Example #1
  static void
  BBox_Cubic_Check( FT_Pos   p1,
                    FT_Pos   p2,
                    FT_Pos   p3,
                    FT_Pos   p4,
                    FT_Pos*  min,
                    FT_Pos*  max )
    FT_Pos  nmin, nmax;
    FT_Int  shift;

    /* This function is only called when a control off-point is outside  */
    /* the bbox that contains all on-points.  It finds a local extremum  */
    /* within the segment using iterative bisection of the segment.      */
    /* The fixed-point arithmetic of bisection is inherently stable      */
    /* but may loose accuracy in the two lowest bits.  To compensate,    */
    /* we upscale the segment if there is room.  Large values may need   */
    /* to be downscaled to avoid overflows during bisection.             */
    /* The control off-point outside the bbox is likely to have the top  */
    /* absolute value among arguments.                                   */

    shift = 27 - FT_MSB( FT_ABS( p2 ) | FT_ABS( p3 ) );

    if ( shift > 0 )
      /* upscaling too much just wastes time */
      if ( shift > 2 )
        shift = 2;

      p1 <<=  shift;
      p2 <<=  shift;
      p3 <<=  shift;
      p4 <<=  shift;
      nmin = *min << shift;
      nmax = *max << shift;
      p1 >>= -shift;
      p2 >>= -shift;
      p3 >>= -shift;
      p4 >>= -shift;
      nmin = *min >> -shift;
      nmax = *max >> -shift;

    nmax =  update_cubic_max(  p1,  p2,  p3,  p4,  nmax );

    /* now flip the signs to update the minimum */
    nmin = -update_cubic_max( -p1, -p2, -p3, -p4, -nmin );

    if ( shift > 0 )
      nmin >>=  shift;
      nmax >>=  shift;
Example #2
pfr_face_get_kerning( FT_Face     pfrface,        /* PFR_Face */
                      FT_UInt     glyph1,
                      FT_UInt     glyph2,
                      FT_Vector*  kerning )
    PFR_Face     face     = (PFR_Face)pfrface;
    FT_Error     error    = FT_Err_Ok;
    PFR_PhyFont  phy_font = &face->phy_font;
    FT_UInt32    code1, code2, pair;

    kerning->x = 0;
    kerning->y = 0;

    if ( glyph1 > 0 )

    if ( glyph2 > 0 )

    /* convert glyph indices to character codes */
    if ( glyph1 > phy_font->num_chars ||
            glyph2 > phy_font->num_chars )
        goto Exit;

    code1 = phy_font->chars[glyph1].char_code;
    code2 = phy_font->chars[glyph2].char_code;
    pair  = PFR_KERN_INDEX( code1, code2 );

    /* now search the list of kerning items */
        PFR_KernItem  item   = phy_font->kern_items;
        FT_Stream     stream = pfrface->stream;

        for ( ; item; item = item->next )
            if ( pair >= item->pair1 && pair <= item->pair2 )
                goto FoundPair;
        goto Exit;

FoundPair: /* we found an item, now parse it and find the value if any */
        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( item->offset )                       ||
                FT_FRAME_ENTER( item->pair_count * item->pair_size ) )
            goto Exit;

            FT_UInt    count       = item->pair_count;
            FT_UInt    size        = item->pair_size;
            FT_UInt    power       = 1 << FT_MSB( count );
            FT_UInt    probe       = power * size;
            FT_UInt    extra       = count - power;
            FT_Byte*   base        = stream->cursor;
            FT_Bool    twobytes    = FT_BOOL( item->flags & 1 );
            FT_Bool    twobyte_adj = FT_BOOL( item->flags & 2 );
            FT_Byte*   p;
            FT_UInt32  cpair;

            if ( extra > 0 )
                p = base + extra * size;

                if ( twobytes )
                    cpair = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
                    cpair = PFR_NEXT_KPAIR( p );

                if ( cpair == pair )
                    goto Found;

                if ( cpair < pair )
                    if ( twobyte_adj )
                        p += 2;
                    base = p;

            while ( probe > size )
                probe >>= 1;
                p       = base + probe;

                if ( twobytes )
                    cpair = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
                    cpair = PFR_NEXT_KPAIR( p );

                if ( cpair == pair )
                    goto Found;

                if ( cpair < pair )
                    base += probe;

            p = base;

            if ( twobytes )
                cpair = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
                cpair = PFR_NEXT_KPAIR( p );

