Example #1
//Function:			Init
//Description:		设定哈希空间、节点最大数目、一次分配节点数目等
//Called by:
          lHashSize				哈希空间大小
          lMaxDataNum				节点最大数目
          lOneAllocNum			一次分配的节点数目
          pDataFreeFun			节点释放函数
          返回值				说明
          0					成功
          负值				失败
1)	节点最大数目应当为一次分配的节点数目的整数倍;
//Author:	fanyh	Email: [email protected]
//Date:		2008-06-16
CMiniCache *
CMiniCache_alloc(size_t lHashSize, size_t lMaxDataSize, size_t lMaxDataNum, size_t lOneAllocNum,
		 int  (*pDataFreeFun)(void*))
  CMiniCache *cache = NULL;
  if(lHashSize <= 0 || lMaxDataNum <= 0 || lOneAllocNum <= 0) return NULL;

  cache = calloc(1, sizeof(CMiniCache));
  pthread_mutex_init(&cache->lock, NULL);

  cache->m_lHashSize    = lHashSize;
  cache->m_lMaxDataSize = lMaxDataSize;
  cache->m_lMaxDataNum  = lMaxDataNum;
  cache->m_lOneAllocNum = lOneAllocNum;
  cache->m_pDataFreeFun = pDataFreeFun;
  cache->m_lAlloc = cache->m_lMaxDataNum/cache->m_lOneAllocNum;

  cache->m_ppNode = calloc(cache->m_lAlloc, sizeof(CMiniCacheNode *));
  if(!cache->m_ppNode) { FreeSource(cache); return NULL; }

  cache->m_lNowAllocPos = 0;
  cache->m_ppNode[cache->m_lNowAllocPos] = calloc(cache->m_lOneAllocNum, sizeof(CMiniCacheNode));
  if(!cache->m_ppNode[cache->m_lNowAllocPos]) { FreeSource(cache); return NULL; }

  cache->m_lNowDataPos = 0;

  cache->m_ppHash = calloc(cache->m_lHashSize, sizeof(CMiniCacheNode *));
  if(!cache->m_ppHash) { FreeSource(cache); return NULL; }
  return cache;
Example #2
// Parameter:			-
// Returns:				-
// Changes Globals:		-
int LoadCfgFile( char *filename ) {
	source_t *source;
	token_t token;
	int settingsdefined;

	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		Log_Print( "couldn't open cfg file %s\n", filename );
		return false;
	} //end if

	settingsdefined = false;
	memset( &cfg, 0, sizeof( cfg_t ) );

	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !stricmp( token.string, "bbox" ) ) {
			if ( cfg.numbboxes >= AAS_MAX_BBOXES ) {
				SourceError( source, "too many bounding box volumes defined" );
			} //end if
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &bbox_struct, (char *) &cfg.bboxes[cfg.numbboxes] ) ) {
				FreeSource( source );
				return false;
			} //end if
			cfg.allpresencetypes |= cfg.bboxes[cfg.numbboxes].presencetype;
		} //end if
		else if ( !stricmp( token.string, "settings" ) ) {
			if ( settingsdefined ) {
				SourceWarning( source, "settings already defined\n" );
			} //end if
			settingsdefined = true;
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &cfg_struct, (char *) &cfg ) ) {
				FreeSource( source );
				return false;
			} //end if
		} //end else if
	} //end while
	if ( VectorLength( cfg.phys_gravitydirection ) < 0.9 || VectorLength( cfg.phys_gravitydirection ) > 1.1 ) {
		SourceError( source, "invalid gravity direction specified" );
	} //end if
	if ( cfg.numbboxes <= 0 ) {
		SourceError( source, "no bounding volumes specified" );
	} //end if
	FreeSource( source );
	Log_Print( "using cfg file %s\n", filename );
	return true;
} //end of the function LoadCfgFile
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
weightconfig_t *ReadWeightConfig( char *filename ) {
	int newindent, avail = 0, n;
	token_t token;
	source_t *source;
	fuzzyseperator_t *fs;
	weightconfig_t *config = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
	int starttime;

