static Result AM_GetSmdh(AM_TitleMediaEntry* title) { if (!title || title->smdh) return -1; Result ret; u32 bytesRead; Handle fileHandle; debug_print("AM_GetSmdh:\n"); u32 archivePath[] = { title->titleid & 0xFFFFFFFF, (title->titleid >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF, title->mediatype, 0x00000000 }; u32 filePath[] = { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x6E6F6369, 0x00000000 }; ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fileHandle, (FS_Archive) { ARCHIVE_SAVEDATA_AND_CONTENT , (FS_Path) { PATH_BINARY, 16, archivePath } }, (FS_Path) { PATH_BINARY, 20, filePath }, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); r(" > FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly: %lx\n", ret); if (R_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { title->smdh = (smdh_s*) malloc(sizeof(smdh_s)); ret = FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0LL, title->smdh, sizeof(smdh_s)); r(" > FSFILE_Read: %lx\n", ret); } if (R_FAILED(ret)) { free(title->smdh); title->smdh = NULL; } FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); r(" > FSFILE_Close\n"); return ret; }
u8* loadSmdh(u64 tid, u8 mediatype) { Result ret; Handle fileHandle; u32 archivePath[] = {tid & 0xFFFFFFFF, (tid >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF, mediatype, 0x00000000}; static const u32 filePath[] = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x6E6F6369, 0x00000000}; // icon ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, (FS_archive){0x2345678a, (FS_path){PATH_BINARY, 0x10, (u8*)archivePath}}, (FS_path){PATH_BINARY, 0x14, (u8*)filePath}, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); printf("loading smdh : %08X\n", (unsigned int)ret); u8* fileBuffer = NULL; u64 fileSize = 0; { u32 bytesRead; ret = FSFILE_GetSize(fileHandle, &fileSize); if(ret)return NULL; fileBuffer = malloc(fileSize); if(ret)return NULL; ret = FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, fileBuffer, fileSize); if(ret)return NULL; ret = FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); if(ret)return NULL; printf("loaded code : %08X\n", (unsigned int)fileSize); } return fileBuffer; }
void NES_LoadSelectedGame() { u32 bytesRead = 0; u32 SRAM_Size = 0; u32 ROMDIR_Size = (strlen("/3DNES/ROMS/") + strlen(fileSystem.fileList[fileSystem.currFile]) + 1); Handle fileHandle; CPU_Running = false; /* Alloc ROM Directory */ char ROM_DIR[ROMDIR_Size]; /* Clear ROM_Dir */ memset(ROM_DIR, 0x0, ROMDIR_Size); //FS_StringConc(ROM_DIR, "/3DNES/ROMS/", fileSystem.fileList[fileSystem.currFile]); /* TODO: FIX IT /*if (SRAM_Name != NULL) { linearFree(SRAM_Name); SRAM_Size = (strlen(fileSystem.fileList[fileSystem.currFile]) - 4); SRAM_Name = linearAlloc(SRAM_Size); strncpy((char*)SRAM_Name, fileSystem.fileList[fileSystem.currFile], SRAM_Size); } */ FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, ROM_DIR), FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); FSFILE_GetSize(fileHandle, &ROM_Size); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, (u32*)ROM_Cache, (u32)ROM_Size); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); /* Start Emulation */ inGame = true; }
static int lua_addCert(lua_State *L) { int argc = lua_gettop(L); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (argc != 1) return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); #endif const char *text = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); fileStream fileHandle; if (strncmp("romfs:/",text,7) == 0){ fileHandle.isRomfs = true; FILE* handle = fopen(text,"r"); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (handle == NULL) return luaL_error(L, "file doesn't exist."); #endif fileHandle.handle = (u32)handle; }else{ fileHandle.isRomfs = false; FS_Path filePath = fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, text); FS_Archive script=(FS_Archive){ARCHIVE_SDMC, (FS_Path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly( &fileHandle.handle, script, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0x00000000); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (ret) return luaL_error(L, "file doesn't exist."); #endif } u64 cert_size; u32 bytesRead; FS_GetSize(&fileHandle, &cert_size); u8* cert = (u8*)malloc(cert_size); FS_Read(&fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0, cert, cert_size); sslcAddTrustedRootCA(RootCertChain_contexthandle, cert, cert_size, NULL); free(cert); FS_Close(&fileHandle); return 0; }
