uint                                    /*                                521*/
ShowStruct(DFILE *dfp,uint row,uint rows,uint skip)
                                        /* -> dfile node containing stucture.*/
                                        /* screen row.                       */
                                        /* rows available for display.       */
                                        /* # of logical data recs to skip.   */
{                                       /*                                   */
 uint   item;                           /*                                   */
 uint   rr;                             /*                                   */
 uint   n;                              /*                                   */
 TD_STRUCT   *tp;                       /*                                813*/
 TD_TYPELIST *typelist;                 /*                                813*/
 Trec  *namelist;                       /*                                   */
 uint   Nitems;                         /*                                   */
 uint   mid;                            /*                                   */
 uint   sfx;                            /*                                   */
 uchar *cp;                             /*                                   */
 uint   baseaddr;                       /*                                112*/
 uchar  buffer[2*DATALINESPAN];         /*                                   */
 uint   memberoffs;                     /* offset of member within structure.*/
 uint   membertype;                     /* type of the structure member.     */
 USHORT MaxLen;                         /* length of max structure name813529*/
                                        /*                                   */
 mid = dfp->mid;                        /*                                   */
 sfx = dfp->sfx;                        /*                                   */
 baseaddr = dfp->baseaddr;              /*                                   */

/* The first thing we want to do is get a pointer to the base type record.   */
/* If the showtype is <= 512, indicating a primitive type, then we will      */
/* get a back a NULL.                                                        */
 tp = (TD_STRUCT*)QbasetypeRec(mid, dfp->showtype); /*                    813*/
 if(!tp ||                              /* cutting through the typedefs.     */
    tp->RecType != T_STRUCT             /*                                   */
   )                                    /* cutting through the typedefs.     */

/* Now, we are going to get the number of structure members and quit if we   */
/* were told to skip more than the number of structure members.              */
 Nitems = tp->NumMembers;               /*                                813*/
 if( Nitems <= skip )

/* Now, get pointers to the type list and the name list.                     */
 typelist = (TD_TYPELIST*)QtypeRec(mid, tp->TypeListIndex);             /*813*/
 namelist = QtypeRec(mid, tp->NameListIndex);                           /*813*/
                                        /*                                   */
 if( skip )                             /*                                   */
     dfp = NULL;                        /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
 for( rr=0, item=skip+1;                /*                                813*/
      (rr < rows) &&                    /*                                   */
      (item <= Nitems);                 /*                                   */
      ++rr, ++item                      /*                                   */
    )                                   /*                                   */
 {                                      /*                                   */
  cp = (UCHAR *)QNameList(namelist,NAME,item-1);   /* find a member name. 813*/

  if(!cp)                               /* if there is no name then go home. */
    break;                              /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
  InitDataBuffer( buffer,               /* initialize the data buffer, i.e.  */
                  DATALINESPAN,         /* clear it, put expression name in  */
                  dfp                   /* it, put attributes in it, and  .  */
                );                      /* and terminate it with \0.         */
  dfp = NULL;                           /* kill dfp so we won't write the    */
                                        /* expression name again.            */
  MaxLen = *(USHORT*)cp;                /* length of structure name    813529*/
  MaxLen =                              /* limit the length of the name   529*/
  (MaxLen < (TAB2-2)) ? MaxLen : (TAB2-2);  /* till TAB2 position         529*/
  n = sprintf( buffer + STGCOL+1,       /* put the member name in the buffer.*/
              "%.*s: ",                 /*                                521*/
              MaxLen,                   /*                                529*/
              cp+sizeof(USHORT)         /*                                813*/
            );                          /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
                                        /* compute the offset of this member */
                                        /* within the data structure.        */
  memberoffs = QNameList(namelist,MEMBEROFFSET,item-1);                 /*813*/

