Example #1
fixed_t FixedHypot(fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
	const float fx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x);
	const float fy = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(y);
	float fz;
	fz = hypotf(fx, fy);
	fz = (float)hypot(fx, fy);
	return FLOAT_TO_FIXED(fz);
#else // !HAVE_HYPOT
	fixed_t ax, yx, yx2, yx1;
	if (abs(y) > abs(x)) // |y|>|x|
		ax = abs(y); // |y| => ax
		yx = FixedDiv(x, y); // (x/y)
	else // |x|>|y|
		ax = abs(x); // |x| => ax
		yx = FixedDiv(y, x); // (x/y)
	yx2 = FixedMul(yx, yx); // (x/y)^2
	yx1 = FixedSqrt(1+FRACUNIT + yx2); // (1 + (x/y)^2)^1/2
	return FixedMul(ax, yx1); // |x|*((1 + (x/y)^2)^1/2)
Example #2
void AM_addMark(void)
  markpoints[markpointnum].x = m_x + m_w/2;
  markpoints[markpointnum].y = m_y + m_h/2;
  markpointnum = (markpointnum + 1) % AM_NUMMARKPOINTS;

void AM_findMinMaxBoundaries(void)
    int i;
    fixed_t a, b;

    min_x = min_y = INT_MAX;
    max_x = max_y = -INT_MAX;
    for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; i++)
        if (vertexes[i].x < min_x)
            min_x = vertexes[i].x;
        else if (vertexes[i].x > max_x)
            max_x = vertexes[i].x;
        if (vertexes[i].y < min_y)
            min_y = vertexes[i].y;
        else if (vertexes[i].y > max_y)
            max_y = vertexes[i].y;
    max_w = max_x - min_x;
    max_h = max_y - min_y;
    min_w = 2 * PLAYERRADIUS;
    min_h = 2 * PLAYERRADIUS;

    a = FixedDiv(f_w << FRACBITS, max_w);
    b = FixedDiv(f_h << FRACBITS, max_h);
    min_scale_mtof = a < b ? a : b;

    max_scale_mtof = FixedDiv(f_h << FRACBITS, 2 * PLAYERRADIUS);

Example #3
vector_t *FV_DivideEx(const vector_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c, vector_t *a_o)
	a_o->x = FixedDiv(a_i->x, a_c);
	a_o->y = FixedDiv(a_i->y, a_c);
	a_o->z = FixedDiv(a_i->z, a_c);
	return a_o;
Example #4
int EV_BuildPillar(line_t *line, byte *args, boolean crush)
	int secnum;
	sector_t *sec;
	pillar_t *pillar;
	int newHeight;
	int rtn;

	rtn = 0;
	secnum = -1;
	while((secnum = P_FindSectorFromTag(args[0], secnum)) >= 0)
		sec = &sectors[secnum];
			continue; // already moving
		if(sec->floorheight == sec->ceilingheight)
		{ // pillar is already closed
		rtn = 1;
			newHeight = sec->floorheight+
			newHeight = sec->floorheight+(args[2]<<FRACBITS);

		pillar = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*pillar), PU_LEVSPEC, 0);
		sec->specialdata = pillar;
		pillar->thinker.function = T_BuildPillar;
		pillar->sector = sec;
			pillar->ceilingSpeed = pillar->floorSpeed = args[1]*(FRACUNIT/8);
		else if(newHeight-sec->floorheight > sec->ceilingheight-newHeight)
			pillar->floorSpeed = args[1]*(FRACUNIT/8);
			pillar->ceilingSpeed = FixedMul(sec->ceilingheight-newHeight,
				FixedDiv(pillar->floorSpeed, newHeight-sec->floorheight));
			pillar->ceilingSpeed = args[1]*(FRACUNIT/8);
			pillar->floorSpeed = FixedMul(newHeight-sec->floorheight,
				FixedDiv(pillar->ceilingSpeed, sec->ceilingheight-newHeight));
		pillar->floordest = newHeight;
		pillar->ceilingdest = newHeight;
		pillar->direction = 1;
		pillar->crush = crush*args[3];
		SN_StartSequence((mobj_t *)&pillar->sector->soundorg, 
	return rtn;
Example #5
void R_InitSkyMap ()
	if (textureheight == NULL)