Result loadTitleInfoIcon(titleInfo_s* ti) { if(!ti || ti->icon)return -1; ti->icon = malloc(sizeof(smdh_s)); if(!ti->icon)return -1; Handle fileHandle; u32 archivePath[] = {ti->title_id & 0xFFFFFFFF, (ti->title_id >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF, ti->mediatype, 0x00000000}; static const u32 filePath[] = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x6E6F6369, 0x00000000}; Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fileHandle, (FS_Archive){ARCHIVE_SAVEDATA_AND_CONTENT, (FS_Path){PATH_BINARY, 0x10, (u8*)archivePath}}, (FS_Path){PATH_BINARY, 0x14, (u8*)filePath}, FS_OPEN_READ, 0); if(ret) { free(ti->icon); ti->icon = NULL; return ret; } u32 bytesRead; ret = FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, ti->icon, sizeof(smdh_s)); if(ret) { free(ti->icon); ti->icon = NULL; } FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); return ret; }
static bool ndspFindAndLoadComponent(void) { Result rc; Handle rsrc; void* bin; componentProgMask = 0xFF; componentDataMask = 0xFF; // Try loading the DSP component from the filesystem do { static const char dsp_filename[] = "/3ds/dspfirm.cdc"; FS_Archive arch = { ARCHIVE_SDMC, { PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)"" }, 0 }; FS_Path path = { PATH_ASCII, sizeof(dsp_filename), (u8*)dsp_filename }; rc = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&rsrc, arch, path, FS_OPEN_READ, 0); if (R_FAILED(rc)) break; u64 size = 0; rc = FSFILE_GetSize(rsrc, &size); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { FSFILE_Close(rsrc); break; } bin = malloc(size); if (!bin) { FSFILE_Close(rsrc); break; } u32 dummy = 0; rc = FSFILE_Read(rsrc, &dummy, 0, bin, size); FSFILE_Close(rsrc); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { free(bin); return false; } componentBin = bin; componentSize = size; componentFree = true; return true; } while (0); // Try loading the DSP component from hb:ndsp rsrc = envGetHandle("hb:ndsp"); if (rsrc) do { extern u32 fake_heap_end; u32 mapAddr = (fake_heap_end+0xFFF) &~ 0xFFF; rc = svcMapMemoryBlock(rsrc, mapAddr, 0x3, 0x3); if (R_FAILED(rc)) break; componentSize = *(u32*)(mapAddr + 0x104); bin = malloc(componentSize); if (bin) memcpy(bin, (void*)mapAddr, componentSize); svcUnmapMemoryBlock(rsrc, mapAddr); if (!bin) break; componentBin = bin; componentFree = true; return true; } while (0); return false; }
static Result __read_versionbin(FS_ArchiveID archiveId, FS_Path archivePath, FS_Path fileLowPath, OS_VersionBin *versionbin) { Result ret = 0; Handle filehandle = 0; FILE *f = NULL; struct romfs_mount *mount; ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&filehandle, archiveId, archivePath, fileLowPath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0x0); if(R_FAILED(ret))return ret; ret = romfsMountFromFile(filehandle, 0x0, &mount); if(R_FAILED(ret))return ret; f = fopen("romfs:/version.bin", "r"); if(f==NULL) { ret = errno; } else { if(fread(versionbin, 1, sizeof(OS_VersionBin), f) != sizeof(OS_VersionBin))ret = -10; fclose(f); } romfsUnmount(mount); return ret; }
std::vector<TitleInfo> getTitleInfos(FS_MediaType mediaType) { char tmpStr[16]; extern u8 sysLang; // We got this in main.c u32 count, bytesRead; Result res; Handle fileHandle; TitleInfo tmpTitleInfo; u32 archiveLowPath[4] = {0, 0, mediaType, 0}; const FS_Archive iconArchive = {0x2345678A, {PATH_BINARY, 0x10, (u8*)archiveLowPath}}; const u32 fileLowPath[5] = {0, 0, 2, 0x6E6F6369, 0}; const FS_Path filePath = {PATH_BINARY, 0x14, (const u8*)fileLowPath}; if((res = AM_GetTitleCount(mediaType, &count))) throw titleException(_FILE_, __LINE__, res, "Failed to get title count!"); std::vector<TitleInfo> titleInfos; titleInfos.reserve(count); Buffer<u64> titleIdList(count, false); Buffer<AM_TitleEntry> titleList(count, false); Buffer<Icon> icon(1, false); if((res = AM_GetTitleIdList(mediaType, count, &titleIdList))) throw titleException(_FILE_, __LINE__, res, "Failed to get title ID list!"); if((res = AM_ListTitles(mediaType, count, &titleIdList, &titleList))) throw titleException(_FILE_, __LINE__, res, "Failed to get title list!"); for(u32 i=0; i<count; i++) { // Copy title ID, size and version directly memcpy(&tmpTitleInfo.titleID, &titleList[i].titleID, 18); if(AM_GetTitleProductCode(mediaType, titleIdList[i], tmpStr)) memset(tmpStr, 0, 16); tmpTitleInfo.productCode = tmpStr; // Copy the title ID into our archive low path memcpy(archiveLowPath, &titleIdList[i], 8); icon.clear(); if(!FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fileHandle, iconArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0)) { // Nintendo decided to release a title with an icon entry but with size 0 so this will fail. // Ignoring errors because of this here. FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0, &icon, sizeof(Icon)); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); } tmpTitleInfo.title = icon[0].appTitles[sysLang].longDesc; tmpTitleInfo.publisher = icon[0].appTitles[sysLang].publisher; memcpy(tmpTitleInfo.icon, icon[0].icon48, 0x1200); titleInfos.push_back(tmpTitleInfo); } return titleInfos; }
