Example #1
/* For debugging:	*/
void GC_print_static_roots()
    register int i;
    size_t total = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n_root_sets; i++) {
        GC_printf2("From 0x%lx to 0x%lx ",
        	   (unsigned long) GC_static_roots[i].r_start,
        	   (unsigned long) GC_static_roots[i].r_end);
        if (GC_static_roots[i].r_tmp) {
            GC_printf0(" (temporary)\n");
        } else {
        total += GC_static_roots[i].r_end - GC_static_roots[i].r_start;
    GC_printf1("Total size: %ld\n", (unsigned long) total);
    if (GC_root_size != total) {
     	GC_printf1("GC_root_size incorrect: %ld!!\n",
     		   (unsigned long) GC_root_size);
Example #2
void GC_print_sig_mask()
    sigset_t blocked;
    int i;

    if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, &blocked) != 0)
    GC_printf0("Blocked: ");
    for (i = 1; i <= MAXSIG; i++) {
        if (sigismember(&blocked, i)) { GC_printf1("%ld ",(long) i); }
Example #3
static void start_mark_threads()
    unsigned i;
    pthread_attr_t attr;

    if (GC_markers > MAX_MARKERS) {
	WARN("Limiting number of mark threads\n", 0);
	GC_markers = MAX_MARKERS;
    if (0 != pthread_attr_init(&attr)) ABORT("pthread_attr_init failed");
    if (0 != pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED))
	ABORT("pthread_attr_setdetachstate failed");

#   if defined(HPUX) || defined(GC_DGUX386_THREADS)
      /* Default stack size is usually too small: fix it. */
      /* Otherwise marker threads or GC may run out of	  */
      /* space.						  */
#     define MIN_STACK_SIZE (8*HBLKSIZE*sizeof(word))
	size_t old_size;
	int code;

        if (pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &old_size) != 0)
	  ABORT("pthread_attr_getstacksize failed\n");
	if (old_size < MIN_STACK_SIZE) {
	  if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, MIN_STACK_SIZE) != 0)
		  ABORT("pthread_attr_setstacksize failed\n");
#   endif /* HPUX || GC_DGUX386_THREADS */
#   ifdef CONDPRINT
      if (GC_print_stats) {
	GC_printf1("Starting %ld marker threads\n", GC_markers - 1);
#   endif
    for (i = 0; i < GC_markers - 1; ++i) {
      if (0 != PTHREAD_CREATE(GC_mark_threads + i, &attr,
			      GC_mark_thread, (void *)(word)i)) {
	WARN("Marker thread creation failed, errno = %ld.\n", errno);
Example #4
void * GC_mark_thread(void * id)
  word my_mark_no = 0;

  marker_sp[(word)id] = GC_approx_sp();
  for (;; ++my_mark_no) {
    /* GC_mark_no is passed only to allow GC_help_marker to terminate	*/
    /* promptly.  This is important if it were called from the signal	*/
    /* handler or from the GC lock acquisition code.  Under Linux, it's	*/
    /* not safe to call it from a signal handler, since it uses mutexes	*/
    /* and condition variables.  Since it is called only here, the 	*/
    /* argument is unnecessary.						*/
    if (my_mark_no < GC_mark_no || my_mark_no > GC_mark_no + 2) {
	/* resynchronize if we get far off, e.g. because GC_mark_no	*/
	/* wrapped.							*/
	my_mark_no = GC_mark_no;
	GC_printf1("Starting mark helper for mark number %ld\n", my_mark_no);
#   endif
Example #5
 * This may be called from DllMain, and hence operates under unusual
 * constraints.
static GC_thread GC_new_thread(void) {
  int i;
  /* It appears to be unsafe to acquire a lock here, since this	*/
  /* code is apparently not preeemptible on some systems.	*/
  /* (This is based on complaints, not on Microsoft's official	*/
  /* documentation, which says this should perform "only simple	*/
  /* initialization tasks".)					*/
  /* Hence we make do with nonblocking synchronization.		*/

  /* The following should be a noop according to the win32	*/
  /* documentation.  There is empirical evidence that it	*/
  /* isn't.		- HB					*/
# if defined(MPROTECT_VDB)
   if (GC_incremental) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(GC_write_fault_handler);
# endif
                /* cast away volatile qualifier */
  for (i = 0; InterlockedExchange((IE_t)&thread_table[i].in_use,1) != 0; i++) {
    /* Compare-and-swap would make this cleaner, but that's not 	*/
    /* supported before Windows 98 and NT 4.0.  In Windows 2000,	*/
    /* InterlockedExchange is supposed to be replaced by		*/
    /* InterlockedExchangePointer, but that's not really what I		*/
    /* want here.							*/
    if (i == MAX_THREADS - 1)
      ABORT("too many threads");
  /* Update GC_max_thread_index if necessary.  The following is safe,	*/
  /* and unlike CompareExchange-based solutions seems to work on all	*/
  /* Windows95 and later platforms.					*/
  /* Unfortunately, GC_max_thread_index may be temporarily out of 	*/
  /* bounds, so readers have to compensate.				*/
  while (i > GC_max_thread_index) {
  if (GC_max_thread_index >= MAX_THREADS) {
    /* We overshot due to simultaneous increments.	*/
    /* Setting it to MAX_THREADS-1 is always safe.	*/
    GC_max_thread_index = MAX_THREADS - 1;
# ifdef CYGWIN32
    thread_table[i].pthread_id = pthread_self();
# endif
  if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
	DWORD last_error = GetLastError();
	GC_printf1("Last error code: %lx\n", last_error);
	ABORT("DuplicateHandle failed");
  thread_table[i].stack_base = GC_get_stack_base();
  /* Up until this point, GC_push_all_stacks considers this thread	*/
  /* invalid.								*/
  if (thread_table[i].stack_base == NULL) 
    ABORT("Failed to find stack base in GC_new_thread");
  /* Up until this point, this entry is viewed as reserved but invalid	*/
  /* by GC_delete_thread.						*/
  thread_table[i].id = GetCurrentThreadId();
  /* If this thread is being created while we are trying to stop	*/
  /* the world, wait here.  Hopefully this can't happen on any	*/
  /* systems that don't allow us to block here.			*/
  while (GC_please_stop) Sleep(20);
  return thread_table + i;
Example #6
/* make it cheaper.						*/
GC_API void GC_register_finalizer_inner(void * obj,
					GC_finalization_proc fn, void *cd,
					GC_finalization_proc *ofn, void **ocd,
					finalization_mark_proc mp,
                                        /* PLTSCHEME: eager_level */
                                        int eager_level)
    ptr_t base;
    struct finalizable_object * curr_fo, * prev_fo;
    size_t index;
    struct finalizable_object *new_fo;
    hdr *hhdr;

