static gboolean location_changed(GntFileSel *sel, GError **err) { GList *files, *iter; gboolean success; if (!sel->dirs) return TRUE; gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs)); if (sel->files) gnt_tree_remove_all(GNT_TREE(sel->files)); gnt_entry_set_text(GNT_ENTRY(sel->location), NULL); if (sel->current == NULL) { if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(sel), GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel)); return TRUE; } /* XXX:\ * XXX: This is blocking. * XXX:/ */ files = NULL; if (sel->read_fn) success = sel->read_fn(sel->current, &files, err); else success = local_read_fn(sel->current, &files, err); if (!success || *err) { gnt_warning("error opening location %s (%s)", sel->current, *err ? (*err)->message : "reason unknown"); return FALSE; } for (iter = files; iter; iter = iter->next) { GntFile *file = iter->data; char *str = file->basename; if (file->type == GNT_FILE_DIR) { gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), g_strdup(str), gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), str), NULL, NULL); if (sel->multiselect && sel->dirsonly && is_tagged(sel, str)) gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->dirs), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD); } else if (!sel->dirsonly) { char size[128]; snprintf(size, sizeof(size), "%ld", file->size); gnt_tree_add_row_after(GNT_TREE(sel->files), g_strdup(str), gnt_tree_create_row(GNT_TREE(sel->files), str, size, ""), NULL, NULL); if (sel->multiselect && is_tagged(sel, str)) gnt_tree_set_row_flags(GNT_TREE(sel->files), (gpointer)str, GNT_TEXT_FLAG_BOLD); } } g_list_foreach(files, (GFunc)gnt_file_free, NULL); g_list_free(files); if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(sel), GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) gnt_widget_draw(GNT_WIDGET(sel)); return TRUE; }
static void gnt_box_draw(GntWidget *widget) { GntBox *box = GNT_BOX(widget); if (box->focus == NULL && widget->parent == NULL) g_list_foreach(box->list, add_to_focus, box); g_list_foreach(box->list, (GFunc)gnt_widget_draw, NULL); if (box->title && !GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) { int pos, right; char *title = g_strdup(box->title); get_title_thingies(box, title, &pos, &right); if (gnt_widget_has_focus(widget)) wbkgdset(widget->window, '\0' | gnt_color_pair(GNT_COLOR_TITLE)); else wbkgdset(widget->window, '\0' | gnt_color_pair(GNT_COLOR_TITLE_D)); mvwaddch(widget->window, 0, pos-1, ACS_RTEE | gnt_color_pair(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); mvwaddstr(widget->window, 0, pos, title); mvwaddch(widget->window, 0, right, ACS_LTEE | gnt_color_pair(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); g_free(title); } gnt_box_sync_children(box); }
static void redraw_slider(GntSlider *slider) { GntWidget *widget = GNT_WIDGET(slider); if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) gnt_widget_draw(widget); }
static void readjust_columns(GntTree *tree) { int i, col, total; int width; #define WIDTH(i) (tree->columns[i].width_ratio ? tree->columns[i].width_ratio : tree->columns[i].width) gnt_widget_get_size(GNT_WIDGET(tree), &width, NULL); if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(tree), GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) width -= 2; width -= 1; /* Exclude the scrollbar from the calculation */ for (i = 0, total = 0; i < tree->ncol ; i++) { if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE) continue; if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE) width -= WIDTH(i) + (tree->priv->lastvisible != i); else total += WIDTH(i) + (tree->priv->lastvisible != i); } if (total == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < tree->ncol; i++) { if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_INVISIBLE) continue; if (tree->columns[i].flags & GNT_TREE_COLUMN_FIXED_SIZE) col = WIDTH(i); else col = (WIDTH(i) * width) / total; gnt_tree_set_col_width(GNT_TREE(tree), i, col); } }
static void find_next_focus(GntBox *box) { gpointer last = box->active; do { GList *iter = g_list_find(box->focus, box->active); if (iter && iter->next) box->active = iter->next->data; else if (box->focus) box->active = box->focus->data; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->active, GNT_WIDGET_INVISIBLE) && GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->active, GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS)) break; } while (box->active != last); }