	starttime = Sys_MilliSeconds();
#endif //DEBUG

	if ( !LibVarGetValue( "bot_reloadcharacters" ) ) {
		avail = -1;
		for ( n = 0; n < MAX_WEIGHT_FILES; n++ )
			config = weightFileList[n];
			if ( !config ) {
				if ( avail == -1 ) {
					avail = n;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			if ( strcmp( filename, config->filename ) == 0 ) {
				//botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "retained %s\n", filename );
				return config;
			} //end if
		} //end for

		if ( avail == -1 ) {
			botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "weightFileList was full trying to load %s\n", filename );
			return NULL;
		} //end if
	} //end if

	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", filename );
		return NULL;
	} //end if
	config = (weightconfig_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( weightconfig_t ) );
	config->numweights = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( config->filename, filename, sizeof( config->filename ) );
	//parse the item config file
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !strcmp( token.string, "weight" ) ) {
			if ( config->numweights >= MAX_WEIGHTS ) {
				SourceWarning( source, "too many fuzzy weights" );
			} //end if
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			config->weights[config->numweights].name = (char *) GetClearedMemory( strlen( token.string ) + 1 );
			strcpy( config->weights[config->numweights].name, token.string );
			if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			newindent = qfalse;
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "{" ) ) {
				newindent = qtrue;
				if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
			if ( !strcmp( token.string, "switch" ) ) {
				fs = ReadFuzzySeperators_r( source );
				if ( !fs ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				config->weights[config->numweights].firstseperator = fs;
			} //end if
			else if ( !strcmp( token.string, "return" ) ) {
				fs = (fuzzyseperator_t *) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( fuzzyseperator_t ) );
				fs->index = 0;
				fs->value = MAX_INVENTORYVALUE;
				fs->next = NULL;
				fs->child = NULL;
				if ( !ReadFuzzyWeight( source, fs ) ) {
					FreeMemory( fs );
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
				config->weights[config->numweights].firstseperator = fs;
			} //end else if
				SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
				FreeWeightConfig( config );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end else
			if ( newindent ) {
				if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "}" ) ) {
					FreeWeightConfig( config );
					FreeSource( source );
					return NULL;
				} //end if
			} //end if
		} //end if
			SourceError( source, "invalid name %s", token.string );
			FreeWeightConfig( config );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
		} //end else
	} //end while
	  //free the source at the end of a pass
	FreeSource( source );
	//if the file was located in a pak file
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", filename );
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ( botDeveloper ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "weights loaded in %d msec\n", Sys_MilliSeconds() - starttime );
	} //end if
#endif //DEBUG
	if ( !LibVarGetValue( "bot_reloadcharacters" ) ) {
		weightFileList[avail] = config;
	} //end if
	return config;
} //end of the function ReadWeightConfig
Example #4
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
weaponconfig_t *LoadWeaponConfig(char *filename)
	int max_weaponinfo, max_projectileinfo;
	token_t token;
	char path[MAX_PATH];
	int i, j;
	source_t *source;
	weaponconfig_t *wc;
	weaponinfo_t weaponinfo;

