Example #1
void GUtils::Trace(cppstring msg,
				   gchar * psFile,
				   int nLine)
	int nLen = 0;
	if (psFile != NULL)
#ifdef _UNICODE
		nLen = wcslen(psFile);
		nLen = strlen(psFile);
	if ((nLen > 0) && 
		(nLine != -1)	)
	{ // Only print File and Line if we have something..
		cppsstream ss;
		ss << psFile << GSTD_S("(") << nLine << GSTD_S(") : ") << msg << kOSNewlineString;

GSkipDevice::GSkipDevice(GPortRef *pPortRef)
: TBaseClass(pPortRef)
	m_flashRec.signature = 0;//flash rec is ignored until this = VALID_FLASH_SIGNATURE
	if (!OSInitialize())
		GUtils::Trace(GSTD_S("Error - GSkipDevice constructor, OSInitialize() returned false."));
Example #3
int GPortRef::DecodeFromStream(cppistream * pInStream)
    // REVISIT - use GXMLUtils to extract the element
    int nResult = kResponse_Error;
    if (pInStream != NULL)
        // Get the text from the in-stream up until the next ">"...
        cppstring sText;
        std::getline(*pInStream, sText, GSTD_S('>'));
        if (sText.length() > 0)
            sText += GSTD_S('>');
            nResult = DecodeFromString(sText);
    return nResult;
Example #4
void GPortRef::EncodeToStream(cppostream * pOutStream)
    // We use a single XML tag to encode the port ref to the stream.
    // The tag is self-terminating; all fields are attributes.
    // Note that the DECODE method does not require all fields to be
    // present and does not care about their order.

    // REVISIT - use GXMLUtils to just build an element an write it.
    if (pOutStream != NULL)
        *pOutStream << GSTD_S("<") << k_sPortRefCode << GSTD_S(" ");
        *pOutStream << k_sPortTypeCode << GSTD_S("=\"") << GetPortType() << GSTD_S("\" ");
        *pOutStream << k_sLocationCode << GSTD_S("=\"") << GetLocation() << GSTD_S("\" ");
        *pOutStream << k_sDisplayNameCode << GSTD_S("=\"") << GetDisplayName() << GSTD_S("\" ");
        *pOutStream << "/>";
Example #5
bool GSkipBaseDevice::OSInitialize(void)
    bool bResult = false;
    UInt32 nLocationID = strtoul(GetPortRefPtr()->GetDisplayName().c_str(), NULL, 0);
    VST_USBSpec * pSpec = NULL;
    VST_GetUSBSpecByLocation(GetPortRefPtr()->GetUSBVendorID(), GetPortRefPtr()->GetUSBProductID(), nLocationID, true, &pSpec);
    if (pSpec != NULL)
        TUSBBulkDevice usbDevice = VST_MakeUSBBulkDeviceFromSpec(pSpec);
        if (usbDevice == NULL)
            // If another app (including Classic) has the device we
            // can simply retry a few times.  The driver should be able to get a lock
            // on the device at some point.
            int nTry = 0;
            while ((usbDevice == NULL) && (nTry < 4))
                usbDevice = VST_MakeUSBBulkDeviceFromSpec(pSpec);

        delete pSpec;

        if (usbDevice != NULL)
            bResult = true;
            GSTD_TRACE(GSTD_S("GSkipBaseDevice::OSInitialize -- Couldn't create USB device."));

    return bResult;
Example #6
int GPortRef::DecodeFromString(const cppstring & sInString)
    int nResult = kResponse_Error;

    cppstring::size_type nSearchStartPos = 0;
    cppstring::size_type nCurrentPos = 0;
    cppstring::size_type nNextPos = 0;
    cppstring::size_type nTestPos = 0;

