Example #1

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if the node is the root of MUX or EXOR/NEXOR.]

  Description [The node can be complemented.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsMuxType( Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;

    // make the node regular (it does not matter for EXOR/NEXOR)
    pNode = Fraig_Regular(pNode);
    // if the node or its children are not ANDs or not compl, this cannot be EXOR type
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        return 0;
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode->p1) || !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode->p1) )
        return 0;
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode->p2) || !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode->p2) )
        return 0;

    // get children
    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1);
    pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2);
    assert( pNode1->Num < pNode2->Num );

    // compare grandchildren
    // node is an EXOR/NEXOR
    if ( pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) && pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2) )
        return 1; 

    // otherwise the node is MUX iff it has a pair of equal grandchildren
    return pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) || 
           pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2) ||
           pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) ||
           pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
Example #2

  Synopsis    [Prints the node.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_PrintNode( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
    Fraig_Node_t * pTemp;
    int fCompl1, fCompl2, i;

    vNodes = Fraig_DfsOne( p, pNode, 0 );
    for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
        pTemp = vNodes->pArray[i];
        if ( Fraig_NodeIsVar(pTemp) )
            printf( "%3d : PI          ", pTemp->Num );
            Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimR, 20 );
            printf( "   " );
            Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimD, 20 );
            printf( "  %d\n", pTemp->fInv );

        fCompl1 = Fraig_IsComplement(pTemp->p1);
        fCompl2 = Fraig_IsComplement(pTemp->p2);
        printf( "%3d : %c%3d %c%3d   ", pTemp->Num,
            (fCompl1? '-':'+'), Fraig_Regular(pTemp->p1)->Num,
            (fCompl2? '-':'+'), Fraig_Regular(pTemp->p2)->Num );
        Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimR, 20 );
        printf( "   " );
        Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimD, 20 );
        printf( "  %d\n", pTemp->fInv );
    Fraig_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
Example #3

  Synopsis    [Prepares the SAT solver to run on the two nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_PrepareCones( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew )
//    Msat_IntVec_t * vAdjs;
//    int * pVars, nVars, i, k;
    int nVarsAlloc;

    assert( pOld != pNew );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );
    // clean the variables
    nVarsAlloc = Msat_IntVecReadSize(pMan->vVarsUsed);
    Msat_IntVecFill( pMan->vVarsUsed, nVarsAlloc, 0 );
    Msat_IntVecClear( pMan->vVarsInt );

    Fraig_PrepareCones_rec( pMan, pNew );
    Fraig_PrepareCones_rec( pMan, pOld );

    nVars = Msat_IntVecReadSize( pMan->vVarsInt );
    pVars = Msat_IntVecReadArray( pMan->vVarsInt );
    for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
        // process its connections
        vAdjs = (Msat_IntVec_t *)Msat_ClauseVecReadEntry( pMan->vAdjacents, pVars[i] );
        printf( "%d=%d { ", pVars[i], Msat_IntVecReadSize(vAdjs) );
        for ( k = 0; k < Msat_IntVecReadSize(vAdjs); k++ )
            printf( "%d ", Msat_IntVecReadEntry(vAdjs,k) );
        printf( "}\n" );

    i = 0;
Example #4

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if pOld is in the TFI of pNew.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_CheckTfi( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew )
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );
    return Fraig_CheckTfi_rec( pMan, pNew, pOld );
Example #5

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if the node is EXOR, 0 if it is NEXOR.]

  Description [The node should be EXOR type and not complemented.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsExor( Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1;
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );
    assert( Fraig_NodeIsExorType(pNode) );
    assert( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode->p1) );
    // get children
    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1);
    return Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p1) == Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p2);

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if A v B is always true based on the siminfo.]

  Description [A v B is always true iff A' * B' is always false.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_ManCheckClauseUsingSimInfo( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, Fraig_Node_t * pNode2 )
    int fCompl1, fCompl2, i;

    fCompl1 = 1 ^ Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1) ^ Fraig_Regular(pNode1)->fInv;
    fCompl2 = 1 ^ Fraig_IsComplement(pNode2) ^ Fraig_Regular(pNode2)->fInv;

    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode1);
    pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(pNode2);
    assert( pNode1 != pNode2 );
    // check the simulation info
    if ( fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
        for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
            if ( ~pNode1->puSimR[i] & ~pNode2->puSimR[i] )
                return 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
            if ( ~pNode1->puSimD[i] & ~pNode2->puSimD[i] )
                return 0;
        return 1;
    if ( !fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
        for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
            if ( pNode1->puSimR[i] & ~pNode2->puSimR[i] )
                return 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
            if ( pNode1->puSimD[i] & ~pNode2->puSimD[i] )
                return 0;
        return 1;
    if ( fCompl1 && !fCompl2 )
        for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
            if ( ~pNode1->puSimR[i] & pNode2->puSimR[i] )
                return 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
            if ( ~pNode1->puSimD[i] & pNode2->puSimD[i] )
                return 0;
        return 1;
//    if ( fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
        for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
            if ( pNode1->puSimR[i] & pNode2->puSimR[i] )
                return 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
            if ( pNode1->puSimD[i] & pNode2->puSimD[i] )
                return 0;
        return 1;
Example #7

  Synopsis    [Tries to prove the final miter.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_ManProveMiter( Fraig_Man_t * p )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode;
    int i, clk;

    if ( !p->fTryProve )
    clk = clock();
    // consider all outputs of the multi-output miter
    for ( i = 0; i < p->vOutputs->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = Fraig_Regular(p->vOutputs->pArray[i]);
        // skip already constant nodes
        if ( pNode == p->pConst1 )
        // skip nodes that are different according to simulation
        if ( !Fraig_CompareSimInfo( pNode, p->pConst1, p->nWordsRand, 1 ) )
        if ( Fraig_NodeIsEquivalent( p, p->pConst1, pNode, -1, p->nSeconds ) )
            if ( Fraig_IsComplement(p->vOutputs->pArray[i]) ^ Fraig_NodeComparePhase(p->pConst1, pNode) )
                p->vOutputs->pArray[i] = Fraig_Not(p->pConst1);
                p->vOutputs->pArray[i] = p->pConst1;
    if ( p->fVerboseP ) 
//        PRT( "Final miter proof time", clock() - clk );
Example #8

