/* Get file modification time using FileTimeToUnixTime() * * INPUTS: * LPCTSTR name: the file name */ BOOL GetUTCFileModTime ( LPCTSTR name, time_t * utc_mod_time ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA find_buf; FILETIME mod_time; HANDLE find_handle; BOOL success = FALSE; * utc_mod_time = 0L; find_handle = FindFirstFile ( name, &find_buf ); success = ( find_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); if (success) { /* Originally I thought that I needed to apply a correction * LocalTimeToFileTime() to files from FAT volumes, but the * FindFirstFile() system call thoughtfully applies this * correction itself. * * Thus, the file time returned is allegedly in UTC. * * However, the correction from local to UTC is applied * incorrectly (Thanks a lot, Microsoft!). As documented in the * Win32 API (see MSDN or the PSDK), DST is applied if and only * if the computer's system time is in DST at the time we call * FindFirstFile(), irrespective or whether DST applied at the * time the file was modified! * * Thus, we have to call FileTimeToLocalFileTime() to undo * Windows's good intentions. We correctly translate the time * In FileTimeToUnixTime(). * */ if ( IsUTCVolume ( name ) ) { mod_time = find_buf.ftLastWriteTime; success = FileTimeToUnixTime ( &mod_time, utc_mod_time, FALSE ); } else { // See notes above... success = FileTimeToLocalFileTime ( &find_buf.ftLastWriteTime, &mod_time ); success = success && FileTimeToUnixTime ( &mod_time, utc_mod_time, TRUE ); } } FindClose ( find_handle ); return success; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // add a file to the dir content - if not already there void Server::insertFile(bstring const & remotePath, FILETIME * ft, unsigned long szLo, unsigned long szHi, char kind, bstring const & chmod) { bstring path, file; file = splitPath(path, remotePath); DirCache::iterator i = dirCache.find(path); if (i == dirCache.end()) return; my_fxp_names * dir = i->second; int count = dir->nnames; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { fxp_name * fn = dir->names[i]; if (file == fn->filename) { // already there return; } } // create a new structure and fill it my_fxp_names * ndir = (my_fxp_names *) malloc(sizeof(my_fxp_names)); ndir->names = (fxp_name **)malloc(sizeof(fxp_name*) * (count + 1)); fxp_name * n = ndir->names[0] = (fxp_name *)malloc(sizeof(fxp_name)); RtlZeroMemory(n, sizeof(fxp_name)); FILETIME ft2; SYSTEMTIME st; if (ft) { FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, &st); } else { GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft2); ft = &ft2; } char buffer[32]; sprintf(buffer, "%d ", szLo); #ifdef UNICODE char * chmod2; BCONVERT(char, 32, chmod2, chmod.c_str()); char * file2; BCONVERT(char, 256, file2, file.c_str()); std::string ln = kind + chmod2 + std::string(" 1 ? ? ") + buffer + " Jan 1 1990 " + file2; #else std::string ln = kind + chmod + std::string(" 1 ? ? ") + buffer + " Jan 1 1990 " + file; #endif n->longname = strdup(ln.c_str()); n->filename = bstrdup(file.c_str()); n->attrs.size.hi = szHi; n->attrs.size.lo = szLo; n->attrs.mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(ft); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ndir->names[i + 1] = dir->names[i]; } ndir->nnames = count + 1; i->second = ndir; }
static void CalcTsOffset(MIM_TIMEZONE *tz) { SYSTEMTIME st, stl; GetSystemTime(&st); FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft); mir_time ts1 = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ft); if (!SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tz->tzi, &st, &stl)) return; SystemTimeToFileTime(&stl, &ft); mir_time ts2 = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ft); tz->offset = ts2 - ts1; }
bool touchmind::util::TimeUtil::SystemTimeToUnixTime(SYSTEMTIME systemTime, time_t* t) { FILETIME fileTime; if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, &fileTime) == 0) { return false; } FileTimeToUnixTime(fileTime, t); return true; }
/* * @implemented */ int _tfindnext(intptr_t handle, struct _tfinddata_t* result) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; if (!FindNextFile((HANDLE)handle, &FindFileData)) { _dosmaperr(GetLastError()); return -1; } result->attrib = FindFileData.dwFileAttributes; result->time_create = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftCreationTime,NULL); result->time_access = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftLastAccessTime,NULL); result->time_write = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime,NULL); result->size = (((__int64)FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh)<<32) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; _tcsncpy(result->name,FindFileData.cFileName, MAX_PATH); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** * \name clock * \brief Returns the current process's elapsed time. */ clock_t clock(void) { ULARGE_INTEGER Time; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*)&Time); Time.QuadPart -= g_StartupTime.QuadPart; return (clock_t)FileTimeToUnixTime((FILETIME*)&Time, NULL); };
time_t GetLastWriteTime(const char *filename) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fattribs; if (!GetFileAttributesEx(".", GetFileExInfoStandard, &fattribs)) { printerr("GetFileAttributesEx"); return 0; } return FileTimeToUnixTime(fattribs.ftLastWriteTime); }
/* * @implemented */ intptr_t _tfindfirst(const _TCHAR* _name, struct _tfinddata_t* result) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFindFile; hFindFile = FindFirstFile(_name, &FindFileData); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _dosmaperr(GetLastError()); return -1; } result->attrib = FindFileData.dwFileAttributes; result->time_create = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftCreationTime,NULL); result->time_access = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftLastAccessTime,NULL); result->time_write = (time_t)FileTimeToUnixTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime,NULL); result->size = (((__int64)FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh)<<32) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; _tcsncpy(result->name,FindFileData.cFileName,MAX_PATH); return (intptr_t)hFindFile; }
VOID Push_FormatTime( WCHAR* Buffer ) { __int64 rawtime; FILETIME Now; TIME_INFORMATION timeInfo; NtGetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&Now); rawtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&Now); GetTimeUnits(&timeInfo, rawtime); String_Format(Buffer, 20, L"%i:%i:%i", timeInfo.tm_hour, timeInfo.tm_min, timeInfo.tm_sec); }
