Example #1
void utl_gmon ( int dtmonth, char *pmm, int *iret )
 * utl_gmon								*
 *									*
 * This function converts the numerical value of a month into the three	*
 * character abbreviation for the month.				*
 *									*
 * utl_gmon ( dtmonth, pmm, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	dtmonth		int		Month				*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*pmm		char		3-character month name		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					   -6 = Bad month number 	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 7/03						*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 8/03		Changed length check 4 -> 3	*
        int	len1, lenp, ier;
	char	noname[12][4] = { "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY",
				 "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT",
				 "NOV", "DEC" };
	*iret   = 0;
	lenp    = 4;
	pmm[0]  = '\0';
    *	Retrieve the 3 character month.
	if ( dtmonth >= 1 && dtmonth <= 12 ) {
	    len1 = G_MIN ( lenp, 3 );
	    cst_ncpy ( pmm, noname[dtmonth-1], len1, &ier);
	else {
	    *iret = -6;
Example #2
void _getrpt ( srchinfo_t *srchinfo, char *report, int *iret )
 * _getrpt                                                            	*
 *                                                                      *
 * This routine will retrieve the report for the requested location.	*
 *									*
 * _getrpt ( srchinfo, report, iret )                                 	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      *srchinfo       srchinfo_t      Search info structure           *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *report         char            Report                          *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *                                                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * L. Williams/EAI       6/96	modified from srchb_fosdFndrepWW	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	12/98	Changed fclose to cfl_clos		*
 * S. Chiswell/UCAR	04/01	Changed strchr to memchr		*
 * R.Tian/SAIC  	1/02	Avoid possible overflow report		*
 * R. Tian/SAIC         04/02   Query file size before open it 		*
int     rep_len;
long    flen;
char    dumyname[133];
char	*iepos, *ispos, *text;
 * Get the size of the new file. If the size is 0, skip it.
	cfl_inqr(srchinfo->file_info.filnam, NULL, &flen, dumyname, iret);
        if  ( *iret != 0 || flen == 0 ) {
               report[0] = '\0';
               *iret = -1;
               return; /* error in query file */
        srchinfo->file_info.file_len = (int)flen;

 * Open the new file.
        srchinfo->file_info.fptr = cfl_ropn(
                NULL, iret );
        if  ( *iret != 0 ) {
               report[0] = '\0';
               *iret = -1;
               return; /* error in opening file */

 * Allocate enough space to hold the entire contents of the file.
        text = (char *) malloc((size_t)(srchinfo->file_info.file_len + 1) *
                sizeof(char) );

 * Read the contents of the file into the TEXT string.
        if ( fread( text, (size_t)srchinfo->file_info.file_len, 1,
                srchinfo->file_info.fptr) != (size_t)1 ){
 * reading error
                report[0] = '\0';
                *iret = -1;
        	free( text );

 * Copy the report from string text to string report

        ispos = &text[reportInfo[srchinfo->current].position];
        iepos = memchr( &text[reportInfo[srchinfo->current].position],
				CHCTLC, (size_t)(srchinfo->file_info.file_len - 
	if ( iepos != NULL )
	    rep_len = G_MIN((iepos - ispos), (REPMAX - 1));
	    rep_len = 0;

        strncpy( report, &text[reportInfo[srchinfo->current].position], (size_t)rep_len
        report[rep_len] = '\0';

        free( text );

 * Close the data file.
        if  ( srchinfo->file_info.fptr != NULL )  {
		cfl_clos ( srchinfo->file_info.fptr, iret );
		srchinfo->file_info.fptr = NULL;
Example #3
void srchw_fosdMarkrep ( srchinfo_t *srch_info, char *text_rep, 
			char *srch_str, int called_from, int *iret )
 * srchw_fosdMarkrep							*
 *									*
 * This routine will search for the search string of each report and	*
 * the beginning position and save that position in a structure.        *
 *									*
 * srchw_fosdMarkrep (srch_info, text_rep, srch_str, called_from, iret) *
 *									*
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      *srch_info	srchinfo_t	Search structure 		*
 *      *text_rep	char		file contents			*
 *      *srch_str	char		search string 			*
 *      called_from     int     	Indicate from where it is called*
 *                                	  1 - from user click           *
 *                                	  2 - from auto-update          *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D.Plummer/NCEP	12/95		Reorganize for fosd type W      *
 * L.Williams/EAI	6/96		Check for duplicate reports	*
 * R.Tian/SAIC  	1/02		Avoid possible overflow buf	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		11/03		Added called_from arg		*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	12/07	rm direct access to textW widget	*

char	*str, t_str[15];
char	buf[REPMAX];
int	ibeg, ipos;
int	flag;
int	replen;
int	index, ier;
char	notfound_msg[80];
char	exceeds_msg[80];

struct data_file_info *file_info;
struct directory_info *dir_info;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	file_info = &(srch_info->file_info);
	dir_info  = &(srch_info->dir_info);

	ibeg = file_info->file_len - 1;

	_cache[0] = '\0';
        while ( ( ipos >= 0 ) && ( *iret == 0 ) ) {

 *  Locate the starting position of each report

		cst_srch( ibeg, 0, srch_str, text_rep,
			 &ipos, iret );	 
 *  Copy report into a temporary buffer

		replen = G_MIN((ibeg - ipos), (REPMAX - 1));
		strncpy(buf, &text_rep[ipos], (size_t)replen);
		buf[replen] = '\0';

 *  Advance to the correct line
		str = strtok(buf, DELMTR);
		if ( str != NULL ) {
			str = strtok(NULL, DELMTR);
			str = strtok(NULL, DELMTR);

		if ( str ) {

		   str = strtok(str, " ");

 *  Get the station and the WMO id 
		   while ( str ) {
			if ( isalpha(str[0]) ) {

			    if ( flag == 0 ) {
				strcpy(t_str, str);
				flag = 1;
			    else {
				if ( repnum < MAX_REPORTS ) {

			           sprintf(reportInfo[repnum].stnid, " %s ", str);
				   index = srchw_binSrch( stnList.srchstr, stnList.nstn, 
					reportInfo[repnum].stnid );

				   if( index >= 0 ) {
                                       if( strncmp( _cache, &(text_rep[ipos+CACHE_POS]), 30 ) != 0 ) {

						reportInfo[repnum].stnindex = index;
				           	reportInfo[repnum].position = ipos;
				           	sprintf(reportInfo[repnum].fname, "%s/%s",
						    dir_info->filnam[srch_info->dir_info.cfilnum] );
						cst_ncpy( _cache, &(text_rep[ipos+CACHE_POS]), 30, iret );
				   else {
                    			sprintf( notfound_msg, 
						"PRODUCT STATION \"%s\" not found in table.\n", 
						reportInfo[repnum].stnid );
					if ( called_from == 1 ) {
					    pdata_setReportText( notfound_msg, &ier );
					    txtw_dsplyReport( &ier );
					reportInfo[repnum].stnid[0] = '\0';

				else {
				    sprintf( exceeds_msg, 
					     "Report limit reached (%d) -- "
					     "Reduce Time Covered.\n",
					     MAX_REPORTS );
				    if ( called_from == 1 ) {
					pdata_setReportText( exceeds_msg, &ier );
					txtw_dsplyReport( &ier );
			else {
			   flag = 0;
			str = strtok(NULL, " ");
		ibeg = --ipos;
	stnList.nreports = repnum;
Example #4
static void _vrfyTimes ( char *instr, int *iret )
 * _vrfyTimes								*
 *									*
 * Validates a time filter string. Valid entries include "AIRM", "OTLK",*
 * and time strings in forms of "HH+", and "HH-HH".  Note that '+', '-',*
 * and the "HH" after the '-' are optional; e.g, "1", "2+", "2-", and 	*
 * "2-3" are valid entries ( "2-" will be truncated as "2" ). 		*
 *									*
 * static void _vrfyTimes ( instr, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input/Output parameters:						*
 *	*instr		char	string to be verified. It will be cut	*
 *				off at the proper position after check.	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret 		int	return code				*
 *					 0 - Normal			*
 *					-1 - Invalid entry		*
 *					 1 - Partially valid entry	*
 *					     cut off at postion "pos"	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		06/06	move from nmap_pgfilter.c and allow	*
 *				"AIRM", "OTLK", & '+'			*
    int 	ii, dashPos, plusPos, len, ier;
    *iret = 0;
     *  Null string or string starting with non-digit char are invalid 
     *  except "AIRMET" and "OTLK".
    if ( !instr ) {
        *iret = -1;    
    if ( !isdigit(instr[0]) )  {
        if ( !strcmp( instr, "AIRM" ) == 0 &&
	     !strcmp( instr, "OTLK" ) == 0 ) {	
	    *iret = -1;
            instr[0] = '\0';

