Example #1
 * Function Name: UartRead
 * Parameters:  UartNum_t Uart, pInt8U pBuffer, Int32U BufferSize
 * Return: Int32U
 * Description: Read received data from UART.
 *              Return number of readied characters
Int32U UartRead(UartNum_t Uart, pInt8U pBuffer, Int32U BufferSize)
Int32U Count;
pUartFifo_t pUartFifo;

  case UART_1:
    pUartFifo = pUart1RxFifo;
  case UART_2:
    pUartFifo = pUart2RxFifo;
  case UART_3:
    pUartFifo = pUart3RxFifo;

  for (Count = 0; Count < BufferSize; ++Count)
Example #2
int FifoGroupClose(Fifo **group) {
	int rv = 1;
	while (1) {
		Fifo **cgroup = group;
		char allEmpty = 1;
		struct timeval tv;
		int flushed;

		while (*cgroup) {
			if (!EMPTY(*cgroup)) {
				allEmpty = 0;
		if (allEmpty) break;

		tv.tv_sec = 1;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		flushed = FifoGroupFlushOnce(group, &tv, 1);
		if (flushed == -1) return -1;
		if (flushed == 0) break;
	while (*group) {
		while (FifoPop(*group)) { rv = 0; } // free any entries that we were unable to write
		if ((*group)->Open && close((*group)->fd)==-1) return -1;
	return rv;
Example #3
uint8_t UartUsbGetChar( Uart_t *obj, uint8_t *data )
    if( IsFifoEmpty( &obj->FifoRx ) == false )
        BoardDisableIrq( );
        *data = FifoPop( &obj->FifoRx );
        BoardEnableIrq( );
        return 0;
    return 1;
Example #4
uint8_t UartMcuGetChar( Uart_t *obj, uint8_t *data )
    if( IsFifoEmpty( &obj->FifoRx ) == false )
        __disable_irq( );
        *data = FifoPop( &obj->FifoRx );
        __enable_irq( );
        return 0;
    return 1;
  * @brief  VCP_DataTx
  *         CDC received data to be send over USB IN endpoint are managed in 
  *         this function.
  * @param  Buf: Buffer of data to be sent
  * @param  Len: Number of data to be sent (in bytes)
  * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else VCP_FAIL
static uint16_t VCP_DataTx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len)
  if (linecoding.datatype == 7)
    APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in] = FifoPop( &FifoTx ) & 0x7F;
  else if (linecoding.datatype == 8)
    APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in] = FifoPop( &FifoTx );
  /* To avoid buffer overflow */
  if(APP_Rx_ptr_in == APP_RX_DATA_SIZE)
    APP_Rx_ptr_in = 0;
  return USBD_OK;
Example #6
 * Function Name: Uart2Isr
 * Parameters: none
 * Return: none
 * Description: UART 2 interrupt routine
void Uart2Isr(void)
Int8U Data;
  // Recognizing the interrupt event
    // Overrun Error
    Uart2LineEvents.bOE = TRUE;
    // Framing Error
    Uart2LineEvents.bFE = TRUE;
    // Noise Error
    Uart2LineEvents.bFE = TRUE;
    // Parity Error
    Uart2LineEvents.bPE = TRUE;
  // Push a new data into the receiver buffer
    // Push a new data into the receiver buffer
      // the FIFO is full
      Uart2LineEvents.bOE = TRUE;
  if(   USART_GetFlagStatus(USART2,USART_FLAG_TXE)
     && (USART_GetITStatus (USART2,USART_IT_TXE) == SET))
uint8_t UartUsbGetChar( Uart_t *obj, uint8_t *data )
    if( UsbMcuIsDeviceConfigured( ) == false )
        return 2;
    SetEPRxValid( ENDP3 );
    if( IsFifoEmpty( &obj->FifoRx ) == false )
        __disable_irq( );
        *data = FifoPop( &obj->FifoRx );
        __enable_irq( );
        return 0;
    return 1;
Example #8
void USART1_IRQHandler( void )
    uint8_t data;