int csync_vio_local_stat(const char *uri, csync_vio_file_stat_t *buf) { /* Almost nothing to do since csync_vio_local_readdir already filled up most of the information But we still need to fetch the file ID. Possible optimisation: only fetch the file id when we need it (for new files) */ HANDLE h; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo; ULARGE_INTEGER FileIndex; mbchar_t *wuri = c_utf8_path_to_locale( uri ); h = CreateFileW( wuri, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL+FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS+FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT, NULL ); if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_CRIT, "CreateFileW failed on %s", uri ); errno = GetLastError(); c_free_locale_string(wuri); return -1; } if(!GetFileInformationByHandle( h, &fileInfo ) ) { CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_CRIT, "GetFileInformationByHandle failed on %s", uri ); errno = GetLastError(); c_free_locale_string(wuri); CloseHandle(h); return -1; } /* Get the Windows file id as an inode replacement. */ FileIndex.HighPart = fileInfo.nFileIndexHigh; FileIndex.LowPart = fileInfo.nFileIndexLow; FileIndex.QuadPart &= 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF; /* printf("Index: %I64i\n", FileIndex.QuadPart); */ buf->inode = FileIndex.QuadPart; if (!(buf->fields & CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE)) { buf->size = (fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh * ((int64_t)(MAXDWORD)+1)) + fileInfo.nFileSizeLow; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; } if (!(buf->fields & CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME)) { DWORD rem; buf->mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&fileInfo.ftLastWriteTime, &rem); /* CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Local File MTime: %llu", (unsigned long long) buf->mtime ); */ buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; } c_free_locale_string(wuri); CloseHandle(h); return 0; }
LONG FileTimeToAmiga( CFileItem * item, ULONG *AmigaTime ) { CArchiveFileTime * ft; ULONG time = 0; if((ft = FileTimeDefined(item)) == 0) return -1; // undefined if(!FileTimeToUnixTime( ft, &time)) return -2; // overflow, this should be fixed... if(time) // adjust unix time to amiga time -= UTOF; (*AmigaTime) = time; return 0; // suceesful }
bool LoadSessionData( IN MRABase& _db, IN MAKFC_CString databaseKey, OUT MAKFC_CString& sDevId, OUT MAKFC_CString& sA, OUT MAKFC_CString& sSessionKey, OUT MAKFC_CString& ts) { gigabase::dbArray<gigabase::byte> data; if ( !_db.ReadRawData( tstring(databaseKey.NetStrW()), L"", ICQ_PARTNERS_LOGIN_DATA, data ) ) { return false; } MAKFC_CString sCookies = (LPCWSTR) data.get(); if ( !sCookies.Len() ) return false; int iStart1 = 0; MAKFC_CString sToken1; while ( ( sToken1 = sCookies.Tokenize( L";", iStart1 ) ).GetLength() ) { int iStart2 = 0; MAKFC_CString sLeft = sToken1.Tokenize( L"=", iStart2 ); MAKFC_CString sRight = sToken1.Mid( iStart2 ); if ( sLeft == L"k" ) sDevId = sRight; else if ( sLeft == L"a" ) sA = sRight; else if ( sLeft == L"session_key" ) sSessionKey = sRight; else if ( sLeft == L"time_offset" ) { __int64 offset = _wtoi64( sRight ); time_t tt = 0; FileTimeToUnixTime( &tt, CFileTime( CFileTime::GetCurrentTime().GetTime() - offset ) ); ts.Format( L"%d", (DWORD) tt ); } } return true; }
// @rootdir: 欲遍历的根目录 // @subdir: 此次要遍历的除去根目录的部分的子目录. void walk_subdir_win32(const char* rootdir, char *subdir, int deepen, fn_walk_dir fn, uint32_t *ctx) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata; BOOL fOk; int64_t timestamp = 0; char cFileNameComp[_MAX_PATH]; hFind = FindFirstFile("*.*", &finddata); fOk = (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); while (fOk) { sprintf(cFileNameComp, "%s\\%s", subdir, finddata.cFileName); timestamp = FileTimeToUnixTime(finddata.ftLastWriteTime); if (finddata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // 目录 if ((strcmp(finddata.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(finddata.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { if (deepen && fn) { // 由浅到深: 是先调用fn,再去在该目上递归 fn(cFileNameComp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx); } SetCurrentDirectory(formatstr("%s\\%s\\", rootdir, cFileNameComp)); walk_subdir_win32(rootdir, cFileNameComp, deepen, fn, ctx); if (!deepen && fn) { // 由深到浅: 是先在该目上递归,再去调动fn fn(cFileNameComp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx); } } } else { // 文件 if (fn) { fn(cFileNameComp, 0, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx); } } fOk = FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata); } if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind); } return; }
static time_t timeapiTimeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp(HANDLE hTZ, time_t ts) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == NULL) tz = &myInfo.myTZ; if (tz == NULL) { FILETIME ft, lft; UnixTimeToFileTime(ts, &ft); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft, &lft); return FileTimeToUnixTime(&lft); } else if (tz == UTC_TIME_HANDLE) return ts; if (tz->offset == INT_MIN) CalcTsOffset(tz); return ts + tz->offset; }
// @rootdir: 欲遍历的根目录 // @subfolders: 是否要遍历子目录. 0: 不遍历 // @deepen: 遍历, 调用fn时给的参数是, 1: 浅到深, 0: 由深到浅 // 注: // 1.靠这种FindFirstFile方法删除目录是不行的.当检测到是目时,调用RemoveDirectory将返回总是失败(错误码:32,指示另有进行在使用) // FindClose后才可以,而这时close时不可能的事.要删目录改调用SHFileOperation. BOOL walk_dir_win32(const char* rootdir, int subfolders, int deepen, fn_walk_dir fn, uint32_t *ctx, int del) { char szCurrDir[_MAX_PATH], text[_MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata; BOOL fOk, fRet = TRUE; int64_t timestamp = 0; GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, szCurrDir); SetCurrentDirectory(appendbackslash(rootdir)); hFind = FindFirstFile("*.*", &finddata); fOk = (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); while (fOk) { timestamp = FileTimeToUnixTime(finddata.ftLastWriteTime); if (finddata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // 目录 if ((strcmp(finddata.cFileName, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(finddata.cFileName, "..") != 0)) { if (deepen && fn) { // 由浅到深: 是先调用fn,再去在该目上递归 if (!fn(finddata.cFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx)) { fRet = FALSE; break; } } sprintf(text, "%s\\%s\\", rootdir, finddata.cFileName); if (subfolders) { SetCurrentDirectory(text); walk_subdir_win32(rootdir, finddata.cFileName, deepen, fn, ctx); } if (!deepen && fn) { // 由深到浅: 是先在该目上递归,再去调动fn if (!fn(finddata.cFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx)) { fRet = FALSE; break; } } if (del) { RemoveDirectory(text); DWORD err = GetLastError(); } } } else { // 文件 if (fn) { if (!fn(finddata.cFileName, 0, posix_mku64(finddata.nFileSizeLow, finddata.nFileSizeHigh), timestamp, ctx)) { fRet = FALSE; break; } } if (del) { sprintf(text, "%s\\%s", rootdir, finddata.cFileName); delfile(text); } } fOk = FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata); } if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind); } SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrDir); return fRet; }
