/* * Do some custom process */ FCITX_EXPORT_API void FcitxHotkeyGetKey(FcitxKeySym keysym, unsigned int iKeyState, FcitxKeySym* outk, unsigned int* outs) { /* key state != 0 */ if (iKeyState) { if (iKeyState != FcitxKeyState_Shift && FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyLAZ(keysym, 0)) keysym = keysym + FcitxKey_A - FcitxKey_a; /* * alt shift 1 shoud be alt + ! * shift+s should be S */ if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyLAZ(keysym, 0) || FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyUAZ(keysym, 0)) { if (iKeyState == FcitxKeyState_Shift) iKeyState &= ~FcitxKeyState_Shift; } else { if ((iKeyState & FcitxKeyState_Shift) && (((FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeySimple(keysym, 0) || FcitxKeySymToUnicode(keysym) != 0) && keysym != FcitxKey_space && keysym != FcitxKey_Return) || (keysym >= FcitxKey_KP_0 && keysym <= FcitxKey_KP_9))) iKeyState &= ~FcitxKeyState_Shift; } } if (keysym == FcitxKey_ISO_Left_Tab) keysym = FcitxKey_Tab; *outk = keysym; *outs = iKeyState; }
boolean IsHotKeyPunc(FcitxKeySym sym, unsigned int state) { if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeySimple(sym, state) && !FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyDigit(sym, state) && !FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyLAZ(sym, state) && !FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyUAZ(sym, state) && !FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_SPACE)) return true; return false; }
/** * @brief Process Key Input and return the status * * @param keycode keycode from XKeyEvent * @param state state from XKeyEvent * @param count count from XKeyEvent * @return INPUT_RETURN_VALUE **/ __EXPORT_API INPUT_RETURN_VALUE FcitxLibpinyinDoInput(void* arg, FcitxKeySym sym, unsigned int state) { FcitxLibpinyin* libpinyin = (FcitxLibpinyin*) arg; FcitxLibpinyinConfig* config = &libpinyin->owner->config; FcitxInputState* input = FcitxInstanceGetInputState(libpinyin->owner->owner); if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeySimple(sym, state)) { /* there is some special case that ';' is used */ if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKeyLAZ(sym, state) || sym == '\'' || (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_SEMICOLON) && libpinyin->type == LPT_Shuangpin && (config->spScheme == FCITX_SHUANG_PIN_MS || config->spScheme == FCITX_SHUANG_PIN_ZIGUANG)) || (libpinyin->type == LPT_Zhuyin && LibpinyinCheckZhuyinKey(sym, config->zhuyinLayout, config->useTone)) ) { if (strlen(libpinyin->buf) == 0 && (sym == '\'' || sym == ';')) return IRV_TO_PROCESS; if (strlen(libpinyin->buf) < MAX_PINYIN_INPUT) { size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (libpinyin->buf[libpinyin->cursor_pos] != 0) { memmove(libpinyin->buf + libpinyin->cursor_pos + 1, libpinyin->buf + libpinyin->cursor_pos, len - libpinyin->cursor_pos); } libpinyin->buf[len + 1] = 0; libpinyin->buf[libpinyin->cursor_pos] = (char) (sym & 0xff); libpinyin->cursor_pos ++; size_t parselen = FcitxLibpinyinParse(libpinyin, libpinyin->buf); if (parselen == 0 && strlen(libpinyin->buf) == 1 && libpinyin->type != LPT_Shuangpin && !(libpinyin->type == LPT_Pinyin && !libpinyin->owner->config.incomplete) && !(libpinyin->type == LPT_Zhuyin && !libpinyin->owner->config.chewingIncomplete)) { FcitxLibpinyinReset(libpinyin); return IRV_TO_PROCESS; } return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } else return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } } if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_SPACE) || (libpinyin->type == LPT_Zhuyin && FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_ENTER))) { size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (len == 0) return IRV_TO_PROCESS; return FcitxCandidateWordChooseByIndex(FcitxInputStateGetCandidateList(input), 0); } if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_LIBPINYIN_SHIFT_ENTER)) { size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (len == 0) return IRV_TO_PROCESS; strcpy(FcitxInputStateGetOutputString(input), libpinyin->buf); return IRV_COMMIT_STRING; } if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_BACKSPACE) || FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_DELETE)) { if (strlen(libpinyin->buf) > 0) { int offset = LibpinyinGetOffset(libpinyin); if (offset != 0 && FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_BACKSPACE)) { g_array_remove_index_fast(libpinyin->fixed_string, libpinyin->fixed_string->len - 1); pinyin_clear_constraint(libpinyin->inst, LibpinyinGetOffset(libpinyin)); } else { if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_BACKSPACE)) { if (libpinyin->cursor_pos > 0) libpinyin->cursor_pos -- ; else return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (libpinyin->cursor_pos == (int)len) return IRV_DO_NOTHING; memmove(libpinyin->buf + libpinyin->cursor_pos, libpinyin->buf + libpinyin->cursor_pos + 1, len - libpinyin->cursor_pos - 1); libpinyin->buf[strlen(libpinyin->buf) - 1] = 0; if (libpinyin->buf[0] == '\0') return IRV_CLEAN; else FcitxLibpinyinParse(libpinyin, libpinyin->buf); } return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } else return IRV_TO_PROCESS; } else { if (strlen(libpinyin->buf) > 0) { if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_LEFT)) { if (libpinyin->cursor_pos > 0) { if ( libpinyin->cursor_pos == LibpinyinGetPinyinOffset(libpinyin)) { g_array_remove_index_fast(libpinyin->fixed_string, libpinyin->fixed_string->len - 1); pinyin_clear_constraint(libpinyin->inst, LibpinyinGetOffset(libpinyin)); return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } else { libpinyin->cursor_pos--; return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } } return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } else if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_RIGHT)) { size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (libpinyin->cursor_pos < (int) len) { libpinyin->cursor_pos ++ ; return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } else if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_HOME)) { int offset = LibpinyinGetPinyinOffset(libpinyin); if ( libpinyin->cursor_pos != offset) { libpinyin->cursor_pos = offset; return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } else if (FcitxHotkeyIsHotKey(sym, state, FCITX_END)) { size_t len = strlen(libpinyin->buf); if (libpinyin->cursor_pos != (int) len) { libpinyin->cursor_pos = len ; return IRV_DISPLAY_CANDWORDS; } return IRV_DO_NOTHING; } } else { return IRV_TO_PROCESS; } } return IRV_TO_PROCESS; }