Example #1
    // TODO? :
    // Load the "SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE" hive and mount it,
    // then go to (SOFTWARE\\)Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion,
    // check the REG_SZ value "ProductName" and see whether it's "Windows"
    // or "ReactOS". One may also check the REG_SZ "CurrentVersion" value,
    // the REG_SZ "SystemRoot" and "PathName" values (what are the differences??).
    // Optionally, looking at the SYSTEM hive, CurrentControlSet\\Control,
    // REG_SZ values "SystemBootDevice" (and "FirmwareBootDevice" ??)...

    /* ReactOS reports as Windows NT 5.2 */
    HKEY hKey = NULL;

                      L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion",
                      0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        LONG ret;
        DWORD dwType = 0, dwBufSize = 0;

        ret = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ProductName", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufSize);
        if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_SZ)
            LPTSTR lpszProductName = (LPTSTR)MemAlloc(0, dwBufSize);
            RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ProductName", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpszProductName, &dwBufSize);

            bIsWindowsOS = (FindSubStrI(lpszProductName, _T("Windows")) != NULL);



    return bIsWindowsOS;
Example #2
// TODO: Instead of returning TRUE/FALSE, it would be nice to return
// a flag indicating:
// - whether the installation is actually valid;
// - if it's broken or not (aka. needs for repair, or just upgrading).
static BOOLEAN
    IN HANDLE SystemRootDirectory)
    BOOLEAN Success = FALSE;
    PCWSTR PathName;
    USHORT i;
    UNICODE_STRING VendorName;
    WCHAR VendorNameBuffer[MAX_PATH];

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32 */
    PathName = L"System32\\";
    if (!DoesPathExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\drivers */
    PathName = L"System32\\drivers\\";
    if (!DoesPathExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\config */
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\";
    if (!DoesPathExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

#if 0
     * Check for the existence of SYSTEM and SOFTWARE hives in \SystemRoot\System32\config
     * (but we don't check here whether they are actually valid).
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SYSTEM";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&VendorName, VendorNameBuffer, sizeof(VendorNameBuffer));

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntoskrnl.exe";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &VendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("Kernel executable '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);

    /* The kernel gives the OS its flavour */
    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            Success = !!FindSubStrI(VendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]);
            if (Success)
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT1("IsValidNTOSInstallation: We've got an NTOS installation from %S !\n", KnownVendors[i]);

    /* OPTIONAL: Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntkrnlpa.exe */

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntdll.dll";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &VendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("User-mode DLL '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);
    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            if (!!FindSubStrI(VendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]))
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT1("IsValidNTOSInstallation: The user-mode DLL '%S' is from %S\n", PathName, KnownVendors[i]);

    return Success;
Example #3
// TODO: Instead of returning TRUE/FALSE, it would be nice to return
// a flag indicating:
// - whether the installation is actually valid;
// - if it's broken or not (aka. needs for repair, or just upgrading).
static BOOLEAN
    IN HANDLE SystemRootDirectory,
    BOOLEAN Success = FALSE;
    PCWSTR PathName;
    USHORT i;
    USHORT LocalMachine;
    UNICODE_STRING LocalVendorName;
    WCHAR VendorNameBuffer[MAX_PATH];

    /* Check for VendorName validity */
    if (VendorName->MaximumLength < sizeof(UNICODE_NULL))
        /* Don't use it, invalidate the pointer */
        VendorName = NULL;
        /* Zero it out */
        *VendorName->Buffer = UNICODE_NULL;
        VendorName->Length = 0;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32 */
    PathName = L"System32\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\drivers */
    PathName = L"System32\\drivers\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\config */
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\";
    if (!DoesDirExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open directory '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

#if 0
     * Check for the existence of SYSTEM and SOFTWARE hives in \SystemRoot\System32\config
     * (but we don't check here whether they are actually valid).
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SYSTEM";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;
    PathName = L"System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";
    if (!DoesFileExist(SystemRootDirectory, PathName))
        // DPRINT1("Failed to open file '%S', Status 0x%08lx\n", PathName, Status);
        return FALSE;

    RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&LocalVendorName, VendorNameBuffer, sizeof(VendorNameBuffer));

