Example #1
File: ftenc.c Project: aosm/X11libs
FTRemap(FT_Face face, FTMappingPtr tm, unsigned code)
    unsigned index;
    char *name;
    unsigned glyph_index;

    if(tm->mapping) {
        if(tm->named) {
            name = FontEncName(code, tm->mapping);
                return 0;
            glyph_index = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, name);
            return glyph_index;
        } else {
            index = FontEncRecode(code, tm->mapping) + tm->base;
            FT_Set_Charmap(face, tm->cmap);
            glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, index);
            return glyph_index;
    } else {
        if(code < 0x100) {
            index = code;
            FT_Set_Charmap(face, tm->cmap);
            glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, index);
            return glyph_index;
        } else
            return 0;
/* SumatraPDF: provide a bullet fallback font */
static pdf_font_desc *
pdf_load_bullet_font(fz_context *ctx)
	pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);
	int gid, i;

		pdf_load_builtin_font(ctx, fontdesc, "Symbol");
		fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1);
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = 256;
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, 256, sizeof(unsigned short));
		gid = FT_Get_Name_Index(fontdesc->font->ft_face, "bullet");
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = gid;
		pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, ft_width(ctx, fontdesc, 0));
		pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);

	return fontdesc;
Example #3
XeTeXFontInst_FT2::mapGlyphToIndex(const char* glyphName) const
	LEGlyphID	rval = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, const_cast<char*>(glyphName));
	if (rval == 0)
		rval = XeTeXFontInst::mapGlyphToIndex(glyphName);
	return rval;
Example #4
FT2Font::get_name_index(const Py::Tuple & args) {
  std::string glyphname = Py::String(args[0]);

  return Py::Long((long)
		  FT_Get_Name_Index(face, (FT_String *) glyphname.c_str()));
static pdf_font_desc *
pdf_load_simple_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict)
	pdf_obj *descriptor;
	pdf_obj *encoding;
	pdf_obj *widths;
	unsigned short *etable = NULL;
	pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL;
	char *subtype;
	FT_Face face;
	FT_CharMap cmap;
	int symbolic;
	int kind;

	char *basefont;
	char *estrings[256];
	char ebuffer[256][32];
	int i, k, n;
	int fterr;
	fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx;


	basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont"));

	/* Load font file */
		fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);

		descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor");
		if (descriptor)
			pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, NULL, basefont);
			pdf_load_builtin_font(ctx, fontdesc, basefont);

		/* Some chinese documents mistakenly consider WinAnsiEncoding to be codepage 936 */
		if (descriptor && pdf_is_string(pdf_dict_gets(descriptor, "FontName")) &&
			!pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode") &&
			!strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding")), "WinAnsiEncoding") &&
			pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(descriptor, "Flags")) == 4)
			char *cp936fonts[] = {
				"\xCB\xCE\xCC\xE5", "SimSun,Regular",
				"\xBA\xDA\xCC\xE5", "SimHei,Regular",
				"\xBF\xAC\xCC\xE5_GB2312", "SimKai,Regular",
				"\xB7\xC2\xCB\xCE_GB2312", "SimFang,Regular",
				"\xC1\xA5\xCA\xE9", "SimLi,Regular",
			for (i = 0; cp936fonts[i]; i += 2)
				if (!strcmp(basefont, cp936fonts[i]))
			if (cp936fonts[i])
				fz_warn(ctx, "workaround for S22PDF lying about chinese font encodings");
				pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);
				fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx);
				pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, "Adobe-GB1", cp936fonts[i+1]);
				fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "GBK-EUC-H");
				fontdesc->to_unicode = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2");
				fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2");

				face = fontdesc->font->ft_face;
				kind = ft_kind(face);
				goto skip_encoding;

		face = fontdesc->font->ft_face;
		kind = ft_kind(face);