void runHbmenu() { // grab fs:USER handle int i; Handle fsuHandle = 0x0; for(i=0; i<_serviceList.num; i++)if(!strcmp([i].name, "fs:USER"))[i].handle; if(!fsuHandle)*(u32*)0xCAFE0002=0; Handle fileHandle; FS_archive sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; // FS_path filePath = (FS_path){PATH_CHAR, 18, (u8*)"/3ds_hb_menu.3dsx"}; FS_path filePath = (FS_path){PATH_CHAR, 11, (u8*)"/boot.3dsx"}; Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(fsuHandle, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); run3dsx(fileHandle, NULL); }
Result loadGamecardIcon(smdh_s* out) { if(!out)return -1; Handle fileHandle; static const u32 archivePath[] = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000}; static const u32 filePath[] = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x6E6F6369, 0x00000000}; Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fileHandle, (FS_Archive){0x2345678a, (FS_Path){PATH_BINARY, 0x10, (u8*)archivePath}}, (FS_Path){PATH_BINARY, 0x14, (u8*)filePath}, FS_OPEN_READ, 0); if(ret)return ret; u32 bytesRead; ret = FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, out, sizeof(smdh_s)); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); return ret; }
static Result action_import_twl_save_open_src(void* data, u32 index, u32* handle) { import_twl_save_data* importData = (import_twl_save_data*) data; Result res = 0; char path[FILE_PATH_MAX]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/fbi/save/%s.sav", importData->title->productCode); FS_Path* fsPath = util_make_path_utf8(path); if(fsPath != NULL) { res = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(handle, ARCHIVE_SDMC, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), *fsPath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0); util_free_path_utf8(fsPath); } else { res = R_FBI_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return res; }
static int lua_download(lua_State *L){ int argc = lua_gettop(L); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (argc != 2) return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); #endif const char* url = luaL_checkstring(L,1); const char* file = luaL_checkstring(L,2); httpcContext context; Result ret = httpcOpenContext(&context, (char*)url , 0); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if(ret==0){ #endif httpcBeginRequest(&context); /*httpcReqStatus loading; httpcGetRequestState(&context, &loading); while (loading == 0x5){ httpcGetRequestState(&context, &loading); }*/ u32 statuscode=0; u32 contentsize=0; httpcGetResponseStatusCode(&context, &statuscode, 0); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (statuscode != 200) luaL_error(L, "download request error"); #endif httpcGetDownloadSizeState(&context, NULL, &contentsize); u8* buf = (u8*)malloc(contentsize); memset(buf, 0, contentsize); httpcDownloadData(&context, buf, contentsize, NULL); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesWritten; FS_Archive sdmcArchive=(FS_Archive){ARCHIVE_SDMC, (FS_Path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_Path filePath=fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, file); FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly( &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_CREATE|FS_OPEN_WRITE, 0x00000000); FSFILE_Write(fileHandle, &bytesWritten, 0, buf, contentsize,0x10001); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); svcCloseHandle(fileHandle); free(buf); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING }else luaL_error(L, "error opening url"); #endif httpcCloseContext(&context); return 0; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); Handle fsuHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(NULL, &fsuHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_Initialize(fsuHandle); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive=(FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath=(FS_path){PATH_CHAR, 10, (u8*)"/test.bin"}; FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(fsuHandle, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, (u32*)gspHeap, 0x46500); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); aptSetupEventHandler(); while(!aptGetStatus()) { u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, ®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(1000000000); } svc_closeHandle(fsuHandle); hidExit(); gspGpuInit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