  Synopsis    [Analyses choice nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pNode, int fMaximum )
    Fraig_Node_t * pTemp;
    int Level1, Level2, LevelE;
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        return pNode->Level;
    // skip the visited node
    if ( pNode->TravId == pMan->nTravIds )
        return pNode->Level;
    pNode->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;
    // compute levels of the children nodes
    Level1 = Fraig_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1), fMaximum );
    Level2 = Fraig_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2), fMaximum );
    pNode->Level = 1 + Abc_MaxInt( Level1, Level2 );
    if ( pNode->pNextE )
        LevelE = Fraig_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, pNode->pNextE, fMaximum );
        if ( fMaximum )
            if ( pNode->Level < LevelE )
                pNode->Level = LevelE;
            if ( pNode->Level > LevelE )
                pNode->Level = LevelE;
        // set the level of all equivalent nodes to be the same minimum
        if ( pNode->pRepr == NULL ) // the primary node
            for ( pTemp = pNode->pNextE; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNextE )
                pTemp->Level = pNode->Level;
    return pNode->Level;
Example #9

  Synopsis    [Adds clauses to the solver.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_SupergateAddClauses( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vSuper )
    int fComp1, RetValue, nVars, Var, Var1, i;

    assert( Fraig_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) );
    nVars = Msat_SolverReadVarNum(p->pSat);

    Var = pNode->Num;
    assert( Var  < nVars ); 
    for ( i = 0; i < vSuper->nSize; i++ )
        // get the predecessor nodes
        // get the complemented attributes of the nodes
        fComp1 = Fraig_IsComplement(vSuper->pArray[i]);
        // determine the variable numbers
        Var1 = Fraig_Regular(vSuper->pArray[i])->Num;
        // check that the variables are in the SAT manager
        assert( Var1 < nVars );

        // suppose the AND-gate is A * B = C
        // add !A => !C   or   A + !C
    //  fprintf( pFile, "%d %d 0%c", Var1, -Var, 10 );
        Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(Var1, fComp1) );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(Var,  1) );
        RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
        assert( RetValue );

    // add A & B => C   or   !A + !B + C
//  fprintf( pFile, "%d %d %d 0%c", -Var1, -Var2, Var, 10 );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    for ( i = 0; i < vSuper->nSize; i++ )
        // get the predecessor nodes
        // get the complemented attributes of the nodes
        fComp1 = Fraig_IsComplement(vSuper->pArray[i]);
        // determine the variable numbers
        Var1 = Fraig_Regular(vSuper->pArray[i])->Num;

        // add this variable to the array
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(Var1, !fComp1) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(Var, 0) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
Example #10

  Synopsis    [Returns 1 if the node is the root of EXOR/NEXOR gate.]

  Description [The node can be complemented.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsExorType( Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;
    // make the node regular (it does not matter for EXOR/NEXOR)
    pNode = Fraig_Regular(pNode);
    // if the node or its children are not ANDs or not compl, this cannot be EXOR type
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        return 0;
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode->p1) || !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode->p1) )
        return 0;
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode->p2) || !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode->p2) )
        return 0;

    // get children
    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1);
    pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2);
    assert( pNode1->Num < pNode2->Num );

    // compare grandchildren
    return pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) && pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
Example #11

  Synopsis    [Transfers fanout to a different node.]

  Description [Assumes that the other node currently has no fanouts.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_NodeTransferFanout( Fraig_Node_t * pNodeFrom, Fraig_Node_t * pNodeTo )
    Fraig_Node_t * pFanout;
    assert( pNodeTo->pFanPivot == NULL );
    assert( pNodeTo->pFanFanin1 == NULL );
    assert( pNodeTo->pFanFanin2 == NULL );
    // go through the fanouts and update their fanins
    Fraig_NodeForEachFanout( pNodeFrom, pFanout )
        if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pNodeFrom )
            pFanout->p1 = Fraig_NotCond( pNodeTo, Fraig_IsComplement(pFanout->p1) );
        else if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pNodeFrom )
            pFanout->p2 = Fraig_NotCond( pNodeTo, Fraig_IsComplement(pFanout->p2) );            
    // move the pointers
    pNodeTo->pFanPivot  = pNodeFrom->pFanPivot;  
    pNodeTo->pFanFanin1 = pNodeFrom->pFanFanin1; 
    pNodeTo->pFanFanin2 = pNodeFrom->pFanFanin2;
    pNodeFrom->pFanPivot  = NULL; 
    pNodeFrom->pFanFanin1 = NULL; 
    pNodeFrom->pFanFanin2 = NULL;  
Example #12

  Synopsis    [Returns the array of nodes to be combined into one multi-input AND-gate.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vSuper, int fFirst, int fStopAtMux )
    // if the new node is complemented or a PI, another gate begins
//    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) )
    if ( (!fFirst && Fraig_Regular(pNode)->nRefs > 1) || 
          Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) || 
          (fStopAtMux && Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode)) )
        Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( vSuper, pNode );
    // go through the branches
    Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( pNode->p1, vSuper, 0, fStopAtMux );
    Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( pNode->p2, vSuper, 0, fStopAtMux );
Example #13

  Synopsis    [Checks if pNew exists among the implication fanins of pOld.]

  Description [If pNew is an implication fanin of pOld, returns 1. 
  If Fraig_Not(pNew) is an implication fanin of pOld, return -1.
  Otherwise returns 0.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew )
    int RetValue1, RetValue2;
    if ( Fraig_Regular(pOld) == Fraig_Regular(pNew) )
        return (pOld == pNew)? 1 : -1;
    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pOld) )
        return 0;
    RetValue1 = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( pOld->p1, pNew );
    RetValue2 = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( pOld->p2, pNew );
    if ( RetValue1 == -1 || RetValue2 == -1 )
        return -1;
    if ( RetValue1 ==  1 || RetValue2 ==  1 )
        return 1;
    return 0;
Example #14

  Synopsis    [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_Dfs_rec( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vNodes, int fEquiv )
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );
    // skip the visited node
    if ( pNode->TravId == pMan->nTravIds )
    pNode->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;
    // visit the transitive fanin
    if ( Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        Fraig_Dfs_rec( pMan, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1), vNodes, fEquiv );
        Fraig_Dfs_rec( pMan, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2), vNodes, fEquiv );
    if ( fEquiv && pNode->pNextE )
        Fraig_Dfs_rec( pMan, pNode->pNextE, vNodes, fEquiv );
    // save the node
    Fraig_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
Example #15

  Synopsis    [Adds clauses to the solver.]

