Example #1
extern dig_fhandle PathOpen( char * name, unsigned len, char * ext )
    char        path[ _MAX_PATH2 ];

    return( FullPathOpen( name, ext, path, sizeof( path ) ) );
Example #2
static void DoDownLoadCode( void )
    file_handle     fh;

    if( !DownLoadTask )
    fh = FullPathOpen( TaskCmd, strlen( TaskCmd ), "exe", TxtBuff, TXT_LEN );
    if( fh == NIL_HANDLE ) {
        Error( ERR_NONE, LIT_ENG( ERR_FILE_NOT_OPEN ), TaskCmd );
    FileClose( fh );
    FindLocalDebugInfo( TxtBuff );
    CopyToRemote( TxtBuff, SkipPathInfo( TxtBuff, OP_LOCAL ), true, NULL );
Example #3
void FindLocalDebugInfo( const char *name )
    char        *buff, *symfile;
    size_t      len;
    file_handle fh;

    len = strlen( name );
    _AllocA( buff, len + 1 + 4 + 2 );
    _AllocA( symfile, len + 1 + 4 );
    strcpy( buff, "@l" );
    // If a .sym file is present, use it in preference to the executable
    fh = FullPathOpen( name, ExtPointer( name, OP_LOCAL ) - name, "sym", symfile, len + 4 );
    if( fh != NIL_HANDLE ) {
        strcat( buff, symfile );
        FileClose( fh );
    } else {
        strcat( buff, name );
    InsertRing( RingEnd( &LocalDebugInfo ), buff, strlen( buff ), false );
Example #4
void FindLocalDebugInfo( const char *name )
    char        *buff, *symname;
    unsigned    len;
    handle      local;

    len = strlen( name );
    _AllocA( buff, len + 1 + 4 + 2 );
    _AllocA( symname, len + 1 + 4 );
    strcpy( buff, "@l" );
    // If a .sym file is present, use it in preference to the executable
    local = FullPathOpen( name, ExtPointer( name, OP_LOCAL ) - name, "sym", symname, len + 4 );
    if( local != NIL_HANDLE ) {
        strcat( buff, symname );
        FileClose( local );
    } else {
        strcat( buff, name );
    InsertRing( RingEnd( &LocalDebugInfo ), buff, strlen( buff ), FALSE );