    if( USART_GetITStatus( USART1, USART_IT_TXE ) != RESET )
		//GpioWrite( &LedRed, 0 );
        if( IsFifoEmpty( &Uart1.FifoTx ) == false )
            data = FifoPop( &Uart1.FifoTx );
            //  Write one byte to the transmit data register
            USART_SendData( USART1, data );
            // Disable the USART Transmit interrupt
            USART_ITConfig( USART1, USART_IT_TXE, DISABLE );
        if( Uart1.IrqNotify != NULL )
            Uart1.IrqNotify( UART_NOTIFY_TX );
		//GpioWrite( &LedRed, 1 );

    if( USART_GetITStatus( USART1, USART_IT_ORE_RX ) != RESET )
        USART_ReceiveData( USART1 );

    if( USART_GetITStatus( USART1, USART_IT_RXNE ) != RESET )
		//UartPrintf( &Uart1, "USART_GetITStatus( USART1, USART_IT_RXNE )\n" );
		//GpioWrite( &LedGreen, 0 );
        data = USART_ReceiveData( USART1 );
        if( IsFifoFull( &Uart1.FifoRx ) == false )
            // Read one byte from the receive data register
            FifoPush( &Uart1.FifoRx, data );
        if( Uart1.IrqNotify != NULL )
            Uart1.IrqNotify( UART_NOTIFY_RX );
		//GpioWrite( &LedGreen, 1 );
Example #9
/* ==================================== */
void testmini(uint8_t *SOURCE, int32_t x, int32_t rs, int32_t N, Fifo *FIFO)
/* ==================================== */
  int32_t k, y, kk, yy, w;
  uint8_t valmin;

  for (k = 0; k < 8; k += 2)               /* parcourt les voisins en 4-connexite */
  {                                        /* pour voir s'il existe un minimum voisin */
    y = voisin(x, k, rs, N);               /* a un niveau > a celui atteint par x */
    if ((y != -1) && (IsSet(y, MINI)) && (SOURCE[y] > SOURCE[x])) 
    {                                      /* ce n'est plus un minimum */
      FifoPush(FIFO, y);
      UnSet(y, MINI);
      valmin = SOURCE[y];
      while (! FifoVide(FIFO)) /* parcours pour demarquer l'ex minimum */
        w = FifoPop(FIFO);
        for (kk = 0; kk < 8; kk += 2)
          yy = voisin(w, kk, rs, N);
          if ((yy != -1) && (SOURCE[yy] == valmin) && (IsSet(yy, MINI)))
            FifoPush(FIFO, yy);
	    UnSet(yy, MINI);
        } /* for kk ... */
      } /* while (! FifoVide(FIFO)) */
    } /* if ((y != -1) && (IsSet(y, MINI)) && (SOURCE[y] > SOURCE[x])) */
  } /* for k */

  for (k = 0; k < 8; k += 2)  /* parcourt les voisins en 4-connexite */
  {                           /* pour voir s'il existe un minimum */
    y = voisin(x, k, rs, N);  /* au niveau atteint par x */
    if ((y != -1) && (IsSet(y, MINI)) && (SOURCE[y] == SOURCE[x])) 
      Set(x, MINI); 
  } /* for k */
} /* testmini() */
Example #10
static int FifoFlushOnce(Fifo *fifo) {
	int rv;
	if (EMPTY(fifo)) return 0;
	do {
		struct FifoElem *cur = &HEAD_ELEM(fifo);
		int written = TryWrite(fifo->fd, cur->DataCur, cur->Remaining);
		if (written == -1) {
			return -1;
		rv += written;
		if (written == cur->Remaining) {
		} else {
			cur->DataCur += written;
			cur->Remaining -= written;
	} while (0);
	return rv;
void EP1_IN_Callback (void)
    UsbPacketTx = 1;
    UsbTxLength = 0;
    while( IsFifoEmpty( &UartUsb.FifoTx ) == false )
        UsbTxBuffer[UsbTxLength] = FifoPop( &UartUsb.FifoTx );

    if( UsbTxLength > 0 )
        UsbPacketTx = 0;
        UserToPMABufferCopy( ( unsigned char* )UsbTxBuffer, ENDP1_TXADDR, UsbTxLength );
        SetEPTxCount( ENDP1, UsbTxLength );
        SetEPTxValid( ENDP1 );