  Description [This procedure is used to add external clauses to the solver.
  The clauses are given by sets of nodes. Each node stands for one literal.
  If the node is complemented, the literal is negated.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_ManAddClause( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode;
    int i, fComp, RetValue;
    if ( p->pSat == NULL )
        Fraig_ManCreateSolver( p );
    // create four clauses
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
        pNode = Fraig_Regular(ppNodes[i]);
        fComp = Fraig_IsComplement(ppNodes[i]);
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num, fComp) );
//        printf( "%d(%d) ", pNode->Num, fComp );
//    printf( "\n" );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
Example #16

  Synopsis    [Adds clauses to the solver.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_SupergateAddClausesExor( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;
    int fComp, RetValue;

    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement( pNode ) );
    assert( Fraig_NodeIsExorType( pNode ) );
    // get nodes
    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p1);
    pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p2);
    // get the complemented attribute of the EXOR/NEXOR gate
    fComp = Fraig_NodeIsExor( pNode ); // 1 if EXOR, 0 if NEXOR

    // create four clauses
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num,   fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1->Num,  fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2->Num,  fComp) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num,   fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1->Num, !fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2->Num, !fComp) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num,  !fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1->Num,  fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2->Num, !fComp) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num,  !fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1->Num, !fComp) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2->Num,  fComp) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
Example #17

  Synopsis    [Traverses the cone, collects the numbers and adds the clauses.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_PrepareCones_rec( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pFanin;
    Msat_IntVec_t * vAdjs;
    int fUseMuxes = 1, i;
    int fItIsTime;

    // skip if the node is aleady visited
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );
    if ( pNode->TravId == pMan->nTravIds )
    pNode->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;

    // collect the node's number (closer to reverse topological order)
    Msat_IntVecPush( pMan->vVarsInt, pNode->Num );
    Msat_IntVecWriteEntry( pMan->vVarsUsed, pNode->Num, 1 );
    if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )

    // if the node does not have fanins, create them
    fItIsTime = 0;
    if ( pNode->vFanins == NULL )
        fItIsTime = 1;
        // create the fanins of the supergate
        assert( pNode->fClauses == 0 );
        if ( fUseMuxes && Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) )
            pNode->vFanins = Fraig_NodeVecAlloc( 4 );
            Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p1) );
            Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p2) );
            Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->p1) );
            Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->p2) );
            Fraig_SupergateAddClausesMux( pMan, pNode );
            pNode->vFanins = Fraig_CollectSupergate( pNode, fUseMuxes );
            Fraig_SupergateAddClauses( pMan, pNode, pNode->vFanins );
        assert( pNode->vFanins->nSize > 1 );
        pNode->fClauses = 1;

        // add fanins
        vAdjs = (Msat_IntVec_t *)Msat_ClauseVecReadEntry( pMan->vAdjacents, pNode->Num );
        assert( Msat_IntVecReadSize( vAdjs ) == 0 );
        for ( i = 0; i < pNode->vFanins->nSize; i++ )
            pFanin = Fraig_Regular(pNode->vFanins->pArray[i]);
            Msat_IntVecPush( vAdjs, pFanin->Num );

    // recursively visit the fanins
    for ( i = 0; i < pNode->vFanins->nSize; i++ )
        Fraig_PrepareCones_rec( pMan, Fraig_Regular(pNode->vFanins->pArray[i]) );

    if ( fItIsTime )
        // recursively visit the fanins
        for ( i = 0; i < pNode->vFanins->nSize; i++ )
            pFanin = Fraig_Regular(pNode->vFanins->pArray[i]);
            vAdjs = (Msat_IntVec_t *)Msat_ClauseVecReadEntry( pMan->vAdjacents, pFanin->Num );
            Msat_IntVecPush( vAdjs, pNode->Num );
Example #18
int             Fraig_NodeComparePhase( Fraig_Node_t * p1, Fraig_Node_t * p2 ) { assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(p1) ); assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(p2) ); return p1->fInv ^ p2->fInv; }
Example #19

  Synopsis    [Collect variables using their proximity from the nodes.]

  Description [This procedure creates a variable order based on collecting
  first the nodes that are the closest to the given two target nodes.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_OrderVariables( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode, * pFanin;
    int i, k, Number, fUseMuxes = 1;
    int nVarsAlloc;

    assert( pOld != pNew );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );


    // clean the variables
    nVarsAlloc = Msat_IntVecReadSize(pMan->vVarsUsed);
    Msat_IntVecFill( pMan->vVarsUsed, nVarsAlloc, 0 );
    Msat_IntVecClear( pMan->vVarsInt );

    // add the first node
    Msat_IntVecPush( pMan->vVarsInt, pOld->Num );
    Msat_IntVecWriteEntry( pMan->vVarsUsed, pOld->Num, 1 );
    pOld->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;

    // add the second node
    Msat_IntVecPush( pMan->vVarsInt, pNew->Num );
    Msat_IntVecWriteEntry( pMan->vVarsUsed, pNew->Num, 1 );
    pNew->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;

    // create the variable order
    for ( i = 0; i < Msat_IntVecReadSize(pMan->vVarsInt); i++ )
        // get the new node on the frontier
        Number = Msat_IntVecReadEntry(pMan->vVarsInt, i);
        pNode = pMan->vNodes->pArray[Number];
        if ( !Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )

        // if the node does not have fanins, create them
        if ( pNode->vFanins == NULL )
            // create the fanins of the supergate
            assert( pNode->fClauses == 0 );
            // detecting a fanout-free cone (experiment only)
//            Fraig_DetectFanoutFreeCone( pMan, pNode );

            if ( fUseMuxes && Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) )
                pNode->vFanins = Fraig_NodeVecAlloc( 4 );
                Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p1) );
                Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->p2) );
                Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->p1) );
                Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( pNode->vFanins, Fraig_Regular(Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->p2) );
                Fraig_SupergateAddClausesMux( pMan, pNode );
//                Fraig_DetectFanoutFreeConeMux( pMan, pNode );

                pNode->vFanins = Fraig_CollectSupergate( pNode, fUseMuxes );
                Fraig_SupergateAddClauses( pMan, pNode, pNode->vFanins );
            assert( pNode->vFanins->nSize > 1 );
            pNode->fClauses = 1;

            pNode->fMark2 = 1; // goes together with Fraig_SetupAdjacentMark()

        // explore the implication fanins of pNode
        for ( k = 0; k < pNode->vFanins->nSize; k++ )
            pFanin = Fraig_Regular(pNode->vFanins->pArray[k]);
            if ( pFanin->TravId == pMan->nTravIds ) // already collected
            // collect and mark
            Msat_IntVecPush( pMan->vVarsInt, pFanin->Num );
            Msat_IntVecWriteEntry( pMan->vVarsUsed, pFanin->Num, 1 );
            pFanin->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;

    // set up the adjacent variable information
//    Fraig_SetupAdjacent( pMan, pMan->vVarsInt );
    Fraig_SetupAdjacentMark( pMan, pMan->vVarsInt );
Example #20


///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Add the fanout to the node.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_NodeAddFaninFanout( Fraig_Node_t * pFanin, Fraig_Node_t * pFanout )
    Fraig_Node_t * pPivot;

    // pFanins is a fanin of pFanout
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pFanin) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pFanout) );
    assert( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin || Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin );

    pPivot = pFanin->pFanPivot;
    if ( pPivot == NULL )
        pFanin->pFanPivot = pFanout;

    if ( Fraig_Regular(pPivot->p1) == pFanin )
        if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin )
            pFanout->pFanFanin1 = pPivot->pFanFanin1;
            pPivot->pFanFanin1  = pFanout;
        else // if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin )
            pFanout->pFanFanin2 = pPivot->pFanFanin1;
            pPivot->pFanFanin1  = pFanout;
    else // if ( Fraig_Regular(pPivot->p2) == pFanin )
        assert( Fraig_Regular(pPivot->p2) == pFanin );
        if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin )
            pFanout->pFanFanin1 = pPivot->pFanFanin2;
            pPivot->pFanFanin2  = pFanout;
        else // if ( Fraig_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin )
            pFanout->pFanFanin2 = pPivot->pFanFanin2;
            pPivot->pFanFanin2  = pFanout;
Example #21

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFITIONS                           ///


  Synopsis    [Adds choice nodes based on associativity.]

  Description [Make nLimit big AND gates and add all decompositions
               to the Fraig.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_ManAddChoices( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, int fVerbose, int nLimit )
//    ProgressBar * pProgress;
    char Buffer[100];
    clock_t clkTotal = clock();
    int i, nNodesBefore, nNodesAfter, nInputs, nMaxNodes;
    int /*nMaxLevel,*/ nDistributive;
    Fraig_Node_t *pNode, *pRepr;
    Fraig_Node_t *pX, *pA, *pB, *pC, /* *pD,*/ *pN, /* *pQ, *pR,*/ *pT;
    int fShortCut = 0;

    nDistributive = 0;

//    Fraig_ManSetApprox( pMan, 1 );

    // NO functional reduction
    if (fShortCut) Fraig_ManSetFuncRed( pMan, 0 );

    // First we mark critical functions i.e. compute those
    // nodes which lie on the critical path. Note that this
    // doesn't update the required times on any choice nodes
    // which are not the representatives
    nMaxLevel = Fraig_GetMaxLevel( pMan );
    for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
        Fraig_SetNodeRequired( pMan, pMan->pOutputs[i], nMaxLevel );
    nNodesBefore = Fraig_ManReadNodeNum( pMan );
    nInputs      = Fraig_ManReadInputNum( pMan );
    nMaxNodes    = nInputs + nLimit * ( nNodesBefore - nInputs );

    printf ("Limit = %d, Before = %d\n", nMaxNodes, nNodesBefore );

    if (0) 
        char buffer[128];
        sprintf (buffer, "test" );
//        Fraig_MappingShow( pMan, buffer );

//    pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nMaxNodes );
Fraig_ManCheckConsistency( pMan );

    for ( i = nInputs+1; (i < Fraig_ManReadNodeNum( pMan )) 
            && (nMaxNodes > Fraig_ManReadNodeNum( pMan )); ++i )
//        if ( i == nNodesBefore )
//            break;

        pNode = Fraig_ManReadIthNode( pMan, i );
        assert ( pNode );

        pRepr = pNode->pRepr ? pNode->pRepr : pNode;
        //printf ("Slack: %d\n", Fraig_NodeReadSlack( pRepr ));
        // All the new associative choices we add will have huge slack
        // since we do not redo timing, and timing doesnt handle choices
        // well anyway. However every newly added node is a choice of an
        // existing critical node, so they are considered critical.
//        if ( (Fraig_NodeReadSlack( pRepr ) > 3) && (i < nNodesBefore)  )     
//            continue;

//        if ( pNode->pRepr )
//            continue;

        // Try ((ab)c), x = ab -> (a(bc)) and (b(ac))
        pX = Fraig_NodeReadOne(pNode);
        pC = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(pNode);
        if (Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pX) && !Fraig_IsComplement(pX))
            pA = Fraig_NodeReadOne(Fraig_Regular(pX));
            pB = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(Fraig_Regular(pX));

//            pA = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pA );
//            pB = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pB );
//            pC = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pC );

            if (fShortCut) 
                pT = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pB, pC);
                if ( !pT->pRepr )
                    pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pT);
//                    Fraig_NodeAddChoice( pMan, pNode, pN );
                pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pB, pC));
            // assert ( Fraig_NodesEqual(pN, pNode) );

            if (fShortCut) 
                pT = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pC);
                if ( !pT->pRepr )
                    pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pB, pT);
//                    Fraig_NodeAddChoice( pMan, pNode, pN );
                pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pB, Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pC));
            // assert ( Fraig_NodesEqual(pN, pNode) );