	max_weaponinfo = (int) LibVarValue("max_weaponinfo", "32");
	if (max_weaponinfo < 0)
		botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "max_weaponinfo = %d\n", max_weaponinfo);
		max_weaponinfo = 32;
		LibVarSet("max_weaponinfo", "32");
	} //end if
	max_projectileinfo = (int) LibVarValue("max_projectileinfo", "32");
	if (max_projectileinfo < 0)
		botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "max_projectileinfo = %d\n", max_projectileinfo);
		max_projectileinfo = 32;
		LibVarSet("max_projectileinfo", "32");
	} //end if
	strncpy(path, filename, MAX_PATH);
	source = LoadSourceFile(path);
	if (!source)
		botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", path);
		return NULL;
	} //end if
	//initialize weapon config
	wc = (weaponconfig_t *) GetClearedHunkMemory(sizeof(weaponconfig_t) +
										max_weaponinfo * sizeof(weaponinfo_t) +
										max_projectileinfo * sizeof(projectileinfo_t));
	wc->weaponinfo = (weaponinfo_t *) ((char *) wc + sizeof(weaponconfig_t));
	wc->projectileinfo = (projectileinfo_t *) ((char *) wc->weaponinfo +
										max_weaponinfo * sizeof(weaponinfo_t));
	wc->numweapons = max_weaponinfo;
	wc->numprojectiles = 0;
	//parse the source file
	while(PC_ReadToken(source, &token))
		if (!strcmp(token.string, "weaponinfo"))
			Com_Memset(&weaponinfo, 0, sizeof(weaponinfo_t));
			if (!ReadStructure(source, &weaponinfo_struct, (char *) &weaponinfo))
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			if (weaponinfo.number < 0 || weaponinfo.number >= max_weaponinfo)
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "weapon info number %d out of range in %s\n", weaponinfo.number, path);
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			Com_Memcpy(&wc->weaponinfo[weaponinfo.number], &weaponinfo, sizeof(weaponinfo_t));
			wc->weaponinfo[weaponinfo.number].valid = qtrue;
		} //end if
		else if (!strcmp(token.string, "projectileinfo"))
			if (wc->numprojectiles >= max_projectileinfo)
				botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "more than %d projectiles defined in %s\n", max_projectileinfo, path);
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			Com_Memset(&wc->projectileinfo[wc->numprojectiles], 0, sizeof(projectileinfo_t));
			if (!ReadStructure(source, &projectileinfo_struct, (char *) &wc->projectileinfo[wc->numprojectiles]))
				return NULL;
			} //end if
		} //end if
			botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "unknown definition %s in %s\n", token.string, path);
			return NULL;
		} //end else
	} //end while
	//fix up weapons
	for (i = 0; i < wc->numweapons; i++)
		if (!wc->weaponinfo[i].valid) continue;
		if (!wc->weaponinfo[i].name[0])
			botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "weapon %d has no name in %s\n", i, path);
			return NULL;
		} //end if
		if (!wc->weaponinfo[i].projectile[0])
			botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "weapon %s has no projectile in %s\n", wc->weaponinfo[i].name, path);
			return NULL;
		} //end if
		//find the projectile info and copy it to the weapon info
		for (j = 0; j < wc->numprojectiles; j++)
			if (!strcmp(wc->projectileinfo[j].name, wc->weaponinfo[i].projectile))
				Com_Memcpy(&wc->weaponinfo[i].proj, &wc->projectileinfo[j], sizeof(projectileinfo_t));
			} //end if
		} //end for
		if (j == wc->numprojectiles)
			botimport.Print(PRT_ERROR, "weapon %s uses undefined projectile in %s\n", wc->weaponinfo[i].name, path);
			return NULL;
		} //end if
	} //end for
	if (!wc->numweapons) botimport.Print(PRT_WARNING, "no weapon info loaded\n");
	botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", path);
	return wc;
} //end of the function LoadWeaponConfig
Example #5
void GetFunctionNamesFromFile (char *filename)
	source_t	*source;
	token_t		token, lasttoken;
	int			indent = 0, brace;
	int			isStatic = 0;
	tokenList_t	*listHead;

	// filter some files out
	if ( !Q_stricmp( filename, "bg_lib.c" ) ) {

	listHead = NULL;
	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		Error( "error opening %s", filename );