Example #12
/* ==================================== */
int32_t lgeoeros3d(
        struct xvimage *g,
        struct xvimage *f,
        int32_t connex,
        int32_t niter) 
/* reconstruction de g sous f */
/* g : image marqueur */
/* f : image masque */
/* connex : 6 ou 18 ou 26 */
/* niter : nombre d'iterations (ou -1 pour saturation) */
/* resultat dans g */
/* ==================================== */
#undef F_NAME 
#define F_NAME "lgeoeros3d"
  int32_t nbchang, iter;
  int32_t x;                       /* index muet de pixel */
  int32_t y;                       /* index muet (generalement un voisin de x) */
  int32_t k;                       /* index muet */
  int32_t rs = rowsize(g);         /* taille ligne */
  int32_t cs = colsize(g);         /* taille colonne */
  int32_t d = depth(g);            /* nombre plans */           
  int32_t n = rs * cs;             /* taille plan */
  int32_t N = n * d;               /* taille image */
  uint8_t *G = UCHARDATA(g);      /* l'image marqueur */
  uint8_t *F = UCHARDATA(f);      /* l'image masque */
  uint8_t *H;                     /* image de travail */
  uint8_t *temp;
  uint8_t inf;
  Fifo * FIFO[2];

  if ((rowsize(f) != rs) || (colsize(f) != cs) || (depth(f) != d))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: incompatible sizes\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  FIFO[0] = CreeFifoVide(N);
  FIFO[1] = CreeFifoVide(N);
  if ((FIFO[0] == NULL) || (FIFO[1] == NULL))
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : CreeFifoVide failed\n", F_NAME);


  for (x = 0; x < N; x++)      /* mise en fifo initiale de tous les points */    {
    FifoPush(FIFO[1], x);
    Set(x, 1);

  H = (uint8_t *)calloc(1,N*sizeof(char));
  if (H == NULL)
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : malloc failed for H\n", F_NAME);

  for (x = 0; x < N; x++)      /* force G à être >= F */    
    if (G[x] < F[x]) G[x] = F[x];

  if (connex == 26)
    iter = 0;
      iter += 1;
      nbchang = 0;
      while (! FifoVide(FIFO[iter % 2]))
        x = FifoPop(FIFO[iter % 2]);
        UnSet(x, iter % 2);
        inf = G[x];
        for (k = 0; k < 26; k += 1)
          y = voisin26(x, k, rs, n, N);
          if ((y != -1) && (G[y] < inf)) inf = G[y];
        } /* for k */
        inf = mcmax(inf, F[x]);
        if (G[x] != inf)
        {  /* changement: on enregistre x ainsi que ses voisins */
          nbchang += 1;
          if (! IsSet(x, (iter + 1) % 2))
            FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], x);
            Set(x, (iter + 1) % 2);
          for (k = 0; k < 26; k += 1)
            y = voisin26(x, k, rs, n, N);
            if ((y != -1) && (! IsSet(y, (iter + 1) % 2)))
              FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], y);
              Set(y, (iter + 1) % 2);
          } /* for k */
        H[x] = inf;
      } /* while ! FifoVide */
      temp = G; /* echange les roles de G et H */
      G = H;
      H = temp;
#ifdef VERBOSE
      printf("iteration %d, nbchang %d\n", iter, nbchang);
    } while (((niter == -1) || (iter < niter)) && (nbchang != 0));
  else if (connex == 18)
    iter = 0;
      iter += 1;
      nbchang = 0;
      while (! FifoVide(FIFO[iter % 2]))
        x = FifoPop(FIFO[iter % 2]);
        UnSet(x, iter % 2);
        inf = G[x];
        for (k = 0; k < 18; k += 1)
          y = voisin18(x, k, rs, n, N);
          if ((y != -1) && (G[y] < inf)) inf = G[y];
        } /* for k */
        inf = mcmax(inf, F[x]);
        if (G[x] != inf)
        {  /* changement: on enregistre x ainsi que ses voisins */
          nbchang += 1;
          if (! IsSet(x, (iter + 1) % 2))
            FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], x);
            Set(x, (iter + 1) % 2);
          for (k = 0; k < 18; k += 1)
            y = voisin18(x, k, rs, n, N);
            if ((y != -1) && (! IsSet(y, (iter + 1) % 2)))
              FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], y);
              Set(y, (iter + 1) % 2);
          } /* for k */
        H[x] = inf;
      } /* while ! FifoVide */
      temp = G; /* echange les roles de G et H */
      G = H;
      H = temp;
#ifdef VERBOSE
      printf("iteration %d, nbchang %d\n", iter, nbchang);
    } while (((niter == -1) || (iter < niter)) && (nbchang != 0));
  else if (connex == 6)
    iter = 0;
      iter += 1;
      nbchang = 0;
      while (! FifoVide(FIFO[iter % 2]))
        x = FifoPop(FIFO[iter % 2]);
        UnSet(x, iter % 2);
        inf = G[x];
        for (k = 0; k <= 10; k += 2)
          y = voisin6(x, k, rs, n, N);
          if ((y != -1) && (G[y] < inf)) inf = G[y];
        } /* for k */
        inf = mcmax(inf, F[x]);
        if (G[x] != inf)
        {  /* changement: on enregistre x ainsi que ses voisins */
          nbchang += 1;
          if (! IsSet(x, (iter + 1) % 2))
            FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], x);
            Set(x, (iter + 1) % 2);
          for (k = 0; k <= 10; k += 2)
            y = voisin6(x, k, rs, n, N);
            if ((y != -1) && (! IsSet(y, (iter + 1) % 2)))
              FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], y);
              Set(y, (iter + 1) % 2);
          } /* for k */
        H[x] = inf;
      } /* while ! FifoVide */
      temp = G; /* echange les roles de G et H */
      G = H;
      H = temp;
#ifdef VERBOSE
      printf("iteration %d, nbchang %d\n", iter, nbchang);
    } while (((niter == -1) || (iter < niter)) && (nbchang != 0));
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad connexity\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  /* remet le resultat dans g si necessaire */
  if (G != UCHARDATA(g))
    for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
      (UCHARDATA(g))[x] = G[x];