            if ( cpair == pair )
                FT_Int  value;

                if ( twobyte_adj )
                    value = FT_PEEK_SHORT( p );
                    value = p[0];

                kerning->x = item->base_adj + value;


    return error;
Example #3
  static void
  BBox_Cubic_Check( FT_Pos   y1,
                    FT_Pos   y2,
                    FT_Pos   y3,
                    FT_Pos   y4,
                    FT_Pos*  min,
                    FT_Pos*  max )
    /* always compare first and last points */
    if      ( y1 < *min )  *min = y1;
    else if ( y1 > *max )  *max = y1;

    if      ( y4 < *min )  *min = y4;
    else if ( y4 > *max )  *max = y4;

    /* now, try to see if there are split points here */
    if ( y1 <= y4 )
      /* flat or ascending arc test */
      if ( y1 <= y2 && y2 <= y4 && y1 <= y3 && y3 <= y4 )
    else /* y1 > y4 */
      /* descending arc test */
      if ( y1 >= y2 && y2 >= y4 && y1 >= y3 && y3 >= y4 )

    /* There are some split points.  Find them.                        */
    /* We already made sure that a, b, and c below cannot be all zero. */
      FT_Pos    a = y4 - 3*y3 + 3*y2 - y1;
      FT_Pos    b = y3 - 2*y2 + y1;
      FT_Pos    c = y2 - y1;
      FT_Pos    d;
      FT_Fixed  t;
      FT_Int    shift;

      /* We need to solve `ax^2+2bx+c' here, without floating points!      */
      /* The trick is to normalize to a different representation in order  */
      /* to use our 16.16 fixed-point routines.                            */
      /*                                                                   */
      /* We compute FT_MulFix(b,b) and FT_MulFix(a,c) after normalization. */
      /* These values must fit into a single 16.16 value.                  */
      /*                                                                   */
      /* We normalize a, b, and c to `8.16' fixed-point values to ensure   */
      /* that their product is held in a `16.16' value including the sign. */
      /* Necessarily, we need to shift `a', `b', and `c' so that the most  */
      /* significant bit of their absolute values is at position 22.       */
      /*                                                                   */
      /* This also means that we are using 23 bits of precision to compute */
      /* the zeros, independently of the range of the original polynomial  */
      /* coefficients.                                                     */
      /*                                                                   */
      /* This algorithm should ensure reasonably accurate values for the   */
      /* zeros.  Note that they are only expressed with 16 bits when       */
      /* computing the extrema (the zeros need to be in 0..1 exclusive     */
      /* to be considered part of the arc).                                */

      shift = FT_MSB( FT_ABS( a ) | FT_ABS( b ) | FT_ABS( c ) );

      if ( shift > 22 )
        shift -= 22;

        /* this loses some bits of precision, but we use 23 of them */
        /* for the computation anyway                               */
        a >>= shift;
        b >>= shift;
        c >>= shift;
Example #4
  af_loader_compute_darkening( AF_Loader  loader,
                               FT_Face    face,
                               FT_Pos     standard_width )
    AF_Module  module = loader->globals->module;

    FT_UShort  units_per_EM;
    FT_Fixed   ppem, em_ratio;
    FT_Fixed   stem_width, stem_width_per_1000, scaled_stem, darken_amount;
    FT_Int     log_base_2;
    FT_Int     x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

    ppem         = FT_MAX( af_intToFixed( 4 ),
                           af_intToFixed( face->size->metrics.x_ppem ) );
    units_per_EM = face->units_per_EM;

    em_ratio = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( 1000 ),
                          af_intToFixed ( units_per_EM ) );
    if ( em_ratio < af_floatToFixed( .01 ) )
      /* If something goes wrong, don't embolden. */
      return 0;

    x1 = module->darken_params[0];
    y1 = module->darken_params[1];
    x2 = module->darken_params[2];
    y2 = module->darken_params[3];
    x3 = module->darken_params[4];
    y3 = module->darken_params[5];
    x4 = module->darken_params[6];
    y4 = module->darken_params[7];

    if ( standard_width <= 0 )
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( 75 ); /* taken from cf2font.c */
      stem_width_per_1000 = stem_width;
      stem_width          = af_intToFixed( standard_width );
      stem_width_per_1000 = FT_MulFix( stem_width, em_ratio );

    log_base_2 = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)stem_width_per_1000 ) +
                 FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)ppem );

    if ( log_base_2 >= 46 )
      /* possible overflow */
      scaled_stem = af_intToFixed( x4 );
      scaled_stem = FT_MulFix( stem_width_per_1000, ppem );

