Example #1
 *	@public
 *	@brief	Writes a char to a FILE.
 *	@param	pFile		FILE Pointer.
 *	@param	pa_cValue	Char to be placed in the file.
 *	@return	Returns the value written to the file, or a value less than 0.
FF_T_SINT32 FF_PutC(FF_FILE *pFile, FF_T_UINT8 pa_cValue) {
	FF_BUFFER	*pBuffer;
	FF_T_UINT32 iItemLBA;
	FF_T_UINT32 iRelPos;
	FF_T_UINT32 nClusterDiff;
	FF_ERROR	Error;
	if(!pFile) {	// Ensure we don't have a Null file pointer on a Public interface.

	if(!(pFile->Mode & FF_MODE_WRITE)) {

	// Make sure a write is after the append point.
	if((pFile->Mode & FF_MODE_APPEND)) {
		if(pFile->FilePointer < pFile->Filesize) {
			FF_Seek(pFile, 0, FF_SEEK_END);

	iRelPos = FF_getMinorBlockEntry(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);
	// Handle File Space Allocation.
	Error = FF_ExtendFile(pFile, pFile->FilePointer + 1);
	if(Error) {
		return Error;
	nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
	if(nClusterDiff) {
		if(pFile->CurrentCluster < FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
			pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pFile->pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff, &Error);
			if(Error) {
				return Error;
			pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;

	iItemLBA = FF_Cluster2LBA(pFile->pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster) + FF_getMajorBlockNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, (FF_T_UINT16) 1);
	iItemLBA = FF_getRealLBA (pFile->pIoman, iItemLBA)					+ FF_getMinorBlockNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, (FF_T_UINT16) 1);
	pBuffer = FF_GetBuffer(pFile->pIoman, iItemLBA, FF_MODE_WRITE);
		if(!pBuffer) {
		FF_putChar(pBuffer->pBuffer, (FF_T_UINT16) iRelPos, pa_cValue);
	FF_ReleaseBuffer(pFile->pIoman, pBuffer);

	pFile->FilePointer += 1;
	if(pFile->Filesize < (pFile->FilePointer)) {
		pFile->Filesize += 1;
	return pa_cValue;
Example #2
FatiRead(PFAT_IRP_CONTEXT IrpContext)
    ULONG NumberOfBytes;
    LARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset;
    PFILE_OBJECT FileObject;
    TYPE_OF_OPEN OpenType;
    PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IrpContext->Stack;
    PFCB Fcb;
    PVCB Vcb;
    PCCB Ccb;
    PVOID Buffer;
    LONG BytesRead;

    FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject;
    NumberOfBytes = IrpSp->Parameters.Read.Length;
    ByteOffset = IrpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset;
    if (NumberOfBytes == 0)
        FatCompleteRequest(IrpContext, IrpContext->Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS);
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    OpenType = FatDecodeFileObject(FileObject, &Vcb, &Fcb, &Ccb);

    DPRINT("FatiRead() Fcb %p, Name %wZ, Offset %d, Length %d, Handle %p\n",
        Fcb, &FileObject->FileName, ByteOffset.LowPart, NumberOfBytes, Fcb->FatHandle);

    /* Perform actual read */

    if (IrpContext->MinorFunction & IRP_MN_MDL)
        DPRINT1("MDL read\n");
        Buffer = FatMapUserBuffer(IrpContext->Irp);
        DPRINT("Normal cached read, buffer %p\n");

        /* Set offset */
        FF_Seek(Fcb->FatHandle, ByteOffset.LowPart, FF_SEEK_SET);

        /* Read */
        BytesRead = FF_Read(Fcb->FatHandle, NumberOfBytes, 1, Buffer);
        DPRINT("Read %d bytes\n", BytesRead);

        /* Indicate we read requested amount of bytes */
        IrpContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesRead;
        IrpContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

    /* Complete the request */
    FatCompleteRequest(IrpContext, IrpContext->Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS);
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
Example #3
DWORD WINAPI IOTestThread( LPVOID lpParam ) {
	THREAD hThread = (THREAD) lpParam;		// Cast the thread param to the FF File.