  return 1;
} // lgeoeros3d(
Example #13
/* ==================================== */
int32_t lgeodilat(
        struct xvimage *g,
        struct xvimage *f,
        int32_t connex,
        int32_t niter) 
/* dilatation geodesique de g sous f */
/* g : image marqueur */
/* f : image masque */
/* connex : 4 ou 8 */
/* niter : nombre d'iterations (ou -1 pour saturation) */
/* resultat dans g */
/* ==================================== */
#undef F_NAME 
#define F_NAME "lgeodilat"
  int32_t nbchang, iter;
  int32_t x;                       /* index muet de pixel */
  int32_t y;                       /* index muet (generalement un voisin de x) */
  int32_t k;                       /* index muet */
  int32_t rs = rowsize(g);         /* taille ligne */
  int32_t cs = colsize(g);         /* taille colonne */
  int32_t N = rs * cs;             /* taille image */
  uint8_t *G = UCHARDATA(g);      /* l'image marqueur */
  uint8_t *F = UCHARDATA(f);      /* l'image masque */
  uint8_t *H;                     /* image de travail */
  uint8_t *temp;
  uint8_t sup;
  Fifo * FIFO[2];
  int32_t incr_vois;

  switch (connex)
    case 4: incr_vois = 2; break;
    case 8: incr_vois = 1; break;
  } /* switch (connex) */

  if ((rowsize(f) != rs) || (colsize(f) != cs))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: incompatible sizes\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  if (depth(f) != 1) 
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: only works for 2d images\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  FIFO[0] = CreeFifoVide(N);
  FIFO[1] = CreeFifoVide(N);
  if ((FIFO[0] == NULL) || (FIFO[1] == NULL))
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : CreeFifoVide failed\n", F_NAME);


  for (x = 0; x < N; x++)      /* mise en fifo initiale de tous les points */    
    FifoPush(FIFO[1], x);
    Set(x, 1);

  H = (uint8_t *)calloc(1,N*sizeof(char));
  if (H == NULL)
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : malloc failed for H\n", F_NAME);

  for (x = 0; x < N; x++)      /* force G à être <= F */    
    if (G[x] > F[x]) G[x] = F[x];

  iter = 0;
    iter += 1;
    nbchang = 0;
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO[iter % 2]))
      x = FifoPop(FIFO[iter % 2]);
      UnSet(x, iter % 2);
      sup = G[x];
      for (k = 0; k < 8; k += incr_vois)
        y = voisin(x, k, rs, N);
        if ((y != -1) && (G[y] > sup)) sup = G[y];
      } /* for k */

      sup = mcmin(sup, F[x]);
      if (G[x] != sup) /* changement: on enregistre x ainsi que ses voisins */
        nbchang += 1;
        if (! IsSet(x, (iter + 1) % 2))
          FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], x);
          Set(x, (iter + 1) % 2);
        for (k = 0; k < 8; k += 1)
          y = voisin(x, k, rs, N);
          if ((y != -1) && (! IsSet(y, (iter + 1) % 2)))
            FifoPush(FIFO[(iter + 1) % 2], y);
            Set(y, (iter + 1) % 2);
        } /* for k */
      H[x] = sup;