//	printf("loaded %s\n", filename);
//	if (!PC_ReadToken(source, &lasttoken))
//	{
//		FreeSource(source);
//		return;
//	} //end if
	while ( 1 )
		if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
		AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
		if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION )
			switch ( token.string[0] )
			case ';':
				isStatic = 0;
			case '{':
			case '}':
				if ( indent < 0 )
					indent = 0;
			case '(':
				if ( indent <= 0 && lasttoken.type == TT_NAME )
					StripTokenList( listHead );

					brace = 1;
					while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
						AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
						if ( token.string[0] == '(' ) {
						else if ( token.string[0] == ')' )
							if ( brace <= 0 )
								if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
								if ( token.string[0] == '{' ) {
									if ( !isStatic && MayScrewUp( lasttoken.string ) ) {
										AddFunctionName( lasttoken.string, filename, listHead );
								}	//end if
							}	//end if
						}	//end if
					}	//end while
				}	//end if
			}	//end switch
		}	//end if
		if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
			if ( token.string[0] == 's' && !strcmp( token.string, "static" ) ) {
				isStatic = 1;
		memcpy( &lasttoken, &token, sizeof( token_t ) );
	} //end while	
	FreeSource( source );
} //end of the function GetFunctionNamesFromFile
Example #6

Knightmare- this gets structs / vars of a given type
void GetTypeNamesFromFile (char *filename, char *typeName)
	source_t	*source;
	token_t		token, lasttoken;
	int			indent = 0;//, brace;
	int			isStatic = 0;
	int			isExtern = 0;
	tokenList_t	*listHead;


	listHead = NULL;
	source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
	if ( !source ) {
		Error( "error opening %s", filename );

	while ( 1 )
		if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
		if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION )
			switch ( token.string[0] )
			case ';':
				isStatic = 0;
				isExtern = 0;
			case '{':
			case '}':
				if ( indent < 0 )
					indent = 0;
		if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
		{	// type declarations for pointer table must be non-static, non-extern, and global in scope
			if ( token.string[0] == 's' && !strcmp( token.string, "static" ) ) {
				isStatic = 1;
			if ( token.string[0] == 'e' && !strcmp( token.string, "extern" ) ) {
				isExtern = 1;
			if ( !isStatic && !isExtern && indent == 0 && !strcmp(token.string, typeName) )
				if ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
					if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
						if (listHead)
							listHead->next = NULL;
						listHead = NULL;
						AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
						AddFunctionName( token.string, filename, listHead );
		memcpy( &lasttoken, &token, sizeof( token_t ) );
	FreeSource( source );
Example #7
// Parameter:           -
// Returns:             -
// Changes Globals:     -
bot_character_t *BotLoadCharacterFromFile( char *charfile, int skill )
    int             indent, index, foundcharacter;
    bot_character_t *ch;
    source_t        *source;
    token_t         token;

    foundcharacter = qfalse;
    //a bot character is parsed in two phases
    PS_SetBaseFolder( "botfiles" );
    source = LoadSourceFile( charfile );
    PS_SetBaseFolder( "" );

    if ( !source )
        botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", charfile );
        return NULL;
    } //end if

    ch = ( bot_character_t * ) GetClearedMemory( sizeof( bot_character_t ) + MAX_CHARACTERISTICS * sizeof( bot_characteristic_t ) );
    strcpy( ch->filename, charfile );

    while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
        if ( !strcmp( token.string, "skill" ) )
            if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_NUMBER, 0, &token ) )
                FreeSource( source );
                BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                FreeMemory( ch );
                return NULL;
            } //end if

            if ( !PC_ExpectTokenString( source, "{" ) )
                FreeSource( source );
                BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                FreeMemory( ch );
                return NULL;
            } //end if

