Example #1
void FEdModeLevel::SetLevel( ULevelStreaming* LevelStream )
	if( SelectedLevel != NULL && SelectedLevel != LevelStream )
		// Changed level need to apply PostEditMove to the actors we moved in the last level

	SelectedLevel = LevelStream;
	bIsDirty = false;
	if( SelectedLevel )
		LevelTransform = SelectedLevel->LevelTransform;		
		ULevel* Level = SelectedLevel->GetLoadedLevel();

		// Calculate the Level bounds box
		LevelBounds = FBox(0);

		if( Level )
			for( int32 ActorIndex=0; ActorIndex< Level->Actors.Num(); ActorIndex++ )
				AActor* Actor = Level->Actors[ActorIndex];

				// Don't include the builder brush or the world settings as they can artificially make the level bounds bigger
				if( Actor && FActorEditorUtils::IsABuilderBrush(Actor) == false && Level->GetWorldSettings() != Actor )
					LevelBounds += Actor->GetComponentsBoundingBox();
Example #2
	 * Minimal initialization constructor.
	FShadowMapPendingTexture(uint32 InSizeX,uint32 InSizeY)
		: FTextureLayout(4, 4, InSizeX, InSizeY, /* PowerOfTwo */ true, /* AlignByFour */ true) // Min size is 4x4 in case of block compression.
		, Bounds(FBox(0))
		, ShadowmapFlags(SMF_None)
		, UnallocatedTexels(InSizeX * InSizeY)
Example #3
FBox ALevelBounds::GetComponentsBoundingBox(bool bNonColliding) const
	FVector BoundsCenter = RootComponent->GetComponentLocation();
	FVector BoundsExtent = RootComponent->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D() * 0.5f;
	return FBox(BoundsCenter - BoundsExtent, 
				BoundsCenter + BoundsExtent);
void UCameraAnim::CalcLocalAABB()

	if (CameraInterpGroup)
		// find move track
		UInterpTrackMove *MoveTrack = NULL;
		for (int32 TrackIdx = 0; TrackIdx < CameraInterpGroup->InterpTracks.Num(); ++TrackIdx)
			MoveTrack = Cast<UInterpTrackMove>(CameraInterpGroup->InterpTracks[TrackIdx]);
			if (MoveTrack != NULL)

		if (MoveTrack != NULL)
			FVector Zero(0.f), MinBounds, MaxBounds;
			MoveTrack->PosTrack.CalcBounds(MinBounds, MaxBounds, Zero);
			BoundingBox = FBox(MinBounds, MaxBounds);
Example #5
	const FBox Turret::boundingBox() const {
		int3 bbox_size = sprite().bboxSize();
		if(m_action == TurretAction::hidden)
			bbox_size.y = 1;
		//TODO: when dead&exploded some turrets are hidden

		return FBox(pos(), pos() + float3(bbox_size));
FBox FLevelCollectionModel::EditableWorldArea()
	float AxisLength = EditableAxisLength();
	return FBox(	
		FVector(-AxisLength, -AxisLength, -AxisLength), 
		FVector(+AxisLength, +AxisLength, +AxisLength)
FBox FKSphereElem::CalcAABB(const FTransform& BoneTM, float Scale) const
	FTransform ElemTM = GetTransform();
	ElemTM.ScaleTranslation( FVector(Scale) );
	ElemTM *= BoneTM;

	const FVector BoxCenter = ElemTM.GetTranslation();
	const FVector BoxExtents(Radius * Scale);

	return FBox(BoxCenter - BoxExtents, BoxCenter + BoxExtents);
void ASpacePartioner::Initialize(const float& inExtent, const bool& inDrawDebugInfo)
	bInitialized = true;
	bDrawDebugInfo = inDrawDebugInfo;

