Example #1
void TestFile(SZC strName, int ioffs, Size size2, int cbit, int ccomp, bool littleEndianFile)
	int byteCount = size2.cx * size2.cy * ccomp * ((cbit + 7)/8);
	std::vector<BYTE> rgbyteUncompressed;

	if (!ReadFile(strName, &rgbyteUncompressed, ioffs, byteCount))

	if (cbit > 8)
		FixEndian(&rgbyteUncompressed, littleEndianFile);		

	TestRoundTrip(strName, rgbyteUncompressed, size2, cbit, ccomp);
Example #2
void TestFile16BitAs12(SZC strName, int ioffs, Size size2, int ccomp, bool littleEndianFile)
	std::vector<BYTE> rgbyteUncompressed;	
	if (!ReadFile(strName, &rgbyteUncompressed, ioffs))

	FixEndian(&rgbyteUncompressed, littleEndianFile);		

	USHORT* pushort = (USHORT*)&rgbyteUncompressed[0];

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)rgbyteUncompressed.size()/2; ++i)
		pushort[i] = pushort[i] >> 4;

	TestRoundTrip(strName, rgbyteUncompressed, size2, 12, ccomp);
Example #3
// ==============================================================
// Extract License & Notes files
// These are stored as 4-bytes length, followed by length-bytes of compressed data
int	ExtractTextFile(BLOCK_DATA *Blk, ULONG FileType)
		ULONG n, m;
		BYTE *zSrcBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf;
		BYTE *zDstBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->DstBuf;

		const char *FileExt;
		if (FileType == FLAGS_License)
			FileExt = LicenseExt;
		else if (FileType == FLAGS_Notes)
			FileExt = NotesExt;
			return 0;

		// NB:Can't use BioReadBuf... aligment problems? Yet it works for ProcessNextBlock() !!??
		// Ok, can use ReadInputFile here cause everythjing is whole no. of bytes...

		//BioReadBuf((BYTE *)&n, sizeof(n));					// Read length of block from file
	  ReadInputFile((BYTE *)&n, sizeof(n));					// Read length of block from file
	  FixEndian(&n, sizeof(n));										// Fix endian

		if (n <= 0  ||  n > ZBUF_SIZE)								// Check for valid block length
			sprintf(MsgTxt, "ERROR - Invalid length for %s file (apparently %ld bytes) %s", FileExt, n, CorruptedMsg);
			msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
			GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_CORRUPT;
			return 0;

		//BioReadBuf(zSrcBuf, n);																					// Read the block
	  ReadInputFile((BYTE *)zSrcBuf, n);																// Read the block
		m = UnMemcomp(zSrcBuf, n, zDstBuf, ZBUF_SIZE);										// Uncompress
		Blk->FileCheck = adler32(Blk->FileCheck, zDstBuf, m);	   					// Accumulate checksum
		if (GlobalErrorFlag  ||  m > ZBUF_SIZE)														// Uncompressed ok & size is valid?
			return 0;

		// Write file - Use original file name plus specified extension for OutFileName...
		char OutFileName[MAX_FILENAME];
		strncpy(OutFileName, Blk->FileHeader.FileName, sizeof(OutFileName));	// copy output filename
		ChangeFileExt(OutFileName, FileExt, sizeof(OutFileName));
		OpenOutputFile(OutFileName);	// Create notes / license file
		WriteOutputFile(zDstBuf, m);																			// and write to output file
		if (FileType == FLAGS_License)
                    sprintf(MsgTxt, "Created license file: %s", OutFileName);
                    msg(MsgTxt, 0);
			if (GetLicenseAgreement((const char *)zDstBuf, OutFileName) == 0)
				GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_LICENSE;
				return EndProcess(0);
		else if (FileType == FLAGS_Notes)
                    sprintf(MsgTxt, "Created notes file: %s", OutFileName);
                    msg(MsgTxt, 0);
                    DisplayNotes((const char *)zDstBuf, OutFileName);

		return 1;
Example #4
// ==============================================================
int ProcessNextBlock(BLOCK_DATA *Blk)
    //int	TotBytesRead = 0;						// Total bytes read in file
    int	NumWords;							//

    uint32_t	n, m;							// NB: Must be 32-bit integer

    #define	AWBYTES	(sizeof(AWORD))
    BYTE *zSrcBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf;
    BYTE *zDstBuf = (BYTE *) Blk->DstBuf;