	FF_T_UINT16 i;
	FF_T_UINT16 buf[1024];

	for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
		buf[i] = i;	

	while(!hThread->tKill) {
		i = (FF_T_UINT16) FF_Write(hThread->pFile, 2, 1024, (FF_T_UINT8 *) buf);
		FF_Seek(hThread->pFile, 0, FF_SEEK_SET);		
		hThread->nThreadBytes += i;

	printf("Thread %d: Received Kill Signal\n", hThread->nThreadNum);
	hThread->isDead = FF_TRUE;

	return 0;
Example #4
 *	@public
 *	@brief	Writes data to a File.
 *	@param	pFile			FILE Pointer.
 *	@param	ElementSize		Size of an Element of Data to be copied. (in bytes). 
 *	@param	Count			Number of Elements of Data to be copied. (ElementSize * Count must not exceed ((2^31)-1) bytes. (2GB). For best performance, multiples of 512 bytes or Cluster sizes are best.
 *	@param	buffer			Byte-wise buffer containing the data to be written.
 *	@return
FF_T_SINT32 FF_Write(FF_FILE *pFile, FF_T_UINT32 ElementSize, FF_T_UINT32 Count, FF_T_UINT8 *buffer) {
	FF_T_UINT32 nBytes = ElementSize * Count;
	FF_T_UINT32	nBytesWritten = 0;
	FF_T_UINT32 nBytesToWrite;
	FF_IOMAN	*pIoman;
	FF_BUFFER	*pBuffer;
	FF_T_UINT32 nRelBlockPos;
	FF_T_UINT32	nItemLBA;
	FF_T_SINT32	RetVal = 0;
	FF_T_UINT16	sSectors;
	FF_T_UINT32 nRelClusterPos;
	FF_T_UINT32 nBytesPerCluster, nClusterDiff, nClusters;
	FF_ERROR	Error;

	if(!pFile) {

	if(!(pFile->Mode & FF_MODE_WRITE)) {

	// Make sure a write is after the append point.
	if((pFile->Mode & FF_MODE_APPEND)) {
		if(pFile->FilePointer < pFile->Filesize) {
			FF_Seek(pFile, 0, FF_SEEK_END);

	pIoman = pFile->pIoman;

	nBytesPerCluster = (pIoman->pPartition->SectorsPerCluster * pIoman->BlkSize);

	// Extend File for atleast nBytes!
	// Handle file-space allocation
	Error = FF_ExtendFile(pFile, pFile->FilePointer + nBytes);

	if(Error) {
		return Error;	

	nRelBlockPos = FF_getMinorBlockEntry(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1); // Get the position within a block.
	nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
	if(nClusterDiff) {
		if(pFile->CurrentCluster != FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
			pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff);
			pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;
	nItemLBA = FF_Cluster2LBA(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster);
	nItemLBA = FF_getRealLBA(pIoman, nItemLBA + FF_getMajorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) + FF_getMinorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);

	if((nRelBlockPos + nBytes) < pIoman->BlkSize) {	// Bytes to read are within a block and less than a block size.
		pBuffer = FF_GetBuffer(pIoman, nItemLBA, FF_MODE_WRITE);
			memcpy((pBuffer->pBuffer + nRelBlockPos), buffer, nBytes);
		FF_ReleaseBuffer(pIoman, pBuffer);

		pFile->FilePointer += nBytes;
		nBytesWritten = nBytes;
		//return nBytes;		// Return the number of bytes read.

	} else {

		//---------- Write (memcpy) to a Sector Boundary
		if(nRelBlockPos != 0) {	// Not on a sector boundary, at this point the LBA is known.
			nBytesToWrite = pIoman->BlkSize - nRelBlockPos;
			pBuffer = FF_GetBuffer(pIoman, nItemLBA, FF_MODE_WRITE);
				// Here we copy to the sector boudary.
				memcpy((pBuffer->pBuffer + nRelBlockPos), buffer, nBytesToWrite);
			FF_ReleaseBuffer(pIoman, pBuffer);

			nBytes				-= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytesWritten		+= nBytesToWrite;
			pFile->FilePointer	+= nBytesToWrite;
			buffer				+= nBytesToWrite;

