Example #1
// Purpose: 
// Input  : fTimeDelta - 
void C_SmokeStack::Update(float fTimeDelta)
    if (!m_pParticleMgr)

    // Don't spawn particles unless we're visible.
    if (m_bEmit && (m_ParticleEffect.WasDrawnPrevFrame() || m_ParticleEffect.GetAlwaysSimulate()))
        // Add new particles.																	
        Vector forward, right, up;
        AngleVectors(GetAbsAngles(), &forward, &right, &up);

        float tempDelta = fTimeDelta;
        while (m_ParticleSpawn.NextEvent(tempDelta))
            int iRandomFrame = random->RandomInt(0, m_iMaxFrames);

            iRandomFrame = 0;

            // Make a new particle.
            if (SmokeStackParticle *pParticle = (SmokeStackParticle*) m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle(sizeof(SmokeStackParticle), m_MaterialHandle[iRandomFrame]))
                float angle = FRand(0, 2.0f*M_PI_F);

                pParticle->m_Pos = GetAbsOrigin() +
                    right * (cos(angle) * m_flBaseSpread) +
                    forward * (sin(angle) * m_flBaseSpread);

                pParticle->m_Velocity =
                    FRand(-m_SpreadSpeed, m_SpreadSpeed) * right +
                    FRand(-m_SpreadSpeed, m_SpreadSpeed) * forward +
                    m_Speed * up;

                pParticle->m_vAccel = m_vWind;
                pParticle->m_Lifetime = 0;
                pParticle->m_flAngle = 0.0f;

                pParticle->m_flRollDelta = random->RandomFloat(-m_flRollSpeed, m_flRollSpeed);
                pParticle->m_flSortPos = pParticle->m_Pos.z;

    // Setup the twist matrix.
    float flTwist = (m_flTwist * (M_PI_F * 2.f) / 360.0f) * Helper_GetFrameTime();
    if ((m_bTwist = !!flTwist))
        m_TwistMat[0][0] = cos(flTwist);
        m_TwistMat[0][1] = sin(flTwist);
        m_TwistMat[1][0] = -sin(flTwist);
        m_TwistMat[1][1] = cos(flTwist);

void NoiseGenerator::GenerateShiftNoise(std::vector<double>& out_serie)
	srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time(0) ) );
	double rand_one = rand();

	double range_value_min = 1000.;
	double range_value_max = 10000.;
	rand_one = FRand(rand_one);
	double r = rand_one * range_value_max + range_value_min;
// Purpose: Starts the effect
// Input  : *pParticleMgr - 
//			*pArgs - 
void C_PerfTest::Start(CParticleMgr *pParticleMgr, IPrototypeArgAccess *pArgs)
	pParticleMgr->AddEffect( &m_ParticleEffect, this );
	m_MaterialHandle = m_ParticleEffect.FindOrAddMaterial("particle/particle_sphere");

	m_pParticleMgr = pParticleMgr;

	// Make a bunch of particles.
	srand( 0 );
	for( int i=0; i < m_nParticles; i++ )
		PerfTestParticle *pParticle = (PerfTestParticle*)m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle( sizeof(PerfTestParticle), m_MaterialHandle );

		static float spread=30;
		pParticle->m_Pos = Vector(
			FRand(-spread, spread),
			FRand(-spread, spread),
			FRand(-spread, spread));
void C_ParticleSmokeGrenade::UpdateParticleAndFindTrade( int iParticle, float fTimeDelta )
	SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = &m_SmokeParticleInfos[iParticle];

	pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha;
	pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[0] = pInfo->m_Color[0];
	pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[1] = pInfo->m_Color[1];
	pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[2] = pInfo->m_Color[2];

	// Is there an adjacent one that's not trading?
	int x, y, z;
	GetParticleInfoXYZ(iParticle, x, y, z);

	int xCountOffset = rand();
	int yCountOffset = rand();
	int zCountOffset = rand();

	bool bFound = false;
	for(int xCount=0; xCount < 3 && !bFound; xCount++)
		for(int yCount=0; yCount < 3 && !bFound; yCount++)
			for(int zCount=0; zCount < 3; zCount++)
				int testX = x + g_OffsetLookup[(xCount+xCountOffset) % 3];
				int testY = y + g_OffsetLookup[(yCount+yCountOffset) % 3];
				int testZ = z + g_OffsetLookup[(zCount+zCountOffset) % 3];

				if(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z)