ECRESULT ECUserStoreTable::Load() { ECRESULT er = erSuccess; ECListIntIterator i; ECDatabase *lpDatabase = NULL; DB_RESULT lpDBResult = NULL; DB_ROW lpDBRow = NULL; DB_LENGTHS lpDBLength = NULL; std::string strQuery; std::list<unsigned int> lstObjIds; ECUserStore sUserStore; int iRowId; ECUserManagement *lpUserManagement = lpSession->GetUserManagement(); ECSecurity *lpSecurity = lpSession->GetSecurity(); objectdetails_t sUserDetails; GUID sZeroGuid = {0}; objectclass_t objclass; objectdetails_t sDetails; enum cols { USERID = 0, EXTERNID, OBJCLASS, UCOMPANY, STOREGUID, STORETYPE, USERNAME, SCOMPANY, HIERARCHYID, STORESIZE, MODTIME_HI, MODTIME_LO }; er = lpSession->GetDatabase(&lpDatabase); if (er != erSuccess) goto exit; Clear(); /* * The next query will first get the list of all users with their primary store details or NULL if * no primary store was found. Secondly it will get the list of all stores with their owner or NULL * if they're detached. * The most important difference id that the first query will return no store for users without a * primary store, even if they do have an archive store attached, while the second query will * return all stores types. */ strQuery = " SELECT u.id, u.externid, u.objectclass, u.company, s.guid, s.type, s.user_name, s.company, s.hierarchy_id, p.val_longint, m.val_hi, m.val_lo FROM users AS u" " LEFT JOIN stores AS s ON s.user_id=u.id AND s.type=" + stringify(ECSTORE_TYPE_PRIVATE) + " LEFT JOIN hierarchy AS h ON h.id=s.hierarchy_id" " LEFT JOIN properties AS p ON p.hierarchyid=s.hierarchy_id and p.tag=0x0E08 and p.type=0x14" " LEFT JOIN properties AS m ON m.hierarchyid=s.hierarchy_id and m.tag=0x66A2 and m.type=0x40" " UNION" " SELECT u.id, u.externid, u.objectclass, u.company, s.guid, s.type, s.user_name, s.company, s.hierarchy_id, p.val_longint, m.val_hi, m.val_lo FROM users AS u" " RIGHT JOIN stores AS s ON s.user_id=u.id LEFT JOIN hierarchy AS h ON h.id=s.hierarchy_id" " LEFT JOIN properties AS p ON p.hierarchyid=s.hierarchy_id and p.tag=0x0E08 and p.type=0x14" " LEFT JOIN properties AS m ON m.hierarchyid=s.hierarchy_id and m.tag=0x66A2 and m.type=0x40"; er = lpDatabase->DoSelect(strQuery, &lpDBResult); if(er != erSuccess) goto exit; iRowId = 0; while(1) { lpDBRow = lpDatabase->FetchRow(lpDBResult); if(lpDBRow == NULL) break; lpDBLength = lpDatabase->FetchRowLengths(lpDBResult); if (lpDBRow[OBJCLASS]) { objclass = (objectclass_t)atoi(lpDBRow[OBJCLASS]); if (objclass != ACTIVE_USER && objclass != NONACTIVE_USER && objclass != NONACTIVE_ROOM && objclass != NONACTIVE_EQUIPMENT) continue; } if (lpDBRow[USERID]) { sUserStore.ulUserId = atoi(lpDBRow[USERID]); if (sUserStore.ulUserId == ZARAFA_UID_SYSTEM) // everyone already filtered by object type continue; } else { sUserStore.ulUserId = -1; } sUserStore.ulCompanyId = 0; if (lpDBRow[UCOMPANY]) sUserStore.ulCompanyId = atoi(lpDBRow[UCOMPANY]); if (lpDBRow[SCOMPANY]) sUserStore.ulCompanyId = atoi(lpDBRow[SCOMPANY]); // might override from user.company // check if we're admin over this company if (lpSecurity->IsAdminOverUserObject(sUserStore.ulCompanyId) != erSuccess) continue; if (lpDBRow[EXTERNID]) { sUserStore.sExternId.id.assign(lpDBRow[EXTERNID], lpDBLength[EXTERNID]); sUserStore.sExternId.objclass = objclass; } else { sUserStore.sExternId.id.clear(); sUserStore.sExternId.objclass = OBJECTCLASS_UNKNOWN; } sUserStore.strUsername.clear(); // find and override real username if possible if (sUserStore.ulUserId != -1 && lpUserManagement->GetObjectDetails(sUserStore.ulUserId, &sUserDetails) == erSuccess) { if (lpSession->GetSessionManager()->IsDistributedSupported()) { if (sUserDetails.GetPropString(OB_PROP_S_SERVERNAME).compare(lpSession->GetSessionManager()->GetConfig()->GetSetting("server_name")) != 0) continue; // user not on this server } sUserStore.strUsername = sUserDetails.GetPropString(OB_PROP_S_LOGIN); } sUserStore.sGuid = sZeroGuid; if (lpDBRow[STOREGUID]) memcpy(&sUserStore.sGuid, lpDBRow[STOREGUID], lpDBLength[STOREGUID]); if (lpDBRow[STORETYPE]) sUserStore.ulStoreType = atoi(lpDBRow[STORETYPE]); else sUserStore.ulStoreType = ECSTORE_TYPE_PRIVATE; // or invalid value? if (lpDBRow[USERNAME]) sUserStore.strGuessname = lpDBRow[USERNAME]; else sUserStore.strGuessname.clear(); if (sUserStore.ulCompanyId > 0 && lpUserManagement->GetObjectDetails(sUserStore.ulCompanyId, &sDetails) == erSuccess) { sUserStore.strCompanyName = sDetails.GetPropString(OB_PROP_S_LOGIN); } if(lpDBRow[HIERARCHYID]) sUserStore.ulObjId = atoui(lpDBRow[HIERARCHYID]); else sUserStore.ulObjId = 0; sUserStore.tModTime = 0; if(lpDBRow[MODTIME_HI] && lpDBRow[MODTIME_LO]) { FILETIME ft; ft.dwHighDateTime = atoui(lpDBRow[MODTIME_HI]); ft.dwLowDateTime = atoui(lpDBRow[MODTIME_LO]); sUserStore.tModTime = 0; FileTimeToUnixTime(ft, &sUserStore.tModTime); } if(lpDBRow[STORESIZE]) sUserStore.ullStoreSize = atoll(lpDBRow[STORESIZE]); else sUserStore.ullStoreSize = 0; // add to table lstObjIds.push_back(iRowId); // remember details m_mapUserStoreData.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, ECUserStore>(iRowId++, sUserStore)); } LoadRows(&lstObjIds, 0); exit: if (lpDBResult) { lpDatabase->FreeResult(lpDBResult); lpDBResult = NULL; } return er; }