	// The Extent is very similar to the radius of a circle
	FVector min = FVector(-inExtent, -inExtent, -inExtent);
	FVector max = FVector(inExtent, inExtent, inExtent);
	FBox NewBounds = FBox(min, max);
	OctreeData = new FSimpleOctree(NewBounds.GetCenter(), NewBounds.GetExtent().GetMax()); // const FVector & InOrigin, float InExtent
void UNavLinkCustomComponent::CalcAndCacheBounds() const
	Bounds = FBox(0);
	Bounds += GetStartPoint();
	Bounds += GetEndPoint();

	if (bCreateBoxObstacle)
		FBox ObstacleBounds = FBox::BuildAABB(ObstacleOffset, ObstacleExtent);
		Bounds += ObstacleBounds.TransformBy(GetOwner()->GetTransform());
Example #10
	FBox EntitiesEditor::computeOvergroundBox(const FBox &bbox) const {
		int over_ground = 0;
		FBox test_box = bbox;
		test_box.max.y = test_box.min.y + 1.0f;

		while(over_ground < 16 && m_tile_map.findAny(test_box - float3(0, 1 + over_ground, 0)) == -1)

			return FBox(asXZY(bbox.min.xz(), bbox.min.y - over_ground), asXZY(bbox.max.xz(), bbox.min.y));
		return FBox::empty();
void UBerserkCameraComponent::UpdateCameraBounds(const APlayerController* playerController)
	auto const* const localPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(playerController->Player);
	if (localPlayer == nullptr || localPlayer->ViewportClient == nullptr) return;

	FVector2D currentViewportSize;

	// calc frustum edge direction, from bottom left corner
	if (CameraMovementBounds.GetSize() == FVector::ZeroVector || currentViewportSize != CameraMovementViewportSize)
		// calc frustum edge direction, from bottom left corner
		const FVector frustumRay2dDir = FVector(1, 1, 0).GetSafeNormal();
		const FVector frustumRay2dRight = FVector::CrossProduct(frustumRay2dDir, FVector::UpVector);
		const FQuat rotQuat(frustumRay2dRight, FMath::DegreesToRadians(90.0f - playerController->PlayerCameraManager->GetFOVAngle() * 0.5f));
		const FVector frustumRayDir = rotQuat.RotateVector(frustumRay2dDir);

		// collect 3 world bounds' points and matching frustum rays (bottom left, top left, bottom right)
		auto const* const gameState = GetWorld()->GetGameState<ABerserkGameState>();
		if (gameState)
			const auto worldBounds = gameState->WorldBounds;

			if (worldBounds.GetSize() != FVector::ZeroVector)
				const FVector worldBoundPoints[] = {
					FVector(worldBounds.Min.X, worldBounds.Min.Y, worldBounds.Max.Z),
					FVector(worldBounds.Min.X, worldBounds.Max.Y, worldBounds.Max.Z),
					FVector(worldBounds.Max.X, worldBounds.Min.Y, worldBounds.Max.Z)
				const FVector frustumRays[] = {
					FVector(frustumRayDir.X, frustumRayDir.Y, frustumRayDir.Z),
					FVector(frustumRayDir.X, -frustumRayDir.Y, frustumRayDir.Z),
					FVector(-frustumRayDir.X, frustumRayDir.Y, frustumRayDir.Z)

				// get camera plane for intersections
				const auto cameraPlane = FPlane(playerController->GetFocalLocation(), FVector::UpVector);

				// get matching points on camera plane
				const FVector cameraPlanePoints[3] = {
					FProjectionUtils::IntersectRayWithPlane(worldBoundPoints[0], frustumRays[0], cameraPlane) * MiniMapBoundsLimit,
					FProjectionUtils::IntersectRayWithPlane(worldBoundPoints[1], frustumRays[1], cameraPlane) * MiniMapBoundsLimit,
					FProjectionUtils::IntersectRayWithPlane(worldBoundPoints[2], frustumRays[2], cameraPlane) * MiniMapBoundsLimit