				if(IsValidXYZCoords(testX, testY, testZ))
					SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = GetSmokeParticleInfo(testX, testY, testZ);
					if(pOther->m_pParticle && pOther->m_TradeIndex == -1)
						// Ok, this one is looking to trade also.
						pInfo->m_TradeIndex = GetSmokeParticleIndex(testX, testY, testZ);
						pOther->m_TradeIndex = iParticle;
						pInfo->m_TradeClock = pOther->m_TradeClock = 0;
						pInfo->m_TradeDuration = FRand(TRADE_DURATION_MIN, TRADE_DURATION_MAX);
						bFound = true;
void NoiseGenerator::GenerateJumpNoise(std::vector<double>& out_serie)
	std::vector<double> x_points;
	std::vector<double> jump_values;

	srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time(0) ) );
	double rand_one = rand();
	double range_value_min = 1.;
	double range_value_max = 100.;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < SerieSettings::SerieSize() ; i++ )
		rand_one = FRand(rand_one);
		if( rand_one <= 0.01 )
			rand_one = FRand(rand_one);
			double r = rand_one * range_value_max + range_value_min;
void NoiseGenerator::GenerateWhiteNoise(std::vector<double>& out_serie)
	srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time(0) ) );
	double RANGE_MIN = -10.;
	double RANGE_MAX = 10.;
	double rand_one = rand();
	for( int i = 0 ; i < SerieSettings::SerieSize() ; i++ )
		rand_one = FRand(rand_one);
		double rand100 = rand_one * RANGE_MAX + RANGE_MIN;
	UINT addr = -1;
void C_AR2Explosion::Start(CParticleMgr *pParticleMgr, IPrototypeArgAccess *pArgs)
	m_pParticleMgr = pParticleMgr;
	if(!pParticleMgr->AddEffect(&m_ParticleEffect, this))

	if (!m_szMaterialName[0])
		strcpy(m_szMaterialName, "particle/particle_noisesphere");

	m_MaterialHandle = m_ParticleEffect.FindOrAddMaterial(m_szMaterialName);

	// Precalculate stuff for the particle spawning..
	int nSurfInfos;

	// Center of explosion.
	Vector vCenter = GetAbsOrigin(); // HACKHACK.. when the engine bug is fixed, use origin.

		float surfSize = 10000;
		nSurfInfos = 1;
		surfInfos[0].m_Verts[2].Init(surfSize, surfSize,0);
		surfInfos[0].m_nVerts = 4;
		surfInfos[0].m_Plane.m_Dist = -3;
			nSurfInfos = 0;
			C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( 0 );
			if ( ent )
				nSurfInfos = engine->GetIntersectingSurfaces(

	int nParticles = 0;

	if(nSurfInfos > 0)
		// For nParticles*N, generate a ray and cast it out. If it hits anything, spawn a particle there.
		int nTestsPerParticle=3;
		for(int i=0; i < NUM_AR2_EXPLOSION_PARTICLES; i++)
			for(int iTest=0; iTest < nTestsPerParticle; iTest++)
				Vector randVec = RandomVector(-1,1);
				VectorNormalize( randVec );
				Vector startPos = vCenter + randVec * AR2_DUST_RADIUS;

				randVec = RandomVector(-1,1);
				VectorNormalize( randVec );
				Vector endPos = vCenter + randVec * AR2_DUST_RADIUS;

				SurfInfo *pIntersected[MAX_SURFINFO_INTERSECTIONS];
				Vector vIntersections[MAX_SURFINFO_INTERSECTIONS];
				int nIntersections;
				nIntersections = IntersectSegmentWithSurfInfos(
					int iIntersection = rand() % nIntersections;

					Vector velocity;
					//velocity.Init(-1.0f + ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * 2.0f, -1.0f + ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * 2.0f, -1.0f + ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * 2.0f);
					//velocity = velocity * FRand(m_MinSpeed, m_MaxSpeed);
					Vector direction = (vIntersections[iIntersection] - vCenter );
					float dist = VectorNormalize( direction );
					if(dist > AR2_DUST_RADIUS)
						dist = AR2_DUST_RADIUS;

					static float power = 2.0f;
					float falloffMul = pow(1.0f - dist / AR2_DUST_RADIUS, power);

