Example #1
	/// <summary>
	/// Computes Brenner's focus measure (gradient based)
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>The focus measure value</returns>
	double BasicFM::computeBREN()

		if (checkInput()) {

			//this should be the faster version...

            cv::Mat FM(mSrcImg.rows - 2, mSrcImg.cols - 2, mSrcImg.type());
            for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < mSrcImg.rows - 2; rowIdx++) {

                const float *ptrSrc = mSrcImg.ptr<float>(rowIdx);
                const float *ptrSrc2 = mSrcImg.ptr<float>(rowIdx+2);

                float *ptrFm = FM.ptr<float>(rowIdx);

                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < mSrcImg.cols-2; colIdx++) {

                    double diffH = ptrSrc[colIdx + 2] - ptrSrc[colIdx];
                    double diffV = ptrSrc2[colIdx] - ptrSrc[colIdx];

                    ptrFm[colIdx] = (float)cv::max(cv::abs(diffH), cv::abs(diffV));
                    ptrFm[colIdx] *= ptrFm[colIdx];

            //old version
			cv::Mat dH = mSrcImg(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(2, mSrcImg.cols)) - mSrcImg(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0, mSrcImg.cols - 2));
			cv::Mat dV = mSrcImg(cv::Range(2, mSrcImg.rows), cv::Range::all()) - mSrcImg(cv::Range(0, mSrcImg.rows - 2), cv::Range::all());
			dH = cv::abs(dH);
			dV = cv::abs(dV);

			cv::Mat FM = cv::max(dH(cv::Range(0, dH.rows - 2), cv::Range::all()), dV(cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0, dV.cols - 2)));
			FM = FM.mul(FM);
            //end old version

			cv::Scalar fm = cv::mean(FM);
			//255*255 / 2 -> max value
			fm[0] = fm[0] / ((255.0*255.0)/2.0);
			mVal = fm[0];
		else {
			mVal = -1;

		return mVal;
Example #2
void FontMetricsNode::inputsUpdated( qint64 pTimeStamp )
	NodeControlBase::inputsUpdated( pTimeStamp );

	QFont			Font   = variant<QFont>( mPinInputFont );
	QString			String = variant<QString>( mPinInputText );

	QFontMetricsF	FM( Font );

	QRectF			Bounds = FM.boundingRect( String );

	if( Bounds != mValOutputBounds->variant().value<QRectF>() )
		mValOutputBounds->setVariant( Bounds );

		pinUpdated( mPinOutputBounds );
Example #3
int main (void)
	int n;
	double tol = 1e-14;
	double **A, *b;

	for (n = 1; n <= 15; n++)
		A = GMH (n);
		b = GV1 (n, A);

		gauss (n, A, b, tol);
		trisup (n, A, b, tol);

		printf ("%3d:\t%.30le\n", n, Norm (n, b)-1);

		FM (A, n, n);
		FV (b, n);

	return 0;
Example #4
BOOL CNetRadioDlg::OnInitDialog()

	// 设置此对话框的图标。当应用程序主窗口不是对话框时,框架将自动
	//  执行此操作
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// 设置大图标
	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// 设置小图标

	CONFIG Config;


	CString FM(Config.FM);