				// create new bounds
				CameraMovementBounds = FBox(cameraPlanePoints, 3);
				CameraMovementViewportSize = currentViewportSize;
FBoxSphereBounds UCubiquityMeshComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform & LocalToWorld) const
	//UE_LOG(CubiquityLog, Log, TEXT("UCubiquityMeshComponent::CalcBounds"));
	/*FBoxSphereBounds NewBounds;
	NewBounds.Origin = FVector::ZeroVector;
	NewBounds.SphereRadius = FMath::Sqrt(3.0f * FMath::Square(HALF_WORLD_MAX));
	return NewBounds;*/
	//FVector BoxPoint = FVector(100, 100, 100);
	/*const FVector UnitV(1, 1, 1);
	const FBox VeryVeryBig(-UnitV * HALF_WORLD_MAX, UnitV * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
	return FBoxSphereBounds(VeryVeryBig);*/
	return FBoxSphereBounds(FBox(FVector(-128, -128, -128), FVector(128, 128, 128))).TransformBy(LocalToWorld); //TODO check this for each node...
Example #13
	FBox Door::computeBBox(DoorState state) const {	
		float3 size = (float3)m_sprite.bboxSize();
		float maxs = max(size.x, size.z);
		FBox box;
		if(classId() == DoorClassId::sliding || state == DoorState::closed)
			box = FBox(float3(0, 0, 0), state == DoorState::opened_in? float3(0, 0, 0) : size);
		else if(state == DoorState::closing_in || state == DoorState::opening_in)
			box = FBox(-maxs + 1, 0, 0, 1, size.y, maxs);
		else if(state == DoorState::closing_out || state == DoorState::opening_out)
			box = FBox(0, 0, 0, maxs, size.y, maxs);
		else if(state == DoorState::opened_out)
			box = FBox(0, 0, 0, size.z, size.y, size.x);
		else if(state == DoorState::opened_in)
			box = FBox(-size.z + 1, 0, 0, 1, size.y, size.x);

		//TODO: this is still wrong
		FBox out = rotateY(box, size * 0.5f, dirAngle());
		out.min = (float3)(int3)out.min;
		out.max = (float3)(int3)out.max;
		DASSERT(classId() == DoorClassId::sliding || !out.empty());
		return out;
Example #14
void AOctreeSearch::CreateSpacePoints(int32 N, float SizeArg)
  Size = SizeArg;
  FVector s = FVector(SizeArg, SizeArg, SizeArg/10);
  for (int32 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    Particles[i].Position = FMath::RandPointInBox(FBox(GetActorLocation() - s, GetActorLocation() + s));
    Particles[i].Velocity = 10*FMath::RandRange(25.0, 50.0)*FMath::VRand();
    Particles[i].Mass = FMath::RandRange(1.0,5000.0);
  Particles[0].Position = FVector::ZeroVector;
  Particles[0].Velocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
  Particles[0].Mass = 5000.0;
  Initialized = true;
Example #15
bool FVertexSnappingImpl::SnapDragLocationToNearestVertex( const FVector& BaseLocation, FVector& DragDelta, FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient )
	int32 MouseX = ViewportClient->Viewport->GetMouseX();
	int32 MouseY = ViewportClient->Viewport->GetMouseY();
	FVector2D MousePosition = FVector2D( MouseX, MouseY ) ;
	EAxisList::Type CurrentAxis = ViewportClient->GetCurrentWidgetAxis();

	bool bSnapped = false;
	if( !DragDelta.IsNearlyZero() )
		FVector Direction = DragDelta.GetSafeNormal();

		FSceneViewFamilyContext ViewFamily(FSceneViewFamily::ConstructionValues(
			ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags )
			.SetRealtimeUpdate( ViewportClient->IsRealtime() ));
		FSceneView* View = ViewportClient->CalcSceneView( &ViewFamily );

		FVector DesiredUnsnappedLocation = BaseLocation+DragDelta;
		FBoxSphereBounds SnappingAreaBox( FBox( DesiredUnsnappedLocation-VertexSnappingConstants::MaxSnappingDistance, DesiredUnsnappedLocation+VertexSnappingConstants::MaxSnappingDistance )  );