    } /* while ! FifoVide */
    /* echange les roles de G et H */
    temp = G;
    G = H;
    H = temp;

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("iteration %d, nbchang %d\n", iter, nbchang);
  } while (((niter == -1) || (iter < niter)) && (nbchang != 0));

  /* remet le resultat dans g si necessaire */
  if (G != UCHARDATA(g))
    for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
      (UCHARDATA(g))[x] = G[x];

  return 1;
} /* lgeodilat() */
Example #14
/* ==================================== */
int32_t lselectcomp(
        struct xvimage *f,
        int32_t connex,
        int32_t x, 
        int32_t y, 
        int32_t z) 
/* extrait la composante connexe de f (image binaire) 
   qui contient le point (x,y,z) */
/* connex : 4, 8 (en 2D), 6, 18, 26 (en 3D) */
/* connex : 60, 260 (en 3D): idem 6 et 26 mais dans le plan xy seulement */
/* ==================================== */
#undef F_NAME 
#define F_NAME "lselectcomp"
  int32_t i;                       /* index muet de pixel */
  int32_t j;                       /* index muet (generalement un voisin de x) */
  int32_t k;                       /* index muet */
  int32_t rs = rowsize(f);         /* taille ligne */
  int32_t cs = colsize(f);         /* taille colonne */
  int32_t ds = depth(f);           /* nb plans */
  int32_t ps = rs * cs;            /* taille plan */
  int32_t N = ps * ds;             /* taille image */
  uint8_t *F = UCHARDATA(f);
  Fifo * FIFO;
  int32_t incr_vois;

  switch (connex)
    case 4: incr_vois = 2; break;
    case 8: incr_vois = 1; break;
  } /* switch (connex) */

  FIFO = CreeFifoVide(N);
  if (FIFO == NULL)
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : CreeFifoVide failed\n", F_NAME);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (F[i]) F[i] = 254;
  i = z*ps + y*rs + x;
  if (F[i]) { FifoPush(FIFO, i); F[i] += 1; }

  if ((connex == 4) || (connex == 8))
    if (ds != 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 4 or 8 not defined for 3D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 8; k += incr_vois)
        j = voisin(i, k, rs, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 6)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 6 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k <= 10; k += 2)
        j = voisin6(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 18)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 18 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 18; k += 1)
        j = voisin18(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 26)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 26 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 26; k += 1)
        j = voisin26(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 60)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 6 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k <= 6; k += 2)
        j = voisin6(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 260)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 26 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 9; k <= 16; k += 1)
        j = voisin26(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && (F[j]==254)) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); F[j] += 1; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (F[i] != 255) F[i] = 0;
  return 1;
} /* lselectcomp() */
Example #15
/* ==================================== */
int32_t lamont(
        struct xvimage *m,
        struct xvimage *f,
        int32_t connex,
        int32_t strict) 
/* connex : 4, 8 (en 2D), 6, 18, 26 (en 3D) */
/* ==================================== */
#undef F_NAME 
#define F_NAME "lamont"
  int32_t i, j, k;                 /* index muet de pixel */
  int32_t rs = rowsize(f);         /* taille ligne */
  int32_t cs = colsize(f);         /* taille colonne */
  int32_t ds = depth(f);           /* nb plans */
  int32_t ps = rs * cs;            /* taille plan */
  int32_t N = ps * ds;             /* taille image */
  int32_t *F = SLONGDATA(f);
  uint8_t *M = UCHARDATA(m);
  Fifo * FIFO;
  int32_t incr_vois;

  if ((rowsize(m) != rs) || (colsize(m) != cs) || (depth(m) != ds))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: incompatible sizes\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  if ((datatype(m) != VFF_TYP_1_BYTE) || (datatype(f) != VFF_TYP_4_BYTE))
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: incompatible types\n", F_NAME);
    return 0;

  switch (connex)
    case 4: incr_vois = 2; break;
    case 8: incr_vois = 1; break;
  } /* switch (connex) */