     *  One '+' is acceptable as the 2nd or 3rd char.
    cst_nocc ( instr, '+', 1, TRUE, &plusPos, &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 ) {
	if ( plusPos > 2 ) {
	    instr[ plusPos ] = '\0';		
	else { 
	    if ( plusPos == 1 || 
	        ( plusPos == 2 && isdigit( instr[1] ) ) ) { 
	        instr[ plusPos + 1 ] = '\0';	
	    else {
	        *iret = -1;
                instr[0] = '\0';

     *  One '-' is acceptable as the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th char. 
    cst_nocc ( instr, '-', 1, TRUE, &dashPos, &ier );
    len = strlen ( instr );
    if ( dashPos == 0 || dashPos > 3 ) {
        for ( ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) {
	    if ( !isdigit(instr[ii]) ) break;	
    else {	/* dashPos == 1, 2, or 3 */
        for ( ii = dashPos+1; ii < G_MIN(len,dashPos+4); ii++ ) {            
	    if ( !isdigit(instr[ii]) ) {
	if ( ii == (dashPos+1) ) ii--;
    instr[ii] = '\0';
    if ( ii != len ) {	
        *iret = 1;	/* indicate cutoff at position "ii" */
Example #5
static void _pgmvcp_groupDropEh ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, 
					XEvent *event, Boolean *ctdr )
 * _pgmvcp_groupDropEh                                                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function is the callback for a drop on a group.                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * static void _pgmvcp_groupDropEh (w, clnt, event, ctdr)		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          Parent widget                   *
 *      clnt		XtPointer       State information record        *
 *      *event          XEvent          Button press event record       *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/97   Modified to handle Special Text         *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        07/97   Remove offsets when replacing text.     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       07/97   Fixed drag with special text problem    *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        08/97   Remove watch box slide                  *
 * C. Lin/EAI            8/97   Add offsets for 'S' coord(roam)         *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP      9/97   Combine into NxmDraw for new vgstruct.h *
 * E. Wehner/EAi         9/97   Remove graphics info record             *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   rename from NxmDrSlDropCb, cleanup      *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   add WBOX_ELEM related functions         *
 * C. Lin/EAi           11/97   further cleanup                         *
 * E. Safford/GSC       02/98   add _storedEl for undo function         *
 * S. Law/GSC           04/98   added copy function                     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       04/98   added FUNC_SELECT to FUNC_MOVE ops      *
 * S. Law/GSC           05/98   cleaned up drag, added group box        *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   mod for new undo routines               *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   move to nmap_pgmvcp.c                   *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/98   split from mvcpDrop.c                   *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/98   added call to cgr_grfrsh.c              *
 * G. Krueger/EAI       06/98   Uniform status hints                    *
 * C. Lin/EAI       	08/98   fix ghosting problem & reset _dragCount *
 * G. Krueger/EAI	09/98	Added ghost veiling			*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	10/98	Using table for hints			*
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/98	modify refresh to limit area affected	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 4/99	remove call to pgwlst_update		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	10/99   update for new xwcmn.h        		*
 * S. Law/GSC		06/00	changed to use xgtoff			*
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed for the new undo design         *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed cvg_rdrec() parameters          *
 * A. Hardy/GSC         11/00   renamed coordinate system declarations  *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          12/00   modified for multiple undo steps        *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/01	add layer in crg_set() call		*
 * T. Lee/SAIC          11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvg_getworkfile			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		11/03	adjust jet barb/hash position		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		02/04	adjust gfa attribute box position	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		10/04	free GFA block memory			*
 * S. Danz/AWC		07/06	Added new cvg_delet placement argument	*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   New flag to pgvgf_saveNewElm to place el*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   Updated to use cvg_checkplace to find   *
 * 				area impacted and call crg_rebuild()    *
    int		location, ier, nelm, ii, jj, *inxarry, layer, update_crg;
    int		currfunc, newnum, old_location, xoff, yoff, found;
    float	llx, lly, urx, ury, delx, dely;
    float	o_llx, o_lly, o_urx, o_ury, inf_bbox[4];
    char	newtyp;
    VG_DBStruct	el, del_el;

    _dragCount = 0;

    if (!_midDrag)

    _midDrag = FALSE;

    update_crg = 0;

    currfunc = pgpalw_getCurOperId();

    old_location = pgactv_getElmLoc();

    cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), old_location, &el, &ier);
    crg_ggnel(el.hdr.grptyp, el.hdr.grpnum, &nelm, &ier);

    if (nelm <= 0)

    inxarry = (int *)malloc(nelm*sizeof(int));
    crg_gginx (el.hdr.grptyp, el.hdr.grpnum, nelm, inxarry, &nelm, &ier);

    newtyp = el.hdr.grptyp;
    newnum = el.hdr.grpnum;
    crg_ggbnd (newtyp, newnum, &o_llx, &o_urx, &o_ury, &o_lly, &ier);

    if (currfunc == FUNC_COPY)
        crg_ggnxt (el.hdr.grptyp, &newnum, &ier);

 * set "delta" amounts...
    xgtoff (&xoff, &yoff, &ier);
    delx = (float)event->xbutton.x + (float)xoff - _dragX;
    dely = (float)event->xbutton.y + (float)yoff - _dragY;

    _dragX += delx;
    _dragY += dely;
    delx = _dragX - _origX - _goffX;
    dely = _dragY - _origY - _goffY;

    pghdlb_deselectEl (old_location, FALSE); 

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    layer = pglayer_getCurLayer( );
    for (ii = 0; ii < nelm; ii++) {
        crg_goffset(inxarry[ii], &location, &ier);

        cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &el, &ier);
	pgactv_setActvElm ( &el, location);
        pgactv_getDevPts (&_dcN, &_dcX, &_dcY);

        for (jj = 0; jj < _dcN; jj++) {
            pgactv_modPt (jj, *(_dcX + jj) + delx, *(_dcY + jj) + dely);

        if ((currfunc == FUNC_MOVE) || (currfunc == FUNC_SELECT)) {

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the delete, and get the area of influence back
            cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &del_el, &ier);
            cvg_checkplace(&del_el, 1, location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
            if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
                o_llx = G_MIN(o_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
                o_lly = G_MIN(o_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
                o_urx = G_MAX(o_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
                o_ury = G_MAX(o_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
                update_crg = 1;

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
            if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeBkpts ( &del_el );
            else if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                cvg_freeElPtr ( &del_el );
 *  delete old element 
	    cvg_delet (cvg_getworkfile(), location, TRUE, &ier);
	    crg_clear (inxarry[ii], &ier);
            pgundo_storeThisLoc(location, UNDO_DEL, &ier);

 *  adjust jet barb/hash position accordingly
        if ( el.hdr.vg_type == JET_ELM ) {
            _pgmvcp_jetCalc ( &el, delx, dely, True );

 *  adjust GFA attribute box position accordingly
        if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
            _pgmvcp_gfaCalc ( &el, delx, dely, True );

