Example #1
std::vector <int> Calculator::Acf (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    std::vector <int> acf {};

    //   |+--|
    // +-|-  |
    //  +|-- |
    //   |+--|
    //   | +-|-
    //   |  +|--
    const int range = stringView.length () - 1;
    for (int i {range}; i >= -range; --i) {
        const int begin {      - i >     0 ?        -i :     0};
        const int end   {range - i < range ? range - i : range};
        int sum {0};
        for (int j {begin}; j <= end; ++j) {
            const int a {stringView [    j] == '+' ? 1 : -1};
            const int b {stringView [i + j] == '+' ? 1 : -1};
            sum += a * b;
        acf.push_back (sum);

    return acf;
Example #2
int Calculator::Ml (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    return stringView.length ();
Example #3
std::string Representer::DetectCodeId (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    const auto family = GenerateCodeFamily (stringView);

    return StringViewToHexView (* std::min_element (family.begin (), family.end () ) );
Example #4
std::vector <int> Calculator::Ccf (const std::string & stringViewOne, const std::string & stringViewTwo)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringViewOne) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringViewTwo) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    std::vector <int> ccf {};

    //    |+-++|
    //  +-|-   |
    //   +|--  |
    //    |+-- |
    //    | +--|
    //    |  +-|-
    //    |   +|--

    //    |+--|
    // +-+|+  |
    //  +-|++ |
    //   +|-++|
    //    |+-+|+
    //    | +-|++
    //    |  +|-++
    const int rangeOne = stringViewOne.length () - 1;
    const int rangeTwo = stringViewTwo.length () - 1;
    for (int i {-rangeTwo}; i <= rangeOne; ++i) {
        const int begin {i <                   0 ?       -i :            0};
        const int end   {i < rangeOne - rangeTwo ? rangeTwo : rangeOne - i};
        int sum {0};
        for (int j {begin}; j <= end; ++j) {
            const int a {stringViewTwo [    j] == '+' ? 1 : -1};
            const int b {stringViewOne [i + j] == '+' ? 1 : -1};
            sum += a * b;
        ccf.push_back (sum);

    return ccf;
Example #5
std::string Representer::ReverseCode (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    std::string reversedStringView (stringView);
    std::reverse (reversedStringView.begin (), reversedStringView.end () );

    return reversedStringView;
Example #6
int Calculator::Psl (const std::string & stringView)
    if (stringView.empty () ) {
        return 0;

    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    const size_t range {stringView.length () - 1};
    std::vector <int> acf {Acf (stringView)};
    std::transform (acf.begin (), acf.begin () + range, acf.begin (), abs);
    return * std::max_element (acf.begin (), acf.begin () + range);
Example #7
std::array <std::string, codeFamilySize> Representer::GenerateCodeFamily (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    std::array <std::string, codeFamilySize> family;

    static_assert (codeFamilySize == 4, "Constant codeFamilySize must be equal to 4 (view, reversed view, inversed view, inversed and reversed view).");
    family [0] = stringView;
    family [1] = ReverseCode (stringView);
    family [2] = InverseCode (stringView);
    family [3] = ReverseCode (InverseCode (stringView) );

    return family;
Example #8
std::string Representer::InverseCode (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    return std::accumulate (stringView.begin (), stringView.end (), std::string (),
                [& stringView](std::string & result, const char & c) {
                    switch (c) {
                        case '+': return result.append ("-");
                        case '-': return result.append ("+");
                        default : return result;
Example #9
int Calculator::Ml (const std::string & stringViewOne, const std::string & stringViewTwo)
    if (stringViewOne.empty ()
     || stringViewTwo.empty () ) {
        return 0;

    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringViewTwo) != viewIsValid
     || Validator::ValidateStringView (stringViewTwo) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    std::vector <int> ccf {Ccf (stringViewOne, stringViewTwo)};
    std::transform (ccf.begin (), ccf.end (), ccf.begin (), abs);
    return * std::max_element (ccf.begin (), ccf.end () );
Example #10
std::string Representer::StringViewToHexView (const std::string & stringView)
    if (Validator::ValidateStringView (stringView) != viewIsValid) {
        throw ExceptionInvalidStringView ();

    constexpr int tetradSize {4};
    std::string hexView;
    const size_t shortageSize {stringView.length () % tetradSize};
    const size_t extendedSize {shortageSize ? tetradSize - shortageSize : 0};
    std::string extendedStringView (extendedSize, '-');
    extendedStringView.append (stringView);

    for (size_t i {0}; i < stringView.length (); i += tetradSize) {
        hexView.append (1, conversionStringToHexTable [extendedStringView.substr(i, tetradSize)]);

    return hexView;