Example #1
void cGUIButton::OnDraw()
	iRect rc = scrRect();

	// background
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BACKGR )
		GUIDrawBar(rc, color[0]);
	if( style & GUISTYLE_GRADIENT )
		GUIDrawGradient( rc, color[0], color[1] );
	// image
	int img = (style & GUISTYLE_PRESSED) ? img1 : img0;
	GUIDrawImg( rc, img, imgColor, imgAlign);

	// text
	GUIDrawText( rc, txt, txtColor, txtAlign, txtOffset);
	// border
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BORDER )
		GUIDrawRect(rc, color[2]);
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BORDER3D )
		GUIDrawRect3D(rc, color[2], style & GUISTYLE_PRESSED );

Example #2
static void WndDrawCursor( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                           wnd_row row, int piece )
    const char  *p;

    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) return;
    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR ) ) return;
    if( !line->tabstop ) return;
    if( wnd->current.row != row ) return;
    if( wnd->current.piece != piece ) return;
    if( wnd->current.col < 0 ) return;
    if( line->length == 0 ) {
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, " ", 1, row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
    } else if( wnd->current.col < line->length ) {
        line->indent += GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, wnd->current.col );
        p = line->text + wnd->current.col;
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, p, GUICharLen( *p ),
                     row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
Example #3
static void WndDrawSelect( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                           wnd_row row, int piece )
    int                 first;
    int                 len;
    gui_ord             indent;

    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) return;
    if( WndSelected( wnd, line, row, piece, &first, &len ) ){
        indent = line->indent;
        if( first != 0 ) {
            indent += GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, first );
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, line->text+first, len, row, indent, WndSelectedAttr );
Example #4
static void WndDrawTheLine( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                            wnd_row row )
    gui_ord             extent;
    gui_point           start,end;
    gui_ord             max_y;
    gui_ord             max_x;
    wnd_bar_info        *bar_info;

    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) {
        if( line->underline ) {
            max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
            start.x = line->indent;
            start.y = row * max_y + max_y / 2;
            end.x = line->indent + line->extent;
            end.y = start.y;
            GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
        } else if( line->vertical_line ) {
            max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
            max_x = WndAvgCharX( wnd );
            start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
            end.x = start.x;
            start.y = row * max_y;
            end.y = start.y + max_y;
            GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
        } else if( line->draw_hook | line->draw_line_hook ) {
            if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
                max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
                max_x = WndAvgCharX( wnd );
                start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
                end.x = start.x + max_x;
                start.y = row * max_y + max_y / 2;
                end.y = start.y;
                GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
                start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
                end.x = start.x;
                start.y = row * max_y;
                end.y = start.y;
                if( line->draw_hook ) {
                    end.y += max_y / 2;
                } else {
                    end.y += max_y;
                GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
            } else {
                char    ch[3];
                if( line->draw_hook ) {
                    ch[0] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_FRAME_LL_CORNER );
                } else {
                    ch[0] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_RIGHT_TITLE_MARK );
                ch[1] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_FRAME_BOTTOM );
                ch[2] = '\0';
                GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, ch, 2, row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else if( line->draw_bar ) {
            bar_info = (wnd_bar_info *)line->text;
            if( bar_info->bar_group ) {
                GUIDrawBarGroup( wnd->gui, row, line->indent,
                            line->extent - bar_info->bar_size2,
                            bar_info->bar_size2, bar_info->bar_style,
                            bar_info->bar_colour, bar_info->bar_colour2,
                            bar_info->bar_selected );
            } else {
                GUIDrawBar( wnd->gui, row, line->indent, line->extent,
                            bar_info->bar_style, bar_info->bar_colour,
                            bar_info->bar_selected );
        } else if( line->bitmap ) {
            GUIDrawHotSpot( wnd->gui, line->text[0],
                            row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else if( line->extent == WND_NO_EXTEND ) {
            GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length,
                         row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else {
            GUIDrawTextExtent( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length,
                         row, line->indent, line->attr, line->extent );
    extent = GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length );
    if( line->extent != WND_MAX_EXTEND ) {
        if( line->extent > extent ) {
            extent = line->extent;
    if( line->indent + extent > wnd->max_indent ) {
        wnd->max_indent = line->indent + extent;
Example #5
static bool StatusEventProc( gui_window *gui, gui_event gui_ev, void *parm )
    static bool         button_pressed = false;
    gui_ctl_id          id;
    gui_key             key;
    gui_keystate        state;
    const char          *msg;