static void gnt_text_view_size_changed(GntWidget *widget, int w, int h) { if (w != widget->priv.width && GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) { gnt_text_view_reflow(GNT_TEXT_VIEW(widget)); } }
static gboolean gnt_combo_box_key_pressed(GntWidget *widget, const char *text) { GntComboBox *box = GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget); gboolean showing = !!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->dropdown->parent, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED); if (showing) { if (text[1] == 0) { switch (text[0]) { case '\r': case '\t': case '\n': hide_popup(box, TRUE); return TRUE; case 27: hide_popup(box, FALSE); return TRUE; } } } if (gnt_widget_key_pressed(box->dropdown, text)) { if (!showing) popup_dropdown(box); return TRUE; } { #define SEARCH_IN_RANGE(start, end) do { \ GntTreeRow *row; \ for (row = start; row != end; \ row = gnt_tree_row_get_next(tree, row)) { \ gpointer key = gnt_tree_row_get_key(tree, row); \ GList *list = gnt_tree_get_row_text_list(tree, key); \ gboolean found = FALSE; \ found = (list->data && g_ascii_strncasecmp(text, list->data, len) == 0); \ g_list_foreach(list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); \ g_list_free(list); \ if (found) { \ if (!showing) \ popup_dropdown(box); \ gnt_tree_set_selected(tree, key); \ return TRUE; \ } \ } \ } while (0) int len = strlen(text); GntTree *tree = GNT_TREE(box->dropdown); GntTreeRow *current = tree->current; SEARCH_IN_RANGE(gnt_tree_row_get_next(tree, current), NULL); SEARCH_IN_RANGE(tree->top, current); #undef SEARCH_IN_RANGE } return FALSE; }
static void gnt_combo_box_lost_focus(GntWidget *widget) { GntComboBox *combo = GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget); if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(combo->dropdown->parent, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) hide_popup(combo, FALSE); widget_lost_focus(widget); }
static void gnt_text_view_size_request(GntWidget *widget) { if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) { gnt_widget_set_size(widget, 64, 20); } }
static gboolean dropdown_menu(GntBindable *b, GList *null) { if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_COMBO_BOX(b)->dropdown->parent, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) return FALSE; popup_dropdown(GNT_COMBO_BOX(b)); return TRUE; }
static void gnt_entry_size_request(GntWidget *widget) { if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) { widget->priv.height = 1; widget->priv.width = 20; } }
static void file_sel_changed(GntWidget *widget, gpointer old, gpointer current, GntFileSel *sel) { if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS)) { g_free(sel->suggest); sel->suggest = NULL; update_location(sel); } }
static void gnt_button_size_request(GntWidget *widget) { GntButton *button = GNT_BUTTON(widget); gnt_util_get_text_bound(button->priv->text, &widget->priv.width, &widget->priv.height); widget->priv.width += 4; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) widget->priv.height += 2; }
static void gnt_combo_box_size_request(GntWidget *widget) { if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) { GntWidget *dd = GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget)->dropdown; gnt_widget_size_request(dd); widget->priv.height = 3; /* For now, a combobox will have border */ widget->priv.width = MAX(10, dd->priv.width + 2); } }
static void add_to_focus(gpointer value, gpointer data) { GntBox *box = GNT_BOX(data); GntWidget *w = GNT_WIDGET(value); if (GNT_IS_BOX(w)) g_list_foreach(GNT_BOX(w)->list, add_to_focus, box); else if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(w, GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS)) box->focus = g_list_append(box->focus, w); }
static void envelope_normal_window(GntWidget *win) { int w, h; if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(win, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER | GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) return; gnt_widget_get_size(win, &w, &h); wbkgdset(win->window, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(GNT_COLOR_NORMAL)); mvwprintw(win->window, 0, w - 4, "[X]"); }
