VOID _DeleteIntVSprite(struct VSprite * vs, struct GfxBase * GfxBase) { struct IntVSprite * ivs = vs->IntVSprite; if (NULL != ivs) { if (NULL != ivs->ImageData) FreeBitMap(ivs->ImageData); if (NULL != ivs->SaveBuffer) FreeBitMap(ivs->SaveBuffer); FreeMem(ivs, sizeof(struct IntVSprite)); vs->IntVSprite = NULL; } }
/* This gets rid of the "original" bitmap and sets the state to "no transform" */ void ClearBrXform() { FreeBitMap( &origBM ); DFree( origBr.mask ); origBr.mask = NULL; curBrXform = NOXFORM; }
struct RastPort *RenderMessage::ObtainDoubleBuffer (ULONG width, ULONG height) { if(BufferRP) { if(width > BufferWidth || height > BufferHeight) { WaitBlit(); FreeBitMap(BufferRP->BitMap); BufferWidth = MAX(BufferWidth, width); BufferHeight = MAX(BufferHeight, height); BufferRP->BitMap = AllocBitMap(BufferWidth, BufferHeight, GetBitMapAttr(RPort->BitMap, BMA_DEPTH), BMF_MINPLANES, RPort->BitMap); } } else { BufferRP = new (std::nothrow) struct RastPort[1]; if (!BufferRP) return NULL; InitRastPort(BufferRP); BufferRP->BitMap = AllocBitMap(width, height, GetBitMapAttr(RPort->BitMap, BMA_DEPTH), BMF_MINPLANES, RPort->BitMap); BufferWidth = width; BufferHeight = height; } return(BufferRP->BitMap ? BufferRP : NULL); }
void FreeSpare() { if ( spareThere ) { FreeBitMap( &sparebm ); } spareThere = NO; }
void AMI_ILBM_destroyImage(AMI_ILBM_Image *image) { CloseScreen(image->intuitionScreen); FreeBitMap(image->bitmap); amiVideo_cleanupScreen(&image->screen); AMI_ILBM_cleanupRangeTimes(&image->rangeTimes); }
VOID RenderMessage::FlushDoubleBuffer () { if(BufferRP) { WaitBlit(); FreeBitMap(BufferRP->BitMap); delete BufferRP; BufferRP = NULL; } }
void PRIVATE FreeDragObj(struct DragObj *gdo) { if (!gdo) return; if (hdg) HighlightDragGadget(NULL,0,0); else UpdateDragObj(gdo,0,-9999); #ifdef LOCKLAYERS LockLayer(0,gdo->do_DragGadget->dg_Window->RPort->Layer); UnlockLayers(&gdo->do_Screen->LayerInfo); #endif FreeBitMap(gdo->do_BitMap); FreeBitMap(gdo->do_SaveBack); FreeBitMap(gdo->do_RefreshMap); FreeMem(gdo->do_FullShadow,((gdo->do_Width+15) >> 4)*2*gdo->do_Height); FreeMem(gdo->do_HalfShadow,((gdo->do_Width+15) >> 4)*2*gdo->do_Height); FreeMem(gdo,sizeof(struct DragObj)); }
void freelayers(void) { int i; for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { if (NULL != layers[i]) { DeleteLayer(0, layers[i]); if (layers[i]->SuperBitMap) FreeBitMap(layers[i]->SuperBitMap); } } }
IPTR Prop__OM_DISPOSE(struct IClass *cl, Object *obj, Msg msg) { struct Prop_DATA *data = INST_DATA(cl, obj); if (data->prop_object && !data->usewinborder) { RemoveGadget(_window(obj), (struct Gadget *) data->prop_object); DisposeObject(data->prop_object); } DisposeImageContainer(data->buffer); DisposeImageContainer(data->temp); if (data->mapbuffer != NULL) FreeBitMap(data->mapbuffer); if (data->maptemp != NULL) FreeBitMap(data->maptemp); if (data->tmprp != NULL) FreeRastPort(data->tmprp); data->buffer = NULL; data->temp = NULL; data->mapbuffer = NULL; data->maptemp = NULL; data->tmprp = NULL; return DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, msg); }
void KillDisplay() { if (Display) { size_t i; CloseScreen(Display->Screen); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) FreeBitMap(Display->Bitmap[i]); MemUnref(Display->Palette); MemUnref(Display); Display = NULL; } }
void deletelayer(void) { int i; printf("Delete layer with id: "); scanf("%d", &i); if (layers[i]) { DeleteLayer(0, layers[i]); if (layers[i]->SuperBitMap) FreeBitMap(layers[i]->SuperBitMap); printf("Deleted layer with id %d\n",i); layers[i] = NULL; } else { printf("No layer with id %d\n",i); } }
///ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer() static void ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer(struct BackFillSourceImageRecord *this_Record, struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer *this_Buffer) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer()\n")); if (this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount >= 2) { this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount -= 1; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer: %d Openers Remaining\n", this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount)); return; } else { Remove((struct Node *)this_Buffer); this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount = 0; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer: Closing Buffer [%d x %d] of '%s'\n", this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapWidth, this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapHeight, this_Record->bfsir_SourceImage)); this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort->BitMap = NULL; FreeRastPort(this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort); FreeBitMap(this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMap); FreeMem(this_Buffer, sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer)); } }