        // Try (a(bc)), x = bc -> ((ab)c) and ((ac)b)
        pA = Fraig_NodeReadOne(pNode);
        pX = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(pNode);
        if (Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pX) && !Fraig_IsComplement(pX))
            pB = Fraig_NodeReadOne(Fraig_Regular(pX));
            pC = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(Fraig_Regular(pX));

//            pA = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pA );
//            pB = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pB );
//            pC = Fraig_NodeGetRepr( pC );

            if (fShortCut) 
                pT = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pB);
                if ( !pT->pRepr )
                    pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pC, pT);
//                    Fraig_NodeAddChoice( pMan, pNode, pN );
                pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pB), pC);
            // assert ( Fraig_NodesEqual(pN, pNode) );

            if (fShortCut) 
                pT = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pC);
                if ( !pT->pRepr )
                    pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pB, pT);
//                    Fraig_NodeAddChoice( pMan, pNode, pN );
                pN = Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, pC), pB);
            // assert ( Fraig_NodesEqual(pN, pNode) );

        // Try distributive transform
        pQ = Fraig_NodeReadOne(pNode);
        pR = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(pNode);
        if ( (Fraig_IsComplement(pQ) && Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pQ))
             && (Fraig_IsComplement(pR) && Fraig_NodeIsAnd(pR)) )
            pA = Fraig_NodeReadOne(Fraig_Regular(pQ));
            pB = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(Fraig_Regular(pQ));
            pC = Fraig_NodeReadOne(Fraig_Regular(pR));
            pD = Fraig_NodeReadTwo(Fraig_Regular(pR));

            // Now detect the !(xy + xz) pattern, store 
            // x in pA, y in pB and z in pC and set pD = 0 to indicate
            // pattern was found
            assert (pD != 0);
            if (pA == pC) { pC = pD;                   pD = 0; } 
            if (pA == pD) {                            pD = 0; } 
            if (pB == pC) { pB = pA; pA = pC; pC = pD; pD = 0; }
            if (pB == pD) { pB = pA; pA = pD;          pD = 0; }
            if (pD == 0)
                pN = Fraig_Not(Fraig_NodeAnd(pMan, pA, 
                        Fraig_NodeOr(pMan, pB, pC)));
                if (fShortCut) Fraig_NodeAddChoice( pMan, pNode, pN );
                // assert ( Fraig_NodesEqual(pN, pNode) );
        if ( i % 1000 == 0 )
            sprintf( Buffer, "Adding choice %6d...", i - nNodesBefore );
//            Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, Buffer );

//    Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );

Fraig_ManCheckConsistency( pMan );

    nNodesAfter = Fraig_ManReadNodeNum( pMan );
    printf ( "Nodes before = %6d. Nodes with associative choices = %6d. Increase = %4.2f %%.\n", 
            nNodesBefore, nNodesAfter, ((float)(nNodesAfter - nNodesBefore)) * 100.0/(nNodesBefore - nInputs) );
    printf ( "Distributive = %d\n", nDistributive );

Example #22

  Synopsis    [Recognizes what nodes are control and data inputs of a MUX.]

  Description [If the node is a MUX, returns the control variable C.
  Assigns nodes T and E to be the then and else variables of the MUX. 
  Node C is never complemented. Nodes T and E can be complemented.
  This function also recognizes EXOR/NEXOR gates as MUXes.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Fraig_Node_t * Fraig_NodeRecognizeMux( Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_Node_t ** ppNodeT, Fraig_Node_t ** ppNodeE )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );
    assert( Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) );
    // get children
    pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1);
    pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2);
    // find the control variable
    if ( pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) )
        if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p1) )
        { // pNode2->p1 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p2);
            return pNode2->p1;
        { // pNode1->p1 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p2);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
            return pNode1->p1;
    else if ( pNode1->p1 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2) )
        if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p1) )
        { // pNode2->p2 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p2);
            return pNode2->p2;
        { // pNode1->p1 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p2);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1);
            return pNode1->p1;
    else if ( pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1) )
        if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p2) )
        { // pNode2->p1 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p1);
            return pNode2->p1;
        { // pNode1->p2 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p1);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2);
            return pNode1->p2;
    else if ( pNode1->p2 == Fraig_Not(pNode2->p2) )
        if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1->p2) )
        { // pNode2->p2 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p1);
            return pNode2->p2;
        { // pNode1->p2 is positive phase of C
            *ppNodeT = Fraig_Not(pNode1->p1);
            *ppNodeE = Fraig_Not(pNode2->p1);
            return pNode1->p2;
    assert( 0 ); // this is not MUX
    return NULL;
Example #23
Fraig_Node_t *  Fraig_NodeReadTwo( Fraig_Node_t * p )                     { assert (!Fraig_IsComplement(p)); return p->p2; }
Example #24

  Synopsis    [The internal AND operation for the two FRAIG nodes.]

  Description [This procedure is the core of the FRAIG package, because
  it performs the two-step canonicization of FRAIG nodes. The first step
  involves the lookup in the structural hash table (which hashes two ANDs 
  into a node that has them as fanins, if such a node exists). If the node 
  is not found in the structural hash table, an attempt is made to find a 
  functionally equivalent node in another hash table (which hashes the 
  simulation info into the nodes, which has this simulation info). Some 
  tricks used on the way are described in the comments to the code and
  in the paper "FRAIGs: Functionally reduced AND-INV graphs".]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Fraig_Node_t * Fraig_NodeAndCanon( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t * p1, Fraig_Node_t * p2 )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNodeNew, * pNodeOld, * pNodeRepr;
    int fUseSatCheck;
//    int RetValue;