    parm = parm;
    if( gui == NULL )
        return( false );

    switch( gui_ev ) {

        return( true );

    case GUI_PAINT:
            if( StatusBarLen == 0 ) {
            msg = GetVariableStrVal( Messages[MsgLine0] );
            GUIDrawTextExtent( gui, msg, strlen( msg ), LINE0_ROW,
                               LINE0_COL * CharSize.x, WND_STATUS_TEXT, GUI_NO_COLUMN );
            GUIDrawTextExtent( gui, StatusLine1, strlen( StatusLine1 ), LINE1_ROW,
                               LINE1_COL * CharSize.x, WND_STATUS_TEXT, GUI_NO_COLUMN );
#ifdef _UI
                int         len1, len2;
                char        num[20];

                memset( StatusBarBuf, ' ', StatusBarLen );
                StatusBarBuf[StatusBarLen] = '\0';
                itoa( Percent, num, 10 );
                strcat( num, "%" );
                memcpy( StatusBarBuf + StatusBarLen / 2 - 1, num, strlen( num ) );
                // draw bar in two parts
                len1 = (StatusBarLen * (long)Percent) / 100;
                if( len1 < 0 ) {
                    len1 = 0;
                } else if( len1 > StatusBarLen ) {
                    len1 = StatusBarLen;
                len2 = StatusBarLen - len1;
                if( len1 > 0 ) {
                    GUIDrawText( gui, StatusBarBuf, len1, STATUS_ROW,
                                 StatusBarRect.x, WND_STATUS_BAR );
                if( len2 > 0 ) {
                    GUIDrawText( gui, StatusBarBuf + len1, len2, STATUS_ROW,
                                 StatusBarRect.x + len1 * CharSize.x, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                memset( StatusBarBuf, UiGChar[UI_SBOX_TOP_LINE], StatusBarLen );
                GUIDrawText( gui, StatusBarBuf, StatusBarLen, STATUS_ROW - 1,
                             StatusBarRect.x, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                GUIDrawText( gui, StatusBarBuf, StatusBarLen, STATUS_ROW + 1,
                             StatusBarRect.x, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                gui_coord   coord;
                int         str_len, width, height;
                int         bar_width, len1, len2, divider;
                gui_point   start, end;
                gui_rect    rStatusBar;

//              sprintf( StatusBarBuf, "%d%%", Percent );
                // clear whole bar
                GUIFillRect( gui, &StatusBarRect, WND_STATUS_BAR );
                // calculate where divider splits rectangle
                bar_width = StatusBarRect.width;
                divider = (bar_width * (long)Percent) / 100;
                if( divider < 0 ) {
                    divider = 0;
                } else if( divider > bar_width ) {
                    divider = bar_width;
                rStatusBar = StatusBarRect;
                rStatusBar.width = divider;
                // calculate position for text (centre it)
                str_len = strlen( StatusBarBuf );
                width = GUIGetExtentX( gui, StatusBarBuf, str_len );
                height = GUIGetExtentY( gui, StatusBarBuf );
                coord.y = StatusBarRect.y + (StatusBarRect.height - height) / 2;
                coord.x = StatusBarRect.x + (StatusBarRect.width - width) / 2;
                divider += StatusBarRect.x;
                if( coord.x > divider ) {
                    // text is completely to right of divider
                    GUIFillRect( gui, &rStatusBar, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                    GUIDrawTextPos( gui, StatusBarBuf, str_len, &coord,
                                    WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                } else if( coord.x + width < divider ) {
                    // text is completely to left of divider
                    GUIFillRect( gui, &rStatusBar, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                    GUIDrawTextPos( gui, StatusBarBuf, str_len, &coord,
                                    WND_STATUS_BAR );
                } else {
                    // need to split text
                    len1 = ((long)(divider - coord.x) * str_len) / width;
                    if( len1 < 0 ) {
                        len1 = 0;
                    } else if( len1 > str_len ) {
                        len1 = str_len;
                    len2 = str_len - len1;
                    // recalc divider, so it falls on a character boundary
                    divider = coord.x + GUIGetExtentX( gui, StatusBarBuf, len1 );
                    rStatusBar.width = divider - StatusBarRect.x;
                    GUIFillRect( gui, &rStatusBar, WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                    if( len1 > 0 ) {
                        GUIDrawTextPos( gui, StatusBarBuf, len1, &coord,
                                        WND_STATUS_BAR );
                    if( len2 > 0 ) {
                        coord.x = divider;
                        GUIDrawTextPos( gui, StatusBarBuf + len1, len2, &coord,
                                        WND_STATUS_TEXT );
                // draw frame
                start.x = StatusBarRect.x;
                start.y = StatusBarRect.y;
                end.x = StatusBarRect.width + StatusBarRect.x;
                end.y = start.y;                                // top line
                GUIDrawLine( gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 1, WND_STATUS_FRAME );
                start.y = StatusBarRect.y + StatusBarRect.height; // bottom line
                end.y = start.y;
                GUIDrawLine( gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 1, WND_STATUS_FRAME );
                end.y = StatusBarRect.y;
                start.x = StatusBarRect.x;
                end.x = start.x;                            // left side
                GUIDrawLine( gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 1, WND_STATUS_FRAME );
                start.x = StatusBarRect.x + StatusBarRect.width;
                end.x = start.x;                           // right side
                GUIDrawLine( gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 1, WND_STATUS_FRAME );
            return( false );

