int CollectDataFlow(const std::string &DFTBinary, const std::string &DirPath, const Vector<SizedFile> &CorporaFiles) { Printf("INFO: collecting data flow: bin: %s dir: %s files: %zd\n", DFTBinary.c_str(), DirPath.c_str(), CorporaFiles.size()); MkDir(DirPath); auto Temp = TempPath(".dft"); for (auto &F : CorporaFiles) { // For every input F we need to collect the data flow and the coverage. // Data flow collection may fail if we request too many DFSan tags at once. // So, we start from requesting all tags in range [0,Size) and if that fails // we then request tags in [0,Size/2) and [Size/2, Size), and so on. // Function number => DFT. std::unordered_map<size_t, Vector<uint8_t>> DFTMap; std::unordered_set<std::string> Cov; std::queue<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> Q; Q.push({0, F.Size}); while (!Q.empty()) { auto R = Q.front(); Printf("\n\n\n********* Trying: [%zd, %zd)\n", R.first, R.second); Q.pop(); Command Cmd; Cmd.addArgument(DFTBinary); Cmd.addArgument(std::to_string(R.first)); Cmd.addArgument(std::to_string(R.second)); Cmd.addArgument(F.File); Cmd.addArgument(Temp); Printf("CMD: %s\n", Cmd.toString().c_str()); if (ExecuteCommand(Cmd)) { // DFSan has failed, collect tags for two subsets. if (R.second - R.first >= 2) { size_t Mid = (R.second + R.first) / 2; Q.push({R.first, Mid}); Q.push({Mid, R.second}); } } else { Printf("********* Success: [%zd, %zd)\n", R.first, R.second); std::ifstream IF(Temp); std::string L; while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) { // Data flow collection has succeeded. // Merge the results with the other runs. if (L.empty()) continue; if (L[0] == 'C') { // Take coverage lines as is, they will be the same in all attempts. Cov.insert(L); } else if (L[0] == 'F') { size_t FunctionNum = 0; std::string DFTString; if (ParseDFTLine(L, &FunctionNum, &DFTString)) { auto &DFT = DFTMap[FunctionNum]; if (DFT.empty()) { // Haven't seen this function before, take DFT as is. DFT = DFTStringToVector(DFTString); } else if (DFT.size() == DFTString.size()) { // Have seen this function already, merge DFTs. DFTStringAppendToVector(&DFT, DFTString); } } } } } } auto OutPath = DirPlusFile(DirPath, Hash(FileToVector(F.File))); // Dump combined DFT to disk. Printf("Producing DFT for %s\n", OutPath.c_str()); std::ofstream OF(OutPath); for (auto &DFT: DFTMap) OF << "F" << DFT.first << " " << DFT.second << std::endl; for (auto &C : Cov) OF << C << std::endl; } RemoveFile(Temp); // Write functions.txt. Command Cmd; Cmd.addArgument(DFTBinary); Cmd.setOutputFile(DirPlusFile(DirPath, "functions.txt")); ExecuteCommand(Cmd); return 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATNetworkInfo::StartRequestL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATNetworkInfo::StartRequest() { ExecuteCommand(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATGetManufacturer::StartRequestL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATGetManufacturer::StartRequest() { ExecuteCommand(); }
void ServerCliant::ProcessCommand(QByteArray ClientCommand) { ExecuteCommand(ClientCommand); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- static INT_PTR CALLBACK MainDialogProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { ResetPermissionDialog::hDlg = hWnd; SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDCHK_RESETPERM, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDCHK_DONTFOLLOWLINKS, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDCHK_RECURSE, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); HICON t = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALL)); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)t); LPCTSTR Arg = GetArgs(); if (Arg != NULL) SetFolderText(Arg); #ifdef _DEBUG //else // SetFolderText(_TEXT("C:\\Temp\\perm")); #endif if (Arg != NULL) UpdateCommandText(); return (INT_PTR)TRUE; } case WM_MENUCOMMAND: break; case WM_COMMAND: { #ifdef _DEBUG TCHAR b[1024]; _sntprintf_s(b, _countof(b), _TEXT("WM_COMMAND: wmParam=%08X lParam=%08X\n"), wParam, lParam); OutputDebugString(b); #endif UINT wmId = LOWORD(wParam); UINT wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case IDCHK_RECURSE: case IDCHK_DONTFOLLOWLINKS: case IDCHK_TAKEOWN: case IDCHK_RESETPERM: case IDCHK_RM_HS: { if (wmEvent == BN_CLICKED) { UpdateCommandText(); return TRUE; } break; } case IDM_ADDTOEXPLORERFOLDERRIGHT: case IDM_REMOVEFROMEXPLORERFOLDERCONTEXTMENU: { AddToExplorerContextMenu(wmId == IDM_ADDTOEXPLORERFOLDERRIGHT); break; } case IDBTN_ABOUT: { DialogBox( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX), hDlg, AboutDlgProc); return TRUE; } case IDBTN_CHOOSE_FOLDER: { stringT out; if (BrowseFolder(hDlg, STR_SELECT_FOLDER, out)) { SetFolderText(out.c_str()); UpdateCommandText(); } return TRUE; } case IDBTN_MORE_ACTIONS: { ShowMoreActionsMenu(); return TRUE; } case IDOK: { ExecuteCommand(); return TRUE; } } break; } // Close dialog case WM_CLOSE: { EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
int main() { printf("This sample creates two Lobby2Clients.\n"); printf("They both connect to the server and performs queued operations on startup."); printf("(RANKING AND CLANS NOT YET DONE).\n"); printf("Difficulty: Advanced\n\n"); RakNet::Lobby2ResultCodeDescription::Validate(); /// Do all these operations in this order once we are logged in. /// This is for easier testing. /// This plan will create the database, register two users, and log them both in executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_System_CreateDatabase), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_System_CreateTitle), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_CDKey_Add), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_System_RegisterProfanity), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_RegisterAccount), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Client_RegisterAccount), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_System_SetEmailAddressValidated), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_System_SetEmailAddressValidated), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_Login), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Client_Login), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Emails_Send), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Emails_Get), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // /// Create 2 clans // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_Create), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_Create), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // // Invite to both // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinInvitation), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinInvitation), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_RejectJoinInvitation), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // // Download invitations this clan has sent // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_DownloadInvitationList), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); /* executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Client_SetPresence), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Client_GetAccountDetails), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_PerTitleIntegerStorage), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_PerTitleIntegerStorage), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_StartIgnore), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Client_GetIgnoreList), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Friends_SendInvite), _FILE_AND_LINE_); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Friends_AcceptInvite), _FILE_AND_LINE_); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Ranking_SubmitMatch)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Ranking_SubmitMatch)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Ranking_UpdateRating)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Ranking_GetRating)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Ranking_WipeRatings)); */ // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_Create), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_Get), _FILE_AND_LINE_ ); /* executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SetProperties)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SetMyMemberProperties)); */ /* executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_WithdrawJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_DownloadInvitationList)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_RejectJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_AcceptJoinInvitation)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SetSubleaderStatus)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SetMemberRank)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_GrantLeader)); */ /* executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_WithdrawJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_AcceptJoinRequest)); */ // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinRequest)); // executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_DownloadRequestList)); // TODO - test from here /* executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_RejectJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_AcceptJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_AcceptJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_KickAndBlacklistUser)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_GetBlacklist)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_UnblacklistUser)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(1, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_SendJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_AcceptJoinRequest)); executionPlan.Push(AutoExecutionPlanNode(0, RakNet::L2MID_Clans_GetMembers)); */ /* // TODO L2MID_Clans_CreateBoard, L2MID_Clans_DestroyBoard, L2MID_Clans_CreateNewTopic, L2MID_Clans_ReplyToTopic, L2MID_Clans_RemovePost, L2MID_Clans_GetBoards, L2MID_Clans_GetTopics, L2MID_Clans_GetPosts, */ char ip[64], serverPort[30], clientPort[30]; int i; for (i=0; i < NUM_CONNECTIONS; i++) rakPeer[i]=RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); puts("Enter the rakPeer1 port to listen on"); clientPort[0]=0; RakNet::SocketDescriptor socketDescriptor(atoi(clientPort),0); Gets(clientPort,sizeof(clientPort)); if (clientPort[0]==0) strcpy(clientPort, "0"); puts("Enter IP to connect to");; ip[0]=0; Gets(ip,sizeof(ip)); if (ip[0]==0) strcpy(ip, ""); puts("Enter the port to connect to"); serverPort[0]=0; Gets(serverPort,sizeof(serverPort)); if (serverPort[0]==0) strcpy(serverPort, "61111"); for (i=0; i < NUM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { rakPeer[i]->Startup(1,&socketDescriptor, 1); rakPeer[i]->Connect(ip, atoi(serverPort), 0,0); rakPeer[i]->AttachPlugin(&lobby2Client[i]); lobby2Client[i].SetMessageFactory(&messageFactory); lobby2Client[i].SetCallbackInterface(&callback[i]); testUserName[i]=RakNet::RakString("user%i", i); } RakNet::Packet *packet; // Loop for input while (1) { for (i=0; i < NUM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { RakNet::RakPeerInterface *peer = rakPeer[i]; for (packet=peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet=peer->Receive()) { switch (packet->data[0]) { case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: // Connection lost normally printf("ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION\n"); break; case ID_ALREADY_CONNECTED: // Connection lost normally printf("ID_ALREADY_CONNECTED\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_BANNED: // Banned from this server printf("We are banned from this server.