Example #1
bool CWin32Font::Create(const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags)
	FT_Library library = FontManager().GetFTLibrary();
	if (!library)
		return false;

	const unsigned char *file = FontManager().GetFontFile(windowsFontName);
	if (!file)
		m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL;
		return false;

	FT_Face face;

	FT_Open_Args args;
	args.memory_base = file + sizeof(int);
	args.memory_size = *((const int *)file);
	args.stream = NULL;
	args.driver = FT_Get_Module(library, "truetype");
	if (FT_Open_Face(library, &args, 0, &face))
		m_szName = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL;
		return false;
	m_FTFace = face;

	m_szName = windowsFontName;
	m_iTall = tall;
	m_iFlags = flags & WIN32FONT_FLAGS_MASK;
	m_iScanLines = scanlines;
	m_iBlur = blur;
	m_iDropShadowOffset = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW) ? 1 : 0;
	m_iOutlineSize = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE) ? 1 : 0;
	m_bRotary = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ROTARY) ? 1 : 0;
	m_bAdditive = (flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE) ? 1 : 0;

	tall <<= 6;
	FT_Set_Char_Size(face, tall, tall, 72, 72);

	float scale = ((float)(face->size->metrics.ascender) * (1.0f / 64.0f)) / (float)(face->ascender);
	m_iBaseline = (int)(ceilf((float)(face->bbox.yMax) * scale));
	m_iHeight = m_iBaseline + (int)(ceilf((float)(-face->bbox.yMin) * scale)) + m_iDropShadowOffset + (m_iOutlineSize << 1);
	m_iMaxCharWidth = (face->size->metrics.max_advance + 127) >> 6;
	m_iAscent = (int)(ceilf((float)(face->ascender) * scale));

	m_rgiBitmapSize[0] = m_iMaxCharWidth + (m_iOutlineSize << 1);
	m_rgiBitmapSize[1] = m_iHeight;

	return true;
Example #2
Manager::Manager( const char* name, int width, int height, Engine::WindowMode wm ):
m_engine( 0 ),
m_game( 0 ),
m_pushState( 0 ),
m_progressState( 0 ),
m_progressStateDefault( 0 ),
m_popState( false ),
m_changeState( false ),
m_loading( false ),
m_states( 0 ),
m_scenes( 0 ),
m_materials( 0 ),
m_effects( 0 ),
m_fonts( 0 ),
m_textures( 0 ),
m_canvases( 0 ),
m_assets( 0 ),
m_assetsLoading( 0 ),
m_actors( 0 ),
m_controls( 0 ),
m_collisions( 0 ),
m_audio( 0 )
	m_engine = xnew Engine();
	m_engine->initiation( name, width, height, wm );
	m_states = xnew Stack< IState >();
	m_scenes = xnew SceneManager();
	m_materials = xnew MaterialManager();
	m_effects = xnew EffectManager();
	m_fonts = xnew FontManager();
	m_textures = xnew TextureManager();
	m_canvases = xnew CanvasManager();
	m_assets = xnew AssetManager();
	m_assetsLoading = xnew AssetManager();
	m_actors = xnew Stack< ActorManager >();
	m_controls = xnew Stack< ControlManager >();
	m_collisions = xnew Stack< CollisionManager >();
	m_audio = xnew AudioManager();

	Global::use().engine = m_engine;
	Global::use().scenes = m_scenes;
	Global::use().materials = m_materials;
	Global::use().effects = m_effects;
	Global::use().fonts = m_fonts;
	Global::use().textures = m_textures;
	Global::use().canvases = m_canvases;
	Global::use().assets = m_assets;
	Global::use().assetsLoading = m_assetsLoading;
	Global::use().actors = 0;
	Global::use().controls = 0;
	Global::use().collisions = 0;
	Global::use().audio = m_audio;
		mOverlayManager = OGRE_NEW Ogre::OverlayManager();
		mOverlayManager->addOverlayElementFactory(OGRE_NEW Ogre::PanelOverlayElementFactory());

		mOverlayManager->addOverlayElementFactory(OGRE_NEW Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElementFactory());

		mOverlayManager->addOverlayElementFactory(OGRE_NEW Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElementFactory());

