void GUISetMetrics( gui_text_metrics *metrics, WPI_TEXTMETRIC *tm ) { metrics->avg.x = AVGXCHAR( *tm ); metrics->avg.y = AVGYCHAR( *tm ); metrics->max.x = MAXXCHAR( *tm ); metrics->max.y = MAXYCHAR( *tm ); GUIScreenToScaleR( &metrics->avg ); GUIScreenToScaleR( &metrics->max ); }
void GUIGetTextMetrics( gui_window * wnd, gui_text_metrics * metrics ) { wnd = wnd; if( metrics != NULL ) { metrics->avg.x = 1; metrics->avg.y = 1; metrics->max.x = 1; metrics->max.y = 1; GUIScreenToScaleR( &metrics->avg ); GUIScreenToScaleR( &metrics->max ); } }
bool GetControlExtent( gui_window * wnd, unsigned id, const char *text, size_t length, gui_coord *coord ) { int my_length; WPI_PRES dc; WPI_FONT old; WPI_FONT first; HWND hwnd; if( text && GetControlInfo( wnd, id, &hwnd, &dc ) ) { my_length = strlen( text ); if( length != (size_t)-1 ) { if( my_length > length ) { my_length = length; } } if( wnd->font != NULL ) { old = _wpi_selectfont( dc, wnd->font ); } else { old = NULL; } _wpi_gettextextent( dc, text, my_length, &coord->x, &coord->y ); if( old != NULL ) { first = _wpi_selectfont( dc, old ); } _wpi_releasepres( hwnd, dc ); GUIScreenToScaleR( coord ); return( true ); } return( false ); }
void GUIDoResize( gui_window *wnd, HWND hwnd, gui_coord *size ) { hwnd = hwnd; if( wnd->style & GUI_CHANGEABLE_FONT ) { GUIEnableSysMenuItem( wnd, GUI_CHANGE_FONT, TRUE ); } if( wnd->hwnd != NULLHANDLE ) { GUIResizeStatus( wnd ); GUIResizeBackground( wnd, FALSE ); } GUIResizeToolBar( wnd ); if( !(wnd->flags & NEEDS_RESIZE_REDRAW ) ) { wnd->old_rows = wnd->num_rows; } GUISetRowCol( wnd, size ); wnd->flags |= NEEDS_RESIZE_REDRAW; GUISetScroll( wnd ); if( wnd->flags & SENT_INIT ) { GUIScreenToScaleR( size ); GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_RESIZE, size ); } GUIInvalidatePaintHandles( wnd ); #ifdef __OS2_PM__ //_wpi_invalidaterect( hwnd, NULL, TRUE ); #endif GUIInvalidateResize( wnd ); //_wpi_updatewindow( hwnd ); }
bool GUIGetHotSpotSize( int hot_spot, gui_coord *size ) { if( ( size == NULL ) || ( hot_spot > GUINumHotSpots ) || ( hot_spot < 1 ) ) { return( FALSE ); } size->x = GUIHotSpots[hot_spot-1].size.x; size->y = GUIHotSpots[hot_spot-1].size.y; GUIScreenToScaleR( size ); return( TRUE ); }
gui_ord GUIGetVScroll( gui_window * wnd ) { gui_coord coord; if( wnd->vgadget == NULL ) { return( 0 ); } else { coord.y = wnd->vgadget->pos; GUIScreenToScaleR( &coord ); return( coord.y ); } }
void GUIResizeBackground( gui_window *wnd, bool force_msg ) { WPI_RECT status; int t_height, s_height; GUI_RECTDIM left, top, right, bottom; gui_coord size; if( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) { if( wnd->hwnd != NULLHANDLE ) { _wpi_getclientrect( wnd->hwnd, &wnd->hwnd_client ); } return; } t_height = 0; s_height = 0; if( ( wnd->toolbar != NULL ) && ( wnd->toolbar->info.is_fixed ) ) { t_height = _wpi_getheightrect( wnd->toolbar->fixedrect ); } if( wnd->status != NULLHANDLE ) { _wpi_getwindowrect( wnd->status, &status ); s_height = _wpi_getheightrect( status ); } _wpi_getclientrect( wnd->root_frame, &wnd->root_client ); _wpi_getrectvalues( wnd->root_client, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); bottom -= top; right -= left; top = left = 0; #ifdef __OS2_PM__ top += s_height; bottom -= t_height; #else top += t_height; bottom -= s_height; #endif /* if the root client is a separate window resize it too */ _wpi_movewindow( wnd->hwnd, left, top, right - left, bottom - top, TRUE ); _wpi_getclientrect( wnd->hwnd, &wnd->hwnd_client ); if( force_msg && ( wnd->flags & SENT_INIT ) ) { size.x = right - left; size.y = bottom - top; GUIScreenToScaleR( &size ); GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_RESIZE, &size ); } }