					Vector reflection = direction - 2 * DotProduct( direction, pIntersected[iIntersection]->m_Plane.m_Normal ) * pIntersected[iIntersection]->m_Plane.m_Normal;
					VectorNormalize( reflection );

					velocity = reflection * AR2_DUST_SPEED * falloffMul;
					// velocity = velocity + (vIntersections[iIntersection] - vCenter) * falloffMul;

					debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( vIntersections[iIntersection], 
												  vIntersections[iIntersection] + reflection * 64,
												  128, 128, 255, false, 15.0 );
#if 1
					AR2ExplosionParticle *pParticle = 
						(AR2ExplosionParticle*)m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle( sizeof(AR2ExplosionParticle), m_MaterialHandle );

						pParticle->m_Pos = vIntersections[iIntersection];
						pParticle->m_Start = pParticle->m_Pos;
						pParticle->m_Dist = 8.0;
						pParticle->m_Velocity = velocity;
						// sound == 13031.496062992125984251968503937ips
						pParticle->m_Lifetime = -dist / 13031.5f - 0.1;
						pParticle->m_Roll = FRand( 0, M_PI * 2 );
						pParticle->m_RollSpeed = FRand( -1, 1 ) * 0.4;
						pParticle->m_Dwell = AR2_DUST_LIFETIME + random->RandomFloat( 0, AR2_DUST_LIFETIME_DELTA );

	// build interior smoke particles
	for(int i=nParticles; i < NUM_AR2_EXPLOSION_PARTICLES; i++)
		Vector randVec = RandomVector(-1,1);
		VectorNormalize( randVec );
		Vector endPos = vCenter + randVec * AR2_DUST_RADIUS / 4.0;

		Vector direction = (endPos - vCenter );
		float dist = VectorNormalize( direction ) + random->RandomFloat( 0, AR2_DUST_RADIUS / 4.0 );
		if(dist > AR2_DUST_RADIUS)
			dist = AR2_DUST_RADIUS;

		static float power = 2.0f;
		float falloffMul = pow(1.0f - dist / (AR2_DUST_RADIUS / 2), power);

		Vector velocity = direction * AR2_DUST_SPEED * falloffMul;
		AR2ExplosionParticle *pParticle = 
			(AR2ExplosionParticle*)m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle( sizeof(AR2ExplosionParticle), m_MaterialHandle );

			pParticle->m_Pos = endPos;
			pParticle->m_Start = pParticle->m_Pos;
			pParticle->m_Dist = 8.0;
			pParticle->m_Velocity = velocity;
			// sound == 13031.496062992125984251968503937ips
			pParticle->m_Lifetime = -dist / 13031.5f - 0.1;
			pParticle->m_Roll = FRand( 0, M_PI * 2 );
			pParticle->m_RollSpeed = FRand( -1, 1 ) * 4.0;
			pParticle->m_Dwell = 0.5 * (AR2_DUST_LIFETIME + random->RandomFloat( 0, AR2_DUST_LIFETIME_DELTA ));
void C_FuncSmokeVolume::FillVolume()
	Vector vPos;
	for(int x=0; x < m_xCount; x++)
		for(int y=0; y < m_yCount; y++)
			for(int z=0; z < m_zCount; z++)
				vPos = GetSmokeParticlePos( x, y, z );
				if(SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = GetSmokeParticleInfo(x,y,z))
					int contents = GetWorldPointContents(vPos);
					if(contents & CONTENTS_SOLID)
						pInfo->m_pParticle = NULL;
						SmokeGrenadeParticle *pParticle = 
							(SmokeGrenadeParticle*)m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle(sizeof(SmokeGrenadeParticle), m_MaterialHandle);

							pParticle->m_Pos = vPos;
							pParticle->m_ColorInterp = (unsigned char)((rand() * 255) / RAND_MAX);
							pParticle->m_RotationFactor = FRand( -1.0f, 1.0f ); // Rotation factor.
							pParticle->m_CurRotation = FRand( -m_RotationSpeed, m_RotationSpeed );

#ifdef _DEBUG
						int testX, testY, testZ;
						int index = GetSmokeParticleIndex(x,y,z);
						GetParticleInfoXYZ(index, testX, testY, testZ);
						assert(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z);

						Vector vColor = EngineGetLightForPoint(vPos);
						pInfo->m_Color[0] = LinearToTexture( vColor.x );
						pInfo->m_Color[1] = LinearToTexture( vColor.y );
						pInfo->m_Color[2] = LinearToTexture( vColor.z );