            //if it's the correct skill
            if ( skill < 0 || token.intvalue == skill )
                foundcharacter = qtrue;
                ch->skill = token.intvalue;

                while ( PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                    if ( !strcmp( token.string, "}" ) )

                    if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER || !( token.subtype & TT_INTEGER ) )
                        SourceError( source, "expected integer index, found %s\n", token.string );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    index = token.intvalue;

                    if ( index < 0 || index > MAX_CHARACTERISTICS )
                        SourceError( source, "characteristic index out of range [0, %d]\n", MAX_CHARACTERISTICS );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( ch->c[ index ].type )
                        SourceError( source, "characteristic %d already initialized\n", index );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( token.type == TT_NUMBER )
                        if ( token.subtype & TT_FLOAT )
                            ch->c[ index ].value._float = token.floatvalue;
                            ch->c[ index ].type = CT_FLOAT;
                        } //end if
                            ch->c[ index ].value.integer = token.intvalue;
                            ch->c[ index ].type = CT_INTEGER;
                        } //end else
                    } //end if
                    else if ( token.type == TT_STRING )
                        StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
                        ch->c[ index ].value.string = GetMemory( strlen( token.string ) + 1 );
                        strcpy( ch->c[ index ].value.string, token.string );
                        ch->c[ index ].type = CT_STRING;
                    } //end else if
                        SourceError( source, "expected integer, float or string, found %s\n", token.string );
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end else
                } //end if

            } //end if
                indent = 1;

                while ( indent )
                    if ( !PC_ExpectAnyToken( source, &token ) )
                        FreeSource( source );
                        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
                        FreeMemory( ch );
                        return NULL;
                    } //end if

                    if ( !strcmp( token.string, "{" ) )
                    else if ( !strcmp( token.string, "}" ) )
                } //end while
            } //end else
        } //end if
            SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
            FreeSource( source );
            BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
            FreeMemory( ch );
            return NULL;
        } //end else
    } //end while

    FreeSource( source );

    if ( !foundcharacter )
        BotFreeCharacterStrings( ch );
        FreeMemory( ch );
        return NULL;
    } //end if

    return ch;
} //end of the function BotLoadCharacterFromFile
Example #8
	void Source::EndSource()
		source = NO_SOURCE;
Example #9
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   O primeiro parametro a ser passado para esse agente e' o numero do proce-
   ssador em que esta executando o 'ns',  o segundo parametro e' o  nome  do
   arquivo que contem a instancia do SCP e o terceiro e' o nome do diretorio
   em que serao gerados os arquivos de estatisticas.
   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
main(int argc,char *argv[])

  int numSpawns = 1,                    /* Qtd de processos de serverMD      */ 
      errcodes[numSpawns],              /* Array de erros para o spawn. Um   */
  					                    /* código por processo               */										
      /* Variáveis de controle de um grupo de processos da MPI*/

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);               
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);   					                     
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);                                         
  MPI_Comm interComSpawn; 		        
  char        	 *look        = NULL,
  unsigned long  NbServerMD   = 0;
  MaxLenDualMem = (int)  ReadAteamParam(2);
  ReducPerc     = (int)  ReadAteamParam(12);
  RandomInitMD  = (char) ReadAteamParam(16);

  MaxLenDualMem = atoi(argv[3]);
  ReducPerc     = atoi(argv[4]);
  RandomInitMD  = (char) atoi(argv[5]);

  /* OBS: Esse arquivo de ser passado por argv[2] */
  if (!(finput = fopen(argv[1],"r")))
   { printf("\n\n* Erro na abertura do arquivo %s. *",argv[1]);
  ReadSource();          /* Localizada em readsc.c */
  Reduction(NULL,NULL); /* Localizada em reduction.c */

  if (argc == 10)
  look = argv[1];
  while (look)
    if (look = (char *) strstr(argv[1],"/"))
      argv[1] = (look + 1);
//  char *param = malloc(200 * sizeof(char));
//  strcpy(param, path);
    char *param[7];
    param[0] = (char *) malloc (512 * sizeof(char));
    param[1] = (char *) malloc (16 * sizeof(char));
    param[2] = (char *) malloc (16 * sizeof(char));
    param[3] = (char *) malloc (16 * sizeof(char));
    param[4] = (char *) malloc (16 * sizeof(char));
    param[5] = (char *) malloc (16 * sizeof(char));
    param[6] = NULL;

    strcpy(param[0], path);
    strcpy(param[1], argv[3]);
    strcpy(param[2], argv[6]);
    strcpy(param[3], argv[7]);
    strcpy(param[4], argv[8]);
    strcpy(param[5], argv[9]);