		/* Encoding */

		symbolic = fontdesc->flags & 4;

		if (face->num_charmaps > 0)
			cmap = face->charmaps[0];
			cmap = NULL;

		for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
			FT_CharMap test = face->charmaps[i];

			if (kind == TYPE1)
				if (test->platform_id == 7)
					cmap = test;

			if (kind == TRUETYPE)
				if (test->platform_id == 1 && test->encoding_id == 0)
					cmap = test;
				if (test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 1)
					cmap = test;
				if (symbolic && test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 0)
					cmap = test;

		if (cmap)
			fterr = FT_Set_Charmap(face, cmap);
			if (fterr)
				fz_warn(ctx, "freetype could not set cmap: %s", ft_error_string(fterr));
			fz_warn(ctx, "freetype could not find any cmaps");

		etable = fz_malloc_array(ctx, 256, sizeof(unsigned short));
		fontdesc->size += 256 * sizeof(unsigned short);
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			estrings[i] = NULL;
			etable[i] = 0;

		encoding = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Encoding");
		if (encoding)
			if (pdf_is_name(encoding))
				pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(encoding));

			if (pdf_is_dict(encoding))
				pdf_obj *base, *diff, *item;

				base = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "BaseEncoding");
				if (pdf_is_name(base))
					pdf_load_encoding(estrings, pdf_to_name(base));
				else if (!fontdesc->is_embedded && !symbolic)
					pdf_load_encoding(estrings, "StandardEncoding");

				diff = pdf_dict_gets(encoding, "Differences");
				if (pdf_is_array(diff))
					n = pdf_array_len(diff);
					k = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
						item = pdf_array_get(diff, i);
						if (pdf_is_int(item))
							k = pdf_to_int(item);
						if (pdf_is_name(item) && k >= 0 && k < nelem(estrings))
							estrings[k++] = pdf_to_name(item);

		/* start with the builtin encoding */
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, i);

		fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		/* built-in and substitute fonts may be a different type than what the document expects */
		subtype = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Subtype"));
		if (!strcmp(subtype, "Type1"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "MMType1"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "TrueType"))
			kind = TRUETYPE;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "CIDFontType0"))
			kind = TYPE1;
		else if (!strcmp(subtype, "CIDFontType2"))
			kind = TRUETYPE;

		/* encode by glyph name where we can */
		if (kind == TYPE1)
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
					if (etable[i] == 0)
						int aglcode = pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]);
						const char **dupnames = pdf_lookup_agl_duplicates(aglcode);
						while (*dupnames)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, (char*)*dupnames);
							if (etable[i])

		/* encode by glyph name where we can */
		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			/* Unicode cmap */
			if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 3)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						int aglcode = pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]);
						if (!aglcode)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, aglcode);

			/* MacRoman cmap */
			else if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 1)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						k = lookup_mre_code(estrings[i]);
						if (k <= 0)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, k);

			/* Symbolic cmap */
			else if (!face->charmap || face->charmap->encoding != FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL)
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
						if (etable[i] == 0)
							etable[i] = ft_char_index(face, i);

		/* try to reverse the glyph names from the builtin encoding */
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			if (etable[i] && !estrings[i])
				if (FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES(face))
					fterr = FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, etable[i], ebuffer[i], 32);
					if (fterr)
						fz_warn(ctx, "freetype get glyph name (gid %d): %s", etable[i], ft_error_string(fterr));
					if (ebuffer[i][0])
						estrings[i] = ebuffer[i];
					estrings[i] = (char*) pdf_win_ansi[i]; /* discard const */

		/* symbolic Type 1 fonts with an implicit encoding and non-standard glyph names */
		if (kind == TYPE1 && symbolic)
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (etable[i] && estrings[i] && !pdf_lookup_agl(estrings[i]))
					estrings[i] = (char*) pdf_standard[i];

		fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 1);
		fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding);
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = 256;
		fontdesc->cid_to_gid = etable;

			pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, estrings, NULL, pdf_dict_gets(dict, "ToUnicode"));
			fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load ToUnicode CMap");


		/* Widths */

		pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, fontdesc->missing_width);

		widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Widths");
		if (widths)
			int first, last;

			first = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FirstChar"));
			last = pdf_to_int(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "LastChar"));

			if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last)
				first = last = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < last - first + 1; i++)
				int wid = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i));
				pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i + first, i + first, wid);
			fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);
			fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 1000, 1000, 72, 72);
			if (fterr)
				fz_warn(ctx, "freetype set character size: %s", ft_error_string(fterr));
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, i, i, ft_width(ctx, fontdesc, i));
			fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE);

		pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc);
		if (fontdesc && etable != fontdesc->cid_to_gid)
			fz_free(ctx, etable);
		pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc);
		fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load simple font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict));
	return fontdesc;
Example #6
static fz_error
loadsimplefont(pdf_fontdesc **fontdescp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *dict)
	fz_error error;
	fz_obj *descriptor;
	fz_obj *encoding;
	fz_obj *widths;
	unsigned short *etable = nil;
	pdf_fontdesc *fontdesc;
	fz_bbox bbox;
	FT_Face face;
	FT_CharMap cmap;
	int kind;
	int symbolic;

	char *basefont;
	char *fontname;
	char *estrings[256];
	char ebuffer[256][32];
	int i, k, n;
	int fterr;

	basefont = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "BaseFont"));
	fontname = cleanfontname(basefont);