    /* now apply the darkening parameters */
    if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x1 ) )
      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x2 ) )
      FT_Int  xdelta = x2 - x1;
      FT_Int  ydelta = y2 - y1;
      FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                       FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x1 ), ppem );

      if ( !xdelta )
        goto Try_x3;

      darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                      FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x3 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x3 - x2;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y3 - y2;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x2 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Try_x4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y2 ), ppem );

    else if ( scaled_stem < af_intToFixed( x4 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x4 - x3;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y4 - y3;
        FT_Int  x      = stem_width_per_1000 -
                         FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( x3 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Use_y4;

        darken_amount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                        FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y3 ), ppem );

      darken_amount = FT_DivFix( af_intToFixed( y4 ), ppem );

    /* Convert darken_amount from per 1000 em to true character space. */
    return af_fixedToInt( FT_DivFix( darken_amount, em_ratio ) );
Example #5
  FT_Outline_Get_Orientation( FT_Outline*  outline )
    FT_BBox     cbox;
    FT_Int      xshift, yshift;
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Vector   v_prev, v_cur;
    FT_Int      c, n, first;
    FT_Pos      area = 0;

    if ( !outline || outline->n_points <= 0 )

    /* We use the nonzero winding rule to find the orientation.       */
    /* Since glyph outlines behave much more `regular' than arbitrary */
    /* cubic or quadratic curves, this test deals with the polygon    */
    /* only that is spanned up by the control points.                 */

    FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );

    /* Handle collapsed outlines to avoid undefined FT_MSB. */
    if ( cbox.xMin == cbox.xMax || cbox.yMin == cbox.yMax )

    xshift = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)( FT_ABS( cbox.xMax ) |
                                  FT_ABS( cbox.xMin ) ) ) - 14;
    xshift = FT_MAX( xshift, 0 );

    yshift = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)( cbox.yMax - cbox.yMin ) ) - 14;
    yshift = FT_MAX( yshift, 0 );

    points = outline->points;

    first = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < outline->n_contours; c++ )
      FT_Int  last = outline->contours[c];

      v_prev.x = points[last].x >> xshift;
      v_prev.y = points[last].y >> yshift;

      for ( n = first; n <= last; n++ )
        v_cur.x = points[n].x >> xshift;
        v_cur.y = points[n].y >> yshift;

        area = ADD_LONG( area,
                         ( v_cur.y - v_prev.y ) * ( v_cur.x + v_prev.x ) );

        v_prev = v_cur;

      first = last + 1;

    if ( area > 0 )
    else if ( area < 0 )
Example #6
  /* Compute a stem darkening amount in character space. */
  static void
  cf2_computeDarkening( CF2_Fixed   emRatio,
                        CF2_Fixed   ppem,
                        CF2_Fixed   stemWidth,
                        CF2_Fixed*  darkenAmount,
                        CF2_Fixed   boldenAmount,
                        FT_Bool     stemDarkened,
                        FT_Int*     darkenParams )
     * Total darkening amount is computed in 1000 unit character space
     * using the modified 5 part curve as Adobe's Avalon rasterizer.
     * The darkening amount is smaller for thicker stems.
     * It becomes zero when the stem is thicker than 2.333 pixels.
     * By default, we use
     *   darkenAmount = 0.4 pixels   if scaledStem <= 0.5 pixels,
     *   darkenAmount = 0.275 pixels if 1 <= scaledStem <= 1.667 pixels,
     *   darkenAmount = 0 pixel      if scaledStem >= 2.333 pixels,
     * and piecewise linear in-between:
     *   darkening
     *       ^
     *       |
     *       |      (x1,y1)
     *       |--------+
     *       |         \
     *       |          \
     *       |           \          (x3,y3)
     *       |            +----------+
     *       |        (x2,y2)         \
     *       |                         \
     *       |                          \
     *       |                           +-----------------
     *       |                         (x4,y4)
     *       +--------------------------------------------->   stem
     *                                                       thickness
     * This corresponds to the following values for the
     * `darkening-parameters' property:
     *   (x1, y1) = (500, 400)
     *   (x2, y2) = (1000, 275)
     *   (x3, y3) = (1667, 275)
     *   (x4, y4) = (2333, 0)

