Region* RegionPagerBase::CreateRegion(int x, int y) { if (FindRegion(x, y)) { throw(std::logic_error("Cannot overwrite an existing region")); } regionList.emplace_front(x, y); return ®ionList.front(); }
//DOCS: since this method is the last ditch call from GetRegion, it must return a valid region object, even if the create function hasn't been set. //return a new region, throwing an error on failure Region* RegionPagerLua::CreateRegion(int x, int y) { if (FindRegion(x, y)) { throw(std::logic_error("Cannot overwrite an existing region")); } //get the pager's function from the registry lua_rawgeti(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, createRef); //check if this function is available if (lua_isnil(lua, -1)) { lua_pop(lua, 1); //return an empty region object regionList.emplace_front(x, y); return ®ionList.front(); } //something to work on Region tmpRegion(x, y); //TODO: add x & y as parameters lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, &tmpRegion); //call the function, 1 arg, 0 return if (lua_pcall(lua, 1, 0, 0) != LUA_OK) { throw(std::runtime_error(std::string() + "Lua error: " + lua_tostring(lua, -1) )); } //return the new region regionList.push_front(tmpRegion); return ®ionList.front(); }
STDMETHODIMP CDVBSub::Render(SubPicDesc& spd, REFERENCE_TIME rt, double fps, RECT& bbox) { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csCritSec); rt -= m_rtCurrentSegmentStart; // Make sure the timing are relative to the current segment start RemoveOldPages(rt); if (POSITION posPage = FindPage(rt)) { const auto& pPage = m_pages.GetAt(posPage); bool BT709 = m_infoSourceTarget.sourceMatrix == BT_709 ? true : m_infoSourceTarget.sourceMatrix == NONE ? (m_displayInfo.width > 720) : false; pPage->rendered = true; TRACE_DVB(_T("DVB - Renderer - %s - %s\n"), ReftimeToString(pPage->rtStart + m_rtCurrentSegmentStart), ReftimeToString(pPage->rtStop + m_rtCurrentSegmentStart)); int nRegion = 1, nObject = 1; for (POSITION pos = pPage->regionsPos.GetHeadPosition(); pos; nRegion++) { DVB_REGION_POS regionPos = pPage->regionsPos.GetNext(pos); if (POSITION posRegion = FindRegion(pPage, { const auto& pRegion = pPage->regions.GetAt(posRegion); if (POSITION posCLUT = FindClut(pPage, pRegion->CLUT_id)) { const auto& pCLUT = pPage->CLUTs.GetAt(posCLUT); for (POSITION posO = pRegion->objects.GetHeadPosition(); posO; nObject++) { DVB_OBJECT objectPos = pRegion->objects.GetNext(posO); if (POSITION posObject = FindObject(pPage, objectPos.object_id)) { const auto& pObject = pPage->objects.GetAt(posObject); short nX = regionPos.horizAddr + objectPos.object_horizontal_position; short nY = regionPos.vertAddr + objectPos.object_vertical_position; pObject->m_width = pRegion->width; pObject->m_height = pRegion->height; pObject->SetPalette(pCLUT->size, pCLUT->palette, BT709, m_infoSourceTarget.sourceBlackLevel, m_infoSourceTarget.sourceWhiteLevel, m_infoSourceTarget.targetBlackLevel, m_infoSourceTarget.targetWhiteLevel); pObject->RenderDvb(spd, nX, nY); TRACE_DVB(_T(" --> %d/%d - %d/%d\n"), nRegion, pPage->regionsPos.GetCount(), nObject, pRegion->objects.GetCount()); } } } } } bbox.left = 0; = 0; bbox.right = m_displayInfo.width; bbox.bottom = m_displayInfo.height; } return S_OK; }
Region* RegionPagerBase::GetRegion(int x, int y) { x = snapToBase(REGION_WIDTH, x); y = snapToBase(REGION_HEIGHT, y); //get the region by various means Region* ptr = nullptr; ptr = FindRegion(x, y); if (ptr) return ptr; ptr = LoadRegion(x, y); if (ptr) return ptr; return CreateRegion(x, y); }
