Example #1
int ExecuteFile( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& ExecFile, const wxString& param )
    wxString FullFileName;

    FullFileName = FindKicadFile( ExecFile );

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    if( wxFileExists( FullFileName ) || wxDir::Exists( FullFileName ) ) 
       ProcessExecute( wxT("open -a ") + ExecFile + wxT(" ") + param );
    } else {
       ProcessExecute( wxT("open ") + param );
    return 0;
    if( wxFileExists( FullFileName ) )
        if( !param.IsEmpty() )
            FullFileName += wxT( " " ) + param;

        ProcessExecute( FullFileName );
        return 0;
    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Command <%s> could not found" ), GetChars( FullFileName ) );
    DisplayError( frame, msg, 20 );
    return -1;
int ExecuteFile( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& ExecFile, const wxString& param,
                 wxProcess *callback )
    wxString fullFileName;

    fullFileName = FindKicadFile( ExecFile );

#ifdef __WXMAC__
    if( wxFileExists( fullFileName ) || wxDir::Exists( fullFileName ) )
        return ProcessExecute( Pgm().GetExecutablePath() + wxT( "/" )
                               + ExecFile + wxT( " " )
                               + param, wxEXEC_ASYNC, callback );
        return ProcessExecute( wxT( "/usr/bin/open " ) + param, wxEXEC_ASYNC, callback );
    if( wxFileExists( fullFileName ) )
        if( !param.IsEmpty() )
            fullFileName += wxT( " " ) + param;

        return ProcessExecute( fullFileName, wxEXEC_ASYNC, callback );
    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Command <%s> could not found" ), GetChars( fullFileName ) );
    DisplayError( frame, msg, 20 );
    return -1;
void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnLaunchButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString url;
    wxString command;
    wxFileName fileName( FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jnlp" ) ), wxPATH_UNIX );

    if( fileName.FileExists() )
        wxString javaWebStartCommand = wxT( "javaws" );

        // Find the Java web start application on Windows.
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        // If you thought the registry was brain dead before, now you have to deal with
        // accessing it in either 64 or 32 bit mode depending on the build version of
        // Windows and the build version of KiCad.

        // This key works for 32 bit Java on 32 bit Windows and 64 bit Java on 64 bit Windows.
        wxRegKey key( wxRegKey::HKLM, wxT( "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Web Start" ),
                      wxIsPlatform64Bit() ? wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_64 :
                      wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_Default );

        // It's possible that 32 bit Java is installed on 64 bit Windows.
        if( !key.Exists() && wxIsPlatform64Bit() )
            key.SetName( wxRegKey::HKLM, wxT( "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Web Start" ) );

        if( !key.Exists() )
            ::wxMessageBox( _( "It appears that the Java run time environment is not "
                               "installed on this computer.  Java is required to use "
                               "FreeRoute." ),
                            _( "Pcbnew Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );

        key.Open( wxRegKey::Read );

        // Get the current version of java installed to determine the executable path.
        wxString value;
        key.QueryValue( wxT( "CurrentVersion" ), value );
        key.SetName( key.GetName() + wxT( "\\" ) + value );
        key.QueryValue( wxT( "Home" ), value );
        javaWebStartCommand = value + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + javaWebStartCommand;

        // Wrap FullFileName in double quotes in case it has C:\Program Files in it.
        // The space is interpreted as an argument separator.
        command << javaWebStartCommand << wxChar( ' ' ) << wxChar( '"' )
                << fileName.GetFullPath() << wxChar( '"' );
        ProcessExecute( command );

    url = m_FreerouteURLName->GetValue() + wxT( "/java/freeroute.jnlp" );

    wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( url );
// Specific data initialization
    m_freeRouterFound = false;

    wxFileName fileName( FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jar" ) ), wxPATH_UNIX );

    if( fileName.FileExists() )
        m_freeRouterFound = true;

    m_buttonLaunchFreeroute->Enable( m_freeRouterFound );

Example #5
int ExecuteFile(wxWindow * frame, const wxString & ExecFile, const wxString & param)
/* appelle le logiciel ExecFile, avec les parametres filename
wxString FullFileName;

	FullFileName = FindKicadFile(ExecFile);

	if ( wxFileExists(FullFileName) )
		if( param != "" ) FullFileName += " " + param;
		return 0;

	wxString msg;
	msg.Printf("Command file <%s> not found", FullFileName.GetData() );
	DisplayError(frame, msg, 20);
	return -1;
Example #6
void Write_GENERIC_NetList(wxWindow * frame, const wxString & FullFileName)
/* Create a generic netlist, and call an external netlister
	to change the netlist syntax and create the file
wxString Line, FootprintName;
BASE_SCREEN *CurrScreen;
EDA_BaseStruct *DrawList;
EDA_SchComponentStruct *Component;
wxString netname;
int ii;
FILE * tmpfile;
wxString TmpFullFileName = FullFileName;	
	ChangeFileNameExt(TmpFullFileName, ".tmp");

	if ((tmpfile = fopen(TmpFullFileName, "wt")) == NULL)
		wxString msg =  _("Failed to create file ") + TmpFullFileName;
		DisplayError(frame, msg);
	ClearUsedFlags();	/* Reset the flags FlagControlMulti in all schematic files*/
	fprintf( tmpfile, "$BeginNetlist\n" );

