/* ================ Con_DrawInput Draw the editline after a ] prompt ================ */ void Con_DrawInput( void ) { int y; char prompt[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; vec4_t color; qtime_t realtime; if ( cls.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && !( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ) { return; } Com_RealTime( &realtime ); y = con.vislines - ( SCR_ConsoleFontCharHeight() * 2 ) + 2; Com_sprintf( prompt, sizeof( prompt ), "^0[^3%02d%c%02d^0]^7 %s", realtime.tm_hour, ( realtime.tm_sec & 1 ) ? ':' : ' ', realtime.tm_min, cl_consolePrompt->string ); color[ 0 ] = 1.0f; color[ 1 ] = 1.0f; color[ 2 ] = 1.0f; color[ 3 ] = ( scr_conUseOld->integer ? 1.0f : con.displayFrac * 2.0f ); SCR_DrawSmallStringExt( con.xadjust + cl_conXOffset->integer, y + 10, prompt, color, qfalse, qfalse ); Q_CleanStr( prompt ); Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, con.xadjust + cl_conXOffset->integer + SCR_ConsoleFontStringWidth( prompt, strlen( prompt ) ), y + 10, qtrue, qtrue, color[ 3 ] ); }
/* ================ Con_DrawInput Draw the editline after a ] prompt ================ */ void Con_DrawInput (void) { int y; if ( cls.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && !(Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ) { return; } y = con.vislines - ( SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT * (re->Language_IsAsian() ? 1.5 : 2) ); re->SetColor( con.color ); SCR_DrawSmallChar( (int)(con.xadjust + 1 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH), y, CONSOLE_PROMPT_CHAR ); Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, (int)(con.xadjust + 2 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH), y, SCREEN_WIDTH - 3 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, qtrue, qtrue ); }
/* ================ Con_DrawInput Draw the editline after a ] prompt ================ */ void Con_DrawInput( int linePosition, float overrideAlpha ) { char prompt[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; vec4_t color; qtime_t realtime; Com_RealTime( &realtime ); Com_sprintf( prompt, sizeof( prompt ), "^0[^3%02d%c%02d^0]^7 %s", realtime.tm_hour, ( realtime.tm_sec & 1 ) ? ':' : ' ', realtime.tm_min, con_prompt->string ); color[ 0 ] = 1.0f; color[ 1 ] = 1.0f; color[ 2 ] = 1.0f; color[ 3 ] = consoleState.currentAlphaFactor * overrideAlpha; SCR_DrawSmallStringExt( consoleState.margin.sides + consoleState.padding.sides, linePosition, prompt, color, qfalse, qfalse ); Q_CleanStr( prompt ); Field_Draw( g_consoleField, consoleState.margin.sides + consoleState.padding.sides + SCR_ConsoleFontStringWidth( prompt, strlen( prompt ) ), linePosition, qtrue, qtrue, color[ 3 ] ); }
void Menu_Draw(menuframework_s * menu) { int i; menucommon_s *item; /* * * draw contents */ for (i = 0; i < menu->nitems; i++) { switch (((menucommon_s *) menu->items[i])->type) { case MTYPE_FIELD: Field_Draw((menufield_s *) menu->items[i]); break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: Slider_Draw((menuslider_s *) menu->items[i]); break; case MTYPE_LIST: MenuList_Draw((menulist_s *) menu->items[i]); break; case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: SpinControl_Draw((menulist_s *) menu->items[i]); break; case MTYPE_ACTION: Action_Draw((menuaction_s *) menu->items[i]); break; case MTYPE_SEPARATOR: Separator_Draw((menuseparator_s *) menu->items[i]); break; } } /* * * now check mouseovers - psychospaz */ cursor.menu = menu; if (cursor.mouseaction) { menucommon_s *lastitem = cursor.menuitem; refreshCursorLink(); for (i = menu->nitems; i >= 0; i--) { int type; int len; int min [2], max[2]; item = ((menucommon_s *) menu->items[i]); if (!item || item->type == MTYPE_SEPARATOR) continue; max[0] = min[0] = menu->x + item->x + RCOLUMN_OFFSET; /* + 2 chars for space + * cursor */ max[1] = min[1] = menu->y + item->y; max[1] += 8; switch (item->type) { case MTYPE_ACTION: { len = strlen(item->name); if (item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY) { min[0] += LCOLUMN_OFFSET * 2; max[0] = min[0] + len * 8; } else { min[0] -= len * 8 + 24; } type = MENUITEM_ACTION; } break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: { min[0] -= 16; max[0] += (SLIDER_RANGE + 2) * 8 + 16; type = MENUITEM_SLIDER; } break; case MTYPE_LIST: case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: { int len; menulist_s *spin = menu->items[i]; if (item->name) { len = strlen(item->name); min[0] -= len * 8 - LCOLUMN_OFFSET * 2; } len = strlen(spin->itemnames[spin->curvalue]); max[0] += len * 8; type = MENUITEM_ROTATE; } break; case MTYPE_FIELD: { menufield_s *text = menu->items[i]; len = text->visible_length + 2; max[0] += len * 8; type = MENUITEM_TEXT; } break; default: continue; } if (cursor.x >= min[0] && cursor.x <= max[0] && cursor.y >= min[1] && cursor.y <= max[1]) { /* new item */ if (lastitem != item) { int j; for (j = 0; j < MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX; j++) { cursor.buttonclicks[j] = 0; cursor.buttontime[j] = 0; } } cursor.menuitem = item; cursor.menuitemtype = type; menu->cursor = i; break; } } } cursor.mouseaction = false; item = Menu_ItemAtCursor(menu); if (item && item->cursordraw) { item->cursordraw(item); } else if (menu->cursordraw) { menu->cursordraw(menu); } else if (item && item->type != MTYPE_FIELD) { if (item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY) { Draw_Char(menu->x + item->x - 24 + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ((int)(Sys_Milliseconds() / 250) & 1), 255); } else { Draw_Char(menu->x + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ((int)(Sys_Milliseconds() / 250) & 1), 255); } } if (item) { if (item->statusbarfunc) item->statusbarfunc((void *)item); else if (item->statusbar) Menu_DrawStatusBar(item->statusbar); else Menu_DrawStatusBar(menu->statusbar); } else { Menu_DrawStatusBar(menu->statusbar); } }
/* ========================== Menu_Draw ========================== */ void Menu_Draw (menuframework_s *menu) { int i; menucommon_s *item; // // draw contents // for (i = 0; i < menu->nitems; i++) { // skip hidden items if ( ((menucommon_s *)menu->items[i])->flags & QMF_HIDDEN ) continue; switch ( ((menucommon_s *)menu->items[i])->type ) { case MTYPE_FIELD: Field_Draw( ( menufield_s * )menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: Slider_Draw( (menuslider_s *)menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_LIST: MenuList_Draw( (menulist_s *)menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: SpinControl_Draw( (menulist_s *)menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_ACTION: Action_Draw( (menuaction_s *)menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SEPARATOR: Separator_Draw( (menuseparator_s *)menu->items[i] ); break; } } // added Psychspaz's mouse support // // now check mouseovers - psychospaz // cursor.menu = menu; if (cursor.mouseaction) { menucommon_s *lastitem = cursor.menuitem; UI_RefreshCursorLink(); for (i = menu->nitems; i >= 0 ; i--) { int type, len; int min[2], max[2]; float x1, y1, w1, h1; item = ((menucommon_s * )menu->items[i]); if (!item || item->type == MTYPE_SEPARATOR) continue; x1 = menu->x + item->x + RCOLUMN_OFFSET; // + 2 chars for space + cursor y1 = menu->y + item->y; w1 = 0; h1 = MENU_FONT_SIZE; SCR_AdjustFrom640 (&x1, &y1, &w1, &h1, ALIGN_CENTER); min[0] = x1; max[0] = x1+w1; min[1] = y1; max[1] = y1+h1; // max[0] = min[0] = SCR_ScaledVideo(menu->x + item->x + RCOLUMN_OFFSET); //+ 2 chars for space + cursor // max[1] = min[1] = SCR_ScaledVideo(menu->y + item->y); // max[1] += SCR_ScaledVideo(MENU_FONT_SIZE); switch (item->type) { case MTYPE_ACTION: { len = strlen(item->name); if (item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY) { min[0] += SCR_ScaledVideo(LCOLUMN_OFFSET*2); max[0] = min[0] + SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE); } else min[0] -= SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE + MENU_FONT_SIZE*3); type = MENUITEM_ACTION; } break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: { if (item->name) { len = strlen(item->name); min[0] -= SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE - LCOLUMN_OFFSET*2); } else min[0] -= SCR_ScaledVideo(16); max[0] += SCR_ScaledVideo((SLIDER_RANGE + 4)*MENU_FONT_SIZE); type = MENUITEM_SLIDER; } break; case MTYPE_LIST: case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: { int len; menulist_s *spin = menu->items[i]; if (item->name) { len = strlen(item->name); min[0] -= SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE - LCOLUMN_OFFSET*2); } len = strlen(spin->itemnames[spin->curvalue]); max[0] += SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE); type = MENUITEM_ROTATE; } break; case MTYPE_FIELD: { menufield_s *text = menu->items[i]; len = text->visible_length + 2; max[0] += SCR_ScaledVideo(len*MENU_FONT_SIZE); type = MENUITEM_TEXT; } break; default: continue; } if (cursor.x>=min[0] && cursor.x<=max[0] && cursor.y>=min[1] && cursor.y<=max[1]) { // new item if (lastitem!=item) { int j; for (j=0; j<MENU_CURSOR_BUTTON_MAX; j++) { cursor.buttonclicks[j] = 0; cursor.buttontime[j] = 0; } } cursor.menuitem = item; cursor.menuitemtype = type; menu->cursor = i; break; } } } cursor.mouseaction = false; // end mouseover code item = Menu_ItemAtCursor(menu); if (item && item->cursordraw) { item->cursordraw(item); } else if (menu->cursordraw) { menu->cursordraw(menu); } else if (item && item->type != MTYPE_FIELD) { if (item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY) { SCR_DrawChar (menu->x+item->x+item->cursor_offset-24, menu->y+item->y, ALIGN_CENTER, 12+((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1), 255,255,255,255, false, true); } else { SCR_DrawChar (menu->x+item->cursor_offset, menu->y+item->y, ALIGN_CENTER, 12+((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1), 255,255,255,255, false, true); } } if (item) { if (item->statusbarfunc) item->statusbarfunc ( (void *)item ); else if (item->statusbar) Menu_DrawStatusBar (item->statusbar); else Menu_DrawStatusBar (menu->statusbar); } else Menu_DrawStatusBar( menu->statusbar ); }
void Menu_Draw( menuframework_s *menu ) { int i; menucommon_s *item; /* ** draw contents */ for ( i = 0; i < menu->nitems; i++ ) { switch ( ( ( menucommon_s * ) menu->items[i] )->type ) { case MTYPE_FIELD: Field_Draw( ( menufield_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: Slider_Draw( ( menuslider_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_LIST: MenuList_Draw( ( menulist_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: SpinControl_Draw( ( menulist_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_ACTION: Action_Draw( ( menuaction_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SEPARATOR: Separator_Draw( ( menuseparator_s * ) menu->items[i] ); break; } } item = (menucommon_s *) Menu_ItemAtCursor( menu ); if ( item && item->cursordraw ) { item->cursordraw( item ); } else if ( menu->cursordraw ) { menu->cursordraw( menu ); } else if ( item && item->type != MTYPE_FIELD ) { if ( item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY ) { Draw_Char( menu->x + item->x - 24 + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ( ( int ) ( Sys_Milliseconds()/250 ) & 1 ) ); } else { Draw_Char( menu->x + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ( ( int ) ( Sys_Milliseconds()/250 ) & 1 ) ); } } if ( item ) { if ( item->statusbarfunc ) item->statusbarfunc( ( void * ) item ); else if ( item->statusbar ) Menu_DrawStatusBar( item->statusbar ); else Menu_DrawStatusBar( menu->statusbar ); } else { Menu_DrawStatusBar( menu->statusbar ); } }