static void s_new_window(GntWM *wm, GntWidget *win) { int x, y, w, h; int maxx, maxy; const char *name; gboolean blist = FALSE; if (!GNT_IS_MENU(win)) { getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); gnt_widget_get_position(win, &x, &y); gnt_widget_get_size(win, &w, &h); name = gnt_widget_get_name(win); if (name && strcmp(name, "buddylist") == 0) { /* The buddylist doesn't have no border nor nothing! */ x = 0; y = 0; h = maxy - 1; blist = TRUE; gnt_box_set_toplevel(GNT_BOX(win), FALSE); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(win, GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS); gnt_widget_set_position(win, x, y); mvwin(win->window, y, x); gnt_widget_set_size(win, -1, h + 2); /* XXX: Why is the +2 needed here? -- sadrul */ } else if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(win, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) { const char *title = GNT_BOX(win)->title; if (title == NULL || !g_hash_table_lookup(wm->positions, title)) { /* In the middle of the screen */ x = (maxx - w) / 2; y = (maxy - h) / 2; gnt_widget_set_position(win, x, y); mvwin(win->window, y, x); } } } org_new_window(wm, win); if (blist) gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, win); }
static void find_prev_focus(GntBox *box) { gpointer last = box->active; if (!box->focus) return; do { GList *iter = g_list_find(box->focus, box->active); if (!iter) box->active = box->focus->data; else if (!iter->prev) box->active = g_list_last(box->focus)->data; else box->active = iter->prev->data; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->active, GNT_WIDGET_INVISIBLE)) break; } while (box->active != last); }
static gboolean gnt_box_key_pressed(GntWidget *widget, const char *text) { GntBox *box = GNT_BOX(widget); gboolean ret; if (!GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS)) return FALSE; if (box->active == NULL && !find_focusable_widget(box)) return FALSE; if (gnt_widget_key_pressed(box->active, text)) return TRUE; /* This dance is necessary to make sure that the child widgets get a chance to trigger their bindings first */ GNT_WIDGET_UNSET_FLAGS(widget, GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS); ret = gnt_widget_key_pressed(widget, text); GNT_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(widget, GNT_WIDGET_DISABLE_ACTIONS); return ret; }
static gboolean gnt_combo_box_clicked(GntWidget *widget, GntMouseEvent event, int x, int y) { GntComboBox *box = GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget); gboolean dshowing = GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->dropdown->parent, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED); if (event == GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP) { if (dshowing) gnt_widget_key_pressed(box->dropdown, GNT_KEY_UP); } else if (event == GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN) { if (dshowing) gnt_widget_key_pressed(box->dropdown, GNT_KEY_DOWN); } else if (event == GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN) { if (dshowing) { hide_popup(box, TRUE); } else { popup_dropdown(GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget)); } } else return FALSE; return TRUE; }
static gboolean gnt_combo_box_key_pressed(GntWidget *widget, const char *text) { GntComboBox *box = GNT_COMBO_BOX(widget); if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(box->dropdown->parent, GNT_WIDGET_MAPPED)) { if (text[1] == 0) { switch (text[0]) { case '\r': case '\t': case '\n': hide_popup(box, TRUE); return TRUE; case 27: hide_popup(box, FALSE); return TRUE; } } if (gnt_widget_key_pressed(box->dropdown, text)) return TRUE; } else { if (text[0] == 27) { if (strcmp(text, GNT_KEY_UP) == 0 || strcmp(text, GNT_KEY_DOWN) == 0) { popup_dropdown(box); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
static gboolean s_mouse_clicked(GntWM *wm, GntMouseEvent event, int cx, int cy, GntWidget *widget) { int x, y, w, h; if (!widget) return FALSE; /* This might be a place to bring up a context menu */ if (event != GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN || GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) return FALSE; gnt_widget_get_position(widget, &x, &y); gnt_widget_get_size(widget, &w, &h); if (cy == y && cx == x + w - 3) { gnt_widget_destroy(widget); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
