Example #1
// Do log of some failed assert into log file.
void LogAssert( 	
	const char* inFile, 
	const char* inFunc, 
	vuint32 	inLine,
	const char* inMsg )


	I_LogFile& log = *GetAssertsLog();
	if( log.get_VerboseLevel() == 0 )

	if( log.get_VerboseLevel() >= 1 )	// show all:
		// Visual produce __FILE__ as ful path. We want extract only file name.
		inFile = ExtractNameFromFullPath( inFile );

		log << inFile << ":" << inFunc << ":" << (vuint32) inLine << " " << inMsg << "\n";
Example #2
void ExtractDirectoryFromPath( const char inPath[], char* outDir )
    const char* pAppName = ExtractNameFromFullPath( inPath );
    size_t len = pAppName - inPath;
    strncpy(outDir, inPath, len);
    outDir[len] = '\0';


// NOTE:  fullPath to item that EXISTS on disk. Otherwise file not found error.
OSErr Path2Spec_FSRef( const char *inPath, FSSpec *spec)
	// parse path on parent folder and file name. 
	const char* pFileName = ExtractNameFromFullPath(inPath);
	const char* pDelim = pFileName - 1;

//	String folder_path( inPath, vuint32(pDelim - inPath) );

	vuint32 len;
	if( pDelim >= inPath )
		len = vuint32(pDelim - inPath);
		len = strlen( inPath );
	MemPtr<char> folder_path( inPath, len + 1 );
	folder_path[len] = 0;
	char* pFolderPath = folder_path.begin();
	// convert the POSIX path to an FSRef of parent folder 
	FSRef ref;
	OSStatus result = FSPathMakeRef( (vuint8*) pFolderPath, &ref, NULL);
	if( result != 0 )
		return (OSErr) result;

	// and then convert the FSRef to an FSSpec 
	FSSpec parent;
	result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &parent, NULL);
	if( result != 0 )
		return (OSErr) result;

	// now we have parent folder FSSpec, get its ID. 
	vint32 theDirID;
	bool isDirectory;
	GetDirectoryID( parent.vRefNum, parent.parID, parent.name, &theDirID, &isDirectory );
	// and now we make File spec:
	Str255 pasFileName;
	FBL::c2pstrcpy( pFileName, pasFileName );
	result = FSMakeFSSpec( parent.vRefNum, theDirID, pasFileName, spec );
	return (OSErr) result;
Example #4
void ExtractBaseNameFromFullPath( const char inPath[], char* outBase )
    const char* pFileName = ExtractNameFromFullPath( inPath );
    const char* p = strstr(pFileName, ".");

    size_t len = (p)   ? static_cast<size_t>( p - pFileName )
                 : strlen( pFileName );

    strncpy(outBase, pFileName, len);
    outBase[len] = '\0';
Example #5
void LogException( 	
	const char* inFile, 
	const char* inFunc, 
	vuint32		inLine,
	xException*	inExc,
	const char*	inMsg )

	I_LogFile& log 		= *GetTestsLog();

	vuint8 level = log.get_VerboseLevel();
	if( level == 0 )

    FBL::String logMsg;
	if( level >= 1 )	// show only erros:
		// Visual produce __FILE__ as ful path. We want extract only file name.
		inFile = ExtractNameFromFullPath( inFile );

		logMsg << GetTestStatisticStr().GetIndentStr() << "FAIL: " << inFile << ":" << inFunc << ":" << (vuint32) inLine;
		if( inMsg )
			logMsg << " " << inMsg;

		logMsg << " EXCEPTION: ";

		if( inExc )
			logMsg << inExc->get_ErrorCode() << " : " << inExc->get_ErrorString().c_str();
			logMsg << "UNKNOWN";

		logMsg  << "\n";
    log << logMsg.c_str();
    // XML log:
    LogXml_Failure( logMsg.getBufferA() );

Example #6
// Produce line as
// ......DONE: FBL_Test_I_Unknown.cpp:Test_I_Unknown:52 c1 == 100
// ......FAIL: FBL_Test_I_Unknown.cpp:Test_I_Unknown:52 c1 == 100
void LogTest( 	
	const char* inFile, 
	const char* inFunc, 
	vuint32		inLine,
	const char* inMsg,
	bool		inSucces,
	bool		inEndLines )
	if( !inSucces )

	I_LogFile& log = *GetTestsLog();					
	vuint8 level = log.get_VerboseLevel();

	if( level == 0 )
	// Visual produce __FILE__ as full path. We want extract only file name.
	inFile = ExtractNameFromFullPath( inFile );

	if( level == 1 )	// show only erros:
		if( inSucces == false )	
			log << GetTestStatisticStr().GetIndentStr() << "FAIL: " 
				<< inFile << ":" << inFunc << ":" << (vuint32) inLine << " " << inMsg;

			if( inEndLines )  
				log << "\n";

	if( level >= 2 )	// show all:
		if( inSucces )												
				log << GetTestStatisticStr().GetIndentStr() << "DONE: ";				
		else	log << GetTestStatisticStr().GetIndentStr() << "FAIL: ";

		log << inFile << ":" << inFunc << ":" << (vuint32) inLine << " " << inMsg;

		if( inEndLines )  
			log << "\n";
    // XML:
    if( !inSucces )
    	String logMsg;
		logMsg << inFile << ":" << inFunc << ":" << (vuint32) inLine << " " << inMsg;
    	LogXml_Failure( logMsg.getBufferA() );

//	log.Flush();	