  FIFO = CreeFifoVide(N);
  if (FIFO == NULL)
  {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : CreeFifoVide failed\n", F_NAME);

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (M[i]) FifoPush(FIFO, i); 

  if ((connex == 4) || (connex == 8))
    if (ds != 1)
      fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 4 or 8 not defined for 3D\n", F_NAME);
    if (strict)
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 8; k += incr_vois)
        j = voisin(i, k, rs, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] > F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 8; k += incr_vois)
        j = voisin(i, k, rs, N);
//printf("i=%d ; j=%d ; Mj=%d ; Fj=%ld ; Fi=%ld\n", i, j, M[j], F[j], F[i]);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] >= F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 6)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 6 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    if (strict)
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k <= 10; k += 2)
        j = voisin6(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] > F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k <= 10; k += 2)
        j = voisin6(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] >= F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 18)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 18 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    if (strict)
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 18; k += 1)
        j = voisin18(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] > F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }

      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 18; k += 1)
        j = voisin18(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] >= F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }

      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  else if (connex == 26)
    if (ds == 1)
    {   fprintf(stderr,"%s : connexity 26 not defined for 2D\n", F_NAME);
    if (strict)
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 26; k += 1)
        j = voisin26(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] > F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
    while (! FifoVide(FIFO))
      i = FifoPop(FIFO);
      for (k = 0; k < 26; k += 1)
        j = voisin26(i, k, rs, ps, N);
        if ((j != -1) && !M[j] && (F[j] >= F[i])) { FifoPush(FIFO, j); M[j] = 255; }
      } /* for k */
    } /* while ! FifoVide */
  return 1;
} /* lamont() */
Example #16
/* ==================================== */
int32_t lsquel(struct xvimage *image, int32_t seuil, int32_t niseuil)
/* ==================================== */
  int32_t x;                       /* index muet de pixel */
  int32_t y;                       /* index muet (generalement un voisin de x) */
  int32_t rs = rowsize(image);     /* taille ligne */
  int32_t cs = colsize(image);     /* taille colonne */
  int32_t N = rs * cs;             /* taille image */
  uint8_t *SOURCE = UCHARDATA(image);      /* l'image de depart */
  struct xvimage *lab;
  int32_t *M;            /* l'image d'etiquettes de composantes connexes */
  int32_t nminima;                 /* nombre de minima differents */
  Fifo * FIFOn;
  Fifo * FIFOs;
  Fifo * FIFOe;
  Fifo * FIFOo;
  Fifo * FIFOna;
  Fifo * FIFOsa;
  Fifo * FIFOea;
  Fifo * FIFOoa;
  Fifo * FIFOtmp;
  Fifo * FIFO;
  int32_t niter;
#ifdef PERF
  chrono chrono1;

  if (depth(image) != 1) 
    fprintf(stderr, "lsquel: cette version ne traite pas les images volumiques\n");

#ifdef PERF  
  start_chrono(&chrono1);  /* pour l'analyse de performances */

  lab = allocimage(NULL, rs, cs, 1, VFF_TYP_4_BYTE);
  if (lab == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "lhtkern: allocimage failed\n");
    return 0;
  M = SLONGDATA(lab);

  if (!llabelextrema(image, 4, LABMIN, lab, &nminima))
    fprintf(stderr, "lhtkern: llabelextrema failed\n");
    return 0;


  FIFO = CreeFifoVide(N);
  FIFOn = CreeFifoVide(N/2);
  FIFOs = CreeFifoVide(N/2);
  FIFOe = CreeFifoVide(N/2);
  FIFOo = CreeFifoVide(N/2);
  if ((FIFO == NULL) && (FIFOn == NULL) && (FIFOs == NULL) && (FIFOe == NULL) && (FIFOo == NULL))
  {   fprintf(stderr, "lsquel() : CreeFifoVide failed\n");

  /* ================================================ */
  /*                  DEBUT ALGO                      */
  /* ================================================ */