						// Cast some rays and if it's too close to anything, fade its alpha down.
						pInfo->m_FadeAlpha = 1;

						for(int i=0; i < NUM_FADE_PLANES; i++)
							trace_t trace;
							WorldTraceLine(vPos, vPos + s_FadePlaneDirections[i] * 100, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, &trace);
							if(trace.fraction < 1.0f)
								float dist = DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, vPos) - trace.plane.dist;
								if(dist < 0)
									pInfo->m_FadeAlpha = 0;
								else if(dist < m_ParticleRadius)
									float alphaScale = dist / m_ParticleRadius;
									alphaScale *= alphaScale * alphaScale;
									pInfo->m_FadeAlpha *= alphaScale;

						pInfo->m_pParticle = pParticle;
						pInfo->m_TradeIndex = -1;
void C_FuncSmokeVolume::Update( float fTimeDelta )
	// lerp m_CurrentDensity towards m_Density at a rate of m_DensityRampSpeed
	if( m_CurrentDensity < m_Density )
		m_CurrentDensity += m_DensityRampSpeed * fTimeDelta;
		if( m_CurrentDensity > m_Density )
			m_CurrentDensity = m_Density;
	else if( m_CurrentDensity > m_Density )
		m_CurrentDensity -= m_DensityRampSpeed * fTimeDelta;
		if( m_CurrentDensity < m_Density )
			m_CurrentDensity = m_Density;

	if( m_CurrentDensity == 0.0f )
	// This is used to randomize the direction it chooses to move a particle in.
	int offsetLookup[3] = {-1,0,1};

	float tradeDurationMax = m_ParticleSpacingDistance / m_MovementSpeed;
	float tradeDurationMin = tradeDurationMax * 0.5f;
//	Warning( "tradeDuration: [%f,%f]\n", tradeDurationMin, tradeDurationMax );
	// Update all the moving traders and establish new ones.
	int nTotal = m_xCount * m_yCount * m_zCount;
	for( int i=0; i < nTotal; i++ )
		SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = &m_pSmokeParticleInfos[i];

		if(pInfo->m_TradeIndex == -1)
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha;
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[0] = pInfo->m_Color[0];
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[1] = pInfo->m_Color[1];
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[2] = pInfo->m_Color[2];

			// Is there an adjacent one that's not trading?
			int x, y, z;
			GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);

			int xCountOffset = rand();
			int yCountOffset = rand();
			int zCountOffset = rand();

			bool bFound = false;
			for(int xCount=0; xCount < 3 && !bFound; xCount++)
				for(int yCount=0; yCount < 3 && !bFound; yCount++)
					for(int zCount=0; zCount < 3; zCount++)
						int testX = x + offsetLookup[(xCount+xCountOffset) % 3];
						int testY = y + offsetLookup[(yCount+yCountOffset) % 3];
						int testZ = z + offsetLookup[(zCount+zCountOffset) % 3];

						if(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z)

						if(IsValidXYZCoords(testX, testY, testZ))
							SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = GetSmokeParticleInfo(testX, testY, testZ);
							if(pOther->m_pParticle && pOther->m_TradeIndex == -1)
								// Ok, this one is looking to trade also.
								pInfo->m_TradeIndex = GetSmokeParticleIndex(testX, testY, testZ);
								pOther->m_TradeIndex = i;
								pInfo->m_TradeClock = pOther->m_TradeClock = 0;
								pOther->m_TradeDuration = pInfo->m_TradeDuration = FRand( tradeDurationMin, tradeDurationMax );
								bFound = true;
			SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = &m_pSmokeParticleInfos[pInfo->m_TradeIndex];
			assert(pOther->m_TradeIndex == i);
			// This makes sure the trade only gets updated once per frame.
			if(pInfo < pOther)
				// Increment the trade clock..
				pInfo->m_TradeClock = (pOther->m_TradeClock += fTimeDelta);
				int x, y, z;
				GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);
				Vector myPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(x, y, z);
				int otherX, otherY, otherZ;
				GetParticleInfoXYZ(pInfo->m_TradeIndex, otherX, otherY, otherZ);
				Vector otherPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(otherX, otherY, otherZ);

				// Is the trade finished?
				if(pInfo->m_TradeClock >= pInfo->m_TradeDuration)
					pInfo->m_TradeIndex = pOther->m_TradeIndex = -1;
					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos = otherPos;
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos;

					SmokeGrenadeParticle *temp = pInfo->m_pParticle;
					pInfo->m_pParticle = pOther->m_pParticle;
					pOther->m_pParticle = temp;
					// Ok, move them closer.
					float percent = (float)cos(pInfo->m_TradeClock * 2 * 1.57079632f / pInfo->m_TradeDuration);
					percent = percent * 0.5 + 0.5;
					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha  = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * (1 - percent);
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * percent;