\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED: printf("Connection attempt failed\n"); break; case ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS: // Sorry, the server is full. I don't do anything here but // A real app should tell the user printf("ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS\n"); break; case ID_INVALID_PASSWORD: printf("ID_INVALID_PASSWORD\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: // Couldn't deliver a reliable packet - i.e. the other system was abnormally // terminated printf("ID_CONNECTION_LOST\n"); break; case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: // This tells the rakPeer1 they have connected printf("ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED\n"); int j; for (j=0; j < NUM_CONNECTIONS; j++) lobby2Client[j].SetServerAddress(packet->systemAddress); if (i==NUM_CONNECTIONS-1) { PrintCommands(&messageFactory); printf("Enter instance number 1 to %i followed by command number.\n", NUM_CONNECTIONS); if (executionPlan.Size()) { /// Execute the first command now that both clients have connected. AutoExecutionPlanNode aepn = executionPlan.Pop(); ExecuteCommand(aepn.operation, RakNet::RakString("user%i", aepn.instanceNumber), aepn.instanceNumber); } } break; case ID_LOBBY2_SERVER_ERROR: { RakNet::BitStream bs(packet->data,packet->length,false); bs.IgnoreBytes(2); // ID_LOBBY2_SERVER_ERROR and error code printf("ID_LOBBY2_SERVER_ERROR: "); if (packet->data[1]==RakNet::L2SE_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_ID) { unsigned int messageId; bs.Read(messageId); printf("L2SE_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_ID %i", messageId); } else printf("Unknown"); printf("\n"); } break; } } } // This sleep keeps RakNet responsive RakSleep(30); if (kbhit()) { char ch = getch(); if (ch <= '0' || ch > '9') { printf("Bad instance number\n"); continue; } int instanceNumber = ch - 1 - '0'; if (instanceNumber >= NUM_CONNECTIONS) { printf("Enter between 1 and %i to pick the instance of RakPeer to run\n", 1+NUM_CONNECTIONS); continue; } printf("Enter message number or 'quit' to quit.\n"); char str[128]; Gets(str, sizeof(str)); if (_stricmp(str, "quit")==0) { printf("Quitting.\n"); break; } else { int command = atoi(str); if (command <=0 || command > RakNet::L2MID_COUNT) { printf("Invalid message index %i. Commands:\n", command); PrintCommands(&messageFactory); } else { ExecuteCommand((RakNet::Lobby2MessageID)(command-1), RakNet::RakString("user%i", instanceNumber), instanceNumber); } } } } for (i=0; i < NUM_CONNECTIONS; i++) RakNet::RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(rakPeer[i]); return 0; }
BOOL CCLITerminal::InputStream(CLISESSION *pSession, const unsigned char *pszBuffer, int nLength) { unsigned char cc; int i, nVKey; if (pSession->pWorker != NULL) { // 이미 수행중인 작업이 있는 경우 return TRUE; } for(i=0; i<nLength; i++) { cc = pszBuffer[i]; retry_loop: switch(pSession->nState) { case TS_CR : if (cc == '\n') break; // Do not break pSession->nState = TS_DATA; case TS_DATA : switch(cc) { case 0x00 : break; case IAC : pSession->nState = TS_IAC; break; case KEY_BS : ExecuteBackspace(pSession); break; case KEY_DEL : ExecuteDelete(pSession); break; case KEY_TAB : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; ExecuteTab(pSession); break; case '?' : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; ExecuteInlineHelp(pSession); break; case KEY_ESC : pSession->nState = TS_ESC; break; case KEY_CTRL_D : // exit(0); return FALSE; default : // if (!pSession->nLocalOptions[TELOPT_BINARY] && (cc == '\r')) if (cc == '\r') { if (!ExecuteCommand(pSession)) return FALSE; pSession->nState = TS_CR; break; } if (IsPrintable(cc) && ((pSession->nCmdLength+1)<=CLIMAX_COMMAND_SIZE)) { pSession->szCommand[pSession->nCmdLength] = cc; pSession->nCmdLength++; if (pSession->bNeedUser) WriteChar(pSession, cc); else WriteChar(pSession, pSession->bLogined ? cc : '*'); } break; } break; case TS_ESC : if ((cc != '[') && (cc != 'O')) { pSession->nState = TS_DATA; goto retry_loop; } pSession->nVKeyCount = 0; pSession->nState = TS_ESCSEQ; case TS_ESCSEQ : if (pSession->nVKeyCount >= MAX_VIRTUAL_KEY_SIZE) { pSession->nState = TS_DATA; goto retry_loop; } pSession->szVKeyBuffer[pSession->nVKeyCount] = cc; pSession->nVKeyCount++; pSession->szVKeyBuffer[pSession->nVKeyCount] = '\0'; nVKey = FindVirtualKey(pSession); if (nVKey >= 0) { ExecuteVirtualKey(pSession, nVKey); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; } else if (nVKey == -1) { pSession->nState = TS_DATA; goto retry_loop; } break; case TS_IAC : switch(cc) { case BREAK : case IP : pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case AYT : WriteStream(pSession, (char *)aytreply, strlen((char *)aytreply)); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case AO : WriteStream(pSession, (char *)aoreply, 2); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case EC : WriteStream(pSession, "\b", 1); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case EL : WriteStream(pSession, "\025", 1); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case DM : pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case SB : pSession->nState = TS_SB; break; case WILL : pSession->nState = TS_WILL; break; case WONT : pSession->nState = TS_WONT; break; case DO : pSession->nState = TS_DO; break; case DONT : pSession->nState = TS_DONT; break; case IAC : WriteChar(pSession, cc); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; default : pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; } break; case TS_SB : if (cc == IAC) pSession->nState = TS_SE; break; case TS_SE : pSession->nState = (cc == SE) ? TS_DATA : TS_SB; break; case TS_WILL : //printf("IAC WILL %0d\n", cc); RemoteDoOption(pSession, (int)cc, TRUE, TRUE); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case TS_WONT : //printf("IAC WONT %0d\n", cc); RemoteDoOption(pSession, (int)cc, FALSE, TRUE); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case TS_DO : //printf("IAC DO %0d\n", cc); LocalDoOption(pSession, (int)cc, TRUE, TRUE); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; case TS_DONT : //printf("IAC DONT %0d\n", cc); LocalDoOption(pSession, (int)cc, FALSE, TRUE); pSession->nState = TS_DATA; break; } } return TRUE; }
BOOL CConsoleDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (pMsg->hwnd == editInput.GetSafeHwnd()) { if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) { Select_Deselect(); g_pParentWnd->SetFocus (); return TRUE; } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) { ExecuteCommand(); return TRUE; } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) { if (pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) { g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->SetFocus(); Select_Deselect(); } return TRUE; } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_UP ) { //save off the current in-progress command so we can get back to it if ( saveCurrentCommand == true ) { CString str; editInput.GetWindowText ( str ); currentCommand = str.GetBuffer ( 0 ); saveCurrentCommand = false; } if ( consoleHistory.Num () > 0 ) { editInput.SetWindowText ( consoleHistory[currentHistoryPosition] ); int selLocation = consoleHistory[currentHistoryPosition].Length (); editInput.SetSel ( selLocation , selLocation + 1); } if ( currentHistoryPosition > 0) { --currentHistoryPosition; } return TRUE; } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_DOWN ) { int selLocation = 0; if ( currentHistoryPosition < consoleHistory.Num () - 1 ) { ++currentHistoryPosition; editInput.SetWindowText ( consoleHistory[currentHistoryPosition] ); selLocation = consoleHistory[currentHistoryPosition].Length (); } else { editInput.SetWindowText ( currentCommand ); selLocation = currentCommand.Length (); currentCommand.Clear (); saveCurrentCommand = true; } editInput.SetSel ( selLocation , selLocation + 1); return TRUE; } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB ) { common->Printf ( "Command History\n----------------\n" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < consoleHistory.Num ();i++ ) { common->Printf ( "[cmd %d]: %s\n" , i , consoleHistory[i].c_str() ); } common->Printf ( "----------------\n" ); } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_NEXT) { editConsole.LineScroll ( 10 ); } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_PRIOR ) { editConsole.LineScroll ( -10 ); } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_HOME ) { editConsole.LineScroll ( -editConsole.GetLineCount() ); } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_END ) { editConsole.LineScroll ( editConsole.GetLineCount() ); } } return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