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntoskrnl.exe and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntoskrnl.exe";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &LocalMachine, &LocalVendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("Kernel executable '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);

     * The kernel gives the OS its flavour. If we failed due to the absence of
     * ntoskrnl.exe this might be due to the fact this particular installation
     * uses a custom kernel that has a different name, overridden in the boot
     * parameters. We then rely on the existence of ntdll.dll, which cannot be
     * renamed on a valid NT system.
    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            Success = !!FindSubStrI(LocalVendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]);
            if (Success)
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT("IsValidNTOSInstallation: We've got an NTOS installation from %S !\n", KnownVendors[i]);

        /* Return the target architecture */
        if (Machine)
            /* Copy the value and invalidate the pointer */
            *Machine = LocalMachine;
            Machine = NULL;

        /* Return the vendor name */
        if (VendorName)
            /* Copy the string and invalidate the pointer */
            RtlCopyUnicodeString(VendorName, &LocalVendorName);
            VendorName = NULL;

    /* OPTIONAL: Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntkrnlpa.exe */

    /* Check for the existence of \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll and retrieves its vendor name */
    PathName = L"System32\\ntdll.dll";
    Success = CheckForValidPEAndVendor(SystemRootDirectory, PathName, &LocalMachine, &LocalVendorName);
    if (!Success)
        DPRINT1("User-mode DLL '%S' is either not a PE file, or does not have any vendor?\n", PathName);

    if (Success)
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KnownVendors); ++i)
            if (!!FindSubStrI(LocalVendorName.Buffer, KnownVendors[i]))
                /* We have found a correct vendor combination */
                DPRINT("IsValidNTOSInstallation: The user-mode DLL '%S' is from %S\n", PathName, KnownVendors[i]);

        /* Return the target architecture if not already obtained */
        if (Machine)
            /* Copy the value and invalidate the pointer */
            *Machine = LocalMachine;
            Machine = NULL;

        /* Return the vendor name if not already obtained */
        if (VendorName)
            /* Copy the string and invalidate the pointer */
            RtlCopyUnicodeString(VendorName, &LocalVendorName);
            VendorName = NULL;

    return Success;
Example #4
static void AddService(SC_HANDLE hSCManager, LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS Service, BOOL bHideOSVendorServices)
    // Retrieve a handle to the service.
    SC_HANDLE hService = OpenServiceW(hSCManager, Service->lpServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG);
    if (hService == NULL)

    DWORD dwBytesNeeded = 0;
    QueryServiceConfigW(hService, NULL, 0, &dwBytesNeeded);
    // if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)

    LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG lpServiceConfig = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)MemAlloc(0, dwBytesNeeded);
    if (!lpServiceConfig)
    QueryServiceConfigW(hService, lpServiceConfig, dwBytesNeeded, &dwBytesNeeded);

    // Get the service's vendor...
    LPWSTR lpszVendor = NULL;
    // Isolate only the executable path, without any arguments.
    // TODO: Correct at the level of CmdLineToArgv the potential bug when lpszFilename == NULL.
#if 0 // Disabled until CmdLineToArgv is included
    unsigned int argc = 0;
    LPWSTR*      argv = NULL;
    CmdLineToArgv(lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName, &argc, &argv, L" \t");
    if (argc >= 1 && argv[0])
        lpszVendor = GetExecutableVendor(argv[0]);
    // Hackish solution taken from the original srvpage.c.
    // Will be removed after CmdLineToArgv is introduced.
    WCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH];
    memset(&FileName, 0, sizeof(FileName));
    if (wcscspn(lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName, L"\""))
        wcsncpy(FileName, lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName, wcscspn(lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName, L" ") );
        wcscpy(FileName, lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName);
    lpszVendor = GetExecutableVendor(FileName);
    if (!lpszVendor)
        lpszVendor = LoadResourceString(hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN);
#if 0