int detect_screen(void) { struct Screen *myScreen; struct Window *myWindow; struct RastPort myRastPort; struct BitMap *myBitMap; APTR bitMapHandle; ULONG result; int bpp = 0; if((ULONG)IntuitionBase == 0) { IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 39L); } if((ULONG)GfxBase == 0) { GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 39L); } if((ULONG)CyberGfxBase == 0) { CyberGfxBase = OpenLibrary("cybergraphics.library", 0); } if(!CyberGfxBase) { if( !(CyberGfxBase=OpenLibrary("cybergraphics.library",40L))) { printf("Couldn't open cybergraphics."); return(-1); } } myScreen = LockPubScreen(NULL); if(myScreen != NULL) { UnlockPubScreen(NULL, myScreen); } else { printf("Couldnt get screen data.\n"); CloseLibrary((struct Library*)IntuitionBase); CloseLibrary(CyberGfxBase); CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase); return 5; } myBitMap = AllocBitMap(1, 1, 8, BMF_MINPLANES | BMF_DISPLAYABLE, myScreen->RastPort.BitMap); if((ULONG)myBitMap == 0) { printf("Couldnt allocate bitmap.\n"); CloseLibrary(CyberGfxBase); CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase); CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase); return 6; } //Creates the RastPort used for blitting InitRastPort(&myRastPort); myRastPort.BitMap = myBitMap; result=GetCyberMapAttr(myBitMap, CYBRMATTR_PIXFMT); switch(result) { case 0://PIXFMT_LUT8: bpp = 8; //printf("0"); break; case 1://PIXFMT_RGB15: bpp = 16; //printf("1"); break; case 2://PIXFMT_BGR15: bpp = 16; //printf("2"); break; case 3://PIXFMT_RGB15PC: bpp = 16; //printf("3"); break; case 4://PIXFMT_BGR15PC: bpp = 16; //printf("4"); break; case 5://PIXFMT_RGB16: bpp = 16; //printf("5"); break; case 6://PIXFMT_BGR16: bpp = 16; //printf("6"); break; case 7://PIXFMT_RGB16PC: bpp = 16; //printf("7"); break; case 8://PIXFMT_BGR16PC: bpp = 16; //printf("8"); break; case 9://PIXFMT_RGB24: bpp = 24; //printf("9"); break; case 10://PIXFMT_BGR24: bpp = 24; //printf("10"); break; case 11://PIXFMT_ARGB32: bpp = 32; //printf("11"); break; case 12://PIXFMT_BGRA32: #if defined NOVA_SDL bpp = 16; //printf("12"); #else bpp = 32; //printf("12"); #endif break; case 13://PIXFMT_RGBA32: bpp = 32; //printf("13"); break; default: bpp = 16; //printf("14"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Pixel format: %d \n",result); printf("Bpp: %d ",bpp); #endif FreeBitMap(myBitMap); CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase); //CloseLibrary(CyberGfxBase); //CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase); return bpp; }
APTR ReadBitMapA(struct BitMap *bm, UWORD displayID, PALETTE palette, int *ptr_pixelformat, int *ptr_width, int *ptr_height, TAGLIST tags) { APTR array = NULL; if (bm) { BOOL success; int sourcex, sourcey, sourcewidth, sourceheight, destwidth, destheight; int width, height, flags, depth, iscyber, bmapformat, pixelformat; int bufsize; APTR scaleengine = NULL; struct RastPort rp, temprp; sourcex = GetTagData(GGFX_SourceX, 0, tags); sourcey = GetTagData(GGFX_SourceY, 0, tags); GetBitMapInfo(bm, displayID, BMAPATTR_Width, &width, BMAPATTR_Height, &height, BMAPATTR_Depth, &depth, BMAPATTR_Flags, &flags, BMAPATTR_CyberGFX, &iscyber, BMAPATTR_BitMapFormat, &bmapformat, BMAPATTR_PixelFormat, &pixelformat, TAG_DONE); sourcewidth = GetTagData(GGFX_SourceWidth, width, tags); sourceheight = GetTagData(GGFX_SourceHeight, height, tags); destwidth = GetTagData(GGFX_DestWidth, width, tags); destheight = GetTagData(GGFX_DestHeight, height, tags); success = TRUE; // insert bitmap into rastport, create temp rastport InitRastPort(&rp); rp.BitMap = bm; TurboCopyMem(&rp, &temprp, sizeof(struct RastPort)); temprp.Layer = NULL; if (!(temprp.BitMap = AllocBitMap(width, 1, depth, flags, bm))) { success = FALSE; } // create scale engine if (success) { if (sourcewidth != destwidth || sourceheight != destheight) { if (!(scaleengine = CreateScaleEngine( sourcewidth, sourceheight, destwidth, destheight, RND_RMHandler, MemHandler, RND_PixelFormat, pixelformat, TAG_DONE))) { success = FALSE; } } } // get buffer if (success) { if (pixelformat == PIXFMT_0RGB_32) { bufsize = destwidth * destheight * PIXELSIZE(pixelformat); } else { bufsize = ((destwidth+15) & ~15) * destheight; } DB(kprintf("!readbitmap alloc\n")); if (!