void MemoryCardDriverThreaded_Linux::GetUSBStorageDevices( vector<UsbStorageDevice>& vDevicesOut ) { LOG->Trace( "GetUSBStorageDevices" ); vDevicesOut.clear(); { vector<RString> asDevices; RString sBlockDevicePath = "/sys/block/"; GetFileList( sBlockDevicePath, asDevices ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < asDevices.size(); ++i ) { const RString &sDevice = asDevices[i]; if( sDevice == "." || sDevice == ".." ) continue; UsbStorageDevice usbd; RString sPath = sBlockDevicePath + sDevice + "/"; usbd.sSysPath = sPath; /* Ignore non-removable devices. */ RString sBuf; if( !ReadFile( sPath + "removable", sBuf ) ) continue; // already warned if( atoi(sBuf) != 1 ) continue; /* * The kernel isn't exposing all of /sys atomically, so we end up missing * the partition due to it not being shown yet. It won't show up until the * kernel has scanned the partition table, which can take a variable amount * of time, sometimes over a second. Watch for the "queue" sysfs directory, * which is created after this, to tell when partition directories are created. */ RageTimer WaitUntil; WaitUntil += 5; RString sQueueFilePath = usbd.sSysPath + "queue"; while(1) { if( WaitUntil.Ago() >= 0 ) { LOG->Warn( "Timed out waiting for %s", sQueueFilePath.c_str() ); break; } if( access(usbd.sSysPath, F_OK) == -1 ) { LOG->Warn( "Block directory %s went away while we were waiting for %s", usbd.sSysPath.c_str(), sQueueFilePath.c_str() ); break; } if( access(sQueueFilePath, F_OK) != -1 ) break; usleep(10000); } /* Wait for udev to finish handling device node creation */ ExecuteCommand( "udevadm settle" ); /* If the first partition device exists, eg. /sys/block/uba/uba1, use it. */ if( access(usbd.sSysPath + sDevice + "1", F_OK) != -1 ) { LOG->Trace("OK"); usbd.sDevice = "/dev/" + sDevice + "1"; } else { LOG->Trace("error %s", strerror(errno)); usbd.sDevice = "/dev/" + sDevice; } /* * sPath/device should be a symlink to the actual device. For USB * devices, it looks like this: * * device -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.0 * * "2-1" is "bus-port". */ char szLink[256]; int iRet = readlink( sPath + "device", szLink, sizeof(szLink) ); if( iRet == -1 ) { LOG->Warn( "readlink(\"%s\"): %s", (sPath + "device").c_str(), strerror(errno) ); } else { /* * The full path looks like * * ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb2/2-2/2-2.1/2-2.1:1.0 * * In newer kernels, it looks like: * * ../../../3-2.1:1.0 * * Each path element refers to a new hop in the chain. * "usb2" = second USB host * 2- second USB host, * -2 port 1 on the host, * .1 port 1 on an attached hub * .2 ... port 2 on the next hub ... * * We want the bus number and the port of the last hop. The level is * the number of hops. */ szLink[iRet] = 0; vector<RString> asBits; split( szLink, "/", asBits ); RString sHostPort = asBits[asBits.size()-1]; if( !sHostPort.empty() ) { /* Strip off the endpoint information after the colon. */ size_t pos = sHostPort.find(':'); if( pos != string::npos ) sHostPort.erase( pos ); /* sHostPort is eg. 2-2.1. */ sHostPort.Replace( "-", "." ); asBits.clear(); split( sHostPort, ".", asBits ); if( asBits.size() > 1 ) { usbd.iBus = atoi( asBits[0] ); usbd.iPort = atoi( asBits[asBits.size()-1] ); usbd.iLevel = asBits.size() - 1; } } } if( ReadFile( sPath + "device/../idVendor", sBuf ) ) sscanf( sBuf, "%x", &usbd.idVendor ); if( ReadFile( sPath + "device/../idProduct", sBuf ) ) sscanf( sBuf, "%x", &usbd.idProduct ); if( ReadFile( sPath + "device/../serial", sBuf ) ) { usbd.sSerial = sBuf; TrimRight( usbd.sSerial ); } if( ReadFile( sPath + "device/../product", sBuf ) ) { usbd.sProduct = sBuf; TrimRight( usbd.sProduct ); } if( ReadFile( sPath + "device/../manufacturer", sBuf ) ) { usbd.sVendor = sBuf; TrimRight( usbd.sVendor ); } vDevicesOut.push_back( usbd ); } } { // Find where each device is mounted. Output looks like: // /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash1 auto noauto,owner 0 0 // /dev/sdb1 /mnt/flash2 auto noauto,owner 0 0 // /dev/sdc1 /mnt/flash3 auto noauto,owner 0 0 RString fn = "/rootfs/etc/fstab"; RageFile f; if( !f.Open(fn) ) { LOG->Warn( "can't open '%s': %s", fn.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() ); return; } RString sLine; while( !f.AtEOF() ) { switch( f.GetLine(sLine) ) { case 0: continue; /* eof */ case -1: LOG->Warn( "error reading '%s': %s", fn.c_str(), f.GetError().c_str() ); return; } char szScsiDevice[1024]; char szMountPoint[1024]; int iRet = sscanf( sLine, "%s %s", szScsiDevice, szMountPoint ); if( iRet != 2 || szScsiDevice[0] == '#') continue; // don't process this line /* Get the real kernel device name, which should match * the name from /sys/block, by following symlinks in * /dev. This allows us to specify persistent names in * /etc/fstab using things like /dev/device/by-path. */ char szUnderlyingDevice[PATH_MAX]; if( realpath(szScsiDevice, szUnderlyingDevice) == NULL ) { // "No such file or directory" is understandable if (errno != ENOENT) LOG->Warn( "realpath(\"%s\"): %s", szScsiDevice, strerror(errno) ); continue; } RString sMountPoint = szMountPoint; TrimLeft( sMountPoint ); TrimRight( sMountPoint ); // search for the mountpoint corresponding to the device for( unsigned i=0; i<vDevicesOut.size(); i++ ) { UsbStorageDevice& usbd = vDevicesOut[i]; if( usbd.sDevice == szUnderlyingDevice ) // found our match { // Use the device entry from fstab so the mount command works usbd.sDevice = szScsiDevice; usbd.sOsMountDir = sMountPoint; break; // stop looking for a match } } } } for( unsigned i=0; i<vDevicesOut.size(); i++ ) { UsbStorageDevice& usbd = vDevicesOut[i]; LOG->Trace( " sDevice: %s, iBus: %d, iLevel: %d, iPort: %d, id: %04X:%04X, Vendor: '%s', Product: '%s', sSerial: \"%s\", sOsMountDir: %s", usbd.sDevice.c_str(), usbd.iBus, usbd.iLevel, usbd.iPort, usbd.idVendor, usbd.idProduct, usbd.sVendor.c_str(), usbd.sProduct.c_str(), usbd.sSerial.c_str(), usbd.sOsMountDir.c_str() ); } /* Remove any devices that we couldn't find a mountpoint for. */ for( unsigned i=0; i<vDevicesOut.size(); i++ ) { UsbStorageDevice& usbd = vDevicesOut[i]; if( usbd.sOsMountDir.empty() ) { LOG->Trace( "Ignoring %s (couldn't find in /etc/fstab)", usbd.sDevice.c_str() ); vDevicesOut.erase( vDevicesOut.begin()+i ); --i; } } LOG->Trace( "Done with GetUSBStorageDevices" ); }
void PrintFileAsBase64(const std::string &Path) { std::string Cmd = "base64 -w 0 < " + Path + "; echo"; ExecuteCommand(Cmd); }
bool GuiTextEdit::OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& ke) { if (!IsVisible()) { return false; } // Buttons can generate key events, so this GuiTextEdit object may not have the focus (the button // just clicked would have it). So the last GuiTextEdit to have the focus should accept this key. if (!HasFocus()) { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Key event ignored by " << m_name << " as does not have focus.\n"; #endif return false; } // Is this the current or most recent GuiTextEdit to have focus ? // TODO if (!ke.keyDown) { return true; } switch (ke.keyType) { case AMJU_KEY_CHAR: // Prevent chars like Tab if (ke.key >= ' ') // && ke.key <= (char)127) { Insert(ke.key); } else { // TODO Alert user that character is out of range } break; case AMJU_KEY_UP: case AMJU_KEY_DOWN: // TODO Multi line text break; case AMJU_KEY_LEFT: #ifdef MACOSX if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_ALT) // jump to prev word #else if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_CTRL) #endif { // Prev word if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Prev word + select\n"; #endif m_caret = PrevWord(m_caret); m_triListSelection = 0; } else { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Prev word\n"; #endif m_caret = PrevWord(m_caret); m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; } } else if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Prev char + select\n"; #endif // Select char to left if (m_caret > 0) { m_caret--; m_triListSelection = 0; } } else { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Prev char\n"; #endif if (m_caret > 0) { // Move caret left m_caret--; m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; } } break; case AMJU_KEY_RIGHT: #ifdef MACOSX if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_ALT) // jump to next word #else if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_CTRL) #endif { // Next word if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Next word + select\n"; #endif m_caret = NextWord(m_caret); m_triListSelection = 0; } else { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Next word\n"; #endif m_caret = NextWord(m_caret); m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; } } else if (ke.modifier & AMJU_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Next char + select\n"; #endif if (m_caret < (int)m_text.size()) { m_caret++; m_triListSelection = 0; } } else { #ifdef TEXT_EDIT_DEBUG std::cout << "Next char\n"; #endif if (m_caret < (int)m_text.size()) { m_caret++; m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; } } break; case AMJU_KEY_ENTER: // TODO multi-line ExecuteCommand(); break; case AMJU_KEY_SPACE: Insert(' '); break; case AMJU_KEY_ESC: // OnCancel(); break; case AMJU_KEY_BACKSPACE: { int left = std::min(m_caret, m_selectedText); int right = std::max(m_caret, m_selectedText); if (left == right && m_caret > 0) { left--; } std::string leftStr = m_text.substr(0, left); std::string rightStr = m_text.substr(right); m_text = leftStr + rightStr; m_caret = left; m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; if (m_onChangeFunc) { m_onChangeFunc(this); } m_triList = 0; // force rebuild } break; case AMJU_KEY_DELETE: //if () { int left = std::min(m_caret, m_selectedText); int right = std::max(m_caret, m_selectedText); if (left == right && m_caret < (int)m_text.size()) { right++; } std::string leftStr = m_text.substr(0, left); std::string rightStr = m_text.substr(right); m_text = leftStr + rightStr; m_caret = left; m_selectedText = m_caret; m_triListSelection = 0; if (m_onChangeFunc) { m_onChangeFunc(this); } m_triList = 0; // force rebuild } break; default: #ifdef _DEBUG std::cout << "Unexpected key type: " << ke.keyType << " key: '" << ke.key << "' (int: " << (int)ke.key << ")\n"; #endif // Assert(0); // handle this key ? break; } if (m_caret >= m_last || m_caret <= m_first) { RecalcFirstLast(); } return true; // handled }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CATDetectNetwork::StartRequestL // other items were commented in a header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CATDetectNetwork::StartRequest() { iCommandRunning = ETrue; ExecuteCommand(); }