    // ensure that we have a GPortRef tag...
    nSearchStartPos = sInString.find(k_sPortRefCode, 0);
    if (nSearchStartPos != cppstring::npos)
        nSearchStartPos += k_sPortRefCode.length();
    if (nSearchStartPos >= sInString.length())
        nSearchStartPos = cppstring::npos;

    if (nSearchStartPos != cppstring::npos)
        nTestPos = sInString.find_last_of('>');

    if (nTestPos != cppstring::npos)
        cppstring sSubStr;

        // decode port-type
        nCurrentPos = sInString.find(k_sPortTypeCode, nSearchStartPos);
        nCurrentPos += k_sPortTypeCode.length();
        if (nCurrentPos < sInString.length())
            nCurrentPos = sInString.find('\"', nCurrentPos);
            nCurrentPos = cppstring::npos;

        if (nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = nCurrentPos + 1;
        if (nNextPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = sInString.find('\"', nNextPos);
        if (	nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nNextPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nCurrentPos < nNextPos)
            sSubStr = sInString.substr(nCurrentPos + 1, (nNextPos - nCurrentPos - 1));
        if (sSubStr.length() > 0)
            m_ePortType = (EPortType) GTextUtils::CPPStringToLong(sSubStr.c_str());
        sSubStr = GSTD_S("");

        // decode location
        nCurrentPos = sInString.find(k_sLocationCode, nSearchStartPos);
        nCurrentPos += k_sLocationCode.length();
        if (nCurrentPos < sInString.length())
            nCurrentPos = sInString.find('\"', nCurrentPos);
            nCurrentPos = cppstring::npos;

        if (nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = nCurrentPos + 1;
        if (nNextPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = sInString.find('\"', nNextPos);
        if (	nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nNextPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nCurrentPos < nNextPos)
            sSubStr = sInString.substr(nCurrentPos + 1, (nNextPos - nCurrentPos - 1));
        if (sSubStr.length() > 0)
            m_sLocation = sSubStr;
        sSubStr = GSTD_S("");

        // decode display-name
        nCurrentPos = sInString.find(k_sDisplayNameCode, nSearchStartPos);
        nCurrentPos += k_sDisplayNameCode.length();
        if (nCurrentPos < sInString.length())
            nCurrentPos = sInString.find('\"', nCurrentPos);
            nCurrentPos = cppstring::npos;

        if (nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = nCurrentPos + 1;
        if (nNextPos != cppstring::npos)
            nNextPos = sInString.find('\"', nNextPos);
        if (nCurrentPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nNextPos != cppstring::npos &&
                nCurrentPos < nNextPos)
            sSubStr = sInString.substr(nCurrentPos + 1, (nNextPos - nCurrentPos - 1));
        if (sSubStr.length() > 0)
            m_sDisplayName = sSubStr;
        sSubStr = GSTD_S("");
    return nResult;
short GTextUtils::AdjustTextSizeByAppPref(short nOrigSize, bool bApplyNewSize, void * pOSData)
	// This routine adjusts a text size based on application
	// preference settings; the nOrigSize is considered the
	// correct "medium" size.
	// If the text size is "large", we increase smaller fonts slightly;
	// If bApplyNewSize is true, GTextUtils::OSApplyTextSize() will be called.
	short nNewSize = nOrigSize;
#ifndef OPUS_DDK
	if (GetAppBrain()->IsLargeText())
			// we do not enlarge fonts that are larger than 14pt
			case 14:
			case 13:
				nNewSize = 16;
			case 12:
			case 11:
				nNewSize = 14;
			case 10:
			case 9:
				nNewSize = 12;
			case 8:
			case 7:
				nNewSize += 2;
				if (nOrigSize <= 6)
					nNewSize = 8;

	// apply the size change to the current port:
	// this is the real OS-specific part...
	if (bApplyNewSize)
		GTextUtils::OSApplyTextSize(nNewSize, pOSData);
#endif // !OPUS_DDK
	return nNewSize;

