdup(outfileName); int Result = 0; if (testfileName == NULL) return -1; outfileName = strdup(strcat(outfileName, ".test.txt")); if (outfileName == NULL) { free(testfileName); return -1; } // 'planarity -s [-q] C I O [O2]': Specific graph commandLine[2] = command; commandLine[3] = infileName; commandLine[4] = outfileName; commandLine[5] = outfile2Name; Result = callSpecificGraph(6, commandLine); if (Result == OK || Result == NONEMBEDDABLE) Result = 0; else { ErrorMessage("Test failed (graph processor returned failure result).\n"); Result = -1; } if (Result == 0) { if (FilesEqual(testfileName, outfileName) == TRUE) { Message("Test succeeded (result equal to exemplar).\n"); unlink(outfileName); } else { ErrorMessage("Test failed (result not equal to exemplar).\n"); Result = -1; } } // For graph drawing, secondary file is outfileName + ".render.txt" if (command[1] == 'd' && Result == 0) { outfile2Name = ConstructPrimaryOutputFilename(NULL, outfileName, command[1]); free(outfileName); outfileName = strdup(strcat(outfile2Name, ".render.txt")); free(testfileName); testfileName = ConstructPrimaryOutputFilename(infileName, NULL, command[1]); testfileName = strdup(strcat(testfileName, ".render.txt")); if (Result == 0) { if (FilesEqual(testfileName, outfileName) == TRUE) { Message("Test succeeded (secondary result equal to exemplar).\n"); unlink(outfileName); } else { ErrorMessage("Test failed (secondary result not equal to exemplar).\n"); Result = -1; } } } Message("\n"); free(outfileName); free(testfileName); return Result; }
int GetSpellColumns(SharedDatabase *db) { const std::string query = "DESCRIBE spells_new"; auto results = db->QueryDatabase(query); if(!results.Success()) { LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Error in GetSpellColumns query '%s' %s", query.c_str(), results.ErrorMessage().c_str()); return 0; } return results.RowCount(); }
// // This function is called whenever the selection in the WorkerView changes. // If the selection changes to a worker, it displays that worker's access // spec assignment. // void CPageAccess::ShowAssignedAccess() { int m, w, s, mgr_count, wkr_count, spec_count; Manager *mgr; Worker *wkr = NULL; Test_Spec *spec; // Clear the list of assigned access specs. m_LAssignedAccess.DeleteAllItems(); // find out who is selected: All managers, a manager, or a worker. switch ( theApp.pView->m_pWorkerView->GetSelectedType() ) { case ALL_MANAGERS: // Disable the Assigned Access Spec listbox if there are no workers. if ( !theApp.manager_list.WorkerCount() ) { SetAssignedAccess( FALSE ); return; } // Enable the Assigned Access Spec listbox. SetAssignedAccess( TRUE ); // Only display items in the listbox if all the descended workers // have the same access spec list. if ( !theApp.manager_list.AreAccessSpecsIdentical() ) return; // All access specs are the same. Show the specs stored by any worker. // Find a manager with any non-client workers. mgr_count = theApp.manager_list.ManagerCount(); for ( m = 0; m < mgr_count; m++ ) { mgr = theApp.manager_list.GetManager( m ); wkr_count = mgr->WorkerCount(); if ( wkr_count > mgr->WorkerCount( GenericClientType ) ) break; } // Find the manager's first non-client worker. for ( w = 0; w < wkr_count; w++ ) { // Find the first non-client worker. wkr = mgr->GetWorker( w ); if ( !IsType( wkr->Type(), GenericClientType ) ) break; } break; case MANAGER: mgr = theApp.pView->m_pWorkerView->GetSelectedManager(); wkr_count = mgr->WorkerCount(); // Disable the access spec list if there are no non-client workers. if ( wkr_count == mgr->WorkerCount( GenericClientType ) ) { SetAssignedAccess( FALSE ); return; } // Enable the Assigned Access Spec listbox. SetAssignedAccess( TRUE ); // Only display items in the listbox if all the descended workers // have the same access spec list. if ( !mgr->AreAccessSpecsIdentical() ) return; // All the access specs are the same. // Find the first non-client