	/* Load font file */

	fontdesc = pdf_newfontdesc();

	pdf_logfont("load simple font (%d %d R) ptr=%p {\n", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict), fontdesc);
	pdf_logfont("basefont %s -> %s\n", basefont, fontname);

	descriptor = fz_dictgets(dict, "FontDescriptor");
	if (descriptor)
		error = pdf_loadfontdescriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, nil, basefont);
		error = pdf_loadbuiltinfont(fontdesc, fontname);
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;

	face = fontdesc->font->ftface;
	kind = ftkind(face);

	pdf_logfont("ft name '%s' '%s'\n", face->family_name, face->style_name);

	bbox.x0 = (face->bbox.xMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.y0 = (face->bbox.yMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.x1 = (face->bbox.xMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.y1 = (face->bbox.yMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;

	pdf_logfont("ft bbox [%d %d %d %d]\n", bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1);

	if (bbox.x0 == bbox.x1)
		fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, -1000, -1000, 2000, 2000);
		fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1);

	/* Encoding */

	symbolic = fontdesc->flags & 4;

	if (face->num_charmaps > 0)
		cmap = face->charmaps[0];
		cmap = nil;

	for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
		FT_CharMap test = face->charmaps[i];

		if (kind == TYPE1)
			if (test->platform_id == 7)
				cmap = test;

		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			if (test->platform_id == 1 && test->encoding_id == 0)
				cmap = test;
			if (test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 1)
				cmap = test;

	if (cmap)
		fterr = FT_Set_Charmap(face, cmap);
		if (fterr)
			fz_warn("freetype could not set cmap: %s", ft_errorstring(fterr));
		fz_warn("freetype could not find any cmaps");

	etable = fz_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * 256);
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		estrings[i] = nil;
		etable[i] = 0;

	encoding = fz_dictgets(dict, "Encoding");
	if (encoding)
		if (fz_isname(encoding))
			pdf_loadencoding(estrings, fz_toname(encoding));

		if (fz_isdict(encoding))
			fz_obj *base, *diff, *item;

			base = fz_dictgets(encoding, "BaseEncoding");
			if (fz_isname(base))
				pdf_loadencoding(estrings, fz_toname(base));
			else if (!fontdesc->isembedded && !symbolic)
				pdf_loadencoding(estrings, "StandardEncoding");
			/* cf. http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=690615 and http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=687 */
			/* try to extract an encoding from the font or synthesize a likely one */
			/* note: FT_Get_Name_Index fails for symbolic CFF fonts, so let them be encoded by index */
			else if (!fontdesc->encoding && !ftloadt1encoding(face, estrings) && !(symbolic && !strcmp(FT_Get_X11_Font_Format(face), "CFF")))
				pdf_loadencoding(estrings, "StandardEncoding");

			diff = fz_dictgets(encoding, "Differences");
			if (fz_isarray(diff))
				n = fz_arraylen(diff);
				k = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					item = fz_arrayget(diff, i);
					if (fz_isint(item))
						k = fz_toint(item);
					if (fz_isname(item))
						estrings[k++] = fz_toname(item);
					if (k < 0) k = 0;
					if (k > 255) k = 255;

	/* start with the builtin encoding */
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);

	/* encode by glyph name where we can */
	if (kind == TYPE1)
		pdf_logfont("encode type1/cff by strings\n");
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			if (estrings[i])
				etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
				if (etable[i] == 0)
					int aglcode = pdf_lookupagl(estrings[i]);
					char **aglnames = pdf_lookupaglnames(aglcode);
					while (*aglnames)
						etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, *aglnames);
						if (etable[i])

