Example #1
 * gst_index_add_associationv:
 * @index: the index to add the entry to
 * @id: the id of the index writer
 * @flags: optinal flags for this entry
 * @n: number of associations
 * @list: list of associations
 * Associate given format/value pairs with each other.
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly added entry in the index.
GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_add_associationv (GstIndex * index, gint id,
    GstIndexAssociationFlags flags, gint n, const GstIndexAssociation * list)
  GstIndexEntry *entry;

  g_return_val_if_fail (n > 0, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (list != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);

  if (!GST_INDEX_IS_WRITABLE (index) || id == -1)
    return NULL;

  entry = g_slice_new (GstIndexEntry);

  entry->id = id;
  entry->data.assoc.flags = flags;
  entry->data.assoc.assocs = g_memdup (list, sizeof (GstIndexAssociation) * n);
  entry->data.assoc.nassocs = n;

  gst_index_add_entry (index, entry);

  return entry;
Example #2

GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_add_format (GstIndex * index, gint id, GstFormat format)
  GstIndexEntry *entry;
  const GstFormatDefinition *def;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (format != 0, NULL);

  if (!GST_INDEX_IS_WRITABLE (index) || id == -1)
    return NULL;

  entry = g_new0 (GstIndexEntry, 1);
  entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_FORMAT;
  entry->id = id;
  entry->data.format.format = format;

  def = gst_format_get_details (format);
  entry->data.format.key = def->nick;

  gst_index_add_entry (index, entry);

  return entry;
Example #3
 * gst_index_get_writer_id:
 * @index: the index to get a unique write id for
 * @writer: the GstObject to allocate an id for
 * @id: a pointer to a gint to hold the id
 * Before entries can be added to the index, a writer
 * should obtain a unique id. The methods to add new entries
 * to the index require this id as an argument.
 * The application can implement a custom function to map the writer object
 * to a string. That string will be used to register or look up an id
 * in the index.
 * <note>
 * The caller must not hold @writer's #GST_OBJECT_LOCK, as the default
 * resolver may call functions that take the object lock as well, and
 * the lock is not recursive.
 * </note>
 * Returns: TRUE if the writer would be mapped to an id.
gst_index_get_writer_id (GstIndex * index, GstObject * writer, gint * id)
  gchar *writer_string = NULL;
  GstIndexEntry *entry;
  GstIndexClass *iclass;
  gboolean success = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_OBJECT (writer), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (id, FALSE);

  *id = -1;

  /* first try to get a previously cached id */
  entry = g_hash_table_lookup (index->writers, writer);
  if (entry == NULL) {

    iclass = GST_INDEX_GET_CLASS (index);

    /* let the app make a string */
    if (index->resolver) {
      gboolean res;

      res =
          index->resolver (index, writer, &writer_string,
      if (!res)
        return FALSE;
    } else {
      g_warning ("no resolver found");
      return FALSE;

    /* if the index has a resolver, make it map this string to an id */
    if (iclass->get_writer_id) {
      success = iclass->get_writer_id (index, id, writer_string);
    /* if the index could not resolve, we allocate one ourselves */
    if (!success) {
      *id = ++index->last_id;

    entry = gst_index_add_id (index, *id, writer_string);
    if (!entry) {
      /* index is probably not writable, make an entry anyway
       * to keep it in our cache */
      entry = g_slice_new (GstIndexEntry);
      entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ID;
      entry->id = *id;
      entry->data.id.description = writer_string;
    g_hash_table_insert (index->writers, writer, entry);
  } else {
    *id = entry->id;

  return TRUE;
Example #4
 * gst_index_set_filter:
 * @index: the index to register the filter on
 * @filter: the filter to register
 * @user_data: data passed to the filter function
 * Lets the app register a custom filter function so that
 * it can select what entries should be stored in the index.
gst_index_set_filter (GstIndex * index,
    GstIndexFilter filter, gpointer user_data)
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index));

  gst_index_set_filter_full (index, filter, user_data, NULL);
Example #5
 * gst_index_get_assoc_entry:
 * @index: the index to search
 * @id: the id of the index writer
 * @method: The lookup method to use
 * @flags: Flags for the entry
 * @format: the format of the value
 * @value: the value to find
 * Finds the given format/value in the index
 * Returns: the entry associated with the value or NULL if the
 *   value was not found.
GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_get_assoc_entry (GstIndex * index, gint id,
    GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstIndexAssociationFlags flags,
    GstFormat format, gint64 value)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);

