void LoadInitialConfig(bool resetConfig) override {
            //TODO(kangz) move this functions and its friends to FileSystem.cpp
	        if (!resetConfig) {
		        Cmd::BufferCommandText("exec -f " SERVERCONFIG_NAME);
Example #2

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer( const char *server )
	int        i;
	bool   isBot;

	// shut down the existing game if it is running

	PrintBanner( "Server Initialization" )
	Com_Printf( "Server: %s\n", server );

	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server

	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// clear collision map data

	// wipe the entire per-level structure

	// allocate empty config strings
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++ )
		sv.configstrings[ i ] = CopyString( "" );
		sv.configstringsmodified[ i ] = false;

	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities
	if ( !Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_running" ) )
		// check for maxclients change
		if ( sv_maxclients->modified )

	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
	svs.snapshotEntities = ( entityState_t * ) Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( entityState_t ) * svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high );
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set sv_nextmap to the same map, but it may be overridden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "sv_nextmap", "map_restart 0" );

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );

	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	srand( Sys_Milliseconds() );
	sv.checksumFeed = ( ( rand() << 16 ) ^ rand() ) ^ Sys_Milliseconds();

	if (!FS_LoadPak(va("map-%s", server)))
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Could not load map pak\n");


	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va( "%i", sv.serverId ) );

	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0; i < GAME_INIT_FRAMES; i++ )
		gvm.GameRunFrame( sv.time );
		svs.time += FRAMETIME;
		sv.time += FRAMETIME;

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications

	for ( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( svs.clients[ i ].state >= CS_CONNECTED )
			bool denied;
			char reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];

			isBot = SV_IsBot(&svs.clients[i]);

			// connect the client again
			denied = gvm.GameClientConnect( reason, sizeof( reason ), i, false, isBot );   // firstTime = false

			if ( denied )
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[ i ], reason );
				if ( !isBot )
					// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
					// the new gamestate will be sent
					svs.clients[ i ].state = CS_CONNECTED;
					client_t       *client;
					sharedEntity_t *ent;

					client = &svs.clients[ i ];
					client->state = CS_ACTIVE;
					ent = SV_GentityNum( i );
					ent->s.number = i;
					client->gentity = ent;

					client->deltaMessage = -1;
					client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time; // generate a snapshot immediately

					gvm.GameClientBegin( i );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	gvm.GameRunFrame( sv.time );
	svs.time += FRAMETIME;
	sv.time += FRAMETIME;

	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded

	Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", FS_LoadedPaks() );

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, true ) );

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO, false ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info




	Com_Printf( "-----------------------------------\n" );
 void OnDrop(Str::StringRef reason) override {
     SV_Shutdown(Str::Format("Server crashed: %s\n", reason).c_str());