    switch (Blk->FileSection)
      case AUDIO:
	NumWords = Blk->ReadSize;					// Number of words we will read in this block
	n = NumWords * AWBYTES;						// ... and number of bytes

	if (Blk->TotBytesWritten + n >= Blk->FileHeader.PostAudioStart)			// Short block? (near end of file)
	    n = Blk->FileHeader.PostAudioStart - Blk->TotBytesWritten;				// Get exact length in bytes
	    NumWords = n / AWBYTES;																						// ... and words
	    Blk->FileSection = POST_AUDIO;		// End of Audio -- PostAudio section is next
	//printf("AUDIO, read %ld bytes\n", n);

	if (Blk->FileHeader.CompMethod == COMPRESSION_v2Turbo)						// If using Turbo compression
	  DecompressTurbo(Blk, NumWords);									// Decompress
	else																															// For all other methods
	  DecompressFast(Blk, NumWords);										// Decompress

	//printf("B4 WriteOutputFile: %ld\n", adler32(0, (const BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf, n) & 0xffff);
	/*#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	#define	WFIX(I)		s = bp[I+0]; bp[I+0] = bp[I+1]; bp[I+1] = s;
	BYTE *bp = (BYTE *) Blk->SrcBuf; BYTE *ep = bp + n;
	do {						
	  BYTE s;					
	  WFIX(0); WFIX(2); WFIX(4); WFIX(6);		
	  WFIX(8); WFIX(10); WFIX(12); WFIX(14);	
	  bp += 16;					
	} while (bp < ep);				
	#undef WFIX
	WriteOutputFile((const BYTE *)Blk->SrcBuf, n);										// Write to output file
	Blk->TotBytesWritten += n;																				// Accumulate total bytes written
      case PRE_AUDIO: case POST_AUDIO: case NON_AUDIO:
	BioReadBuf((BYTE *) &n, sizeof(n));	
	FixEndian(&n, sizeof(n));
	//printf("Reading PRE/POST AUDIO block, compressed %ld bytes\n", n);
	if (n > ZBUF_SIZE)	// Check for valid block length
	  sprintf(MsgTxt, "ERROR - Invalid length for Non-audio Block (apparently %d bytes) %s", n, CorruptedMsg);
	  msg(MsgTxt, MSG_PopUp);
	  return (GlobalErrorFlag = SFARKLIB_ERR_CORRUPT);

	BioReadBuf(zSrcBuf, n);		// Read the block
	m = UnMemcomp(zSrcBuf, n, zDstBuf, ZBUF_SIZE);											//printf("PRE/POST AUDIO block, compressed %ld bytes, uncompressed %ld bytes\n", n, m);

	// Uncompress
	if (GlobalErrorFlag != SFARKLIB_SUCCESS)  return(GlobalErrorFlag);
	if (m <= ZBUF_SIZE)														// Uncompressed ok & size is valid?
	  //printf("writing uncompressed block %ld bytes\n", m);
	  Blk->FileCheck = adler32(Blk->FileCheck, zDstBuf, m);	// Accumulate checksum
	  WriteOutputFile(zDstBuf, m);				// and write to output file
	  Blk->TotBytesWritten += m;				// Accumulate byte count

	#if	DB_BLOCKCHECK					// If debug mode block check enabled
	ULONG BlockCheck = BioRead(16);				// Read block check bits
	FixEndian(&BlockCheck, sizeof(Blockcheck));
	ULONG CalcBlockCheck = adler32(0, zDstBuf, m) & 0xFFFF;
	printf("NonAudio Block Checks Read: %ld, Calc %ld Length=%d\n", BlockCheck, CalcBlockCheck, m);
	if (BlockCheck != CalcBlockCheck)			// Compare to calculated cheksum
	  printf("*** NonAudio Block check FAIL\n");
	  printf("NonAudio Block check Ok\n");

	//printf("PRE/POST AUDIO, read %ld bytes, writing %ld bytes...", n, m);

        if (Blk->TotBytesWritten >= Blk->FileHeader.OriginalSize)	// Have we finished the file?
	  Blk->FileSection = FINISHED;
	else if (Blk->FileSection == PRE_AUDIO && Blk->TotBytesWritten >= Blk->FileHeader.AudioStart)	// finished Pre-Audio?
	  Blk->FileSection = AUDIO;					// .. then next section is Audio

      } // case
    } //switch

    //sprintf(MsgTxt, "BytesWritten: %ld of %ld", Blk->TotBytesWritten, Blk->FileHeader.OriginalSize);
    //msg(MsgTxt, 0);