/* class static */ void
XMPUtils::AppendProperties ( const XMPMeta & source,
							 XMPMeta *		 dest,
							 XMP_OptionBits	 options )
	XMP_Assert ( dest != 0 );	// ! Enforced by wrapper.

	const bool doAll	   = ((options & kXMPUtil_DoAllProperties) != 0);
	const bool replaceOld  = ((options & kXMPUtil_ReplaceOldValues) != 0);
	const bool deleteEmpty = ((options & kXMPUtil_DeleteEmptyValues) != 0);

	for ( size_t schemaNum = 0, schemaLim = source.tree.children.size(); schemaNum != schemaLim; ++schemaNum ) {

		const XMP_Node * sourceSchema = source.tree.children[schemaNum];

		// Make sure we have a destination schema node. Remember if it is newly created.
		XMP_Node * destSchema = FindSchemaNode ( &dest->tree, sourceSchema->name.c_str(), kXMP_ExistingOnly );
		const bool newDestSchema = (destSchema == 0);
		if ( newDestSchema ) {
			destSchema = new XMP_Node ( &dest->tree, sourceSchema->name, sourceSchema->value, kXMP_SchemaNode );
			dest->tree.children.push_back ( destSchema );

		// Process the source schema's children. Do this backwards in case deleteEmpty is set.
		for ( long propNum = ((long)sourceSchema->children.size() - 1); propNum >= 0; --propNum ) {
			const XMP_Node * sourceProp = sourceSchema->children[propNum];
			if ( doAll || IsExternalProperty ( sourceSchema->name, sourceProp->name ) ) {
				AppendSubtree ( sourceProp, destSchema, replaceOld, deleteEmpty );
// ***				RemoveMultiValueInfo ( dest, sourceSchema->name.c_str(), sourceProp->name.c_str() );
		if ( destSchema->children.empty() ) {
			if ( newDestSchema ) {
				delete ( destSchema );
			} else if ( deleteEmpty ) {
				DeleteEmptySchema ( destSchema );

}	// AppendProperties
/* class static */ void
XMPUtils::DuplicateSubtree ( const XMPMeta & source,
							 XMPMeta *		 dest,
							 XMP_StringPtr	 sourceNS,
							 XMP_StringPtr	 sourceRoot,
							 XMP_StringPtr	 destNS,
							 XMP_StringPtr	 destRoot,
							 XMP_OptionBits	 options )
	options = options;	// Avoid unused parameter warning.
	bool fullSourceTree = false;
	bool fullDestTree   = false;
	XMP_ExpandedXPath sourcePath, destPath; 

	const XMP_Node * sourceNode = 0;
	XMP_Node * destNode = 0;
	XMP_Assert ( (sourceNS != 0) && (*sourceNS != 0) );
	XMP_Assert ( (sourceRoot != 0) && (*sourceRoot != 0) );
	XMP_Assert ( (dest != 0) && (destNS != 0) && (destRoot != 0) );

	if ( *destNS == 0 )	  destNS   = sourceNS;
	if ( *destRoot == 0 ) destRoot = sourceRoot;
	if ( XMP_LitMatch ( sourceNS, "*" ) ) fullSourceTree = true;
	if ( XMP_LitMatch ( destNS, "*" ) )   fullDestTree   = true;
	if ( (&source == dest) && (fullSourceTree | fullDestTree) ) {
		XMP_Throw ( "Can't duplicate tree onto itself", kXMPErr_BadParam );
	if ( fullSourceTree & fullDestTree ) XMP_Throw ( "Use Clone for full tree to full tree", kXMPErr_BadParam );

	if ( fullSourceTree ) {
		// The destination must be an existing empty struct, copy all of the source top level as fields.

		ExpandXPath ( destNS, destRoot, &destPath );
		destNode = FindNode ( &dest->tree, destPath, kXMP_ExistingOnly );

		if ( (destNode == 0) || (! XMP_PropIsStruct ( destNode->options )) ) {
			XMP_Throw ( "Destination must be an existing struct", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		if ( ! destNode->children.empty() ) {
			if ( options & kXMP_DeleteExisting ) {
			} else {
				XMP_Throw ( "Destination must be an empty struct", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		for ( size_t schemaNum = 0, schemaLim = source.tree.children.size(); schemaNum < schemaLim; ++schemaNum ) {

			const XMP_Node * currSchema = source.tree.children[schemaNum];

			for ( size_t propNum = 0, propLim = currSchema->children.size(); propNum < propLim; ++propNum ) {
				sourceNode = currSchema->children[propNum];
				XMP_Node * copyNode = new XMP_Node ( destNode, sourceNode->name, sourceNode->value, sourceNode->options );
				destNode->children.push_back ( copyNode );
				CloneOffspring ( sourceNode, copyNode );

	} else if ( fullDestTree ) {

		// The source node must be an existing struct, copy all of the fields to the dest top level.