static gboolean gnt_box_clicked(GntWidget *widget, GntMouseEvent event, int cx, int cy) { GList *iter; for (iter = GNT_BOX(widget)->list; iter; iter = iter->next) { int x, y, w, h; GntWidget *wid = iter->data; gnt_widget_get_position(wid, &x, &y); gnt_widget_get_size(wid, &w, &h); if (cx >= x && cx < x + w && cy >= y && cy < y + h) { if (event <= GNT_MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN && GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(wid, GNT_WIDGET_CAN_TAKE_FOCUS)) { while (widget->parent) widget = widget->parent; gnt_box_give_focus_to_child(GNT_BOX(widget), wid); } return gnt_widget_clicked(wid, event, cx, cy); } } return FALSE; }
/** * Mouse support: * - bring a window on top if you click on its taskbar * - click on the top-bar of the active window and drag+drop to move a window * - click on a window to bring it to focus * - allow scrolling in tree/textview on wheel-scroll event * - click to activate button or select a row in tree * wishlist: * - have a little [X] on the windows, and clicking it will close that window. */ static gboolean detect_mouse_action(const char *buffer) { int x, y; static enum { MOUSE_NONE, MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE } button = MOUSE_NONE; static GntWidget *remember = NULL; static int offset = 0; GntMouseEvent event; GntWidget *widget = NULL; PANEL *p = NULL; if (!wm->cws->ordered || buffer[0] != 27) return FALSE; buffer++; if (strlen(buffer) < 5) return FALSE; x = buffer[3]; y = buffer[4]; if (x < 0) x += 256; if (y < 0) y += 256; x -= 33; y -= 33; while ((p = panel_below(p)) != NULL) { const GntNode *node = panel_userptr(p); GntWidget *wid; if (!node) continue; wid = node->me; if (x >= wid->priv.x && x < wid->priv.x + wid->priv.width) { if (y >= wid->priv.y && y < wid->priv.y + wid->priv.height) { widget = wid; break; } } } if (strncmp(buffer, "[M ", 3) == 0) { /* left button down */ /* Bring the window you clicked on to front */ /* If you click on the topbar, then you can drag to move the window */ event = GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M\"", 3) == 0) { /* right button down */ event = GNT_RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M!", 3) == 0) { /* middle button down */ event = GNT_MIDDLE_MOUSE_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M`", 3) == 0) { /* wheel up*/ event = GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[Ma", 3) == 0) { /* wheel down */ event = GNT_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN; } else if (strncmp(buffer, "[M#", 3) == 0) { /* button up */ event = GNT_MOUSE_UP; } else return FALSE; if (widget && gnt_wm_process_click(wm, event, x, y, widget)) return TRUE; if (event == GNT_LEFT_MOUSE_DOWN && widget && widget != wm->_list.window && !GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(widget, GNT_WIDGET_TRANSIENT)) { if (widget != wm->cws->ordered->data) { gnt_wm_raise_window(wm, widget); } if (y == widget->priv.y) { offset = x - widget->priv.x; remember = widget; button = MOUSE_LEFT; } } else if (event == GNT_MOUSE_UP) { if (button == MOUSE_NONE && y == getmaxy(stdscr) - 1) { /* Clicked on the taskbar */ int n = g_list_length(wm->cws->list); if (n) { int width = getmaxx(stdscr) / n; gnt_bindable_perform_action_named(GNT_BINDABLE(wm), "switch-window-n", x/width, NULL); } } else if (button == MOUSE_LEFT && remember) { x -= offset; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; gnt_screen_move_widget(remember, x, y); } button = MOUSE_NONE; remember = NULL; offset = 0; } if (widget) gnt_widget_clicked(widget, event, x, y); return TRUE; }
static void reposition_children(GntWidget *widget) { GList *iter; GntBox *box = GNT_BOX(widget); int w, h, curx, cury, max; gboolean has_border = FALSE; w = h = 0; max = 0; curx = widget->priv.x; cury = widget->priv.y; if (!(GNT_WIDGET_FLAGS(widget) & GNT_WIDGET_NO_BORDER)) { has_border = TRUE; curx += 1; cury += 1; } for (iter = box->list; iter; iter = iter->next) { if (GNT_WIDGET_IS_FLAG_SET(GNT_WIDGET(iter->data), GNT_WIDGET_INVISIBLE)) continue; gnt_widget_set_position(GNT_WIDGET(iter->data), curx, cury); gnt_widget_get_size(GNT_WIDGET(iter->data), &w, &h); if (box->vertical) { if (h) { cury += h + box->pad; if (max < w) max = w; } } else { if (w) { curx += w + box->pad; if (max < h) max = h; } } } if (has_border) { curx += 1; cury += 1; max += 2; } if (box->list) { if (box->vertical) cury -= box->pad; else curx -= box->pad; } if (box->vertical) { widget->priv.width = max; widget->priv.height = cury - widget->priv.y; } else { widget->priv.width = curx - widget->priv.x; widget->priv.height = max; } }