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Iniciando o serverMD */
      param, 1, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0,  MPI_COMM_SELF, &interComSpawn, errcodes);		                  
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Espera bloqueante necessária para não dar crash */
  	char messageBlock[1];
  	MPI_Status status;
  	MPI_Recv(messageBlock, 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG, interComSpawn, &status); 
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  int  method = INIT_GLOBAL_VARS, /* Primeira função a ser chamada pelo      */
         			              /* serverMD (INIT_GLOBAL_VARS)             */
       position = 0,              /* Marca as posicoes de cada dado 
                                                                  empacotado */
       flagConnect = 1;		      /* Flag para verificar se conectou com o 
       				                 servidor                                */
  char * buffer,                  /* Buffer contendo a mensagem a ser enviada*/
       port[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];   /* Porta para conectar com o serverMD      */
  MPI_Comm commServerMD;          /* Comunicador retornado apos a conexao com
  						                                          serverMD   */

  /* Verificando a existencia do serverMD - se sim recebe a porta */
  /* para conectar                                                */
  flagConnect = MPI_Lookup_name("ServerMD", MPI_INFO_NULL, port);

      printf("\n\n Erro: Porta não concebida \n\n");fflush(stdout);
  	  /* Conecta como serverMD */	
      MPI_Comm_connect(port, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &commServerMD);
	  buffer = malloc(3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(unsigned long));
      /* Sequência de empacotamento da primeira mensagem */
	  MPI_Pack(&method, 1, MPI_INT, buffer, 3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) + 
	  	sizeof(unsigned long), &position, commServerMD);
	   * Position foi incrementada: passa a referenciar a primeira
	   * posição livre no buffer e assim sucessivamente.   
	  MPI_Pack(&nb_lin, 1, MPI_INT, buffer, 3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) + 
	  	sizeof(unsigned long), &position, commServerMD);
	  MPI_Pack(&nb_col, 1, MPI_INT, buffer, 3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) + 
	  	sizeof(unsigned long), &position, commServerMD);
	  MPI_Pack(&density, 1, MPI_FLOAT, buffer, 3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(float) + 
	  	sizeof(unsigned long), &position, commServerMD);
	  MPI_Pack(&NbServerMD, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, buffer, 3 * sizeof(int) + 
	  	sizeof(float) + sizeof(unsigned long), &position, commServerMD);	 
	   * Envia a mensagem empacotada para o serverMD, fazendo uso do comu-
	   * nicador interComSpawn resultante da chamada a rotina spawn
  	  MPI_Send(buffer, position, MPI_PACKED, 0, 1, commServerMD);
   /* A heuristica dual gulosa sera chamada <MaxLenDualMem> vezes para  gerar
	  solucoes que permitam preencher total ou parcialmente a memoria de solu-
	  coes duais. */
   int i = 0;
   int message = 1224;
   //printf("\n \n Messagen 1224 %d: \n", message);
   MPI_Send(&message, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, commServerMD);
   //printf("\n\n* Termino do Agente InitMD *");
   //printf("\n* A memoria de solucoes duais foi inicializada. *\n");
int PC_FreeSourceHandle( int handle ) {
	FreeSource( (source_t *)handle );
	return 0;
Example #11
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
itemconfig_t *LoadItemConfig( char *filename ) {
	int max_iteminfo;
	token_t token;
	char path[MAX_PATH];
	source_t *source;
	itemconfig_t *ic;
	iteminfo_t *ii;