    case GUI_DESTROY:
        StatusWnd = NULL;
        return( false );

        GUIGetFocus( gui, &id );
        GUI_GETID( parm, id );
        switch( id ) {
        case CTL_CANCEL:
            if( !button_pressed ) {
                button_pressed = true;
                if( MsgBox( gui, "IDS_QUERYABORT", GUI_YES_NO ) == GUI_RET_YES ) {
                    CancelSetup = true;
                button_pressed = false;
        case CTL_DONE:
            if( !button_pressed ) {
                CancelSetup = true;
        return( true );
    case GUI_KEYDOWN:
        GUI_GET_KEY_STATE( parm, key, state );
        state = state;
        switch( key ) {
        case GUI_KEY_ESCAPE:
            if( !button_pressed ) {
                button_pressed = true;
                if( MsgBox( gui, "IDS_QUERYABORT", GUI_YES_NO ) == GUI_RET_YES ) {
                    CancelSetup = true;
                button_pressed = false;
        return( true );
    return( false );
Example #6
void cGUIEdit::OnDraw()
	iRect rc = scrRect();

	dword col = color[0];
	if(m_edit)	col = GUIColorShift(col,GUICOLORSHIFT/2); 

	int width = rect.Width();
	int height = rect.Height();
	int cursorx = Chr2Pos(m_sel2);
	int deltax = 0;
	if(cursorx>width-height/2) deltax = -(cursorx-(width-height/2));

	// background
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BACKGR )
		GUIDrawBar(rc, col );
	if( style & GUISTYLE_GRADIENT )
		GUIDrawGradient( rc, color[0], color[1]);
	// image
	GUIDrawImg( rc, img0, imgColor, imgAlign);

	// clip content
	fRect oldclip = R9_GetClipping();
	fRect newclip = fRect(rc);
	if( R9_IsClipping() )
		// selection
		fRect rc1;
			rc1 = rc;
			rc1.p2.x = rc1.p1.x;
			rc1.p1.x += Chr2Pos(m_sel1) + deltax;
			rc1.p2.x += Chr2Pos(m_sel2) + deltax;
			GUIDrawBar( rc1, color[3]);

		// text
		iRect rr = rc;
		rr.Offset(iV2(deltax, 0));
		GUIDrawText( rr, txt, txtColor, GUIALIGN_LEFT|GUIALIGN_CENTERY, txtOffset);

		// cursor
			static dword s_time = 0;
			s_time += Editor::app->DeltaTime();
				rc1.p1.x = (float)rc.p1.x + Chr2Pos(m_sel2) + deltax;
				rc1.p1.y = (float)rc.p1.y+2;
				rc1.p2.x =  rc1.p1.x+1;
				rc1.p2.y = (float)rc.p2.y-2;
				GUIDrawBar( rc1, txtColor);			
			if(s_time>700) s_time = 0;


	// border
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BORDER )
		GUIDrawRect(rc, color[2]);
	if( style & GUISTYLE_BORDER3D )
		GUIDrawRect3D(rc, color[2], style & GUISTYLE_PRESSED );