worker. for ( w = 0; w < wkr_count; w++ ) { wkr = mgr->GetWorker( w ); if ( !IsType( wkr->Type(), GenericClientType ) ) break; } break; case WORKER: wkr = theApp.pView->m_pWorkerView->GetSelectedWorker(); if ( IsType( wkr->Type(), GenericClientType ) ) { // Worker is a net client. Display it's net server's spec // assignment, but disable the view. wkr = wkr->net_partner; SetAssignedAccess( FALSE ); } else { SetAssignedAccess( TRUE ); } break; } if ( !wkr ) { ErrorMessage( "No valid worker in CPageAccess::ShowAssignedAccess()." ); return; } // Add the Access Spec to the assigned access spec list view. spec_count = wkr->AccessSpecCount(); for ( s = 0; s < spec_count; s++ ) { spec = wkr->GetAccessSpec( s ); // Set the data portion to pointer to the access spec in the // worker's access spec list. m_LAssignedAccess.InsertItem( LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE, s, spec->name, NULL, LVIS_SELECTED, BLUE, (ULONG_PTR)spec ); } }
int main(void) { int choice; int ret; ret = eXdbmInit(); if(ret==-1) { ErrorMessage(); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } choice=-1; while(choice!=12) { choice = MainMenu(); switch(choice) { case 1 : OpenDatabase(); break; case 2 : NewDatabase(); break; case 3 : CloseDatabase(); break; case 4 : UpdateDatabase(); break; case 5 : BackupDatabase(); break; case 6 : ReloadDatabase(); break; case 7 : PrintDatabase(); break; case 8 : PrintValues(); break; case 9 : AddEntry(); break; case 10: ChangeEntry(); break; case 11 : DeleteEntry(); break; } } printf("\n\nBye bye ...\n"); return(1); }
void OpenSMOKE_ShockTube_Geometry::Setup(const std::string fileName) { int i; std::string label; std::string variable; std::string conversion_x; std::string conversion_y; BzzVector x_vector; BzzVector y_vector; ifstream fInput; openInputFileAndControl(fInput, fileName.c_str()); fInput >> label; if (label != "X") ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: X"); fInput >> label; if (label != "SPACE") ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: SPACE"); fInput >> conversion_x; fInput >> label; if (label != "Y") ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: X"); fInput >> variable; if (variable != "DIAMETER" && variable != "AREA") ErrorMessage("Only the following options are available: DIAMETER || AREA"); fInput >> conversion_y; for(;;) { fInput >> label; if (label == "//") break; x_vector.Append( atof(label.c_str()) ); fInput >> label; y_vector.Append( atof(label.c_str()) ); } // Checking values if (x_vector[1] != 0.) ErrorMessage("The abscissas must start from 0.0"); if (y_vector[1] <= 0.) ErrorMessage("The initial diameter must be larger than 0.0"); // In case of linear profile if (x_vector.Size() == 2) { if (variable == "DIAMETER") { iKind = 1; x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x); y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_y); D0 = y_vector[1]; slope_diameter = (y_vector[2]-y_vector[1]) / x_vector[2]; } else if (variable == "AREA") { iKind = 2; x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x); y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_area(1.0, conversion_y); Area0 = y_vector[1]; slope_area = (y_vector[2]-y_vector[1]) / x_vector[2]; } } else { if (variable == "DIAMETER") { iKind = 3; x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x); y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_y); BzzVector z_vector(x_vector.Size()); for(i=1;i<=x_vector.Size()-1;i++) z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i+1]-y_vector[i]) / (x_vector[i+1]-x_vector[i]); i = x_vector.Size(); z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i]-y_vector[i-1]) / (x_vector[i]-x_vector[i-1]); interpolation_diameter(x_vector, y_vector); interpolation_dDiameter(x_vector, z_vector); } else if (variable == "AREA") { iKind = 4; x_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_length(1.0, conversion_x); y_vector *= OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_area(1.0, conversion_y); BzzVector z_vector(x_vector.Size()); for(i=1;i<=x_vector.Size()-1;i++) z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i+1]-y_vector[i])/(x_vector[i+1]-x_vector[i]); i = x_vector.Size(); z_vector[i] = (y_vector[i]-y_vector[i-1])/(x_vector[i]-x_vector[i-1]); interpolation_area(x_vector, y_vector); interpolation_dArea(x_vector, z_vector); } } }