bool CLHttpUser::bProcessGetRequest(char * pszRequest, bool bIsGetCommand) { //LogEvent("Request", pszRequest); int nUriLength = nUnescapedURI(pszRequest); if (nUriLength <= 0) return false; CLFileShareListAccess clCritSection; if (bShutdownInProgress) return false; static char szTempfile[MAX_PATH+1]; szTempfile[0] = '\0'; if (!bReadGetParameters(pszRequest)) { SendError(400, "Bad Request"); return false; } DWORD dwRemoteIP = ntohl(stAddr.S_un.S_addr); for (CLFileShareNode * pclCur = pclFirstNode; pclCur ; pclCur = pclCur->pclNext) { if ((pclCur->st.dwAllowedIP ^ dwRemoteIP) & pclCur->st.dwAllowedMask) continue; // Not an allowed IP address if (!pclCur->bIsDirectory() && pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen() != nUriLength) continue; // not the right length, quickly move on to the next. if (pclCur->bIsDirectory() ? (strncmp(pclCur->st.pszSrvPath, pszRequest, pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen() - 1) == 0) : (strncmp(pclCur->st.pszSrvPath, pszRequest, pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen()) == 0)) { /*OutputDebugString( "Request for file OK : "); OutputDebugString( pclCur->st.pszSrvPath ); OutputDebugString( "\n" );*/ static char szSrvPath[MAX_PATH+1]; static char szRealPath[MAX_PATH+1]; char* pszSrvPath = pclCur->st.pszSrvPath; char* pszRealPath = pclCur->st.pszRealPath; if (pclCur->bIsDirectory()) { strcpy(szRealPath, pclCur->st.pszRealPath); strcpy(szSrvPath, pclCur->st.pszSrvPath); pszRealPath = szRealPath; pszSrvPath = szSrvPath; if (nUriLength > MAX_PATH) nUriLength = MAX_PATH; pszRequest[nUriLength] = '\0'; if (pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen() - nUriLength == 1) { SendRedir(302, "Found", "The document has moved", pszRequest); return false; } else { strmcat(pszRealPath, &pszRequest[pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen()], MAX_PATH); strmcat(pszSrvPath, &pszRequest[pclCur->nGetSrvPathLen()], MAX_PATH); } pszRequest[nUriLength] = ' '; // hacker protection - should be removed by the browser if (strstr(pszRealPath, "..")) { SendError(404, "Not Found", "The requested URL was not found on this server."); return false; } char* pszTmp = pszRealPath; while (pszTmp = strchr(pszTmp, '/')) * pszTmp = '\\'; hFile = CreateFile(pszRealPath, GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (pszSrvPath[strlen(pszSrvPath)-1] != '/') { strmcat(pszRealPath, "\\", MAX_PATH); strmcat(pszSrvPath, "/", MAX_PATH); } // a directory with index.htm strmcat(szRealPath, "index.htm", MAX_PATH); hFile = CreateFile(pszRealPath, GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // a directory with index.html strmcat(szRealPath, "l", MAX_PATH); hFile = CreateFile(pszRealPath, GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // generate directory index in temporary file if (*szTempfile == '\0') { GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szTempfile); strmcat(szTempfile, "\\HttpServerTemp", MAX_PATH); strmcat(szTempfile, pszSrvPath, MAX_PATH); char* pszTmp = szTempfile; while (pszTmp = strchr(pszTmp, '/')) * pszTmp = '~'; } pszRealPath[strlen(pszRealPath) - 10] = '\0'; // detecting browser function removed // every browser should support it by now bool BrowserSupportsXML = true; //(apszParam[eUserAgent] != NULL) && // (strstr(apszParam[eUserAgent], "Firefox") || // (strstr(apszParam[eUserAgent], "MSIE") && !strstr(apszParam[eUserAgent], "Opera"))); if ((indexCreationMode == INDEX_CREATION_XML || (indexCreationMode == INDEX_CREATION_DETECT && BrowserSupportsXML)) && bCreateIndexXML(pszRealPath, szTempfile, pszSrvPath, dwRemoteIP)) { hFile = CreateFile(szTempfile, GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); strcpy(szRealPath, "a.xml"); // restore .xml for mime type } else if ((indexCreationMode == INDEX_CREATION_HTML || indexCreationMode == INDEX_CREATION_DETECT) && bCreateIndexHTML(pszRealPath, szTempfile, pszSrvPath, dwRemoteIP)) { hFile = CreateFile(szTempfile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); strcpy(szRealPath, "a.html"); // restore .html for mime type } else { continue; } } else { strmcat(pszSrvPath, "index.html", MAX_PATH); szTempfile[0] = '\0'; } } else { strmcat(pszSrvPath, "index.htm", MAX_PATH); szTempfile[0] = '\0'; } } else { szTempfile[0] = '\0'; } } else { hFile = CreateFile(pszRealPath, GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SendError(404, "Not Found", "HTTP server failed to open local file"); return false; } } strcpy(this->szCurrentDLSrvPath, pszSrvPath); DWORD nDataSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); dwTotalSize = nDataSize; FILETIME stFileTime; GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &stFileTime); char szCurTime[ 100 ]; time_t ltime; time(<ime); strftime(szCurTime, sizeof(szCurTime), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(<ime)); char szFileTime[ 100 ]; FileTimeToUnixTime(&stFileTime, <ime); strftime(szFileTime, sizeof(szFileTime), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(<ime)); if (apszParam[eIfModifiedSince] && strcmp(apszParam[eIfModifiedSince], szFileTime) == 0) { SendError(304, "Not Modified" ); return true; } // we found match send file !! if (bIsGetCommand) { if (! pclCur->bAddUser(this)) { SendError(403, "Forbidden", "Access has been denied because there are too many connections"); return false; } } if (*(ULONG*)(&stAddr) != 0x0100007F && // do not show popup of strstr(pszRealPath, "\\@") == NULL) { // and of shares which start with an @ ShowPopupWindow(inet_ntoa(stAddr), pszSrvPath); } clCritSection.Unlock(); DWORD dwFileStart = 0; DWORD dwDataToSend = nDataSize; char szETag[ 50 ]; { int nETagLen = mir_snprintf(szETag, SIZEOF(szETag), "\"%x-%x-%x\"", nDataSize, stFileTime.dwHighDateTime, stFileTime.dwLowDateTime); if (!apszParam[eIfRange] || (strncmp(szETag, apszParam[eIfRange], nETagLen) == 0)) { char * pszRange = apszParam[eRange]; if (pszRange) { if (strncmp(pszRange, "bytes=", 6) == 0) { pszRange += 6; // Do resume !!! char *pszEnd; if (pszRange[0] == '-') { // its a suffix-byte-range-spec DWORD dwLen = strtol(pszRange + 1, &pszEnd, 10); if (dwLen < nDataSize) dwFileStart = nDataSize - dwLen; } else { DWORD dwLen = strtol(pszRange, &pszEnd, 10); if (*pszEnd == '-' && dwLen < nDataSize) { dwFileStart = dwLen; pszRange = pszEnd + 1; if (*pszRange != 0) { dwLen = strtol(pszEnd + 1, &pszEnd, 10); if (dwLen > dwFileStart) dwDataToSend = (dwLen + 1) - dwFileStart; else dwFileStart = 0; } } else { SendError(400, "Bad Request"); return false; } } } } } } if (dwFileStart >= nDataSize) dwFileStart = 0; if (dwFileStart + dwDataToSend >= nDataSize) dwDataToSend = nDataSize - dwFileStart; DWORD dwBytesToWrite = 0; // To optimize send speed it it ideal to always send larges size packages // But this size depended on network media but on Ethernet it is 1518 bytes. // Ethernet, IP and TCP headers use some of this space and leaves 1460 bytes // for data transfer. // We will use a multiply of this to always send optimal sized packages. char szBuf[1460 * 4]; if (dwFileStart > 0 || dwDataToSend != nDataSize) { if (SetFilePointer(hFile, dwFileStart, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { SendError(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"); return true; } const char szHttpPartial[] = "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Server: MirandaWeb/%s\r\n" "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n" "ETag: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s\r\n" "\r\n"; dwBytesToWrite = mir_snprintf(szBuf, SIZEOF(szBuf), szHttpPartial, szCurTime, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), szETag, dwDataToSend, pszGetMimeType(pszRealPath), dwFileStart, (dwFileStart + dwDataToSend - 1), nDataSize, szFileTime); } else { const char szHttpOk[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Server: MirandaWeb/%s\r\n" "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n" "ETag: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Last-Modified: %s\r\n" "\r\n"; dwBytesToWrite = mir_snprintf(szBuf, SIZEOF(szBuf), szHttpOk, szCurTime, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), szETag, nDataSize, pszGetMimeType(pszRealPath), szFileTime); } Netlib_Send(hConnection, szBuf, dwBytesToWrite, 0); if (bIsGetCommand) { static int nThreadCount = 0; nThreadCount++; DWORD dwLastUpdate = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwLastCurrentDL = 0; /* dwLastDLSTickCount = dwCurTick; dwCurrentDL;*/ //DWORD dwMaxSpeed = 8192;// Byte pr Sek //DWORD dwMaxSpeed = 20000;// Byte pr Sek //DWORD dwMaxSpeed = 163840;// Byte pr Sek //DWORD dwMaxSpeed = 4096;// Byte pr Sek DWORD dwLastResetTime = GetTickCount(); int nMaxBytesToSend = nMaxUploadSpeed / nThreadCount; for (;;) { { DWORD dwCurTick = GetTickCount(); if (dwCurTick - dwLastUpdate >= 1000) { dwSpeed = ((dwCurrentDL - dwLastCurrentDL) * 1000) / (dwCurTick - dwLastUpdate); dwLastUpdate = dwCurTick; dwLastCurrentDL = dwCurrentDL; } } if (nMaxUploadSpeed == 0) { Sleep(1000); continue; } bool bSpeedLimit = (nMaxUploadSpeed >= 0) && (bIsOnline || !bLimitOnlyWhenOnline); DWORD dwCurOpr = sizeof(szBuf); if (bSpeedLimit) dwCurOpr = min(nMaxBytesToSend, sizeof(szBuf)); if (!ReadFile(hFile, szBuf, dwCurOpr, &dwBytesToWrite, NULL)) break; if (dwBytesToWrite <= 0) break; if (dwCurrentDL + dwBytesToWrite > dwDataToSend) dwBytesToWrite = dwDataToSend - dwCurrentDL; if (bSpeedLimit) nMaxBytesToSend -= dwBytesToWrite; DWORD dwSend = Netlib_Send(hConnection, szBuf, dwBytesToWrite, MSG_NODUMP); if (dwSend == SOCKET_ERROR) break; dwCurrentDL += dwSend; if (dwSend != dwBytesToWrite) break; if (dwCurrentDL >= dwDataToSend) break; if (bSpeedLimit && nMaxBytesToSend <= 0) { // we have reached the limmit DWORD dwTimeUsed = GetTickCount() - dwLastResetTime; if (dwTimeUsed < 1000) Sleep(1000 - dwTimeUsed); dwLastResetTime = GetTickCount(); nMaxBytesToSend = nMaxUploadSpeed / nThreadCount; } } // file is always closed in destructor if (szTempfile[0] != '\0') { // and here - since it is a temporary index which as to be deleted CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFile(szTempfile); } clCritSection.Lock(); nThreadCount--; bool bNeedToWriteConfig = false; if (dwCurrentDL == nDataSize) { if (pclCur->st.nMaxDownloads > 0) { pclCur->st.nMaxDownloads--; bNeedToWriteConfig = true; } } pclCur->bRemoveUser(this); // nMaxDownloads can have been decreesed by another thread. // Therefore we test it even if we did'en decreese it if (pclCur->st.nMaxDownloads == 0 && !pclCur->bAnyUsers()) { CLFileShareNode **pclPrev = &pclFirstNode; for (CLFileShareNode * pcl = pclFirstNode ; pcl ; pcl = pcl->pclNext) { if (pcl == pclCur) { *pclPrev = pclCur->pclNext; ShowPopupWindow(Translate("Share removed"), pclCur->st.pszSrvPath, RGB(255, 189, 189)); delete pclCur; bNeedToWriteConfig = true; break; } pclPrev = &pcl->pclNext; } } if (bNeedToWriteConfig) { bWriteConfigurationFile(); } } return true; } } #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugString("########### Request Failed ###########\n"); OutputDebugString(pszRequest); #endif pszRequest[nUriLength] = 0; if ((nUriLength != 12 || strncmp(pszRequest, "/favicon.ico", nUriLength)) && // do not show popup of favicon.ico *(ULONG*)(&stAddr) != 0x0100007F) { // do not show popup of ShowPopupWindow(inet_ntoa(stAddr), pszRequest, RGB(255, 189, 189)); } SendError(404, "Not Found", "The requested URL was not found on this server."); return false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { DBX *dbx, *folders; DBXFOLDER *x = NULL; DBXEMAIL *z = NULL; time_t date; int y,a, c, quiet = 0, totalEmails = 0; char *fname = NULL; FILE *outfile; char *indir = NULL, *outdir = NULL; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hVi:o:q")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'V': //Version printf("readoe v%s - Implementing libdbx v%s\n", VERSION, LIBDBX_VERSION); exit(0); case 'h': //help usage(0); case 'i': //input directory indir = optarg; break; case 'o': //output directory outdir = optarg; break; case 'q': //quiet quiet = 1; break; default: usage(1); } } if (indir == NULL || outdir == NULL) { printf("readoe: must specify BOTH input directory and output directory\n"); usage(2); } fname = (char*) realloc(fname, strlen(indir)+strlen("Folders.dbx")+2); sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", indir, "Folders.dbx"); folders = dbx_open(fname); if (folders == NULL){ dbx_perror("Folder file open"); return 1; } if (folders->type != DBX_TYPE_FOLDER) { printf("File Folders.dbx doesn't appear to contain the correct stuff\n"); return 2; } for (y = folders->indexCount-1; y >= 0; y--) { dbx_free(folders, x); x=(DBXFOLDER*)dbx_get(folders, y, 0); if (dbx_errno != DBX_NOERROR) { dbx_perror("Folder Read"); return 2; } if (x) { if (!quiet) { printf("\nFolder Name: %s\n", x->name); } } else continue; if (x->fname != NULL) { fname = (char*) realloc (fname, strlen(indir)+strlen(x->fname)+2); sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", indir, x->fname); dbx = dbx_open(fname); if (dbx == NULL) { dbx_perror("Email Folder Open"); continue; } if (dbx->type != DBX_TYPE_EMAIL) { printf("Folder %s doesn't contain emails like I expect\n", fname); continue; } fname = (char*) realloc (fname, strlen(outdir)+strlen(x->fname)+2); sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", outdir, x->fname); if ((outfile = fopen (fname, "w")) == NULL) { printf("Cannot open output file %s\n", fname); continue; } for (a = dbx->indexCount-1; a >= 0; a--) { dbx_free(dbx, z); z = (DBXEMAIL*)dbx_get(dbx,a, DBX_FLAG_BODY); if (dbx_errno != DBX_NOERROR) { dbx_perror("Email Read"); break; } if (z && z->email != NULL) { date = FileTimeToUnixTime(&(z->date), NULL); fprintf(outfile, "From %s %s", z->sender_address, ctime(&date)); //ctime adds \n write_email(outfile, z->email); fprintf(outfile, "\n\n"); } else if (z == NULL) { printf("DBX returned a NULL email\n"); } else { if (!quiet) printf("Email has no body\n"); } } if (!quiet) printf("%d emails processed\n", dbx->indexCount+1); totalEmails += (dbx->indexCount+1); fclose(outfile); dbx_close(dbx); } } if (!quiet) printf("Total Emails processed: %d\n", totalEmails); dbx_close(folders); return 0; }
