Example #1
int repl_log_fd2fp(FILE **fp, int fd)
	int fclose_res;

	/* For stats log file, we need to have FCLOSEd *fp because a later open() in repl_log_init() might return the same file
	 * descriptor as a previously closed stats log file. In that case, FCLOSE if done here affects the newly opened file and
	 * FDOPEN will fail returning NULL for the file pointer. */
	if (NULL != *fp)
		FCLOSE(*fp, fclose_res);
	*fp = FDOPEN(fd, "a");
	assert(NULL != *fp); /* we don't expect FDOPEN to fail */
Example #2
static FILE *NaClLogFileIoBufferFromFile(char const *log_file) {
  int   log_desc;
  FILE  *log_iob;

  log_desc = open(log_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0777);
  if (-1 == log_desc) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not create log file\n");

  log_iob = FDOPEN(log_desc, "a");
  if (NULL == log_iob) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not fdopen log stream\n");
  return log_iob;
Example #3
 * Setting the log stream buffering to fully buffered, so that the
 * write of the tag string will be less likely to be separated
 * from the write of the actual log message.
static FILE *NaClLogDupFileIo(FILE *orig) {
  int  d;
  FILE *copy;

   * On windows (at least on a win7 machine which i tested on),
   * fileno(stderr) is -2.  I/O to the stderr stream appears to
   * succeed -- though who knows, maybe fclose(stderr) would actually
   * report an error? -- but DUP of -2 fails.  We don't try to detect
   * -2 (or other windows magic values) as a special case here, since
   * in the future other FILE* might be used here.  Instead, we just
   * check for DUP failure and trundle on as best as we could.
  if (-1 == (d = DUP(fileno(orig)))) {
    copy = orig;
    /* this means that setvbuf later will affect the shared stream */
  } else if (NULL == (copy = FDOPEN(d, "a"))) {
    copy = orig;
    /* ditto */
  (void) setvbuf(copy, (char *) NULL, _IOFBF, 1024);
  return copy;
Example #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int		fd;
	FILE		*fp;
	header_struct	*header;
	gd_addr		*addr;
	gd_region	*region;
	gd_segment	*segment;
	int4		*long_ptr;
	uint4	size;
	int		i, alloc, extend, block, global, key, lock, record;

	alloc = 100;
	extend = 100;
	block = 1024;
	global = 128;
	lock = 20;
	record = 256;
	key = 64;
	for (i = argc; i > 1; i--)
		if (argv[0][0] != '-' || argv[0][1] == 'h')
			PRINTF("syntax is dtgbldir [-abegklr] with each qualifier followed by a number\n");
			PRINTF("and separated by spaces. i.e. dtgbldir -a100 -b2048 -l30\n");
			PRINTF("-a is alloc [100]     -b is block size [1024] -e is ext [100]\n");
			PRINTF("-g is glo buff [128]  -k is keysize [64]      -l is lock [20]\n");
			PRINTF("-r is rec size [256]  -h prints this message\n");
			PRINTF("The global directory is created as ./mumps.gld\n");
			return 0;
		switch (argv[0][1])
			case 'a':	if (-1 == (alloc = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -a: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'b':	if (-1 == (block = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -b: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'e':	if (-1 == (extend = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -e: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'g':	if (-1 == (global = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2], strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -g: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'k':	if (-1 == (key = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -k: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'l':	if (-1 == (lock = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -l: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			case 'r':	if (-1 == (record = asc2i((uchar_ptr_t)&argv[0][2],strlen(argv[0]) - 2)))
						PRINTF("Invalid value for -r: %s\n", &argv[0][2]);
						return 0;
			default:	PRINTF("unrecognized qualifier %s\n",argv[0]);
					return 0;
	if (argc == 1)
		PRINTF("syntax is dtgbldir [-abegklr] with each qualifier followed by a number\n");
		PRINTF("and separated by spaces. i.e. dtgbldir -a100 -b2048 -l30\n");
		PRINTF("-a is alloc [100]     -b is block size [1024] -e is ext [100]\n");
		PRINTF("-g is glo buff [128]  -k is keysize [64]      -l is lock [20]\n");
		PRINTF("-r is rec size [256]  -h prints this message\n");
		PRINTF("The global directory is created as ./mumps.gld\n");
		PRINTF("\n\nCreating default global directory\n");
	if (record > (block / 2) - 4)
		PRINTF("Record size %d is too large, block size %d will only support record size of %d\n",
			record, block, (block / 2) - 4);
		return 0;
	if (key >= record)
		PRINTF("Key size %d is too large, record size %d will only support key size of %d\n",
			key, record, record - 1);
		return 0;