void DumpSharedRomFS(u8* archive_binary_lowpath) { std::string output_file = BuildSharedRomFSFilename(archive_binary_lowpath); // Read RomFS bin from SaveDataCheck... Handle romfs_handle; u64 romfs_size = 0; u32 romfs_bytes_read = 0; FS_archive savedatacheck_archive = { 0x2345678a, { PATH_BINARY, 16, archive_binary_lowpath } }; u8 file_binary_lowpath[20] = {}; FS_path romfs_path = { PATH_BINARY, 20, file_binary_lowpath }; print(GFX_TOP, "Dumping SaveDataCheck RomFS (%s)... ", output_file.c_str()); FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &romfs_handle, savedatacheck_archive, romfs_path, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); FSFILE_GetSize(romfs_handle, &romfs_size); std::unique_ptr<u8> romfs_data_buffer(new u8[romfs_size]); FSFILE_Read(romfs_handle, &romfs_bytes_read, 0, romfs_data_buffer.get(), romfs_size); FSFILE_Close(romfs_handle); // Dump RomFS bin to SDMC... Handle file_handle; u32 bytes_written = 0; FS_path fs_path = FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, output_file.c_str()); FS_archive sdmc_archive = (FS_archive) { 0x00000009, { PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*) "" } }; FSUSER_OpenArchive(NULL, &sdmc_archive); FSUSER_OpenFile(NULL, &file_handle, sdmc_archive, fs_path, FS_OPEN_CREATE | FS_OPEN_WRITE, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); Result res = FSFILE_Write(file_handle, &bytes_written, 0x0, romfs_data_buffer.get(), romfs_size, FS_WRITE_FLUSH); FSFILE_Close(file_handle); FSUSER_CloseArchive(NULL, &sdmc_archive); // Check result... if (res == 0 && bytes_written == romfs_size) print(GFX_TOP, "Done!\n"); else print(GFX_TOP, "Failed!\n"); }
s32 main (void) { // Initialize services srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(NULL); gfxInitDefault(); fsInit(); sdmcInit(); hbInit(); qtmInit(); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive=(FS_archive){ARCH_SDMC, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath=FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, "/rxTools.dat"); Result ret=FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); if(ret) goto EXIT; FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x20000, 0x14400000, 320*1024); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); consoleInit(GFX_BOTTOM, NULL); if (brahma_init()) { quick_boot_firm(1); printf("[!] Quickload failed\n"); brahma_exit(); } else { printf("* BRAHMA *\n\n[!]Not enough memory\n"); wait_any_key(); } EXIT: hbExit(); sdmcExit(); fsExit(); gfxExit(); hidExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); // Return to hbmenu return 0; }
s32 main(void) { // Initialize services srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(NULL); gfxInitDefault(); gfxSet3D(true); fsInit(); sdmcInit(); hbInit(); qtmInit(); gfxSwapBuffers(); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){ ARCH_SDMC, (FS_path){ PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)"" } }; FS_path filePath = FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, "/" CODE_PATH); Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); if (ret) goto EXIT; FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x14000, 0x14400000, 320 * 1024); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); if (brahma_init()) { quick_boot_firm(1); brahma_exit(); } EXIT: hbExit(); sdmcExit(); fsExit(); gfxExit(); hidExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); // Return to hbmenu return 0; }
static int lua_loadBMPV(lua_State *L) { int argc = lua_gettop(L); if (argc != 1) return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); const char *file_tbo = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); Handle fileHandle; FS_archive sdmcArchive=(FS_archive){ARCH_SDMC, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath=FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, file_tbo); Result ret=FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); if(ret) return luaL_error(L, "error opening file"); u32 magic,frame_size,bytesRead; u64 size; FSFILE_GetSize(fileHandle, &size); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0, &magic, 4); if (magic == 0x56504D42){ BMPV* BMPV_file = (BMPV*)malloc(sizeof(BMPV)); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 4, &(BMPV_file->framerate), 4); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 8, &(BMPV_file->width), 4); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 12,&(BMPV_file->height), 4); if (!GW_MODE) FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 16,&(BMPV_file->audiotype), 2); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 18,&(BMPV_file->bytepersample), 2); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 20,&(BMPV_file->samplerate), 4); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 24,&(BMPV_file->audio_size), 4); BMPV_file->isPlaying = false; BMPV_file->currentFrame = 0; BMPV_file->sourceFile = fileHandle; BMPV_file->tick = 0; BMPV_file->audiobuf = NULL; BMPV_file->audiobuf2 = NULL; frame_size = BMPV_file->width*BMPV_file->height*3; u8* framebuf = (u8*)(malloc(frame_size)); BMPV_file->framebuf = framebuf; int tot_frame = (size-28-BMPV_file->audio_size)/frame_size; BMPV_file->mem_size = BMPV_file->audio_size; BMPV_file->tot_frame = tot_frame; lua_pushnumber(L, (u32)BMPV_file); } return 1; }