                                        /* find the type of this member.     */
  membertype = typelist->TypeIndex[item-1];                          /*813112*/
                                        /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
  *(buffer + STGCOL+1 + n) = ' ';       /* remove null inserted by buffmt    */
                                        /*                                   */
  if ( n <= TAB1 )  n = TAB1;           /* move to a tab position based      */
  else  n = TAB2;                       /* on length of member name          */
                                        /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
                                        /* now format this item in the buffer*/
  FormatDataItem( buffer + STGCOL+1 + n,/*  starting position for the data.  */
                  baseaddr + memberoffs,/*  address of the member to format. */
                  mid,                  /*  mid containing the data.         */
                  membertype,           /*  type of the member.              */
                  sfx                   /*  stack frame index if there is one*/
                );                      /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
  buffer[ DATALINESPAN-1 ] = 0;         /* terminate the data buffer...again.*/
  putrc( row + rr, 0, buffer );         /* now display the data line.        */
 }                                      /*                                   */
                                        /*                                   */
 if( rr < rows )                        /* now clear the remaining rows.     */
   ClrScr( row + rr,                    /*                                   */
           row + rows - 1,              /*                                   */
           vaStgExp                     /*                                   */
         );                             /*                                   */
 return( TRUE );                        /*                                   */
}                                       /*                                   */
Example #2
//	hwndGV		- handle to GridView control
//	hRoot		- root item-handle 
//	type		- node in the type-chain
//	dwOffset	- current offset
//	returns:	size of type
size_w RecurseType(HWND hwndGV, HGRIDITEM hRoot, Type *type, size_w dwOffset, TypeDecl *typeDecl)
	GVITEM gvitem = { 0 };
	Structure *sptr;
	size_t i;
	TCHAR buf[200];
	if(type == 0)
		return 0;

	size_w dwLength = 0;
	INUMTYPE switchVal = 0;//1;

	HWND hwndHV = GetActiveHexView(g_hwndMain);

	case typeDOSTIME: case typeDOSDATE: case typeFILETIME: case typeTIMET:
		dwLength = FmtData(hwndGV, hRoot, type, dwOffset, typeDecl);

	case typeCHAR:  case typeWCHAR:  case typeBYTE: 
	case typeWORD:  case typeDWORD:  case typeQWORD:
	case typeFLOAT: case typeDOUBLE: case typeENUM:
		dwLength = FmtData(hwndGV, hRoot, type, dwOffset, typeDecl);

	case typeUNION:

		// evaluate the switch_is()
		ExprNode *switchExpr;
		if(FindTag(typeDecl->tagList, TOK_SWITCHIS, &switchExpr))
			switchVal = Evaluate(switchExpr);

		sptr = type->sptr;
		for(i = 0; i < sptr->typeDeclList.size(); i++)
			TypeDecl *typeDecl = sptr->typeDeclList[i];
			ExprNode *caseExpr;
			size_w tmpLen = 0;

			if(FindTag(typeDecl->tagList, TOK_CASE, &caseExpr))
				if(Evaluate(caseExpr) == switchVal)
					tmpLen = InsertTypeGV(hwndGV, hRoot, typeDecl, dwOffset);
				tmpLen = InsertTypeGV(hwndGV, hRoot, typeDecl, dwOffset);

			dwLength = max(dwLength, tmpLen);
	case typeSTRUCT: 
		sptr = type->sptr;

		for(i = 0; i < sptr->typeDeclList.size(); i++)
			TypeDecl *typeDecl = sptr->typeDeclList[i];
			dwLength += InsertTypeGV(hwndGV, hRoot, typeDecl, dwOffset + dwLength);
	case typeIDENTIFIER:

		hRoot = InsertIdentifier(hwndGV, hRoot, type, dwOffset, typeDecl);
		dwLength = RecurseType(hwndGV, hRoot, type->link, dwOffset, typeDecl);

#if 0
			RenderType(buf, 200, type);
			gvitem.pszText = buf;
			_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%hs"), type->sym->name);
			gvitem.pszText = buf;//type->sym->name;

		gvitem.state = 0;

		if(type->link && type->link->ty != typeARRAY)
			gvitem.state |= GVIS_EXPANDED;
		gvitem.iImage  = IsStruct(type) ? 1 : 0;


		gvitem.param = (ULONG_PTR)type;//typeDecl;
		GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);

		if(type->link && type->link->ty == typeARRAY)
			FormatDataItem(hwndGV, hRoot, type, dwOffset);

			gvitem.iSubItem = COLIDX_DATA;
			gvitem.state	= GVIS_READONLY;
			gvitem.pszText	= TEXT("{...}");
			gvitem.param	= 0;
			gvitem.mask = GVIF_PARAM | GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE;
			GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);


			RenderType(buf, 200, type->link);
			//_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%hs"), type->sym->name);
			gvitem.iSubItem = 0;//COLIDX_TYPE;
			gvitem.state	= GVIS_READONLY;
			gvitem.pszText	= buf;
			gvitem.param	= (UINT64)type;
			gvitem.mask = GVIF_PARAM | GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE;
			GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);


		dwLength = RecurseType(hwndGV, hRoot, type->link, dwOffset, typeDecl);

	case typeTYPEDEF:
	case typeSIGNED:
	case typeUNSIGNED:
	case typeCONST:
	//	return 0;
	case typePOINTER:
		dwLength = RecurseType(hwndGV, hRoot, type->link, dwOffset, typeDecl);

	case typeARRAY:

		Symbol *sym;
		ExprNode *nameExpr;

		if(FindTag(typeDecl->tagList, TOK_NAME, &nameExpr))		
			if((sym = LookupSymbol(globalTagSymbolList, nameExpr->str)) != 0)
				if(sym->type && sym->type->ty == typeENUM)
					sym = 0;
			sym = 0;

		UINT64 count;
		count = 0;

		Evaluate(GridView_GetParent(hwndGV, hRoot), type->elements, &count, dwOffset, hwndHV, hwndGV);
		count &= 0xffff;
		count = min(count,100);

		for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
			TCHAR buf[164];

			int len = _stprintf(buf, TEXT("[%d]  "), (int)i);

				Enum *eptr = sym->type->eptr;
				char *s = 0;

				for(size_t x = 0; x < eptr->fieldList.size(); x++)
					if(i == eptr->fieldList[x]->val)
						s = eptr->fieldList[i]->name->name;

				_stprintf(buf + 5, TEXT("- %hs"), s);

			gvitem.pszText	= buf;
			gvitem.state	= GVIS_READONLY;
			gvitem.iImage	= 0;//rand() % 2;
			gvitem.param	= (ULONG_PTR)type->link;
			gvitem.iSubItem		= COLIDX_NAME;

			hItem = GridView2_InsertUniqueChild(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);

			// used to pass '0' as typeDecl??? why?? because this is an array element we 
			// are recursing through!!!!
			dwLength += RecurseType(hwndGV, hItem, type->link, dwOffset + dwLength, 0);//typeDecl);

	// add the 'offset' column to all items
		_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%08x"), (DWORD)dwOffset);
		gvitem.pszText		= buf;
		gvitem.iSubItem		= COLIDX_OFFSET;
		gvitem.state		= 0;
		gvitem.param		= dwOffset;
		gvitem.mask	= GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE | GVIF_PARAM;
		GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);

		// add the 'comment' column item - only do this for items that aren't array elements
		if(typeDecl)// && type->ty != typeARRAY)
			FILEREF *ref;
			ref = &typeDecl->postRef;

			buf[0] = '\0';

			FormatWhitespace(ref, buf);
			gvitem.pszText		= buf;
			gvitem.iSubItem		= COLIDX_COMMENT;
			gvitem.state		= 0;
			gvitem.mask	= GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE;
			GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);