		//---------- Write to a Cluster Boundary
		nRelClusterPos = FF_getClusterPosition(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);
		if(nRelClusterPos != 0 && nBytes >= nBytesPerCluster) { // Need to get to cluster boundary
			nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
			if(nClusterDiff) {
				if(pFile->CurrentCluster < FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
					pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff);
					pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;
			nItemLBA = FF_Cluster2LBA(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster);
			nItemLBA = FF_getRealLBA(pIoman, nItemLBA + FF_getMajorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) + FF_getMinorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);

			sSectors = (FF_T_UINT16) (pIoman->pPartition->SectorsPerCluster - (nRelClusterPos / pIoman->BlkSize));
			do {
				if(pIoman->pBlkDevice->fnWriteBlocks) {
					RetVal = pFile->pIoman->pBlkDevice->fnWriteBlocks(buffer, nItemLBA, sSectors, pIoman->pBlkDevice->pParam);
				if(RetVal == FF_ERR_DRIVER_BUSY) {
			}while(RetVal == FF_ERR_DRIVER_BUSY);
			nBytesToWrite		 = sSectors * pIoman->BlkSize;
			nBytes				-= nBytesToWrite;
			buffer				+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytesWritten		+= nBytesToWrite;
			pFile->FilePointer	+= nBytesToWrite;


		//---------- Write Clusters
		if(nBytes >= nBytesPerCluster) {
			//----- Thanks to Christopher Clark of DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, US adding this traversal check.
			nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
			if(nClusterDiff) {
				if(pFile->CurrentCluster < FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
					pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff);
					pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;
			//----- End of Contributor fix.

			nClusters = (nBytes / nBytesPerCluster);
			FF_WriteClusters(pFile, nClusters, buffer);
			nBytesToWrite = (nBytesPerCluster *  nClusters);
			pFile->FilePointer	+= nBytesToWrite;

			nBytes				-= nBytesToWrite;
			buffer				+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytesWritten		+= nBytesToWrite;

		//---------- Write Remaining Blocks
		if(nBytes >= pIoman->BlkSize) {
			sSectors = (FF_T_UINT16) (nBytes / pIoman->BlkSize);
			nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
			if(nClusterDiff) {
				if(pFile->CurrentCluster < FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
					pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff);
					pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;
			nItemLBA = FF_Cluster2LBA(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster);
			nItemLBA = FF_getRealLBA(pIoman, nItemLBA + FF_getMajorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) + FF_getMinorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);
			do {
				if(pIoman->pBlkDevice->fnWriteBlocks) {
					RetVal = pFile->pIoman->pBlkDevice->fnWriteBlocks(buffer, nItemLBA, sSectors, pIoman->pBlkDevice->pParam);
				if(RetVal == FF_ERR_DRIVER_BUSY) {
			}while(RetVal == FF_ERR_DRIVER_BUSY);
			nBytesToWrite = sSectors * pIoman->BlkSize;
			pFile->FilePointer	+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytes				-= nBytesToWrite;
			buffer				+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytesWritten		+= nBytesToWrite;


		//---------- Write (memcpy) Remaining Bytes
		if(nBytes > 0) {
			nClusterDiff = FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1) - pFile->CurrentCluster;
			if(nClusterDiff) {
				if(pFile->CurrentCluster < FF_getClusterChainNumber(pFile->pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) {
					pFile->AddrCurrentCluster = FF_TraverseFAT(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster, nClusterDiff);
					pFile->CurrentCluster += nClusterDiff;
			nItemLBA = FF_Cluster2LBA(pIoman, pFile->AddrCurrentCluster);
			nItemLBA = FF_getRealLBA(pIoman, nItemLBA + FF_getMajorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1)) + FF_getMinorBlockNumber(pIoman, pFile->FilePointer, 1);
			pBuffer = FF_GetBuffer(pIoman, nItemLBA, FF_MODE_WRITE);
				memcpy(pBuffer->pBuffer, buffer, nBytes);
			FF_ReleaseBuffer(pIoman, pBuffer);

			nBytesToWrite = nBytes;
			pFile->FilePointer	+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytes				-= nBytesToWrite;
			buffer				+= nBytesToWrite;
			nBytesWritten			+= nBytesToWrite;


	if(pFile->FilePointer > pFile->Filesize) {
		pFile->Filesize = pFile->FilePointer;

	return nBytesWritten;