		FBox AllowedSnappingBox = SnappingAreaBox.GetBox();
		AllowedSnappingBox += DragDelta;
		FPlane ActorPlane( DesiredUnsnappedLocation, Direction );

		TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> > NoActorsToIgnore;

		FVertexSnappingArgs Args

		SnapDragDelta( Args, BaseLocation, AllowedSnappingBox, NoActorsToIgnore, DragDelta );

	return bSnapped;
Example #16
FBoxSphereBounds UDestructibleComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
	if( ApexDestructibleActor == NULL )
		// Fallback if we don't have physics
		return Super::CalcBounds(LocalToWorld);

	const PxBounds3& PBounds = ApexDestructibleActor->getBounds();

	return FBoxSphereBounds( FBox( P2UVector(PBounds.minimum), P2UVector(PBounds.maximum) ) );
#else	// #if WITH_APEX
	return Super::CalcBounds(LocalToWorld);
#endif	// #if WITH_APEX
void FIndirectLightingCache::UpdateTranslucentVolumeCache(FViewInfo& View, TMap<FIntVector, FBlockUpdateInfo>& BlocksToUpdate, TArray<FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation*>& TransitionsOverTimeToUpdate)
	extern int32 GUseIndirectLightingCacheInLightingVolume;

	if (View.State && GUseIndirectLightingCacheInLightingVolume)
		FSceneViewState* ViewState = (FSceneViewState*)View.State;

		for (int32 CascadeIndex = 0; CascadeIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(ViewState->TranslucencyLightingCacheAllocations); CascadeIndex++)
			FIndirectLightingCacheAllocation*& Allocation = ViewState->TranslucencyLightingCacheAllocations[CascadeIndex];
			const FBoxSphereBounds Bounds(FBox(View.TranslucencyLightingVolumeMin[CascadeIndex], View.TranslucencyLightingVolumeMin[CascadeIndex] + View.TranslucencyLightingVolumeSize[CascadeIndex]));

			UpdateCacheAllocation(Bounds, GTranslucencyLightingVolumeDim / 4, true, Allocation, BlocksToUpdate, TransitionsOverTimeToUpdate);
Example #18
bool FVertexSnappingImpl::SnapLocationToNearestVertex( FVector& Location, const FVector2D& MouseLocation, FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient, FVector& OutVertexNormal, bool bDrawVertexHelpers )
	bool bSnapped = false;

	// Make a box around the actor which is the area we are allowed to snap in
	FBox AllowedSnappingBox = FBox( Location-VertexSnappingConstants::MaxSnappingDistance, Location+VertexSnappingConstants::MaxSnappingDistance );

	FSceneViewFamilyContext ViewFamily(FSceneViewFamily::ConstructionValues(
		ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags )
		.SetRealtimeUpdate( ViewportClient->IsRealtime() ));

	FSceneView* View = ViewportClient->CalcSceneView( &ViewFamily );

	TArray<FSnapActor> ActorsInBox;
	TSet<TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> > ActorsToIgnore;
	// Ignore actors currently being moved
	ActorsToIgnore.Append( ViewportClient->GetDropPreviewActors() );

	GetPossibleSnapActors( AllowedSnappingBox, MouseLocation.IntPoint(), ViewportClient, View, EAxisList::Screen, ActorsToIgnore, ActorsInBox );

	FViewportCursorLocation Cursor(View, ViewportClient, MouseLocation.X, MouseLocation.Y );

	FPlane ActorPlane( Location, Cursor.GetDirection() );

	FVertexSnappingArgs Args
	// Snap to the nearest vertex
	FSnappingVertex ClosestVertex = GetClosestVertex( ActorsInBox, Args );