	if (textureheight[skytexture] <= (128 << FRACBITS))
                skytexturemid = 100*FRACUNIT;
                skystretch = (r_stretchsky && allowfreelook);
		skytexturemid = 100*FRACUNIT;
		skystretch = 0;
	skyheight = textureheight[skytexture] << skystretch;

	if (viewwidth && viewheight)
		skyiscale = (200*FRACUNIT) / (((freelookviewheight<<detailxshift) * viewwidth) / (viewwidth<<detailxshift));
		skyscale = ((((freelookviewheight<<detailxshift) * viewwidth) / (viewwidth<<detailxshift)) << FRACBITS) /(200);

		skyiscale = FixedMul (skyiscale, FixedDiv (clipangle, ANG45));
		skyscale = FixedMul (skyscale, FixedDiv (ANG45, clipangle));

	// The sky map is 256*128*4 maps.
	skyshift = 22+skystretch-16;
	if (texturewidthmask[skytexture] >= 256*2-1)
		skyshift -= skystretch;
Example #6
void R_ClearPlanes(void)
    int i;
    angle_t angle;

// opening / clipping determination
    for (i = 0; i < viewwidth; i++)
        floorclip[i] = viewheight;
        ceilingclip[i] = -1;

    lastvisplane = visplanes;
    lastopening = openings;

// texture calculation
    memset(cachedheight, 0, sizeof(cachedheight));
    angle = (viewangle - ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;    // left to right mapping

    // scale will be unit scale at SCREENWIDTH/2 distance
    basexscale = FixedDiv(finecosine[angle], centerxfrac);
    baseyscale = -FixedDiv(finesine[angle], centerxfrac);
Example #7
void R_BlastSpriteColumn(void (*drawfunc)())
	tallpost_t* post = dcol.post;

	while (!post->end())
		// calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
		int topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale * post->topdelta + 1;

		dcol.yl = (topscreen + FRACUNIT) >> FRACBITS;
		dcol.yh = (topscreen + spryscale * post->length) >> FRACBITS;

		dcol.yl = MAX(dcol.yl, mceilingclip[dcol.x] + 1);
		dcol.yh = MIN(dcol.yh, mfloorclip[dcol.x] - 1);

		dcol.texturefrac = dcol.texturemid - (post->topdelta << FRACBITS)
			+ (dcol.yl * dcol.iscale) - FixedMul(centeryfrac - FRACUNIT, dcol.iscale);

		if (dcol.texturefrac < 0)
			int cnt = (FixedDiv(-dcol.texturefrac, dcol.iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;
			dcol.yl += cnt;
			dcol.texturefrac += cnt * dcol.iscale;

		const fixed_t endfrac = dcol.texturefrac + (dcol.yh - dcol.yl) * dcol.iscale;
		const fixed_t maxfrac = post->length << FRACBITS;
		if (endfrac >= maxfrac)
			int cnt = (FixedDiv(endfrac - maxfrac - 1, dcol.iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;
			dcol.yh -= cnt;
Example #8
void Scene::showSprites() {
	// TODO: This is all experimental code, it needs heavy restructuring
	// and cleanup

	// taken from set_walker_scaling() in adv_walk.cpp. A proper implementation will need
	// to store these in global variables
	int minScaling = FixedDiv(_sceneResources->backScale << 16, 100 << 16);
	int maxScaling = FixedDiv(_sceneResources->frontScale << 16, 100 << 16);
	int scaler;


	// taken from set_walker_scaling() in adv_walk.cpp
	if (_sceneResources->frontY == _sceneResources->backY)
		scaler = 0;
		scaler = FixedDiv(maxScaling - minScaling,
				 (_sceneResources->frontY << 16) - (_sceneResources->backY << 16));

	// FIXME: For now, we (incorrectly) scale the walker to 50% of the scene's max scaling
	_vm->_actor->setWalkerScaling(scaler / 2);
	// Test code to display the protagonist
	_vm->_actor->placeWalkerSpriteAt(0, 320, 200);

	// Test code to display scene sprites
	// TODO
Example #9
static void InitializeFade(boolean fadeIn)
	unsigned i;