    // check for trivial cases
    if ( p1 == p2 )
        return p1;
    if ( p1 == Fraig_Not(p2) )
        return Fraig_Not(pMan->pConst1);
    if ( Fraig_NodeIsConst(p1) )
        if ( p1 == pMan->pConst1 )
            return p2;
        return Fraig_Not(pMan->pConst1);
    if ( Fraig_NodeIsConst(p2) )
        if ( p2 == pMan->pConst1 )
            return p1;
        return Fraig_Not(pMan->pConst1);
    // check for less trivial cases
    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(p1) )
        if ( RetValue = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( Fraig_Regular(p1), p2 ) )
            if ( RetValue == -1 )

            if ( RetValue == -1 )
                return p2;
        if ( RetValue = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( p1, p2 ) )
            if ( RetValue == 1 )

            if ( RetValue == 1 )
                return p1;
            return Fraig_Not(pMan->pConst1);
    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(p2) )
        if ( RetValue = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( Fraig_Regular(p2), p1 ) )
            if ( RetValue == -1 )

            if ( RetValue == -1 )
                return p1;
        if ( RetValue = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( p2, p1 ) )
            if ( RetValue == 1 )

            if ( RetValue == 1 )
                return p2;
            return Fraig_Not(pMan->pConst1);
    // perform level-one structural hashing
    if ( Fraig_HashTableLookupS( pMan, p1, p2, &pNodeNew ) ) // the node with these children is found
        // if the existent node is part of the cone of unused logic
        // (that is logic feeding the node which is equivalent to the given node)
        // return the canonical representative of this node
        // determine the phase of the given node, with respect to its canonical form
        pNodeRepr = Fraig_Regular(pNodeNew)->pRepr;
        if ( pMan->fFuncRed && pNodeRepr )
            return Fraig_NotCond( pNodeRepr, Fraig_IsComplement(pNodeNew) ^ Fraig_NodeComparePhase(Fraig_Regular(pNodeNew), pNodeRepr) );
        // otherwise, the node is itself a canonical representative, return it
        return pNodeNew;
    // the same node is not found, but the new one is created

    // if one level hashing is requested (without functionality hashing), return
    if ( !pMan->fFuncRed )
        return pNodeNew;

    // check if the new node is unique using the simulation info
    if ( pNodeNew->nOnes == 0 || pNodeNew->nOnes == (unsigned)pMan->nWordsRand * 32 )
        if ( !pMan->fDoSparse ) // if we do not do sparse functions, skip
            return pNodeNew;
        // check the sparse function simulation hash table
        pNodeOld = Fraig_HashTableLookupF0( pMan, pNodeNew );
        if ( pNodeOld == NULL ) // the node is unique (it is added to the table)
            return pNodeNew;
        // check the simulation hash table
        pNodeOld = Fraig_HashTableLookupF( pMan, pNodeNew );
        if ( pNodeOld == NULL ) // the node is unique
            return pNodeNew;
    assert( pNodeOld->pRepr == 0 );
    // there is another node which looks the same according to simulation

    // use SAT to resolve the ambiguity
    fUseSatCheck = (pMan->nInspLimit == 0 || Fraig_ManReadInspects(pMan) < pMan->nInspLimit); 
    if ( fUseSatCheck && Fraig_NodeIsEquivalent( pMan, pNodeOld, pNodeNew, pMan->nBTLimit, 1000000 ) )
        // set the node to be equivalent with this node
        // to prevent loops, only set if the old node is not in the TFI of the new node
        // the loop may happen in the following case: suppose 
        // NodeC = AND(NodeA, NodeB) and at the same time NodeA => NodeB
        // in this case, NodeA and NodeC are functionally equivalent
        // however, NodeA is a fanin of node NodeC (this leads to the loop)
        // add the node to the list of equivalent nodes or dereference it
        if ( pMan->fChoicing && !Fraig_CheckTfi( pMan, pNodeOld, pNodeNew ) )
            // if the old node is not in the TFI of the new node and choicing 
            // is enabled, add the new node to the list of equivalent ones
            pNodeNew->pNextE = pNodeOld->pNextE;
            pNodeOld->pNextE = pNodeNew;
        // set the canonical representative of this node
        pNodeNew->pRepr = pNodeOld;
        // return the equivalent node
        return Fraig_NotCond( pNodeOld, Fraig_NodeComparePhase(pNodeOld, pNodeNew) );

    // now we add another member to this simulation class
    if ( pNodeNew->nOnes == 0 || pNodeNew->nOnes == (unsigned)pMan->nWordsRand * 32 )
        Fraig_Node_t * pNodeTemp;
        assert( pMan->fDoSparse );
        pNodeTemp = Fraig_HashTableLookupF0( pMan, pNodeNew );
//        assert( pNodeTemp == NULL );
//        Fraig_HashTableInsertF0( pMan, pNodeNew );
        pNodeNew->pNextD = pNodeOld->pNextD;
        pNodeOld->pNextD = pNodeNew;
    // return the new node
    assert( pNodeNew->pRepr == 0 );
    return pNodeNew;
Example #25

  Synopsis    [Prepares the SAT solver to run on the two nodes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_ManCheckClauseUsingSat( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, Fraig_Node_t * pNode2, int nBTLimit )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode1R, * pNode2R;
    int RetValue, RetValue1, i, clk;
    int fVerbose = 0;

    pNode1R = Fraig_Regular(pNode1);
    pNode2R = Fraig_Regular(pNode2);
    assert( pNode1R != pNode2R );

    // make sure the solver is allocated and has enough variables
    if ( p->pSat == NULL )
        Fraig_ManCreateSolver( p );
    // make sure the SAT solver has enough variables
    for ( i = Msat_SolverReadVarNum(p->pSat); i < p->vNodes->nSize; i++ )
        Msat_SolverAddVar( p->pSat, p->vNodes->pArray[i]->Level );

   // get the logic cone
clk = clock();
    Fraig_OrderVariables( p, pNode1R, pNode2R );
//    Fraig_PrepareCones( p, pNode1R, pNode2R );
p->timeTrav += clock() - clk;

    // prepare the solver to run incrementally on these variables
//clk = clock();
    Msat_SolverPrepare( p->pSat, p->vVarsInt );
//p->time3 += clock() - clk;