void task_populate_titledb_update_status(list_item* item) { titledb_info* info = (titledb_info*) item->data; info->cia.installed = false; info->tdsx.installed = false; if(info->cia.exists) { AM_TitleEntry entry; info->cia.installed = R_SUCCEEDED(AM_GetTitleInfo(fs_get_title_destination(info->cia.titleId), 1, &info->cia.titleId, &entry)) && task_populate_titledb_cache_get(info->id, true, &info->cia.installedInfo); } if(info->tdsx.exists) { char path3dsx[FILE_PATH_MAX]; fs_make_3dsx_path(path3dsx, info->meta.shortDescription, sizeof(path3dsx)); FS_Path* fsPath = fs_make_path_utf8(path3dsx); if(fsPath != NULL) { Handle handle = 0; if(R_SUCCEEDED(FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&handle, ARCHIVE_SDMC, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), *fsPath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0))) { FSFILE_Close(handle); info->tdsx.installed = task_populate_titledb_cache_get(info->id, false, &info->tdsx.installedInfo); } fs_free_path_utf8(fsPath); } } if((info->cia.installed && info-> != info-> || (info->tdsx.installed && info-> != info-> { item->color = COLOR_TITLEDB_OUTDATED; } else if(info->cia.installed || info->tdsx.installed) { item->color = COLOR_TITLEDB_INSTALLED; } else { item->color = COLOR_TITLEDB_NOT_INSTALLED; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srvInit(); aptInit(); gfxInitDefault(); acInit(); cfguInit(); httpcInit(); ptmuInit(); hidInit(); irrstInit(); aptOpenSession(); Result ret=APT_SetAppCpuTimeLimit(30); aptCloseSession(); fsInit(); ftp_state = false; isTopLCDOn = true; isBottomLCDOn = true; Handle fileHandle; u64 size; u32 bytesRead; int restore; // Check user build and enables kernel access if (nsInit()==0){ CIA_MODE = true; nsExit(); }else CIA_MODE = false; isNinjhax2 = false; if (!hbInit()) khaxInit(); else isNinjhax2 = true; // Select Audio System (csnd:SND preferred) if (csndInit() == 0){ csndAccess = true; csndExit(); }else csndAccess = false; // Init Audio-Device int i = 0; for (i=0;i < 32; i++){ audioChannels[i] = false; if (!isNinjhax2 && (i < 0x08)) audioChannels[i] = true; else if (csndAccess && (i < 0x08)) audioChannels[i] = true; } // Set main script char path[256]; if (argc > 0){ int latest_slash = 0; int i=5; while (argv[0][i] != '\0'){ if (argv[0][i] == '/') latest_slash = i; i++; } strcpy(path,&argv[0][5]); path[latest_slash-5] = 0; strcpy(start_dir,path); strcpy(cur_dir,path); // Set current dir strcat(path,"/index.lua"); }else{ strcpy(start_dir,"/"); strcpy(cur_dir,"/"); // Set current dir for GW Mode strcpy(path,"/index.lua"); } while(aptMainLoop()) { restore=0; char error[2048]; // Load main script FS_Path filePath=fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, path); FS_Archive script=(FS_Archive){ARCHIVE_SDMC, (FS_Path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fileHandle, script, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, 0x00000000); if (!ret){ FSFILE_GetSize(fileHandle, &size); buffer = (unsigned char*)(malloc((size+1) * sizeof (char))); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, buffer, size); buffer[size]=0; FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); svcCloseHandle(fileHandle); errMsg = runScript((const char*)buffer, true); free(buffer); }else errMsg = "index.lua file not found."; // Force LCDs power on if ((!isTopLCDOn) || (!isBottomLCDOn)){ gspLcdInit(); if (!isTopLCDOn) GSPLCD_PowerOnBacklight(GSPLCD_SCREEN_TOP); if (!isBottomLCDOn) GSPLCD_PowerOnBacklight(GSPLCD_SCREEN_BOTTOM); gspLcdExit(); isTopLCDOn = true; isBottomLCDOn = true; } // Fake error to force interpreter shutdown if (strstr(errMsg, "lpp_exit_04")) break; if (ftp_state) ftp_exit(); ftp_state = false; int connfd; while (restore==0){ gspWaitForVBlank(); RefreshScreen(); ClearScreen(0); ClearScreen(1); strcpy(error,"Error: "); strcat(error,errMsg); if (ftp_state){ u32 ip=(u32)gethostid(); char ip_address[64]; strcat(error,"\n\nPress A to restart\nPress B to exit\nPress Y to enable FTP server\n\nFTP state: ON\nIP: "); sprintf(ip_address,"%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu", ip & 0xFF, (ip>>8)&0xFF, (ip>>16)&0xFF, (ip>>24)&0xFF); strcat(error,ip_address); strcat(error,"\nPort: 5000"); if(connfd<0)connfd=ftp_getConnection(); else{ int ret=ftp_frame(connfd); if(ret==1) connfd=-1; } }else strcat(error,"\n\nPress A to restart\nPress B to exit\nPress Y to enable FTP server\n\nFTP state: OFF"); DebugOutput(error); hidScanInput(); if(hidKeysDown() & KEY_A){ strcpy(cur_dir,start_dir); restore=1; }else if(hidKeysDown() & KEY_B){ restore=2; }else if(hidKeysDown() & KEY_Y){ if (!ftp_state){ u32 wifiStatus; if ((u32)ACU_GetWifiStatus(&wifiStatus) != 0xE0A09D2E){ if (wifiStatus != 0){ ftp_init(); connfd = -1; ftp_state = true; } } } } gfxFlushBuffers(); gfxSwapBuffers(); } if (ftp_state) ftp_exit(); if (isCSND){ if (csndAccess) csndExit(); else ndspExit(); isCSND = false; } if (restore==2){ break; } }