ECommandResult::Type FProvider::Execute( const TSharedRef<ISourceControlOperation, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& InOperation, const TArray<FString>& InFiles, EConcurrency::Type InConcurrency, const FSourceControlOperationComplete& InOperationCompleteDelegate ) { // the "Connect" operation is the only operation that can be performed while the // provider is disabled, if the operation is successful the provider will be enabled if (!IsEnabled() && (InOperation->GetName() != OperationNames::Connect)) { return ECommandResult::Failed; } // attempt to create a worker to perform the requested operation FWorkerPtr WorkerPtr = CreateWorker(InOperation->GetName()); if (!WorkerPtr.IsValid()) { // apparently we don't support this particular operation FFormatNamedArguments Arguments; Arguments.Add(TEXT("OperationName"), FText::FromName(InOperation->GetName())); Arguments.Add(TEXT("ProviderName"), FText::FromName(GetName())); LogError( FText::Format( LOCTEXT( "UnsupportedOperation", "Operation '{OperationName}' not supported by source control provider '{ProviderName}'" ), Arguments ) ); return ECommandResult::Failed; } auto* Command = new FCommand( GetWorkingDirectory(), AbsoluteContentDirectory, InOperation, WorkerPtr.ToSharedRef(), InOperationCompleteDelegate ); TArray<FString> AbsoluteFiles; if (InOperation->GetName() == OperationNames::Connect) { AbsoluteFiles.Add(Settings.GetMercurialPath()); } else if (InOperation->GetName() == OperationNames::MarkForAdd) { TArray<FString> AbsoluteLargeFiles; PrepareFilenamesForAddCommand(InFiles, AbsoluteFiles, AbsoluteLargeFiles); if (AbsoluteLargeFiles.Num() > 0) { Command->SetAbsoluteLargeFiles(AbsoluteLargeFiles); } } else { for (const auto& Filename : InFiles) { AbsoluteFiles.Add(FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(Filename)); } } if (AbsoluteFiles.Num() > 0) { Command->SetAbsoluteFiles(AbsoluteFiles); } if (InConcurrency == EConcurrency::Synchronous) { auto Result = ExecuteSynchronousCommand(Command, InOperation->GetInProgressString()); delete Command; return Result; } else { return ExecuteCommand(Command, true); } }
//---------------------------------------------- // execute menu item command //---------------------------------------------- Bool TLMenu::TMenuController::ExecuteMenuItem(TRefRef MenuItemRef) { TPtr<TMenuItem> pMenuItem = GetMenuItem(MenuItemRef); if ( !pMenuItem ) { TLDebug_Break("No such menu item"); return FALSE; } // get command of menu item TRefRef MenuCommand = pMenuItem->GetMenuCommand(); TRefRef AudioRef = pMenuItem->GetAudioRef();; // open-menu command if ( MenuCommand == "Open" ) { // Already has a queued command? if(m_QueuedCommand.GetRef().IsValid()) return FALSE; // Queue up the command. m_QueuedCommand.SetRef(MenuCommand); m_QueuedCommand.SetTypeRef(pMenuItem->GetNextMenu()); } else if ( MenuCommand == "Close" ) { // Already has a queued command? if(m_QueuedCommand.GetRef().IsValid()) return FALSE; // Queue up the command. m_QueuedCommand.SetRef(MenuCommand); } else { // do non standard command if ( !ExecuteCommand( MenuCommand, pMenuItem->GetData() ) ) return FALSE; } // Valid audio to play? // Create menu audio for command execution // gr: this should go in menu renderer code, not menu logic code if(AudioRef.IsValid()) { TLMessaging::TMessage Message(TLCore::InitialiseRef); Message.ExportData("Asset", AudioRef); Message.ExportData("Play", TRUE); Message.ExportData("RateOfDecay", 0.0f); // Make 2D Message.ExportData("MinRange", 100000.0f); Message.ExportData("MaxRange", 100000.0f); TLAudio::g_pAudiograph->StartAudio(MenuCommand, AudioRef); } // publish that command has been executed OnMenuItemExecuted( MenuCommand, pMenuItem->GetData() ); return TRUE; }
void ProcUtils::GetChildren(long pid, std::vector<long> &proclist) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ OSVERSIONINFO osver ; // Check to see if were running under Windows95 or // Windows NT. osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( osver ) ; if ( !GetVersionEx( &osver ) ) { return; } if ( osver.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { return; } //get child processes of this node HANDLE hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (!hProcessSnap) { return; } //Fill in the size of the structure before using it. PROCESSENTRY32 pe; memset(&pe, 0, sizeof(pe)); pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // Walk the snapshot of the processes, and for each process, // kill it if its parent is pid. if (!Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe)) { // Can't get first process. CloseHandle (hProcessSnap); return; } //loop over all processes and collect all the processes their parent //pid matches PID do { if ((long)pe.th32ParentProcessID == pid) { proclist.push_back((long)pe.th32ProcessID); } } while (Process32Next (hProcessSnap, &pe)); CloseHandle (hProcessSnap); #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) kvm_t *kvd; struct kinfo_proc *ki; int nof_procs, i; if (!(kvd = kvm_openfiles(_PATH_DEVNULL, _PATH_DEVNULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, NULL))) return; if (!(ki = kvm_getprocs(kvd, KERN_PROC_PROC, pid, &nof_procs))) { kvm_close(kvd); return; } for (i=0; i<nof_procs; i++) { ProcessEntry entry; if (ki[i].ki_ppid == pid) proclist.push_back(ki[i].ki_pid); } kvm_close(kvd); #else //GTK and other wxArrayString output; #ifdef __WXGTK__ ExecuteCommand(wxT("ps -A -o pid,ppid --no-heading"), output); #else ExecuteCommand(wxT("ps -A -o pid,ppid "), output); #endif //parse the output and search for our process ID for (size_t i=0; i< output.GetCount(); i++) { long lpid(0); long lppid(0); wxString line = output.Item(i); //remove whitespaces line = line.Trim().Trim(false); //get the process ID wxString spid = line.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')); spid.ToLong( &lpid ); //get the process Parent ID wxString sppid = line.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')); sppid.ToLong( &lppid ); if (lppid == pid) { proclist.push_back(lpid); } } #endif }
BOOL CPropPageRestore::RestoreProject() { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; // get installation path: install path + Engineering\bin CString strCmdLine; CString strInstallPath; CString strBackupPath(m_strBackupPath); size_t sizeInstDir = MAX_PATH; if(S_OK != UTIL_GetInstallPath(strInstallPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), &sizeInstDir)) { return bReturn; } strInstallPath.ReleaseBuffer(); strInstallPath += _T("Engineering\\bin"); if(m_iSource == TARGET_MODE) { m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Upload from Target ...")); // get temporary backup path CString strTempPath; CString strFileName; VERIFY(::GetTempPath(_MAX_PATH, strTempPath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH))); strTempPath.ReleaseBuffer(); VERIFY(::GetTempFileName(strTempPath, "bar", 1, strFileName.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH))); strFileName.ReleaseBuffer(); strBackupPath = strFileName; ::DeleteFile(strBackupPath); // delete temporary backup file m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Upload from Target ...")); // upload backup file from target CString strTargetType = m_pMainSheet->GetTargetType(); CString strTargetControl = m_pMainSheet->GetControlString(m_strAddress); if(UploadProject(strBackupPath, strTargetControl, strTargetType)) { m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Upload Done")); } else { AfxMessageBox(_T("Could not upload project"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } } // build command line CString strExe; CString strParam; CString strPassword; strExe.Format(_T("\"%s\\4cbar.exe\""), strInstallPath); if(!m_strPassword.IsEmpty()) { strPassword.Format(_T(" -encrypt \"%s\""), m_strPassword); } strExe.Format(_T("\"%s\\4cbar.exe\""), strInstallPath); strParam.Format(_T(" -project \"%s\" -restore \"%s\" -file%s"), m_strProjectPath, strBackupPath, strPassword); strCmdLine = strExe + strParam; // execute command m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Restore from File ...")); TRACE("%s", strCmdLine); int iRet = ExecuteCommand(strCmdLine); if(iRet != ST_OK) { CString strMessage = _T("Restore failed"); CString strReason; switch(iRet) { case 502: strReason = _T("Project directory already exists."); break; case 503: strReason = _T("Invalid archive format."); break; case 507: strReason = _T("Wrong encryption password."); break; case 600: strReason = _T("Wrong format or encryption password missing."); break; } if(!strReason.IsEmpty()) { strMessage += _T(":\n") + strReason; } else { strReason = strMessage; } AfxMessageBox(strMessage); m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(strReason); return FALSE; } if(!LoadTargetInfoList(m_strProjectPath, TRUE)) { m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Could not read target info. OPC-Configuration not restored")); if(m_iSource == TARGET_MODE) { ::DeleteFile(strBackupPath); // delete temporary backup file } return FALSE; } if(iRet == ST_OK) { if(m_bOPCServerConfig) { TTargetInfo* pTargetInfo; CString strErrMessage; CString strErrTargets; BOOL bError; POSITION pos = m_tTargetInfoList.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { bError = FALSE; pTargetInfo = m_tTargetInfoList.GetNext(pos); if(CopyOPCServerConfig(pTargetInfo, m_strProjectPath) != ST_OK) { bError = TRUE; } if(PatchOPCServerRegistry(pTargetInfo, m_strProjectPath) != ST_OK) { bError = TRUE; } if(bError) { if(!strErrTargets.IsEmpty()) { strErrTargets += _T(", "); } strErrTargets += pTargetInfo->strTargetName; } } if(strErrTargets.IsEmpty()) { bReturn = TRUE; } else { strErrMessage.Format(IDS_ERR_RESTORE_OPC_CONFIG, strErrTargets); m_pMainSheet->SetStatusText(_T("Error: could not restore OPC configuration")); ::AfxMessageBox(strErrMessage, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { // nothing to do -> ok bReturn = TRUE; } } if(m_iSource == TARGET_MODE) { ::DeleteFile(strBackupPath); // delete temporary backup file } return bReturn; }