(array = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, bufsize))) { success = FALSE; } } // convert data if (success) { success = FALSE; if (scaleengine) { // with scaling switch (bmapformat) { case PIXFMT_BITMAP_RGB: { ULONG *linebuffer; DB(kprintf("~reading/scaling RGB bitmap\n")); if (linebuffer = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, sourcewidth * 4)) { struct Hook readhook; struct readrgbdata hookdata; hookdata.rp = &rp; hookdata.sourcex = sourcex; hookdata.sourcey = sourcey; hookdata.sourcewidth = sourcewidth; hookdata.lastline = -1; readhook.h_Data = &hookdata; readhook.h_Entry = HOOKENTRY(readrgb); Scale(scaleengine, linebuffer, array, RND_SourceWidth, 0, RND_LineHook, &readhook, TAG_DONE); FreeRenderVec(linebuffer); success = TRUE; } break; } case PIXFMT_BITMAP_CLUT: { UBYTE *linebuffer; DB(kprintf("~reading/scaling CLUT bitmap\n")); if (linebuffer = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, ((sourcewidth+15) & ~15))) { struct Hook readhook; struct readclutdata hookdata; hookdata.rp = &rp; hookdata.temprp = &temprp; hookdata.sourcex = sourcex; hookdata.sourcey = sourcey; hookdata.sourcewidth = sourcewidth; hookdata.lastline = -1; readhook.h_Data = &hookdata; readhook.h_Entry = HOOKENTRY(readclut); Scale(scaleengine, linebuffer, array, RND_SourceWidth, 0, RND_LineHook, &readhook, TAG_DONE); FreeRenderVec(linebuffer); success = TRUE; } break; } case PIXFMT_BITMAP_HAM6: case PIXFMT_BITMAP_HAM8: { UBYTE *linebuffer; ULONG *rgbbuffer; DB(kprintf("~reading/scaling HAM bitmap\n")); if (linebuffer = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, ((sourcewidth + sourcex + 15) & ~15))) { if (rgbbuffer = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, sourcewidth * 4)) { struct Hook readhook; struct readhamdata hookdata; hookdata.rp = &rp; hookdata.temprp = &temprp; hookdata.sourcex = sourcex; hookdata.sourcey = sourcey; hookdata.sourcewidth = sourcewidth; hookdata.linebuffer = linebuffer; hookdata.palette = palette; hookdata.colormode = (depth == 8) ? COLORMODE_HAM8 : COLORMODE_HAM6; hookdata.lastline = -1; readhook.h_Data = &hookdata; readhook.h_Entry = HOOKENTRY(readham); Scale(scaleengine, rgbbuffer, array, RND_SourceWidth, 0, RND_LineHook, &readhook, TAG_DONE); FreeRenderVec(rgbbuffer); success = TRUE; } FreeRenderVec(linebuffer); } break; } } } else { // no scaling switch (bmapformat) { case PIXFMT_BITMAP_RGB: { DB(kprintf("~reading RGB bitmap\n")); ReadPixelArray(array, 0,0, destwidth * 4, &rp, sourcex, sourcey, destwidth, destheight, RECTFMT_ARGB); success = TRUE; break; } case PIXFMT_BITMAP_CLUT: { int i; char *p = array; DB(kprintf("~reading CLUT bitmap\n")); for(i = 0; i < destheight; ++i) { ReadPixelLine8(&rp, sourcex, sourcey + i, destwidth, p, &temprp); p += destwidth; } success = TRUE; break; } case PIXFMT_BITMAP_HAM6: case PIXFMT_BITMAP_HAM8: { UBYTE *linebuffer; DB(kprintf("~reading HAM bitmap\n")); if (linebuffer = AllocRenderVec(MemHandler, ((destwidth+15) & ~15) )) { int i; ULONG *p = array; for(i = 0; i < destheight; ++i) { ReadPixelLine8(&rp, sourcex, sourcey + i, destwidth, linebuffer, &temprp); Chunky2RGB(linebuffer, destwidth, 1, p, palette, RND_ColorMode, ((depth == 8) ? COLORMODE_HAM8 : COLORMODE_HAM6), TAG_DONE); p += destwidth; } FreeRenderVec(linebuffer); success = TRUE; } break; } } } } // close down if (success) { *ptr_pixelformat = pixelformat; *ptr_width = destwidth; *ptr_height = destheight; } else { if (array) { FreeRenderVec(array); array = NULL; } } if (scaleengine) { DeleteScaleEngine(scaleengine); } if (temprp.BitMap) { FreeBitMap(temprp.BitMap); } } return array; }
///ImageBackFill__MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground() IPTR ImageBackFill__MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground ( Class *CLASS, Object *self, struct MUIP_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground *message ) { LONG Depth = 0; Object *_IconWindows_PrefsObj = NULL, *_IconWindows_WindowObj = NULL; Object *_IconWindows_IconListObj = NULL; BOOL options_changed = FALSE; IPTR prefs_processing = 0; IPTR BackGround_Attrib = 0, BackGround_Base = 0, BackGround_RenderMode = 0, BackGround_TileMode = 0, BackGround_XOffset = 0, BackGround_YOffset = 0; struct BackFillInfo *this_BFI =(struct BackFillInfo *) message->BackFill_Data; UBYTE *this_bgtype; char *this_ImageName; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground()\n")); GET(_app(self), MUIA_Wanderer_Prefs, &_IconWindows_PrefsObj); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: PrefsObj @ %x\n", _IconWindows_PrefsObj)); GET(self, MUIA_IconWindow_Window, &_IconWindows_WindowObj); GET(self, MUIA_IconWindow_IconList, &_IconWindows_IconListObj); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: MUIA_IconWindow_Window = %x\n", _IconWindows_WindowObj)); if ((_IconWindows_PrefsObj == NULL) || (_IconWindows_WindowObj == NULL) || (_IconWindows_IconListObj == NULL)) return FALSE; GET(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIA_WandererPrefs_Processing, &prefs_processing); #if defined(DEBUG) if (prefs_processing) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Wanderer Prefs (re)loading detected\n")); } #endif GET(_IconWindows_WindowObj, MUIA_IconWindow_BackgroundAttrib, &BackGround_Attrib); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Background