HRESULT CDVBSub::ParseRegion(CGolombBuffer& gb, WORD wSegLength) { HRESULT hr = E_POINTER; if (m_pCurrentPage) { size_t nExpectedSize = 10; size_t nEnd = gb.GetPos() + wSegLength; BYTE id = gb.ReadByte(); POSITION posRegion = FindRegion(m_pCurrentPage, id); if (!posRegion) { posRegion = m_pCurrentPage->regions.AddTail(CAutoPtr<DVB_REGION>(DEBUG_NEW DVB_REGION())); } const auto& pRegion = m_pCurrentPage->regions.GetAt(posRegion); pRegion->id = id; pRegion->version_number = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); pRegion->fill_flag = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(1); gb.BitRead(3); // Reserved pRegion->width = gb.ReadShort(); pRegion->height = gb.ReadShort(); pRegion->level_of_compatibility = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(3); pRegion->depth = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(3); gb.BitRead(2); // Reserved pRegion->CLUT_id = gb.ReadByte(); pRegion->_8_bit_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); pRegion->_4_bit_pixel_code = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); pRegion->_2_bit_pixel_code = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); gb.BitRead(2); // Reserved while (gb.GetPos() < nEnd) { nExpectedSize += 6; DVB_OBJECT object; object.object_id = gb.ReadShort(); object.object_type = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); object.object_provider_flag = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); object.object_horizontal_position = (short)gb.BitRead(12); gb.BitRead(4); // Reserved object.object_vertical_position = (short)gb.BitRead(12); if (object.object_type == 0x01 || object.object_type == 0x02) { nExpectedSize += 2; object.foreground_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); object.background_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); } pRegion->objects.AddTail(object); } hr = (wSegLength == nExpectedSize) ? S_OK : E_UNEXPECTED; } return hr; }
HRESULT CDVBSub::ParseRegion(CGolombBuffer& gb, WORD wSegLength) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wEnd = (WORD)gb.GetPos() + wSegLength; CDVBSub::DVB_REGION* pRegion; CDVBSub::DVB_REGION DummyRegion; pRegion = FindRegion (m_pCurrentPage, gb.ReadByte()); if (pRegion == NULL) pRegion = &DummyRegion; if (pRegion != NULL) { pRegion->version_number = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); pRegion->fill_flag = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(1); gb.BitRead(3); // Reserved pRegion->width = gb.ReadShort(); pRegion->height = gb.ReadShort(); pRegion->level_of_compatibility = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(3); pRegion->depth = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(3); gb.BitRead(2); // Reserved pRegion->CLUT_id = gb.ReadByte(); pRegion->_8_bit_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); pRegion->_4_bit_pixel_code = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(4); pRegion->_2_bit_pixel_code = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); gb.BitRead(2); // Reserved pRegion->ObjectCount = 0; while (gb.GetPos() < wEnd) { DVB_OBJECT* pObject = &pRegion->Objects[pRegion->ObjectCount]; pObject->object_id = gb.ReadShort(); pObject->object_type = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); pObject->object_provider_flag = (BYTE)gb.BitRead(2); pObject->object_horizontal_position = (SHORT)gb.BitRead(12); gb.BitRead(4); // Reserved pObject->object_vertical_position = (SHORT)gb.BitRead(12); if (pObject->object_type == 0x01 || pObject->object_type == 0x02) { pObject->foreground_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); pObject->background_pixel_code = gb.ReadByte(); } pRegion->ObjectCount++; } } else gb.SkipBytes (wSegLength-1); return S_OK; }