static Result dumpnand_open_dst(void* data, u32 index, void* initialReadBlock, u32* handle) { return FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(handle, ARCHIVE_SDMC, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, u"/NAND.bin"), FS_OPEN_WRITE | FS_OPEN_CREATE, 0); }
static int lua_download(lua_State *L){ int argc = lua_gettop(L); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if (argc < 2 || argc > 5) return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); #endif const char* url = luaL_checkstring(L,1); const char* file = luaL_checkstring(L,2); const char* headers = (argc >= 3) ? luaL_checkstring(L,3) : NULL; u8 method = (argc >= 4) ? luaL_checkinteger(L,4) : 0; const char* postdata = (argc >= 5) ? luaL_checkstring(L,5) : NULL; httpcContext context; u32 statuscode=0; HTTPC_RequestMethod useMethod = HTTPC_METHOD_GET; if(method <= 3 && method >= 1) useMethod = (HTTPC_RequestMethod)method; do { if (statuscode >= 301 && statuscode <= 308) { char newurl[4096]; httpcGetResponseHeader(&context, (char*)"Location", &newurl[0], 4096); url = &newurl[0]; httpcCloseContext(&context); } Result ret = httpcOpenContext(&context, useMethod, (char*)url, 0); // Just disable SSL verification instead of loading default certs. httpcSetSSLOpt(&context, SSLCOPT_DisableVerify); if(headers != NULL){ char *tokenheader = (char*)malloc(strlen(headers)+1); strcpy(tokenheader, headers); char *toker = tokenheader; char *headername = NULL; char *headervalue = NULL; do { headername = strtok(toker, ":"); if (headername == NULL) break; headervalue = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (headervalue == NULL) break; if (headervalue[0] == ' ') headervalue++; httpcAddRequestHeaderField(&context, headername, headervalue); toker = NULL; } while (headername != NULL && headervalue != NULL); free(tokenheader); } if (useMethod == HTTPC_METHOD_POST && postdata != NULL) { httpcAddPostDataRaw(&context, (u32*)postdata, strlen(postdata)); } #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if(ret==0){ #endif httpcBeginRequest(&context); u32 contentsize=0; httpcGetResponseStatusCode(&context, &statuscode, 0); if (statuscode == 200){ u32 readSize = 0; long int bytesWritten = 0; u8* buf = (u8*)malloc(0x1000); memset(buf, 0, 0x1000); Handle fileHandle; FS_Archive sdmcArchive=(FS_Archive){ARCHIVE_SDMC, (FS_Path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_Path filePath=fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, file); FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly( &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_CREATE|FS_OPEN_WRITE, 0x00000000); do { ret = httpcDownloadData(&context, buf, 0x1000, &readSize); FSFILE_Write(fileHandle, NULL, bytesWritten, buf, readSize, 0x10001); bytesWritten += readSize; } while (ret == (s32)HTTPC_RESULTCODE_DOWNLOADPENDING); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); svcCloseHandle(fileHandle); free(buf); } #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING } #endif } while ((statuscode >= 301 && statuscode <= 303) || (statuscode >= 307 && statuscode <= 308)); #ifndef SKIP_ERROR_HANDLING if ((statuscode < 200 && statuscode > 226) && statuscode != 304) luaL_error(L, "error opening url"); #endif httpcCloseContext(&context); lua_pushinteger(L, statuscode); return 1; }
int main() { //gfxInitDefault(); sf2d_init(); sf2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFF)); consoleInit(GFX_TOP, NULL); Result rc = _srvGetServiceHandle(&romfsRealHandle, "fs:USER"); printf("realHandle: %08lX\n", rc); rc = FSUSER_Initialize(&romfsRealHandle); printf("initReal: %08lX\n", rc); // Regular RomFS u8 zeros[0xC]; memset(zeros, 0, sizeof(zeros)); FS_archive arch = { ARCH_ROMFS, { PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)"" }, 0, 0 }; FS_path path = { PATH_BINARY, sizeof(zeros), zeros }; Handle romFS_file; rc = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&romfsRealHandle, &romFS_file, arch, path, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); printf("romfsOpen: %08lX\n", rc); rc = romfsInitFromFile(romFS_file, 0); u8 *decomp_out; u8 *darc_decomp; u32 decomp_size; u32 darc_decomp_size; sf2d_texture **mon; char *mon_garc; char *box_garc; if (rc) { printf("romfsInit: %08lX\n", rc); mon_garc = "sdmc:/1"; box_garc = "sdmc:/3_box"; } else { printf("romfs Init Successful!