	return TRUE;  // 除非将焦点设置到控件,否则返回 TRUE
Example #5
static int
compare_nodes(NODE *n1, NODE *n2, char const *path)
	int differs;
	if (n1 != NULL && n1->type == F_LINK)
		n1->flags &= ~F_MODE;
	if (n2 != NULL && n2->type == F_LINK)
		n2->flags &= ~F_MODE;
	differs = 0;
	if (n1 == NULL && n2 != NULL) {
		differs = n2->flags;
		mismatch(n1, n2, differs, path);
		return (1);
	if (n1 != NULL && n2 == NULL) {
		differs = n1->flags;
		mismatch(n1, n2, differs, path);
		return (1);
	if (n1->type != n2->type) {
		differs = 0;
		mismatch(n1, n2, differs, path);
		return (1);
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_CKSUM, cksum))
		differs |= F_CKSUM;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_GID, st_gid))
		differs |= F_GID;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_GNAME, st_gid))
		differs |= F_GNAME;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_MODE, st_mode))
		differs |= F_MODE;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_NLINK, st_nlink))
		differs |= F_NLINK;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_SIZE, st_size))
		differs |= F_SIZE;
	if (FS(n1, n2, F_SLINK, slink))
		differs |= F_SLINK;
	if (FM(n1, n2, F_TIME, st_mtimespec))
		differs |= F_TIME;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_UID, st_uid))
		differs |= F_UID;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_UNAME, st_uid))
		differs |= F_UNAME;
	if (FS(n1, n2, F_MD5, md5digest))
		differs |= F_MD5;
	if (FS(n1, n2, F_SHA1, sha1digest))
		differs |= F_SHA1;
	if (FS(n1, n2, F_RMD160, rmd160digest))
		differs |= F_RMD160;
	if (FS(n1, n2, F_SHA256, sha256digest))
		differs |= F_SHA256;
	if (FF(n1, n2, F_FLAGS, st_flags))
		differs |= F_FLAGS;
	if (differs) {
		mismatch(n1, n2, differs, path);
		return (1);
	return (0);	
Example #6
void grans_perform64(t_grans *x, t_object *dsp64, double **ins, long numins, double **outs, long numouts, long sampleframes, long flags, void *userparam)
 single evelope version:
 0 trigger
 1 car hz
 2 harm (for all)
 3 mod index (for all)
 4 amp dur
 5 x amp slope
 6 y amp slope
 7 amp enve type
	double *in1 = ins[0];
    double *in2 = ins[1];
	double *harm = ins[2];
	double *modindex = ins[3];
	double *in5 = ins[4];
    double *in6 = ins[5];
    double *in7 = ins[6];
    double *in8 = ins[7];

    double **outlets = outs;

    register double  prev_trig = x->prev_in1;
    register double  trigger;
    register double  type;
    register double  hz;
    register double  dur;
    register double  w_attack;
    register double  w_slope;
    int j, i;
    double *sinetab = x->sinetab; //not sure if the const is helping me a lot?
    const double *cos_wind = x->wind_costab;
    const double *decaytab = x->expdecaytab;
    const double *dampedsinetab = x->dampedsinetab;
    const double *sinc_wind = x->sincwindow;
    const double **exptab = (const double **)x->exptab;
    const Boolean alwayson = x->always_on;
    //zero out samples, and check for new triggers
    for ( j = 0; j < sampleframes; j++)
        for(i = 0; i < numouts; i++){ //might be able to move this into the main loop, and do the grain allocation there too... if that was the case the j offset could be removed also
            outlets[i][j] = 0.0;

        trigger = *in1++; //trigger also used for chirp rate
        hz = *in2++;
        dur = *in5++;
        w_attack = *in6++;
        w_slope = *in7++;
        type = *in8++;
        if ( trigger != 0.0 && hz > 0.0 && dur > 0.0 && w_attack > 0.0 && w_slope > 0.0)
            grans_setNewGrain( x, j, trigger, hz, dur,  w_attack, w_slope, (int)type );

        prev_trig = trigger;


    x->prev_in1 = prev_trig;

    t_osc *o = x->base;
//    t_osc *mod = x->modbase; //in case of individual grain envelopes

    const int    maxoscillators = x->maxoscillators;
    const double tabSamp = 1.0 / STABSZ;
    const double halftab = 0.5 * STABSZ;
    const int    shapetabscale = NSHAPINGTABS - 1;
    const int    wtabscale = STABSZ - 1;
    register long       tex_pc, xshapetab, yshapetab;
    register double     pc, wpc, chirpdir;
    register double     pi, wpi, att, slop, amp, tex, chirprate;
    register int        w_type, outletnum;
    for( i = 0; i < maxoscillators; i++, o++)
        pi      = o->phase_inc;
        if( pi == 0.0 && !alwayson) continue; //<< if not always on, it's a little cheaper, but spiky
        //actually this is only one part of cpu cost, the other part is writing the windows, i'm not sure if I can reduced that...
        pc      = o->phase_current;
        wpc     = o->window_phase_curent;
        wpi     = o->window_phase_inc;

