/** * Draw a text button widget to the display, relative to its parent. * * @param w The widget (which is a button) to draw. */ void GUI_Widget_TextButton_Draw(Widget *w) { Screen oldScreenID; uint16 positionX, positionY; uint16 width, height; uint16 state; uint8 colour; if (w == NULL) return; oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1); positionX = w->offsetX + (g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].xBase << 3); positionY = w->offsetY + g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].yBase; width = w->width; height = w->height; g_widgetProperties[19].xBase = positionX >> 3; g_widgetProperties[19].yBase = positionY; g_widgetProperties[19].width = width >> 3; g_widgetProperties[19].height = height; state = (w->state.s.selected) ? 0 : 2; colour = (w->state.s.hover2) ? 231 : 232; GUI_Widget_DrawBorder(19, state, 1); if (w->stringID == STR_CANCEL || w->stringID == STR_PREVIOUS || w->stringID == STR_YES || w->stringID == STR_NO) { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(w->stringID), positionX + (width / 2), positionY + 2, colour, 0, 0x122); } else { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(w->stringID), positionX + 3, positionY + 2, colour, 0, 0x22); } if (oldScreenID == SCREEN_0) { GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(positionX, positionY, positionX + width, positionY + height); GUI_Screen_Copy(positionX >> 3, positionY, positionX >> 3, positionY, width >> 3, height, SCREEN_1, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); }
static void GUI_Window_Create(WindowDesc *desc) { uint8 i; if (desc == NULL) return; g_widgetLinkedListTail = NULL; GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1); Widget_SetCurrentWidget(desc->index); GUI_Widget_DrawBorder(g_curWidgetIndex, 2, true); if (GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->stringID) != NULL) { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->stringID), (g_curWidgetXBase << 3) + (g_curWidgetWidth << 2), g_curWidgetYBase + 6 + ((desc == &g_yesNoWindowDesc) ? 2 : 0), 238, 0, 0x122); } if (GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[0].stringID) == NULL) { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(String_Get_ByIndex(STR_THERE_ARE_NO_SAVED_GAMES_TO_LOAD), (g_curWidgetXBase + 2) << 3, g_curWidgetYBase + 42, 232, 0, 0x22); } for (i = 0; i < desc->widgetCount; i++) { Widget *w = &g_table_windowWidgets[i]; if (GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[i].stringID) == NULL) continue; w->next = NULL; w->offsetX = desc->widgets[i].offsetX; w->offsetY = desc->widgets[i].offsetY; w->width = desc->widgets[i].width; w->height = desc->widgets[i].height; w->shortcut = 0; w->shortcut2 = 0; if (desc != &g_savegameNameWindowDesc) { if (desc->widgets[i].labelStringId != STR_NULL) { w->shortcut = GUI_Widget_GetShortcut(*GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[i].labelStringId)); } else { w->shortcut = GUI_Widget_GetShortcut(*GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[i].stringID)); } } w->shortcut2 = desc->widgets[i].shortcut2; if (w->shortcut == 0x1B) { w->shortcut2 = 0x13; } w->stringID = desc->widgets[i].stringID; w->drawModeNormal = DRAW_MODE_CUSTOM_PROC; w->drawModeSelected = DRAW_MODE_CUSTOM_PROC; w->drawModeDown = DRAW_MODE_CUSTOM_PROC; w->drawParameterNormal.proc = &GUI_Widget_TextButton_Draw; w->drawParameterSelected.proc = &GUI_Widget_TextButton_Draw; w->drawParameterDown.proc = &GUI_Widget_TextButton_Draw; w->parentID = desc->index; memset(&w->state, 0, sizeof(w->state)); g_widgetLinkedListTail = GUI_Widget_Link(g_widgetLinkedListTail, w); GUI_Widget_MakeVisible(w); GUI_Widget_MakeNormal(w, false); GUI_Widget_Draw(w); if (desc->widgets[i].labelStringId == STR_NULL) continue; if (g_config.language == LANGUAGE_FRENCH) { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[i].labelStringId), (g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].xBase << 3) + 40, w->offsetY + g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].yBase + 3, 232, 0, 0x22); } else { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(desc->widgets[i].labelStringId), w->offsetX + (g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].xBase << 3) - 10, w->offsetY + g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].yBase + 3, 232, 0, 0x222); } } if (s_savegameCountOnDisk >= 5 && desc->addArrows) { Widget *w = &g_table_windowWidgets[7]; w->drawParameterNormal.sprite = g_sprites[59]; w->drawParameterSelected.sprite = g_sprites[60]; w->drawParameterDown.sprite = g_sprites[60]; w->next = NULL; w->parentID = desc->index; GUI_Widget_MakeNormal(w, false); GUI_Widget_MakeInvisible(w); GUI_Widget_Undraw(w, 233); g_widgetLinkedListTail = GUI_Widget_Link(g_widgetLinkedListTail, w); w = &g_table_windowWidgets[8]; w->drawParameterNormal.sprite = g_sprites[61]; w->drawParameterSelected.sprite = g_sprites[62]; w->drawParameterDown.sprite = g_sprites[62]; w->next = NULL; w->parentID = desc->index; GUI_Widget_MakeNormal(w, false); GUI_Widget_MakeInvisible(w); GUI_Widget_Undraw(w, 233); g_widgetLinkedListTail = GUI_Widget_Link(g_widgetLinkedListTail, w); } GUI_Mouse_Hide_Safe(); Widget_SetCurrentWidget(desc->index); GUI_Screen_Copy(g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetWidth, g_curWidgetHeight, SCREEN_1, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_Safe(); GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_0); }
static void GUI_Purchase_ShowInvoice(void) { Widget *w = g_widgetInvoiceTail; Screen oldScreenID; uint16 y = 48; uint16 total = 0; uint16 x; char textBuffer[12]; oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1); GUI_DrawFilledRectangle(128, 48, 311, 159, 20); GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(String_Get_ByIndex(STR_ITEM_NAME_QTY_TOTAL), 128, y, 12, 0, 0x11); y += 7; GUI_DrawLine(129, y, 310, y, 12); y += 2; if (g_factoryWindowOrdered != 0) { uint16 i; for (i = 0; i < g_factoryWindowTotal; i++) { ObjectInfo *oi; uint16 amount; if (g_factoryWindowItems[i].amount == 0) continue; amount = g_factoryWindowItems[i].amount * g_factoryWindowItems[i].credits; total += amount; snprintf(textBuffer, sizeof(textBuffer), "%02d %5d", g_factoryWindowItems[i].amount, amount); oi = g_factoryWindowItems[i].objectInfo; GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(String_Get_ByIndex(oi->stringID_full), 128, y, 8, 0, 0x11); GUI_DrawText_Monospace(textBuffer, 311 - strlen(textBuffer) * 6, y, 15, 0, 6); y += 8; } } else { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(String_Get_ByIndex(STR_NO_UNITS_ON_ORDER), 220, 99, 6, 0, 0x112); } GUI_DrawLine(129, 148, 310, 148, 12); GUI_DrawLine(129, 150, 310, 150, 12); snprintf(textBuffer, sizeof(textBuffer), "%d", total); x = 311 - strlen(textBuffer) * 6; /* "Total Cost :" */ GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(STR_TOTAL_COST_), x - 3, 152, 11, 0, 0x211); GUI_DrawText_Monospace(textBuffer, x, 152, 11, 0, 6); GUI_Mouse_Hide_Safe(); GUI_Screen_Copy(16, 48, 16, 48, 23, 112, SCREEN_1, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_Safe(); GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_0); GUI_FactoryWindow_DrawCaption(String_Get_ByIndex(STR_INVOICE_OF_UNITS_ON_ORDER)); Input_History_Clear(); for (; GUI_Widget_HandleEvents(w) == 0; sleepIdle()) { GUI_DrawCredits(g_playerHouseID, 0); GUI_FactoryWindow_UpdateSelection(false); GUI_PaletteAnimate(); } GFX_Screen_SetActive(oldScreenID); w = GUI_Widget_Get_ByIndex(w, 10); if (w != NULL && Mouse_InsideRegion(w->offsetX, w->offsetY, w->offsetX + w->width, w->offsetY + w->height) != 0) { while (Input_Test(0x41) != 0 || Input_Test(0x42) != 0) sleepIdle(); Input_History_Clear(); } if (g_factoryWindowResult == FACTORY_CONTINUE) GUI_FactoryWindow_DrawDetails(); }