		XMP_ExpandedXPath sourcePath; 
		ExpandXPath ( sourceNS, sourceRoot, &sourcePath );
		sourceNode = FindConstNode ( &source.tree, sourcePath );

		if ( (sourceNode == 0) || (! XMP_PropIsStruct ( sourceNode->options )) ) {
			XMP_Throw ( "Source must be an existing struct", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		destNode = &dest->tree;
		if ( ! destNode->children.empty() ) {
			if ( options & kXMP_DeleteExisting ) {
			} else {
				XMP_Throw ( "Destination tree must be empty", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		std::string   nsPrefix;
		XMP_StringPtr nsURI;
		XMP_StringLen nsLen;
		for ( size_t fieldNum = 0, fieldLim = sourceNode->children.size(); fieldNum < fieldLim; ++fieldNum ) {

			const XMP_Node * currField = sourceNode->children[fieldNum];

			size_t colonPos = currField->name.find ( ':' );
			nsPrefix.assign ( currField->name.c_str(), colonPos );
			bool nsOK = XMPMeta::GetNamespaceURI ( nsPrefix.c_str(), &nsURI, &nsLen );
			if ( ! nsOK ) XMP_Throw ( "Source field namespace is not global", kXMPErr_BadSchema );
			XMP_Node * destSchema = FindSchemaNode ( &dest->tree, nsURI, kXMP_CreateNodes );
			if ( destSchema == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Failed to find destination schema", kXMPErr_BadSchema );

			XMP_Node * copyNode = new XMP_Node ( destSchema, currField->name, currField->value, currField->options );
			destSchema->children.push_back ( copyNode );
			CloneOffspring ( currField, copyNode );

	} else {

		// Find the root nodes for the source and destination subtrees.
		ExpandXPath ( sourceNS, sourceRoot, &sourcePath );
		ExpandXPath ( destNS, destRoot, &destPath );
		sourceNode = FindConstNode ( &source.tree, sourcePath );
		if ( sourceNode == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't find source subtree", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		destNode = FindNode ( &dest->tree, destPath, kXMP_ExistingOnly );	// Dest must not yet exist.
		if ( destNode != 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Destination subtree must not exist", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		destNode = FindNode ( &dest->tree, destPath, kXMP_CreateNodes );	// Now create the dest.
		if ( destNode == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Can't create destination root node", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		// Make sure the destination is not within the source! The source can't be inside the destination
		// because the source already existed and the destination was just created.
		if ( &source == dest ) {
			for ( XMP_Node * testNode = destNode; testNode != 0; testNode = testNode->parent ) {
				if ( testNode == sourceNode ) {
					// *** delete the just-created dest root node
					XMP_Throw ( "Destination subtree is within the source subtree", kXMPErr_BadXPath );
		// *** Could use a CloneTree util here and maybe elsewhere.
		destNode->value	  = sourceNode->value;	// *** Should use SetNode.
		destNode->options = sourceNode->options;
		CloneOffspring ( sourceNode, destNode );


}	// DuplicateSubtree
/* class static */ void
XMPUtils::RemoveProperties ( XMPMeta *		xmpObj,
							 XMP_StringPtr	schemaNS,
							 XMP_StringPtr	propName,
							 XMP_OptionBits options )
	XMP_Assert ( (schemaNS != 0) && (propName != 0) );	// ! Enforced by wrapper.
	const bool doAll = XMP_TestOption (options, kXMPUtil_DoAllProperties );
	const bool includeAliases = XMP_TestOption ( options, kXMPUtil_IncludeAliases );
	if ( *propName != 0 ) {
		// Remove just the one indicated property. This might be an alias, the named schema might
		// not actually exist. So don't lookup the schema node.
		if ( *schemaNS == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Property name requires schema namespace", kXMPErr_BadParam );
		XMP_ExpandedXPath expPath;
		ExpandXPath ( schemaNS, propName, &expPath );
		XMP_NodePtrPos propPos;
		XMP_Node * propNode = FindNode ( &(xmpObj->tree), expPath, kXMP_ExistingOnly, kXMP_NoOptions, &propPos );
		if ( propNode != 0 ) {
			if ( doAll || IsExternalProperty ( expPath[kSchemaStep].step, expPath[kRootPropStep].step ) ) {
				XMP_Node * parent = propNode->parent;	// *** Should have XMP_Node::RemoveChild(pos).
				delete propNode;	// ! Both delete the node and erase the pointer from the parent.
				parent->children.erase ( propPos );
				DeleteEmptySchema ( parent );
	} else if ( *schemaNS != 0 ) {
		// Remove all properties from the named schema. Optionally include aliases, in which case
		// there might not be an actual schema node. 

		XMP_NodePtrPos schemaPos;
		XMP_Node * schemaNode = FindSchemaNode ( &xmpObj->tree, schemaNS, kXMP_ExistingOnly, &schemaPos );
		if ( schemaNode != 0 ) RemoveSchemaChildren ( schemaPos, doAll );
		if ( includeAliases ) {
			// We're removing the aliases also. Look them up by their namespace prefix. Yes, the
			// alias map is sorted so we could process just that portion. But that takes more code
			// and the extra speed isn't worth it. (Plus this way we avoid a dependence on the map
			// implementation.) Lookup the XMP node from the alias, to make sure the actual exists.

