Example #1
void DisplayMenuToClient (edict_t *ent, MenuText *menu)
   if (!IsValidPlayer (ent))

   int clientIndex = ENTINDEX (ent) - 1;

   if (menu != null)
      String tempText = String (menu->menuText);
      tempText.Replace ("\v", "\n");

      char *text = g_localizer->TranslateInput (tempText);
      tempText = String (text);

      // make menu looks best
      for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
         tempText.Replace (FormatBuffer ("%d.", i), FormatBuffer ("\\r%d.\\w", i));

      text = tempText;

      while (strlen (text) >= 64)
         MESSAGE_BEGIN (MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_netMsg->GetId (NETMSG_SHOWMENU), null, ent);
            WRITE_SHORT (menu->validSlots);
            WRITE_CHAR (-1);
            WRITE_BYTE (1);

         for (int i = 0; i <= 63; i++)
            WRITE_CHAR (text[i]);

         MESSAGE_END ();

         text += 64;

         WRITE_SHORT (menu->validSlots);
         WRITE_CHAR (-1);
         WRITE_BYTE (0);
         WRITE_STRING (text);

      g_clients[clientIndex].menu = menu;
         WRITE_SHORT (0);
         WRITE_CHAR (0);
         WRITE_BYTE (0);
         WRITE_STRING ("");

     g_clients[clientIndex].menu = null;
   CLIENT_COMMAND (ent, "speak \"player/geiger1\"\n"); // Stops others from hearing menu sounds..
EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineOutputSink::OutputBinaryDataL( const TDesC& aFormat, const TUint8* aBufferAddress, const TUint8* aDisplayStartAddress, TInt aLength )
    _LIT(KAddresPostfix, ": ");
    _LIT(KDoubleSpace, "  ");
    _LIT(KSingleSpace, " ");

    const TInt maxLen = aLength;
    TInt len = aLength;
    const TUint8* pDataAddr = aBufferAddress;

    TBuf<81> out;
    TBuf<20> ascii;
    TInt offset = 0;
    const TUint8* a = pDataAddr;
    const TUint8* displayAddress = aDisplayStartAddress;
        out.AppendNumFixedWidth((TUint) displayAddress, EHex, 8);

        TUint b;
        for (b=0; b<16; b++)
            TUint8 c = ' ';
            if	((pDataAddr + offset + b) < pDataAddr + maxLen)
                c = *(pDataAddr + offset + b);
                out.AppendNumFixedWidth(c, EHex, 2);
            out.Append( KSingleSpace );
            if (c<=0x20 || c == 0x27 || c>=0x7f || c=='%')

        FormatBuffer().Format( aFormat, &out );
        OutputLineL( FormatBuffer() );

        displayAddress += 16;
        a += 16;
        offset += 16;
        len -= 16;
Example #3
void Bot::Kill (void)
   // this function kills a bot (not just using ClientKill, but like the CSBot does)
   // base code courtesy of Lazy (from bots-united forums!)

   edict_t *hurtEntity = (*g_engfuncs.pfnCreateNamedEntity) (MAKE_STRING ("trigger_hurt"));

   if (FNullEnt (hurtEntity))

   hurtEntity->v.classname = MAKE_STRING (g_weaponDefs[m_currentWeapon].className);
   hurtEntity->v.dmg_inflictor = GetEntity ();
   hurtEntity->v.dmg = 9999.0f;
   hurtEntity->v.dmg_take = 1.0f;
   hurtEntity->v.dmgtime = 2.0f;
   hurtEntity->v.effects |= EF_NODRAW;

   (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetOrigin) (hurtEntity, Vector (-4000, -4000, -4000));

   KeyValueData kv;
   kv.szClassName = const_cast <char *> (g_weaponDefs[m_currentWeapon].className);
   kv.szKeyName = "damagetype";
   kv.szValue = FormatBuffer ("%d", (1 << 4));
   kv.fHandled = false;

   MDLL_KeyValue (hurtEntity, &kv);

   MDLL_Spawn (hurtEntity);
   MDLL_Touch (hurtEntity, GetEntity ());

   (*g_engfuncs.pfnRemoveEntity) (hurtEntity);
Example #4
NaDataStream::NaDataStream (const unsigned pVersion[])
: szFormatBuf(NULL), pVer(pVersion)
    // Prepare buffer

    if(NULL == pVersion){
EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineOutputSink::OutputItemAndValueL( const TDesC& aItem, const TDesC& aValue )
    FormatBuffer().Append( aItem );
    FormatBuffer().Append( ':' );

    const TInt padAmount = KMemSpyItemAndValueAlignmentAmount - aItem.Length();