 *  save new element
        el.hdr.grptyp = newtyp;
        el.hdr.grpnum = newnum;

        pgvgf_saveNewElm(NULL, sys_D, &el, _dcN, _dcX, _dcY, FALSE,
			&location, &ier);
        pgundo_storeThisLoc (location, UNDO_ADD, &ier);

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
        if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
        else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

        cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &el, &ier);
        crg_set (&el, location, layer, &ier);

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the new element, and get the area of influence back
        cvg_checkplace(&el, 0, location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
        if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
            o_llx = G_MIN(o_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
            o_lly = G_MIN(o_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
            o_urx = G_MAX(o_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
            o_ury = G_MAX(o_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
            update_crg = 1;
 * Free TCA/GFA memory
        if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
        else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    }  /* for */

    pgactv_setActvElm (&el, location);

    crg_ggbnd (newtyp, newnum, &llx, &urx, &ury, &lly, &ier); 

    free (inxarry);

    o_llx -= EXTRA;
    o_lly -= EXTRA;
    o_urx += EXTRA;
    o_ury += EXTRA;

    if (o_llx < llx)
        llx = o_llx;
    if (o_lly < lly)
        lly = o_lly;
    if (o_urx > urx)
        urx = o_urx;
    if (o_ury > ury)
        ury = o_ury;

    xpgpaste (llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
    cvg_rfrsh (NULL, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);

 * If we may have impacted other elements with placement
 * we will need to rebuild the range records
    if (update_crg) {

    pghdlb_select (&el, location);

    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_DRAG, MMHINT_DONE);
Example #6
static void _pgmvcp_elDropEh ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
							Boolean *ctdr )
 * _pgmvcp_elDropEh                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function is the callback for a drop on a selected element.      *
 *                                                                      *
 * static void _pgmvcp_elDropEh (w, clnt, event, ctdr)			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      w               Widget          Parent widget                   *
 *      clnt		XtPointer       State information record        *
 *      *event          XEvent          Button press event record       *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/97   Modified to handle Special Text         *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        07/97   Remove offsets when replacing text.     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       07/97   Fixed drag with special text problem    *
 * E. Wehner/EAi        08/97   Remove watch box slide                  *
 * C. Lin/EAI            8/97   Add offsets for 'S' coord(roam)         *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP      9/97   Combine into NxmDraw for new vgstruct.h *
 * E. Wehner/EAi         9/97   Remove graphics info record             *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   rename from NxmDrSlDropCb, cleanup      *
 * C. Lin/EAi           10/97   add WBOX_ELEM related functions         *
 * C. Lin/EAi           11/97   further cleanup                         *
 * E. Safford/GSC       02/98   add _storedEl for undo function         *
 * S. Law/GSC           04/98   added copy function                     *
 * E. Safford/GSC       04/98   added FUNC_SELECT to FUNC_MOVE ops      *
 * S. Law/GSC           05/98   cleaned up drag, added group box        *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   mod for new undo routines               *
 * E. Safford/GSC       05/98   move to nmap_pgmvcp.c                   *
 * E. Safford/GSC       06/98   split from mvcpDrop.c                   *
 * G. Krueger/EAI       06/98   Uniform status hints                    *
 * E. Safford/GSC       07/98   reset _dcN for closed figures           *
 * C. Lin/EAI       	08/98   fix ghosting problem & reset _dragCount *
 * G. Krueger/EAI	09/98	Added ghost veiling			*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	10/98	Using table for hints			*
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/98	modify refresh to limit area affected	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 4/99	remove call to pgwlst_update		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	11/00	wipe the county list for watches     	*
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed for the new undo design         *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          11/00   changed cvg_rdrec() parameters          *
 * A. Hardy/GSC         11/00   renamed coordinate system declaration   *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          12/00   modified for multiple undo steps        *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/01	add layer in crg_set() call		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		01/02	add layer in crg_get() call		*
 * T. Lee/SAIC          11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvg_getworkfile			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		11/03	adjust jet barb/hash position		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		02/04	adjust gfa attribute box position	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		07/04	add filter param. to crg_get()		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		07/04	free GFA block memory			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		02/05	add a call to snap for GFA		*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	06/05	allow smear to get smaller on edit	*
 * S. Danz/AWC		07/06	Added new cvg_delet placement argument	*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   New flag to pgvgf_saveNewElm to place el*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   Updated to use cvg_checkplace to find   *
 * 				area impacted and call crg_rebuild()    *
 * S. Danz/AWC          02/07   Add logic to update GFA centroid 	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        07/09   Add code to update CCF centroid         *
int         location, ier, currfunc, new_location, num, layer, el_layer;
int         found, update_crg, one = 1;
float       llx, lly, urx, ury; 
float       x_cntr, y_cntr, c_lat, c_lon, area;
float       o_llx, o_lly, o_urx, o_ury, inf_bbox[4];
char	    value[32];
VG_DBStruct el, del_el;
filter_t    filter;

    _dragCount = 0;

    if ( _wboxElm )  {
	pgwpts_setSnap (TRUE);
	_pgmvcp_wboxCalc ( );

    if (!_midDrag)

    _midDrag = FALSE;

    update_crg = 0;

    currfunc = pgpalw_getCurOperId();

    location = pgactv_getElmLoc();
    cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &el, &ier);

    crg_getinx (location, &num, &ier);
    crg_get (num, &el_layer, filter, &o_llx, &o_lly, &o_urx, &o_ury, &ier);
    pghdlb_deselectEl (location, FALSE); 

    if ((currfunc == FUNC_MOVE) || (currfunc == FUNC_SELECT)) {

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the delete, and get the area of influence back
        cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), location, &del_el, &ier);
        cvg_checkplace(&del_el, 1, location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
        if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
            o_llx = G_MIN(o_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
            o_lly = G_MIN(o_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
            o_urx = G_MAX(o_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
            o_ury = G_MAX(o_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
            update_crg = 1;

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
        if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &del_el );
        else if ( del_el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeElPtr ( &del_el );

 *  delete old element
	cvg_delet (cvg_getworkfile(), location, TRUE, &ier);
	crg_clear (num, &ier);
        pgundo_storeThisLoc(location, UNDO_DEL, &ier);

    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == WBOX_ELM )  {

        pgwbxw_getAnchor ( 0, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0id,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0lt, &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0ln,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0dis, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a0dir,
                        &ier );

        pgwbxw_getAnchor ( 1, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1id,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1lt, &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1ln,
                        &el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1dis, el.elem.wbx.info.w_a1dir,
                        &ier );

 *  Wipe the county list
 	el.elem.wbx.info.numcnty = 0;

 *  adjust jet barb/hash position accordingly
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == JET_ELM )  {
        _pgmvcp_jetCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == SIGCCF_ELM ) {
      _pgmvcp_ccfCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );
      gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, 
		 &(el.elem.ccf.latlon[0]), &(el.elem.ccf.latlon[_dcN]), &ier,
		 strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );
      _dcN = el.elem.ccf.info.npts;
      cvg_todev ( &el, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, &ier );
      if ( el.hdr.closed ) {
        cgr_centroid ( _dcX, _dcY, &_dcN, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &area, &ier );
      } else {
        x_cntr = _dcX[0] ;
        y_cntr = _dcY[0] ;
      gtrans( sys_D, sys_M, &one, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &c_lat, &c_lon, &ier, 
	    strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) 
      el.elem.ccf.info.arrowlat = c_lat;
      el.elem.ccf.info.arrowlon = c_lon;
 *  adjust GFA attribute box position accordingly
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {

        _pgmvcp_gfaCalc ( &el, 0, 0, False );

	gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, 
		 &(el.elem.gfa.latlon[0]), &(el.elem.gfa.latlon[_dcN]), &ier,
		 strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );

	pgsmear_snapEl ( FALSE, &el, &ier );