/*: PrintSummaryInfo() * * ******************************************************************************/ void pascal PrintSummaryInfo( KVSummaryInfoEx *pSI, FILE *fpOut ) { int n; for ( n=0; n < pSI->nElem; ++n ) { fprintf( fpOut, "%d %d ", pSI->pElem[n].isValid, pSI->pElem[n].type ); switch( pSI->pElem[n].type ) { case KV_String: { fprintf( fpOut, "\"%s\"", pSI->pElem[n].data ); } break; case KV_Int4: { fprintf( fpOut, "%d", pSI->pElem[n].data ); } break; case KV_DateTime: { #if defined (_HPUX64i) || (_LNX64i) || (_XLNX64) long rtnValue = 0; #else LONGLONG rtnValue = 0; #endif memcpy(&rtnValue, pSI->pElem[n].data, 8); if(n == 9) { #if !defined (_WINDOWS) && !defined(_ILNX21) && !defined(_LNX64i) && !defined(_XLNX64) && !defined (_FBSD32i) /* if it is big endian, swap bytes */ LONGLONG NN = 0; unsigned char *a, *b, *c; a = (unsigned char *) &rtnValue; b = a+ sizeof(LONGLONG) -1; c = (unsigned char *) &NN; while (a <= b) { *c = *b; b--; c++; } rtnValue = NN; #endif fprintf(fpOut, "%ld Minutes", (long)(rtnValue / 600000000)); } else { time_t timer; char * timeStr = NULL; char * linefeed = NULL; FileTimeToUnixTime(rtnValue, &timer); timeStr = ctime(&timer); if ( timeStr ) linefeed = strchr(timeStr, '\012'); if ( linefeed != NULL) *linefeed = '\0'; if ( timeStr ) fprintf(fpOut,"%s", timeStr); } } break; case KV_ClipBoard: { fprintf( fpOut, "Clipboard data" ); } break; case KV_Bool: { fprintf( fpOut, "%s", pSI->pElem[n].data? "true": "false" ); } break; case KV_Unicode: { int len = 0; BYTE *p = (BYTE *)pSI->pElem[n].data; if (p) { for (; *p!= 0 || *(p+1) != 0; p+=2,len+=2); } fprintf( fpOut, "\""); if (p) { fwrite(pSI->pElem[n].data, 1, len+2, fpOut); } fprintf( fpOut, "\""); } break; case KV_IEEE8: { fprintf( fpOut, "%lf", *((double *)pSI->pElem[n].data) ); } break; case KV_Other: { fprintf( fpOut, "other" ); } break; default: { if ( pSI->pElem[n].isValid ) { fprintf( fpOut, "Bad element type!" ); } } break; } fprintf( fpOut, " %s\n", pSI->pElem[n].isValid? pSI->pElem[n].pcType : "(null)"); } }
STDMETHODIMP CHandler::UpdateItems(ISequentialOutStream *outStream, UInt32 numItems, IArchiveUpdateCallback *updateCallback) { if (numItems != 1) return E_INVALIDARG; UInt64 size; Int32 newData; Int32 newProperties; UInt32 indexInArchive; UInt32 itemIndex = 0; if (!updateCallback) return E_FAIL; RINOK(updateCallback->GetUpdateItemInfo(0, &newData, &newProperties, &indexInArchive)); CItem newItem = m_Item; newItem.ExtraFlags = 0; newItem.Flags = 0; if (IntToBool(newProperties)) { FILETIME utcTime; UString name; { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(itemIndex, kpidMTime, &prop)); if (prop.vt != VT_FILETIME) return E_INVALIDARG; utcTime = prop.filetime; } { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(itemIndex, kpidPath, &prop)); if (prop.vt == VT_EMPTY) name.Empty(); else if (prop.vt != VT_BSTR) return E_INVALIDARG; else name = prop.bstrVal; } { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(itemIndex, kpidIsDir, &prop)); if (prop.vt == VT_BOOL) { if (prop.boolVal != VARIANT_FALSE) return E_INVALIDARG; } else if (prop.vt != VT_EMPTY) return E_INVALIDARG; } if(!FileTimeToUnixTime(utcTime, newItem.Time)) return E_INVALIDARG; newItem.Name = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(name, CP_ACP); int dirDelimiterPos = newItem.Name.ReverseFind(CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR); if (dirDelimiterPos >= 0) newItem.Name = newItem.Name.Mid(dirDelimiterPos + 1); newItem.SetNameIsPresentFlag(!newItem.Name.IsEmpty()); } if (IntToBool(newData)) { { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(itemIndex, kpidSize, &prop)); if (prop.vt != VT_UI8) return E_INVALIDARG; size = prop.uhVal.QuadPart; } newItem.UnPackSize32 = (UInt32)size; UInt32 level = m_Level; if (level == 0xFFFFFFFF) level = 5; if (m_Method.NumPasses == 0xFFFFFFFF) m_Method.NumPasses = (level >= 9 ? kNumPassesX9 : (level >= 7 ? kNumPassesX7 : kNumPassesX1)); if (m_Method.NumFastBytes == 0xFFFFFFFF) m_Method.NumFastBytes = (level >= 9 ? kNumFastBytesX9 : (level >= 7 ? kNumFastBytesX7 : kNumFastBytesX1)); if (m_Method.Algo == 0xFFFFFFFF) m_Method.Algo = (level >= 5 ? kAlgoX5 : kAlgoX1); return UpdateArchive( EXTERNAL_CODECS_VARS m_Stream, size, outStream, newItem, m_Method, itemIndex, updateCallback); } if (indexInArchive != 0) return E_INVALIDARG; if (IntToBool(newProperties)) { COutArchive outArchive; outArchive.Create(outStream); outArchive.WriteHeader(newItem); RINOK(m_Stream->Seek(m_StreamStartPosition + m_DataOffset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); } else { RINOK(m_Stream->Seek(m_StreamStartPosition, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); } return CopyStreams(m_Stream, outStream); }
void next(size_t maxfilenamesize, char *outfilename, bool &isdir, rfs_fpos_t &filesizeout, time_t &outmodifiedtime) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATA info; bool nocase = true; #else struct dirent *entry; bool nocase = false; #endif while (1) { *outfilename = 0; if (level<0) return; if (first) { first = false; handles = (_Handle *)realloc(handles,sizeof(_Handle)*(level+1)); #ifdef _WIN32 path.appendc('*'); handles[level] = FindFirstFile(path.str(), &info); path.decLength(); #else handles[level] = opendir(path.str()); if (handles[level]) entry = readdir(handles[level]); // don't need _r here #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!FindNextFile(handles[level], &info)) { FindClose(handles[level]); #else entry = readdir(handles[level]); // don't need _r here if (!entry) { closedir(handles[level]); #endif handles[level] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } if (handles[level]!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { free(tail); #ifdef _WIN32 tail = _strdup(info.cFileName); isdir = ((info.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)!