    FormatBuffer().AppendFill(' ', padAmount);
    FormatBuffer().Append( ' ' );
    FormatBuffer().Append( aValue );

    OutputLineL( FormatBuffer() );
Example #6
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - Game Mode Setting
   if (GetGameMod() == 0)
	   // check team economics

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   // SyPB Pro P.38 - Zombie Mode Human Camp 

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;


   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - ZP5.0 Fixed
   char *zpGameVersion[] =
	   "plugins-zplague",  // ZP4.3
	   "plugins-zp50_ammopacks", // ZP5.0
	   "plugins-zp50_money" //ZP5.0

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), zpGameVersion[i]);
	   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
		   float delayTime = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") + 2.0f;
		   if (i != 0)
			   delayTime = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay") + 0.2f;

		   if (delayTime > 0)
			   //g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime + 6.0f;

			   // SyPB Pro P.34 - ZP TIME FIXED
			   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime;// +1.99f;

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt(static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));

   // SyPB Pro P.29 - Support CSBTE Final
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_player.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   const int Const_GameModes = 13;
	   int bteGameModAi[Const_GameModes] =
		   0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2
	   };//1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13

	   char *bteGameINI[Const_GameModes] =
		   "plugins-none", //1
		   "plugins-td",   //2
		   "plugins-dm",   //3
		   "plugins-dr",   //4
		   "plugins-gd",   //5
		   "plugins-zb1",  //7
		   "plugins-zb3",  //8
		   "plugins-zb4",  //9 
		   "plugins-ze",   //10
		   "plugins-zse",  //11
		   "plugins-npc",  //12
		   "plugins-zb5"   //13

	   for (int i = 0; i < Const_GameModes; i++)
		   if (TryFileOpen(FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), bteGameINI[i])))

			   if (bteGameModAi[i] == 2 && i != 5)
				   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + 20.0f + CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime");

			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   if (i == 3 || i == 9)
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");


			   // SyPB Pro P.36 - bte support 
			   g_gameVersion = CSVER_CZERO;


   // SyPB Pro P.38 - Base Change 
   if (GetGameMod() != 0)
	   g_mapType |= MAP_DE;

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - Game Mode Setting
   if (GetGameMod () == 0)
	   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;
Example #7
Bot::Bot (edict_t *bot, int skill, int personality, int team, int member)
   // this function does core operation of creating bot, it's called by CreateBot (),
   // when bot setup completed, (this is a bot class constructor)

   char rejectReason[128];
   int clientIndex = ENTINDEX (bot);

   memset (this, 0, sizeof (Bot));

   pev = VARS (bot);

   if (bot->pvPrivateData != null)
      FREE_PRIVATE (bot);

   bot->pvPrivateData = null;
   bot->v.frags = 0;

   // create the player entity by calling MOD's player function
   BotControl::CallGameEntity (&bot->v);

   // set all info buffer keys for this bot
   char *buffer = GET_INFOKEYBUFFER (bot);

   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "model", "");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "rate", "3500.000000");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_updaterate", "20");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_lw", "1");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_lc", "1");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "tracker", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_dlmax", "128");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "friends", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "dm", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "_ah", "0");

   if (yb_tagbots.GetBool ())
      SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "*bot", "1");

   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "_vgui_menus", "0");

   memset (rejectReason, 0, sizeof (rejectReason)); // reset the reject reason template string
   MDLL_ClientConnect (bot, "fakeclient", FormatBuffer ("192.168.1.%d", ENTINDEX (bot) + 100), rejectReason);

   if (!IsNullString (rejectReason))
      AddLogEntry (true, LOG_WARNING, "Server refused '%s' connection (%s)", STRING (bot->v.netname), rejectReason);
      ServerCommand ("kick \"%s\"", STRING (bot->v.netname)); // kick the bot player if the server refused it

      bot->v.flags |= FL_KILLME;

   if (IsDedicatedServer () && engine->GetDeveloperLevel () > 0)
      if (engine->GetDeveloperLevel () == 2)
          ServerPrint ("Server requiring authentication");
          ServerPrint ("Client '%s' connected", STRING (bot->v.netname));
          ServerPrint ("Adr: 127.0.0.%d:27005", ENTINDEX (bot) + 100);