	_dcN = el.elem.gfa.info.npts;

	cvg_todev( &el, &_dcN, _dcX, _dcY, &ier );

	if ( pggfaw_isClosed() ) {
	    cgr_centroid( _dcX, _dcY, &_dcN, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &area, &ier );
	} else {
	    x_cntr = _dcX[ 0 ];
	    y_cntr = _dcY[ 0 ];
	gtrans( sys_D, sys_M, &one, &x_cntr, &y_cntr, &c_lat, &c_lon, &ier, 
	    strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) 

	sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", c_lat );
	cvg_setFld ( &el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LAT, value, &ier );
	sprintf ( value, "%7.2f", c_lon );
	cvg_setFld ( &el, TAG_GFA_ARROW_LON, value, &ier );
 *  save new element
    pgvgf_saveNewElm(NULL, sys_D, &el, _dcN, _dcX, _dcY, FALSE, 
    		&new_location, &ier);
    pgundo_storeThisLoc (new_location, UNDO_ADD, &ier);
 * Free TCA/GFA memory
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), new_location, &el, &ier);
    layer = pglayer_getCurLayer( );
    crg_set (&el, new_location, layer, &ier);
    pgactv_setActvElm (&el, new_location);

    crg_getinx (new_location, &num, &ier);
    crg_get(num, &el_layer, filter, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier);

    if (o_llx < llx)
        llx = o_llx;
    if (o_lly < lly)
        lly = o_lly;
    if (o_urx > urx)
        urx = o_urx;
    if (o_ury > ury)
        ury = o_ury;

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the new element, and get the area of influence back
    cvg_checkplace(&el, 0, new_location, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
    if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
 * placement was bigger than the area passed in
        llx = G_MIN(llx, inf_bbox[0]);
        lly = G_MIN(lly, inf_bbox[2]);
        urx = G_MAX(urx, inf_bbox[1]);
        ury = G_MAX(ury, inf_bbox[3]);
        update_crg = 1;

    xpgpaste (llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
    cvg_rfrsh (NULL, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);

 * If we may have impacted other elements with placement
 * we will need to rebuild the range records
    if (update_crg) {

    pghdlb_select (&el, new_location);

 * Free TCA/GFA memory
    if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
            cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
        cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_DRAG, MMHINT_DONE);
Example #7
void wbc_area ( char *locnam, char *vorstr, int len, char *areastr, 
                int *iret )
 * wbc_area                                                    		*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function converts the VOR stations string to the VOR watch area *
 * string,containing distance, direction, county names and state ids.	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input example:							*
 *   17 WNW DEC;26 E FAM;26 WNW FAM;55 SSE COU;22 NNW UIN;47 ENE UIN;	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output example:							*
 *   IL..TO 47 ENE OF QUINCY, IL.					*
 *                                                                      *
 * wbc_area ( locnam, vorstr, len, areastr, iret )   			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	*locnam		char	Locator type				*
 *	*vorstr		char	Polygon text string			*
 *	len		int	Max length of 'areastr'			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*areastr	char	Polygon area text string		*
 *	*iret		int	Return value				*
 *			           -5 = VORSTR too big 			*
 *									*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	 5/03   From VF_AREA				*
	int	ii, nstn, maxlen, nstr, np, icnt, ier, exp, max, len1;
	char    tmpstr[420], holdstr[200], qstate[1], pstn[180]; 
	char    arrgrp[15], **aryvor, county[30], state[3];
    *iret = 0;
    np = 1;
    icnt = 1;
    max  = 6;
    exp  = 4;
    qstate[0] = '\0';
    tmpstr[0] = '\0';
    maxlen = sizeof(pstn);

    if ( strcmp ( locnam, "VOR") != 0 ) {
        *iret = -2;
    cst_lstr ( vorstr, &len1, &ier );
    if ( len1 >= 400 ) {
        *iret = -5;

    * Set up the memory space to break up the VOR area string.

    clo_init ( &ier );

    aryvor = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * 4);
    for ( ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ ) {
        aryvor[ii] = (char *) malloc(6) ;

    *  Get the city and state of the VOR station.

    for ( ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) {

        vorstr = (char *) cst_split ( vorstr, ';', 12, arrgrp, &ier);

        cst_clst ( arrgrp, ' ', " ", exp, max, aryvor, &nstr, &ier);

	if ( nstr == 3 ) {

            clo_findstn ( locnam, aryvor[2], qstate, np, maxlen,
                      &nstn, pstn, &ier);

	else if ( nstr == 2) {
            clo_findstn ( locnam, aryvor[1], qstate, np, maxlen,
                      &nstn, pstn, &ier);

	cst_gtag ( "NAME", pstn, " ", county, &ier );
	cst_gtag ( "ST", pstn, " ", state, &ier );
	cst_rnan (county, county, &ier);

        * Create the watch area string.

        holdstr[0] = '\0';

	if ( icnt < 6 ) {
	    if ( strcmp ( aryvor[0], "..") != 0 ) {
	        sprintf( holdstr," %s %s OF %s, %s..TO ",aryvor[0], 
	                 aryvor[1], county, state);
	    else {
		 * Print string for zero distance and no direction.
	        sprintf( holdstr," %s, %s..TO ", county, state);
	else {
	    if ( strcmp ( aryvor[0], "..") != 0 ) {
	        sprintf( holdstr," %s %s OF %s, %s.",aryvor[0], aryvor[1],
	             county, state);
	    else {
		 * Print string for zero distance and no direction.
	        sprintf( holdstr," %s, %s.", county, state);
        cst_ncat ( tmpstr, holdstr, &len1, &ier);

    len1 = G_MIN ( len, (int)strlen(tmpstr) );
    cst_ncpy( areastr, tmpstr, len1, &ier);

    * Free memory space.

    for ( ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ ) {
        free ( aryvor[ii] );
    free ( aryvor);
Example #8
void pglpfw_loadLPF ( int *iret )
 * pglpfw_loadLPF							*
 *									*
 * This function opens a LP file and load the VG files into different	*
 * layers by the specified color, fill modes, and group types. If the	*
 * the VG file does not exist, it will be created.			*
 *									*
 * void pglpfw_loadLPF ( iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *   *iret		int	 	 0 = normal 			*
 *					-1 = no file name		*
 *					-2 = error on read		*
 * Return parameters:							*
 *			NONE						*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		04/02						*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		05/02	added layer display mode		*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	06/02	param change to ctb_lygetname		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/02	fix the crashing from multi-exposures	*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	03/03   removed one call to pglayer_setDefGrp() *
 * E. Safford/SAIC	04/04	ChngMade flag TRUE if outfile specified	*
    Widget	curwid;
    char	fname[FILE_FULLSZ], vfile[FILE_FULLSZ];

    char	outfile[FILE_FULLSZ];
    char	path[LLPATH];

    char	gtype[10], ugtype[10], laynam[10], mode[4], umode[4];
    char	cmode[5], ucmode[5], *cptr;
    int		ipos, ier, ier1, ntop, icolr, layer_num;
    int		ii, grpid;

    Boolean	can_open, outfile_ok;


    *iret      = 0;
    can_open   = FALSE;
    outfile_ok = FALSE;

    if ( strlen(_fileName) <= (size_t)0 ) {
	*iret = -1;
    else {
        strcpy (fname, _dirPath);
        strcat (fname, _fileName);

        cst_srch ( 0, strlen(fname), ".lpf", fname, &ipos, &ier );
        if ( ier == -4 ) {
	    strcat(fname, ".lpf");

     *  Open the layer product file.
    ctb_lyrd ( fname, &ntop, &ier );

    if ( ntop < 0 || ier < 0 ) { 
	er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ier, fname, &ier1, 3, strlen(fname) );
   	pglayer_setChngMade ( 0, FALSE );
	*iret = -2;

     * Prompt error message if default is used.
    else if ( ier > 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ier, " ", &ier1, 3, 1 );