	Palette = Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(fixed_t), PU_STATIC, 0);
	PaletteDelta = Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(fixed_t), PU_STATIC, 0);
	RealPalette = Z_Malloc(768*sizeof(byte), PU_STATIC, 0);

		memset(RealPalette, 0, 768*sizeof(byte));
		for(i = 0; i < 768; i++)
			Palette[i] = 0;
			PaletteDelta[i] = FixedDiv((*((byte *)W_CacheLumpName("playpal", 
		for(i = 0; i < 768; i++)
			RealPalette[i] = *((byte *)W_CacheLumpName("playpal", PU_CACHE)+i);
			Palette[i] = RealPalette[i]<<FRACBITS;
			PaletteDelta[i] = FixedDiv(Palette[i], -70*FRACUNIT);
Example #10
// Also returns the magnitude
fixed_t FV_NormalizeEx(const vector_t *a_normal, vector_t *a_o)
	fixed_t magnitude = FV_Magnitude(a_normal);
	a_o->x = FixedDiv(a_normal->x, magnitude);
	a_o->y = FixedDiv(a_normal->y, magnitude);
	a_o->z = FixedDiv(a_normal->z, magnitude);
	return magnitude;
Example #11
// Vector Complex Math
vector_t *FV_Midpoint(const vector_t *a_1, const vector_t *a_2, vector_t *a_o)
	a_o->x = FixedDiv(a_2->x - a_1->x, 2*FRACUNIT);
	a_o->y = FixedDiv(a_2->y - a_1->y, 2*FRACUNIT);
	a_o->z = FixedDiv(a_2->z - a_1->z, 2*FRACUNIT);
	a_o->x = a_1->x + a_o->x;
	a_o->y = a_1->y + a_o->y;
	a_o->z = a_1->z + a_o->z;
	return a_o;
Example #12
// PTR_chaseTraverse
// go til you hit a wall
// set the chasecam target x and ys if you hit one
// originally based on the shooting traverse function in p_maputl.c
static bool PTR_chaseTraverse(intercept_t *in)
   fixed_t dist, frac;
   subsector_t *ss;
   int x, y;
   int z;
   sector_t *othersector;

      line_t *li = in->d.line;
      dist = FixedMul(trace.attackrange, in->frac);
      frac = in->frac - FixedDiv(12*FRACUNIT, trace.attackrange);
      // hit line
      // position a bit closer
      x = trace.dl.x + FixedMul(trace.dl.dx, frac);
      y = trace.dl.y + FixedMul(trace.dl.dy, frac);

      // ioanch 20160225: portal lines are currently not crossed
      if(li->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && !(li->pflags & PS_PASSABLE))
      {  // crosses a two sided line

         // sf: find which side it hit
         ss = R_PointInSubsector (x, y);
         othersector = li->backsector;
         if(ss->sector==li->backsector)      // other side
            othersector = li->frontsector;

         // interpolate, find z at the point of intersection
         z = zi(dist, trace.attackrange, targetz, playermobj->z+28*FRACUNIT);
         // found which side, check for intersections
         if((li->flags & ML_BLOCKING) || 
            (othersector->floorheight>z) || (othersector->ceilingheight<z)
            || (othersector->ceilingheight-othersector->floorheight
                < 40*FRACUNIT));          // hit
            return true;    // continue

      targetx = x;        // point the new chasecam target at the intersection
      targety = y;
      targetz = zi(dist, trace.attackrange, targetz, playermobj->z+28*FRACUNIT);
      // don't go any farther
      return false;
   return true;
Example #13
// PlaneIntersection
// Returns the distance from
// rOrigin to where the ray
// intersects the plane. Assumes
// you already know it intersects
// the plane.
fixed_t FV_PlaneIntersection(const vector_t *pOrigin, const vector_t *pNormal, const vector_t *rOrigin, const vector_t *rVector)
  fixed_t d = -(FV_Dot(pNormal, pOrigin));
  fixed_t number = FV_Dot(pNormal,rOrigin) + d;
  fixed_t denom = FV_Dot(pNormal,rVector);
  return -FixedDiv(number, denom);
Example #14
void R_InitLightTables (void)
  int i;

  // killough 4/4/98: dynamic colormaps
  c_zlight = malloc(sizeof(*c_zlight) * numcolormaps);

  // Calculate the light levels to use
  //  for each level / distance combination.
  for (i=0; i< LIGHTLEVELS; i++)
      int j, startmap = ((LIGHTLEVELS-1-i)*2)*NUMCOLORMAPS/LIGHTLEVELS;
      for (j=0; j<MAXLIGHTZ; j++)
    // CPhipps - use 320 here instead of SCREENWIDTH, otherwise hires is
    //           brighter than normal res
          int scale = FixedDiv ((320/2*FRACUNIT), (j+1)<<LIGHTZSHIFT);
          int t, level = startmap - (scale >>= LIGHTSCALESHIFT)/DISTMAP;

          if (level < 0)
            level = 0;
            if (level >= NUMCOLORMAPS)
              level = NUMCOLORMAPS-1;