      ServerPrint ("Verifying and uploading resources...");
      ServerPrint ("Custom resources total 0 bytes");
      ServerPrint ("  Decals:  0 bytes");
      ServerPrint ("----------------------");
      ServerPrint ("Resources to request: 0 bytes");

   MDLL_ClientPutInServer (bot);

   bot->v.flags = 0;
   bot->v.flags |= FL_FAKECLIENT | FL_CLIENT; // set this player as fakeclient

   // initialize all the variables for this bot...
   m_notStarted = true;  // hasn't joined game yet

   m_startAction = CMENU_IDLE;
   m_moneyAmount = 0;
   m_logotypeIndex = engine->RandomInt (0, 5);

   // initialize msec value
   m_msecNum = m_msecDel = 0.0f;
   m_msecInterval = engine->GetTime ();
   m_msecVal = static_cast <uint8_t> (g_pGlobals->frametime * 1000.0f);
   m_msecBuiltin = engine->RandomInt (1, 4);

   // assign how talkative this bot will be
   m_sayTextBuffer.chatDelay = engine->RandomFloat (3.8f, 10.0f);
   m_sayTextBuffer.chatProbability = engine->RandomInt (1, 100);

   m_notKilled = false;
   m_skill = skill;
   m_weaponBurstMode = BURST_DISABLED;

   m_lastThinkTime = engine->GetTime ();
   m_frameInterval = engine->GetTime ();

   bot->v.idealpitch = bot->v.v_angle.x;
   bot->v.ideal_yaw = bot->v.v_angle.y;

   bot->v.yaw_speed = engine->RandomFloat (g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].minTurnSpeed, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].maxTurnSpeed);
   bot->v.pitch_speed = engine->RandomFloat (g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].minTurnSpeed, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].maxTurnSpeed);

   switch (personality)
   case 1:
      m_personality = PERSONALITY_RUSHER;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.7f, 1.0f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.0f, 0.4f);

   case 2:
      m_personality = PERSONALITY_CAREFUL;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.0f, 0.4f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.7f, 1.0f);

      m_personality = PERSONALITY_NORMAL;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.4f, 0.7f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.4f, 0.7f);

   memset (&m_ammoInClip, 0, sizeof (m_ammoInClip));
   memset (&m_ammo, 0, sizeof (m_ammo));

   m_currentWeapon = 0; // current weapon is not assigned at start
   m_voicePitch = engine->RandomInt (166, 250) / 2; // assign voice pitch

   // copy them over to the temp level variables
   m_agressionLevel = m_baseAgressionLevel;
   m_fearLevel = m_baseFearLevel;
   m_nextEmotionUpdate = engine->GetTime () + 0.5f;

   // just to be sure
   m_actMessageIndex = 0;
   m_pushMessageIndex = 0;

   // assign team and class
   m_wantedTeam = team;
   m_wantedClass = member;

   NewRound ();
Example #8
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // check team economics
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_TERRORIST);
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_COUNTER);

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)
		   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (1);
		   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (0);

   // SyPB Pro P.2 // SyPB Pro P.15
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // Getting GameMod
	   float delayTime = (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") >0) ? CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") : CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay");
   	   if (delayTime > 0)
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (2);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);
   	   	   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime () + delayTime + (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime") / 2);  

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)
	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (4);
	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt (static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));
   // SyPB Pro P.14
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_wpn.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // This is CS:BTE
   	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-ze.ini", GetModName ());
   	   if ((g_mapType & MAP_ZE) && TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (99);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);
   	   	   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime () + 24.0f;
   	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zb1.ini", GetModName ());
   	   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (2);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);

   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;
Example #9
static int DmaSetupTransmit(void * hndl, int num)
    int i, result;
    static int pktsize=0;
    int total, bufsize, fragment;
    int bufindex;
    unsigned char * bufVA;
    PktBuf * pbuf;
    int origseqno;
    //static unsigned short lastno=0;

    log_verbose("Reached DmaSetupTransmit with handle %p, num %d\n", hndl, num);

    /* Check driver state */
    if(DriverState != REGISTERED)
        printk("Driver does not seem to be ready\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check handle value */
    if(hndl != handle[0])
        printk("Came with wrong handle\n");
        return 0;

    /* Check number of packets */
        printk("Came with 0 packets for sending\n");
        return 0;

    /* Hold the spinlock only when calling the buffer management APIs. */
    origseqno = TxSeqNo;
    for(i=0, bufindex=0; i<num; i++)            /* Total packets loop */
        //printk("i %d bufindex %d\n", i, bufindex);