     *  Delete all records and clear drawing area

     *  Store the LPF into layer structure.
    ntop = G_MIN ( ntop, MAX_LAYERS );
    curwid = pgpalw_getOperWid ( FUNC_LAYER );
    pgpalw_setCurOper ( curwid );
    pgpalw_actvLayer ( False );
    for ( ii = 0; ii < ntop; ii++ ) {

	 * Set color mode.
	ctb_lygetcmode ( ii, cmode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( cmode, ucmode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp ( ucmode, "MONO" ) == 0 )  {
	    pglayer_setDsplClr ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setDsplClr ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set color ID.
	ctb_lygetcolor ( ii, &icolr, &ier );

	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setMonoClr ( ii, icolr );
	else {
	    icolr = 19;
	    pglayer_setMonoClr ( ii, icolr );

	 * Get the output VG file name
	outfile_ok = FALSE;
        ctb_lygetoutfile( ii, outfile, &ier );

	if ( strlen( outfile ) > (size_t)0 ) {

	     * Check if the outfile is valid VG file. If the file does not exist,
	     * create it. If the file is invalid, an error message is generated. 
	     * The outfile_ok flag signals a good outfile condition.  Otherwise 
	     * we have no outfile available.
	    cvg_valid ( outfile, &ier );
            if ( ier >= 0 ) {
                outfile_ok = TRUE;
	        if ( ier > 0 ) {
	            cvg_crvgf( outfile, &ier );
		    ier = 2;
		    er_wmsg( "CVG", &ier, outfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(outfile) );
	    else {
	        er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, outfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));

	 * Set input VG file name.
	ctb_lygetfile ( ii, vfile, &ier );

	 * Check if this is a valid VG file. 
	 * If the file does not exist, and we did not find a file and there, 
	 * is no specified output file, then create one.  If the file is 
	 * invalid, an error message is written out.
	cvg_valid ( vfile, &ier );
	if ( ier >= 0 ) {
	    can_open = TRUE;
	    if ( ier > 0 && !outfile_ok ) {
		cvg_crvgf ( vfile, &ier );
		ier = 2;
	    	er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, vfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));
	else {
	    can_open = FALSE;
	    er_wmsg ( "CVG", &ier, vfile, &ier1, 3, strlen(vfile));

	if ( (cptr = strrchr (vfile, '/') ) == (char *) NULL) {
	    pglayer_setFileName ( ii, vfile );
	    strcpy (path, "./");
	else {
	    pglayer_setFileName ( ii, cptr );
	    cptr[0] = '\0';
	    strcpy ( path, vfile );
	pglayer_setFilePath ( ii, path );

	 * Set group type.
	ctb_lygetgrptyp ( ii, gtype, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( gtype, ugtype, &ier1 );
	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    ces_gtgid ( ugtype, &grpid, &ier1 );

            if ( ier1 == 0 ) {
	         pglayer_setDefGrp ( ii, grpid );

	 * Set fill mode.
	ctb_lygetfmode ( ii, mode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( mode, umode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp (umode, "OFF") == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setFill ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setFill ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set display mode.
	ctb_lygetdsply ( ii, mode, &ier );
	cst_lcuc ( mode, umode, &ier1 );
	if ( strcmp (umode, "OFF") == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setDsplOn ( ii, FALSE );
	else {
	    pglayer_setDsplOn ( ii, TRUE );

	 * Set layer name.
	ctb_lygetname ( ii, sizeof(laynam), laynam, &ier );
	if ( ier == 0 ) {
	    pglayer_setName ( ii, laynam );
	 * Prepare to draw in a new layer.
	pglpfw_prepLPF ( ii );
	 * Reset flags for change mode.
  	pglayer_setChngMade ( ii, FALSE );

	 * Load VG files.
	if ( can_open ) {
	    pgfilw_openVGF (FALSE, &ier);

	 *  If the outfile_ok is true, then reset the file name for the layer. 
	 *  Also, since there is a specified output file in the lpf, set the 
	 *  save flag so any save to it is done without the initial Save As.
	if ( outfile_ok ) {
	    if ( (cptr = strrchr (outfile, '/') ) == (char *) NULL) {
	        pglayer_setFileName ( ii, outfile );
	        strcpy (path, "./");
	    else {
	        pglayer_setFileName ( ii, cptr );
	        cptr[0] = '\0';
	        strcpy ( path, outfile );
	    pglayer_setFilePath ( ii, path );
  	    pglayer_setChngMade ( ii, TRUE );
            pglayer_setFileSaved( ii, True );

     * If reaching MAX_LAYERS, set "ADD LAYER" button insensitive.
    layer_num = pglayer_getNumLayers();
    if ( layer_num == MAX_LAYERS ) {
        pgpalw_setBtnSntv ( FUNC_LAYER, FALSE );        
     *  Bring up the layering window.
    pglayrw_manageLayers ();
Example #9
void pggrpch_chngGrp ( void )
 * pggrpch_chngGrp							*
 *									*
 * Change the group type of the elements according to instructions on   *
 * VG Group Change Window.                                              *
 *									*
 * void pggrpch_chngGrp ()						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * Return:								*
 *			NONE						*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * H. Zeng/EAI          05/01	initial coding				*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		12/01	add layer in crg_set() call		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		01/02	change only groups on current layer	*
 * H. Zeng/EAI          03/02   renamed for new nmap_pggrpch file       *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          05/02   modified to use master group type list  *
 * T. Lee/SAIC          11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 * T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvg_getworkfile			*
 * J. Wu/SAIC         	07/04   add filter param to crg_get		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   added code to free TCA memory           *
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   changed pgtca_freeBkpts to cvg_freeBkpts*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           10/04   free GFA block memory			*
 * S. Danz/AWC		07/06	Added new cvg_delet placement argument	*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   New flag to pgvgf_saveNewElm to place el*
 * S. Danz/AWC          08/06   Updated to use cvg_checkplace to find   *
 * 				area impacted and call crg_rebuild()    *
    int		el_num, new_num, el_loc, extra = 5, dest_grpnum;
    int		ori_grpnum, ier2, elN, new_location, ii, selection, iret;
    int         grpid, cur_layer, el_layer, pl_found, update_crg;
    float	llx, lly, urx, ury, m_llx, m_lly, m_urx, m_ury;
    float       *elX, *elY, inf_bbox[4];
    char	ori_grptyp, dest_grptyp, ori_grpnam[20], dest_grpnam[20];
    Boolean     found;
    VG_DBStruct	el;
    struct convertTblStrc  *convert_tbl, *ptr, *ptr_prev;
    filter_t	filter;

    m_llx = 999999.0F;
    m_lly = 999999.0F;
    m_urx = 0.0F;
    m_ury = 0.0F;

    convert_tbl = NULL;
    ptr   = NULL;
    ptr_prev    = NULL;
    update_crg = 0;

    cur_layer = pglayer_getCurLayer( );
    for (el_num = 0; el_num < MAX_EDITABLE_ELEMS; el_num++) {
	crg_goffset (el_num, &el_loc, &ier2);
	el_layer = crg_getLayer ( el_loc );

         * Skip cleared range record or those not on current layer.
	if (el_loc == -1 || el_layer != cur_layer) {

 	crg_ggrp (el_num, &ori_grptyp, &ori_grpnum, &ier2);	

	if (ori_grpnum && ori_grptyp != GRPTYP_OTHERS
                       && ori_grptyp != GRPTYP_COMSYM
                       && ori_grptyp != GRPTYP_WATCH
                       && ori_grptyp != GRPTYP_CCF     ) {

            ces_gtgnam((int)ori_grptyp, ori_grpnam, &ier2);
            for( ii = 0; ii < _numCurGrp; ii++ ) {
	       if(strcmp(_curGrpStr[ii], ori_grpnam) == 0) {
                 selection = ii + 1;

            if(ii < _numCurGrp && 
               _chngToStrc.chng_flag[selection] == TRUE) {

                      _chngToStr[ _chngToStrc.current[selection]-1 ]);
               ces_gtgid(dest_grpnam, &grpid, &ier2);
               dest_grptyp = (char)grpid;