					InterpColor(pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color,  pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, 1-percent);
					InterpColor(pOther->m_pParticle->m_Color, pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, percent);

					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos  = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * (1 - percent);
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * percent;
Example #10
void RandomlyChangeVector(DTTestServer *pServer)
	pServer->m_Vector.x = FRand(-500000, 500000);
	pServer->m_Vector.y = FRand(-500000, 500000);
	pServer->m_Vector.z = FRand(-500000, 500000);
Example #11
void RandomlyChangeFloat(DTTestServer *pServer)
	pServer->m_Float = FRand(-500000, 500000);
void C_FuncSmokeVolume::Update( float fTimeDelta )
	// Update our world space bbox if we've moved at all.
	// We do this manually because sometimes people make HUGE bboxes, and if they're constantly changing because their
	// particles wander outside the current bounds sometimes, it'll be linking them into all the leaves repeatedly.
	const Vector &curOrigin = GetAbsOrigin();
	const QAngle &curAngles = GetAbsAngles();
	if ( !VectorsAreEqual( curOrigin, m_vLastOrigin, 0.1 ) || 
		fabs( curAngles.x - m_vLastAngles.x ) > 0.1 || 
		fabs( curAngles.y - m_vLastAngles.y ) > 0.1 || 
		fabs( curAngles.z - m_vLastAngles.z ) > 0.1 ||
		m_bFirstUpdate )
		m_bFirstUpdate = false;
		m_vLastAngles = curAngles;
		m_vLastOrigin = curOrigin;

		Vector vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs;
		CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vWorldMins, &vWorldMaxs );
		vWorldMins -= Vector( m_ParticleRadius, m_ParticleRadius, m_ParticleRadius );
		vWorldMaxs += Vector( m_ParticleRadius, m_ParticleRadius, m_ParticleRadius );

		m_ParticleEffect.SetBBox( vWorldMins, vWorldMaxs );
	// lerp m_CurrentDensity towards m_Density at a rate of m_DensityRampSpeed
	if( m_CurrentDensity < m_Density )
		m_CurrentDensity += m_DensityRampSpeed * fTimeDelta;
		if( m_CurrentDensity > m_Density )
			m_CurrentDensity = m_Density;
	else if( m_CurrentDensity > m_Density )
		m_CurrentDensity -= m_DensityRampSpeed * fTimeDelta;
		if( m_CurrentDensity < m_Density )
			m_CurrentDensity = m_Density;

	if( m_CurrentDensity == 0.0f )
	// This is used to randomize the direction it chooses to move a particle in.

	int offsetLookup[3] = {-1,0,1};

	float tradeDurationMax = m_ParticleSpacingDistance / ( m_MovementSpeed + 0.1f );
	float tradeDurationMin = tradeDurationMax * 0.5f;

	if ( IS_NAN( tradeDurationMax ) || IS_NAN( tradeDurationMin ) )

//	Warning( "tradeDuration: [%f,%f]\n", tradeDurationMin, tradeDurationMax );
	// Update all the moving traders and establish new ones.
	int nTotal = m_xCount * m_yCount * m_zCount;
	for( int i=0; i < nTotal; i++ )
		SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = &m_pSmokeParticleInfos[i];

		if(pInfo->m_TradeIndex == -1)
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha;
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[0] = pInfo->m_Color[0];
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[1] = pInfo->m_Color[1];
			pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[2] = pInfo->m_Color[2];

			// Is there an adjacent one that's not trading?
			int x, y, z;
			GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);

			int xCountOffset = rand();
			int yCountOffset = rand();
			int zCountOffset = rand();

			bool bFound = false;
			for(int xCount=0; xCount < 3 && !bFound; xCount++)
				for(int yCount=0; yCount < 3 && !bFound; yCount++)
					for(int zCount=0; zCount < 3; zCount++)
						int testX = x + offsetLookup[(xCount+xCountOffset) % 3];
						int testY = y + offsetLookup[(yCount+yCountOffset) % 3];
						int testZ = z + offsetLookup[(zCount+zCountOffset) % 3];

						if(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z)