// The front SD slot IPCCommandResult CWII_IPC_HLE_Device_sdio_slot0::IOCtl(u32 _CommandAddress) { u32 Cmd = Memory::Read_U32(_CommandAddress + 0xC); u32 BufferIn = Memory::Read_U32(_CommandAddress + 0x10); u32 BufferInSize = Memory::Read_U32(_CommandAddress + 0x14); u32 BufferOut = Memory::Read_U32(_CommandAddress + 0x18); u32 BufferOutSize = Memory::Read_U32(_CommandAddress + 0x1C); // As a safety precaution we fill the out buffer with zeros to avoid // returning nonsense values Memory::Memset(BufferOut, 0, BufferOutSize); u32 ReturnValue = 0; switch (Cmd) { case IOCTL_WRITEHCR: { u32 reg = Memory::Read_U32(BufferIn); u32 val = Memory::Read_U32(BufferIn + 16); DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_WRITEHCR 0x%08x - 0x%08x", reg, val); if (reg >= 0x200) { DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_WRITEHCR out of range"); break; } if ((reg == HCR_CLOCKCONTROL) && (val & 1)) { // Clock is set to oscillate, enable bit 1 to say it's stable m_Registers[reg] = val | 2; } else if ((reg == HCR_SOFTWARERESET) && val) { // When a reset is specified, the register gets cleared m_Registers[reg] = 0; } else { // Default to just storing the new value m_Registers[reg] = val; } } break; case IOCTL_READHCR: { u32 reg = Memory::Read_U32(BufferIn); if (reg >= 0x200) { DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_READHCR out of range"); break; } u32 val = m_Registers[reg]; DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_READHCR 0x%08x - 0x%08x", reg, val); // Just reading the register Memory::Write_U32(val, BufferOut); } break; case IOCTL_RESETCARD: DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_RESETCARD"); if (m_Card) m_Status |= CARD_INITIALIZED; // Returns 16bit RCA and 16bit 0s (meaning success) Memory::Write_U32(0x9f620000, BufferOut); break; case IOCTL_SETCLK: { DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_SETCLK"); // libogc only sets it to 1 and makes sure the return isn't negative... // one half of the sdclk divisor: a power of two or zero. u32 clock = Memory::Read_U32(BufferIn); if (clock != 1) INFO_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "Setting to %i, interesting", clock); } break; case IOCTL_SENDCMD: INFO_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_SENDCMD %x IPC:%08x", Memory::Read_U32(BufferIn), _CommandAddress); ReturnValue = ExecuteCommand(BufferIn, BufferInSize, 0, 0, BufferOut, BufferOutSize); break; case IOCTL_GETSTATUS: if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_WiiSDCard) m_Status |= CARD_INSERTED; else m_Status = CARD_NOT_EXIST; INFO_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_GETSTATUS. Replying that SD card is %s%s", (m_Status & CARD_INSERTED) ? "inserted" : "not present", (m_Status & CARD_INITIALIZED) ? " and initialized" : ""); Memory::Write_U32(m_Status, BufferOut); break; case IOCTL_GETOCR: DEBUG_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "IOCTL_GETOCR"); Memory::Write_U32(0x80ff8000, BufferOut); break; default: ERROR_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "Unknown SD IOCtl command (0x%08x)", Cmd); break; } // INFO_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "InBuffer"); // DumpCommands(BufferIn, BufferInSize / 4, LogTypes::WII_IPC_SD); // INFO_LOG(WII_IPC_SD, "OutBuffer"); // DumpCommands(BufferOut, BufferOutSize/4, LogTypes::WII_IPC_SD); if (ReturnValue == RET_EVENT_REGISTER) { // async m_event.addr = _CommandAddress; Memory::Write_U32(0, _CommandAddress + 0x4); // Check if the condition is already true EventNotify(); return GetNoReply(); } else if (ReturnValue == RET_EVENT_UNREGISTER) { // release returns 0 // unknown sd int // technically we do it out of order, oh well EnqueueReply(m_event.addr, EVENT_INVALID); m_event.addr = 0; m_event.type = EVENT_NONE; Memory::Write_U32(0, _CommandAddress + 0x4); return GetDefaultReply(); } else { Memory::Write_U32(ReturnValue, _CommandAddress + 0x4); return GetDefaultReply(); } }
// Handle external test scripts. We support three kinds, makefiles (rl.mak), // command shell (dotest.cmd), and JScript (*.js). // // Standardized makefiles have the following targets: // clean: delete all generated files // build: build the test (OPT=compile options) // run: run the test // copy: copy the generated files to a subdirectory (COPYDIR=subdir) // int DoOneExternalTest( CDirectory* pDir, TestVariant *pTestVariant, const char *optFlags, const char *inCCFlags, const char *inLinkFlags, const char *testCmd, ExternalTestKind kind, BOOL fSyncVariationWhenFinished, BOOL fCleanBefore, BOOL fCleanAfter, BOOL fSuppressNoGPF, void *envFlags, DWORD millisecTimeout ) { #define NMAKE "nmake -nologo -R -f " char full[MAX_PATH]; char cmdbuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char ccFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char linkFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char nogpfFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char optReportBuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char nonZeroReturnBuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; const char *reason = NULL; time_t start_variation; UINT elapsed_variation; time_t start_build_variation; UINT elapsed_build_variation; LARGE_INTEGER start_run, end_run, frequency; UINT elapsed_run; BOOL fFailed = FALSE; BOOL fDumpOutputFile = FVerbose; BOOL fFileToDelete = FALSE; int cmdResult; static unsigned int testCount = 0; unsigned int localTestCount = InterlockedIncrement(&testCount); // Avoid conditionals by copying/creating ccFlags appropriately. if (inCCFlags) { if (pDir->HasTestInfoData(TIK_SOURCE_PATH)) { sprintf_s(ccFlags, " %s -baselinePath:%s", inCCFlags, pDir->GetDirectoryPath()); } else { sprintf_s(ccFlags, " %s", inCCFlags); } } else { ccFlags[0] = '\0'; } switch (TargetMachine) { case TM_WVM: case TM_WVMX86: case TM_WVM64: strcat_s(ccFlags, " /BC "); break; } if (inLinkFlags) strcpy_s(linkFlags, inLinkFlags); else linkFlags[0] = '\0'; sprintf_s(optReportBuf, "%s%s%s", optFlags, *linkFlags ? ";" : "", linkFlags); // Update the status. sprintf_s(buf, " (%s)", optReportBuf); ThreadInfo[ThreadId].SetCurrentTest(pDir->GetDirectoryName(), buf, pDir->IsBaseline()); UpdateTitleStatus(); // Make sure the file that will say pass or fail is not present. sprintf_s(full, "%s\\testout%d", pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), localTestCount); DeleteFileIfFound(full); start_variation = time(NULL); if (kind == TK_MAKEFILE) { Message(""); // newline Message("Processing %s with '%s' flags", testCmd, optReportBuf); Message(""); // newline if (FTest) { return 0; } if (fCleanBefore) { // Clean the directory. sprintf_s(cmdbuf, NMAKE"%s clean", testCmd); Message(cmdbuf); ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); } FillNoGPFFlags(nogpfFlags, fSuppressNoGPF); // Build the test. start_build_variation = time(NULL); sprintf_s(cmdbuf, NMAKE"%s build OPT=\"%s %s%s\" LINKFLAGS=\"%s %s %s\"", testCmd, optFlags, EXTRA_CC_FLAGS, ccFlags, LINKFLAGS, linkFlags, nogpfFlags); if (strlen(cmdbuf) > BUFFER_SIZE - 1) Fatal("Buffer overrun"); Message(cmdbuf); fFailed = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); elapsed_build_variation = (int)(time(NULL) - start_build_variation); if (Timing & TIME_VARIATION) { Message("RL: Variation elapsed time (build) (%s, %s, %s): %02d:%02d", pDir->GetDirectoryName(), "rl.mak", optReportBuf, elapsed_build_variation / 60, elapsed_build_variation % 60); } if (fFailed) { reason = "build failure"; goto logFailure; } // Run the test. QueryPerformanceCounter(&start_run); sprintf_s(cmdbuf, NMAKE"%s run", testCmd); Message(cmdbuf); cmdResult = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf, millisecTimeout); QueryPerformanceCounter(&end_run); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); elapsed_run = (int) (((end_run.QuadPart - start_run.QuadPart) * 1000UI64) / frequency.QuadPart); if (Timing & TIME_VARIATION) { Message("RL: Variation elapsed time (run) (%s, %s, %s): %02d:%02d.%03d", pDir->GetDirectoryName(), "rl.mak", optReportBuf, elapsed_run / 60000, (elapsed_run % 60000)/1000, elapsed_run % 1000); } } else if (kind == TK_CMDSCRIPT) { // Build up the test command string sprintf_s(cmdbuf, "%s %s %s%s >testout%d", testCmd, optFlags, EXTRA_CC_FLAGS, ccFlags, localTestCount); Message("Running '%s'", cmdbuf); if (FTest) { return 0; } cmdResult = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf, millisecTimeout, envFlags); } else if (kind == TK_JSCRIPT || kind==TK_HTML || kind == TK_COMMAND) { char tempExtraCCFlags[MAX_PATH*2] = {0}; // Only append when EXTRA_CC_FLAGS isn't empty. if (EXTRA_CC_FLAGS[0]) { // Append test case unique identifier to the end of EXTRA_CC_FLAGS. if (FAppendTestNameToExtraCCFlags) { sprintf_s(tempExtraCCFlags, "%s.%s", EXTRA_CC_FLAGS, pTestVariant->[TIK_FILES]); } else { strcpy_s(tempExtraCCFlags, EXTRA_CC_FLAGS); } } const char* cmd = JCBinary; if (kind != TK_JSCRIPT && kind != TK_HTML) { cmd = pTestVariant->[TIK_COMMAND]; } sprintf_s(cmdbuf, "%s %s %s %s %s >%s 2>&1", cmd, optFlags, tempExtraCCFlags, ccFlags, testCmd, full); Message("Running '%s'", cmdbuf); if(FTest) { DeleteFileIfFound(full); return 0; } cmdResult = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetFullPathFromSourceOrDirectory(), cmdbuf, millisecTimeout, envFlags); if (cmdResult && cmdResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT && !pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]) // failure code, not baseline diffing { fFailed = TRUE; sprintf_s(nonZeroReturnBuf, "non-zero (%08X) return value from test command", cmdResult); reason = nonZeroReturnBuf; goto logFailure; } } else { ASSERTNR(UNREACHED); cmdResult = NOERROR; // calm compiler warning about uninitialized variable usage } // Check for timeout. if (cmdResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { ASSERT(millisecTimeout != INFINITE); sprintf_s(nonZeroReturnBuf, "timed out after %u second%s", millisecTimeout / 1000, millisecTimeout == 1000 ? "" : "s"); reason = nonZeroReturnBuf; fFailed = TRUE; goto logFailure; } // If we have a baseline test, we need to check the baseline file. if (pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]) { char baseline_file[_MAX_PATH]; sprintf_s(baseline_file, "%s\\%s", pDir->GetFullPathFromSourceOrDirectory(), pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]); if (DoCompare(baseline_file, full, pTestVariant->testInfo.hasData[TIK_EOL_NORMALIZATION])) { reason = "diffs from baseline"; sprintf_s(optReportBuf, "%s", baseline_file); fFailed = TRUE; CopyRebaseFile(full, baseline_file); } } else if ((kind == TK_JSCRIPT || kind == TK_HTML || kind == TK_COMMAND) && !pTestVariant->testInfo.hasData[TIK_BASELINE]) { if (!CheckForPass(full, optReportBuf, cmdbuf, fDumpOutputFile)) { fFailed = TRUE; goto SkipLogFailure; } } logFailure: if (fFailed) { LogOut("ERROR: Test failed to run correctly: %s (%s):", reason, optReportBuf); LogOut(" %s", cmdbuf); if (fDumpOutputFile) { DumpFileToLog(full); } } SkipLogFailure: if (fFileToDelete && !FNoDelete) { DeleteFileRetryMsg(full); } elapsed_variation = (int)(time(NULL) - start_variation); if (Timing & TIME_VARIATION) { Message("RL: Variation elapsed time (%s, %s, %s): %02d:%02d", pDir->GetDirectoryName(), kind == TK_MAKEFILE ? "rl.mak" : "dotest.cmd", optReportBuf, elapsed_variation / 60, elapsed_variation % 60); } if (kind == TK_MAKEFILE) { // If the test failed and we are asked to copy the failures, do so. if (fFailed && FCopyOnFail) { sprintf_s(cmdbuf, NMAKE"%s copy COPYDIR=\"fail.%s.%s\"", testCmd, optFlags, linkFlags); Message(cmdbuf); ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); } // Clean up after ourselves. if (!FNoDelete && (fFailed || fCleanAfter)) { sprintf_s(cmdbuf, NMAKE"%s clean", testCmd); Message(cmdbuf); ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); } } if (FSyncVariation) { if (FRLFE && fFailed) { RLFEAddLog(pDir, RLFES_FAILED, testCmd, optReportBuf, ThreadOut->GetText()); } if (fSyncVariationWhenFinished) FlushOutput(); } DeleteFileIfFound(full); return fFailed ? -1 : 0; }