               /* Search on conversion table to see if there is entry
                * that has the same ori_grptyp, ori_grpnum and dest_grptyp.
                * If yes, get dest_grpnum from there.
               found = FALSE;
               ptr = convert_tbl;
               while(ptr != NULL) {
		     if(ori_grptyp == ptr->ori_grptyp &&
                        dest_grptyp== ptr->dest_grptyp&&
                        ori_grpnum == ptr->ori_grpnum    ) {

                        dest_grpnum = ptr->dest_grpnum;
                        found = TRUE;
                     ptr = ptr->next;

                * If not found on conversion table, get next available
                * group number. Add new entry into conversion table.
               if(!found) {
                  crg_ggnxt(dest_grptyp, &dest_grpnum, &ier2);

                  if(convert_tbl == NULL) {
                     convert_tbl = (struct convertTblStrc*)malloc(
                                    sizeof(struct convertTblStrc)  );

                     convert_tbl->ori_grptyp = ori_grptyp;
                     convert_tbl->dest_grptyp= dest_grptyp;
                     convert_tbl->ori_grpnum = ori_grpnum;
                     convert_tbl->dest_grpnum= dest_grpnum;
                     convert_tbl->next       = NULL;
                     convert_tbl->prev       = NULL;
                  else {
                     ptr = convert_tbl;
		     while(ptr->next != NULL) ptr = ptr->next;
                     ptr->next = (struct convertTblStrc*)malloc(
                                    sizeof(struct convertTblStrc)  );
                     ptr_prev  = ptr;
                     ptr = ptr->next;

                     ptr->ori_grptyp = ori_grptyp;
                     ptr->dest_grptyp= dest_grptyp;
                     ptr->ori_grpnum = ori_grpnum;
                     ptr->dest_grpnum= dest_grpnum;
                     ptr->next       = NULL;
                     ptr->prev       = ptr_prev;

               } /* the end of if(!found... */

	       cvg_rdrec (cvg_getworkfile(), el_loc, &el, &ier2);

                * Create a copy of the element with new group info,
	       pgactv_setActvElm ( &el, el_loc);
               pgactv_getDevPts (&elN, &elX, &elY);
               pgvgf_saveNewElm(NULL, sys_D, &el, 
                     elN, elX, elY, FALSE, &new_location, &iret);
               cvg_setginf(cvg_getworkfile(), new_location, 
                           dest_grptyp, dest_grpnum, &iret);

                * Free TCA/GFA memory
               if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                  cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
	       else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                   cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );
               cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), new_location, &el, &iret);
               crg_set (&el, new_location, cur_layer, &iret);
	       crg_getinx (new_location, &new_num, &iret);
	       crg_get(new_num, &el_layer, filter, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &iret);

	       if (m_llx > llx)
                   m_llx = llx;
               if (m_lly > lly)
                   m_lly = lly;
               if (m_urx < urx)
                   m_urx = urx;
               if (m_ury < ury)
                   m_ury = ury;

                * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
                * the new element, and get the area of influence back
	       cvg_checkplace(&el, 0, new_location, &pl_found, inf_bbox, &iret);
               if (pl_found > 0) {
                    * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
                    * placement is bigger 
                   m_llx = G_MIN(m_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
                   m_lly = G_MIN(m_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
                   m_urx = G_MAX(m_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
                   m_ury = G_MAX(m_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
                   update_crg = 1;

                * Free TCA/GFA memory
               if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                   cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
	       else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                   cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );
                                UNDO_ADD, &iret);

                * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
                * the delete, and get the area of influence back
               cvg_rdrec(cvg_getworkfile(), el_loc, &el, &iret);
	       cvg_checkplace(&el, 1, el_loc, &pl_found, inf_bbox, &iret);
               if (pl_found > 0) {
                    * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by
                    * placement is bigger 
                   m_llx = G_MIN(m_llx, inf_bbox[0]);
                   m_lly = G_MIN(m_lly, inf_bbox[2]);
                   m_urx = G_MAX(m_urx, inf_bbox[1]);
                   m_ury = G_MAX(m_ury, inf_bbox[3]);
                   update_crg = 1;

                * Free TCA/GFA memory
               if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                   cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
	       else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                   cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

                * Mark the original element as deleted.
               cvg_delet(cvg_getworkfile(), el_loc, TRUE, &ier2);
	       crg_get (el_num, &el_layer, filter, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier2);
	       if (m_llx > llx)
                   m_llx = llx;
               if (m_lly > lly)
                   m_lly = lly;
               if (m_urx < urx)
                   m_urx = urx;
               if (m_ury < ury)
                   m_ury = ury;

               crg_clear(el_num, &ier2);
	       pgundo_storeThisLoc (el_loc, UNDO_DEL, &ier2);

            } /* the end of if(ii < _numCurGrp ... ) */

	} /* the end of if (ori_grpnum &&... */ 

    } /* for (el_num = 0 ... */

    m_llx -= (float)extra;
    m_lly -= (float)extra;
    m_urx += (float)extra;
    m_ury += (float)extra;
    xpgpaste (m_llx, m_lly, m_urx, m_ury, &ier2);
    cvg_rfrsh (NULL, m_llx, m_lly, m_urx, m_ury, &ier2); 

     * If we may have impacted other elements with placement
     * we will need to rebuild the range records
    if (update_crg) {

     * Free conversion table
    if(convert_tbl != NULL) {

       ptr = convert_tbl;
       while(ptr->next != NULL) ptr = ptr->next;
       do {
            ptr_prev = ptr->prev;
            ptr = ptr_prev;
       while(ptr != NULL);


Example #10
void clo_from ( int vgtype, int reorder, int npin, int flag, float *lat, 
			float *lon, int maxchar, char *str, int *iret )
 * clo_from                                                    		*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function returns a "from" line given a series of lat-lon	*
 * coordinates.  The format of the "from" line is determined by vgtype.	*
 * The parameter reorder is an indicator whether the points consist of	*
 * an area which is closed and the points should be re-ordered in a	*
 * clockwise fashion, if necessary, and that the first point listed in	*
 * the "from" line is the northernmost point.  The flag parameter 	*
 * indicates whether lat-lon coordinates in International SIGMETs are to*
 * be formatted with direction prepended (flag==0) or with direction	*
 * postpended (flag==1)	or as VOR (flag==2).				*
 *                                                                      *
 * clo_from ( vgtype, reorder, npin, flag, lat, lon, maxchar,           *
 * 	      str, iret )						*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	vgtype		int		VG type of "from" line		*
 *	reorder		int		VG reorder of "from" line	*
 *	npin		int		Number of points		*
 *	flag		int		Flag for coordinate format	*
 *	*lat		float		Latitudes			*
 *	*lon		float		Longitudes			*
 *	maxchar		int		Maximum number of chars in str	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*str		char		"From" line string		*
 *	*iret		int		Return value			*
 *					=  0 - OK			*
 *									*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 7/99	Create					*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 9/99	Sort area types northernmost & clockwise*
 * M. Li/GSC		10/99	Modified clo_direct and clo_compass code*
 * A. Hardy/GSC         12/99   Added flag for lat/lon                  *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	12/99	Added processing for WSM_ELM vgtype	*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 8/00	Made intl sig lat/lon at least 4 digits *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 2/01	Changed units of WSM from NM to SM	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 5/01	Simplified conversion of DD to DM	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 5/01	Added chk of pt order for SIGTYP_LINE	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 6/01	Change criteria for line point ordering	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	10/01	Change meaning of flag for intl sigmets	*
 * 				from dd or dms to pre or post ordinate	*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC  9/02 	remove portion of the code duplicating  *
 *				function clo_reorder;			*
 *				add call to clo_reorder			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	10/02	Increased np for area type		*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 1/04	Handled VOR format for intl SIGMETs.	*
 *				Updated and corrected prolog about flag.*
 * J. Lewis/AWC		 3/05   Added chk for new from line format      *
 * J. Lewis/AWC		 6/05   remove reference to LLMXPT		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		 6/05	increase indx size by 1 besause of np++	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 7/05	Add NEW_VAA_LATLON_FORMAT and VAA type	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 9/05	Add break to WSM case before VAA	*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		10/05	Add separator flags for GFAs		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		 1/06	remove the space around hyphen		*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	11/06	Explicit processing for GFAs		*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	01/07	clo_tmatch for GFAs, not clo_tclosest	*
 * K. Tyle/UAlbany      11/10   Increased dimension of prefs_tag	*	
int	ii, jj, idist, np, ier, icmp;
float	dist, dir, minlat, maxlat, dlat;
char	tstr[8], id[9], dir16[4], prefs_tag[22];
char	vaafmt[20], vaasep[8];
int	*indx;
int     lattmp, lontmp;
int	line_order, reverse, format_type;
Boolean newcoord, newvaacoord;
int	n_nms, nclose;
char	nm[17];
float	GFAtol=GFA_TOL;

