Example #1
 * SetScrProc - processes messages for the Data Control Dialog
    switch( msg ) {
        CenterWindowInRoot( hwndDlg );
        ctl_dlg_init( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ), hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setscr );
        return( TRUE );

    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) {
        case SETSCR_DEFAULTS:
            ctl_dlg_reset( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ),
                           hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setscr, TRUE );
            return( TRUE );
        case IDOK:
            if( !ctl_dlg_done( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ),
                               hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setscr ) ) {
                return( TRUE );

            // fall through
        case IDCANCEL:
            EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE );
            return( TRUE );

        ctl_dlg_process( &Ctl_setscr, wParam, lParam );

    return( FALSE );
Example #2
void add_button(
    HWND        parent,
    int         top,
    int         left,
    int         id,
    int FAR *  pwidth,
    int FAR *  pheight )
    HWND        hbutton;
    HINSTANCE inst;

    // Note that the resource ID is the same as the control ID
    inst = GET_HINSTANCE( parent );
    button_size( parent, id, pwidth, pheight );

    hbutton = CreateWindow(
                  WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_OWNERDRAW,   // Window style
                  left,                   // horizontal
                  top,                    // vertical
                  *pwidth,                // width
                  *pheight,               // height
                  parent,                 // parent window
                  (HMENU)id,              // menu is really child number
                  inst,                   // This instance owns this window.
                  NULL                    // Pointer not needed.
Example #3
 * GetSaveFName - let the user select a file name for a save operation
 *                fname must point to a buffer of length at least _MAX_PATH
BOOL GetSaveFName( HWND mainhwnd, char *fname )
    static char         filterList[] = "File (*.*)" \
                                       "\0" \
                                       "*.*" \
    OPENFILENAME        of;
    int                 rc;

    fname[0] = 0;
    memset( &of, 0, sizeof( OPENFILENAME ) );
    of.lStructSize = sizeof( OPENFILENAME );
    of.hwndOwner = mainhwnd;
    of.lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)filterList;
    of.lpstrDefExt = "";
    of.nFilterIndex = 1L;
    of.lpstrFile = fname;
    of.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH;
    of.lpstrTitle = NULL;
    of.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
#ifndef NOUSE3D
    of.Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK;
    of.lpfnHook = (LPOFNHOOKPROC)MakeOpenFileHookProcInstance( LBSaveHook, GET_HINSTANCE( mainhwnd ) );
    rc = GetSaveFileName( &of );
#ifndef NOUSE3D
    FreeProcInstance( (FARPROC)of.lpfnHook );
    return( rc );

} /* GetSaveFName */
Example #4
static void button_size( HWND hwnd, int id, int FAR * pwidth, int FAR * pheight )
    HINSTANCE inst;
    HBITMAP bmp;
    BITMAP bitmap;

    inst = GET_HINSTANCE( hwnd );
    bmp = LoadBitmap( inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( id ) );
    if( !bmp ) return;
    GetObject( bmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap );
    *pwidth = bitmap.bmWidth +5;
    *pheight = bitmap.bmHeight + 5;
    DeleteObject( bmp );
Example #5
 * SetGenProc - processes messages for the Data Control Dialog
BOOL WINEXP SetGenProc( HWND hwndDlg, unsigned msg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam )
    switch( msg ) {
        CenterWindowInRoot( hwndDlg );
        ctl_dlg_init( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ), hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setgen );
        dyn_tpl_init( &Dyn_setgen, hwndDlg );
        return( TRUE );

    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) {
        case SETGEN_DEFAULTS:
            ctl_dlg_reset( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ),
                           hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setgen, TRUE );
            dyn_tpl_init( &Dyn_setgen, hwndDlg );
            return( TRUE );
        case IDOK:
            if( !ctl_dlg_done( GET_HINSTANCE( hwndDlg ),
                               hwndDlg, &dlgData, &Ctl_setgen ) ) {
                return( TRUE );

            // fall through
        case IDCANCEL:
            EndDialog( hwndDlg, TRUE );
            return( TRUE );

        ctl_dlg_process( &Ctl_setgen, wParam, lParam );
        dyn_tpl_process( &Dyn_setgen, hwndDlg, wParam, lParam );

    return( FALSE );
Example #6
int GetNewFiles( WWindow *parent, WString *results, const char *caption,
                 const char *filters, const char *tgt_file )
    HWND                owner;
    HINSTANCE           hinst;
    GetFilesInfo        info;

    // this is a grody kludge to get an HWND from a gui_window
    // it assumes that the HWND is the first field in the gui_window structure
    owner = *( (HWND *)(parent->handle() ) );
    hinst = (HINSTANCE)GET_HINSTANCE( owner );
    info.result = results;
    info.tgt_file = tgt_file;
    return( fileSelectDlg( hinst, owner, &info, caption, filters ) );
Example #7
 * snoopDlgProc - callback routine for snoop dialog
WINEXPORT BOOL CALLBACK SnoopDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
    // int                 i;
    int                 cmd;
    int                 index;
    char                snoop[MAX_INPUT_LINE];
#ifdef __NT__
    BROWSEINFO          bi;
    char                buffer1[MAX_PATH];
    char                buffer2[MAX_PATH];
    LPITEMIDLIST        pidl;