        att     = o->window_attack;
        slop    = o->window_slope;
        xshapetab = (uint32_t)(att * shapetabscale); //could be in the grain struct
        yshapetab = (uint32_t)(slop * shapetabscale); //could be in the grain struct
        w_type  = o->window_type;
        outletnum = o->outlet;
        j = o->offset;
        if( w_type == 0 ) //cos window
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                //amp = pow( cos_wind[ (uint32_t)(pow( wpc * tabSamp, att ) * STABSZ) ], slop);
                amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                          (uint32_t)(cos_wind[(uint32_t)(exptab[ xshapetab ][ (uint32_t)wpc ] * wtabscale)] * wtabscale)
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = fmod((pc + pi), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;
        else if( w_type == 1 ) //fof window
            tex = o->tex;
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                tex_pc = (uint32_t)wrapPhase(wpc * tex, STABSZ);
                if( tex_pc <= halftab )
                    //amp = pow( cos_wind[ tex_pc ], slop) * decaytab[ (uint32_t)wpc ];
                    amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                              (uint32_t)(cos_wind[ (uint32_t)tex_pc ] * wtabscale)
                                              ] * decaytab[ (uint32_t)wpc ];
                    amp = decaytab[ (uint32_t)wpc ];
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = fmod((pc + pi), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;
        else if( w_type == 2 ) //dampedsine window
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                //amp = pow( dampedsinetab[(uint32_t)( pow( wpc * tabSamp, att ) * STABSZ )], slop);
                amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                          (uint32_t)(dampedsinetab[(uint32_t)(exptab[ xshapetab ][ (uint32_t)wpc ] * wtabscale)] * wtabscale)
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = fmod((pc + pi), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;
        else if( w_type == 3 ) //sinc window
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                //amp = pow( sinc_wind[(uint32_t)( pow( wpc * tabSamp, att ) * STABSZ )], slop);
                amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                          (uint32_t)(sinc_wind[(uint32_t)(exptab[ xshapetab ][ (uint32_t)wpc ] * wtabscale)] * wtabscale)
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = fmod((pc + pi), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;
        else if( w_type == 10 )
            chirprate = o->chirp_rate;
            chirpdir  = o->chirp_direction;
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                //amp = pow( cos_wind[ (uint32_t)(pow( wpc * tabSamp, att ) * STABSZ) ], slop);
                amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                          (uint32_t)(cos_wind[(uint32_t)(exptab[ xshapetab ][ (uint32_t)wpc ] * wtabscale)] * wtabscale)
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = wrapPhase(pc + pi + (wpc * tabSamp * chirprate * chirpdir), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;

        else if( w_type == 11 )
            chirprate = o->chirp_rate;
            chirpdir  = o->chirp_direction;
            while(j < sampleframes && wpc < STABSZ)
                //amp = pow( cos_wind[ (uint32_t)(pow( wpc * tabSamp, att ) * STABSZ) ], slop);
                amp = exptab[ yshapetab ][
                                          (uint32_t)(cos_wind[(uint32_t)(exptab[ xshapetab ][ (uint32_t)wpc ] * wtabscale)] * wtabscale)
                outlets[outletnum][j] += amp * FM(sinetab, STABSZ, pc, harm[j], modindex[j] );
                pc = wrapPhase(pc + pi + (chirpdir * pow(chirprate, wpc * tabSamp)), STABSZ);
                wpc += wpi;
        } else {
            goto release;
        o->offset = 0;
        if( wpc < STABSZ )
            o->window_phase_curent = wpc;
            o->phase_current = pc;
            grans_releaseVoice(x, o); //this could probably be moved out of the osc loop, but seems ok

            if(x->nosc == 0 && !alwayson)

Example #7
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>

#define FLUSHKEYCACHE(ctx) \
	bzero((char *)&ctx->keycache, sizeof(TMKeyCache))

 * The following array reorders the modifier bits so that the most common ones
 * (used by a translator) are in the top-most bits with respect to the size of
 * the keycache.  The array currently just reverses the bits as a good guess.
 * This might be more trouble than it is worth, but it seems to help.