          // killough 3/20/98: Initialize multiple colormaps
          level *= 256;
          for (t=0; t<numcolormaps; t++)         // killough 4/4/98
            c_zlight[t][i][j] = colormaps[t] + level;
Example #15
void AM_LevelInit(void)
  leveljuststarted = 0;

  f_x = f_y = 0;
  f_w = finit_width;
  f_h = finit_height;
	mapxstart = mapystart = 0;

//  AM_clearMarks();

  scale_mtof = FixedDiv(min_scale_mtof, (int) (0.7*FRACUNIT));
  if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof) scale_mtof = min_scale_mtof;
  scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);
Example #16
// AM_getIslope()
// Calculates the slope and slope according to the x-axis of a line
// segment in map coordinates (with the upright y-axis n' all) so
// that it can be used with the brain-dead drawing stuff.
// Passed the line slope is desired for and an islope_t structure for return
// Returns nothing
void AM_getIslope
( mline_t*  ml,
  islope_t* is )
  int dx, dy;

  dy = ml->a.y - ml->b.y;
  dx = ml->b.x - ml->a.x;
  if (!dy)
    is->islp = (dx<0?-MAXINT:MAXINT);
    is->islp = FixedDiv(dx, dy);
  if (!dx)
    is->slp = (dy<0?-MAXINT:MAXINT);
    is->slp = FixedDiv(dy, dx);
Example #17
// AM_LevelInit()
// Initialize the automap at the start of a new level
// should be called at the start of every level
// Passed nothing, returns nothing
// Affects automap's global variables
void AM_LevelInit(void)
  f_x = f_y = 0;

  // killough 2/7/98: get rid of finit_ vars
  // to allow runtime setting of width/height
  // killough 11/98: ... finally add hires support :)

  f_w = (SCREENWIDTH) << hires;
  f_h = (SCREENHEIGHT-ST_HEIGHT) << hires;

  scale_mtof = FixedDiv(min_scale_mtof, (int) (0.7*FRACUNIT));
  if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof)
    scale_mtof = min_scale_mtof;
  scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);
Example #18
// R_CopySubimage
// Copies a portion of source_texture and draws it into dest_texture.
// The source subimage is scaled to fit the dimensions of the destination
// texture.
// Note: no clipping is performed so it is possible to read past the
// end of the source texture.
void R_CopySubimage(Texture* dest_texture, const Texture* source_texture,
	int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2,
	int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2)
	const int destwidth = dx2 - dx1 + 1; 
	const int destheight = dy2 - dy1 + 1;

	const int sourcewidth = sx2 - sx1 + 1;
	const int sourceheight = sy2 - sy1 + 1;

	const fixed_t xstep = FixedDiv(sourcewidth << FRACBITS, destwidth << FRACBITS) + 1;
	const fixed_t ystep = FixedDiv(sourceheight << FRACBITS, destheight << FRACBITS) + 1;

	int dest_offset = dx1 * dest_texture->getHeight() + dy1;
	byte* dest = dest_texture->getData() + dest_offset; 
	byte* dest_mask = dest_texture->getMaskData() + dest_offset; 

	fixed_t xfrac = 0;
	for (int xcount = destwidth; xcount > 0; xcount--)
		int source_offset = (sx1 + (xfrac >> FRACBITS)) * source_texture->getHeight() + sy1;
		const byte* source = source_texture->getData() + source_offset;
		const byte* source_mask = source_texture->getMaskData() + source_offset;

		fixed_t yfrac = 0;
		for (int ycount = destheight; ycount > 0; ycount--)
			*dest++ = source[yfrac >> FRACBITS];	
			*dest_mask++ = source_mask[yfrac >> FRACBITS];	
			yfrac += ystep;

		dest += dest_texture->getHeight() - destheight;
		dest_mask += dest_texture->getHeight() - destheight; 

		xfrac += xstep;

	// copy the source texture's offset info
	int xoffs = FixedDiv(source_texture->getOffsetX() << FRACBITS, xstep) >> FRACBITS;
	int yoffs = FixedDiv(source_texture->getOffsetY() << FRACBITS, ystep) >> FRACBITS;
Example #19
static void R_InitTextureMapping (void)
  register int i,x;
  fixed_t focallength;