Attrib = '%s'\n", BackGround_Attrib)); if (BackGround_Attrib == (IPTR) NULL) return FALSE; if ((BackGround_Base = DoMethod(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIM_WandererPrefs_ViewSettings_GetAttribute, BackGround_Attrib, MUIA_Background)) == -1) return FALSE; if ((BackGround_RenderMode = DoMethod(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIM_WandererPrefs_ViewSettings_GetAttribute, BackGround_Attrib, MUIA_IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_BGRenderMode)) == -1) BackGround_RenderMode = IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_RenderMode_Tiled; this_bgtype = (UBYTE *)BackGround_Base; this_ImageName = (char *)(BackGround_Base + 2); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: BackFillInfo @ %x\n", this_BFI)); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Background '%s', mode %d\n", BackGround_Base, BackGround_RenderMode)); if ((this_bgtype[0] - 48) != 5) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Background is NOT an image - letting our windoclass handle it ..\n")); goto pb_cleanup_buffer; } GET(self, MUIA_Window_Screen, &this_BFI->bfi_Screen); GET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconList_BufferRastport, &this_BFI->bfi_RastPort); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Wanderers Screen @ %x, Using RastPort @ %x\n", this_BFI->bfi_Screen, this_BFI->bfi_RastPort)); if (this_BFI->bfi_Source) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: BackFillInfo has existing source record @ %x\n", this_BFI->bfi_Source)); if ((strcmp(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage, this_ImageName) == 0) && (this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_BackGroundRenderMode == BackGround_RenderMode)) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: existing BackFillInfo Using the same background / mode\n")); goto check_imagebuffer; } else { if (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer) { ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_Buffer); this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = NULL; } ImageBackFill_CloseSourceRecord(this_BFI->bfi_Source); this_BFI->bfi_Source = NULL; } } if (!(this_BFI->bfi_Source)) this_BFI->bfi_Source = ImageBackFill_FindSourceRecord(this_ImageName, BackGround_RenderMode); if (!(this_BFI->bfi_Source)) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Creating NEW ImageSource Record\n")); if (!(this_BFI->bfi_Source = AllocMem(sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageRecord), MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC))) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Couldnt allocate enough mem for source record!\n")); return FALSE; } if (!(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage = AllocVec(strlen(this_ImageName) +1, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC))) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Couldnt allocate enough mem for source image name store\n")); FreeMem(this_BFI->bfi_Source, sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageRecord)); return FALSE; } strcpy(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage, this_ImageName); if ((this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject = NewDTObject(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage, DTA_SourceType, DTST_FILE, DTA_GroupID, GID_PICTURE, PDTA_DestMode, PMODE_V43, PDTA_Remap, TRUE, PDTA_Screen, this_BFI->bfi_Screen, PDTA_FreeSourceBitMap, TRUE, OBP_Precision, PRECISION_IMAGE, TAG_DONE))) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Opened Datatype Object @ %x for image '%s'\n", this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject, this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage)); if (DoMethod(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject, DTM_PROCLAYOUT, NULL, 1)) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Caused Datatype Object LAYOUT\n")); GetDTAttrs(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject, PDTA_BitMapHeader, &this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader, TAG_DONE); GetDTAttrs(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject, PDTA_DestBitMap, &this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap, TAG_DONE); if (!this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap) GetDTAttrs(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject, PDTA_BitMap, &this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap, TAG_DONE); if (this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Datatype Object BitMap @ %x\n", this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap)); if ((this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTRastPort = CreateRastPort())) { this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTRastPort->BitMap = this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap; this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_BackGroundRenderMode = BackGround_RenderMode; this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_OpenerCount = 0x01; NewList(&this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_Buffers); AddTail(&image_backfill_images, &this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_Node); goto check_imagebuffer; } } /* Failed to obtain datatype object's BM */ } /* Failed to Layout datatype object */ } /* Failed to open datatype object */ #if defined(DEBUG) if (!this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTRastPort) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Failed to create ImageSource RastPort\n")); } #endif if (this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap) { FreeBitMap(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap); this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap = NULL; } #if defined(DEBUG) else { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Failed to create ImageSource BitMap\n")); } #endif if (this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject) { DisposeDTObject(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject); this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTPictureObject = NULL; } #if defined(DEBUG) else { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Failed to create ImageSource Datatype Object\n")); } #endif D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Failed to create ImageSource Record\n")); if (this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage) FreeVec(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_SourceImage); FreeMem(this_BFI->bfi_Source, sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageRecord)); this_BFI->bfi_Source = NULL; return FALSE; } else { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Using existing ImageSource Record\n")); this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_OpenerCount += 1; } check_imagebuffer: Depth = GetBitMapAttr(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMap, BMA_DEPTH); this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth = this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Width; this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight = this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Height; switch (BackGround_RenderMode) { case IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_RenderMode_Scale: { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED mode\n")); this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_TileMode = IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_TileMode_Fixed; SET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconListview_FixedBackground, TRUE); SET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconListview_ScaledBackground, TRUE); if ((BOOL)XGET(self, MUIA_IconWindow_IsRoot)) { struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer *this_Buffer; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Root Window = TRUE!\n")); this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth = GetBitMapAttr(this_BFI->bfi_Screen->RastPort.BitMap, BMA_WIDTH); this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight = GetBitMapAttr(this_BFI->bfi_Screen->RastPort.BitMap, BMA_HEIGHT); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Base Dimensions (%d x %d)\n", this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight)); if (!((BOOL)XGET(self, MUIA_IconWindow_IsBackdrop))) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Adjusting for window border Dimensions ..\n")); D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - WBorTop %d, WBorLeft %d, WBorRight %d, WBorBottom %d\n", this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorTop, this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorLeft, this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorRight, this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorBottom)); this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth -= (this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorLeft + this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorRight); this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight -= (this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorTop + this_BFI->bfi_Screen->WBorBottom);; } this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight -= (this_BFI->bfi_Screen->BarHeight + 1); this_Buffer = NULL; if (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer) { if ((this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapWidth == this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth) && (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapHeight == this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight)) { goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } else { ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_Buffer); this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = NULL; } } if (!