	/* encode by glyph name where we can */
	if (kind == TRUETYPE)
		/* Unicode cmap */
		if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 3)
			pdf_logfont("encode truetype via unicode\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					int aglcode = pdf_lookupagl(estrings[i]);
					if (!aglcode)
						etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
						etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, aglcode);

		/* MacRoman cmap */
		else if (!symbolic && face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 1)
			pdf_logfont("encode truetype via macroman\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					k = mrecode(estrings[i]);
					if (k <= 0)
						etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
						etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, k);

		/* Symbolic cmap */
			pdf_logfont("encode truetype symbolic\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
					if (etable[i] == 0)
						etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);

	/* try to reverse the glyph names from the builtin encoding */
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		if (etable[i] && !estrings[i])
			if (FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES(face))
				fterr = FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, etable[i], ebuffer[i], 32);
				if (fterr)
					fz_warn("freetype get glyph name (gid %d): %s", etable[i], ft_errorstring(fterr));
				if (ebuffer[i][0])
					estrings[i] = ebuffer[i];
				estrings[i] = (char*) pdf_winansi[i]; /* discard const */

	/* Prevent encoding Differences from being overwritten by reloading them */
	/* cf. http://code.google.com/p/sumatrapdf/issues/detail?id=115 */
	if (fz_isdict(encoding))
		fz_obj *diff, *item;

		diff = fz_dictgets(encoding, "Differences");
		if (fz_isarray(diff))
			n = fz_arraylen(diff);
			k = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
				item = fz_arrayget(diff, i);
				if (fz_isint(item))
					k = fz_toint(item);
				if (fz_isname(item))
					estrings[k++] = fz_toname(item);
				if (k < 0) k = 0;
				if (k > 255) k = 255;

	fontdesc->encoding = pdf_newidentitycmap(0, 1);
	fontdesc->ncidtogid = 256;
	fontdesc->cidtogid = etable;

	error = pdf_loadtounicode(fontdesc, xref, estrings, nil, fz_dictgets(dict, "ToUnicode"));
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;

	/* Widths */

	pdf_setdefaulthmtx(fontdesc, fontdesc->missingwidth);

	widths = fz_dictgets(dict, "Widths");
	if (widths)
		int first, last;

		first = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(dict, "FirstChar"));
		last = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(dict, "LastChar"));

		if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last)
			first = last = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < last - first + 1; i++)
			int wid = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i));
			pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, i + first, i + first, wid);
		fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 1000, 1000, 72, 72);
		if (fterr)
			fz_warn("freetype set character size: %s", ft_errorstring(fterr));
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, i, i, ftwidth(fontdesc, i));



	*fontdescp = fontdesc;
	return fz_okay;

	if (etable != fontdesc->cidtogid)
	return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load simple font (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict));
unsigned int FreeTypeType1Wrapper::GetFreeTypeGlyphIndexFromEncodingGlyphIndex(unsigned int inGlyphIndex)
    return FT_Get_Name_Index(mFace,(FT_String*)(GetPrivateGlyphName(inGlyphIndex).c_str()));
Example #8
XeTeXFontInst::mapGlyphToIndex(const char* glyphName) const
    return FT_Get_Name_Index(m_ftFace, const_cast<char*>(glyphName));
static fz_error
loadsimplefont(pdf_fontdesc **fontdescp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *dict)
	fz_error error;
	fz_obj *descriptor = nil;
	fz_obj *encoding = nil;
	fz_obj *widths = nil;
	unsigned short *etable = nil;
	pdf_fontdesc *fontdesc;
	fz_irect bbox;
	FT_Face face;
	FT_CharMap cmap;
	int kind;
	int symbolic;

	char *basefont;
	char *fontname;
	char *estrings[256];
	char ebuffer[256][32];
	int i, k, n;
	int fterr;

	basefont = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "BaseFont"));
	fontname = cleanfontname(basefont);

	 * Load font file

	fontdesc = pdf_newfontdesc();
	if (!fontdesc)
		return fz_rethrow(-1, "out of memory");

	pdf_logfont("load simple font (%d %d R) ptr=%p {\n", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict), fontdesc);
	pdf_logfont("basefont0 %s\n", basefont);
	pdf_logfont("basefont1 %s\n", fontname);

	descriptor = fz_dictgets(dict, "FontDescriptor");
	if (descriptor && basefont == fontname)
		error = pdf_loadfontdescriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, nil);
		error = pdf_loadbuiltinfont(fontdesc, fontname);
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;

	face = fontdesc->font->ftface;
	kind = ftkind(face);

	pdf_logfont("ft name '%s' '%s'\n", face->family_name, face->style_name);

	bbox.x0 = (face->bbox.xMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.y0 = (face->bbox.yMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.x1 = (face->bbox.xMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;
	bbox.y1 = (face->bbox.yMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM;

	pdf_logfont("ft bbox [%d %d %d %d]\n", bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1);

	if (bbox.x0 == bbox.x1)
		fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, -1000, -1000, 2000, 2000);
		fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1);

