void QvisText2DInterface::GetCurrentValues(int which_widget) { bool doAll = (which_widget == -1); if(which_widget == 0 || doAll) { // Get the new position GetScreenPosition(positionEdit, tr("Lower left")); } if(which_widget == 1 || doAll) { stringVector sv; sv.push_back(textLineEdit->text().toStdString()); annot->SetText(sv); } if(which_widget == 2 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(heightSpinBox); int w = heightSpinBox->value(); double pos2[3]; pos2[0] = double(w) * 0.01; pos2[1] = annot->GetPosition2()[1]; pos2[2] = annot->GetPosition2()[2]; annot->SetPosition2(pos2); } }
void QvisAxisAttributesWidget::GetCurrentValues(AxisAttributes &aa, int which_group, int which_widget) { bool doAllGroups = which_group == -1; bool doAll = which_widget == -1; // Do the title group if(doAllGroups || which_group == AxisAttributes::ID_title) { if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTitles::ID_font) atts.GetTitle().SetFont(titleFont->getFontAttributes()); if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTitles::ID_title) atts.GetTitle().SetTitle(customTitle->displayText().toStdString()); if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTitles::ID_units) atts.GetTitle().SetUnits(customUnits->displayText().toStdString()); } // Do the label group if(doAllGroups || which_group == AxisAttributes::ID_title) { if(doAll || which_widget == AxisLabels::ID_font) atts.GetLabel().SetFont(labelFont->getFontAttributes()); if(doAll || which_widget == AxisLabels::ID_scaling) { ForceSpinBoxUpdate(labelScaling); atts.GetLabel().SetScaling(labelScaling->value()); } } // Do the ticks group if(doAllGroups || which_group == AxisAttributes::ID_tickMarks) { if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTickMarks::ID_majorMinimum) { double val; if(GetDouble(val, majorMinimum, "majorMinimum")) atts.GetTickMarks().SetMajorMinimum(val); } if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTickMarks::ID_majorMaximum) { double val; if(GetDouble(val, majorMaximum, "majorMaximum")) atts.GetTickMarks().SetMajorMaximum(val); } if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTickMarks::ID_minorSpacing) { double val; if(GetDouble(val, minorSpacing, "minorSpacing")) atts.GetTickMarks().SetMinorSpacing(val); } if(doAll || which_widget == AxisTickMarks::ID_majorSpacing) { double val; if(GetDouble(val, majorSpacing, "majorSpacing")) atts.GetTickMarks().SetMajorSpacing(val); } } }
void QvisLegendAttributesInterface::GetCurrentValues(int which_widget) { bool doAll = (which_widget == -1); if(which_widget == 0 || doAll) { // Get the new position GetScreenPosition(positionEdit, tr("Lower left")); } if(which_widget == 1 || doAll) { QString fmt(formatString->text()); int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < fmt.length(); ++i) if(fmt[i] == '%') ++count; if(count == 0) { Error(tr("The format string for the legend was not used because it " "does not contain a '%' character.")); } else if(count > 1) { Error(tr("The format string for the legend was not used because it " "contains multiple '%' characters.")); } else { stringVector sv; sv.push_back(formatString->text().toStdString()); annot->SetText(sv); } } if(which_widget == 2 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(widthSpinBox); int w = widthSpinBox->value(); double pos2[3]; pos2[0] = double(w) * (1. / WIDTH_HEIGHT_PRECISION); pos2[1] = annot->GetPosition2()[1]; pos2[2] = annot->GetPosition2()[2]; annot->SetPosition2(pos2); } if(which_widget == 3 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(heightSpinBox); int h = heightSpinBox->value(); double pos2[3]; pos2[0] = annot->GetPosition2()[0]; pos2[1] = double(h) * (1. / WIDTH_HEIGHT_PRECISION); pos2[2] = annot->GetPosition2()[2]; annot->SetPosition2(pos2); } if(which_widget == 4 || doAll) { bool okay; double val = fontHeight->text().toDouble(&okay); if(okay) annot->SetDoubleAttribute1(val); } if (which_widget == AnnotationObject::ID_intAttribute2 || doAll) { annot->SetIntAttribute2(numTicksSpinBox->value()); } if (which_widget == AnnotationObject::ID_doubleVector1 || doAll) { doubleVector temp; double d; QString txt; int nRows = suppliedLabels->rowCount(); // Qt 4.6 on Mac doesn't update properly. This trick tickles it // into a good state. int currentRow = suppliedLabels->currentRow(); int currentCol = suppliedLabels->currentColumn(); suppliedLabels->setCurrentCell(currentRow, (currentCol==0? 1 :0)); suppliedLabels->setCurrentCell(currentRow, currentCol); bool okay; for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < nRows; ++rowNum) { txt = suppliedLabels->item(rowNum, 0)->text().simplified(); d = txt.toDouble(&okay); if (okay) temp.push_back(d); } annot->SetDoubleVector1(temp); } if (which_widget == AnnotationObject::ID_stringVector1 || doAll) { stringVector temp; QString txt; // Qt 4.6 on Mac doesn't update properly. This trick tickles it // into a good state. int currentRow = suppliedLabels->currentRow(); int currentCol = suppliedLabels->currentColumn(); suppliedLabels->setCurrentCell(currentRow, (currentCol==0? 1 :0)); suppliedLabels->setCurrentCell(currentRow, currentCol); int nRows = suppliedLabels->rowCount(); for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < nRows; ++rowNum) { txt = suppliedLabels->item(rowNum, 1)->text(); temp.push_back(txt.trimmed().toStdString()); } annot->SetStringVector1(temp); } }
void QvisText3DInterface::GetCurrentValues(int which_widget) { bool doAll = (which_widget == -1); if(which_widget == 0 || doAll) { stringVector sv; sv.push_back(textLineEdit->text().toStdString()); annot->SetText(sv); } if(which_widget == 1 || doAll) { double v[3]; if(LineEditGetDoubles(positionEdit, v, 3)) annot->SetPosition(v); else { QString msg = tr("The position must be specified as a 3D coordinate. " "Resetting to the last good value of %1."). arg(DoublesToQString(annot->GetPosition(), 3)); Error(msg); annot->SetPosition(annot->GetPosition()); } } if(which_widget == 2 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(relativeHeightSpinBox); int h = relativeHeightSpinBox->value(); annot->SetRelativeHeight(h); } if(which_widget == 3 || doAll) { double v; bool okay = false; if(LineEditGetDouble(fixedHeightEdit, v)) { okay = v > 0.; if(okay) annot->SetFixedHeight(v); } if (!okay) { QString msg = tr("The fixed height is a floating point number greater than zero. " "Resetting to the last good value of %1."). arg(annot->GetFixedHeight()); Error(msg); annot->SetFixedHeight(annot->GetFixedHeight()); } } if(which_widget == 4 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(rotateZ); int r = rotateZ->value(); double rotations[3]; rotations[0] = annot->GetRotations()[0]; rotations[1] = annot->GetRotations()[1]; rotations[2] = (double)r; annot->SetRotations(rotations); } if(which_widget == 5 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(rotateX); int r = rotateX->value(); double rotations[3]; rotations[0] = (double)r; rotations[1] = annot->GetRotations()[1]; rotations[2] = annot->GetRotations()[2]; annot->SetRotations(rotations); } if(which_widget == 6 || doAll) { // Get its new current value and store it in the atts. ForceSpinBoxUpdate(rotateY); int r = rotateY->value(); double rotations[3]; rotations[0] = annot->GetRotations()[0]; rotations[1] = (double)r; rotations[2] = annot->GetRotations()[2]; annot->SetRotations(rotations); } }