        /* Fix the packet size to be the maximum entered in GUI */
        pktsize = RawMaxPktSize;

        //printk("pktsize is %d\n", pktsize);

        total = 0;
        fragment = 0;
        while(total < pktsize)      /* Packet fragments loop */
            //printk("Buf loop total %d bufindex %d\n", total, bufindex);

            pbuf = &(pkts[bufindex]);

            /* Allocate a buffer. DMA driver will map to PCI space. */
            bufVA = AllocBuf(&TxBufs);

            log_verbose(KERN_INFO "TX: The buffer after alloc is at address %x size %d\n",
                        (u32) bufVA, (u32) BUFSIZE);
            if (bufVA == NULL)
                //printk("TX: AllocBuf failed\n");
                //printk("[%d]", (num-i-1));
            pbuf->pktBuf = bufVA;
            pbuf->bufInfo = bufVA;
            bufsize = ((total + BUFSIZE) > pktsize) ?
                      (pktsize - total) : BUFSIZE ;
            total += bufsize;

            //printk("bufsize %d total %d\n", bufsize, total);

            log_verbose(KERN_INFO "Calling FormatBuffer pktsize %d bufsize %d fragment %d\n",
                        pktsize, bufsize, fragment);
            FormatBuffer(bufVA, pktsize, bufsize, fragment);

            pbuf->size = bufsize;
            pbuf->userInfo = TxSeqNo;
            pbuf->flags = PKT_ALL;
                pbuf->flags |= PKT_SOP;
            if(total == pktsize)
                pbuf->flags |= PKT_EOP;
                pbuf->size = bufsize;

            //printk("flags %x\n", pbuf->flags);
            //printk("TxSeqNo %u\n", TxSeqNo);

        if(total < pktsize)
            /* There must have been some error in the middle of the packet */

                /* First, adjust the number of buffers to queue up or else
                 * partial packets will get transmitted, which will cause a
                 * problem later.
                bufindex -= fragment;

                /* Now, free any unused buffers from the partial packet, so
                 * that buffers are not lost.
                log_normal(KERN_ERR "Tried to send pkt of size %d, only %d fragments possible\n",
                           pktsize, fragment);
                FreeUnusedBuf(&TxBufs, fragment);

        /* Increment packet sequence number */
        //if(lastno != TxSeqNo) printk(" %u-%u.", lastno, TxSeqNo);
        //lastno = TxSeqNo;

    //printk("[p%d-%d-%d] ", num, i, bufindex);

    if(i == 0)
        /* No buffers available */
        return 0;

    log_verbose("%s: Sending packet length %d seqno %d\n",
                MYNAME, pktsize, TxSeqNo);
    result = DmaSendPkt(hndl, pkts, bufindex);
    TxBufCnt += result;
    if(result != bufindex)
        log_normal(KERN_ERR "Tried to send %d pkts in %d buffers, sent only %d\n",
                   num, bufindex, result);
        //printk("[s%d-%d,%d-%d]", bufindex, result, TxSeqNo, origseqno);
        if(result) TxSeqNo = pkts[result].userInfo;
        else TxSeqNo = origseqno;
        //printk("-%u-", TxSeqNo);
        //lastno = TxSeqNo;

        FreeUnusedBuf(&TxBufs, (bufindex-result));
        return 0;
    else return 1;
Example #10
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // check team economics
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_TERRORIST);
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_COUNTER);

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)

   // SyPB Pro P.2 // SyPB Pro P.15
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // Getting GameMod
	   float delayTime = (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") >0) ? CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") : CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay");

	   if (delayTime > 0)
		   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime + (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime") / 2);

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt(static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));

   // SyPB Pro P.29 - Support CSBTE Final
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_player.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   const int Const_GameModes = 12;
	   int bteGameModAi[Const_GameModes] =
		   0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3
	   };//n, t, d, d, g, g, z, z, z, z, z, n

	   char *bteGameINI[Const_GameModes] =

	   for (int i = 0; i < Const_GameModes; i++)
		   if (TryFileOpen(FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), bteGameINI[i])))

			   if (bteGameModAi[i] == 2 && i != 5)
				   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + 20.0f;

			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   if (i == 3 || i == 9 || i == 10)
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");


   // SyPB Pro P.25 - Zombie Ai
   if (GetGameMod() == 2 || GetGameMod() == 4)
	   g_mapType |= MAP_DE;

   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;