Example #1
void SFontPool::SetDefaultFont(LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, LONG lSize,BYTE byCharset/*=DEFAULT_CHARSET*/)

    m_lfDefault.lfHeight = -abs(lSize);
        m_lfDefault.lfCharSet = byCharset;
Example #2
FMeasureCache* FSlateFontMeasure::FindOrAddMeasureCache( const FSlateFontInfo& InFontInfo, const float InFontScale ) const
	FSlateFontKey FontKey(InFontInfo, InFontScale);
	const FCompositeFont* const CompositeFont = InFontInfo.GetCompositeFont();

	TSharedPtr< FSlateFontMeasureCache > FoundMeasureCache = FontToMeasureCache.FindRef( FontKey );
	if( FoundMeasureCache.IsValid() )
		// Clear out this entry if it's stale so that we make a new one
		if( FoundMeasureCache->IsStale( CompositeFont ) )
			FontToMeasureCache.Remove( FontKey );
			return &FoundMeasureCache->MeasureCache;
	FoundMeasureCache = MakeShareable( new FSlateFontMeasureCache( CompositeFont ) );
	FontToMeasureCache.Add( FontKey, FoundMeasureCache );
	return &FoundMeasureCache->MeasureCache;

	return nullptr;
Example #3
SFontPool::SFontPool(IRenderFactory *pRendFactory)
    ::GetObjectA(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &m_lfDefault);
    m_lfDefault.lfHeight  = -12;
    m_lfDefault.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;

Example #4
FVector2D FSlateFontMeasure::MeasureStringInternal( const FString& Text, int32 StartIndex, int32 EndIndex, const FSlateFontInfo& InFontInfo, bool IncludeKerningWithPrecedingChar, float FontScale, int32 StopAfterHorizontalOffset, ELastCharacterIndexFormat CharIndexFormat, int32& OutLastCharacterIndex ) const
	FCharacterList& CharacterList = FontCache->GetCharacterList( InFontInfo, FontScale );
	const uint16 MaxHeight = CharacterList.GetMaxHeight();

	const bool DoesStartAtBeginning = StartIndex == 0;
	const bool DoesFinishAtEnd = EndIndex == Text.Len();
	const int32 TextRangeLength = EndIndex - StartIndex;
	if ( EndIndex - StartIndex <= 0 || EndIndex <= 0 || StartIndex < 0 || EndIndex <= StartIndex )
		return FVector2D( 0, MaxHeight );

	TSharedPtr< FMeasureCache > CurrentMeasureCache = NULL;
	// Do not cache strings which have small sizes or which have complicated measure requirements
	if( DoesStartAtBeginning && DoesFinishAtEnd && !IncludeKerningWithPrecedingChar && TextRangeLength > 5 && StopAfterHorizontalOffset == INDEX_NONE )
		FSlateFontKey FontKey(InFontInfo,FontScale);
		TSharedPtr< FMeasureCache > FoundMeasureCache = FontToMeasureCache.FindRef( FontKey );

		if ( FoundMeasureCache.IsValid() )
			CurrentMeasureCache = FoundMeasureCache;
			const FVector2D* CachedMeasurement = CurrentMeasureCache->AccessItem( Text );
			if( CachedMeasurement )
				return *CachedMeasurement;
			CurrentMeasureCache = MakeShareable( new FMeasureCache( FontMeasureConstants::MeasureCacheSize ) );
			FontToMeasureCache.Add( FontKey, CurrentMeasureCache );

	// The size of the string
	FVector2D Size(0,0);
	// Widest line encountered while drawing this text.
	int32 MaxLineWidth = 0;
	// The width of the current line so far.
	int32 CurrentX = 0;
	// Accumulated height of this block of text
	int32 StringSizeY = MaxHeight;
	// The previous char (for kerning)
	TCHAR PreviousChar = 0;

	//If we are measuring a range then we should take into account the kerning with the character before the start of the range
	if ( !DoesStartAtBeginning && IncludeKerningWithPrecedingChar )
		PreviousChar = Text[ StartIndex - 1 ];

	int32 FinalPosX = 0;

	int32 CharIndex;
	for( CharIndex = StartIndex; CharIndex < EndIndex; ++CharIndex )
		TCHAR CurrentChar = Text[CharIndex];

		const bool IsNewline = (CurrentChar == '\n');

		if (IsNewline)
			// New line means
			// 1) we accumulate total height
			StringSizeY += MaxHeight;
			// 2) update the longest line we've encountered
			MaxLineWidth = FMath::Max(CurrentX, MaxLineWidth);
			// 3) the next line starts at the beginning
			CurrentX = 0;
			const FCharacterEntry& Entry = CharacterList[CurrentChar];

			int32 Kerning = 0;
			if( CharIndex > 0 )
				Kerning = CharacterList.GetKerning( PreviousChar, CurrentChar );

			const int32 TotalCharSpacing = 
				Kerning + Entry.HorizontalOffset +		// Width is any kerning plus how much to advance the position when drawing a new character
				Entry.XAdvance;	// How far we advance 

			PreviousChar = CurrentChar;

			CurrentX += Kerning + Entry.XAdvance;

			// Were we asked to stop measuring after the specified horizontal offset in pixels?
			if( StopAfterHorizontalOffset != INDEX_NONE )
				if( CharIndexFormat == ELastCharacterIndexFormat::CharacterAtOffset )
					// Round our test toward the character's center position
					if( StopAfterHorizontalOffset < CurrentX - TotalCharSpacing / 2 )
						// We've reached the stopping point, so bail
				else if( CharIndexFormat == ELastCharacterIndexFormat::LastWholeCharacterBeforeOffset )
					if( StopAfterHorizontalOffset < CurrentX )
						if ( CharIndex < StartIndex )
							CharIndex = INDEX_NONE;

						// We've reached the stopping point, so bail

	// We just finished a line, so need to update the longest line encountered.
	MaxLineWidth = FMath::Max(CurrentX, MaxLineWidth);

	Size.X = MaxLineWidth;
	Size.Y = StringSizeY;
	OutLastCharacterIndex = CharIndex;

	if( StopAfterHorizontalOffset == INDEX_NONE && CurrentMeasureCache.IsValid() )
		CurrentMeasureCache->Add( Text, Size );
	return Size;