	*iret = 0;

	str[0] = '\0';

	 * Check if the new coordinate format is to be used.
	strcpy ( prefs_tag, "NEW_LATLON_FORMAT" );
	ctb_pfbool ( prefs_tag, &newcoord, &ier );

	strcpy ( prefs_tag, "NEW_VAA_LATLON_FORMAT" );
	ctb_pfbool ( prefs_tag, &newvaacoord, &ier );
	 *  Allocate memory.
	G_MALLOC ( indx, int, npin + 1, "CLO_FROM" );

	np = npin;
	for ( jj = 0; jj < np; jj++ )  indx[jj] = jj;

	if ( reorder == SIGTYP_AREA )  {
            clo_reorder( np, lat, lon, indx, iret );
	else if ( reorder == SIGTYP_LINE )  {

	     *  If reorder is a line, re-order processing of
	     *  points to do either west-to-east or north-to-south.
	     *  West-to-east defined as all points within W2ELIM
	     *  degrees of one another.

            minlat = lat[0];
            maxlat = minlat;
            for ( jj = 1; jj < np; jj++ )  {
                minlat = G_MIN ( minlat, lat[jj] );
                maxlat = G_MAX ( maxlat, lat[jj] );
            dlat = G_ABS( maxlat - minlat );

            line_order = N2S;
            if ( dlat <= W2ELIM )  line_order = W2E;

            reverse = G_FALSE;
            if ( line_order == N2S && lat[0] < lat[np-1] )
                reverse = G_TRUE;
            if ( line_order == W2E && lon[0] > lon[np-1] )
                reverse = G_TRUE;

            if ( reverse )  {
                for ( jj = 0; jj < np; jj++ )  indx[jj] = np-1-jj;


	 *  Set format_type.

	if ( vgtype == SIGINTL_ELM ) {
	     *	International SIGMET
	    if ( flag != 2 )
		format_type = LATLON;
		format_type = VOR_FMT;
	  else if ( vgtype == SIGNCON_ELM || vgtype == SIGCONV_ELM ||
	    	    vgtype == SIGOUTL_ELM || vgtype == SIGAIRM_ELM )
	     *	Non-Convective SIGMET, Convective SIGMET,
	     *	Convective Outlook
	    format_type = VOR_FMT;
	  else if ( vgtype == GFA_ELM )
	     *	AIRMET
	    format_type = GFA_FMT;
	  else if ( vgtype == WSM_ELM )
	     *	Watch Status Message
	    format_type = WSM;
	  else if ( vgtype == VOLC_ELM || vgtype == ASHCLD_ELM )
	     *	VAA volcano and ash clouds.
	    format_type = VAA;
	    format_type = IMISSD;

	 *  Loop through all the points using the indx array.
	for ( jj = 0; jj < np; jj++ )  {

	    ii = indx[jj];

	    switch ( format_type )  {

		case	LATLON:		/* latitude/longitude display */
					/* eg., 3913N7705W 4134N8120W */
					/* eg., N3913W07705 N4134W08120 */

		    if ( jj != 0 )  strcat ( str, " " );

		    if ( flag == 0 ) {

		        if ( ( newcoord == G_TRUE ) && ( jj != 0 ) ) strcat ( str, "- " );
		        if ( lat[ii] >= 0.0F )
			    strcat ( str, "N" );
		            strcat ( str, "S" );

	                 *  Convert degree, decimal to degree, minutes.
		        lattmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lat[ii] ) );
		        sprintf( tstr, "%04d", lattmp );

		        strcat ( str, tstr );
		        if ( newcoord == G_TRUE )  strcat ( str, " " );

		        if ( lon[ii] >= 0.0F )
			    strcat ( str, "E" );
		            strcat ( str, "W" );

	                 *  Convert degree, decimal to degree, minutes.
		        lontmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lon[ii] ) );
		        sprintf( tstr, "%05d", lontmp );

		        strcat ( str, tstr );

		    else  {

	                 *  Convert degree, decimal to degree, minutes.
		        lattmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lat[ii] ) );

		        sprintf( tstr, "%04d", lattmp );

		        strcat ( str, tstr );

		        if ( lat[ii] >= 0.0F )
			    strcat ( str, "N" );
		            strcat ( str, "S" );

	                 *  Convert degree, decimal to degree, minutes.
		        lontmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lon[ii] ) );
		        sprintf( tstr, "%05d", lontmp );

		        strcat ( str, tstr );

		        if ( lon[ii] >= 0.0F )
			    strcat ( str, "E" );
		            strcat ( str, "W" );



		case	VOR_FMT:	/* distance and 16-pt compass   */
					/* to closest VOR point		*/
					/* eg., 20SSW EMI TO 20ENE CLE	*/

		    clo_tdirect( "VOR", lat[ii], lon[ii], id, 
				 &dist, &dir, &ier );

		    clo_compass ( &dir, dir16, &icmp, &ier );

		     *  Round distance to the nearest 10 nautical miles;
		     *  If convective outlook and less than 30 nm, set to 0.
		    idist = G_NINT ( dist * M2NM / 10.0F ) * 10;
		    if ( vgtype == SIGOUTL_ELM && idist < 30 )  idist = 0;

		    if ( jj > 0 )  {
			 *  Different separators for different products.
			if ( vgtype == SIGCONV_ELM || vgtype == SIGOUTL_ELM ||
			     vgtype == SIGINTL_ELM ) 
			    strcat ( str, "-" );
		        else if ( vgtype == SIGAIRM_ELM || vgtype == SIGNCON_ELM )
			    strcat ( str, " TO " );

		    if ( idist != 0 )  {
			sprintf( tstr, "%d", idist );
			strcat ( str, tstr );
			if ( vgtype == SIGINTL_ELM ) strcat ( str, " " );
			strcat ( str, dir16 );
		        strcat ( str, " " );

		    strcat ( str, id );


		case	GFA_FMT:	/* closest SNAP point		*/

		     * Use clo_tmatch since all points are already snapped
		    clo_tmatch( "SNAP", lat[ii], lon[ii], GFAtol, &ier );

		    if ( ier != 0 )  {
			nclose = 1;
			clo_tclosest( "SNAP", lat[ii], lon[ii], nclose, &ier );

		    clo_tgnm ( "SNAP", 1, (sizeof(nm)-1), &n_nms, nm, &ier );

		    cst_rpst ( nm, "_", " ", nm, &ier );

		    if ( jj > 0 )  {
		        if ( flag == SEPARATOR_TO )  {
			    strcat ( str, " TO " );
		        else if ( flag == SEPARATOR_DASH )  {
			    strcat ( str, "-" );

		    strcat ( str, nm );


		case	WSM:		/* Watch status messages	*/
					/* SM distance and 16-pt compass*/
					/* to closest ANCHOR point	*/
					/* eg., 10 N DCA TO 20 NW HGR	*/

		    clo_tdirect( "ANCHOR", lat[ii], lon[ii], id, 
				 &dist, &dir, &ier );

		    clo_compass ( &dir, dir16, &icmp, &ier );