    // solve under assumptions
    // A = 1; B = 0     OR     A = 1; B = 1 
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1R->Num, !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1)) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2R->Num, !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode2)) );
    // run the solver
clk = clock();
    RetValue1 = Msat_SolverSolve( p->pSat, p->vProj, nBTLimit, 1000000 );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;

    if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_FALSE )
//p->time1 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "unsat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // add the clause
        Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode1R->Num, Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1)) );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode2R->Num, Fraig_IsComplement(pNode2)) );
        RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
        assert( RetValue );
//        p->nSatProofImp++;
        return 1;
    else if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_TRUE )
//p->time2 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "sat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );
        // record the counter example
//        Fraig_FeedBack( p, Msat_SolverReadModelArray(p->pSat), p->vVarsInt, pNode1R, pNode2R );
        return 0;
    else // if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_UNKNOWN )
p->time3 += clock() - clk;
        return 0;
Example #26

  Synopsis    [Adds clauses to the solver.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_SupergateAddClausesMux( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNodeI, * pNodeT, * pNodeE;
    int RetValue, VarF, VarI, VarT, VarE, fCompT, fCompE;

    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement( pNode ) );
    assert( Fraig_NodeIsMuxType( pNode ) );
    // get nodes (I = if, T = then, E = else)
    pNodeI = Fraig_NodeRecognizeMux( pNode, &pNodeT, &pNodeE );
    // get the variable numbers
    VarF = pNode->Num;
    VarI = pNodeI->Num;
    VarT = Fraig_Regular(pNodeT)->Num;
    VarE = Fraig_Regular(pNodeE)->Num;
    // get the complementation flags
    fCompT = Fraig_IsComplement(pNodeT);
    fCompE = Fraig_IsComplement(pNodeE);

    // f = ITE(i, t, e)

    // i' + t' + f
    // i' + t  + f'
    // i  + e' + f
    // i  + e  + f'

    // create four clauses
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarI,  1) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarT,  1^fCompT) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  0) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarI,  1) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarT,  0^fCompT) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  1) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarI,  0) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarE,  1^fCompE) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  0) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarI,  0) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarE,  0^fCompE) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  1) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );

    // two additional clauses
    // t' & e' -> f'
    // t  & e  -> f 

    // t  + e   + f'
    // t' + e'  + f 

    if ( VarT == VarE )
//        assert( fCompT == !fCompE );

    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarT,  0^fCompT) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarE,  0^fCompE) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  1) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarT,  1^fCompT) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarE,  1^fCompE) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(VarF,  0) );
    RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
    assert( RetValue );

Example #27

  Synopsis    [Checks whether two nodes are functinally equivalent.]

  Description [The flag (fComp) tells whether the nodes to be checked
  are in the opposite polarity. The second flag (fSkipZeros) tells whether
  the checking should be performed if the simulation vectors are zeros.
  Returns 1 if the nodes are equivalent; 0 othewise.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsEquivalent( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew, int nBTLimit, int nTimeLimit )
    int RetValue, RetValue1, i, fComp, clk;
    int fVerbose = 0;
    int fSwitch = 0;

    // make sure the nodes are not complemented
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) );
    assert( pNew != pOld );

    // if at least one of the nodes is a failed node, perform adjustments:
    // if the backtrack limit is small, simply skip this node
    // if the backtrack limit is > 10, take the quare root of the limit
    if ( nBTLimit > 0 && (pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo) )
//            return 0;
//        if ( nBTLimit > 10 )
//            nBTLimit /= 10;
        if ( nBTLimit <= 10 )
            return 0;
        nBTLimit = (int)sqrt(nBTLimit);
//        fSwitch = 1;


    // make sure the solver is allocated and has enough variables
    if ( p->pSat == NULL )
        Fraig_ManCreateSolver( p );
    // make sure the SAT solver has enough variables
    for ( i = Msat_SolverReadVarNum(p->pSat); i < p->vNodes->nSize; i++ )
        Msat_SolverAddVar( p->pSat, p->vNodes->pArray[i]->Level );

        Fraig_Node_t * ppNodes[2] = { pOld, pNew };
        extern void Fraig_MappingShowNodes( Fraig_Man_t * pMan, Fraig_Node_t ** ppRoots, int nRoots, char * pFileName );
        Fraig_MappingShowNodes( p, ppNodes, 2, "temp_aig" );

    nMuxes = 0;

    // get the logic cone
clk = clock();
//    Fraig_VarsStudy( p, pOld, pNew );
    Fraig_OrderVariables( p, pOld, pNew );
//    Fraig_PrepareCones( p, pOld, pNew );
p->timeTrav += clock() - clk;

//    printf( "The number of MUXes detected = %d (%5.2f %% of logic).  ", nMuxes, 300.0*nMuxes/(p->vNodes->nSize - p->vInputs->nSize) );
//    PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "%d(%d) - ", Fraig_CountPis(p,p->vVarsInt), Msat_IntVecReadSize(p->vVarsInt) );

    // prepare variable activity
    Fraig_SetActivity( p, pOld, pNew );

    // get the complemented attribute
    fComp = Fraig_NodeComparePhase( pOld, pNew );
//Msat_SolverPrintClauses( p->pSat );

    // prepare the solver to run incrementally on these variables
//clk = clock();
    Msat_SolverPrepare( p->pSat, p->vVarsInt );
//p->time3 += clock() - clk;

    // solve under assumptions
    // A = 1; B = 0     OR     A = 1; B = 1 
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 0) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, !fComp) );

//Msat_SolverWriteDimacs( p->pSat, "temp_fraig.cnf" );

    // run the solver
clk = clock();
    RetValue1 = Msat_SolverSolve( p->pSat, p->vProj, nBTLimit, nTimeLimit );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;

    if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_FALSE )
//p->time1 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "unsat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // add the clause
        Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 1) );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, fComp) );
        RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
        assert( RetValue );
        // continue solving the other implication
    else if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_TRUE )
//p->time2 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "sat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // record the counter example
        Fraig_FeedBack( p, Msat_SolverReadModelArray(p->pSat), p->vVarsInt, pOld, pNew );

//        if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
//            printf( "*" );
//        printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
        if ( fSwitch )
             printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
        return 0;
    else // if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_UNKNOWN )
p->time3 += clock() - clk;

//        if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
//            printf( "*" );
//        printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );

        // mark the node as the failed node
        if ( pOld != p->pConst1 ) 
            pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
        pNew->fFailTfo = 1;
//        p->nSatFails++;
        if ( fSwitch )
             printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );
        return 0;