  if (id == -1)
    return NULL;

  return gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (index, id, method, flags, format,
      value, gst_index_compare_func, NULL);
Example #6
 * gst_index_set_filter_full:
 * @index: the index to register the filter on
 * @filter: the filter to register
 * @user_data: data passed to the filter function
 * @user_data_destroy: function to call when @user_data is unset
 * Lets the app register a custom filter function so that
 * it can select what entries should be stored in the index.
gst_index_set_filter_full (GstIndex * index,
    GstIndexFilter filter, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify user_data_destroy)
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index));

  if (index->filter_user_data && index->filter_user_data_destroy)
    index->filter_user_data_destroy (index->filter_user_data);

  index->filter = filter;
  index->filter_user_data = user_data;
  index->filter_user_data_destroy = user_data_destroy;
Example #7

GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_add_association (GstIndex * index, gint id, GstAssocFlags flags,
    GstFormat format, gint64 value, ...)
  va_list args;
  GstIndexEntry *entry;
  GstIndexAssociation *list;
  gint n_assocs = 0;
  GstFormat cur_format;
  GArray *array;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (format != 0, NULL);

  if (!GST_INDEX_IS_WRITABLE (index) || id == -1)
    return NULL;

  array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GstIndexAssociation));

    GstIndexAssociation a;

    a.format = format;
    a.value = value;
    n_assocs = 1;
    g_array_append_val (array, a);

  va_start (args, value);

  while ((cur_format = va_arg (args, GstFormat))) {
    GstIndexAssociation a;

    a.format = cur_format;
    a.value = va_arg (args, gint64);
    g_array_append_val (array, a);

  va_end (args);

  list = (GstIndexAssociation *) g_array_free (array, FALSE);

  entry = gst_index_add_associationv (index, id, flags, n_assocs, list);
  g_free (list);

  return entry;
Example #8
 * gst_index_set_resolver_full:
 * @index: the index to register the resolver on
 * @resolver: the resolver to register
 * @user_data: data passed to the resolver function
 * @user_data_destroy: destroy function for @user_data
 * Lets the app register a custom function to map index
 * ids to writer descriptions.
 * Since: 0.10.18
gst_index_set_resolver_full (GstIndex * index, GstIndexResolver resolver,
    gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify user_data_destroy)
  g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index));

  if (index->resolver_user_data && index->resolver_user_data_destroy)
    index->resolver_user_data_destroy (index->resolver_user_data);

  index->resolver = resolver;
  index->resolver_user_data = user_data;
  index->resolver_user_data_destroy = user_data_destroy;
  index->method = GST_INDEX_RESOLVER_CUSTOM;
Example #9
 * gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full:
 * @index: the index to search
 * @id: the id of the index writer
 * @method: The lookup method to use
 * @flags: Flags for the entry
 * @format: the format of the value
 * @value: the value to find
 * @func: the function used to compare entries
 * @user_data: user data passed to the compare function
 * Finds the given format/value in the index with the given
 * compare function and user_data.
 * Returns: the entry associated with the value or NULL if the
 *   value was not found.
GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_get_assoc_entry_full (GstIndex * index, gint id,
    GstIndexLookupMethod method, GstIndexAssociationFlags flags,
    GstFormat format, gint64 value, GCompareDataFunc func, gpointer user_data)
  GstIndexClass *iclass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);

  if (id == -1)
    return NULL;

  iclass = GST_INDEX_GET_CLASS (index);

  if (iclass->get_assoc_entry)
    return iclass->get_assoc_entry (index, id, method, flags, format, value,
        func, user_data);

  return NULL;
Example #10
 * gst_index_add_id:
 * @index: the index to add the entry to
 * @id: the id of the index writer
 * @description: the description of the index writer
 * Add an id entry into the index.
 * Returns: a pointer to the newly added entry in the index.
GstIndexEntry *
gst_index_add_id (GstIndex * index, gint id, gchar * description)
  GstIndexEntry *entry;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_INDEX (index), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (description != NULL, NULL);

  if (!GST_INDEX_IS_WRITABLE (index) || id == -1)
    return NULL;

  entry = g_slice_new (GstIndexEntry);
  entry->type = GST_INDEX_ENTRY_ID;
  entry->id = id;
  entry->data.id.description = description;

  gst_index_add_entry (index, entry);

  return entry;