  // Use tangent table to generate viewangletox:
  //  viewangletox will give the next greatest x
  //  after the view angle.
  // Calc focallength
  //  so FIELDOFVIEW angles covers SCREENWIDTH.

  focallength = FixedDiv(centerxfrac, finetangent[FINEANGLES/4+FIELDOFVIEW/2]);

  for (i=0 ; i<FINEANGLES/2 ; i++)
      int t;
      if (finetangent[i] > FRACUNIT*2)
        t = -1;
        if (finetangent[i] < -FRACUNIT*2)
          t = viewwidth+1;
          t = FixedMul(finetangent[i], focallength);
          t = (centerxfrac - t + FRACUNIT-1) >> FRACBITS;
          if (t < -1)
            t = -1;
            if (t > viewwidth+1)
              t = viewwidth+1;
      viewangletox[i] = t;

  // Scan viewangletox[] to generate xtoviewangle[]:
  //  xtoviewangle will give the smallest view angle
  //  that maps to x.

  for (x=0; x<=viewwidth; x++)
      for (i=0; viewangletox[i] > x; i++)
      xtoviewangle[x] = (i<<ANGLETOFINESHIFT)-ANG90;

  // Take out the fencepost cases from viewangletox.
  for (i=0; i<FINEANGLES/2; i++)
    if (viewangletox[i] == -1)
      viewangletox[i] = 0;
      if (viewangletox[i] == viewwidth+1)
        viewangletox[i] = viewwidth;

  clipangle = xtoviewangle[0];
Example #20
function int sqrt(int number)
  if (number == 1.0) return 1.0;
  if (number <= 0) return 0;
  int val = 150.0;
  for (int i=0; i<15; i++)
    val = (val + FixedDiv(number, val)) >> 1;

  return val;
Example #21
static fixed_t R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle(angle_t visangle)
  int     anglea = ANG90 + (visangle-viewangle);
  int     angleb = ANG90 + (visangle-rw_normalangle);
  int     den = FixedMul(rw_distance, finesine[anglea>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
// proff 11/06/98: Changed for high-res
  fixed_t num = FixedMul(projectiony, finesine[angleb>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
  return den > num>>16 ? (num = FixedDiv(num, den)) > 64*FRACUNIT ?
    64*FRACUNIT : num < 256 ? 256 : num : 64*FRACUNIT;
Example #22
// R_InitTextureMapping
void R_InitTextureMapping(void)
    int     i;
    int     x;
    int     t;
    fixed_t focallength;

    // Use tangent table to generate viewangletox:
    //  viewangletox will give the next greatest x
    //  after the view angle.

    const fixed_t hitan = finetangent[FINEANGLES / 4 + FIELDOFVIEW / 2];
    const fixed_t lotan = finetangent[FINEANGLES / 4 - FIELDOFVIEW / 2];
    const int     highend = viewwidth + 1;

    // Calc focallength
    //  so FIELDOFVIEW angles covers SCREENWIDTH.
    focallength = FixedDiv(centerxfrac, hitan);

    for (i = 0; i < FINEANGLES / 2; i++)
        fixed_t tangent = finetangent[i];

        if (tangent > hitan)
            t = -1;
        else if (tangent < lotan)
            t = highend;
            t = (centerxfrac - FixedMul(tangent, focallength) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;
            t = MAX(-1, (MIN(t, highend)));
        viewangletox[i] = t;

    // Scan viewangletox[] to generate xtoviewangle[]:
    //  xtoviewangle will give the smallest view angle
    //  that maps to x.
    for (x = 0; x <= viewwidth; x++)
        for (i = 0; viewangletox[i] > x; i++);
        xtoviewangle[x] = (i << ANGLETOFINESHIFT) - ANG90;

    // Take out the fencepost cases from viewangletox.
    for (i = 0; i < FINEANGLES / 2; i++)
        if (viewangletox[i] == -1)
            viewangletox[i] = 0;
        else if (viewangletox[i] == highend)

    clipangle = xtoviewangle[0];
Example #23
void AM_restoreScaleAndLoc(void)

  m_w = old_m_w;
  m_h = old_m_h;
  if (!followplayer)
    m_x = old_m_x;
    m_y = old_m_y;
  } else {
    m_x = plr->mo->x - m_w/2;
    m_y = plr->mo->y - m_h/2;
  m_x2 = m_x + m_w;
  m_y2 = m_y + m_h;