void Menu_Draw ( menuframework_t *menu ) { char scratch[MAX_QPATH]; static int yaw; // int maxframe = 29; entity_t entity; int i; menucommon_t *item; refdef_t refdef; // Draw rotating Quake II Symbol memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) ); memset( &entity, 0, sizeof( entity ) ); refdef.x = 0; refdef.y = 0; refdef.width = viddef.width; refdef.height = viddef.height; refdef.fov_x = 35; refdef.fov_y = CalcFov( refdef.fov_x, refdef.width, refdef.height ); refdef.time = cls.realtime * 0.001; refdef.areabits = NULL; refdef.num_entities = 1; //refdef.lightstyles = 5; // Gentle Pulse refdef.lightstyles = 63; // Testing (FULLBRIGHT) refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL; refdef.blend[0] = 1.0; refdef.blend[1] = 1.0; refdef.blend[2] = 1.0; refdef.blend[3] = 0.0; refdef.dlights = NULL; refdef.num_dlights = 0; refdef.num_particles = 0; refdef.particles = NULL; VectorSet(refdef.viewangles, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); VectorClear(refdef.vieworg); //if (!strcmp(vid_ref->string, "soft")) // Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "models/items/quaddama/tris.md2"); //else Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ), "models/MenuModel/quad.md2"); entity.model = re.RegisterModel( scratch ); //entity.Model_Type = 0; entity.flags = RF_MINLIGHT | RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_FULLBRIGHT | RF_GLOW | RF_NOSHADOW; entity.origin[0] = 80; entity.origin[1] = 0; entity.origin[2] = -18; // -18 compensates for the float height of the model VectorCopy( entity.origin, entity.oldorigin ); entity.frame = 0; entity.oldframe = 0; entity.backlerp = 0.0; entity.angles[1] = yaw++; if ( ++yaw > 360 ) yaw -= 360; refdef.entities = &entity; // Fog the scene //refdef.blend[0] = 0.55; //refdef.blend[1] = 0.55; //refdef.blend[2] = 0.55; //refdef.blend[3] = 0.55; if (cl_3dmenubg->value) { // Draw scene MenuRefdefActive = 1; re.RenderFrame( &refdef ); //Menu_DrawBackground("q2bg.tga"); } // Draw the menu version information if (cl_menustamp->value > 0) { /* 1 - Regular string 2 - Regular string plus drop shadow (green... not effective) 3 - All green string */ if (cl_menustamp->value == 1) { // Draw the text Menu_DrawString (viddef.width - (strlen(MENUSTAMP) * FONTSIZE) - (FONTSIZE * 3), viddef.height - FONTSIZE, MENUSTAMP); } else if (cl_menustamp->value == 2) { // Draw the drop shadow (we need black characters) DrawAltString (viddef.width - (strlen(MENUSTAMP) * FONTSIZE) - (FONTSIZE * 3) - 1, viddef.height - FONTSIZE, MENUSTAMP); // Draw the text Menu_DrawString (viddef.width - (strlen(MENUSTAMP) * FONTSIZE) - (FONTSIZE * 3), viddef.height - FONTSIZE - 1, MENUSTAMP); } else if (cl_menustamp->value == 3) { // Draw the text DrawAltString (viddef.width - (strlen(MENUSTAMP) * FONTSIZE) - (FONTSIZE * 3), viddef.height - FONTSIZE, MENUSTAMP); } } // Menu drawing prevention hack for main menu if ((menu->x == -1) && (menu->y == -1)) return; /* ** draw contents */ for ( i = 0; i < menu->nitems; i++ ) { switch ( ( ( menucommon_t * ) menu->items[i] )->type ) { case MTYPE_FIELD: Field_Draw( ( menufield_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SLIDER: Slider_Draw( ( menuslider_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_LIST: MenuList_Draw( ( menulist_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SPINCONTROL: SpinControl_Draw( ( menulist_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_ACTION: Action_Draw( ( menuaction_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; case MTYPE_SEPARATOR: Separator_Draw( ( menuseparator_t * ) menu->items[i] ); break; } } item = Menu_ItemAtCursor( menu ); if ( item && item->cursordraw ) { item->cursordraw( item ); } else if ( menu->cursordraw ) { menu->cursordraw( menu ); } else if ( item && item->type != MTYPE_FIELD ) { if ( item->flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY ) { Draw_Char( menu->x + item->x - 24 + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ( ( int ) ( Sys_Milliseconds()/250 ) & 1 ) ); } else { Draw_Char( menu->x + item->cursor_offset, menu->y + item->y, 12 + ( ( int ) ( Sys_Milliseconds()/250 ) & 1 ) ); } } if ( item ) { if ( item->statusbarfunc ) item->statusbarfunc( ( void * ) item ); else if ( item->statusbar ) Menu_DrawStatusBar( item->statusbar ); else Menu_DrawStatusBar( menu->statusbar ); } else { Menu_DrawStatusBar( menu->statusbar ); } }