BOOL CCLITerminal::ExecuteVirtualKey(CLISESSION *pSession, int nVKey) { if (m_pCLIService->GetRunLevel() == RUNLEVEL_DEBUG) return TRUE; switch(pSession->nVKey) { case VKEY_F1 : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; strcpy(pSession->szCommand, (char *)m_pCLIService->m_szVirtualKey[0]); WriteStream(pSession, pSession->szCommand); pSession->nCmdLength = strlen(pSession->szCommand); ExecuteCommand(pSession, FALSE, FALSE); break; case VKEY_F2 : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; strcpy(pSession->szCommand, (char *)m_pCLIService->m_szVirtualKey[1]); WriteStream(pSession, pSession->szCommand); pSession->nCmdLength = strlen(pSession->szCommand); ExecuteCommand(pSession, FALSE, FALSE); break; case VKEY_F3 : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; strcpy(pSession->szCommand, (char *)m_pCLIService->m_szVirtualKey[2]); WriteStream(pSession, pSession->szCommand); pSession->nCmdLength = strlen(pSession->szCommand); ExecuteCommand(pSession, FALSE, FALSE); break; case VKEY_F4 : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; strcpy(pSession->szCommand, (char *)m_pCLIService->m_szVirtualKey[3]); WriteStream(pSession, pSession->szCommand); pSession->nCmdLength = strlen(pSession->szCommand); ExecuteCommand(pSession, FALSE, FALSE); break; case VKEY_UP : if (!pSession->bLogined || (pSession->nCurHistory <= 0)) break; pSession->nCurHistory--; ReplaceCommand(pSession, pSession->pszHistory[pSession->nCurHistory]); break; case VKEY_DOWN : if (!pSession->bLogined) break; if (pSession->nCurHistory >= pSession->nHistoryCount) { if (pSession->nCmdLength != 0) ReplaceCommand(pSession, ""); break; } pSession->nCurHistory++; ReplaceCommand(pSession, pSession->pszHistory[pSession->nCurHistory]); break; case VKEY_LEFT : break; case VKEY_RIGHT : break; case VKEY_HOME : break; case VKEY_END : break; case VKEY_USERMENU : if (pSession->nMode == CLIMODE_USER) break; if (pSession->nType == CLITYPE_TELNET) break; pSession->nMode = CLIMODE_USER; DisplayUserMenu(pSession); break; } return TRUE; }
BOOL DoOneSimpleTest( CDirectory *pDir, Test * pTest, TestVariant * pTestVariant, const char *optFlags, const char *inCCFlags, const char *inLinkFlags, BOOL fSyncVariationWhenFinished, BOOL fCleanAfter, BOOL fLinkOnly, // relink only BOOL fSuppressNoGPF, DWORD millisecTimeout ) { int rc; char *p = NULL; char cmdbuf[BUFFER_SIZE*2]; char ccFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char linkFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char nogpfFlags[BUFFER_SIZE]; char optReportBuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char full[MAX_PATH]; char exebuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char fullexebuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char failDir[BUFFER_SIZE]; char copyName[BUFFER_SIZE]; char tmp_file1[MAX_PATH]; char tmp_file2[MAX_PATH]; time_t start_variation; UINT elapsed_variation; BOOL fFailed; void *envFlags = GetEnvFlags(pTestVariant); // Avoid conditionals by copying/creating ccFlags appropriately. if (inCCFlags) sprintf_s(ccFlags, " %s", inCCFlags); else ccFlags[0] = '\0'; switch (TargetMachine) { case TM_WVM: case TM_WVMX86: case TM_WVM64: strcat_s(ccFlags, " /BC "); break; } if (inLinkFlags) strcpy_s(linkFlags, inLinkFlags); else linkFlags[0] = '\0'; sprintf_s(optReportBuf, "%s%s%s", optFlags, *linkFlags ? ";" : "", linkFlags); // Figure out the exe name and path strcpy_s(exebuf, pTest->name); p = strrchr(exebuf, '.'); if (p != NULL) { strcpy_s(p + 1, REMAININGARRAYLEN(exebuf, p + 1), "exe"); } else { strcat_s(exebuf, ".exe"); } sprintf_s(fullexebuf, "%s\\%s", pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), exebuf); start_variation = time(NULL); // Build up the compile command string. sprintf_s(cmdbuf, "%s %s%s %s", REGR_CL, optFlags, ccFlags, EXTRA_CC_FLAGS); for (StringList * pFile = pTest->files; pFile != NULL; pFile = pFile->next) { strcat_s(cmdbuf, " "); strcat_s(cmdbuf, pFile->string); // If we're only relinking, hammer the extension to .obj if (fLinkOnly) { p = strrchr(cmdbuf, '.'); sprintf_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(cmdbuf, p), ".obj"); } } // Build the link option string. if (LINKFLAGS && LINKFLAGS[0] != '\0') { strcat_s(linkFlags, " "); strcat_s(linkFlags, LINKFLAGS); } FillNoGPFFlags(nogpfFlags, fSuppressNoGPF); strcat_s(linkFlags, nogpfFlags); switch (TargetMachine) { case TM_X86: case TM_IA64: case TM_AMD64: case TM_AMD64SYS: case TM_AM33: case TM_ARM: case TM_ARM64: case TM_THUMB: case TM_M32R: case TM_MIPS: case TM_SH3: case TM_SH4: case TM_SH5M: case TM_SH5C: case TM_WVMX86: if (*linkFlags) { strcat_s(cmdbuf, " /link "); strcat_s(cmdbuf, linkFlags); } break; case TM_WVM: strcat_s(cmdbuf, " /c "); break; case TM_PPCWCE: if (*linkFlags) { strcat_s(cmdbuf, " "); strcat_s(cmdbuf, linkFlags); } break; } sprintf_s(buf, "%s (%s)", pTest->name, optReportBuf); ThreadInfo[ThreadId].SetCurrentTest(pDir->GetDirectoryName(), buf, pDir->IsBaseline()); UpdateTitleStatus(); // Remove exe if it's already there. We have to keep trying to delete it // until it's gone, or else the link will fail (if it is somehow still in // use). DeleteFileRetryMsg(fullexebuf); if (FTest) { Message("%s", cmdbuf); if (pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]) { Message(" (baseline %s)", pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]); } return 0; } // Do the compile. Message("Compiling:"); Message(" %s", cmdbuf); rc = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); // Some machines require separate linking of the // compiler and/or assembler output. if (rc == 0) { switch (TargetMachine) { case TM_WVM: // Build up the linker command string. strcpy_s(cmdbuf, LINKER); for (StringList * pFile = pTest->files; pFile != NULL; pFile = pFile->next) { strcat_s(cmdbuf, " "); strcat_s(cmdbuf, pFile->string); p = strrchr(cmdbuf, '.'); strcpy_s(p + 1, REMAININGARRAYLEN(cmdbuf, p + 1), "obj"); } if (linkFlags) { strcat_s(cmdbuf, " "); strcat_s(cmdbuf, linkFlags); } // Do the link. Message("Linking:"); Message(" %s", cmdbuf); ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), cmdbuf); break; default: break; } } // See if the compile succeeded by checking for the existence // of the executable. if ((rc != 0) || GetFileAttributes(fullexebuf) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { LogOut("ERROR: Test failed to compile or link (%s):", optReportBuf); LogOut(" %s", cmdbuf); fFailed = TRUE; goto logFailure; } // Run the resulting exe. if (TargetVM) { strcpy_s(buf, TargetVM); strcat_s(buf, " "); strcat_s(buf, exebuf); // Copy the VM command to cmdbuf, so we get a useful error message // in the log file if test fails. strcpy_s(cmdbuf, buf); } else { strcpy_s(buf, exebuf); } // We need some temporary files. // Note: these are full pathnames, not relative pathnames. Also, note that // mytmpnam creates the file to be used. To avoid losing that file, and // risking another program using it, don't delete the file before use. // We currently delete the file before running the test, so we can see if // the test ever creates it. We should probably create the temp files in // the same directory as the test, since we guarantee that no other copies // of RL are running in the same directory. if (mytmpnam(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), TMP_PREFIX, tmp_file1) == NULL || mytmpnam(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), TMP_PREFIX, tmp_file2) == NULL) { Fatal("Unable to create temporary files"); } ThreadInfo[ThreadId].AddToTmpFileList(tmp_file1); ThreadInfo[ThreadId].AddToTmpFileList(tmp_file2); if (FVerbose) Message("INFO: tmp file 1 = %s, tmp file 2 = %s", tmp_file1, tmp_file2); Message("Running the test (%s)", buf); strcat_s(buf, " > "); strcat_s(buf, tmp_file1); // Make sure the output file isn't there. DeleteFileIfFound(tmp_file1); fFailed = FALSE; // Check for timeout. { int retval = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), buf, millisecTimeout, envFlags); if (retval == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { ASSERT(millisecTimeout != INFINITE); LogOut("ERROR: Test timed out after %ul seconds", millisecTimeout / 1000); fFailed = TRUE; goto logFailure; } } // Check the output. if (pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]) { int spiff_ret; // Check to see if the exe ran at all. if (GetFileAttributes(tmp_file1) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { LogOut("ERROR: Test failed to run. Couldn't find file '%s' (%s):", tmp_file1, optReportBuf); LogOut(" %s", cmdbuf); fFailed = TRUE; } else { sprintf_s(full, "%s\\%s", pDir->GetFullPathFromSourceOrDirectory(), pTestVariant->[TIK_BASELINE]); if (DoCompare(tmp_file1, full, pTestVariant->testInfo.hasData[TIK_EOL_NORMALIZATION])) { // Output differs, run spiff to see if it's just minor // floating point anomalies. DeleteFileIfFound(tmp_file2); sprintf_s(buf, "spiff -m -n -s \"command spiff\" %s %s > %s", tmp_file1, full, tmp_file2); spiff_ret = ExecuteCommand(pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), buf); if (GetFileAttributes(tmp_file2) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { LogError("ERROR: spiff failed to run"); fFailed = TRUE; } else if (spiff_ret) { LogOut("ERROR: Test failed to run correctly. spiff returned %d (%s):", spiff_ret, optReportBuf); LogOut(" %s", cmdbuf); fFailed = TRUE; } } } } else { if (!CheckForPass(tmp_file1, optReportBuf, cmdbuf)) { fFailed = TRUE; } } logFailure: if (fFailed) { if (FCopyOnFail) { if (FVerbose) Message("INFO: Copying '%s' failure", optReportBuf); sprintf_s(failDir, "%s\\fail.