  // Change the scaling multipliers
  scale_mtof = FixedDiv(f_w<<FRACBITS, m_w);
  scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);
Example #24
void AM_changeWindowScale(void)

  // Change the scaling multipliers
  scale_mtof = FixedMul(scale_mtof, mtof_zoommul);
  scale_ftom = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scale_mtof);

  if (scale_mtof < min_scale_mtof) AM_minOutWindowScale();
  else if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof) AM_maxOutWindowScale();
  else AM_activateNewScale();
Example #25
static void R_DrawMaskedSpriteColumn(column_t *column, int baseclip)
    while (column->topdelta != 0xff)
        // calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
        int     topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale * column->topdelta + 1;

        dc_yl = MAX((topscreen + FRACUNIT) >> FRACBITS, mceilingclip[dc_x] + 1);
        dc_yh = MIN((topscreen + spryscale * column->length) >> FRACBITS, mfloorclip[dc_x] - 1);

        if (baseclip != -1)
            dc_yh = MIN(baseclip, dc_yh);
        fuzzclip = baseclip;

        dc_texturefrac = dc_texturemid - (column->topdelta << FRACBITS) +
            FixedMul((dc_yl - centery) << FRACBITS, dc_iscale);

        if (dc_texturefrac < 0)
            int cnt = (FixedDiv(-dc_texturefrac, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;

            dc_yl += cnt;
            dc_texturefrac += cnt * dc_iscale;

            const fixed_t       endfrac = dc_texturefrac + (dc_yh - dc_yl) * dc_iscale;
            const fixed_t       maxfrac = column->length << FRACBITS;

            if (endfrac >= maxfrac)
                dc_yh -= (FixedDiv(endfrac - maxfrac - 1, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;

        if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yh < viewheight)
            dc_source = (byte *)column + 3;
        column = (column_t *)((byte *)column + column->length + 4);
Example #26
void R_DrawMaskedColumn(tallpost_t *post)
    while (!post->end())
        if (post->length == 0)
            post = post->next();

        // calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
        int topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale * post->topdelta + 1;

        dc_yl = (topscreen + FRACUNIT) >> FRACBITS;
        dc_yh = (topscreen + spryscale * post->length) >> FRACBITS;

        if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
            dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x] - 1;
        if (dc_yl <= mceilingclip[dc_x])
            dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x] + 1;

        dc_texturefrac = dc_texturemid - (post->topdelta << FRACBITS)
                         + (dc_yl*dc_iscale) - FixedMul(centeryfrac-FRACUNIT, dc_iscale);

        if (dc_texturefrac < 0)
            int cnt = (FixedDiv(-dc_texturefrac, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;
            dc_yl += cnt;
            dc_texturefrac += cnt * dc_iscale;

        const fixed_t endfrac = dc_texturefrac + (dc_yh-dc_yl)*dc_iscale;
        const fixed_t maxfrac = post->length << FRACBITS;

        if (endfrac >= maxfrac)
            int cnt = (FixedDiv(endfrac - maxfrac - 1, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;
            dc_yh -= cnt;
Example #27
void P_SpawnLightSequence(Sector* sector, int indexStep)
    int                 count;

    findlightsequencesectorparams_t params;

    params.seqSpecial = LIGHT_SEQUENCE; // Look for Light_Sequence, first.
    params.count = 1;
    params.sec = sector;
        // Make sure that the search doesn't back up.
        P_ToXSector(params.sec)->special = LIGHT_SEQUENCE_START;

        params.nextSec = NULL;
        P_Iteratep(params.sec, DMU_LINE, &params,
        params.sec = params.nextSec;
    } while(params.sec);

    count = params.count;

    findlightsequencestartsectorparams_t params;
    float               base;
    fixed_t             index, indexDelta;

    params.sec = sector;
    count *= indexStep;
    index = 0;
    indexDelta = FixedDiv(64 * FRACUNIT, count * FRACUNIT);
    base = P_SectorLight(sector);
            base = P_SectorLight(params.sec);
        P_SpawnPhasedLight(params.sec, base, index >> FRACBITS);
        index += indexDelta;

        params.nextSec = NULL;
        P_Iteratep(params.sec, DMU_LINE, &params,
        params.sec = params.nextSec;
    } while(params.sec);
Example #28
// Called at new frame, if the video mode has changed
void SCR_Recalc(void)
	if (dedicated)