	max_iteminfo = (int) LibVarValue( "max_iteminfo", "256" );
	if ( max_iteminfo < 0 ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "max_iteminfo = %d\n", max_iteminfo );
		max_iteminfo = 128;
		LibVarSet( "max_iteminfo", "128" );

	strncpy( path, filename, MAX_PATH );
	source = LoadSourceFile( path );
	if ( !source ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", path );
		return NULL;
	} //end if
	  //initialize item config
	ic = (itemconfig_t *) GetClearedHunkMemory( sizeof( itemconfig_t ) +
												max_iteminfo * sizeof( iteminfo_t ) );
	ic->iteminfo = ( iteminfo_t * )( (char *) ic + sizeof( itemconfig_t ) );
	ic->numiteminfo = 0;
	//parse the item config file
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
		if ( !strcmp( token.string, "iteminfo" ) ) {
			if ( ic->numiteminfo >= max_iteminfo ) {
				SourceError( source, "more than %d item info defined\n", max_iteminfo );
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			ii = &ic->iteminfo[ic->numiteminfo];
			memset( ii, 0, sizeof( iteminfo_t ) );
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeMemory( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			strncpy( ii->classname, token.string, sizeof( ii->classname ) - 1 );
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &iteminfo_struct, (char *) ii ) ) {
				FreeMemory( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			} //end if
			ii->number = ic->numiteminfo;
		} //end if
			SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
			FreeMemory( ic );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
		} //end else
	} //end while
	FreeSource( source );
	if ( !ic->numiteminfo ) {
		botimport.Print( PRT_WARNING, "no item info loaded\n" );
	botimport.Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", path );
	return ic;
} //end of the function LoadItemConfig
Example #12
CMiniCache_free(CMiniCache *cache)
Example #13
static itemconfig_t* LoadItemConfig( const char* filename ) {
	int max_iteminfo = ( int )LibVarValue( "max_iteminfo", "256" );
	if ( max_iteminfo < 0 ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_ERROR, "max_iteminfo = %d\n", max_iteminfo );
		max_iteminfo = 256;
		LibVarSet( "max_iteminfo", "256" );

	if ( GGameType & GAME_Quake3 ) {
	char path[ MAX_QPATH ];
	String::NCpyZ( path, filename, MAX_QPATH );
	source_t* source = LoadSourceFile( path );
	if ( !source ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_ERROR, "counldn't load %s\n", path );
		return NULL;
	//initialize item config
	itemconfig_t* ic = ( itemconfig_t* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof ( itemconfig_t ) +
		max_iteminfo * sizeof ( iteminfo_t ) );
	ic->iteminfo = ( iteminfo_t* )( ( char* )ic + sizeof ( itemconfig_t ) );
	ic->numiteminfo = 0;
	//parse the item config file
	token_t token;
	while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
		if ( !String::Cmp( token.string, "iteminfo" ) ) {
			if ( ic->numiteminfo >= max_iteminfo ) {
				SourceError( source, "more than %d item info defined\n", max_iteminfo );
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			iteminfo_t* ii = &ic->iteminfo[ ic->numiteminfo ];
			Com_Memset( ii, 0, sizeof ( iteminfo_t ) );
			if ( !PC_ExpectTokenType( source, TT_STRING, 0, &token ) ) {
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			StripDoubleQuotes( token.string );
			String::NCpy( ii->classname, token.string, sizeof ( ii->classname ) - 1 );
			if ( !ReadStructure( source, &iteminfo_struct, ( char* )ii ) ) {
				Mem_Free( ic );
				FreeSource( source );
				return NULL;
			ii->number = ic->numiteminfo;
		} else {
			SourceError( source, "unknown definition %s\n", token.string );
			Mem_Free( ic );
			FreeSource( source );
			return NULL;
	FreeSource( source );

	if ( !ic->numiteminfo ) {
		BotImport_Print( PRT_WARNING, "no item info loaded\n" );
	BotImport_Print( PRT_MESSAGE, "loaded %s\n", path );
	return ic;