    /* Internal calculations are done in units per thousand for */
    /* convenience. The x axis is scaled stem width in          */
    /* thousandths of a pixel. That is, 1000 is 1 pixel.        */
    /* The y axis is darkening amount in thousandths of a pixel.*/
    /* In the code, below, dividing by ppem and                 */
    /* adjusting for emRatio converts darkenAmount to character */
    /* space (font units).                                      */
    CF2_Fixed  stemWidthPer1000, scaledStem;
    FT_Int     logBase2;

    *darkenAmount = 0;

    if ( boldenAmount == 0 && !stemDarkened )

    /* protect against range problems and divide by zero */
    if ( emRatio < cf2_floatToFixed( .01 ) )

    if ( stemDarkened )
      FT_Int  x1 = darkenParams[0];
      FT_Int  y1 = darkenParams[1];
      FT_Int  x2 = darkenParams[2];
      FT_Int  y2 = darkenParams[3];
      FT_Int  x3 = darkenParams[4];
      FT_Int  y3 = darkenParams[5];
      FT_Int  x4 = darkenParams[6];
      FT_Int  y4 = darkenParams[7];

      /* convert from true character space to 1000 unit character space; */
      /* add synthetic emboldening effect                                */

      /* `stemWidthPer1000' will not overflow for a legitimate font      */

      stemWidthPer1000 = FT_MulFix( stemWidth + boldenAmount, emRatio );

      /* `scaledStem' can easily overflow, so we must clamp its maximum  */
      /* value; the test doesn't need to be precise, but must be         */
      /* conservative.  The clamp value (default 2333) where             */
      /* `darkenAmount' is zero is well below the overflow value of      */
      /* 32767.                                                          */
      /*                                                                 */
      /* FT_MSB computes the integer part of the base 2 logarithm.  The  */
      /* number of bits for the product is 1 or 2 more than the sum of   */
      /* logarithms; remembering that the 16 lowest bits of the fraction */
      /* are dropped this is correct to within a factor of almost 4.     */
      /* For example, 0x80.0000 * 0x80.0000 = 0x4000.0000 is 23+23 and   */
      /* is flagged as possible overflow because 0xFF.FFFF * 0xFF.FFFF = */
      /* 0xFFFF.FE00 is also 23+23.                                      */

      logBase2 = FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)stemWidthPer1000 ) +
                   FT_MSB( (FT_UInt32)ppem );

      if ( logBase2 >= 46 )
        /* possible overflow */
        scaledStem = cf2_intToFixed( x4 );
        scaledStem = FT_MulFix( stemWidthPer1000, ppem );

      /* now apply the darkening parameters */

      if ( scaledStem < cf2_intToFixed( x1 ) )
        *darkenAmount = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

      else if ( scaledStem < cf2_intToFixed( x2 ) )
        FT_Int  xdelta = x2 - x1;
        FT_Int  ydelta = y2 - y1;
        FT_Int  x      = stemWidthPer1000 -
                           FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( x1 ), ppem );

        if ( !xdelta )
          goto Try_x3;

        *darkenAmount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                          FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( y1 ), ppem );

      else if ( scaledStem < cf2_intToFixed( x3 ) )
          FT_Int  xdelta = x3 - x2;
          FT_Int  ydelta = y3 - y2;
          FT_Int  x      = stemWidthPer1000 -
                             FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( x2 ), ppem );

          if ( !xdelta )
            goto Try_x4;

          *darkenAmount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                            FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( y2 ), ppem );

      else if ( scaledStem < cf2_intToFixed( x4 ) )
          FT_Int  xdelta = x4 - x3;
          FT_Int  ydelta = y4 - y3;
          FT_Int  x      = stemWidthPer1000 -
                             FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( x3 ), ppem );

          if ( !xdelta )
            goto Use_y4;

          *darkenAmount = FT_MulDiv( x, ydelta, xdelta ) +
                            FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( y3 ), ppem );

        *darkenAmount = FT_DivFix( cf2_intToFixed( y4 ), ppem );

      /* use half the amount on each side and convert back to true */
      /* character space                                           */
      *darkenAmount = FT_DivFix( *darkenAmount, 2 * emRatio );

    /* add synthetic emboldening effect in character space */
    *darkenAmount += boldenAmount / 2;