	Location = ClosestVertex.Position;
	OutVertexNormal = ClosestVertex.Normal;
	bSnapped = true;

	return bSnapped;
bool UNavigationComponent::AsyncGeneratePath(const FVector& FromLocation, const FVector& GoalLocation, TSharedPtr<const FNavigationQueryFilter> QueryFilter)
	if (GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem() == NULL || GetOuter() == NULL || MyNavAgent == NULL || GetNavData() == NULL)
		return false;

	// Make sure we're trying to path to the closest valid location TO that location rather than the absolute location.
	// After talking with Steve P., if we need to ever allow pathing WITHOUT projecting to nav-mesh, it will probably be
	// best to do so using a flag while keeping this as the default behavior.  NOTE: If any changes to this behavior
	// are made, you should search for other places in UNavigationComponent using NavMeshGoalLocation and make sure the
	// behavior remains consistent.
	const FNavAgentProperties* NavAgentProps = MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties();
	if (NavAgentProps != NULL)
		FVector NavMeshGoalLocation;

		if (ProjectPointToNavigation(GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation) == QuerySuccess)
			const EPathFindingMode::Type Mode = bDoHierarchicalPathfinding ? EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical : EPathFindingMode::Regular;
			AsynPathQueryID = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem()->FindPathAsync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties()
				, FPathFindingQuery(MyNavData, FromLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation, QueryFilter)
				, FNavPathQueryDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UNavigationComponent::AsyncGeneratePath_OnCompleteCallback)
				, Mode);
			// projecting destination point failed

			UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Warning, TEXT("AI trying to generate path to point off of navmesh"));
			UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, 30, FColor::Red, TEXT("Invalid pathing GoalLocation"));
			if (MyNavData != NULL)
				UE_VLOG_BOX(GetOwner(), FBox(GoalLocation-MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryExtent(),GoalLocation+MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryExtent()), FColor::Red, TEXT_EMPTY);

	return AsynPathQueryID != INVALID_NAVQUERYID;
/** Calc Bounds */
FBoxSphereBounds UFluidSurfaceComponent::CalcBounds( const FTransform& LocalToWorld ) const
	FBoxSphereBounds NewBounds;
	/*if( BodySetup )
	FBox AggGeomBox = BodySetup->AggGeom.CalcAABB( LocalToWorld );
	if( AggGeomBox.IsValid )
	NewBounds = FBoxSphereBounds( AggGeomBox );
		FBox NewBox = FBox( FVector( -( ( FluidXSize * FluidGridSpacing ) / 2.0f ), -( ( FluidYSize * FluidGridSpacing ) / 2.0f ), -10.0f ), FVector( ( FluidXSize * FluidGridSpacing ) / 2.0f, ( FluidYSize * FluidGridSpacing ) / 2.0f, 10.0f ) );
		NewBounds = FBoxSphereBounds( NewBox );
		NewBounds.Origin = GetComponentLocation( );

	return NewBounds;
void UEnvQueryGenerator_PathingGrid::FindNodeRefsInPathDistance(const class ARecastNavMesh* NavMesh, const FVector& ContextLocation, float InMaxPathDistance, bool bPathFromContext, TArray<NavNodeRef>& NodeRefs, FBox& NodeRefsBounds) const
	FBox MyBounds(0);

	const bool bUseBacktracking = !bPathFromContext;
	NavMesh->GetClustersWithinPathingDistance(ContextLocation, InMaxPathDistance, NodeRefs, bUseBacktracking);

	for (int32 RefIndex = 0; RefIndex < NodeRefs.Num(); RefIndex++)
		FBox ClusterBounds;
		const bool bSuccess = NavMesh->GetClusterBounds(NodeRefs[RefIndex], ClusterBounds);
		if (bSuccess)
			MyBounds += ClusterBounds;
	TSharedPtr<FNavigationQueryFilter> NavFilterInstance = NavigationFilter != NULL
		? UNavigationQueryFilter::GetQueryFilter(NavMesh, NavigationFilter)->GetCopy()
		: NavMesh->GetDefaultQueryFilter()->GetCopy();