#ifdef __NT__
    lparam = lparam;
    switch( msg ) {
        CenterWindowInRoot( hwnd );

        CheckDlgButton( hwnd, SNOOP_IGNORE_CASE, ( snoopData.case_ignore ) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED );
        CheckDlgButton( hwnd, SNOOP_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS, ( snoopData.use_regexp ) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED );
        SetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_STRING, snoopData.find );
        SetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_PATH, snoopData.path );

        // default extsion should be grep extension
        SetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_EXT, snoopData.ext );

        // this isn't quite right. but it's close.
        for( i = 0; i < extension.max; i++ ) {
            SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, SNOOP_LISTBOX, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)extension[i] );

        return( TRUE );
    case WM_CLOSE:
        PostMessage( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS( IDCANCEL, 0, 0 ) );
        return( TRUE );
    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch( LOWORD( wparam ) ) {
        case SNOOP_EXT:
            cmd = GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD( wparam, lparam );
            if( cmd == LBN_SELCHANGE || cmd == LBN_DBLCLK ) {
                index = (int)SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, SNOOP_EXT, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
                if( index == LB_ERR ) {
                SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, SNOOP_EXT, LB_GETTEXT, index, (LPARAM)snoop );
                SetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_STRING, snoop );
#ifdef __NT__
        case SNOOP_BROWSE:
            bi.hwndOwner = hwnd;
            bi.pidlRoot = NULL;
            bi.pszDisplayName = NULL;
            LoadString( GET_HINSTANCE( hwnd ), VI_BROWSE_MSG, buffer1, sizeof( buffer1 ) );
            bi.lpszTitle = buffer1;
            bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS;
            bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc;
            GetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_PATH, buffer2, MAX_PATH );
            bi.lParam = (LPARAM)buffer2;
            if( (pidl = pfnSHBrowseForFolder( &bi )) != NULL ) {
                if( pfnSHGetPathFromIDList( pidl, buffer1 ) ) {
                    SetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_PATH, buffer1 );
        case IDCANCEL:
            // RemoveEditSubClass( hwnd, SNOOP_STRING );
            EndDialog( hwnd, FALSE );
        case IDOK:
            GetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_STRING, snoop, MAX_INPUT_LINE );
            ReplaceString( &snoopData.find, snoop );
            GetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_EXT, snoop, MAX_INPUT_LINE );
            ReplaceString( &snoopData.ext, snoop );
            GetDlgItemText( hwnd, SNOOP_PATH, snoop, MAX_INPUT_LINE );
            ReplaceString( &snoopData.path, snoop );
            snoopData.case_ignore = IsDlgButtonChecked( hwnd, SNOOP_IGNORE_CASE );
            snoopData.use_regexp = IsDlgButtonChecked( hwnd, SNOOP_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS );
            // RemoveEditSubClass( hwnd, SNOOP_STRING );
            EndDialog( hwnd, TRUE );
            return( FALSE );
        // hand it off to fgrep
        return( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );

} /* SnoopDlgProc */
Example #8
void draw_button( int button_id, DRAWITEMSTRUCT FAR * draw )
    HBITMAP     bmp;
    HBITMAP oldbmp;
    HPEN blackpen, shadowpen, brightpen, facepen;
    HPEN oldpen;
    BITMAP      bitmap;
    HDC memdc;
    HINSTANCE inst;
    int shift;

    inst = GET_HINSTANCE( draw->hwndItem );
    bmp = LoadBitmap( inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( button_id ) );
    if( !bmp ) return;
    GetObject( bmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap );
    memdc = CreateCompatibleDC( draw->hDC );
    oldbmp = SelectObject( memdc, bmp );
    if( draw->itemState & ODS_SELECTED ) {
        shift = 4;
    } else {
        shift = 2;
    BitBlt( draw->hDC, draw->rcItem.left + shift, draw->rcItem.top + shift,
            bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
    SelectObject( memdc, oldbmp );
    DeleteDC( memdc );
    DeleteObject( bmp );
    // Draw four sides of the button except one pixel in each corner
    blackpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, RGB(0,0,0) );
    brightpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, RGB(255,255,255) );
    shadowpen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
    facepen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );
    oldpen = SelectObject( draw->hDC, blackpen );
    horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.top );
    horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.bottom - 1 );
    vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.left );
    vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.right - 1 );
    // Now the shading
    SelectObject( draw->hDC, shadowpen );
    if( draw->itemState & ODS_SELECTED ) {
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.top + 1 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.left + 1 );
        SelectObject( draw->hDC, facepen );
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.top + 2 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.left + 2 );
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.top + 3 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.left + 3 );
    } else {
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.bottom - 2 );
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.bottom - 3 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.right - 2 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.right - 3 );
        SelectObject( draw->hDC, brightpen );
        horizontal( draw, draw->rcItem.top + 1 );
        vertical( draw, draw->rcItem.left + 1 );
    SelectObject( draw->hDC, oldpen );
    DeleteObject( blackpen );
    DeleteObject( brightpen );
    DeleteObject( shadowpen );
    DeleteObject( facepen );