		mFontManager = OGRE_NEW FontManager();
		mProfileListener = new Ogre::OverlayProfileSessionListener();
		Ogre::Profiler* prof = Ogre::Profiler::getSingletonPtr();
        if (prof)
Example #4
    Root::Root(const String& pluginFileName, const String& configFileName, 
		const String& logFileName)
      : mLogManager(0)
	  , mRenderSystemCapabilitiesManager(0)
	  , mNextFrame(0)
	  , mFrameSmoothingTime(0.0f)
	  , mNextMovableObjectTypeFlag(1)
	  , mIsInitialised(false)
        // superclass will do singleton checking
        String msg;

        // Init
        mActiveRenderer = 0;
        mVersion = StringConverter::toString(OGRE_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." +
            StringConverter::toString(OGRE_VERSION_MINOR) + "." +
            StringConverter::toString(OGRE_VERSION_PATCH) + 
            "(" + OGRE_VERSION_NAME + ")";
		mConfigFileName = configFileName;

		// Create log manager and default log file if there is no log manager yet
		if(LogManager::getSingletonPtr() == 0)
			mLogManager = OGRE_NEW LogManager();
			mLogManager->createLog(logFileName, true, true);

        // Dynamic library manager
        mDynLibManager = OGRE_NEW DynLibManager();

        mArchiveManager = OGRE_NEW ArchiveManager();

		// ResourceGroupManager
		mResourceGroupManager = OGRE_NEW ResourceGroupManager();

		// ResourceBackgroundQueue
		mResourceBackgroundQueue = OGRE_NEW ResourceBackgroundQueue();

		// Create SceneManager enumerator (note - will be managed by singleton)
        mSceneManagerEnum = OGRE_NEW SceneManagerEnumerator();
        mCurrentSceneManager = NULL;

		mShadowTextureManager = OGRE_NEW ShadowTextureManager();

		mRenderSystemCapabilitiesManager = OGRE_NEW RenderSystemCapabilitiesManager();

        // ..material manager
        mMaterialManager = OGRE_NEW MaterialManager();

        // Mesh manager
        mMeshManager = OGRE_NEW MeshManager();

        // Skeleton manager
        mSkeletonManager = OGRE_NEW SkeletonManager();

        // ..particle system manager
        mParticleManager = OGRE_NEW ParticleSystemManager();

		// Compiler manager
		//mCompilerManager = OGRE_NEW ScriptCompilerManager();

        mTimer = OGRE_NEW Timer();

        // Overlay manager
        mOverlayManager = OGRE_NEW OverlayManager();

        mPanelFactory = OGRE_NEW PanelOverlayElementFactory();

        mBorderPanelFactory = OGRE_NEW BorderPanelOverlayElementFactory();

        mTextAreaFactory = OGRE_NEW TextAreaOverlayElementFactory();
        // Font manager
        mFontManager = OGRE_NEW FontManager();

        // Profiler
        mProfiler = OGRE_NEW Profiler();
        mFileSystemArchiveFactory = OGRE_NEW FileSystemArchiveFactory();
        ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory( mFileSystemArchiveFactory );
        mZipArchiveFactory = OGRE_NEW ZipArchiveFactory();
        ArchiveManager::getSingleton().addArchiveFactory( mZipArchiveFactory );
		// Register image codecs
#if OGRE_NO_DEVIL == 0
	    // Register image codecs
		// Register image codecs

        mHighLevelGpuProgramManager = OGRE_NEW HighLevelGpuProgramManager();

		mExternalTextureSourceManager = OGRE_NEW ExternalTextureSourceManager();
        mCompositorManager = OGRE_NEW CompositorManager();

		mCompilerManager = OGRE_NEW ScriptCompilerManager();

        // Auto window
        mAutoWindow = 0;

		// instantiate and register base movable factories
		mEntityFactory = OGRE_NEW EntityFactory();
		mLightFactory = OGRE_NEW LightFactory();
		mBillboardSetFactory = OGRE_NEW BillboardSetFactory();
		mManualObjectFactory = OGRE_NEW ManualObjectFactory();
		mBillboardChainFactory = OGRE_NEW BillboardChainFactory();
		mRibbonTrailFactory = OGRE_NEW RibbonTrailFactory();