    // ...and display or not the Microsoft / ReactOS services.
    BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
    if (bHideOSVendorServices)
        if (FindSubStrI(lpszVendor, bIsWindows ? IDS_MICROSOFT : IDS_REACTOS))
            bContinue = FALSE;

    if (bContinue)
        BOOL bIsServiceEnabled  = (lpServiceConfig->dwStartType != SERVICE_DISABLED);
        BOOL bAddServiceToList  = FALSE;
        BOOL bIsModifiedService = FALSE;
        RegistryDisabledServiceItemParams params = {};

        // Try to look into the user modifications list...
        POSITION it = userModificationsList.Find(Service->lpServiceName);
        if (it)
            bAddServiceToList  = TRUE;
            bIsModifiedService = TRUE;

        // ...if not found, try to find if the disabled service is in the registry.
        if (!bAddServiceToList)
            if (!bIsServiceEnabled)
                QUERY_REGISTRY_KEYS_TABLE KeysQueryTable[2] = {};
                KeysQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = GetRegistryKeyedDisabledServicesQueryRoutine;
                KeysQueryTable[0].EntryContext = &params;
                RegQueryRegistryKeys(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\MSConfig\\services", KeysQueryTable, Service->lpServiceName);

                bAddServiceToList = params.bIsPresent;

                if (bIsWindows && bIsPreVistaOSVersion && !bAddServiceToList)
                    QUERY_REGISTRY_VALUES_TABLE ValuesQueryTable[2] = {};
                    ValuesQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = GetRegistryValuedDisabledServicesQueryRoutine;
                    ValuesQueryTable[0].EntryContext = &params;
                    RegQueryRegistryValues(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\MSConfig\\services", ValuesQueryTable, Service->lpServiceName);

                    bAddServiceToList = params.bIsPresent;
                bAddServiceToList = TRUE;

        if (bAddServiceToList)
            // Check if service is required by the system.
            BOOL bIsRequired = FALSE;

            dwBytesNeeded = 0;
            QueryServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, NULL, 0, &dwBytesNeeded);
            // if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)

            LPSERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS lpServiceFailureActions = (LPSERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS)MemAlloc(0, dwBytesNeeded);
            if (!lpServiceFailureActions)

            QueryServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, (LPBYTE)lpServiceFailureActions, dwBytesNeeded, &dwBytesNeeded);

            // In Microsoft's MSConfig, things are done just like that!! (extracted string values from msconfig.exe)
            if ( ( wcsicmp(Service->lpServiceName, L"rpcss"     ) == 0   ||
                   wcsicmp(Service->lpServiceName, L"rpclocator") == 0   ||
                   wcsicmp(Service->lpServiceName, L"dcomlaunch") == 0 ) ||
                   ( lpServiceFailureActions &&
                     (lpServiceFailureActions->cActions >= 1) &&
                     (lpServiceFailureActions->lpsaActions[0].Type == SC_ACTION_REBOOT) ) ) // We add also this test, which corresponds to real life.
                bIsRequired = TRUE;

            // Add the service into the list.
            LVITEM item = {};
            item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM;
            item.pszText = Service->lpDisplayName;
            item.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(new ServiceItem(Service->lpServiceName, bIsServiceEnabled, bIsRequired));
            item.iItem = ListView_InsertItem(hServicesListCtrl, &item);

            if (bIsRequired)
                LPWSTR lpszYes = LoadResourceString(hInst, IDS_YES);
                ListView_SetItemText(hServicesListCtrl, item.iItem, 1, lpszYes);

            ListView_SetItemText(hServicesListCtrl, item.iItem, 2, lpszVendor);

            LPWSTR lpszStatus = LoadResourceString(hInst, ((Service->ServiceStatusProcess.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) ? IDS_SERVICES_STATUS_STOPPED : IDS_SERVICES_STATUS_RUNNING));
            ListView_SetItemText(hServicesListCtrl, item.iItem, 3, lpszStatus);

            if (!bIsServiceEnabled)
                LPWSTR lpszUnknown = LoadResourceString(hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN);

                LPWSTR lpszDisableDate = FormatDateTime(&params.time);
                ListView_SetItemText(hServicesListCtrl, item.iItem, 4, (lpszDisableDate ? lpszDisableDate : lpszUnknown));


            ListView_SetCheckState(hServicesListCtrl, item.iItem, (!bIsModifiedService ? bIsServiceEnabled : !bIsServiceEnabled));

