Example #1
FlowArrow::FlowArrow(FlowCtx* flow_ctx, double x1, double y1, double x2,
    double y2, double w, double l, flow_eDrawType d_type)
    : ctx(flow_ctx), p_dest(flow_ctx, x2, y2), arrow_width(w), arrow_length(l),
      draw_type(d_type), line_width(1)
  double p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y;

  if (fabs(x2 - x1) < DBL_EPSILON) {
    if (y1 > y2) {
      p1_x = x2 + w / 2;
      p1_y = y2 + l;
      p2_x = x2 - w / 2;
      p2_y = y2 + l;
    } else {
      p1_x = x2 + w / 2;
      p1_y = y2 - l;
      p2_x = x2 - w / 2;
      p2_y = y2 - l;
  } else if (fabs(y2 - y1) < DBL_EPSILON) {
    if (x1 > x2) {
      p1_x = x2 + l;
      p1_y = y2 + w / 2;
      p2_x = x2 + l;
      p2_y = y2 - w / 2;
    } else {
      p1_x = x2 - l;
      p1_y = y2 - w / 2;
      p2_x = x2 - l;
      p2_y = y2 + w / 2;
  } else {
    double d = sqrt((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) + (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2));
    p1_x = x2 + (x1 - x2) * l / d + (y1 - y2) * w / d / 2;
    p1_y = y2 + (y1 - y2) * l / d - (x1 - x2) * w / d / 2;
    p2_x = x2 + (x1 - x2) * l / d - (y1 - y2) * w / d / 2;
    p2_y = y2 + (y1 - y2) * l / d + (x1 - x2) * w / d / 2;
  p1 = FlowPoint(flow_ctx, p1_x, p1_y);
  p2 = FlowPoint(flow_ctx, p2_x, p2_y);
void FlowData::load()
		Timer timer(true);
		XmlDocument * pointsDoc = new XmlDocument(dataSource);
		XmlElement rootNode = pointsDoc->rootNode();
			XmlElement tagNode = rootNode.findChild("tag");
			XmlElement drawingNode = tagNode.findChild("drawing");
			// Now get all the drawingNode's children.. and only worry about the stroke nodes.
				std::vector<XmlElement> strokeNodes = drawingNode.children();
				// std::vector<XmlElement> strokeNodes = rootNode.xpath("//tag/drawing//stroke");
				if(strokeNodes.size() > 0)
					int totalPoints = 0;
					// Now declare some variables to reuse in our loop.
					FlowPoint lastPt(Vec2f::zero(), Vec2f::zero(), -1.f);
					for(std::vector<XmlElement>::iterator it = strokeNodes.begin(); it < strokeNodes.end(); it++)
						XmlElement strokeNode = *it;
						if(strokeNode.name() == "stroke")
							// Get all the point nodes.
							std::vector<XmlElement> pointNodes = strokeNode.children();
							// Create a new stroke 
							std::vector<FlowPoint> * stroke = new std::vector<FlowPoint>;
							for(std::vector<XmlElement>::iterator it2 = pointNodes.begin(); it2 < pointNodes.end(); it2++)
								XmlElement ptNode = *it2;
								if(ptNode.name() == "pt")
									std::string xVal = ptNode.findChild("x").value();
									// float x = fromString( xVal );
									float x = boost::lexical_cast<float>( xVal );
									std::string yVal = ptNode.findChild("y").value();
									// float y = fromString( yVal );
									float y = boost::lexical_cast<float>( yVal );
									std::string timeVal = ptNode.findChild("time").value();
									// float time = fromString( timeVal );
									float time = boost::lexical_cast<float>( timeVal );
									x = mRemapMinX + (mRemapMaxX - mRemapMinX) * x;
									y = mRemapMinY + (mRemapMaxY - mRemapMinY) * y;
									Vec2f pos(x, y);
									Vec2f vel;
									if(lastPt.time > -1)
										vel.x = pos.x - lastPt.getX();
										vel.y = pos.y - lastPt.getY();
									FlowPoint pt(pos, vel, time);
									bool shouldAddPoint = false;
									if(ignoreRedundantPositions == true)
										if(lastPt.time > -1)
											if(pt.getX() != lastPt.getX() && pt.getY() != lastPt.getY())
												shouldAddPoint = true;
											shouldAddPoint = true;
										shouldAddPoint = true;
										lastPt = FlowPoint(pt.pos, pt.vel, pt.time);
							// Now see if our stroke is long enough.
							if(stroke->size() > minNumberOfPointsInStroke)
					// We're done.
					std::cout << "FlowData :: GML file parsing complete. Elapsed seconds: " << toString( timer.getSeconds() ) << std::endl;
					std::cout << "FlowData :: Total number of points: " << totalPoints << std::endl;
					std::cout << "FlowData :: Number of strokes: " << mStrokes.size() << std::endl;
					if(mStrokes.size() > 0)
						mReady = true;