%s", pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), optReportBuf); if ((GetFileAttributes(failDir) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && !CreateDirectory(failDir, NULL)) { Message("ERROR: Couldn't create directory '%s'", failDir); } else { for (StringList * pFile = pTest->files; pFile != NULL; pFile = pFile->next) { sprintf_s(copyName, "%s\\%s", failDir, pFile->string); p = strrchr(copyName, '.') + 1; strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(copyName, p + 1), "obj"); sprintf_s(buf, "%s\\%s", pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), pFile->string); p = strrchr(buf, '.') + 1; strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(buf, p + 1), "obj"); if (!CopyFile(buf, copyName, FALSE)) { Message("ERROR: Couldn't copy '%s' to '%s'", buf, copyName); } } sprintf_s(copyName, "%s\\%s", failDir, exebuf); if (!CopyFile(fullexebuf, copyName, FALSE)) { Message("ERROR: Couldn't copy '%s' to '%s'", fullexebuf, copyName); } } } } if (FRLFE) { RLFETestStatus(pDir); } if (FVerbose) Message("INFO: cleaning up test run"); // Remove the exe. if (!FNoDelete) { DeleteFileRetryMsg(fullexebuf); } // Don't trash fullexebuf! strcpy_s(buf, fullexebuf); p = strrchr(buf, '.') + 1; // Remove the pdb(s) (if it exists). strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(buf, p), "pdb"); DeleteFileIfFound(buf); DeleteMultipleFiles(pDir, "*.pdb"); // Remove the ilk (if it exists). strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(buf, p), "ilk"); DeleteFileIfFound(buf); // Remove the objs. if (!FNoDelete) { for (StringList * pFile = pTest->files; pFile != NULL; pFile = pFile->next) { sprintf_s(buf, "%s\\%s", pDir->GetDirectoryPath(), pFile->string); p = strrchr(buf, '.') + 1; if (fCleanAfter) { strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(buf, p), "obj"); DeleteFileRetryMsg(buf); } if (REGR_ASM) { strcpy_s(p, REMAININGARRAYLEN(buf, p), "asm"); DeleteFileRetryMsg(buf); } } } elapsed_variation = (int)(time(NULL) - start_variation); if (Timing & TIME_VARIATION) { Message("RL: Variation elapsed time (%s, %s, %s): %02d:%02d", pDir->GetDirectoryName(), pTest->name, optReportBuf, elapsed_variation / 60, elapsed_variation % 60); } if (FSyncVariation) { if (FRLFE && fFailed) RLFEAddLog(pDir, RLFES_FAILED, pTest->name, optReportBuf, ThreadOut->GetText()); if (fSyncVariationWhenFinished) FlushOutput(); } ThreadInfo[ThreadId].DeleteTmpFileList(); return fFailed ? -1 : 0; }
// Update void Game_Interpreter::Update() { // 10000 based on: for (loop_count = 0; loop_count < 10000; ++loop_count) { /* If map is different than event startup time set event_id to 0 */ if (Game_Map::GetMapId() != map_id) { event_id = 0; } /* If there's any active child interpreter, update it */ if (child_interpreter) { child_interpreter->Update(); if (!child_interpreter->IsRunning()) { child_interpreter.reset(); } // If child interpreter still exists if (child_interpreter) { return; } } if (Game_Message::message_waiting || Game_Message::closing) { return; } // If waiting for a move to end if (move_route_waiting) { if (Main_Data::game_player->IsMoveRouteOverwritten()) { return; } Game_Event* g_event; for (size_t i = 0; i < Game_Map::GetEvents().size(); i++) { g_event = Game_Map::GetEvents().find(i)->second.get(); if (g_event->IsMoveRouteOverwritten()) { return; } } move_route_waiting = false; } if (button_input_variable_id > 0) { InputButton(); return; } if (wait_count > 0) { wait_count--; return; } if (Game_Temp::forcing_battler != NULL) { return; } if (Game_Temp::transition_processing) { return; } if (Game_Temp::battle_calling || Game_Temp::shop_calling || // Game_Temp::inn_calling || Game_Temp::name_calling || Game_Temp::menu_calling || Game_Temp::save_calling || Game_Temp::to_title || Game_Temp::gameover) { return; } if (continuation) { bool result = (this->*continuation)(list[index]); if (result) continue; else return; } if (!Main_Data::game_player->IsTeleporting()) { if (Game_Map::GetNeedRefresh()) { Game_Map::Refresh(); } } if (list.empty()) { return; } if (!ExecuteCommand()) { CloseMessageWindow(); active = true; return; } active = false; // FIXME? // After calling SkipTo this index++ will skip execution of e.g. END. // This causes a different timing because loop_count reaches 10000 // faster then Player does. // No idea if any game depends on this special case. index++; } // for // Executed Events Count exceeded (10000) active = true; Output::Debug("Event %d exceeded execution limit", event_id); CloseMessageWindow(); }
int PushConsoleManager::OnCommand(const HashedString& command, const strutil::strvec& parameter_vector) { int result = Parent::OnCommand(command, parameter_vector); if (result < 0) { result = 0; CommandClient _command = (CommandClient)TranslateCommand(command); switch ((int)_command) { case kCommandSetAvatar: { if (parameter_vector.size() == 1) { ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->SelectAvatar(parameter_vector[0]); } else { log_.Warningf("usage: %s <avatar>", command.c_str()); result = 1; } } break; case kCommandSetAvatarEnginePower: { if (parameter_vector.size() == 2) { log_debug("Setting avatar engine power."); int aspect = 0; strutil::StringToInt(parameter_vector[0], aspect); double power; strutil::StringToDouble(parameter_vector[1], power); if (!((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->SetAvatarEnginePower(aspect, (float)power)) { log_.Error("Could not set avatar engine power!"); result = 1; } } else { log_.Warningf("usage: %s <aspect> <power>", command.c_str()); result = 1; } } break; #if defined(LEPRA_DEBUG) && defined(LEPRA_WINDOWS) case kCommandBuildData: { const cure::GameObjectId avatar_id = ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->GetAvatarInstanceId(); if (!avatar_id) { break; } const str avatar_type = GetGameManager()->GetContext()->GetObject(avatar_id)->GetClassId(); ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->Logout(); Thread::Sleep(0.5); GetResourceManager()->ForceFreeCache(); const str current_dir = SystemManager::GetCurrentDirectory(); ::SetCurrentDirectoryA(astrutil::Encode(Path::GetParentDirectory(current_dir)).c_str()); ::system("c:/Program/Python31/python.exe -B Tools/build/ builddata"); ::SetCurrentDirectoryA(astrutil::Encode(current_dir).c_str()); const str user_name = v_slowget(GetVariableScope(), kRtvarLoginUsername, EmptyString); const str server = v_slowget(GetVariableScope(), kRtvarNetworkServeraddress, EmptyString); wstr pw(L"CarPassword"); const cure::LoginId login_id(wstrutil::Encode(user_name), cure::MangledPassword(pw)); ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->RequestLogin(server, login_id); ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->ToggleConsole(); ExecuteCommand("wait-login"); ((PushManager*)GetGameManager())->SelectAvatar(avatar_type); } break; #endif // Debug & Windows default: { result = -1; } break; } } return (result); }
static bool ExecuteIcingaCommand(const std::string& arguments) { return ExecuteCommand(GetIcingaInstallPath() + "\\sbin\\icinga2.exe", arguments); }
/* ** Parses and executes the given command. ** */ void CommandHandler::ExecuteCommand(const WCHAR* command, Skin* skin, bool multi) { if (command[0] == L'!') // Bang { ++command; // Skip "!" if (_wcsnicmp(L"Execute", command, 7) == 0) { command += 7; command = wcschr(command, L'['); if (!command) return; } else { if (_wcsnicmp(command, L"Rainmeter", 9) == 0) { // Skip "Rainmeter" for backwards compatibility command += 9; } std::wstring bang; std::vector<std::wstring> args; // Find the first space const WCHAR* pos = wcschr(command, L' '); if (pos) { bang.assign(command, 0, pos - command); args = ParseString(pos + 1, skin ? &skin->GetParser() : nullptr); } else { bang = command; } ExecuteBang(bang.c_str(), args, skin); return; } } if (multi && command[0] == L'[') // Multi-bang { std::wstring bangs = command; std::wstring::size_type start = std::wstring::npos; int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0, isize = bangs.size(); i < isize; ++i) { if (bangs[i] == L'[') { if (count == 0) { start = i; } ++count; } else if (bangs[i] == L']') { --count; if (count == 0 && start != std::wstring::npos) { // Change ] to nullptr bangs[i] = L'\0'; // Skip whitespace start = bangs.find_first_not_of(L" \t\r\n", start + 1, 4); ExecuteCommand(bangs.c_str() + start, skin, false); } } else if (bangs[i] == L'"' && isize > (i + 2) && bangs[i + 1] == L'"' && bangs[i + 2] == L'"') { i += 3; std::wstring::size_type pos = bangs.find(L"\"\"\"", i); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { i = pos + 2; // Skip "", loop will skip last " } } } } else { // Check for built-ins if (_wcsnicmp(L"PLAY", command, 4) == 0) { if (command[4] == L' ' || // PLAY _wcsnicmp(L"LOOP ", &command[4], 5) == 0) // PLAYLOOP { command += 4; // Skip PLAY DWORD flags = SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC; if (command[0] != L' ') { flags |= SND_LOOP | SND_NODEFAULT; command += 4; // Skip LOOP } ++command; // Skip the space if (command[0] != L'\0') { std::wstring sound = command; // Strip the quotes std::wstring::size_type len = sound.length(); if (len >= 2 && sound[0] == L'"' && sound[len - 1] == L'"') { len -= 2; sound.assign(sound, 1, len); } if (skin) { skin->GetParser().ReplaceMeasures(sound); skin->MakePathAbsolute(sound); } PlaySound(sound.c_str(), nullptr, flags); } return; } else if (_wcsnicmp(L"STOP", &command[4], 4) == 0) // PLAYSTOP { PlaySound(nullptr, nullptr, SND_PURGE); return; } } // Run command std::wstring tmpSz = command; if (skin) { skin->GetParser().ReplaceMeasures(tmpSz); } RunCommand(tmpSz); } }