//NOTE: this return value seems strange; could replace it with a boolean //return the saved region, or nullptr on failure Region* RegionPagerLua::SaveRegion(int x, int y) { //get the pager's function from the registry lua_rawgeti(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, saveRef); //check if this function is available if (lua_isnil(lua, -1)) { lua_pop(lua, 1); //signal that the region wasn't saved return nullptr; } //find the specified region Region* ptr = FindRegion(x, y); if (!ptr) { lua_pop(lua, 1); //signal that there is no save function return nullptr; } lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, ptr); //call the function, 1 arg, 1 return if (lua_pcall(lua, 1, 1, 0) != LUA_OK) { throw(std::runtime_error(std::string() + "Lua error: " + lua_tostring(lua, -1) )); } //check the return value, success or failure if (lua_isboolean(lua, -1) && lua_toboolean(lua, -1)) { lua_pop(lua, 1); //return the specified region that was saved return ptr; } else { lua_pop(lua, 1); //signal a failure return nullptr; } }
void KSnapShot::Shot(KListView * list) { unsigned char * start = NULL; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; KPEFile module; void * lastmodule = NULL; typedef enum { nMaxHeaps = 10 }; HANDLE ProcHeaps[nMaxHeaps]; int heaps = GetProcessHeaps(nMaxHeaps, ProcHeaps); while ( VirtualQuery(start, & info, sizeof(info)) ) { KRegion * pRegion = NULL; // compute CRC for committed region if (info.State == MEM_COMMIT) { pRegion = FindRegion(start, info.RegionSize); if (pRegion) { pRegion->type = info.Type; pRegion->lastcrc = pRegion->crc; pRegion->crc = m_crc.Update(0, start, info.RegionSize); pRegion->count ++; } } if (list) { TCHAR temp[MAX_PATH]; const TCHAR * p ; if ( pRegion && pRegion->count>=2 ) { wsprintf(temp, "%04x", pRegion->lastcrc); list->AddItem(0, temp, ( pRegion->lastcrc != pRegion->crc ) + 1); } else list->AddItem(0, " ", 0); if ( pRegion ) { wsprintf(temp, "%04x", pRegion->crc); list->AddItem(1, temp); } wsprintf(temp, "%08lx", info.BaseAddress); list->AddItem(2, temp); wsprintf(temp, "%08lx", info.RegionSize); list->AddItem(3, temp); switch (info.State) { case MEM_FREE: p = "F "; break; case MEM_RESERVE: p = "R "; break; case MEM_COMMIT: p = "C "; break; default: p = "? "; } strcpy(temp, p); if ( info.State != MEM_FREE) { switch (info.Type) { case MEM_IMAGE: p = "I "; break; case MEM_MAPPED: p = "M "; break; case MEM_PRIVATE: p = "P "; break; default: p = "? "; } strcat(temp, p); AddFlags(temp, info.AllocationProtect, Protections, sizeof(Protections)/sizeof(Protections[0])); } list->AddItem(4, temp); /* char t[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(t, "%8lx ", info.AllocationBase); strcat(temp, t); if (info.State != MEM_RESERVE) AddFlags(temp, info.Protect, Protections, sizeof(Protections)/sizeof(Protections[0])); */ if (info.State != MEM_FREE ) if ( GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE) info.BaseAddress, temp, sizeof(temp)) ) { if (lastmodule) { module.Unload(); lastmodule = NULL; } if ( module.Load(temp) ) lastmodule = info.BaseAddress; // remove the directory path, keep only the filename if ( strchr(temp, '\\') ) { for (char *p = strchr(temp, '\\') + 1; strchr(p, '\\'); p = strchr(p, '\\') + 1); list->AddItem(5, p); } else list->AddItem(5, temp); } else { const char * p = NULL; if (lastmodule != NULL) p = module.GetSectionName((unsigned) info.BaseAddress - (unsigned) lastmodule); if (p == NULL) for (int h=0; h<heaps; h++) if ( info.BaseAddress == ProcHeaps[h] ) { wsprintf(temp, "Heap %d", h+1); p = temp; break; } if (p == NULL) if ( ( (unsigned) (& p) >= (unsigned) info.BaseAddress ) && ( (unsigned) (& p) < (unsigned) info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize ) ) p = "Stack"; if ( p ) list->AddItem(5, p); } } start += info.RegionSize; if (start == 0) break; } if (lastmodule) module.Unload(); }
hsa_status_t LoaderContext::FindReadonlyRegion(hsa_region_t region, void *data) { return FindRegion(HSA_REGION_SEGMENT_READONLY, region, data); }
hsa_status_t LoaderContext::FindGlobalRegion(hsa_region_t region, void *data) { return FindRegion(HSA_REGION_SEGMENT_GLOBAL, region, data); }