	NavMesh->GetPolysWithinPathingDistance(ContextLocation, InMaxPathDistance, NodeRefs, NavFilterInstance);

	TArray<FVector> PolyVerts;
	for (int32 RefIndex = 0; RefIndex < NodeRefs.Num(); RefIndex++)
		const bool bSuccess = NavMesh->GetPolyVerts(NodeRefs[RefIndex], PolyVerts);
		if (bSuccess)
			MyBounds += FBox(PolyVerts);

	NodeRefsBounds = MyBounds;
void AAgentSpawnerVolume::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)

	if (m_spawnerActive == false)

	int32 numToSpawn = 0;
	m_timeSinceSpawn += DeltaSeconds;
	while (m_timeSinceSpawn >= m_spawnDelay)
		m_timeSinceSpawn -= m_spawnDelay;

	if (!m_endlessMode)
		numToSpawn = FMath::Min(numToSpawn, m_numAgents - m_numAgentsSpawned);
	FBox box = GetComponentsBoundingBox();

	ABasicAIAgent *agent = Cast<ABasicAIAgent>(m_agentToSpawn.GetDefaultObject());
	int32 agentTeam = agent->m_teamID;

	UFlockingDataCache *dataCache = UFlockingDataCache::GetCacheChecked(this);

	for (int32 i = 0; i < numToSpawn; i++)
		if (!dataCache->IsTeamAtMaxSize(agentTeam))
			FVector point = FMath::RandPointInBox(FBox(box.Min, box.Max));
			point.Z += agent->m_capsuleComponent->GetScaledCapsuleHalfHeight();

			GetWorld()->SpawnActor(*m_agentToSpawn, &point, &FRotator::ZeroRotator, FActorSpawnParameters());

FBoxSphereBounds UGameplayDebuggingComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const
    FBox MyBounds;

    if (ShouldReplicateData(EAIDebugDrawDataView::NavMesh))
        MyBounds = NavMeshBounds;

    if (EQSRepData.Num() && ShouldReplicateData(EAIDebugDrawDataView::EQS))

    return MyBounds;
void ASimpleCylinderActor::GenerateMesh()
	if (Height <= 0)

	// The number of vertices or polygons wont change at runtime, so we'll just allocate the arrays once
	if (!bHaveBuffersBeenInitialized)
		bHaveBuffersBeenInitialized = true;

	FBox BoundingBox = FBox(FVector(-Radius, -Radius, 0), FVector(Radius, Radius, Height));
	GenerateCylinder(Vertices, Triangles, Height, Radius, RadialSegmentCount, bCapEnds, bDoubleSided, bSmoothNormals);
	MeshComponent->CreateMeshSection(0, Vertices, Triangles, BoundingBox, false, EUpdateFrequency::Infrequent);
	MeshComponent->SetMaterial(0, Material);
Example #25
FBox ALevelBounds::CalculateLevelBounds(ULevel* InLevel)
	FBox LevelBounds = FBox(0);
	if (InLevel)
		// Iterate over all level actors
		for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < InLevel->Actors.Num() ; ++ActorIndex)
			AActor* Actor = InLevel->Actors[ActorIndex];
			if (Actor && Actor->IsLevelBoundsRelevant())
				// Sum up components bounding boxes
				FBox ActorBox = Actor->GetComponentsBoundingBox(true);
				if (ActorBox.IsValid)
					LevelBounds+= ActorBox;

	return LevelBounds;
Example #26
FBoxSphereBounds UBoxComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform& LocalToWorld) const 
	return FBoxSphereBounds( FBox( -BoxExtent, BoxExtent ) ).TransformBy(LocalToWorld);
Example #27
FBox FLevelModel::GetLevelBounds() const
	return FBox(0);
Example #28
FBox FStaticLightingAggregateMesh::GetBounds() const
	// Expand the bounds slightly to avoid having to handle geometry that is exactly on the bounding box,
	// Which happens if you create a new level in Unreal with BSP from the default builder brush.
	return TrianglePayloads.Num() > 0 ? SceneBounds.ExpandBy(5.0f * Scene.SceneConstants.StaticLightingLevelScale) : FBox(FVector4(0,0,0), FVector4(0,0,0));
void FEditorCommonDrawHelper::DrawOldGrid(const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI)
	ESceneDepthPriorityGroup eDPG = (ESceneDepthPriorityGroup)DepthPriorityGroup;

	bool bIsPerspective = ( View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[3][3] < 1.0f );

