Example #1
void __fastcall TClipMaker::BPDragDrop(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source,
      int X, int Y)
    TMxPanel* P = dynamic_cast<TMxPanel*>(Source); VERIFY(P);
    CUIClip* tgt = FindClip(X); VERIFY(tgt);
    CUIClip* src = sel_clip;
    if (P->Tag==-2){
        if (drag_state.Contains(ssAlt)){
        	std::swap		(tgt->fx,src->fx);
        }else if (drag_state.Contains(ssCtrl)){
            tgt->fx 		= src->fx;
            tgt->fx 		= src->fx;
            src->fx.clear	();
        if (drag_state.Contains(ssAlt)){
        	std::swap		(tgt->cycles[P->Tag],src->cycles[P->Tag]);
        }else if (drag_state.Contains(ssCtrl)){
            tgt->cycles[P->Tag] = src->cycles[P->Tag];
            tgt->cycles[P->Tag] = src->cycles[P->Tag];
Example #2
void __fastcall TClipMaker::ClipMouseMove(TObject *Sender,
      TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
    VERIFY				(sel_clip);
	TMxPanel* P			= dynamic_cast<TMxPanel*>(Sender);
    CUIClip* C			= FindClip(X); VERIFY(C);
    int cX				= X-C->PLeft();
    float w0 			= float(cX)/C->PWidth();
    int w1	 			= C->PWidth()-cX;
	if ((w0>0.75f)&&(w0<1.f)&&(w1<7)){
    	P->Cursor 		= crHSplit;
    	if (!g_resizing)
	    	P->Cursor 	= crDefault;
    if (g_resizing){
        float dx		= float(X-(g_X_prev+g_X_dx))/m_Zoom;
        if (!fis_zero(dx)){
    	    sel_clip->length += dx;
            if (sel_clip->length<0.01f) sel_clip->length=0.01f;
    		g_X_prev 	= sel_clip->PRight();
            UI->ShowHint	(AnsiString().sprintf("Length: %s",FloatTimeToStrTime(sel_clip->Length(),false,true,true,true).c_str()));
        UpdateClips		();
Example #3
void __fastcall TClipMaker::BPDragOver(TObject *Sender, TObject *Source, int X, int Y, TDragState State, bool &Accept)
    Accept = false;
    if (Sender==Source){
        CUIClip* clip = FindClip(X);
        Accept = (clip&&(clip!=sel_clip));
bool CDmeTrack::RemoveClip( CDmeClip *clip )
	Assert( clip->GetClipType() == GetClipType() );
	int i = FindClip( clip );
	if ( i != -1 )
		RemoveClip( i );
		return true;
	return false;
void CDmeTrack::AddClip( CDmeClip *clip )
	if ( clip->GetClipType() == GetClipType() )
		// FIXME: In the case of a non-overlapped track,
		// we could optimize this to insert the clip in sorted order,
		// then fix overlaps (fixing overlaps requires a sorted list)
		Assert( FindClip( clip ) < 0 );
		m_Clips.AddToTail( clip );
Example #6
void __fastcall TClipMaker::ClipMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
    if (Button==mbLeft){
        SelectClip		(FindClip(X));
        if (paClips->Cursor==crHSplit){
            g_resizing	= TRUE;
            Stop		();
            g_X_prev 	= X;
            g_X_dx		= X-sel_clip->PRight();
            paClips->BeginDrag(false, 2);
Example #7
void __fastcall TClipMaker::BPMouseDown(TObject *Sender,
      TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
    TMxPanel* P = dynamic_cast<TMxPanel*>(Sender);
    if (P){
        if (Button==mbRight){
//            TPoint pt; pt.x = X; pt.y = Y;
//            pt=P->ClientToScreen(pt);
//            pmClip->Popup(pt.x,pt.y-10);
        }else if (Button==mbLeft){
	        SelectClip	(FindClip(X));
            P->BeginDrag(false, 2);
			drag_state = Shift;	
Example #8
void __fastcall TClipMaker::ClipDragDrop(TObject *Sender,
      TObject *Source, int X, int Y)
    VERIFY 					(Sender==paClips);
    CUIClip* tgt			= FindClip(X); VERIFY(tgt);
	TElTreeDragObject* obj 	= dynamic_cast<TElTreeDragObject*>(Source);
    if (obj){
        TElTree* tv			= dynamic_cast<TElTree*>(obj->Control);
        if (tv->SelectedCount){
            for (TElTreeItem* item 	= tv->GetNextSelected(0); item; item = tv->GetNextSelected(item)){
                ListItem* prop		= (ListItem*)item->Tag; VERIFY(prop);
                u16 bp;
                BOOL fx;
                LPCSTR m_name			= ATools->ExtractMotionName(prop->Key());
                u16 m_slot				= ATools->ExtractMotionSlot(prop->Key());
	            if (m_CurrentObject->m_SMotionRefs.size()){
		            CMotionDef* SM		= ATools->m_RenderObject.FindMotionDef(m_name,m_slot);	VERIFY(SM);
                    bp					= SM->bone_or_part;
                    fx					= SM->flags&esmFX;
                	CSMotion* SM 		= ATools->FindMotion(m_name); VERIFY(SM);
                    bp					= SM->m_BoneOrPart;
                    fx					= SM->m_Flags.is(esmFX);
                if (fx){
                	tgt->SetFX		(m_name,m_slot);
                    tgt->SetCycle	(m_name,bp,m_slot);
        float rt			= float(X)/m_Zoom-tgt->RunTime();
        if (rt<tgt->Length()/2.f)	sel_clip->run_time	= tgt->run_time-EPS_L;
        else						sel_clip->run_time	= tgt->run_time+EPS_L;
    UpdateClips		();
Example #9
TClipMaker::CUIClip* TClipMaker::FindClip(int x)
	return FindClip(float(x)/m_Zoom);