DB_LIST ChooseParentList(DB_ID dbid) { int choice = 0; char cbuf; char name[256]; char path[16384]; char searchpath[16384]; DB_LIST current = NULL; DB_LIST newlist; strcpy(path, "Root:"); while(1) { while (choice<1 || choice>5) { printf("\n"); printf("Choose the parent's list of the entry : \n\n"); printf("\nCurrent list = %s\n\n", path); printf("1) Root list\n"); printf("2) Get sublist\n"); printf("3) Search sublist recursively\n"); printf("4) Enter full path of list\n"); printf("\n5) Use the current list\n"); printf("\n Your choice ==> "); choice=0; scanf("%d", &choice); if(choice==0) scanf("%c", &cbuf); } switch(choice) { case 1 : strcpy(path,"Root:"); current = NULL; break; case 2: printf("\nEnter sublist name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); newlist = eXdbmGetList(dbid, current, name); if(newlist==NULL) { ErrorMessage(); } else { current = newlist; strcat(path,name); strcat(path,":"); } break; case 3: printf("\nEnter sublist name ==> "); scanf("%s", name); newlist = eXdbmSearchList(dbid, current, name); if(newlist==NULL) { ErrorMessage(); } else { current = newlist; strcat(path, "...:"); strcat(path, name); strcat(path,":"); } break; case 4: printf("\nEnter list path (except Root:) ==> "); scanf("%s", searchpath); newlist = eXdbmPathList(dbid, searchpath); if(newlist==NULL) { ErrorMessage(); } else { current = newlist; strcpy(path, "Root:"); strcat(path, searchpath); strcat(path, ":"); } break; case 5: return(current); } choice=0; } return(NULL); }
inline void OpenSMOKEVector<T, IndexPolicy>::SetValue(const int i, const T value) { if( (i<IndexPolicy::index_) || (i>dimensions_-1+this->index_) ) ErrorMessage("Vector index outside the ranges"); vector_[i] = value; }
void OpenSMOKE_SolidExperiment_DSmoke_Bio::ReadFromFile(const string filename) { string dummy; double dummy_double; string x_type; string y_type; string x_units; string y_units; name_of_file = filename; ifstream fInput; openInputFileAndControl(fInput, filename); solid_names.push_back("solid names"); solid_mass_fraction.push_back(0.); solid_index.push_back(-1); mass_ratio_names.push_back("mass ratio names"); // TODO for(;;) { fInput >> dummy; if (dummy == "PRESSURE") break; if (dummy!="TEMPERATURE") ErrorMessage("Expected: TEMPERATURE - Found: " + dummy); fInput >> dummy_double; fInput >> dummy; times.Append(OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_time(dummy_double, dummy)); fInput >> dummy_double; fInput >> dummy; temperatures.Append(OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_temperature(dummy_double, dummy)); } if (dummy!="PRESSURE") ErrorMessage("Expected: PRESSURE - Found: " + dummy); fInput >> pressure_atm; fInput >> dummy; pressure_atm = OpenSMOKE_Conversions::conversion_pressure(pressure_atm, dummy)/101325.; for(;;) { fInput >> dummy; if (dummy == "X") break; if (dummy != "SOLID_MASS_FRACTION") ErrorMessage("Expected: SOLID_MASS_FRACTION - Found: " + dummy); fInput >> dummy; solid_names.push_back(dummy); fInput >> dummy; solid_mass_fraction.push_back(atof(dummy.c_str())); } fInput >> x_type; if (x_type != "TIME") ErrorMessage("Expected: TIME - Found: " + x_type); fInput >> dummy; if (dummy != "UNITS") ErrorMessage("Expected: UNITS - Found: " + dummy); fInput >> x_units; fInput >> dummy; if (dummy != "Y") ErrorMessage("Expected: Y - Found: " + dummy); fInput >> y_type; if (y_type == "MASS_RATIO") { kind_of_experimental_data = DSMOKE_BIO_MASS_RATIO; for(;;) { fInput >> dummy; if (dummy == "UNITS") break; mass_ratio_names.push_back(dummy); } }