#   ifdef THREADS
#   endif
    if (log_fo_table_size == -1
        || GC_fo_entries > ((word)1 << log_fo_table_size)) {
    	GC_grow_table((struct hash_chain_entry ***)(&fo_head),
	    GC_printf1("Grew fo table to %lu entries\n",
	    		(unsigned long)(1 << log_fo_table_size));
#	endif
    /* in the THREADS case signals are disabled and we hold allocation	*/
    /* lock; otherwise neither is true.  Proceed carefully.		*/
    base = (ptr_t)obj;
    index = HASH2(base, log_fo_table_size);
    prev_fo = 0; curr_fo = fo_head[index];
    while (curr_fo != 0) {
        GC_ASSERT(GC_size(curr_fo) >= sizeof(struct finalizable_object));
        if (curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base == HIDE_POINTER(base)) {
            /* Interruption by a signal in the middle of this	*/
            /* should be safe.  The client may see only *ocd	*/
            /* updated, but we'll declare that to be his	*/
            /* problem.						*/
            if (ocd) *ocd = (void *) curr_fo -> fo_client_data;
            if (ofn) *ofn = curr_fo -> fo_fn;
            /* Delete the structure for base. */
                if (prev_fo == 0) {
                  fo_head[index] = fo_next(curr_fo);
                } else {
                  fo_set_next(prev_fo, fo_next(curr_fo));
            if (fn == 0) {
                  /* May not happen if we get a signal.  But a high	*/
                  /* estimate will only make the table larger than	*/
                  /* necessary.						*/
#		if !defined(THREADS) && !defined(DBG_HDRS_ALL)
                  GC_free((void *)curr_fo);
#		endif
            } else {
                curr_fo -> fo_fn = fn;
                curr_fo -> fo_client_data = (ptr_t)cd;
                curr_fo -> fo_mark_proc = mp;
		curr_fo -> eager_level = eager_level; /* PLTSCHEME */
		/* Reinsert it.  We deleted it first to maintain	*/
		/* consistency in the event of a signal.		*/
		if (prev_fo == 0) {
                  fo_head[index] = curr_fo;
                } else {
                  fo_set_next(prev_fo, curr_fo);
#	    ifdef THREADS
#	    endif
        prev_fo = curr_fo;
        curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);
    if (ofn) *ofn = 0;
    if (ocd) *ocd = 0;
    if (fn == 0) {

      /* PLTSCHEME: */
      /* If this item is already queued, de-queue it. */
#if 1
      if (GC_finalize_now) {
	ptr_t real_ptr;
	struct finalizable_object * curr_fo, *prev_fo;
	prev_fo = NULL;
	curr_fo = GC_finalize_now;
	while (curr_fo != 0) {
	  real_ptr = (ptr_t)(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
	  if (real_ptr == obj) {
	    if (prev_fo)
	      fo_set_next(prev_fo, fo_next(curr_fo));
	      GC_finalize_now = fo_next(curr_fo);
	    GC_free((void *)curr_fo);
	  prev_fo = curr_fo;
	  curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);

#	ifdef THREADS
#	endif
    GET_HDR(base, hhdr);
    if (0 == hhdr) {
      /* We won't collect it, hence finalizer wouldn't be run. */
#     ifdef THREADS
#     endif
    new_fo = (struct finalizable_object *)
      GC_INTERNAL_MALLOC(sizeof(struct finalizable_object),NORMAL);
    if (EXPECT(0 == new_fo, FALSE)) {
#     ifdef THREADS
#     endif
      new_fo = (struct finalizable_object *)
          GC_oom_fn(sizeof(struct finalizable_object));
      if (0 == new_fo) {
      /* It's not likely we'll make it here, but ... */
#     ifdef THREADS
#     endif
    new_fo -> fo_hidden_base = (word)HIDE_POINTER(base);
    new_fo -> fo_fn = fn;
    new_fo -> fo_client_data = (ptr_t)cd;
    new_fo -> fo_object_size = hhdr -> hb_sz;
    new_fo -> fo_mark_proc = mp;
    new_fo -> eager_level = eager_level; /* PLTSCHEME */
    fo_set_next(new_fo, fo_head[index]);
    fo_head[index] = new_fo;
#   ifdef THREADS
#   endif