	// Draw 3D perspective grid
	if( bIsPerspective)
		// @todo: Persp grid should be changed to be adaptive and use same settings as ortho grid, including grid interval!
		const int32 RangeInCells = NumCells / 2;
		const int32 MajorLineInterval = NumCells / 8;

		const int32 NumLines = NumCells + 1;
		const int32 AxesIndex = NumCells / 2;
		for( int32 LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < NumLines; ++LineIndex )
			bool bIsMajorLine = ( ( LineIndex - RangeInCells ) % MajorLineInterval ) == 0;

			FVector A,B;
			A.X=(PerspectiveGridSize/4.f)*(-1.0+2.0*LineIndex/NumCells);	B.X=A.X;

			A.Y=(PerspectiveGridSize/4.f);		B.Y=-(PerspectiveGridSize/4.f);
			A.Z=0.0;							B.Z=0.0;

			FColor LineColor;
			float LineThickness = 0.f;

			if ( LineIndex==AxesIndex )
				LineColor = GridColorAxis;
				LineThickness = AxesLineThickness;
			else if ( bIsMajorLine )
				LineColor = GridColorMajor;
				LineColor = GridColorMinor;

			PDI->DrawLine(A,B,LineColor,eDPG, LineThickness, GridDepthBias);

			A.Y=A.X;							B.Y=B.X;
			A.X=(PerspectiveGridSize/4.f);		B.X=-(PerspectiveGridSize/4.f);
			PDI->DrawLine(A,B,LineColor,eDPG, LineThickness, GridDepthBias);
	// Draw ortho grid.
		const bool bIsOrthoXY = ( FMath::Abs(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[2][2]) > 0.0f );
		const bool bIsOrthoXZ = ( FMath::Abs(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[1][2]) > 0.0f );
		const bool bIsOrthoYZ = ( FMath::Abs(View->ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.M[0][2]) > 0.0f );

		FLinearColor AxisColors[3];
		GetAxisColors(AxisColors, false);

		if( bIsOrthoXY )
			FVector StartY( 0.0f, +HALF_WORLD_MAX1, -HALF_WORLD_MAX );
			FVector EndY( 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX1, -HALF_WORLD_MAX );
			FVector StartX( +HALF_WORLD_MAX1, 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX );
			FVector EndX( -HALF_WORLD_MAX1, 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX );
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartY, &EndY, &StartY.X, &EndY.X, 0, View, PDI);
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartX, &EndX, &StartX.Y, &EndX.Y, 1, View, PDI);
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartY, &EndY, &StartY.X, &EndY.X, View, PDI, AxisColors[1] );
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartX, &EndX, &StartX.Y, &EndX.Y, View, PDI, AxisColors[0] );
		else if( bIsOrthoXZ )
			FVector StartZ( 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX, +HALF_WORLD_MAX1 );
			FVector EndZ( 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX, -HALF_WORLD_MAX1 );
			FVector StartX( +HALF_WORLD_MAX1, -HALF_WORLD_MAX, 0.0f );
			FVector EndX( -HALF_WORLD_MAX1, -HALF_WORLD_MAX, 0.0f );
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartZ, &EndZ, &StartZ.X, &EndZ.X, 0, View, PDI);
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartX, &EndX, &StartX.Z, &EndX.Z, 2, View, PDI);
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartZ, &EndZ, &StartZ.X, &EndZ.X, View, PDI, AxisColors[2] );
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartX, &EndX, &StartX.Z, &EndX.Z, View, PDI, AxisColors[0] );
		else if( bIsOrthoYZ )
			FVector StartZ( +HALF_WORLD_MAX, 0.0f, +HALF_WORLD_MAX1 );
			FVector EndZ( +HALF_WORLD_MAX, 0.0f, -HALF_WORLD_MAX1 );
			FVector StartY( +HALF_WORLD_MAX, +HALF_WORLD_MAX1, 0.0f );
			FVector EndY( +HALF_WORLD_MAX, -HALF_WORLD_MAX1, 0.0f );
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartZ, &EndZ, &StartZ.Y, &EndZ.Y, 1, View, PDI);
			DrawGridSection( GEditor->GetGridSize(), &StartY, &EndY, &StartY.Z, &EndY.Z, 2, View, PDI);
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartZ, &EndZ, &StartZ.Y, &EndZ.Y, View, PDI, AxisColors[2] );
			DrawOriginAxisLine( &StartY, &EndY, &StartY.Z, &EndY.Z, View, PDI, AxisColors[1] );