			XMP_StringPtr nsPrefix;
			XMP_StringLen nsLen;
			(void) XMPMeta::GetNamespacePrefix ( schemaNS, &nsPrefix, &nsLen );
			XMP_AliasMapPos currAlias = sRegisteredAliasMap->begin();
			XMP_AliasMapPos endAlias  = sRegisteredAliasMap->end();
			for ( ; currAlias != endAlias; ++currAlias ) {
				if ( strncmp ( currAlias->first.c_str(), nsPrefix, nsLen ) == 0 ) {
					XMP_NodePtrPos actualPos;
					XMP_Node * actualProp = FindNode ( &xmpObj->tree, currAlias->second, kXMP_ExistingOnly, kXMP_NoOptions, &actualPos );
					if ( actualProp != 0 ) {
						XMP_Node * rootProp = actualProp;
						while ( ! XMP_NodeIsSchema ( rootProp->parent->options ) ) rootProp = rootProp->parent;
						if ( doAll || IsExternalProperty ( rootProp->parent->name, rootProp->name ) ) {
							XMP_Node * parent = actualProp->parent;
							delete actualProp;	// ! Both delete the node and erase the pointer from the parent.
							parent->children.erase ( actualPos );
							DeleteEmptySchema ( parent );


	} else {
		// Remove all appropriate properties from all schema. In this case we don't have to be
		// concerned with aliases, they are handled implicitly from the actual properties.

		// ! Iterate backwards to reduce shuffling if schema are erased and to simplify the logic
		// ! for denoting the current schema. (Erasing schema n makes the old n+1 now be n.)

		size_t		   schemaCount = xmpObj->tree.children.size();
		XMP_NodePtrPos beginPos	   = xmpObj->tree.children.begin();
		for ( size_t schemaNum = schemaCount-1, schemaLim = (size_t)(-1); schemaNum != schemaLim; --schemaNum ) {
			XMP_NodePtrPos currSchema = beginPos + schemaNum;
			RemoveSchemaChildren ( currSchema, doAll );

}	// RemoveProperties
Example #4
static XMP_Node *
AddChildNode ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, const XMP_StringPtr value, bool isTopLevel )
    #if 0
        cout << "AddChildNode, parent = " << xmpParent->name << ", child = " << xmlNode.name;
        cout << ", value = \"" << value << '"';
        if ( isTopLevel ) cout << ", top level";
        cout << endl;

    if ( xmlNode.ns.empty() ) {
        XMP_Throw ( "XML namespace required for all elements and attributes", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    XMP_StringPtr  childName    = xmlNode.name.c_str();
    const bool     isArrayItem  = (xmlNode.name == "rdf:li");
    const bool     isValueNode  = (xmlNode.name == "rdf:value");
    XMP_OptionBits childOptions = 0;

    if ( isTopLevel ) {

        // Lookup the schema node, adjust the XMP parent pointer.
        XMP_Assert ( xmpParent->parent == 0 );	// Incoming parent must be the tree root.
        XMP_Node * schemaNode = FindSchemaNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode.ns.c_str(), kXMP_CreateNodes );
        if ( schemaNode->options & kXMP_NewImplicitNode ) schemaNode->options ^= kXMP_NewImplicitNode;	// Clear the implicit node bit.
            // *** Should use "opt &= ~flag" (no conditional), need runtime check for proper 32 bit code.
        xmpParent = schemaNode;

        // If this is an alias set the isAlias flag in the node and the hasAliases flag in the tree.
        if ( sRegisteredAliasMap->find ( xmlNode.name ) != sRegisteredAliasMap->end() ) {
            childOptions |= kXMP_PropIsAlias;
            schemaNode->parent->options |= kXMP_PropHasAliases;


    // Make sure that this is not a duplicate of a named node.
    if ( ! (isArrayItem | isValueNode) ) {
        if ( FindChildNode ( xmpParent, childName, kXMP_ExistingOnly ) != 0 ) {
            XMP_Throw ( "Duplicate property or field node", kXMPErr_BadXMP );


    // Add the new child to the XMP parent node.
    XMP_Node * newChild = new XMP_Node ( xmpParent, childName, value, childOptions );
    if ( (! isValueNode) || xmpParent->children.empty() ) {
         xmpParent->children.push_back ( newChild );
    } else {
         xmpParent->children.insert ( xmpParent->children.begin(), newChild );
    if ( isValueNode ) {
        if ( isTopLevel || (! (xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropValueIsStruct)) ) XMP_Throw ( "Misplaced rdf:value element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
        xmpParent->options |= kRDF_HasValueElem;

    if ( isArrayItem ) {
        if ( ! (xmpParent->options & kXMP_PropValueIsArray) ) XMP_Throw ( "Misplaced rdf:li element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
        newChild->name = kXMP_ArrayItemName;
        #if 0	// *** XMP_DebugBuild
            newChild->_namePtr = newChild->name.c_str();

    return newChild;

}	// AddChildNode