\n"); mon_garc = "romfs:/a/0/9/3"; //Pokemon X/Y box_garc = "romfs:/a/1/0/4"; //Pokemon X/Y u32 num_mon = gnumrecords(mon_garc); if(!num_mon) { mon_garc = "sdmc:/1"; num_mon = gnumrecords(mon_garc); } u32 box_test = gnumrecords(box_garc); if(!box_test) { box_garc = "sdmc:/3_box"; } } u32 num_mon = gnumrecords(mon_garc); mon = (sf2d_texture**)malloc(num_mon * sizeof(sf2d_texture*)); printf("Loading sprites..."); int i; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { gfread(mon_garc, i, &decomp_out, &decomp_size); sf2d_texture *mon_sprite = create_texture_from_xy7_clim(decomp_out, decomp_size); mon[i] = mon_sprite; free(decomp_out); } printf("Pokemon sprites read.\n"); gfread(box_garc, 0, &darc_decomp, &darc_decomp_size); printf("Box sprites read.\n"); u32 box_clim_size; u32 box_bg_size; u32 box_name_size; void *box_clim; void *box_bg_clim; void *box_name; if(darc_decomp) { printf("darc_file: %x\n", box_clim); } printf("All read!\n"); sf2d_texture *cursor = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "cursol01.bclim"); sf2d_texture *wallpaper = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "box_wp02.bclim"); sf2d_texture *name_box = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "box_name02.bclim"); sf2d_texture *mode01 = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "mode01.bclim"); sf2d_texture *mode02 = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "mode02.bclim"); sf2d_texture *mode03 = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "mode03.bclim"); sf2d_texture *left_button = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "left_button.bclim"); sf2d_texture *right_button = load_texture_from_darc(pokedarc_get_darc(darc_decomp), "right_button.bclim"); float cursor_spot = 0; u8 cursor_direction = 1; float cursor_add = 0.4f; u8 cursor_mon_x = 3; u8 cursor_mon_y = 2; // Main loop while (aptMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); if(cursor_direction) { cursor_spot += cursor_add; if(cursor_spot >= 5.0f) cursor_direction--; } else { cursor_spot -= cursor_add; if(cursor_spot <= 0.0f) cursor_direction++; } sf2d_start_frame(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT); clim_draw_texture(wallpaper, 0, 0); clim_draw_texture(mode01, 25, 0); clim_draw_texture(mode02, 25+50+10, 0); clim_draw_texture(mode03, 25+50+10+50+10, 0); clim_draw_texture(name_box, 20, 20); clim_draw_texture(left_button, 5, 20); clim_draw_texture(right_button, 20+name_box->width, 20); int x, y; int i = 1; for(y = 0; y < 5; y++) { for(x = 0; x < 6; x++) { clim_draw_texture(mon[i], 10+(x*32), 45+(y*30)); i++; } } clim_draw_texture(cursor, (int)(10-5+((cursor_mon_x + 1) * 32)-cursor_spot), (int)(45+5+((cursor_mon_y - 1) * 30)+cursor_spot)); sf2d_end_frame(); u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); if (kDown & KEY_START) break; // break in order to return to hbmenu sf2d_swapbuffers(); } sf2d_fini(); romfsExit(); gfxExit(); return 0; }
unsigned char loadROM(char *filename) { char name[17]; enum romType type; int romSize; int ramSize; int i; #ifdef DS3 u64 length; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){ARCH_SDMC, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath = FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, filename); // /filename Result ret = FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(NULL, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); if(ret) return false; ret = FSFILE_GetSize(fileHandle, &length); if(ret) return false; ret = FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, cart, length); if(ret || length != bytesRead) return false; memset(name, '\0', 17); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(cart[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME] == 0x80 || cart[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME] == 0xc0) name[i] = '\0'; else name[i] = cart[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME]; } printf("Internal ROM name: %s\n", name); type = cart[ROM_OFFSET_TYPE]; if(!romTypeString[type]) { printf("Unknown ROM type: %#02x\n", type); return false; } printf("ROM type: %s\n", romTypeString[type]); if(type != ROM_PLAIN) { printf("Only 32KB games with no mappers are supported!\n"); return false; } romSize = cart[ROM_OFFSET_ROM_SIZE]; if((romSize & 0xF0) == 0x50) romSize = (int)pow(2.0, (double)(((0x52) & 0xF) + 1)) + 64; else romSize = (int)pow(2.0, (double)(romSize + 1)); printf("ROM size: %dKB\n", romSize * 16); if(romSize * 16 != 32) { printf("Only 32KB games with no mappers are supported!\n"); return false; } if(length != romSize * 16 * 1024) { printf("ROM filesize does not equal ROM size!\n"); return false; } ramSize = cart[ROM_OFFSET_RAM_SIZE]; ramSize = (int)pow(4.0, (double)ramSize) / 2; printf("RAM size: %dKB\n", ramSize); ramSize = ceil(ramSize / 8.0f); ret = FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); if(ret) return false; return 1; #else #ifdef PS4 void ps4loadROM(void); ps4loadROM(); return 1; #else FILE *f; size_t length; unsigned char header[0x180]; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!f) return 0; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(f); if(length < 0x180) { printf("ROM is too small!