EFloatStyle GTextUtils::GetFloatStyle(bool bPrecisionDecimal)
{ // return a float style based on bPrecisionDecimal
	EFloatStyle eStyle = kFloatStyle_fixedPrecision;
	if (!bPrecisionDecimal)
		eStyle = kFloatStyle_fixedSigFigs;

	return eStyle;

cppstring GTextUtils::TranslatePathToFile(cppstring sPath)
{ // Write OS before fiel path so we can convert separators properly when we read
	GSTD_ASSERT(GetAppBrain() != NULL);
	if (GetAppBrain()->GetThisOSType() == kOSType_Windows)
		sPath = GSTD_S("W") + sPath;
		sPath = GSTD_S("M") + sPath;

	return sPath;

cppstring GTextUtils::TranslatePathFromFile(cppstring sPath)
{ // Convert all separator characters from the proper OS
	if (sPath.size() > 1)
		GSTD_ASSERT(GetAppBrain() != NULL);

		if ((GetAppBrain()->GetThisOSType() == kOSType_Windows) &&
			(sPath[0] == 'M'))
			sPath = GTextUtils::StringReplace(sPath, kMacPathSeparatorString, kWinPathSeparatorString);

		if ((GetAppBrain()->GetThisOSType() != kOSType_Windows) &&
			(sPath[0] == 'W'))
			sPath = GTextUtils::StringReplace(sPath, kWinPathSeparatorString, kMacPathSeparatorString);
		sPath = sPath.substr(1);

	return sPath;

real GTextUtils::GetVersionFromBaseName(cppstring sFileName,	// actual filename with real numbers
										cppstring sBaseName)	// base file name (with '*' instead of numbers)
{ // pulls out the version number from the filename using the basename as template, e.g. basename might be base*.hex

	real fValue = 0;

	// Strip off paths and extenstions so as not to confuse the issue
	sFileName = GTextUtils::StripPathAndExtension(sFileName);
	sBaseName = GTextUtils::StripPathAndExtension(sBaseName);

	// Make a string that starts with the actual number
	cppstring sNumber = sFileName.substr(sBaseName.find('*'));

	// now extract the numbers, will stop when we reach an non number
	fValue = GTextUtils::CPPStringToLong(sNumber);

	// Divide number by 100000 so that non decimal number (as store din filename) will get converted properly
	fValue /= 100000.0;

	return fValue;

unsigned short GTextUtils::GetValueFromCharacterEscape(cppstring sCharEscape)
	// sCharEscape should be a standard XML/HTML escape sequence in one of two formats:
	//  &#N;  or  &#xN;
	// In the first case, nnn is a base-10 integer; in the second case, a hexadecimal integer.
	// The method simply converts the value to an integer correctly according to base (presence of the "x"
	// indicated hexadecimal).
	// REQUIREMENT: remove whitespace before calling this method
	unsigned short nChar = 0;
	const gchar * k_sSpace = GSTD_S(" ");
	if ((sCharEscape.length() >= 4) && (sCharEscape[0] == GSTD_S('&')) && (sCharEscape[1] == GSTD_S('#')))
		long nBase = 10;
		sCharEscape[0] = GSTD_S(' ');
		sCharEscape[1] = GSTD_S(' ');
		if (sCharEscape[2] == GSTD_S('x'))
			sCharEscape[1] = GSTD_S('0');
		nChar = (unsigned short) wcstoul(sCharEscape.c_str(), NULL, 0);
		nChar = (unsigned short) strtoul(sCharEscape.c_str(), NULL, 0);
	return nChar;

cppstring GTextUtils::EncodeCharacterEscape(unsigned short nUTF8Char)
	cppsstream ss;
	ss << "&x" << hex << nUTF8Char << ";";
	return ss.str();
cppstring::cppstring(gchar c)
	cppstring s = GSTD_S(" ");
	s[0] = c;
	*this = s;
GUSBDirectTempDevice::GUSBDirectTempDevice(GPortRef *pPortRef)
: TBaseClass(pPortRef)
	if (!OSInitialize())
		GUtils::Trace(GSTD_S("Error - GUSBDirectTempDevice constructor, OSInitialize() returned false."));