Example #1
bool pgDatabase::CanDebugEdbspl()
	// Result cache - 0 = not tested, 1 = false, 2 = true.
	if (canDebugEdbspl == 1)
		return false;
	else if (canDebugEdbspl == 2)
		return true;

	// "show shared_preload_libraries" does not work for other than
	// the super users.
	if (GetServer()->GetSuperUser())
		// Check the appropriate plugin is loaded
		if (!ExecuteScalar(wxT("SHOW shared_preload_libraries;")).Contains(wxT("plugin_spl_debugger")))
			canDebugEdbspl = 1;
			return false;

	if (ExecuteScalar(wxT("SELECT count(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'pldbg_get_target_info';")) == wxT("0"))
		canDebugEdbspl = 1;
		return false;

	// If this is EDBAS81, the debuggers will be built into the PLs
	// so we don't need to check any further.
	if (server->GetConnection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 1))
		canDebugEdbspl = 2;
		return true;

	// On EDBAS82 and PostgreSQL, we need to check to make sure that
	// the debugger library is also available.
	if (ExecuteScalar(wxT("SELECT count(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'edb_oid_debug';")) == wxT("0"))
		canDebugEdbspl = 1;
		return false;
		canDebugEdbspl = 2;
		return true;

	return true;
Example #2
bool pgConn::IsSuperuser()
	wxString res = ExecuteScalar(
	                   wxT("SELECT rolsuper FROM pg_roles ")
	                   wxT("WHERE rolname='") + qtIdent(GetUser()) + wxT("'"));

	return StrToBool(res);
Example #3
bool pgConn::HasPrivilege(const wxString &objTyp, const wxString &objName, const wxString &priv)
	wxString res = ExecuteScalar(
	                   wxT("SELECT has_") + objTyp.Lower()
	                   + wxT("_privilege(") + qtDbString(objName)
	                   + wxT(", ") + qtDbString(priv) + wxT(")"));

	return StrToBool(res);
Example #4
|   OZN_Database::CheckTableSchema
OZN_Database::CheckTableSchema(const OZN_TableDescription& desc) 
    NPT_Result          res = NPT_FAILURE;
    NPT_String          sql;
    NPT_String          sql_create;
    OZN_StringProperty  schema(0, "");
    const char*         result;

    // generate the sql statement we would use to create the table
    NPT_CHECK(OZN_Sql::CreateTable(desc, sql_create));

    // generate the sql statement to query for a table schema
    NPT_CHECK(OZN_Sql::GetTableSchema(desc.name, sql));

    // query the db, if the table doesn't exist it will fail
    res = ExecuteScalar(sql, schema);
    result = schema.GetValue().string;
    if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(res) && result && result[0] != '\0') {
        //if existing table schema sql matches the one we would use
        // then it is the same table and same schema version
        if (NPT_StringsEqual(result, sql_create)) {
            return NPT_SUCCESS;

        // weird, the query succeeded but returned nothing
        return NPT_FAILURE;

    // close bracket

    // table doesn't exist, create it
    NPT_CHECK(ExecuteDML(sql_create, NULL));

    if (desc.unique_index_ids_count && desc.unique_index_ids) {
        res = OZN_Sql::CreateUniqueIndex(desc, 

        // close bracket

        // create unique index
        NPT_CHECK(ExecuteDML(sql, NULL));

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Example #5
bool pgConn::BackendMinimumVersion(int major, int minor)
	if (!majorVersion)
		wxString version = GetVersionString();
		sscanf(version.ToAscii(), "%*s %d.%d.%d", &majorVersion, &minorVersion, &patchVersion);
		isEdb = version.Upper().Matches(wxT("ENTERPRISEDB*"));

		// EnterpriseDB 8.3 beta 1 & 2 and possibly later actually have PostgreSQL 8.2 style
		// catalogs. This is expected to change either before GA, but in the meantime we
		// need to check the catalogue version in more detail, and if we don't see what looks
		// like a 8.3 catalog, force the version number back to 8.2. Yuck.
		if (isEdb && majorVersion == 8 && minorVersion == 3)
			if (ExecuteScalar(wxT("SELECT count(*) FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname = 'proconfig' AND attrelid = 'pg_proc'::regclass")) == wxT("0"))
				minorVersion = 2;

		isGreenplum = version.Upper().Matches(wxT("*GREENPLUM DATABASE*"));

	return majorVersion > major || (majorVersion == major && minorVersion >= minor);
Example #6
bool pgConn::HasFeature(int featureNo, bool forceCheck)
	if (!features[FEATURE_INITIALIZED] || forceCheck)
		features[FEATURE_INITIALIZED] = true;

		wxString sql =
		    wxT("SELECT proname, pronargs, proargtypes[0] AS arg0, proargtypes[1] AS arg1, proargtypes[2] AS arg2\n")
		    wxT("  FROM pg_proc\n")
		    wxT("  JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=pronamespace\n")
		    wxT(" WHERE proname IN ('pg_tablespace_size', 'pg_file_read', 'pg_logfile_rotate',")
		    wxT(                  " 'pg_postmaster_starttime', 'pg_terminate_backend', 'pg_reload_conf',")
		    wxT(                  " 'pgstattuple', 'pgstatindex')\n")
		    wxT("   AND nspname IN ('pg_catalog', 'public')");

		pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(sql);

		if (set)
			while (!set->Eof())
				wxString proname = set->GetVal(wxT("proname"));
				long pronargs = set->GetLong(wxT("pronargs"));

				if (proname == wxT("pg_tablespace_size") && pronargs == 1 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 26)
					features[FEATURE_SIZE] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pg_file_read") && pronargs == 3 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 25
				         && set->GetLong(wxT("arg1")) == 20 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg2")) == 20)
					features[FEATURE_FILEREAD] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pg_logfile_rotate") && pronargs == 0)
					features[FEATURE_ROTATELOG] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pg_postmaster_starttime") && pronargs == 0)
				else if (proname == wxT("pg_terminate_backend") && pronargs == 1 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 23)
					features[FEATURE_TERMINATE_BACKEND] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pg_reload_conf") && pronargs == 0)
					features[FEATURE_RELOAD_CONF] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pgstattuple") && pronargs == 1 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 25)
					features[FEATURE_PGSTATTUPLE] = true;
				else if (proname == wxT("pgstatindex") && pronargs == 1 && set->GetLong(wxT("arg0")) == 25)
					features[FEATURE_PGSTATINDEX] = true;

			delete set;

		// Check for EDB function parameter default support
		wxString defCol = wxT("'proargdefaults'");

		if (EdbMinimumVersion(8, 3) && !EdbMinimumVersion(8, 4))
			defCol = wxT("'proargdefvals'");

		wxString hasFuncDefs = ExecuteScalar(wxT("SELECT count(*) FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass AND attname = ") + defCol);
		if (hasFuncDefs == wxT("1"))
			features[FEATURE_FUNCTION_DEFAULTS] = true;
			features[FEATURE_FUNCTION_DEFAULTS] = false;

	if (featureNo <= FEATURE_INITIALIZED || featureNo >= FEATURE_LAST)
		return false;
	return features[featureNo];
Example #7
wxString pgConn::GetVersionString()
	return ExecuteScalar(wxT("SELECT version();"));
Example #8
int FbMasterDatabase::GetVersion()
	return ExecuteScalar(wxString::Format(wxT("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE id=2"), GetMaster().c_str()));