bool GUIResizeWindow( gui_window *wnd, gui_rect *rect ) { gui_coord pos; gui_coord size; gui_window *parent; HWND frame; HWND phwnd; HWND rphwnd; WPI_POINT pt; GUIInvalidatePaintHandles( wnd ); if( wnd->hwnd != NULLHANDLE ) { frame = GUIGetParentFrameHWND( wnd ); parent = wnd->parent; phwnd = HWND_DESKTOP; if( parent ) { phwnd = parent->hwnd; } GUICalcLocation( rect, &pos, &size, phwnd ); if( wnd->flags & IS_DIALOG ) { // dialogs are owned by, but not children of, phwnd // so lets map pos to its real parent pt.x = pos.x; pt.y = pos.y; rphwnd = _wpi_getparent( frame ); _wpi_mapwindowpoints( phwnd, rphwnd, &pt, 1 ); _wpi_movewindow( frame, pt.x, pt.y, size.x, size.y, TRUE ); // The following is a bandaid 'till I find out why WM_SIZE's aren't // generated for PM GUI dialogs by this fuction #ifdef __OS2_PM__ _wpi_getclientrect( frame, &wnd->hwnd_client ); wnd->root_client = wnd->hwnd_client; GUISetRowCol( wnd, NULL ); GUIScreenToScaleR( &size ); GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_RESIZE, &size ); #endif } else { _wpi_setwindowpos( frame, NULLHANDLE, pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE ); //SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE ); } } return( true ); }
bool GetExtent( gui_window * wnd, const char * text, size_t length, gui_coord *coord ) { size_t my_length; bool got_new; if( wnd && text ) { got_new = GUIGetTheDC( wnd ); my_length = strlen( text ); if( length != (size_t)-1 ) { if( my_length > length ) { my_length = length; } } GUIGetTextExtent( wnd, text, my_length, &coord->x, &coord->y ); if( got_new ) { GUIReleaseTheDC( wnd ); } GUIScreenToScaleR( coord ); return( true ); } return( false ); }
WPI_MRESULT CALLBACK GUIWindowProc( HWND hwnd, WPI_MSG msg, WPI_PARAM1 wparam, WPI_PARAM2 lparam ) { gui_window *wnd; gui_window *root; WORD param; WPI_POINT currentpoint; gui_coord point; gui_coord size; WPI_MRESULT ret; WPI_MINMAXINFO _W386FAR *info; WPI_RECT rect; HWND parent; CREATESTRUCT FAR *lpcs; wmcreate_info _W386FAR *wmcreateinfo; gui_create_info *createinfo; bool use_defproc; unsigned control_id; HWND win; #ifndef __OS2_PM__ gui_key_state key_state; RECT rc; #endif root = NULL; ret = 0L; use_defproc = FALSE; if( msg == WM_CREATE ) { lpcs = ( CREATESTRUCT FAR * )MK_FP32( (void *)lparam ); wmcreateinfo = (wmcreate_info _W386FAR *)MK_FP32( _wpi_getcreateparms( lpcs ) ); if ( wmcreateinfo != NULL ) { wnd = wmcreateinfo->wnd; createinfo = wmcreateinfo->info; if( wnd->hwnd == NULLHANDLE ) { #ifdef __OS2_PM__ if( wnd->root_frame != NULLHANDLE && wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) { wnd->root = hwnd; } else { wnd->hwnd = hwnd; } #else if( _wpi_getparent( hwnd ) == HWND_DESKTOP ) { wnd->root = hwnd; wnd->root_frame = hwnd; } else { wnd->hwnd = hwnd; wnd->hwnd_frame = hwnd; } #endif } DoSetWindowLong( hwnd, wnd ); } } wnd = GUIGetWindow( hwnd ); if( wnd == NULL ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } if( GUIMDIProcessMessage( wnd, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam, &ret ) ) { return( ret ); } if( wnd->root == hwnd ) { /* message for root window */ switch( msg ) { case WM_CREATE : #ifdef __OS2_PM__ wnd->root_pinfo.normal_pres = _wpi_createos2normpres( GUIMainHInst, hwnd ); #endif _wpi_getclientrect( wnd->root_frame, &wnd->root_client ); if( CreateBackgroundWnd( wnd, createinfo ) ) { return( 0 ); } return( (WPI_MRESULT)WPI_ERROR_ON_CREATE ); break; case WM_DESTROY : wnd->flags |= DOING_DESTROY; GUICloseToolBar( wnd ); //ret = _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); //wnd->root = NULL; //wnd->root_frame = NULL; return( 0L ); } } else if( ( wnd->root != NULLHANDLE ) && ( hwnd == wnd->hwnd ) ) { /* message for container window */ switch( msg ) { case WM_SIZE : if( !_wpi_isiconic( _wpi_getframe( hwnd ) ) ) { size.x = _wpi_getwmsizex( wparam, lparam ); size.y = _wpi_getwmsizey( wparam, lparam ); GUIDoResize( wnd, hwnd, &size ); } return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); break; case WM_MOVE : return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); break; case WM_VSCROLL : case WM_HSCROLL : case WM_CLOSE : return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); break; } } switch( msg ) { case WM_CREATE : #ifdef __OS2_PM__ wnd->hwnd_pinfo.normal_pres = _wpi_createos2normpres( GUIMainHInst, hwnd ); #endif NumWindows++; // even if -1 is returned, window will get WM_DESTROY win = GUIGetParentFrameHWND( wnd ); if( ( wnd->root_frame != NULLHANDLE ) || ( createinfo->style & GUI_POPUP ) ) { if( !GUIAddToSystemMenu( wnd, win, 0, NULL, createinfo->style ) ) { return( (WPI_MRESULT)WPI_ERROR_ON_CREATE ); } } else { if( !GUIAddToSystemMenu( wnd, win, createinfo->num_menus, createinfo->menu, createinfo->style ) ) { return( (WPI_MRESULT)WPI_ERROR_ON_CREATE ); } } _wpi_getclientrect( hwnd, &wnd->hwnd_client ); GUISetRowCol( wnd, NULL ); if( ( hwnd == wnd->hwnd ) && ( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) ) { GUIMDINewWindow( hwnd ); } if( GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_INIT_WINDOW, NULL ) ) { wnd->flags |= SENT_INIT; GUISetScroll( wnd ); /* initalize scroll ranges */ GUIBringToFront( wnd ); return( 0 ); } else { /* app decided not to create window */ return( (WPI_MRESULT)WPI_ERROR_ON_CREATE ); } break; #if defined(__NT__) || defined(WILLOWS) case WM_CTLCOLORBTN : case WM_CTLCOLORDLG : //case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX : case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC : //case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT : ret = (WPI_MRESULT)GUICtl3dCtlColorEx( msg, wparam, lparam ); if( ret == (HBRUSH)NULL ) { SetBkColor( (HDC)wparam, GetNearestColor( (HDC)wparam, GUIGetBack( wnd, GUI_BACKGROUND ) ) ); ret = (WPI_MRESULT)wnd->bk_brush; } return( ret ); #elif !defined( __OS2_PM__ ) case WM_CTLCOLOR : switch( HIWORD( lparam ) ) { case CTLCOLOR_BTN : case CTLCOLOR_DLG : case CTLCOLOR_EDIT : case CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX : case CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX : case CTLCOLOR_STATIC : ret = (WPI_MRESULT)GUICtl3dCtlColorEx( msg, wparam, lparam ); if( ret == (HBRUSH)NULL ) { SetBkColor( (HDC)wparam, GetNearestColor( (HDC)wparam, GUIGetBack( wnd, GUI_BACKGROUND ) ) ); ret = (WPI_MRESULT)wnd->bk_brush; } break; } return( ret ); #endif #ifndef __OS2_PM__ case WM_INITMENUPOPUP : return( GUIProcessInitMenuPopup( wnd, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); case WM_MENUSELECT : return( GUIProcessMenuSelect( wnd, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); #endif case WM_GETMINMAXINFO : info = (WPI_MINMAXINFO _W386FAR *)MK_FP32( (void *)lparam ); ret = _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); if( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) { parent = _wpi_getparent( hwnd ); _wpi_getclientrect( parent, &rect ); _wpi_setmaxposition( *info, 0, 0 ); _wpi_setmaxtracksize( info, _wpi_getwidthrect( rect ), _wpi_getheightrect( rect ) ); } return( ret ); case WM_ERASEBKGND: #ifdef __OS2_PM__ //GUIInvalidatePaintHandles( wnd ); return( (WPI_MRESULT)TRUE ); #else if( !_wpi_isiconic( hwnd ) ) { GetClientRect( hwnd, &rc ); FillRect( (HDC)wparam, &rc, wnd->bk_brush ); } use_defproc = TRUE; break; #endif #if !defined(__OS2_PM__) && !defined(WILLOWS) case WM_PAINTICON : { HICON old; old = SET_HICON( wnd->hwnd, wnd->icon ); ret = _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); SET_HICON( wnd->hwnd, old ); return( ret ); } #endif case WM_PAINT: if( _wpi_isiconic( hwnd ) ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } else { GUIPaint( wnd, hwnd, FALSE ); } break; #ifndef __OS2_PM__ case WM_ACTIVATEAPP : root = GUIGetRootWindow(); ActivateNC( root, wparam ); if( GUICurrWnd != NULL ) { ActivateNC( GUICurrWnd, wparam ); } use_defproc = (bool)wparam; // I'm cheating and using 'use_defproc' // outside of its self-documented purpose if( root ) GUIEVENTWND( root, GUI_ACTIVATEAPP, &use_defproc ); use_defproc = TRUE; break; #if 0 // this repaints the nc client area when the window loses focus to // a window that is not a descendant of a GUI window case WM_KILLFOCUS : if( !GUIIsGUIChild( (HWND)wparam ) ) { ActivateNC( wnd, FALSE ); } break; #endif case WM_SETFOCUS : if( !_wpi_ismsgsetfocus( msg, lparam ) ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } if( !EditControlHasFocus ) { if( SetFocusToParent() ) { return( 0L ); } } break; #endif case WM_VSCROLL : case WM_HSCROLL : GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); return( 0L ); #ifdef __NT__ case WM_MOUSEWHEEL : { // Try to handle mousewheel messages... // Fake them into GUIProcessScrollMsg() // as "normal" vertical scroll messages. short gcWheelDelta; //wheel delta from roll WORD wKey; // The wnd I get is not the same as WM_VSCROLL : above gets... // Note to self: Fix it... // Seems like the main app window gets the message, rather than // the MDI clients... gcWheelDelta = HIWORD(wparam); wKey = LOWORD(wparam); // Scroll wheel upwards gives 120 // " " downward " -120 if( wnd != GUICurrWnd ) // Send to child window with focus wnd = GUICurrWnd; if( gcWheelDelta > 0 ) { // positive - scroll up if( wKey == MK_CONTROL || wKey == MK_SHIFT ) GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEUP, 0L ); else GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0L ); } else { // negative - scroll down if( wKey == MK_CONTROL || wKey == MK_SHIFT ) GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0L ); else GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0L ); } // Inform GUI system we are done with scrolling for now. GUIProcessScrollMsg( wnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0 ); } return( 0L ); #endif case WM_MOVE : use_defproc = TRUE; if( wnd->flags & DOING_CLOSE ) { break; } if( !GUIParentHasFlags( wnd, IS_MINIMIZED ) ) { GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_MOVE, NULL ); } use_defproc = TRUE; break; case WM_SIZE: use_defproc = TRUE; if( wnd->flags & DOING_CLOSE ) { break; } if( _wpi_isiconic( _wpi_getframe( hwnd ) ) ) { wnd->flags |= IS_MINIMIZED; if( wnd->style & GUI_CHANGEABLE_FONT ) { GUIEnableSysMenuItem( wnd, GUI_CHANGE_FONT, FALSE ); } GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_ICONIFIED, NULL ); if( GUIMDI ) { GUIBringNewToFront( wnd ); } } else { wnd->flags &= ~IS_MINIMIZED; size.x = _wpi_getwmsizex( wparam, lparam ); size.y = _wpi_getwmsizey( wparam, lparam ); GUIDoResize( wnd, hwnd, &size ); if( wnd->flags & IS_ROOT ) { win = GUIGetParentFrameHWND( wnd ); if( !_wpi_isiconic( win ) ) { GUIMaximizeZoomedChildren( wnd ); } } } //Call back to tell about resizing so system tray can be used WndSizeChange( hwnd, wparam, lparam ); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: currentpoint.x = GET_WM_MOUSEMOVE_POSX( wparam, lparam ); currentpoint.y = GET_WM_MOUSEMOVE_POSY( wparam, lparam ); point.x = currentpoint.x; point.y = currentpoint.y; GUIScreenToScaleR( &point ); if( ( currentpoint.x != prevpoint.x ) || ( currentpoint.y != prevpoint.y ) ) { prevpoint.x = currentpoint.x; prevpoint.y = currentpoint.y; SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_MOUSEMOVE, TRUE ); } break; #ifndef __OS2_PM__ case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN : case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN : case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN : CheckDoFront( wnd ); use_defproc = TRUE; break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: _wpi_setcapture( hwnd ); CheckDoFront( wnd ); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_RBUTTONDOWN, TRUE ); break; #else case WM_RBUTTONDOWN : WPI_MAKEPOINT( wparam, lparam, currentpoint ); win = PM1632WinWindowFromPoint( hwnd, ¤tpoint, FALSE ); if( ( win != (HWND)NULL) && ( win != hwnd ) ) { control_id = _wpi_getdlgctrlid( win ); if( control_id != 0 ) { GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_CONTROL_RCLICKED, &control_id ); } } else { _wpi_setcapture( hwnd ); CheckDoFront( wnd ); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_RBUTTONDOWN, TRUE ); } break; #endif case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: _wpi_setcapture( hwnd ); CheckDoFront( wnd ); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_LBUTTONDOWN, TRUE ); use_defproc = TRUE; break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: _wpi_releasecapture(); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_LBUTTONUP, TRUE ); use_defproc = TRUE; break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: _wpi_releasecapture(); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_RBUTTONUP, TRUE ); break; case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: CheckDoFront( wnd ); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_LBUTTONDBLCLK, TRUE ); break; case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: CheckDoFront( wnd ); SendPointEvent( wparam, lparam, wnd, GUI_RBUTTONDBLCLK, TRUE ); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: param = _wpi_getid( wparam ); switch( param ) { case SC_NEXTWINDOW : if( GUIMDI ) { NextWndToFront( hwnd ); return( 0L ); } default : if( ( param & 0xf000 ) == ( SC_NEXTWINDOW & 0xf000 ) ) { /* top value same for all SC_* values */ return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } else { ProcessMenu( wnd, param ); } break; } break; #ifdef __OS2_PM__ case WM_CONTROL : GUIProcessControlNotification( SHORT1FROMMP(wparam), SHORT2FROMMP(wparam), wnd ); break; #else case WM_PARENTNOTIFY: if( ( LOWORD(wparam) == WM_RBUTTONDOWN ) || ( LOWORD(wparam) == WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) || ( LOWORD(wparam) == WM_MBUTTONDOWN ) ) { if( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) { CheckDoFront( wnd ); } } if( LOWORD(wparam) == WM_RBUTTONDOWN ) { WPI_MAKEPOINT( wparam, lparam, currentpoint ); MapWindowPoints( hwnd, (HWND)NULL, ¤tpoint, 1 ); win = _wpi_windowfrompoint( currentpoint ); control_id = _wpi_getdlgctrlid( win ); if( control_id != 0 ) { if( _wpi_getparent(win) == hwnd ) { GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_CONTROL_RCLICKED, &control_id ); } } } break; case WM_ENDSESSION : { gui_end_session es; es.endsession = (bool)wparam; es.logoff = (bool)( lparam == 0x80000000L ); GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_ENDSESSION, &es ); return( 0L ); } case WM_QUERYENDSESSION : { gui_end_session es; es.endsession = (bool)wparam; es.logoff = (bool)( lparam == 0x80000000L ); // ENDSESSION_LOGOFF if( !GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_QUERYENDSESSION, &es ) ) { return( TRUE ); } return( 0L ); } #endif case WM_COMMAND: if( _wpi_ismenucommand( wparam, lparam ) || IsToolBarCommand( wnd, wparam, lparam ) ) { /* from menu or toolbar */ ProcessMenu( wnd, _wpi_getid( wparam ) ); //SetFocusToParent(); } else { GUIProcessControlMsg( wparam, lparam, wnd, NULL ); } use_defproc = TRUE; break; #ifndef __OS2_PM__ case WM_VKEYTOITEM : use_defproc = FALSE; ret = -1; GUIGetKeyState( &key_state.state ); if( ( GUIWindowsMapKey( wparam, lparam, &key_state.key ) ) ) { ret = GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_KEYTOITEM, &key_state ); } break; #endif #ifdef __OS2_PM__ case WM_CHAR : case WM_TRANSLATEACCEL : #else case WM_MENUCHAR : case WM_SYSKEYDOWN : case WM_SYSKEYUP : case WM_KEYUP : case WM_KEYDOWN : #endif return( GUIProcesskey( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); case WM_CLOSE : if( wnd->flags & DOING_CLOSE ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } else if( wnd->style & GUI_CLOSEABLE ) { if( GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_CLOSE, NULL ) ) { wnd->flags |= DOING_CLOSE; if( wnd->flags & IS_ROOT ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } else { _wpi_destroywindow( wnd->hwnd_frame ); } } } return( 0L ); // Message to deal with tray icons (Win 95 and NT 4.0 ). case WM_TRAYCALLBACK : TrayCallBack( hwnd, wparam, lparam ); return( 0L ); case WM_DESTROY : wnd->flags |= DOING_DESTROY; NumWindows--; GUIEVENTWND( wnd, GUI_DESTROY, NULL ); //ret = _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ); GUIDestroyAllChildren( wnd ); if( wnd->flags & IS_ROOT ) { GUIDestroyAllPopupsWithNoParent(); } GUIFreeWindowMemory( wnd, FALSE, FALSE ); if( NumWindows == 0 ) { _wpi_postquitmessage( 0 ); Posted = TRUE; } return( 0L ); default: use_defproc = TRUE; } if( use_defproc ) { return( _wpi_defwindowproc( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam ) ); } else { return( ret ); } }