		// Load plugins
        if (!pluginFileName.empty())

		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("*-*-* OGRE Initialising");
        msg = "*-*-* Version " + mVersion;

        // Can't create managers until initialised
        mControllerManager = 0;

        mFirstTimePostWindowInit = false;

Example #5
// Purpose: creates the font.  returns false if the font cannot be mounted.
bool CBitmapFont::Create( const char *pFontFilename, float scalex, float scaley, int flags )

	if ( !pFontFilename || !pFontFilename[0] )
		return false;

	CUtlSymbol symbol;
	char fontName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_FileBase( pFontFilename, fontName, MAX_PATH );
	Q_strlower( fontName );
	symbol = fontName;

	// find a match that can use same entries
	BitmapFontTable_t *pFontTable = NULL;
	for ( int i=0; i<g_BitmapFontTable.Count(); i++ )
		if ( symbol == g_BitmapFontTable[i].m_szName )
			m_bitmapFontHandle = i;
			pFontTable = &g_BitmapFontTable[m_bitmapFontHandle];

	if ( !pFontTable )
		void *pBuf = NULL;
		int nLength; 

		nLength = FontManager().FileSystem()->ReadFileEx( pFontFilename, "GAME", &pBuf ); 
		if ( nLength <= 0 || !pBuf )
			// not found
			return false;

		if ( ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_id != LittleLong( BITMAPFONT_ID ) || ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_Version != LittleLong( BITMAPFONT_VERSION ) )
			// bad version
			return false;

		if ( IsX360() )
			CByteswap swap;
			swap.ActivateByteSwapping( true );
			swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( (BitmapFont_t*)pBuf );
			swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( (BitmapGlyph_t*)((char*)pBuf + sizeof( BitmapFont_t )), ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_NumGlyphs );

		// create it
		m_bitmapFontHandle = g_BitmapFontTable.AddToTail();
		pFontTable = &g_BitmapFontTable[m_bitmapFontHandle];

		pFontTable->m_szName = fontName;

		pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont = new BitmapFont_t;
		memcpy( pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont, pBuf, sizeof( BitmapFont_t ) );

		pFontTable->m_pBitmapGlyphs = new BitmapGlyph_t[pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_NumGlyphs];
		memcpy( pFontTable->m_pBitmapGlyphs, (unsigned char*)pBuf + sizeof(BitmapFont_t), pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_NumGlyphs*sizeof(BitmapGlyph_t) );

		FontManager().FileSystem()->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pBuf );

		// load the art resources
		char textureName[MAX_PATH];
		Q_snprintf( textureName, MAX_PATH, "vgui/fonts/%s", fontName );
		pFontTable->m_pTexture = FontManager().MaterialSystem()->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI );

#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_PageWidth != pFontTable->m_pTexture->GetActualWidth() ||
			pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_PageHeight != pFontTable->m_pTexture->GetActualHeight() )
			// font is out of sync with its art
			Assert( 0 );
			return false;
		// the font texture lives forever, ensure it doesn't get purged

	// setup font properties
	m_scalex = scalex;
	m_scaley = scaley;

	// flags are derived from the baked font
	m_iFlags = vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP;
	int bitmapFlags = pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_Flags;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_ANTIALIASED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ANTIALIAS;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_ITALIC )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_BLURRED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_GAUSSIANBLUR;
		m_iBlur = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_SCANLINES )
		m_iScanLines = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_OUTLINED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE;
		m_iOutlineSize = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_DROPSHADOW )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW;
		m_iDropShadowOffset = 1;

	if ( flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE )
		m_bAdditive = true;
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE;

	m_iMaxCharWidth = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_MaxCharWidth * m_scalex;
	m_iHeight       = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_MaxCharHeight * m_scaley;
	m_iAscent       = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_Ascent * m_scaley;

	// mark as valid
	m_szName = symbol;

	return true;
Example #6
 pei::FontAssetPtr CreateFontAsset( const char* name, size_t size, char *type /*= "ttf"*/ )
     return FontManager().CreateFontAsset( name, size, type );