(this_Buffer = ImageBackFill_FindBufferRecord(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight))) { this_Buffer = AllocMem(sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer), MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC); this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapWidth = this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth; this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapHeight = this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight; if (!(this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort = CreateRastPort())) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Failed to create RastPort for BackFill BitMap\n")); break; } if ((this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMap = AllocBitMap(this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight, Depth, Depth == 8 ? BMF_MINPLANES : 0L, this_BFI->bfi_Screen->RastPort.BitMap))) { struct Rectangle CopyBounds; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Scale Dimensions (%d x %d)\n", this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight)); this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort->BitMap = this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMap; this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = this_Buffer; CopyBounds.MinX = 0; CopyBounds.MinY = 0; CopyBounds.MaxX = this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth - 1; CopyBounds.MaxY = this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight - 1; ImageBackFill_CopyScaledBitMap(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTRastPort, 0, 0, this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Width, this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Height, this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort, &CopyBounds, &CopyBounds, blit_MODE_Blit); this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount = 0x01; AddTail(&this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_Buffers, &this_Buffer->bfsib_Node); goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } break; } else { this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = this_Buffer; this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount += 1; goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } } // We arent the "ROOT" (desktop) window so only tile ... D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: SCALED - Drawer window scaling unsupported ...\n")); } default: { struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer *this_Buffer; D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: TILED mode\n")); if ((BackGround_TileMode = DoMethod(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIM_WandererPrefs_ViewSettings_GetAttribute, BackGround_Attrib, MUIA_IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_BGTileMode)) == -1) BackGround_TileMode = IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_TileMode_Float; if ((BackGround_XOffset = DoMethod(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIM_WandererPrefs_ViewSettings_GetAttribute, BackGround_Attrib, MUIA_IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_BGXOffset)) == -1) BackGround_XOffset = 0; if ((BackGround_YOffset = DoMethod(_IconWindows_PrefsObj, MUIM_WandererPrefs_ViewSettings_GetAttribute, BackGround_Attrib, MUIA_IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_BGYOffset)) == -1) this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_OffsetY = 0; if (this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_TileMode != BackGround_TileMode) { this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_TileMode = BackGround_TileMode; options_changed = TRUE; } if (this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_OffsetX != BackGround_XOffset) { this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_OffsetX = BackGround_XOffset; options_changed = TRUE; } if (this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_OffsetY != BackGround_YOffset) { this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_OffsetY = BackGround_YOffset; options_changed = TRUE; } if (this_BFI->bfi_Options.bfo_TileMode == IconWindowExt_ImageBackFill_TileMode_Float) SET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconListview_FixedBackground, FALSE); else SET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconListview_FixedBackground, TRUE); SET(_IconWindows_IconListObj, MUIA_IconListview_ScaledBackground, FALSE); this_Buffer = NULL; if (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer) { if ((this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapWidth == this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth) && (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapHeight == this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight)) { goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } else { ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_Buffer); this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = NULL; } } D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Dimensions Width %d, Height %d\n", this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight)); if (!