  /* ========================================================= */
  /*   INITIALISATION DES FIFOs: empile les voisins des minima */
  /* ========================================================= */

  for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
    if (M[x] != 0)                  /* le pixel appartient a un minimum */
        Set(x, MINI);
        y = voisin(x, NORD, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOn, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
#ifdef DIAG
        y = voisin(x, NORD+1, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOn, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
        y = voisin(x, EST, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOe, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
#ifdef DIAG
        y = voisin(x, EST+1, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOe, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
        y = voisin(x, SUD, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOs, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
#ifdef DIAG
        y = voisin(x, SUD+1, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOs, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
        y = voisin(x, OUEST, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOo, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
#ifdef DIAG
        y = voisin(x, OUEST+1, rs, N);
        if ((y!=-1) && (M[y]==0) && !IsSet(y,EN_FIFO) && nonbord(y,rs,N))
          { FifoPush(FIFOo, y); Set(y, EN_FIFO); }
    } /* if (M[x] != 0) */
  } /* for x */


  FIFOna = CreeFifoVide(N/4);
  FIFOsa = CreeFifoVide(N/4);
  FIFOea = CreeFifoVide(N/4);
  FIFOoa = CreeFifoVide(N/4);
  if ((FIFOna == NULL) && (FIFOsa == NULL) && (FIFOea == NULL) && (FIFOoa == NULL))
  {   fprintf(stderr, "lsquel() : CreeFifoVide failed\n");

  /* ================================================ */
  /*                  DEBUT SATURATION                */
  /* ================================================ */

  niter = 0;
  while (! (FifoVide(FIFOn) && FifoVide(FIFOe) && FifoVide(FIFOs) && FifoVide(FIFOo)))
    while (! FifoVide(FIFOn))
      x = FifoPop(FIFOn);
      UnSet(x, EN_FIFO);
      if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil))
      {                                    /* modifie l'image le cas echeant */
        testmini(SOURCE, x, rs, N, FIFO);        /* reactualise l'image MINI */
        empilevoisins(x, rs, N, FIFOna, FIFOea, FIFOsa, FIFOoa);
      } /* if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil)) */
    } /* while (! FifoVide(FIFOn)) */

    while (! FifoVide(FIFOs))
      x = FifoPop(FIFOs);
      UnSet(x, EN_FIFO);
      if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil))
      {                                    /* modifie l'image le cas echeant */
        testmini(SOURCE, x, rs, N, FIFO);        /* reactualise l'image MINI */
        empilevoisins(x, rs, N, FIFOna, FIFOea, FIFOsa, FIFOoa);
      } /* if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil)) */
    } /* while (! FifoVide(FIFOs)) */

    while (! FifoVide(FIFOe))
      x = FifoPop(FIFOe);
      UnSet(x, EN_FIFO);
      if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil))
      {                                    /* modifie l'image le cas echeant */
        testmini(SOURCE, x, rs, N, FIFO);        /* reactualise l'image MINI */
        empilevoisins(x, rs, N, FIFOna, FIFOea, FIFOsa, FIFOoa);
      } /* if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil)) */
    } /* while (! FifoVide(FIFOe)) */

    while (! FifoVide(FIFOo))
      x = FifoPop(FIFOo);
      UnSet(x, EN_FIFO);
      if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil))
      {                                    /* modifie l'image le cas echeant */
        testmini(SOURCE, x, rs, N, FIFO);        /* reactualise l'image MINI */
        empilevoisins(x, rs, N, FIFOna, FIFOea, FIFOsa, FIFOoa);
      } /* if (testabaisse(SOURCE, x, rs, N, seuil, niter, niseuil)) */
    } /* while (! FifoVide(FIFOo)) */

    FIFOtmp = FIFOn; FIFOn = FIFOna; FIFOna = FIFOtmp;
    FIFOtmp = FIFOe; FIFOe = FIFOea; FIFOea = FIFOtmp;
    FIFOtmp = FIFOs; FIFOs = FIFOsa; FIFOsa = FIFOtmp;
    FIFOtmp = FIFOo; FIFOo = FIFOoa; FIFOoa = FIFOtmp;

  } /* while (! (FifoVide(FIFOn) && FifoVide(FIFOe) && FifoVide(FIFOs) && FifoVide(FIFOo))) */

  /* ================================================ */
  /* UN PEU DE MENAGE                                 */
  /* ================================================ */


#ifdef PERF
  save_time(N, read_chrono(&chrono1), "lsquel", image->name);    