						if(IsValidXYZCoords(testX, testY, testZ))
							SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = GetSmokeParticleInfo(testX, testY, testZ);
							if(pOther->m_pParticle && pOther->m_TradeIndex == -1)
								// Ok, this one is looking to trade also.
								pInfo->m_TradeIndex = GetSmokeParticleIndex(testX, testY, testZ);
								pOther->m_TradeIndex = i;
								pInfo->m_TradeClock = pOther->m_TradeClock = 0;
								pOther->m_TradeDuration = pInfo->m_TradeDuration = FRand( tradeDurationMin, tradeDurationMax );
								bFound = true;
			SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = &m_pSmokeParticleInfos[pInfo->m_TradeIndex];
			assert(pOther->m_TradeIndex == i);
			// This makes sure the trade only gets updated once per frame.
			if(pInfo < pOther)
				// Increment the trade clock..
				pInfo->m_TradeClock = (pOther->m_TradeClock += fTimeDelta);
				int x, y, z;
				GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);
				Vector myPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(x, y, z);
				int otherX, otherY, otherZ;
				GetParticleInfoXYZ(pInfo->m_TradeIndex, otherX, otherY, otherZ);
				Vector otherPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(otherX, otherY, otherZ);

				// Is the trade finished?
				if(pInfo->m_TradeClock >= pInfo->m_TradeDuration)
					pInfo->m_TradeIndex = pOther->m_TradeIndex = -1;
					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos = otherPos;
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos;

					SmokeGrenadeParticle *temp = pInfo->m_pParticle;
					pInfo->m_pParticle = pOther->m_pParticle;
					pOther->m_pParticle = temp;
					// Ok, move them closer.
					float percent = (float)cos(pInfo->m_TradeClock * 2 * 1.57079632f / pInfo->m_TradeDuration);
					percent = percent * 0.5 + 0.5;
					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha  = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * (1 - percent);
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * percent;

					InterpColor(pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color,  pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, 1-percent);
					InterpColor(pOther->m_pParticle->m_Color, pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, percent);

					pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos  = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * (1 - percent);
					pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * percent;
Example #13
void C_SteamJet::Update(float fTimeDelta)

	if( m_bEmit )
		// Add new particles.
		int nToEmit = 0;
		float tempDelta = fTimeDelta;
		while( m_ParticleSpawn.NextEvent(tempDelta) )

		if ( nToEmit > 0 )
			Vector forward, right, up;
			AngleVectors(GetAbsAngles(), &forward, &right, &up);			

			// Legacy env_steamjet entities faced left instead of forward.
			if (m_bFaceLeft)
				Vector temp = forward;
				forward = -right;
				right = temp;

			// EVIL: Ideally, we could tell the renderer our OBB, and let it build a big box that encloses
			// the entity with its parent so it doesn't have to setup its parent's bones here.
			Vector vEndPoint = GetAbsOrigin() + forward * m_Speed;
			Vector vMin, vMax;
			VectorMin( GetAbsOrigin(), vEndPoint, vMin );
			VectorMax( GetAbsOrigin(), vEndPoint, vMax );
			m_ParticleEffect.SetBBox( vMin, vMax );

			if ( m_ParticleEffect.WasDrawnPrevFrame() )
				while ( nToEmit-- )
					// Make a new particle.
					if( SteamJetParticle *pParticle = (SteamJetParticle*) m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle( sizeof(SteamJetParticle), m_MaterialHandle ) )
						pParticle->m_Pos = GetAbsOrigin();
						pParticle->m_Velocity = 
							FRand(-m_SpreadSpeed,m_SpreadSpeed) * right +
							FRand(-m_SpreadSpeed,m_SpreadSpeed) * up +
							m_Speed * forward;
						pParticle->m_Lifetime	= 0;
						pParticle->m_DieTime	= m_Lifetime;

						pParticle->m_uchStartSize	= m_StartSize;
						pParticle->m_uchEndSize		= m_EndSize;

						pParticle->m_flRoll = random->RandomFloat( 0, 360 );
						pParticle->m_flRollDelta = random->RandomFloat( -m_flRollSpeed, m_flRollSpeed );

void C_ParticleSmokeGrenade::FillVolume()
	m_CurrentStage = 1;
	m_SmokeBasePos = GetPos();
	m_ExpandTimeCounter = m_ExpandRadius = 0;
	m_bVolumeFilled = true;

	// Spawn all of our particles.

	m_xCount = m_yCount = m_zCount = NUM_PARTICLES_PER_DIMENSION;

	float invNumPerDimX = 1.0f / (m_xCount-1);
	float invNumPerDimY = 1.0f / (m_yCount-1);
	float invNumPerDimZ = 1.0f / (m_zCount-1);