(this_Buffer = ImageBackFill_FindBufferRecord(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight))) { this_Buffer = AllocMem(sizeof(struct BackFillSourceImageBuffer), MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC); this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapWidth = this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth; this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapHeight = this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight; if ((this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMap = AllocBitMap(this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth, this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight, Depth, Depth == 8 ? BMF_MINPLANES : 0L, this_BFI->bfi_Screen->RastPort.BitMap))) { struct Rectangle CopyBounds; if (!(this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort = CreateRastPort())) { D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: TILED - Failed to create RastPort for BackFill BitMap\n")); break; } this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort->BitMap = this_Buffer->bfsib_BitMap; this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = this_Buffer; CopyBounds.MinX = 0; CopyBounds.MinY = 0; CopyBounds.MaxX = this_BFI->bfi_CopyWidth - 1; CopyBounds.MaxY = this_BFI->bfi_CopyHeight - 1; ImageBackFill_CopyTiledBitMap(this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTRastPort, 0, 0, this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Width, this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_DTBitMapHeader->bmh_Height, this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_BitMapRastPort, &CopyBounds, &CopyBounds, blit_MODE_Blit); this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount = 0x01; AddTail(&this_BFI->bfi_Source->bfsir_Buffers, &this_BFI->bfi_Buffer->bfsib_Node); goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } break; } else { this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = this_Buffer; this_Buffer->bfsib_OpenerCount += 1; goto pb_backfillsetup_complete; } } } D(bug("[IconWindow.ImageBackFill] MUIM_IconWindow_BackFill_ProcessBackground: Failed to create image datatype object\n")); return FALSE; pb_cleanup_buffer: if (this_BFI->bfi_Buffer) { ImageBackFill_CloseSourceBuffer(this_BFI->bfi_Source, this_BFI->bfi_Buffer); this_BFI->bfi_Buffer = NULL; } pb_cleanup_source: if (this_BFI->bfi_Source) { ImageBackFill_CloseSourceRecord(this_BFI->bfi_Source); this_BFI->bfi_Source = NULL; } return FALSE; pb_backfillsetup_complete: if ((prefs_processing) && (options_changed)) SET(self, MUIA_IconWindow_Changed, TRUE); return TRUE; }
/************* * DESCRIPTION: Loads a image with the datatypes. * INPUT: filename name of picture to load * OUTPUT: FALSE if failed *************/ BOOL IMAGE::LoadAsDatatype(char *filename) { struct Library *PictureDTBase; BOOL pic24bit; // TRUE for new 24bit picture.datatype (V43) Object *obj; struct BitMapHeader *bmhd; struct BitMap *bitmap, *tempbitmap; int x,y; SMALL_COLOR *c; UBYTE *colreg, *buffer; int color; ULONG modeid; struct DisplayInfo dispinfo; UBYTE r,g,b; struct RastPort rp, temprp; struct gpBlitPixelArray arg; DataTypesBase = OpenLibrary((unsigned char*)"datatypes.library", 39); if(!DataTypesBase) return FALSE; // try to open the 24bit picture datatype PictureDTBase = OpenLibrary("datatypes/picture.datatype", 43L); if(PictureDTBase) { // we only need the picture.datatype to test the version, therefore // close it now CloseLibrary(PictureDTBase); pic24bit = TRUE; } else pic24bit = FALSE; if(!pic24bit) { // no 24bit version available // get the picture object obj = NewDTObject(filename, DTA_SourceType, DTST_FILE, DTA_GroupID, GID_PICTURE, PDTA_Remap, FALSE, TAG_DONE); if(!obj) { CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } } else { // get the picture object obj = NewDTObject(filename, DTA_SourceType, DTST_FILE, DTA_GroupID, GID_PICTURE, PDTA_Remap, FALSE, PDTA_DestMode, MODE_V43, TAG_DONE); if(!obj) { CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } } // get the bitmap header if(GetDTAttrs(obj, PDTA_ColorRegisters, &colreg, PDTA_BitMap, &bitmap, PDTA_ModeID, &modeid, PDTA_BitMapHeader, &bmhd, TAG_DONE) != 4) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } if(!bmhd || !bitmap) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } width = bmhd->bmh_Width; height = bmhd->bmh_Height; if(!GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE*)&dispinfo, sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, modeid)) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } colormap = (SMALL_COLOR*)malloc(sizeof(SMALL_COLOR)*width*height); if(!colormap) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } c = colormap; if((bmhd->bmh_Depth > 8) && pic24bit) { // true color picture buffer = (UBYTE*)AllocVec(3*width, MEMF_PUBLIC); if(!buffer) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } for(y=0; y<height; y++) { arg.MethodID = DTM_READPIXELARRAY; arg.PixelArray = buffer; arg.PixelArrayMode = RECTFMT_RGB; arg.PixelArrayMod = 3*width; arg.LeftEdge = 0; arg.TopEdge = y; arg.Width = width; arg.Height = 1; #ifdef __PPC__ ppc_DoMethodA(obj, (Msg)&arg); #else DoMethodA(obj, (Msg)&arg); #endif for(x=0; x<width; x++) { c->r = buffer[x*3]; c->g = buffer[x*3+1]; c->b = buffer[x*3+2]; c++; } } FreeVec(buffer); } else { // normal picture // planar to chunky conversion InitRastPort(&rp); rp.BitMap = bitmap; tempbitmap = AllocBitMap(width, 1, bmhd->bmh_Depth, BMF_CLEAR, NULL); if(!tempbitmap) { DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } InitRastPort(&temprp); temprp.BitMap = tempbitmap; buffer = (UBYTE*)AllocVec((width+15)&(~15), MEMF_PUBLIC); if(!buffer) { FreeBitMap(tempbitmap); DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return FALSE; } if(dispinfo.PropertyFlags & DIPF_IS_HAM) { // Simulate HAM mode if(bmhd->bmh_Depth == 8) { // Super HAM for(y=0; y<height; y++) { r = g = b = 0; ReadPixelLine8(&rp, 0, y, width, buffer, &temprp); for(x=0; x<width; x++) { color = buffer[x]; switch(color & 0xc0) { case 0x00: // Take it from color registers color *= 3; r = colreg[color]; g = colreg[color+1]; b = colreg[color+2]; break; case 0x40: // modify blue b = color << 2; break; case 0x80: // modify red r = color << 2; break; case 0xc0: // modify green g = color << 2; break; } c->r = r; c->g = g; c->b = b; c++; } } } else { // Normal HAM for(y=0; y<height; y++) { r = g = b = 0; ReadPixelLine8(&rp, 0, y, width, buffer, &temprp); for(x=0; x<width; x++) { color = buffer[x]; switch(color & 0x30) { case 0x00: // Take it from color registers color *= 3; r = colreg[color]; g = colreg[color+1]; b = colreg[color+2]; break; case 0x40: // modify blue b = color << 4; break; case 0x80: // modify red r = color << 4; break; case 0xc0: // modify green g = color << 4; break; } c->r = r; c->g = g; c->b = b; c++; } } } } else { for(y=0; y<height; y++) { ReadPixelLine8(&rp, 0, y, width, buffer, &temprp); for(x=0; x<width; x++) { color = buffer[x]; color *= 3; c->r = colreg[color]; c->g = colreg[color+1]; c->b = colreg[color+2]; c++; } } } FreeVec(buffer); FreeBitMap(tempbitmap); } DisposeDTObject(obj); CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); return TRUE; }
/* * Check whether the appearance of the VSprite has been changed * somehow. If for example the Image Data has changed, then * I will try to update the BitMap of the IntVSprite structure * to the new image data. */ BOOL _ValidateIntVSprite(struct IntVSprite * ivs, struct RastPort * rp, BOOL force_change, struct GfxBase * GfxBase) { struct VSprite * vs = ivs->VSprite; /* * Check whether the ImageData pointer has changed */ if (vs->ImageData != ivs->OrigImageData || force_change) { struct BitMap bm; #if 0 kprintf("%s: Imagedata has changed (old:%p-new:%p)!\n", __FUNCTION__, vs->ImageData, ivs->OrigImageData); kprintf("PlanePick: %02x, rp->BitMap:%p\n",vs->PlanePick,rp->BitMap); #endif /* * Only need to get a new bitmap if * something in the size of the bob has changed. */ if ((ivs->Width != vs->Width ) || (ivs->Height != vs->Height) || (ivs->Depth != vs->Depth ) ) { if (NULL != ivs->ImageData) FreeBitMap(ivs->ImageData); if (NULL != ivs->SaveBuffer) FreeBitMap(ivs->SaveBuffer); /* * Now get a new bitmap */ ivs->ImageData = AllocBitMap(vs->Width<<4, vs->Height, vs->Depth, BMF_CLEAR, rp->BitMap); ivs->SaveBuffer = AllocBitMap(vs->Width<<4, vs->Height, vs->Depth, 0, rp->BitMap); ivs->Width = vs->Width; ivs->Height = vs->Height; ivs->Depth = vs->Depth; } ivs->OrigImageData = vs->ImageData; /* * Blit the image data from the VSprite into the * ImageData (BitMap) of the IntVSprite */ InitBitMap(&bm, ivs->Depth, ivs->Width<<4, ivs->Height); { UBYTE *imagedata = (UBYTE *)vs->ImageData; WORD d, shift; for (d = 0, shift = 1; d < 8; d++, shift *= 2) { if (vs->PlanePick & shift) { bm.Planes[d] = imagedata; imagedata += (bm.Rows * bm.BytesPerRow); } else { bm.Planes[d] = (vs->PlaneOnOff & shift) ? (PLANEPTR)-1 : NULL; } } } BltBitMap(&bm, 0, 0, ivs->ImageData, 0, 0, ivs->Width << 4, ivs->Height, 0x0c0, vs->PlanePick, NULL); } return TRUE; }