\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } rewind(f); fread(header, 0x180, 1, f); memset(name, '\0', 17); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(header[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME] == 0x80 || header[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME] == 0xc0) name[i] = '\0'; else name[i] = header[i + ROM_OFFSET_NAME]; } printf("Internal ROM name: %s\n", name); type = header[ROM_OFFSET_TYPE]; if(!romTypeString[type]) { printf("Unknown ROM type: %#02x\n", type); fclose(f); return 0; } printf("ROM type: %s\n", romTypeString[type]); if(type != ROM_PLAIN) { printf("Only 32KB games with no mappers are supported!\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } romSize = header[ROM_OFFSET_ROM_SIZE]; #ifndef PSP if((romSize & 0xF0) == 0x50) romSize = (int)pow(2.0, (double)(((0x52) & 0xF) + 1)) + 64; else romSize = (int)pow(2.0, (double)(romSize + 1)); #else // PSP doesn't support pow... romSize = 2; #endif printf("ROM size: %dKB\n", romSize * 16); if(romSize * 16 != 32) { printf("Only 32KB games with no mappers are supported!\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } if(length != romSize * 16 * 1024) { printf("ROM filesize does not equal ROM size!\n"); //fclose(f); //return 0; } ramSize = header[ROM_OFFSET_RAM_SIZE]; #ifndef PSP ramSize = (int)pow(4.0, (double)(ramSize)) / 2; #else // PSP doesn't support pow... ramSize = 0; #endif printf("RAM size: %dKB\n", ramSize); ramSize = ceil(ramSize / 8.0f); /*cart = malloc(length); if(!cart) { printf("Could not allocate memory!\n"); fclose(f); return 0; }*/ rewind(f); fread(cart, length, 1, f); fclose(f); return 1; #endif #endif }
static Result dumpnand_open_src(void* data, u32 index, u32* handle) { return FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(handle, ARCHIVE_NAND_W_FS, fsMakePath(PATH_EMPTY, ""), fsMakePath(PATH_UTF16, u"/"), FS_OPEN_READ, 0); }
Result doRegionFive(u8* code_data, u32 code_size, char* cfg_path) { u8 region_code = 2; u8 language_code = 2; u8 clock = 0; u8 nim = 0; int nimversion = -1; char* romfs = NULL; char* code = NULL; Result ret = configureTitle(cfg_path, ®ion_code, &language_code, &clock, &romfs, &code, &nim, &nimversion); if(ret)return ret; u64 tid = 0; getTitleInformation(NULL, &tid); if(code) { char path[32]; sprintf(path, "sdmc:%s", code); FILE* f = fopen(path, "rb"); if(!f)return -1; fread(code_data, 1, code_size, f); fclose(f); } printf("region %X\n", region_code); printf("language %X\n", language_code); if(nimversion >= 0) { patchNimTitleVersion(code_data, code_size, nimversion); } if(region_code != 0xFF) { function_s cfgSecureInfoGetRegion = findCfgSecureInfoGetRegion(code_data, code_size); printf("cfgSecureInfoGetRegion : %08X - %08X\n", (unsigned int)(cfgSecureInfoGetRegion.start * 4 + 0x00100000), (unsigned int)(cfgSecureInfoGetRegion.end * 4 + 0x00100000)); patchCfgSecureInfoGetRegion(code_data, code_size, cfgSecureInfoGetRegion, region_code); } if(language_code != 0xFF) { function_s cfgCtrGetLanguage = findCfgCtrGetLanguage(code_data, code_size); printf("cfgCtrGetLanguage : %08X - %08X\n", (unsigned int)(cfgCtrGetLanguage.start * 4 + 0x00100000), (unsigned int)(cfgCtrGetLanguage.end * 4 + 0x00100000)); patchCfgCtrGetLanguage(code_data, code_size, cfgCtrGetLanguage, language_code); } if(clock != 0xFF) { setClockrate(clock); } if(nim) { patchNimCheckSysupdateAvailableSOAP(code_data, code_size); const static char target[] = "%s/samurai/ws/%s/title/%llu/other_purchased?shop_id=1&lang=%s&_t"; const static char url[] = ""; int i; int cursor = 0; int l = strlen(target); for(i=0; i<code_size; i++) { if(cursor == l) { strcpy((char*)&code_data[i - l], url); break; } if(target[cursor] == code_data[i]) cursor++; else cursor = 0; } } if(romfs) { Handle fsHandle, fileHandle; FS_archive sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){0x00000009, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; srvGetServiceHandle(&fsHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(&fsHandle, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, FS_makePath(PATH_CHAR, romfs), FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); // patchFsOpenRom(code_data, code_size, fsHandle, romfs); patchFsOpenRom(code_data, code_size, fileHandle); } // { // Handle fsHandle; // FS_archive sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){0x00000009, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; // srvGetServiceHandle(&fsHandle, "fs:USER"); // FSUSER_OpenArchive(&fsHandle, &sdmcArchive); // patchFsSavegame(code_data, code_size, fsHandle, (u64)sdmcArchive.handleLow | (((u64)sdmcArchive.handleHigh) << 32)); // } return 0; }