	return dwLength;
uint                                    /*                                521*/
ShowArray( DFILE *dfp, uint row, uint rows, uint skip )                 /*112*/
{                                                                       /**12*/
 TD_ARRAY  *tp;                         /*                                813*/
 uint   item;                           /* array item to display.         112*/
 uint   rr;                             /*                                112*/
 uint   n;                              /* gp integer.                    112*/
 uint   Nitems;                         /* number of array items.         112*/
 uint   atomtype;                       /* type of array items.           112*/
 uint   atomsize;                       /* size of an array item.         112*/
 uint   mid;                            /* module id for the array var.   112*/
 uint   sfx;                            /* stack frame index if auto.     112*/
 uint   baseaddr;                       /* user addr where array starts.  112*/
 uchar  buffer[2*DATALINESPAN];         /* display buffer for array item. 112*/
 uchar *cp;                             /* gp char ptr.                   112*/
 uint   addr;                           /* gp address.                    112*/
 mid = dfp->mid;                                                        /*112*/
 sfx = dfp->sfx;                                                        /*112*/
 baseaddr = dfp->baseaddr;                                              /*112*/
 /* - get a ptr to the defining type record in $$type seg.                112*/
 /* - get the atomic type of the array elements.                          112*/
 /* - get the size of the atomic type.                                    112*/
 /* - get the number of array items.                                      112*/
 /* - handle any errors in the above steps by simply returning false.     112*/
 /*                                                                       112*/
 tp = (TD_ARRAY*)QbasetypeRec(mid, dfp->showtype);                   /*813112*/
 if( ( tp == NULL ) || ( tp->RecType != T_ARRAY ) )                  /*813112*/
  return( FALSE );                                                      /*112*/
 atomtype = tp->ElemType;                                            /*813112*/
 atomtype = HandleUserDefs(mid,atomtype);                               /*813*/
 if( atomtype == 0 )                                                    /*112*/
  return( FALSE );                                                      /*112*/
 atomsize = QtypeSize(mid, atomtype);                                   /*112*/
 if( atomsize == 0 )                                                    /*112*/
  return( FALSE );                                                      /*112*/
 Nitems = tp->ByteSize/atomsize;                                     /*813112*/
 if( Nitems == 0 )                                                      /*912*/
   Nitems = 1;                                                          /*912*/
 if( Nitems <= skip )                                                   /*112*/
  return( FALSE );                                                      /*112*/
 /* simply show character array bytes as a string.                        112*/
 if( atomtype == TYPE_CHAR || atomtype == TYPE_UCHAR )                  /*112*/
 {                                                                      /*112*/
  ShowHexBytes(dfp, row, rows, skip);                                   /*112*/
  return( TRUE );                                                       /*112*/
 }                                                                      /*112*/
 /* -we only want to associate the array name with the first element of   112*/
 /*  the array. We set dfp == null after the first element, or before the 112*/
 /*  first element if we have scrolled the array name off the screen.     112*/
 /* -format each element.                                                 112*/
 /* -display in int and hex format.                                       112*/
 /* -truncate long lines.                                                 112*/
 /*                                                                       112*/
 if( skip )                                                             /*112*/
  dfp = NULL;                                                           /*112*/
 for( rr=0, item=skip+1; (rr < rows) && (item <= Nitems); ++rr, ++item) /*112*/
 {                                                                      /*112*/
  InitDataBuffer( buffer, DATALINESPAN, dfp );                          /*112*/
  dfp = NULL;                                                           /*112*/
  n = sprintf( buffer + STGCOL+1, "[%02u] ", item-1 );                  /*521*/
  *(buffer + STGCOL+1 + n) = ' ';                                       /*112*/
  if ( n <= TAB1 )  n = TAB1;                                           /*112*/
  else  n = TAB2;                                                       /*112*/
  cp   = buffer + STGCOL + 1 + n;                                       /*112*/
  addr = baseaddr+atomsize*(item-1);                                    /*112*/
  FormatDataItem( cp , addr, mid, atomtype, sfx);                       /*112*/
  buffer[ DATALINESPAN-1 ] = 0;                                         /*112*/
  putrc( row + rr, 0, buffer );                                         /*112*/
 }                                                                      /*112*/
 if( rr < rows )                                                        /*112*/
  ClrScr( row + rr, row + rows - 1, vaStgExp );                         /*112*/
 return( TRUE );                                                        /*112*/
}                                       /* end ShowArray().             /*112*/
Example #4
HGRIDITEM InsertIdentifier(HWND hwndGV, HGRIDITEM hRoot, Type *type, size_w dwOffset, TypeDecl *typeDecl)
	TCHAR buf[200];	
	GVITEM gvitem = { 0 };

		RenderType(buf, 200, type);
		gvitem.pszText = buf;
		_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%hs"), type->sym->name);

		RenderType(buf, 200, type->link);
		gvitem.pszText = buf;//type->sym->name;

	gvitem.state = 0;

	if(type->link && type->link->ty != typeARRAY)
		gvitem.state |= GVIS_EXPANDED;
	gvitem.iImage  = IsStruct(type) ? 1 : 0;
	//gvitem.iImage  = isstruct ? 3 : 2;

	if(typeDecl && typeDecl->tagList)

	gvitem.param = (ULONG_PTR)type;//typeDecl;
	hItem = GridView2_InsertUniqueChild(hwndGV, hRoot, &gvitem);
	if(type->link && type->link->ty == typeARRAY)
		FormatDataItem(hwndGV, hItem, type, dwOffset);

		gvitem.iSubItem = COLIDX_DATA;
		gvitem.state	= GVIS_READONLY;
		gvitem.pszText	= TEXT("{...}");
		gvitem.param	= 0;
		gvitem.mask = GVIF_PARAM | GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE;
		GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hItem, &gvitem);

			RenderType(buf, 200, type->link);
			//_stprintf(buf, TEXT("%hs"), type->sym->name);
			gvitem.iSubItem = 0;//COLIDX_TYPE;
			gvitem.state	= GVIS_READONLY;
			gvitem.pszText	= buf;
			gvitem.param	= (UINT64)type;
			gvitem.mask = GVIF_PARAM | GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_STATE;
			GridView2_SetItem(hwndGV, hItem, &gvitem);


	return hItem;