/** * Implements the state machine. */ void StateMachine(void) { char *gameend; State = STATE_WAITING; CurrentPosition = InitialPosition(); ComputerSide = Black; while(State != STATE_END) { if(AutoSave) { SaveGame(CurrentPosition, AutoSaveFileName); } switch(State) { case STATE_WAITING: if(!XBoardMode) { Print(0, "%s(%d): ", CurrentPosition->turn == White ? "White":"Black", (CurrentPosition->ply/2)+1); } if(!ReadLine(InputBuffer, 1023)) { State = STATE_END; } else { struct Command *command = ParseInput(InputBuffer); if(command) { ExecuteCommand(command); if(command->move != M_NONE) { if(!ForceMode) State = STATE_CALCULATING; } } } break; case STATE_CALCULATING: ComputerSide = CurrentPosition->turn; SearchRoot(CurrentPosition); if(EasyMode || ForceMode) { State = STATE_WAITING; } else { State = STATE_PONDERING; } break; case STATE_PONDERING: switch(PermanentBrain(CurrentPosition)) { case PB_NO_PB_MOVE: State = STATE_WAITING; break; case PB_NO_PB_HIT: State = ForceMode ? STATE_WAITING : STATE_CALCULATING; break; case PB_HIT: if(EasyMode) { State = STATE_WAITING; } break; } break; case STATE_ANALYZING: AnalysisMode(CurrentPosition); break; } /* * Check for game termination */ gameend = GameEnd(CurrentPosition); if(gameend != NULL) { Print(0, "%s\n", gameend); if(State == STATE_ANALYZING) { State = STATE_WAITING; } } } FreePosition(CurrentPosition); }
wxString ProcUtils::GetProcessNameByPid(long pid) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ //go over the process modules and get the full path of //the executeable HANDLE hModuleSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; MODULEENTRY32 me32; // Take a snapshot of all modules in the specified process. hModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, (DWORD)pid ); if ( hModuleSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return wxEmptyString; } // Set the size of the structure before using it. me32.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 ); // Retrieve information about the first module, // and exit if unsuccessful if (!Module32First( hModuleSnap, &me32 )) { CloseHandle( hModuleSnap ); // Must clean up the // snapshot object! return wxEmptyString; } //get the name of the process (it is located in the first entry) CloseHandle( hModuleSnap ); return me32.szExePath; #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) kvm_t *kvd; struct kinfo_proc *ki; int nof_procs; wxString cmd; if (!(kvd = kvm_openfiles(_PATH_DEVNULL, _PATH_DEVNULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, NULL))) return wxEmptyString; if (!(ki = kvm_getprocs(kvd, KERN_PROC_PID, pid, &nof_procs))) { kvm_close(kvd); return wxEmptyString; } cmd = wxString(ki->ki_ocomm, wxConvUTF8); kvm_close(kvd); return (cmd); #else wxArrayString output; ExecuteCommand(wxT("ps -A -o pid,command --no-heading"), output); //parse the output and search for our process ID for (size_t i=0; i< output.GetCount(); i++) { wxString line = output.Item(i); //remove whitespaces line = line.Trim(); line = line.Trim(false); //get the process ID wxString spid = line.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')); long cpid(0); spid.ToLong( &cpid ); if (cpid == pid) { //we got a match, extract the command, it is in the second column wxString command = line.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')); return command; } } return wxEmptyString; //Not implemented yet #endif }
void ConnectionPanel::OnRawCommand(wxCommandEvent &evt) { ExecuteCommand(GetCommandText()); }
void ProcUtils::GetProcessList(std::vector<ProcessEntry> &proclist) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ OSVERSIONINFO osver ; // Check to see if were running under Windows95 or // Windows NT. osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( osver ) ; if ( !GetVersionEx( &osver ) ) { return; } if ( osver.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { return; } //get child processes of this node HANDLE hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (!hProcessSnap) { return; } //Fill in the size of the structure before using it. PROCESSENTRY32 pe; memset(&pe, 0, sizeof(pe)); pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); // Walk the snapshot of the processes, and for each process, // kill it if its parent is pid. if (!Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe)) { // Can't get first process. CloseHandle (hProcessSnap); return; } do { ProcessEntry entry; = pe.szExeFile; = (long)pe.th32ProcessID; proclist.push_back(entry); } while (Process32Next (hProcessSnap, &pe)); CloseHandle (hProcessSnap); #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) kvm_t *kvd; struct kinfo_proc *ki; int nof_procs, i; if (!(kvd = kvm_openfiles(_PATH_DEVNULL, _PATH_DEVNULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, NULL))) return; if (!(ki = kvm_getprocs(kvd, KERN_PROC_PROC, 0, &nof_procs))) { kvm_close(kvd); return; } for (i=0; i<nof_procs; i++) { ProcessEntry entry; = ki[i].ki_pid; = wxString(ki[i].ki_ocomm, wxConvUTF8); proclist.push_back(entry); } kvm_close(kvd); #else //GTK and other wxArrayString output; #if defined (__WXGTK__) ExecuteCommand(wxT("ps -A -o pid,command --no-heading"), output); #elif defined (__WXMAC__) // Mac does not like the --no-heading... ExecuteCommand(wxT("ps -A -o pid,command "), output); #endif for (size_t i=0; i< output.GetCount(); i++) { wxString line = output.Item(i); //remove whitespaces line = line.Trim().Trim(false); //get the process ID ProcessEntry entry; wxString spid = line.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')); spid.ToLong( & ); = line.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')); if ( == 0 && i > 0) { //probably this line belongs to the provious one ProcessEntry e = proclist.back(); proclist.pop_back(); <<; proclist.push_back(e); } else { proclist.push_back( entry ); } } #endif }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { UINT loop_times = 0; BOOL loop_endless = FALSE; DWORD ms_between_loop = 0; BOOL enable_logs = FALSE; TCHAR command[CMD_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; if ( ParameterCheck(argc, argv, loop_times, ms_between_loop, enable_logs, command, CMD_BUF_SIZE) ) { loop_endless = ( 0 == loop_times ); } else { PrintUsage(argv[0]); return 1; } HANDLE hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if( TRUE == enable_logs) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); TCHAR logFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; _stprintf_s(logFileName, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("loop_trace_%04d%02d%02d-%d-%02d%02d%02d-%03d.log"), st.wYear,st.wMonth,st.wDay,st.wDayOfWeek,st.wHour,st.wMinute,st.wSecond,st.wMilliseconds); dbgtprintf(logFileName); dbgtprintf(L"\n"); hLogFile = CreateFile(logFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hLogFile) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to Create Log File, st = 0x%x\n"), GetLastError()); return 1; } else { dbgtprintf(TEXT("OK to CreateFile.\n")); } } while( loop_endless || loop_times > 0 ) { if(!loop_endless) { --loop_times; } CHAR printedCommand[CMD_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; sprintf_s(printedCommand, CMD_BUF_SIZE - 1, "\n-> %S\n\n", command + _tcsnlen(BASE_CMD, CMD_BUF_SIZE) + 1); printf(printedCommand); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hLogFile) { DWORD dwToWrite = sizeof(CHAR) * strnlen(printedCommand, CMD_BUF_SIZE); DWORD dwWritten = 0; BOOL bWrite = WriteFile( hLogFile, printedCommand, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, NULL); if(!bWrite) { _tprintf(_T("Write to log file error, st=0x%x\n"), GetLastError()); assert(false); } assert(dwToWrite == dwWritten); } ExecuteCommand(command, CMD_BUF_SIZE, enable_logs, hLogFile); Sleep(ms_between_loop); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hLogFile) { CloseHandle(hLogFile); } return 0; }
BOOL CMobileServer::OnReceiveSession(WORKSESSION *pSession, LPSTR pszBuffer, int nLength) { char *p, *p1, *pszHeader; int i, len; time(&m_tmLastReceived); // printf("MobileServer: %d Bytes recv.\r\n", nLength); // DUMPSTRING(pszBuffer, nLength); #ifdef __TEST_ONLY__ // int nError; // IF4Invoke *pInvoke; // CIF4Invoke invoke("", 8000, 60); // // pInvoke = invoke.GetHandle(); // pInvoke->bAsync = TRUE; // // invoke.AddParam("4.2.1", 5); // invoke.AddParam("4.2.2", 1); // invoke.AddParam("1.9", 0); // // nError = invoke.Command("104.12", IF4_CMDATTR_REQUEST | IF4_CMDATTR_MCUIPC | IF4_CMDATTR_RESPONSE); // if (nError != IF4ERR_NOERROR) // printf("ERROR: %s\r\n", IF4API_GetErrorMessage(nError)); #endif if (m_nState != STATE_DATA) { m_Chunk.Add(pszBuffer, nLength); m_Chunk.Close(); p = m_Chunk.GetBuffer(); len = m_Chunk.GetSize(); pszHeader = NULL; for(i=0; i<len; i++) { if (strncmp(p+i, "NURI/", 5) == 0) { pszHeader = p+i; break; } } if (len >= 512) { m_Chunk.Flush(); return TRUE; } if (pszHeader == NULL) return TRUE; p1 = strstr(pszHeader, "\n\n"); if (p1 == NULL) p1 = strstr(pszHeader, "\r\r"); if (p1 == NULL) p1 = strstr(pszHeader, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p1 == NULL) return TRUE; *p1 = '\0'; if (GetHeader(&m_theHeader, pszHeader, strlen(pszHeader))) { m_bLiveSession = TRUE; switch(m_theHeader.nMethod) { case MOBILE_METHOD_TELNET : SendResult(MTPERR_TELNET_ACCEPT); usleep(1000000); m_theClient.NewConnection(atoi(m_theHeader.szURL)); m_nState = STATE_DATA; break; case MOBILE_METHOD_NACS : SendResult(MTPERR_NACS_ACCEPT); usleep(1000000); m_theClient.NewConnection(atoi(m_theHeader.szURL)); m_nState = STATE_DATA; break; case MOBILE_METHOD_COMMAND : ExecuteCommand(m_theHeader.szURL); break; case MOBILE_METHOD_GET : SendResult(MTPERR_GET_ACCEPT); m_nState = STATE_DATA; break; case MOBILE_METHOD_PUT : SendResult(MTPERR_PUT_ACCEPT); m_theHeader.fp = fopen("/tmp/upload.tmp", "wb"); m_nState = STATE_DATA; break; case MOBILE_METHOD_LIST : SendResult(MTPERR_LIST_ACCEPT); m_nState = STATE_DATA; break; } } else { // Return to error message SendResult(MTPERR_INVALID_REQUEST); } m_Chunk.Flush(); return TRUE; } switch(m_theHeader.nMethod) { case MOBILE_METHOD_TELNET : case MOBILE_METHOD_NACS : m_theClient.SendToHost(pszBuffer, nLength); break; case MOBILE_METHOD_GET : break; case MOBILE_METHOD_PUT : OnPut(pSession, pszBuffer, nLength); break; case MOBILE_METHOD_LIST : break; } return TRUE; }