	// bytes per pixel quick access
	scr_bpp = vid.bpp;

	// scale 1,2,3 times in x and y the patches for the menus and overlays...
	// calculated once and for all, used by routines in v_video.c
	vid.dupx = vid.width / BASEVIDWIDTH;
	vid.dupy = vid.height / BASEVIDHEIGHT;
	vid.fdupx = (float)vid.width / BASEVIDWIDTH;
	vid.fdupy = (float)vid.height / BASEVIDHEIGHT;
	vid.baseratio = FixedDiv(vid.height << FRACBITS, BASEVIDHEIGHT << FRACBITS);

	// patch the asm code depending on vid buffer rowbytes
#ifdef RUSEASM
	if (R_ASM)
//	if (R_486 || R_586 || R_MMX)
//		MMX_PatchRowBytes(vid.rowbytes);

	// toggle off automap because some screensize-dependent values will
	// be calculated next time the automap is activated.
	if (automapactive)

	// r_plane stuff: visplanes, openings, floorclip, ceilingclip, spanstart,
	//                spanstop, yslope, distscale, cachedheight, cacheddistance,
	//                cachedxstep, cachedystep
	//             -> allocated at the maximum vidsize, static.

	// r_main: xtoviewangle, allocated at the maximum size.
	// r_things: negonearray, screenheightarray allocated max. size.

	// set the screen[x] ptrs on the new vidbuffers

	// scr_viewsize doesn't change, neither detailLevel, but the pixels
	// per screenblock is different now, since we've changed resolution.
	R_SetViewSize(); //just set setsizeneeded true now ..

	// vid.recalc lasts only for the next refresh...
	con_recalc = true;
	am_recalc = true;
Example #29
static void P_GetChasecamTarget()
   int aimfor;
   subsector_t *ss;
   int ceilingheight, floorheight;

   // aimfor is the preferred height of the chasecam above
   // the player
   // haleyjd: 1 unit for each degree of pitch works surprisingly well
   aimfor = players[displayplayer].viewheight + chasecam_height*FRACUNIT 
               + FixedDiv(players[displayplayer].pitch, ANGLE_1);
   trace.sin = finesine[playerangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
   trace.cos = finecosine[playerangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
   targetx = playermobj->x - chasecam_dist * trace.cos;
   targety = playermobj->y - chasecam_dist * trace.sin;
   targetz = playermobj->z + aimfor;

   targetgroupid = playermobj->groupid;

   // the intersections test mucks up the first time, but
   // aiming at something seems to cure it
   // ioanch 20160101: don't let P_AimLineAttack change global trace.attackrange
   fixed_t oldAttackRange = trace.attackrange;
   // ioanch 20160225: just change trace.attackrange, don't call P_AimLineAttack
   trace.attackrange = MELEERANGE;
   // check for intersections
   P_PathTraverse(playermobj->x, playermobj->y, targetx, targety,
                  PT_ADDLINES, PTR_chaseTraverse);
   trace.attackrange = oldAttackRange;

   ss = R_PointInSubsector(targetx, targety);
   floorheight = ss->sector->floorheight;
   ceilingheight = ss->sector->ceilingheight;

   // don't aim above the ceiling or below the floor
   if(targetz > ceilingheight - 10*FRACUNIT)
      targetz = ceilingheight - 10*FRACUNIT;
   if(targetz < floorheight + 10*FRACUNIT)
      targetz = floorheight + 10*FRACUNIT;
Example #30
void R_InitLightTables(void)
    int i;

    // Calculate the light levels to use
    //  for each level / distance combination.
    for (i = 0; i < LIGHTLEVELS; i++)
        int j, startmap = ((LIGHTLEVELS - 1 - i) * 2) * NUMCOLORMAPS / LIGHTLEVELS;

        for (j = 0; j < MAXLIGHTZ; j++)
            int scale = FixedDiv(SCREENWIDTH / 2 * FRACUNIT, (j + 1) << LIGHTZSHIFT);
            int level = startmap - (scale >> LIGHTSCALESHIFT) / DISTMAP;

            if (level < 0)
                level = 0;
            else if (level >= NUMCOLORMAPS)
                level = NUMCOLORMAPS - 1;

            zlight[i][j] = colormaps + level * 256;