Example #1
static  bool            FreeUselessIns( block *tail, bool just_the_loop,
                                        bool in_regalloc )
    Free any instructions which have not been marked
    with the INS_VISITED bit. See below for the setting
    of this bit.
    block       *blk;
    instruction *ins;
    instruction *prev;
    bool        change;

    change = FALSE;
    for( blk = tail; blk != NULL; blk = blk->prev_block ) {
        if( just_the_loop && !( blk->class & IN_LOOP ) ) {
            for( ins = blk->ins.hd.prev; ins->head.opcode != OP_BLOCK; ins = ins->head.prev ) {
                ins->ins_flags &= ~INS_VISITED;
        } else {
            for( ins = blk->ins.hd.prev; ins->head.opcode != OP_BLOCK; ins = prev ) {
                prev = ins->head.prev;
                if( ( ins->ins_flags & INS_VISITED ) == 0 ) {
                    change = TRUE;
                    if( in_regalloc ) {
                        DoNothing( ins );
                    } else {
                        FreeIns( ins );
                } else {
                    ins->ins_flags &= ~INS_VISITED;
Example #2
bool    ScConvert( instruction *ins )
    Get rid of instructions like CBW if the high part is not used in the
    next instruction.
    hw_reg_set  tmp;

    if( G( ins ) == G_SIGNEX ) {
        tmp = HighReg( ins->result->r.reg );
        if( !HW_Ovlap( ins->head.next->head.live.regs, tmp ) ) {
            FreeIns( ins ); /* get rid of the pesky cwd or cbw instruction!*/
            return( true );
    return( false );
Example #3
void    FreeJunk( block *blk )
    Free instructions which aren't going to be generated.

    instruction *ins;
    instruction *next;

    for( ins = blk->ins.hd.next; ins->head.opcode != OP_BLOCK; ins = next ) {
        next = ins->head.next;
        if( !DoesSomething( ins ) && !SideEffect( ins )
         && ins->head.opcode < FIRST_OP_WITH_LABEL
         && ins->head.opcode != OP_NOP ) { /*% there for zap info*/
            FreeIns( ins );
Example #4
void    RemoveBlock( block *blk )
    block_num   i;
    unsigned    last_line;
    block       *chk;
    block       *next;
    instruction *next_ins;

    if( blk->prev_block != NULL ) {
        blk->prev_block->next_block = blk->next_block;
    if( blk->next_block != NULL ) {
        blk->next_block->prev_block = blk->prev_block;
    for( i = 0; i < blk->targets; ++i ) {
        /* block may have already been removed by dead code removal*/
        if( FindBlock( blk->edge[i].destination.u.blk ) ) {
            RemoveInputEdge( & blk->edge[i] );
    last_line = blk->ins.hd.line_num;
    for( ;; ) {
        next_ins = blk->ins.hd.next;
        if( next_ins == (instruction *)&blk->ins ) break;
        if( next_ins->head.line_num != 0 ) {
            last_line = next_ins->head.line_num;
        FreeIns( next_ins );
        Move the last line number from the block being deleted to the head
        of the next block in source order, if that block doesn't already
        have a line number on it.
    if( blk->next_block != NULL && blk->next_block->gen_id == (blk->gen_id + 1) ) {
        /* quick check to see if following block is next one in src order */
        next = blk->next_block;
    } else {
        next = NULL;
        for( chk = HeadBlock; chk != NULL; chk = chk->next_block ) {
            if( (chk != blk)
                && (chk->gen_id > blk->gen_id)
                && (next == NULL || next->gen_id > chk->gen_id) ) {
                next = chk;
    if( next != NULL && next->ins.hd.line_num == 0 ) {
        next->ins.hd.line_num = last_line;
    if( HeadBlock == blk ) {
        HeadBlock = blk->next_block;
    if( BlockList == blk ) {
        BlockList = blk->prev_block;
        if( BlockList == NULL ) {
            BlockList = HeadBlock;
    TellScrapLabel( blk->label );
    if( blk->dataflow != NULL ) {
        CGFree( blk->dataflow );
    FreeABlock( blk );