	if (lock > 100 || lock < 4)
		PRINTF("Lock size %d is invalid, must be between 4 and 100\n", lock);
		return 0;

	if (block % DISK_BLOCK_SIZE)
		PRINTF("Block size %d is invalid, must be a multiple of %d\n", block, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
		return 0;

	if (global < 64 || global > 4096)
		PRINTF("Global value %d is invalid, must be between 64 and 4096\n", global);
		return 0;
	if (-1 == (fd = OPEN4("./mumps.gld", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, 0600, 0 )))
		PERROR("Error opening file");
		return 0;
	size = sizeof(header_struct) + sizeof(gd_addr) + 3 * sizeof(gd_binding) + 1 * sizeof(gd_region) + 1 * sizeof(gd_segment);
	header = (header_struct *)malloc(ROUND_UP(size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE));
	memset(header, 0, ROUND_UP(size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE));
	header->filesize = size;
	size = ROUND_UP(size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
	memcpy(header->label, GDE_LABEL_LITERAL, sizeof(GDE_LABEL_LITERAL));
	addr = (gd_addr *)((char *)header + sizeof(header_struct));
	addr->max_rec_size = 256;
	addr->maps = (gd_binding*)(sizeof(gd_addr));
	addr->n_maps = 3;
	addr->regions = (gd_region*)((int4)(addr->maps) + 3 * sizeof(gd_binding));
	addr->n_regions = 1;
	addr->segments = (gd_segment*)((int4)(addr->regions) + sizeof(gd_region));
	addr->n_segments = 1;
	addr->link = 0;
	addr->tab_ptr = 0;
	addr->id = 0;
	addr->local_locks = 0;
	addr->end = (int4)(addr->segments + 1 * sizeof(gd_segment));
	long_ptr = (int4*)((char*)addr + (int4)(addr->maps));
	*long_ptr++ = 0x232FFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = (int4)addr->regions;
	*long_ptr++ = 0x24FFFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = (int4)addr->regions;
	*long_ptr++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	*long_ptr++ = (int4)addr->regions;
	region = (gd_region*)((char*)addr + (int4)(addr->regions));
	segment = (gd_segment*)((char*)addr + (int4)(addr->segments));
	region->rname_len = 7;
	region->dyn.offset = (int4)addr->segments;
	region->max_rec_size = record;
	region->max_key_size = key;
	region->open = region->lock_write = region->null_subs = region->jnl_state = 0;
	region->jnl_alq = region->jnl_deq = region->jnl_buffer_size = region->jnl_before_image = 0;
	region->jnl_file_len = region->node = region->cmx_regnum = 0;
	region->sec_size = 0;
	segment->sname_len = 7;
	segment->fname_len = 9;
	segment->blk_size = block;
	segment->allocation = alloc;
	segment->ext_blk_count = extend;
	segment->cm_blk = 0;
	segment->lock_space = lock;
	segment->global_buffers = global;
	segment->buckets = 0;
	segment->windows = 0;
	segment->acc_meth = dba_bg;
	segment->defer_time = 1;
	segment->file_cntl = 0;

	if (NULL == (fp = FDOPEN(fd,"r+")))
		PERROR("Error doing fdopen on file");
		return 0;
	if (fseek(fp, (long)0, SEEK_SET))
		PERROR("Error seeking on file");
		return 0;
	if (fwrite(header,1,size,fp) != size)
		PERROR("Error writing to file");
		return 0;
	return 1;