		if( bDrawKillZ && ( bIsOrthoXZ || bIsOrthoYZ ) && GWorld->GetWorldSettings()->bEnableWorldBoundsChecks )
			float KillZ = GWorld->GetWorldSettings()->KillZ;

			PDI->DrawLine( FVector(-HALF_WORLD_MAX,0,KillZ), FVector(HALF_WORLD_MAX,0,KillZ), FColor(255,0,0), SDPG_Foreground );
			PDI->DrawLine( FVector(0,-HALF_WORLD_MAX,KillZ), FVector(0,HALF_WORLD_MAX,KillZ), FColor(255,0,0), SDPG_Foreground );

	// Draw orthogonal worldframe.
Example #30
bool OccluderConfig::update(const FBox &bbox) {
	//TODO: hiding when close to a door/window
	FBox test_box(bbox.min.x, bbox.min.y + 1.0f, bbox.min.z, bbox.max.x, 256, bbox.max.z);
	float3 mid_point = asXZY(test_box.center().xz(), bbox.min.y + 2.0f);

	bool vis_changed = update();
	vector<int> temp;
	IRect test_rect = (IRect)worldToScreen(bbox);
	const Grid &grid = m_map.m_grid;
	grid.findAll(temp, test_rect);

	vector<int> temp2;

	PodArray<int> overlaps(m_map.size());
	memset(overlaps.data(), 0, m_map.size() * sizeof(int));

	for(int i = 0; i < (int)temp.size(); i++) {
		const auto &object = grid[temp[i]];
		if(object.occluder_id == -1)

		const OccluderMap::Occluder &occluder = m_map[object.occluder_id];
		int order = drawingOrder(object.bbox, bbox);
		if(order == 1)
			overlaps[object.occluder_id] = order;

	for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++) {
		bool is_overlapping = false;
		const OccluderMap::Occluder &occluder = m_map[n];

		if(overlaps[n] == 1) {
			FBox bbox_around(bbox.min - float3(16, 0, 16), bbox.max + float3(16, 0, 16));
			bbox_around.min.y = 0;
			bbox_around.max.y = Grid::max_height;

			grid.findAll(temp2, bbox_around);
			FBox local_box = FBox();

			for(int i = 0; i < (int)temp2.size(); i++) {
				const auto &object = grid[temp2[i]];
				if(object.occluder_id == n)
					local_box = local_box.empty()? object.bbox : sum(local_box, object.bbox);

			is_overlapping = local_box.min.y > mid_point.y;

		if(is_overlapping != m_states[n].is_overlapping) {
			m_states[n].is_overlapping = is_overlapping;
			vis_changed = true;

		return false;

	for(int n= 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++)
		m_states[n].is_visible = !m_states[n].is_overlapping;

//TODO: isUnder can be precomputed
	for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++) {

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_states.size(); i++)
			if(!m_states[i].is_visible && m_map.isUnder(i, n)) {
				m_states[n].is_visible = false;

	return true;