	 * Encoding

	symbolic = fontdesc->flags & 4;

	if (face->num_charmaps > 0)
		cmap = face->charmaps[0];
		cmap = nil;

	for (i = 0; i < face->num_charmaps; i++)
		FT_CharMap test = face->charmaps[i];

		if (kind == TYPE1)
			if (test->platform_id == 7)
				cmap = test;

		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			if (test->platform_id == 1 && test->encoding_id == 0)
				cmap = test;
			if (test->platform_id == 3 && test->encoding_id == 1)
				cmap = test;

	if (cmap)
		fterr = FT_Set_Charmap(face, cmap);
		if (fterr)
			fz_warn("freetype could not set cmap: %s", ft_errorstring(fterr));
		fz_warn("freetype could not find any cmaps");

	etable = fz_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * 256);
	if (!etable)
		goto cleanup;

	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		estrings[i] = nil;
		etable[i] = 0;

	encoding = fz_dictgets(dict, "Encoding");
	if (encoding && !(kind == TRUETYPE && symbolic))
		if (fz_isname(encoding))
			pdf_loadencoding(estrings, fz_toname(encoding));

		if (fz_isdict(encoding))
			fz_obj *base, *diff, *item;

			base = fz_dictgets(encoding, "BaseEncoding");
			if (fz_isname(base))
				pdf_loadencoding(estrings, fz_toname(base));
			else if (!fontdesc->isembedded)
				pdf_loadencoding(estrings, "StandardEncoding");

			diff = fz_dictgets(encoding, "Differences");
			if (fz_isarray(diff))
				n = fz_arraylen(diff);
				k = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					item = fz_arrayget(diff, i);
					if (fz_isint(item))
						k = fz_toint(item);
					if (fz_isname(item))
						estrings[k++] = fz_toname(item);
					if (k < 0) k = 0;
					if (k > 255) k = 255;

		if (kind == TYPE1)
			pdf_logfont("encode type1/cff by strings\n");
			for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (estrings[i])
					etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
					etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);

		if (kind == TRUETYPE)
			/* Unicode cmap */
			if (face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 3)
				pdf_logfont("encode truetype via unicode\n");
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						int aglbuf[256];
						int aglnum;
						aglnum = pdf_lookupagl(estrings[i], aglbuf, nelem(aglbuf));
						if (aglnum != 1)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, aglbuf[0]);
						etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);

			/* MacRoman cmap */
			else if (face->charmap && face->charmap->platform_id == 1)
				pdf_logfont("encode truetype via macroman\n");
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					if (estrings[i])
						k = mrecode(estrings[i]);
						if (k <= 0)
							etable[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index(face, estrings[i]);
							etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, k);
						etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);

			/* Symbolic cmap */
				pdf_logfont("encode truetype symbolic\n");
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);
					fterr = FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, etable[i], ebuffer[i], 32);
					if (fterr)
						error = fz_throw("freetype get glyph name (gid %d): %s", etable[i], ft_errorstring(fterr));
						goto cleanup;
					if (ebuffer[i][0])
						estrings[i] = ebuffer[i];

		pdf_logfont("encode builtin\n");
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			etable[i] = ftcharindex(face, i);
			if (etable[i] == 0)

			if (FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES(face))
				fterr = FT_Get_Glyph_Name(face, etable[i], ebuffer[i], 32);
				if (fterr)
					error = fz_throw("freetype get glyph name (gid %d): %s", etable[i], ft_errorstring(fterr));
					goto cleanup;
				if (ebuffer[i][0])
					estrings[i] = ebuffer[i];

	error = pdf_newidentitycmap(&fontdesc->encoding, 0, 1);
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;

	fontdesc->ncidtogid = 256;
	fontdesc->cidtogid = etable;

	error = pdf_loadtounicode(fontdesc, xref, estrings, nil, fz_dictgets(dict, "ToUnicode"));
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;