	Vector vPos;
	for(int x=0; x < m_xCount; x++)
		vPos.x = m_SmokeBasePos.x + ((float)x * invNumPerDimX) * m_SpacingRadius * 2 - m_SpacingRadius;

		for(int y=0; y < m_yCount; y++)
			vPos.y = m_SmokeBasePos.y + ((float)y * invNumPerDimY) * m_SpacingRadius * 2 - m_SpacingRadius;
			for(int z=0; z < m_zCount; z++)
				vPos.z = m_SmokeBasePos.z + ((float)z * invNumPerDimZ) * m_SpacingRadius * 2 - m_SpacingRadius;

				// Don't spawn and simulate particles that are inside a wall
				int contents = enginetrace->GetPointContents( vPos );

				if( contents & CONTENTS_SOLID )

				if(SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = GetSmokeParticleInfo(x,y,z))
					// MD 11/10/03: disabled this because we weren't getting coverage near the ground.
					// If we want it back in certain cases, we can make it a flag.
					/*int contents = GetWorldPointContents(vPos);
					if(false && (contents & CONTENTS_SOLID))
						pInfo->m_pParticle = NULL;
						SmokeGrenadeParticle *pParticle = 
							(SmokeGrenadeParticle*)m_ParticleEffect.AddParticle(sizeof(SmokeGrenadeParticle), m_MaterialHandles[rand() % NUM_MATERIAL_HANDLES]);

							pParticle->m_Pos = vPos - m_SmokeBasePos; // store its position in local space
							pParticle->m_ColorInterp = (unsigned char)((rand() * 255) / RAND_MAX);
							pParticle->m_RotationSpeed = FRand(-ROTATION_SPEED, ROTATION_SPEED); // Rotation speed.
							pParticle->m_CurRotation = FRand(-6, 6);

						#ifdef _DEBUG
							int testX, testY, testZ;
							int index = GetSmokeParticleIndex(x,y,z);
							GetParticleInfoXYZ(index, testX, testY, testZ);
							assert(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z);

						Vector vColor = EngineGetLightForPoint(vPos);
						pInfo->m_Color[0] = (unsigned char)(vColor.x * 255.9f);
						pInfo->m_Color[1] = (unsigned char)(vColor.y * 255.9f);
						pInfo->m_Color[2] = (unsigned char)(vColor.z * 255.9f);

						// Cast some rays and if it's too close to anything, fade its alpha down.
						pInfo->m_FadeAlpha = 1;

						/*for(int i=0; i < NUM_FADE_PLANES; i++)
							trace_t trace;
							WorldTraceLine(vPos, vPos + s_FadePlaneDirections[i] * 100, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, &trace);
							if(trace.fraction < 1.0f)
								float dist = DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, vPos) - trace.plane.dist;
								if(dist < 0)
									pInfo->m_FadeAlpha = 0;
								else if(dist < SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE)
									float alphaScale = dist / SMOKEPARTICLE_SIZE;
									alphaScale *= alphaScale * alphaScale;
									pInfo->m_FadeAlpha *= alphaScale;

						pInfo->m_pParticle = pParticle;
						pInfo->m_TradeIndex = -1;
void C_ParticleSmokeGrenade::Update(float fTimeDelta)
	m_LifetimeCounter += fTimeDelta;
	// Update the smoke trail.
	C_BaseEntity *pAimEnt = GetFollowedEntity();
	if ( pAimEnt )
		Vector forward, right, up;

		// Update the smoke particle color.
		if(m_CurrentStage == 0)
			m_SmokeTrail.m_StartColor = EngineGetLightForPoint(GetAbsOrigin()) * 0.5f;
			m_SmokeTrail.m_EndColor = m_SmokeTrail.m_StartColor;

		// Spin the smoke trail.
		AngleVectors(pAimEnt->GetAbsAngles(), &forward, &right, &up);
		m_SmokeTrail.m_VelocityOffset = forward * 30 + GetAbsVelocity();

		m_SmokeTrail.SetLocalOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
	// Update our fade alpha.
	if(m_LifetimeCounter < m_FadeStartTime)
		m_FadeAlpha = 1;
	else if(m_LifetimeCounter < m_FadeEndTime)
		float fadePercent = (m_LifetimeCounter - m_FadeStartTime) / (m_FadeEndTime - m_FadeStartTime);
		m_FadeAlpha = cos(fadePercent * 3.14159) * 0.5 + 0.5;
		m_FadeAlpha = 0;