	/* Create netlist module section */
	fprintf( tmpfile, "$BeginComponentList\n" );
	for(CurrScreen = ScreenSch; CurrScreen != NULL; CurrScreen = (BASE_SCREEN*)CurrScreen->Pnext )
		for ( DrawList = CurrScreen->EEDrawList; DrawList != NULL; DrawList = DrawList->Pnext )
			DrawList = Component = FindNextComponentAndCreatPinList(DrawList);
			if ( Component == NULL ) break;	// No component left

			if( ! Component->m_Field[FOOTPRINT].IsVoid() )
				FootprintName = Component->m_Field[FOOTPRINT].m_Text;
				FootprintName.Replace(" ", "_");

			fprintf( tmpfile, "\n$BeginComponent\n" );
			fprintf(tmpfile, "TimeStamp=%8.8lX\n", Component->m_TimeStamp);
			fprintf(tmpfile, "Footprint=%s\n", FootprintName.GetData());
			Line =  "Reference=" + Component->m_Field[REFERENCE].m_Text + "\n";
			Line.Replace(" ", "_");
			fprintf(tmpfile, Line.GetData());

			Line = Component->m_Field[VALUE].m_Text;
			Line.Replace(" ", "_");
			fprintf(tmpfile, "Value=%s\n", Line.GetData());

			Line = Component->m_ChipName;
			Line.Replace(" ", "_");
			fprintf(tmpfile, "Libref=%s\n", Line.GetData());

			// Write pin list:
			fprintf( tmpfile, "$BeginPinList\n" );
			for (ii = 0; ii < s_SortedPinCount; ii++)
				ObjetNetListStruct *Pin = s_SortedComponentPinList[ii];
				if( ! Pin ) continue;
				netname = ReturnPinNetName(Pin, "$-%.6d");
				if ( netname == "" ) netname = "?";
				fprintf( tmpfile,"%.4s=%s\n",(char *)&Pin->m_PinNum, netname.GetData());

			fprintf( tmpfile, "$EndPinList\n" );
			fprintf( tmpfile, "$EndComponent\n" );
	s_SortedComponentPinList = NULL;
	fprintf( tmpfile, "$EndComponentList\n" );

	fprintf( tmpfile, "\n$BeginNets\n" );
	WriteGENERICListOfNets( tmpfile, g_TabObjNet );
	fprintf( tmpfile, "$EndNets\n" );
	fprintf( tmpfile, "\n$EndNetlist\n" );
	// Call the external module (plug in )
	if ( g_NetListerCommandLine == "" ) return;

wxString CommandFile;
	if ( wxIsAbsolutePath(g_NetListerCommandLine) )
		CommandFile = g_NetListerCommandLine;
	else CommandFile = FindKicadFile(g_NetListerCommandLine);
	CommandFile += " " + TmpFullFileName;
	CommandFile += " " + FullFileName;

	wxExecute(CommandFile, wxEXEC_SYNC);
// Run freeroute, if it is available (freeroute.jar found in kicad binaries)
void DIALOG_FREEROUTE::OnLaunchButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString dsnFile;

    if( m_freeRouterFound )
        dsnFile = createDSN_File();

        if( dsnFile.IsEmpty() )     // Something is wrong or command cancelled

    wxFileName jarfileName( FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jar" ) ), wxPATH_UNIX );
    wxString command;

    // Find the Java application on Windows.
    // Colud be no more needed since we now have to run only java, not java web start
#ifdef __WINDOWS__

    // If you thought the registry was brain dead before, now you have to deal with
    // accessing it in either 64 or 32 bit mode depending on the build version of
    // Windows and the build version of KiCad.

    // This key works for 32 bit Java on 32 bit Windows and 64 bit Java on 64 bit Windows.
    wxString keyName = wxT( "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment" );
    wxRegKey key( wxRegKey::HKLM, keyName,
                  wxIsPlatform64Bit() ? wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_64 :
                  wxRegKey::WOW64ViewMode_Default );

    // It's possible that 32 bit Java is installed on 64 bit Windows.
    if( !key.Exists() && wxIsPlatform64Bit() )
        keyName = wxT( "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment" );
        key.SetName( wxRegKey::HKLM, keyName );

    if( !key.Exists() )
        ::wxMessageBox( _( "It appears that the Java run time environment is not "
                           "installed on this computer.  Java is required to use "
                           "FreeRoute." ),
                        _( "Pcbnew Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );

    key.Open( wxRegKey::Read );

    // Get the current version of java installed to determine the executable path.
    wxString value;
    key.QueryValue( wxT( "CurrentVersion" ), value );
    key.SetName( key.GetName() + wxT( "\\" ) + value );

    key.QueryValue( wxT( "JavaHome" ), value );
    command = value + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
    command << wxT("bin\\java");
#else   //  __WINDOWS__
        command = wxT( "java" );

    command << wxT(" -jar ");
    // add "freeroute.jar" to command line:
    command << wxChar( '"' ) << jarfileName.GetFullPath() << wxChar( '"' );
    // add option to load the .dsn file
    command << wxT( " -de " );
    // add *.dsn full filename (quoted):
    command << wxChar( '"' ) << dsnFile << wxChar( '"' );

    ProcessExecute( command );