	 * Widths

	pdf_setdefaulthmtx(fontdesc, fontdesc->missingwidth);

	widths = fz_dictgets(dict, "Widths");
	if (widths)
		int first, last;

		first = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(dict, "FirstChar"));
		last = fz_toint(fz_dictgets(dict, "LastChar"));

		if (first < 0 || last > 255 || first > last)
			first = last = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < last - first + 1; i++)
			int wid = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i));
			error = pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, i + first, i + first, wid);
			if (error)
				goto cleanup;
		fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 1000, 1000, 72, 72);
		if (fterr)
			fz_warn("freetype set character size: %s", ft_errorstring(fterr));
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			error = pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, i, i, ftwidth(fontdesc, i));
			if (error)
				goto cleanup;

	error = pdf_endhmtx(fontdesc);
	if (error)
		goto cleanup;


	*fontdescp = fontdesc;
	return fz_okay;

	return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load simple font");
static int
checkEncoding(FT_Face face, char *encoding_name)
    FontEncPtr encoding;
    FontMapPtr mapping;
    int i, j, c, koi8;
    char *n;

    encoding = FontEncFind(encoding_name, NULL);
        return 0;

    /* An encoding is ``small'' if one of the following is true:
         - it is linear and has no more than 256 codepoints; or
         - it is a matrix encoding and has no more than one column.

       For small encodings using Unicode indices, we require perfect
       coverage except for CODE_IGNORED and KOI-8 IBM-PC compatibility.

       For large encodings, we require coverage up to bigEncodingFuzz.

       For encodings using PS names (currently Adobe Standard and
       Adobe Symbol only), we require perfect coverage. */

    if(FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names(face)) {
        for(mapping = encoding->mappings; mapping; mapping = mapping->next) {
            if(mapping->type == FONT_ENCODING_POSTSCRIPT) {
                if(encoding->row_size > 0) {
                    for(i = encoding->first; i < encoding->size; i++) {
                        for(j = encoding->first_col;
                            j < encoding->row_size;
                            j++) {
                            n = FontEncName((i<<8) | j, mapping);
                            if(n && FT_Get_Name_Index(face, n) == 0) {
                                return 0;
                    return 1;
                } else {
                    for(i = encoding->first; i < encoding->size; i++) {
                        n = FontEncName(i, mapping);
                        if(n && FT_Get_Name_Index(face, n) == 0) {
                            return 0;
                    return 1;

    for(mapping = encoding->mappings; mapping; mapping = mapping->next) {
        if(find_cmap(mapping->type, mapping->pid, mapping->eid, face)) {
            int total = 0, failed = 0;
            if(encoding->row_size > 0) {
                int estimate =
                    (encoding->size - encoding->first) *
                    (encoding->row_size - encoding->first_col);
                for(i = encoding->first; i < encoding->size; i++) {
                    for(j = encoding->first_col;
                        j < encoding->row_size;
                        j++) {
                        c = FontEncRecode((i<<8) | j, mapping);
                        if(CODE_IGNORED(c)) {
                        } else {
                            if(FT_Get_Char_Index(face, c) == 0) {
                            if((encoding->size <= 1 && failed > 0) ||
                               ((float)failed >= bigEncodingFuzz * estimate)) {
                                return 0;
                if((float)failed >= total * bigEncodingFuzz)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;
            } else {
                int estimate = encoding->size - encoding->first;
                /* For the KOI8 encodings, we ignore the lack of
                   linedrawing and pseudo-math characters */
                if(strncmp(encoding->name, "koi8-", 5) == 0)
                    koi8 = 1;
                    koi8 = 0;
                for(i = encoding->first; i < encoding->size; i++) {
                    c = FontEncRecode(i, mapping);
                    if(CODE_IGNORED(c) ||
                       (koi8 && ((c >= 0x2200 && c < 0x2600) || c == 0x00b2))) {
                    } else {
                        if(FT_Get_Char_Index(face, c) == 0) {
                        if((encoding->size <= 256 && failed > 0) ||
                           ((float)failed >= bigEncodingFuzz * estimate)) {
                            return 0;
                if((float)failed >= total * bigEncodingFuzz)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;
    return 0;
double PdfFontMetricsFreetype::GetGlyphWidth( const char* pszGlyphname ) const
	return GetGlyphWidth( FT_Get_Name_Index( m_pFace, const_cast<char *>(pszGlyphname) ) );
Example #12
TeXFont_PFB::TeXFont_PFB(TeXFontDefinition *parent, fontEncoding *enc, double slant)
  : TeXFont(parent)
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
  if (enc != 0)
    kdDebug(4300) << "TeXFont_PFB::TeXFont_PFB( parent=" << parent << ", encoding=" << enc->encodingFullName << " )" << endl;
    kdDebug(4300) << "TeXFont_PFB::TeXFont_PFB( parent=" << parent << ", encoding=0 )" << endl;

