static gsi_bool isBackendAvailable() { // Do Availability Check - Make sure backend is available ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GSIACResult aResult = GSIACWaiting; GSIStartAvailableCheck(SCTEST_GAMENAME); while(aResult == GSIACWaiting) { aResult = GSIAvailableCheckThink(); msleep(5); } if (aResult == GSIACUnavailable) { printf("Online Services for sctest are no longer available\r\n"); return gsi_false; } if (aResult == GSIACTemporarilyUnavailable) { printf("Online Services for sctest are temporarily down for maintenance\r\n"); return gsi_false; } return gsi_true; }
BOOL CSbmfcsampleDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); //SB - setup list columns m_serverList.InsertColumn(COL_SERVERNAME, "Server Name", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150, -1); m_serverList.InsertColumn(COL_PING, "Ping", LVCFMT_LEFT, 50, 0); m_serverList.InsertColumn(COL_PLAYERS, "Players", LVCFMT_LEFT, 75, 1); m_serverList.InsertColumn(COL_MAPNAME, "Map", LVCFMT_LEFT, 75, 2); m_serverList.InsertColumn(COL_GAMETYPE, "GameType", LVCFMT_LEFT, 100, 3); m_playerList.InsertColumn(COL_PNAME, "Player Name", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150, -1); m_playerList.InsertColumn(COL_PPING, "Ping", LVCFMT_LEFT, 50, 0); m_playerList.InsertColumn(COL_PSCORE, "Score", LVCFMT_LEFT, 50, 1); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_serverList.m_hWnd, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(m_playerList.m_hWnd, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); //SB - default to Internet CheckRadioButton(IDC_INTERNET, IDC_LAN, IDC_INTERNET); //SB - default to QR2 CheckRadioButton(IDC_GOA, IDC_QR2, IDC_QR2); //SB - no server browser yet m_serverBrowser = NULL; //SB - no timer yet m_timerID = 0; //SB - no servers yet m_servers.SetWindowText(""); //SB - check that the game's backend is available GSIACResult result; GSIStartAvailableCheck("gmtest"); while((result = GSIAvailableCheckThink()) == GSIACWaiting) msleep(5); if(result != GSIACAvailable) { MessageBox("The backend is not available\n"); return TRUE; } return TRUE; }
/* Primary "game" logic. Basically: 1. Set up a "server" listen socket 2. Initialize the client structures 3. Enter a main loop a. Let the gcd code think / do callbacks b. Check for a new connection on the server socket and create a new client c. Check for data on the client sockets d. Check for disconnects on the client sockets 4. Disconnect remaining players and exit */ int test_main(int argc, char **argv) { client_t clients[MAXCLIENTS]; SOCKET ssock; struct sockaddr_in saddr; int saddrlen = sizeof(saddr); fd_set set; struct timeval timeout = {0,0}; int error; int i,len; int quit = 0; char buf[512]; unsigned short port; GSIACResult result; // check that the game's backend is available GSIStartAvailableCheck(MY_GAMENAME); while((result = GSIAvailableCheckThink()) == GSIACWaiting) msleep(5); if(result != GSIACAvailable) { printf("The backend is not available\n"); return 1; } /* Initialize the gcd system with the gameid you have been assigned */ if(gcd_init(MY_GAMEID) != 0) { printf("Error initializing\n"); return 1; } SocketStartUp(); ssock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr)); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; i = 0; // initialize here just to prevent compiler error for(port = PORT ; port < (PORT + 100) ; port++) { saddr.sin_port = htons(port); i = bind(ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)); if(gsiSocketIsNotError(i)) break; } if (gsiSocketIsError(i)) { printf("Unable to bind to any of the ports %d through %d (%d)\n",PORT, port - 1, GOAGetLastError(ssock)); return 1; } listen(ssock, SOMAXCONN); for (i = 0 ; i < MAXCLIENTS ; i++) clients[i].sock = INVALID_SOCKET; printf("Running on port %d... press any key to quit\n", port); while (!quit) { //main loop msleep(10); gcd_think(); #ifdef _WIN32 quit = _kbhit(); #else //on other systems, you gotta kill it hard #endif FD_ZERO ( &set ); FD_SET ( ssock, &set ); for (i = 0 ; i < MAXCLIENTS ; i++) if (clients[i].sock != INVALID_SOCKET) FD_SET(clients[i].sock , &set); error = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (/*gsiSocketIsError(ret) ||*/ 0 == error) continue; //new connection if (FD_ISSET(ssock, &set)) { for (i = 0 ; i < MAXCLIENTS ; i++) if (clients[i].sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { clients[i].sock = accept(ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&(clients[i].saddr), &saddrlen); listen(ssock,SOMAXCONN); strcpy(clients[i].challenge,randomchallenge(8)); len = sprintf(buf,"c:%s",clients[i].challenge); send(clients[i].sock ,buf, len,0); //send a challenge clients[i].auth = 0; printf("Client %d connected\n",i); break; } } //client data for (i = 0 ; i < MAXCLIENTS ; i++) if (clients[i].sock != INVALID_SOCKET && FD_ISSET(clients[i].sock, &set)) { len = recv(clients[i].sock,buf, 512, 0); if (len <= 0) //the client disconnected { printf("Client %d disconnected\n",i); closesocket(clients[i].sock); clients[i].sock = INVALID_SOCKET; if (clients[i].auth) //if they were authorized gcd_disconnect_user(MY_GAMEID, i); continue; } buf[len] = 0; if (buf[0] == 'r' && buf[1] == ':' && clients[i].auth == 0) //challenge response { printf("Client %d said %s\n",i,buf); clients[i].auth = 1; gcd_authenticate_user(MY_GAMEID, i,clients[i].saddr.sin_addr.s_addr, clients[i].challenge, buf+2, ClientAuthorize, ClientRefreshAuthorize, clients); } else if (buf[0] == 'p' && buf[1] == ':' && clients[i].auth == 1) // ison proof response { //gcd_send_reauth_response needs to know the sesskey (so keymaster can find the task) // and fromaddr (so gcdkey knows which keymaster to respond to) if (len > 11) { char hintstr[9]; int hint = 0; memcpy(hintstr, buf+2, 8); // first 8 characters are the hint hintstr[8] = '\0'; hint = atoi(hintstr); printf("Client %d prooved %d, %s\n",i,hint,buf+10); gcd_process_reauth(MY_GAMEID, i, hint, buf+10); } } } } gcd_disconnect_all(MY_GAMEID); gcd_shutdown(); SocketShutDown(); printf("All done!\n"); return 0; GSI_UNUSED(argv); GSI_UNUSED(argc); }
//XRGAMESPY_API void xrGS_GSIStartAvailableCheck(const gsi_char * gamename) XRGAMESPY_API void xrGS_GSIStartAvailableCheck() { // GSIStartAvailableCheck(gamename); GSIStartAvailableCheck(GAMESPY_GAMENAME); };
int test_main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; int authcount; int callbackct; char validate[33], cdkey_hash[33]; int player1pid; GSIACResult ac_result; playerdata_t playerdata; /********* First step, set our game authentication info We could do: strcpy(gcd_gamename,"gmtest"); strcpy(gcd_secret_key,"HA6zkS"); ...but this is more secure: **********/ gcd_gamename[0]='g';gcd_gamename[1]='m';gcd_gamename[2]='t';gcd_gamename[3]='e'; gcd_gamename[4]='s';gcd_gamename[5]='t';gcd_gamename[6]='\0'; gcd_secret_key[0]='H';gcd_secret_key[1]='A';gcd_secret_key[2]='6';gcd_secret_key[3]='z'; gcd_secret_key[4]='k';gcd_secret_key[5]='S';gcd_secret_key[6]='\0'; /********* Before initializing the connection, check that the backend is available. *********/ GSIStartAvailableCheck(_T("gmtest")); while((ac_result = GSIAvailableCheckThink()) == GSIACWaiting) msleep(5); if(ac_result != GSIACAvailable) { printf("The backend is not available\n"); return 1; } /********* Next, open the stats connection. This may block for a 1-2 seconds, so it should be done before the actual game starts. **********/ result = InitStatsConnection(MY_GAMEPORT); if (result != GE_NOERROR) { printf("InitStatsConnection returned %d\n",result); return 1; } /******** Now, lets authenticate two players, one using the a Presence & Messaging SDK profileid, and the other using a CDKey SDK CD Key. The profile/password and CD Key/nick to use are defined at the top. Generally you will only use one method or the other, depending on your game. *********/ /************* The first step to authenticate a player is to generate their Authentication token. If you are retrieving/setting persistent data on the server, you should first send the challenge to the client, have them send back the validation, and then proceed with the authentication. In this manner the client never has to send their password or CD Key to the server -- only the validation hash. If you are retrieving/setting persistent data on the client, it can all be done locally, as shown below. *************/ /************ First, we will authenticate a player using the CD Key system. We pass in the plaintext CD Key to GenerateAuth to get the validation token (validate). *************/ GenerateAuth(GetChallenge(NULL),VALIDCDKEY,validate); /************ Next, we need to get the hash of the CD Key to along with the validation. This can be done easily using GenerateAuth with an empty challenge string ************/ GenerateAuth("",VALIDCDKEY,cdkey_hash); /*********** Now, we call PreAuthenticatePlayerCD with the hash and the validation token. We pass in a callback that will be called when the operation is complete, along with a integer that we will check to know its done. We pass in the localid as 1, since we will be authenticating two players before checking the return values. By using different localids we can tell them apart. ************/ authcount = 0; PreAuthenticatePlayerCD(1,KEYNICK,cdkey_hash,validate,PersAuthCallback,&authcount); /*********** While the first authentication is in progress, we'll go ahead and start the second one, using a Presence & Messaging SDK profileid / password. To generate the new validation token, we'll need to pass in the password for the profile we are authenticating. Again, if this is done in a client/server setting, with the Persistent Storage access being done on the server, and the P&M SDK is used on the client, the server will need to send the challenge (GetChallenge(NULL)) to the client, the client will create the validation token using GenerateAuth, and send it back to the server for use in PreAuthenticatePlayerPM ***********/ GenerateAuth(GetChallenge(NULL),VALIDPROFILEPASSWORD,validate); /************ After we get the validation token, we pass it and the profileid of the user we are authenticating into PreAuthenticatePlayerPM. We pass the same authentication callback as for the first user, but a different localid this time. ************/ PreAuthenticatePlayerPM(2,PROFILEID,validate,PersAuthCallback,&authcount); /*********** Now that both authentication requests are sent, we need to wait for the results to come back. If we were in a game we could continue with the main game loop at this point, but since we're not, we'll just loop until we are disconnected or both authentications come back ************/ while (authcount < 2 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /********** Both of the players have now been authenticated. When the CD Key player (player 1) was authenticated, the profileid for him was returned in the callback, but we didn't save it off. Since we'll need it to get/set data for him, lets go ahead and retrieve it using the GetProfileIDFromCD function **********/ player1pid = 0; GetProfileIDFromCD(1,KEYNICK,cdkey_hash,ProfileCallback,&player1pid); /********** Again we'll wait until the call completes. We check if player1pid is still 0, since it gets set to the profileid in the callback (or -1 if a failure) ***********/ while (player1pid == 0 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /********** Now we have everything we need to start getting / setting data for the two users. First we'll clear both user's public data, to make sure it's empty before we continue ***********/ callbackct = 0; SetPersistData(1,player1pid,pd_public_rw,0,"",0,PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); SetPersistData(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,"",0,PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); /********** We'll use the callbackct var (passed in to the callbacks) as a way to easily determine when the calls are complete ***********/ while (callbackct < 2 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /*********** Lets read the data back, just to prove it's cleared ************/ callbackct = 0; GetPersistData(1,player1pid,pd_public_rw,0,PersDataCallback,&callbackct); GetPersistData(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,PersDataCallback,&callbackct); while (callbackct < 2 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /************ Now lets set some REAL data! For player1 we will use ascii key\value pairs, for player2 we will store binary structures. Note that if you store binary structures, YOU are responsible for making sure things like byte order, structure size, and contents do not change between versions or platforms of your game that may access the same data ************/ callbackct = 0; playerdata.hitpoints = 600; playerdata.modelnumber = 5; playerdata.totaltime = 5000; strcpy(,"darkstar"); SetPersistData(1,player1pid,pd_public_rw,0,(char *)&playerdata,sizeof(playerdata_t),PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); SetPersistDataValues(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,_T("\\key1\\value1\\key2\\value2\\key3\\value3"),PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); while (callbackct < 2 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /*********** Lets read the data back, to see what's there! We'll use a custom callback for player1 to print out the playerdata struct that's read back. ************/ callbackct = 0; GetPersistData(1,player1pid,pd_public_rw,0,PlayerDataCallback,&callbackct); GetPersistData(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,PersDataCallback,&callbackct); while (callbackct < 2 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(10); } /*********** Now, lets manipulate player2's data a bit using the SetPersistDataValues functions. We'll also print it at each stage, so you can see the changes as they occur First, we'll update the values of key1 and key3 (but not key2) and add keys 4 and 5. Your keys don't have to be numbered like this, this is just an example ************/ callbackct = 0; SetPersistDataValues(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,_T("\\key1\\valueA\\key3\\valueB\\key4\\value400\\key5\\value500"), PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); GetPersistData(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,PersDataCallback,&callbackct); /*********** Now we'll clear key 2, and update keys 3 and 4, and add two other keys ************/ SetPersistDataValues(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,_T("\\key2\\\\key3\\valueC\\key4\\value401\\mykeyname\\mykeyvalue\\otherkey\\othervalue"), PersDataSaveCallback,&callbackct); GetPersistData(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,PersDataCallback,&callbackct); /*********** Finally, lets see how we can use GetPersistDataValues to only return a subset of the keys that are stored. For example, we will only return keys 1,2,3,and 4 The order you list them in does not matter ************/ GetPersistDataValues(2,PROFILEID,pd_public_rw,0,_T("\\key3\\key2\\key4\\key1"),PersDataCallback,&callbackct); /*********** We've now sent off 5 requests without actually checking the results. The results are already coming in, we just need to think a while to get them all ************/ while (callbackct < 5 && IsStatsConnected()) { PersistThink(); msleep(100); } /********** When we're done we'll close off the connection ***********/ CloseStatsConnection(); GSI_UNUSED(argc); GSI_UNUSED(argv); return 0; }
BOOL CClientDlg::OnInitDialog() { CSubDlg::OnInitDialog(); m_pBtnJoin.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_pBtnRefresh.EnableWindow(TRUE); RECT wRect; m_pServerList.GetWindowRect(&wRect); int NumColumns = 5; m_pServerList.InsertColumn(0, "Server Name", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); m_pServerList.InsertColumn(1, "Map Name", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); m_pServerList.InsertColumn(2, "Game Mode", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); m_pServerList.InsertColumn(3, "Players", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); m_pServerList.InsertColumn(4, "Ping", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); // m_pServerList.InsertColumn(5, "Protected", LVCFMT_CENTER, (wRect.right - wRect.left)/NumColumns-1); m_pServerList.SetExtendedStyle(LVS_EX_GRIDLINES | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ); //============================================================================= /* HICON hiconItem; // icon for list view items HIMAGELIST hSmall; // image list for other views hSmall = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR24, 2, 1); hiconItem = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1)); ImageList_AddIcon(hSmall, hiconItem); DestroyIcon(hiconItem); m_pServerList.SetImageList(hSmall, LVSIL_SMALL); */ BOOL res = m_pNewImageList.Create((IDB_BITMAP1), 16, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255)); m_pServerList.SetImageList(&m_pNewImageList, LVSIL_SMALL); // hiconItem = LoadIcon(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ITEM)); // m_pServerList.SetIcon() //============================================================================= //....................................................... InitializeCriticalSection( &m_pCriticalSection ); // Init COM so we can use CoCreateInstance CoInitialize( NULL);//, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); //....................................................... //=========== Game Spy ================================================= m_timerID = 0; //SB - check that the game's backend is available qr2_register_key(GAMETYPE_NAME_KEY, ("gametypename") ); qr2_register_key(DEDICATED_KEY, ("dedicated") ); qr2_register_key(G_FRIENDLY_FIRE_KEY, ("friendlyfire") ); GSIACResult result; GSIStartAvailableCheck(GAMESPY_GAMENAME); while((result = GSIAvailableCheckThink()) == GSIACWaiting) msleep(5); if(result != GSIACAvailable) { MessageBox("The backend is not available\n"); return TRUE; } m_serverBrowser = ServerBrowserNew(GAMESPY_GAMENAME, GAMESPY_GAMENAME, SECRET_KEY, 0, MAX_UPDATES, QVERSION_QR2, SBFalse, SBCallback, this); if(!m_serverBrowser) { MessageBox("Unable to create the server browser object"); return FALSE; } m_pGameSpyUpdateList.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_pGameSpyRefreshList.EnableWindow(TRUE); CheckRadioButton(IDC_INTERNET, IDC_LAN, IDC_LAN); //===================================================================== m_pFilter_Empty.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_Full.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_Password_With.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_Password_Without.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_Listen.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_NoFF.SetCheck (1); m_pFilter_PunkBuster_Without.SetCheck (1); CheckFilterButtons(); //===================================================================== m_pBtnRefresh.EnableWindow(FALSE); //===================================================================== return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
int test_main(int argc, char **argv) { PEER peer; // peer object (initialized with peerInitialize /* peerInitialize */ PEERCallbacks callbacks; // we will need to add all of the supported callbacks /* peerSetTitle parameters */ gsi_char secret_key[9]; // your title's assigned secret key int maxUpdates = 10; // max server queries the SDK will send out at a time PEERBool natNeg = PEERFalse; // nat negotiation will not be supported PEERBool pingRooms[NumRooms]; PEERBool crossPingRooms[NumRooms]; /* peerConnect parameters */ int profileID = 0; // we will not be using gp accounts, so this will be ignored void * userData = NULL; // optional data passed to peerConnectCallback PEERBool blocking = PEERTrue; // true means function runs synchronously PEERBool non_blocking = PEERFalse; // false means function runs asynchronously int newbiesGroupID = 2; gsi_char * serverName = _T("UberNoobServer"); int maxPlayers = 2; gsi_char * noPassword = _T(""); GSIACResult result; // used for backend availability check gsi_time startTime; // set our nickname to a random string so that we'll have different nicks when running multiple instances of peerc _tsnprintf(nick,NICK_SIZE,_T("peerc%u"),(unsigned int)current_time()); nick[NICK_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; // set the secret key, in a semi-obfuscated manner secret_key[0] = 'H'; secret_key[1] = 'A'; secret_key[2] = '6'; secret_key[3] = 'z'; secret_key[4] = 'k'; secret_key[5] = 'S'; secret_key[6] = '\0'; // check that the game's backend is available GSIStartAvailableCheck(_T("gmtest")); while((result = GSIAvailableCheckThink()) == GSIACWaiting) msleep(5); if(result != GSIACAvailable) { _tprintf(_T("The backend is not available\n")); return 1; } // set the callbacks memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(PEERCallbacks)); callbacks.disconnected = DisconnectedCallback; //callbacks.qrNatNegotiateCallback callbacks.gameStarted = GameStartedCallback; callbacks.playerChangedNick = PlayerChangedNickCallback; callbacks.playerJoined = PlayerJoinedCallback; callbacks.playerLeft = PlayerLeftCallback; callbacks.readyChanged = ReadyChangedCallback; callbacks.roomMessage = RoomMessageCallback; callbacks.playerMessage = PlayerMessageCallback; callbacks.roomUTM = RoomUTMCallback; callbacks.roomKeyChanged = RoomKeyChangedCallback; callbacks.qrKeyList = QRKeyListCallback; callbacks.qrServerKey = QRServerKeyCallback; callbacks.param = NULL; // initialize peer object, specifying the supported callbacks peer = peerInitialize(&callbacks); if(!peer) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to init\n")); return 1; } // ping/cross-ping in every room pingRooms[TitleRoom] = PEERTrue; pingRooms[GroupRoom] = PEERTrue; pingRooms[StagingRoom] = PEERTrue; crossPingRooms[TitleRoom] = PEERTrue; crossPingRooms[GroupRoom] = PEERTrue; crossPingRooms[StagingRoom] = PEERTrue; // set the title if(!peerSetTitle(peer, TITLE, secret_key, TITLE, secret_key, 0, maxUpdates, natNeg, pingRooms, crossPingRooms)) { peerShutdown(peer); _tprintf(_T("Failed to set the title\n")); return 1; } // connect to the chat server _tprintf(_T("Connecting as %s..."), nick); peerConnect(peer, nick, profileID, NickErrorCallback, ConnectCallback, userData, blocking); if(!connectSuccess) { peerShutdown(peer); _tprintf(_T("Failed to connect\n")); return 1; } printf("Connected\n\n"); // join the title room printf("Joining title room..."); peerJoinTitleRoom(peer, NULL, JoinCallback, NULL, PEERTrue); if(!joinSuccess) { peerDisconnect(peer); peerShutdown(peer); _tprintf(_T("Failed to join the title room\n")); return 1; } printf("Joined\n\n"); // list the group rooms printf("Listing group rooms:\n"); peerListGroupRooms(peer, _T(""), ListGroupRoomsCallback, userData, non_blocking); while (!groupRoomCallbackDone) { peerThink(peer); msleep(10); } // send a chat message to the room printf("\nSending message to the Title Room...\n"); peerMessageRoom(peer, TitleRoom, _T("Hi everyone in the Title Room!\n"), NormalMessage); // Loop for a while startTime = current_time(); while((current_time() - startTime) < (1000)) { peerThink(peer); msleep(10); } _tprintf(_T("\nJoining Group Room 'Newbies'...")); peerJoinGroupRoom(peer, newbiesGroupID, JoinRoomCallback, userData, blocking); _tprintf(_T("\nPlayers in Group Room: \n")); peerEnumPlayers(peer, GroupRoom, EnumPlayersCallback, NULL); _tprintf(_T("Hosting Staging Room...\n")); peerCreateStagingRoom(peer, serverName, maxPlayers, noPassword, CreateStagingRoomCallback, userData, blocking); // Loop for a while startTime = current_time(); while((current_time() - startTime) < (1000)) { peerThink(peer); msleep(10); } //peerStartAutoMatch(peer, 3, _T(""), AutoMatchStatusCallback, AutoMatchRateCallback, NULL, PEERFalse); //peerStopListingGames(peer); // Leave the title room peerLeaveRoom(peer, TitleRoom, NULL); // Stop auto match if it's in progress //peerStopAutoMatch(peer); // disconnect local client from chat server (peerShutdown must still be called) peerDisconnect(peer); peerShutdown(peer); // clean up (free internal sdk memory) GSI_UNUSED(argc); GSI_UNUSED(argv); return 0; }
BOOL CTrackDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); int rcode; CString str; SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); Dlg = this; // Use the development system. ////////////////////////////// strcpy(StatsServerHostname, ""); // Set the gamename and secret key. /////////////////////////////////// strcpy(gcd_gamename, "st_highscore"); gcd_secret_key[0] = 'K'; gcd_secret_key[1] = 'S'; gcd_secret_key[2] = '3'; gcd_secret_key[3] = 'p'; gcd_secret_key[4] = '2'; gcd_secret_key[5] = 'Q'; // Perform the availability check ////////////////////////////////////// GSIACResult aResult = GSIACWaiting; GSIStartAvailableCheck(gcd_gamename); while(aResult == GSIACWaiting) { aResult = GSIAvailableCheckThink(); Sleep(50); } // Init the connection to the backend. ////////////////////////////////////// rcode = InitStatsConnection(0); if(rcode != GE_NOERROR) { str.Format("Failed to connect to the stats server (%d).", rcode); MessageBox(str); PostQuitMessage(1); return TRUE; } // Login the user (actually just verifying the login). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(m_loginDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { PostQuitMessage(1); return TRUE; } SetTimer(TIMER_ONE_SECOND, 1000, NULL); SetTimer(TIMER_THINK, 50, NULL); SetupUser(); return TRUE; }