#define FM(i) i >> (8 - TMKEYCACHELOG2)
static const unsigned char modmix[256] = {
FM(0x0f), FM(0x8f), FM(0x4f), FM(0xcf), FM(0x2f), FM(0xaf), FM(0x6f), FM(0xef),
FM(0x1f), FM(0x9f), FM(0x5f), FM(0xdf), FM(0x3f), FM(0xbf), FM(0x7f), FM(0xff),
FM(0x07), FM(0x87), FM(0x47), FM(0xc7), FM(0x27), FM(0xa7), FM(0x67), FM(0xe7),
FM(0x17), FM(0x97), FM(0x57), FM(0xd7), FM(0x37), FM(0xb7), FM(0x77), FM(0xf7),
FM(0x0b), FM(0x8b), FM(0x4b), FM(0xcb), FM(0x2b), FM(0xab), FM(0x6b), FM(0xeb),
FM(0x1b), FM(0x9b), FM(0x5b), FM(0xdb), FM(0x3b), FM(0xbb), FM(0x7b), FM(0xfb),
FM(0x03), FM(0x83), FM(0x43), FM(0xc3), FM(0x23), FM(0xa3), FM(0x63), FM(0xe3),
FM(0x13), FM(0x93), FM(0x53), FM(0xd3), FM(0x33), FM(0xb3), FM(0x73), FM(0xf3),
FM(0x0d), FM(0x8d), FM(0x4d), FM(0xcd), FM(0x2d), FM(0xad), FM(0x6d), FM(0xed),
FM(0x1d), FM(0x9d), FM(0x5d), FM(0xdd), FM(0x3d), FM(0xbd), FM(0x7d), FM(0xfd),
FM(0x05), FM(0x85), FM(0x45), FM(0xc5), FM(0x25), FM(0xa5), FM(0x65), FM(0xe5),
FM(0x15), FM(0x95), FM(0x55), FM(0xd5), FM(0x35), FM(0xb5), FM(0x75), FM(0xf5),
FM(0x09), FM(0x89), FM(0x49), FM(0xc9), FM(0x29), FM(0xa9), FM(0x69), FM(0xe9),
FM(0x19), FM(0x99), FM(0x59), FM(0xd9), FM(0x39), FM(0xb9), FM(0x79), FM(0xf9),
FM(0x01), FM(0x81), FM(0x41), FM(0xc1), FM(0x21), FM(0xa1), FM(0x61), FM(0xe1),
FM(0x11), FM(0x91), FM(0x51), FM(0xd1), FM(0x31), FM(0xb1), FM(0x71), FM(0xf1),
Example #8
File: main.cpp Project: qyqx/moc-ng
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
  bool PreprocessorOnly = false;
  std::vector<std::string> Argv;
  Argv.push_back("-x");  // Type need to go first
  Argv.push_back("-Wno-microsoft"); // get rid of a warning in qtextdocument.h

  Options.Output = "-";
  bool NextArgNotInput = false;
  bool HasInput = false;

  for (int I = 1 ; I < argc; ++I) {
    if (argv[I][0] == '-') {
        NextArgNotInput = false;
        switch (argv[I][1]) {
            case 'h':
            case '?':
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            case 'v':
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            case 'o':
                if (argv[I][2]) Options.Output = &argv[I][2];
                else if ((++I) < argc) Options.Output = argv[I];
            case 'i':
                if (argv[I] == llvm::StringRef("-i")) {
                    Options.NoInclude = true;
                } else if (argv[I] == llvm::StringRef("-include")) {
                    NextArgNotInput = true;
                goto invalidArg;
            case 'M': {
                llvm::StringRef Arg;
                if (argv[I][2]) Arg = &argv[I][2];
                else if ((++I) < argc) Arg = argv[I];
                size_t Eq = Arg.find('=');
                if (Eq == llvm::StringRef::npos) {
                    std::cerr << "moc-ng: missing key or value for option '-M'" << std::endl;
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
                Options.MetaData.push_back({Arg.substr(0, Eq), Arg.substr(Eq+1)});
            case 'E':
                PreprocessorOnly = true;
            case 'I':
            case 'U':
            case 'D':
                NextArgNotInput = (argv[I][2] == '\0');
            case 'X':
                NextArgNotInput = true;
            case 'f': //this is understood as compiler option rather than moc -f
            case 'W': // same
            case 'n': //not implemented, silently ignored
                std::cerr << "moc-ng: Invalid argument '" << argv[I] << "'" << std::endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } else if (!NextArgNotInput) {
        if (HasInput) {
            std::cerr << "error: Too many input files specified" << std::endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        HasInput = true;


  clang::FileManager FM({"."});

  if (PreprocessorOnly) {
      clang::tooling::ToolInvocation Inv(Argv, new clang::PrintPreprocessedAction, &FM);
      return !Inv.run();


  clang::tooling::ToolInvocation Inv(Argv, new MocAction, &FM);

  const EmbeddedFile *f = EmbeddedFiles;
  while (f->filename) {
      Inv.mapVirtualFile(f->filename, {f->content , f->size } );

  return !Inv.run();
Example #9
void test3(struct Point *p) {
  FM(p->x, a);