	// Scale by the amount the sphere has grown.
	m_FadeAlpha *= m_ExpandRadius / SMOKESPHERE_MAX_RADIUS;

	if(m_CurrentStage == 1)
		// Update the expanding sphere.
		m_ExpandTimeCounter += fTimeDelta;
		if(m_ExpandTimeCounter > SMOKESPHERE_EXPAND_TIME)
			m_ExpandTimeCounter = SMOKESPHERE_EXPAND_TIME;

		m_ExpandRadius = SMOKESPHERE_MAX_RADIUS * (float)sin(m_ExpandTimeCounter * 3.14159265358 * 0.5 / SMOKESPHERE_EXPAND_TIME);

		// Add our influence to the global smoke fog alpha.
		float testDist = (EngineGetVecRenderOrigin() - m_SmokeBasePos).Length();
		float fadeEnd = m_ExpandRadius * 0.75;
		if(testDist < fadeEnd)
			EngineGetSmokeFogOverlayAlpha() += 1 - testDist / fadeEnd;

		// This is used to randomize the direction it chooses to move a particle in.
		int offsetLookup[3] = {-1,0,1};

		// Update all the moving traders and establish new ones.
		int nTotal = m_xCount * m_yCount * m_zCount;
		for(int i=0; i < nTotal; i++)
			SmokeParticleInfo *pInfo = &m_SmokeParticleInfos[i];

			if(pInfo->m_TradeIndex == -1)
				pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha;
				pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[0] = pInfo->m_Color[0];
				pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[1] = pInfo->m_Color[1];
				pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color[2] = pInfo->m_Color[2];

				// Is there an adjacent one that's not trading?
				int x, y, z;
				GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);

				int xCountOffset = rand();
				int yCountOffset = rand();
				int zCountOffset = rand();

				bool bFound = false;
				for(int xCount=0; xCount < 3 && !bFound; xCount++)
					for(int yCount=0; yCount < 3 && !bFound; yCount++)
						for(int zCount=0; zCount < 3; zCount++)
							int testX = x + offsetLookup[(xCount+xCountOffset) % 3];
							int testY = y + offsetLookup[(yCount+yCountOffset) % 3];
							int testZ = z + offsetLookup[(zCount+zCountOffset) % 3];

							if(testX == x && testY == y && testZ == z)

							if(IsValidXYZCoords(testX, testY, testZ))
								SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = GetSmokeParticleInfo(testX, testY, testZ);
								if(pOther->m_pParticle && pOther->m_TradeIndex == -1)
									// Ok, this one is looking to trade also.
									pInfo->m_TradeIndex = GetSmokeParticleIndex(testX, testY, testZ);
									pOther->m_TradeIndex = i;
									pInfo->m_TradeClock = pOther->m_TradeClock = 0;
									pInfo->m_TradeDuration = FRand(TRADE_DURATION_MIN, TRADE_DURATION_MAX);
									bFound = true;
				SmokeParticleInfo *pOther = &m_SmokeParticleInfos[pInfo->m_TradeIndex];
				assert(pOther->m_TradeIndex == i);
				// This makes sure the trade only gets updated once per frame.
				if(pInfo < pOther)
					// Increment the trade clock..
					pInfo->m_TradeClock = (pOther->m_TradeClock += fTimeDelta);
					int x, y, z;
					GetParticleInfoXYZ(i, x, y, z);
					Vector myPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(x, y, z);
					int otherX, otherY, otherZ;
					GetParticleInfoXYZ(pInfo->m_TradeIndex, otherX, otherY, otherZ);
					Vector otherPos = GetSmokeParticlePos(otherX, otherY, otherZ);

					// Is the trade finished?
					if(pInfo->m_TradeClock >= pInfo->m_TradeDuration)
						pInfo->m_TradeIndex = pOther->m_TradeIndex = -1;
						pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos = otherPos;
						pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos;

						SmokeGrenadeParticle *temp = pInfo->m_pParticle;
						pInfo->m_pParticle = pOther->m_pParticle;
						pOther->m_pParticle = temp;
						// Ok, move them closer.
						float percent = (float)cos(pInfo->m_TradeClock * 2 * 1.57079632f / pInfo->m_TradeDuration);
						percent = percent * 0.5 + 0.5;
						pInfo->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha  = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * (1 - percent);
						pOther->m_pParticle->m_FadeAlpha = pInfo->m_FadeAlpha + (pOther->m_FadeAlpha - pInfo->m_FadeAlpha) * percent;

						InterpColor(pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Color,  pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, 1-percent);
						InterpColor(pOther->m_pParticle->m_Color, pInfo->m_Color, pOther->m_Color, percent);

						pInfo->m_pParticle->m_Pos  = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * (1 - percent);
						pOther->m_pParticle->m_Pos = myPos + (otherPos - myPos) * percent;