  fatalErrorInFontLoading = false;

  int error = FT_New_Face( parent->font_pool->FreeType_library, parent->filename.local8Bit(), 0, &face );
  if ( error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format ) {
    errorMessage = i18n("The font file %1 could be opened and read, but its font format is unsupported.").arg(parent->filename);
    kdError(4300) << errorMessage << endl;
    fatalErrorInFontLoading = true;
  } else 
    if ( error ) {
      errorMessage = i18n("The font file %1 is broken, or it could not be opened or read.").arg(parent->filename);
      kdError(4300) << errorMessage << endl;
      fatalErrorInFontLoading = true;

  // Take care of slanting, and transform all characters in the font, if necessary.
  if (slant != 0.0) {
    // Construct a transformation matrix for vertical shear which will
    // be used to transform the characters.
    transformationMatrix.xx = 0x10000;
    transformationMatrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)(slant * 0x10000);
    transformationMatrix.yx = 0;
    transformationMatrix.yy = 0x10000;
    FT_Set_Transform( face, &transformationMatrix, 0);
  if (face->family_name != 0)
    parent->fullFontName = face->family_name;

  // Finally, we need to set up the charMap array, which maps TeX
  // character codes to glyph indices in the font. (Remark: the
  // charMap, and the font encoding procedure is necessary, because
  // TeX is only able to address character codes 0-255 while
  // e.g. Type1 fonts may contain several thousands of characters)
  if (enc != 0) {
    parent->fullEncodingName = enc->encodingFullName.remove(QString::fromLatin1( "Encoding" ));
    parent->fullEncodingName = enc->encodingFullName.remove(QString::fromLatin1( "encoding" ));

    // An encoding vector is given for this font, i.e. an array of
    // character names (such as: 'parenleft' or 'dotlessj'). We use
    // the FreeType library function 'FT_Get_Name_Index()' to
    // associate glyph indices to those names.
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
    kdDebug(4300) << "Trying to associate glyph indices to names from the encoding vector." << endl;
    for(int i=0; i<256; i++) {
      charMap[i] = FT_Get_Name_Index( face, (FT_String *)(enc->glyphNameVector[i].ascii()) );
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
      kdDebug(4300) << i << ": " << enc->glyphNameVector[i] << ", GlyphIndex=" <<  charMap[i] << endl;
  } else {
    // If there is no encoding vector available, we check if the font
    // itself contains a charmap that could be used. An admissible
    // charMap will be stored under platform_id=7 and encoding_id=2.
    FT_CharMap  found = 0;
    for (int n = 0; n<face->num_charmaps; n++ ) {
      FT_CharMap charmap = face->charmaps[n];
      if ( charmap->platform_id == 7 && charmap->encoding_id == 2 ) {
	found = charmap;
    if ((found != 0) && (FT_Set_Charmap( face, found ) == 0)) {
      // Feed the charMap array with the charmap data found in the
      // previous step.
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
      kdDebug(4300) << "No encoding given: using charmap platform=7, encoding=2 that is contained in the font." << endl;
      for(int i=0; i<256; i++) 
	charMap[i] = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, i );
    } else {
      if ((found == 0) && (face->charmap != 0)) {
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
	kdDebug(4300) << "No encoding given: using charmap platform=" << face->charmap->platform_id <<
	  ", encoding=" << face->charmap->encoding_id << " that is contained in the font." << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<256; i++) 
	  charMap[i] = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, i );
      } else {
	// As a last resort, we use the identity map.
#ifdef DEBUG_PFB
	kdDebug(4300) << "No encoding given, no suitable charmaps found in the font: using identity charmap." << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<256; i++) 
	  charMap[i] = i;