    // if the old node was constant 0, we already know the answer
    if ( pOld == p->pConst1 )
        return 1;

    // prepare the solver to run incrementally 
//clk = clock();
    Msat_SolverPrepare( p->pSat, p->vVarsInt );
//p->time3 += clock() - clk;
    // solve under assumptions
    // A = 0; B = 1     OR     A = 0; B = 0 
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 1) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, fComp) );
    // run the solver
clk = clock();
    RetValue1 = Msat_SolverSolve( p->pSat, p->vProj, nBTLimit, nTimeLimit );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;

    if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_FALSE )
//p->time1 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "unsat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // add the clause
        Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 0) );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, !fComp) );
        RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
        assert( RetValue );
        // continue solving the other implication
    else if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_TRUE )
//p->time2 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "sat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // record the counter example
        Fraig_FeedBack( p, Msat_SolverReadModelArray(p->pSat), p->vVarsInt, pOld, pNew );

//        if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
//            printf( "*" );
//        printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
        if ( fSwitch )
             printf( "s(%d)", pNew->Level );
        return 0;
    else // if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_UNKNOWN )
p->time3 += clock() - clk;

//        if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
//            printf( "*" );
//        printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );
        if ( fSwitch )
             printf( "T(%d)", pNew->Level );

        // mark the node as the failed node
        pOld->fFailTfo = 1;
        pNew->fFailTfo = 1;
//        p->nSatFails++;
        return 0;

    // return SAT proof

//    if ( pOld->fFailTfo || pNew->fFailTfo )
//        printf( "*" );
//    printf( "u(%d)", pNew->Level );

    if ( fSwitch )
         printf( "u(%d)", pNew->Level );

    return 1;
Example #28

  Synopsis    [Checks whether pOld => pNew.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsImplication( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew, int nBTLimit )
    int RetValue, RetValue1, i, fComp, clk;
    int fVerbose = 0;

    // make sure the nodes are not complemented
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNew) );
    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) );
    assert( pNew != pOld );


    // make sure the solver is allocated and has enough variables
    if ( p->pSat == NULL )
        Fraig_ManCreateSolver( p );
    // make sure the SAT solver has enough variables
    for ( i = Msat_SolverReadVarNum(p->pSat); i < p->vNodes->nSize; i++ )
        Msat_SolverAddVar( p->pSat, p->vNodes->pArray[i]->Level );

   // get the logic cone
clk = clock();
    Fraig_OrderVariables( p, pOld, pNew );
//    Fraig_PrepareCones( p, pOld, pNew );
p->timeTrav += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "%d(%d) - ", Fraig_CountPis(p,p->vVarsInt), Msat_IntVecReadSize(p->vVarsInt) );

    // get the complemented attribute
    fComp = Fraig_NodeComparePhase( pOld, pNew );
//Msat_SolverPrintClauses( p->pSat );

    // prepare the solver to run incrementally on these variables
//clk = clock();
    Msat_SolverPrepare( p->pSat, p->vVarsInt );
//p->time3 += clock() - clk;

    // solve under assumptions
    // A = 1; B = 0     OR     A = 1; B = 1 
    Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 0) );
    Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, !fComp) );
    // run the solver
clk = clock();
    RetValue1 = Msat_SolverSolve( p->pSat, p->vProj, nBTLimit, 1000000 );
p->timeSat += clock() - clk;

    if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_FALSE )
//p->time1 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "unsat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );

        // add the clause
        Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pOld->Num, 1) );
        Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNew->Num, fComp) );
        RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
        assert( RetValue );
//        p->nSatProofImp++;
        return 1;
    else if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_TRUE )
//p->time2 += clock() - clk;

if ( fVerbose )
    printf( "sat  %d  ", Msat_SolverReadBackTracks(p->pSat) );
PRT( "time", clock() - clk );
        // record the counter example
        Fraig_FeedBack( p, Msat_SolverReadModelArray(p->pSat), p->vVarsInt, pOld, pNew );
        return 0;
    else // if ( RetValue1 == MSAT_UNKNOWN )
p->time3 += clock() - clk;
        return 0;

  Synopsis    [Simulates the node.]

  Description [Simulates the random or dynamic simulation info through 
  the node. Uses phases of the children to determine their real simulation
  info. Uses phase of the node to determine the way its simulation info 
  is stored. The resulting info is guaranteed to be 0 for the first pattern.]
  SideEffects [This procedure modified the hash value of the simulation info.]

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_NodeSimulate( Fraig_Node_t * pNode, int iWordStart, int iWordStop, int fUseRand )
    unsigned * pSims, * pSims1, * pSims2;
    unsigned uHash;
    int fCompl, fCompl1, fCompl2, i;

    assert( !Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) );

    // get hold of the simulation information
    pSims  = fUseRand? pNode->puSimR                    : pNode->puSimD;
    pSims1 = fUseRand? Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->puSimR : Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->puSimD;
    pSims2 = fUseRand? Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->puSimR : Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->puSimD;

    // get complemented attributes of the children using their random info
    fCompl  = pNode->fInv;
    fCompl1 = Fraig_NodeIsSimComplement(pNode->p1);
    fCompl2 = Fraig_NodeIsSimComplement(pNode->p2);

    // simulate
    uHash = 0;
    if ( fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
        if ( fCompl )
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (pSims1[i] | pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = ~(pSims1[i] | pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
    else if ( fCompl1 && !fCompl2 )
        if ( fCompl )
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (pSims1[i] | ~pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (~pSims1[i] & pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
    else if ( !fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
        if ( fCompl )
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (~pSims1[i] | pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (pSims1[i] & ~pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
    else // if ( !fCompl1 && !fCompl2 )
        if ( fCompl )
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = ~(pSims1[i] & pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];
            for ( i = iWordStart; i < iWordStop; i++ )
                pSims[i] = (pSims1[i] & pSims2[i]);
                uHash ^= pSims[i] * s_FraigPrimes[i];

    if ( fUseRand )
        pNode->uHashR ^= uHash;
        pNode->uHashD ^= uHash;
Example #30
Fraig_Node_t *  Fraig_NodeReadOne( Fraig_Node_t * p )                     { assert (!Fraig_IsComplement(p)); return p->p1; }