=0); #else tail = _strdup(entry->d_name); #endif size_t hs = path.length()-pathhead; size_t ts = strlen(tail); if (hs>=maxfilenamesize) hs = maxfilenamesize-1; if (hs+ts>=maxfilenamesize) ts = maxfilenamesize-1-hs; memcpy(outfilename,path.str()+pathhead,hs); memcpy(outfilename+hs,tail,ts); outfilename[hs+ts] = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 struct stat info; if (stat(outfilename, &info) != 0) // will follow link continue; isdir = S_ISDIR(info.st_mode); #endif if ((strcmp(tail,".")==0)||(strcmp(tail,"..")==0)) continue; bool matched = (mask&&*mask)?WildMatch(tail,mask,nocase):false; if (!matched&&(!recursive||!isdir)) continue; if (isdir&&!recursive&&!includedirs) continue; if (isdir) { if (recursive) { // add name path.appends(tail); if (path.lastChar()!='\\') path.appendc('\\'); first = true; level++; } if (!includedirs||!matched) continue; filesizeout = (rfs_fpos_t)0; } else { #ifdef _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER x; x.LowPart = info.nFileSizeLow; x.HighPart = info.nFileSizeHigh; filesizeout = (rfs_fpos_t)x.QuadPart; } outmodifiedtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&info.ftLastWriteTime); #else filesizeout = info.st_size; } outmodifiedtime = info.st_mtime; #endif break; } level--; if (level<0) return; if (path.lastChar()=='\\') path.decLength(); while (path.length()) { if (path.lastChar()=='\\') break; path.decLength(); } } }
int csync_vio_local_stat(const char *uri, csync_vio_file_stat_t *buf) { HANDLE h, hFind; FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; ULARGE_INTEGER FileIndex; mbchar_t *wuri = c_utf8_to_locale( uri ); h = CreateFileW( wuri, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL+FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL ); if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_CRIT, "CreateFileW failed on %s", uri ); errno = GetLastError(); c_free_locale_string(wuri); return -1; } if(!GetFileInformationByHandle( h, &fileInfo ) ) { CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_CRIT, "GetFileInformationByHandle failed on %s", uri ); errno = GetLastError(); c_free_locale_string(wuri); CloseHandle(h); return -1; } buf->flags = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_FLAGS_NONE; do { // Check first if it is a symlink (code from c_islink) if (fileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { hFind = FindFirstFileW(wuri, &FindFileData ); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if( (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) && (FindFileData.dwReserved0 & IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) ) { buf->flags = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_FLAGS_SYMLINK; buf->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK; break; } } FindClose(hFind); } if (fileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE || fileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE || fileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) { buf->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; break; } if (fileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { buf->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; break; } // fallthrough: buf->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR; break; } while (0); buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_FLAGS; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; buf->device = fileInfo.dwVolumeSerialNumber; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_DEVICE; /* Get the Windows file id as an inode replacement. */ FileIndex.HighPart = fileInfo.nFileIndexHigh; FileIndex.LowPart = fileInfo.nFileIndexLow; FileIndex.QuadPart &= 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF; /* printf("Index: %I64i\n", FileIndex.QuadPart); */ buf->inode = FileIndex.QuadPart; buf->size = (fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh * (int64_t)(MAXDWORD+1)) + fileInfo.nFileSizeLow; buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; /* Get the file time with a win32 call rather than through stat. See * http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1144/Beating-the-Daylight-Savings-Time-bug-and-getting * for deeper explanation. */ if( GetFileTime(h, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite) ) { DWORD rem; buf->atime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ftAccess, &rem); buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_ATIME; buf->mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ftWrite, &rem); /* CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Local File MTime: %llu", (unsigned long long) buf->mtime ); */ buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; buf->ctime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ftCreate, &rem); buf->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_CTIME; } CloseHandle(h); return 0; }
csync_vio_file_stat_t *csync_vio_local_readdir(csync_vio_handle_t *dhandle) { dhandle_t *handle = NULL; csync_vio_file_stat_t *file_stat = NULL; ULARGE_INTEGER FileIndex; DWORD rem; handle = (dhandle_t *) dhandle; errno = 0; file_stat = csync_vio_file_stat_new(); if (file_stat == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; goto err; } file_stat->fields = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_NONE; // the win32 functions get the first valid entry with the opendir // thus we must not jump to next entry if it was the first find. if( handle->firstFind ) { handle->firstFind = 0; } else { if( FindNextFile(handle->hFind, &(handle->ffd)) == 0 ) { // might be error, check! int dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { errno = EACCES; // no more files is fine. Otherwise EACCESS } goto err; } } file_stat->name = c_utf8_from_locale(handle->ffd.cFileName); file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; if (handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT && handle->ffd.dwReserved0 & IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) { file_stat->flags = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_FLAGS_SYMLINK; file_stat->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK; } else if (handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE || handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE || handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) { file_stat->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } else if (handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { file_stat->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } else { file_stat->type = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR; } file_stat->flags = CSYNC_VIO_FILE_FLAGS_NONE; /* Check for the hidden flag */ if( handle->ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) { file_stat->flags |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_FLAGS_HIDDEN; } file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_FLAGS; file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_TYPE; file_stat->size = (handle->ffd.nFileSizeHigh * ((int64_t)(MAXDWORD)+1)) + handle->ffd.nFileSizeLow; file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_SIZE; file_stat->atime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&handle->ffd.ftLastAccessTime, &rem); file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_ATIME; file_stat->mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&handle->ffd.ftLastWriteTime, &rem); /* CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Local File MTime: %llu", (unsigned long long) buf->mtime ); */ file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_MTIME; file_stat->ctime = FileTimeToUnixTime(&handle->ffd.ftCreationTime, &rem); file_stat->fields |= CSYNC_VIO_FILE_STAT_FIELDS_CTIME; return file_stat; err: SAFE_FREE(file_stat); return NULL; }
void _ThumbCacheUpdateDirScan(FILE *tc, const char *dir) { unsigned int status; LPTCRECORD ptcrec; char *fn, relfn[MAX_PATH]; int dirlen, len; time_t mtime; #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE hFindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; #else DIR *dirp; struct stat st; struct dirent *entry; #endif dirlen = strlen(dir); if (dirlen + 3 >= MAX_PATH) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: filename too long\n"); return; } strcpy(relfn, dir); #ifdef _WIN32 strcpy(relfn + dirlen, "*"); hFindFile = FindFirstFile(relfn, &ffd); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { status = GetLastError(); if (status != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) printerr("FindFirstFile"); return; } do { fn = ffd.cFileName; if ((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && scan_recursive) { #else dirp = opendir(relfn); if (!dirp) { perror("opendir"); return; } while ((entry = readdir(dirp))) { if (lstat(entry->d_name, &st) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't stat %s, skipping\n", fn); continue; } fn = entry->d_name; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && scan_recursive) { #endif if (!(fn[0] == '.' && (!fn[1] || (fn[1] == '.' && !fn[2])))) { len = dirlen + strlen(fn); if (len + 1 >= MAX_PATH) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: total rel path len of " "%s too long, skipping\n", fn); continue; } strcpy(relfn + dirlen, fn); relfn[len] = PATH_SEPARATOR; relfn[len + 1] = '\0'; _ThumbCacheUpdateDirScan(tc, relfn); } } else if (ImgIsImageFile(fn)) { len = dirlen + strlen(fn); if (len >= MAX_PATH) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: total rel path len of " "%s too long, skipping\n", fn); continue; } #ifdef _WIN32 mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(ffd.ftLastWriteTime); #else mtime = st.st_mtime; #endif strcpy(relfn + dirlen, fn); fn = HtGetItem(cacheht, relfn); if (fn) { ptcrec = (LPTCRECORD)(fn - sizeof(TCRECORD)); if (mtime != ptcrec->ent.mtime) { if (verbose) printf("Updating %s...\n", relfn); if (!ThumbCacheReplace(tc, relfn, ptcrec, mtime)) printerr("ThumbCacheReplace"); } } else { if (verbose) printf("Adding %s to thumb cache...\n", relfn); if (!ThumbCacheAdd(tc, relfn, mtime)) printerr("ThumbCacheAdd"); else nadded++; } } #ifdef _WIN32 } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &ffd)); FindClose(hFindFile); #else } if (closedir(dirp) == -1) perror("closedir"); #endif } float _ThumbCalcKey(int **tpixels) { unsigned int tr, tg, tb; float avg_r, avg_g, avg_b; int pixel, x, y; tr = 0; tg = 0; tb = 0; for (y = 0; y != THUMB_CY; y++) { for (x = 0; x != THUMB_CX; x++) { pixel = tpixels[y][x]; tr += gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel); tg += gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel); tb += gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel); } } avg_r = (float)tr / (float)THUMB_NPIXELS; avg_g = (float)tg / (float)THUMB_NPIXELS; avg_b = (float)tb / (float)THUMB_NPIXELS; return (avg_r * avg_r) + (avg_g * avg_g) + (avg_b * avg_b); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove a file of the dir content - if present fxp_name * Server::removeFile(bstring const & remotePath) { bstring path, file; file = splitPath(path, remotePath); DirCache::iterator i = dirCache.find(path); if (i == dirCache.end()) return 0; my_fxp_names * dir = i->second; int count = dir->nnames; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { fxp_name * fn = dir->names[i]; #ifdef UNICODE if (file == fn->ucFilename) { #else if (file == fn->filename) { #endif // not last -> replace current with last if (i + 1 < count) { dir->names[i] = dir->names[count - 1]; } // and one less now --dir->nnames; return fn; // done } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // add a file to the dir content - if not already there void Server::insertFile(bstring const & remotePath, FILETIME * ft, unsigned long szLo, unsigned long szHi, char kind, bstring const & chmod) { bstring path, file; file = splitPath(path, remotePath); DirCache::iterator i = dirCache.find(path); if (i == dirCache.end()) return; #ifdef UNICODE dirCache.erase(i); #else my_fxp_names * dir = i->second; int count = dir->nnames; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { fxp_name * fn = dir->names[i]; if (file == fn->filename) { // already there return; } } // create a new structure and fill it my_fxp_names * ndir = (my_fxp_names *) malloc(sizeof(my_fxp_names)); ndir->names = (fxp_name **) malloc(sizeof(fxp_name*) * (count + 1)); fxp_name * n = ndir->names[0] = (fxp_name *) malloc(sizeof(fxp_name)); RtlZeroMemory(n, sizeof(fxp_name)); FILETIME ft2; SYSTEMTIME st; if (ft) { FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, &st); } else { GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft2); ft = &ft2; } char buffer[32]; sprintf(buffer, "%d ", szLo); std::string ln = kind + chmod + std::string(" 1 ? ? ") + buffer + " Jan 1 1990 " + file; n->longname = strdup(ln.c_str()); n->filename = strdup(file.c_str()); n->attrs.size.hi = szHi; n->attrs.size.lo = szLo; n->attrs.mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(ft); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ndir->names[i + 1] = dir->names[i]; } ndir->nnames = count + 1; i->second = ndir; #endif }