		     *  Round distance to the nearest 5 statute miles.
		    idist = G_NINT ( dist * M2SM / 5.0F ) * 5;

		    if ( jj > 0 )  strcat ( str, " TO " );

		    if ( idist != 0 )  {
			sprintf( tstr, "%d ", idist );
			strcat ( str, tstr );
			strcat ( str, dir16 );
		        strcat ( str, " " );

		    strcat ( str, id );


		case	VAA:		/* VAA volcano and ash clouds	*/

		    if ( newvaacoord == G_FALSE )  {
			strcpy ( vaafmt, "%s%04d%s%05d" );
			strcpy ( vaasep, " - " );
		    else if ( newvaacoord == G_TRUE )  {
			strcpy ( vaafmt, "%s%04d %s%05d" );
			strcpy ( vaasep, " - " );

	             *  Convert degree, decimal to degree, minutes.
		    lattmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lat[ii] ) );
		    lontmp = DDTODM ( G_ABS( lon[ii] ) );
		    sprintf( tstr, vaafmt, 
			    ( lat[ii] >= 0.0F ) ? "N" : "S", lattmp,
			    ( lon[ii] >= 0.0F ) ? "E" : "W", lontmp );

		    strcat ( str, tstr );
		    if ( jj < (np-1) )  strcat ( str, vaasep );



	G_FREE ( indx, int );

Example #11
void db_setsubgnav ( float lllat, float lllon, float urlat, float urlon, int *iret )
 * db_setsubgnav                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This subroutine initializes internal sub grid navigation.            *
 * dgc_setsubgnav (lllat, lllon, urlat, urlon, irer )                   *
 * Input parameters:                                                    * 
 * 		lllat     float     Lower left latitude                 *
 *              lllon     float     Lower left Longitude               *
 *              urlat     float     Upper right latitude                *
 *              urlon     float     Upper right Longitude              *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *             *iret      int        Return code                        *
 *                                        0 = normal return             *
 *                                      -46 = invalid grid point        *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * X. Guo       12/04               Initial                             *
     int nc,ier;
     char gprj[5];
     float rltmin, rlnmin, rltmax, rlnmax;
     float  dlatll, dlonll, dlatur, dlonur;
     *iret = 0;
     cst_itos ( (int *)&_dgsubg.refnav[1], 1, &nc, gprj, &ier );
     cst_rmbl ( gprj, gprj, &nc, &ier );
      * Define sub-grid area
    rltmin = G_MIN ( lllat, urlat );
    rlnmin = G_MIN ( lllon, urlon );
    rltmax = G_MAX ( lllat, urlat );
    rlnmax = G_MAX ( lllon, urlon );
     * Take care of the sub-grid area across the date-line
    if ( ( rlnmax - rlnmin ) > 180. ) {
        dlatll = rltmin;
        dlonll = rlnmax;
        dlatur = rltmax;
        dlonur = rlnmin;
    } else {
        dlatll = rltmin;
        dlonll = rlnmin;
        dlatur = rltmax;
        dlonur = rlnmax;

     * *Set internal sub-grid navigation
    gsmprj ( gprj, &_dgsubg.refnav[10], &_dgsubg.refnav[11], &_dgsubg.refnav[12],
        &dlatll, &dlonll, &dlatur, &dlonur, &ier, strlen(gprj) );
     * IF set sub-grid navigation fail, change center longitude
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        *iret = -46;
Example #12
int main (void)
 * TESTDA								*
 * 									*
 * This program tests the GEMLIB DA functions.				*
 * 									*
 ** 									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 5/13	Initial coding				*
    int		cont, ier, iret, numsub, is, ie, ii;
    char	select[5];

    char	pyfile[MXFLSZ], pymeth[MXFLSZ];


    cont = G_TRUE;

    while ( cont ) {
	printf ( "\n\n" );
	printf ( "  1 = DA_RUNPY for CHAR output\n" );
	printf ( "  2 = DA_RUNPY for INT output\n" );
	printf ( "  3 = DA_RUNPY for FLOAT output\n" );
	printf ( "\n" );
	printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
	ier = getinp ( 1, select, NULL, NULL, 4 );
	switch ( select[0] ) {
	    case 'e':
	    case 'E':
		cont = G_FALSE;
		numsub = atoi ( select );

	if ( numsub == 1 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python file name (without .py):\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pyfile, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python method name:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pymeth, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the number of input strings:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 2, NULL, &danarg, NULL, STRSIZE );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    daargs = (char **) malloc ( danarg * sizeof(char *) );
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < danarg; ii++ ) {
		daargs[ii] = (char *) malloc ( STRSIZE * sizeof(char) );
		printf ( "Enter input string %d:\n", ii );
		ier = getinp ( 1, daargs[ii], NULL, NULL, STRSIZE );
		if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    datype = DACHAR;
	    da_runpy ( pyfile, pymeth, &iret );

	    printf ( "\nDA_RUNPY: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    if  ( iret >= 0 )  {
		printf ( "The length of result is: %ld\n", strlen(daoutc) );
		printf ( "The result is: %s\n\n", daoutc );

		free ( daoutc );
	    free ( daargs );
	if ( numsub == 2 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python file name (without .py):\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pyfile, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python method name:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pymeth, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the number of input strings:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 2, NULL, &danarg, NULL, STRSIZE );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    daargs = (char **) malloc ( danarg * sizeof(char *) );
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < danarg; ii++ ) {
		daargs[ii] = (char *) malloc ( STRSIZE * sizeof(char) );
		printf ( "Enter input string %d:\n", ii );
		ier = getinp ( 1, daargs[ii], NULL, NULL, STRSIZE );
		if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    datype = DAINT;
	    da_runpy ( pyfile, pymeth, &iret );

	    printf ( "\nDA_RUNPY: iret = %d\n\n", iret );
	    if  ( iret >= 0 )  {
		printf ( "The array size of result is: %d\n", danumi );
		printf ( "The result array is:\n" );
		is = 0;
		ie = G_MIN ( 8, danumi );
		while ( is < danumi ) {
		    for ( ii = is; ii < ie; ii++ ) {
			printf ( "%9d ", daouti[ii] );
		    printf ( "\n" );
		    is = ie;
		    ie = G_MIN ( is+8, danumi );
		printf ( "\n" );

		free ( daouti );
	    free ( daargs );
	if ( numsub == 3 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python file name (without .py):\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pyfile, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the Python method name:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 1, pymeth, NULL, NULL, MXFLSZ );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter the number of input strings:\n" );
	    ier = getinp ( 2, NULL, &danarg, NULL, STRSIZE );
	    if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    daargs = (char **) malloc ( danarg * sizeof(char *) );
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < danarg; ii++ ) {
		daargs[ii] = (char *) malloc ( STRSIZE * sizeof(char) );
		printf ( "Enter input string %d:\n", ii );
		ier = getinp ( 1, daargs[ii], NULL, NULL, STRSIZE );
		if ( ier < 0 ) {

	    datype = DAFLOAT;
	    da_runpy ( pyfile, pymeth, &iret );

	    printf ( "\nDA_RUNPY: iret = %d\n\n", iret );

	    if  ( iret >= 0 )  {
		printf ( "The array size of result is: %d\n", danumf );
		printf ( "The result array is:\n" );
		is = 0;
		ie = G_MIN ( 8, danumf );
		while ( is < danumf ) {
		    for ( ii = is; ii < ie; ii++ ) {
			printf ( "%9.2f ", daoutf[ii] );
		    printf ( "\n" );
		    is = ie;
		    ie = G_MIN ( is+8, danumf );
		printf ( "\n" );

		free ( daoutf );
	    free ( daargs );


    return 0;
Example #13
void cgr_segintwn (  float *xin1, float *yin1, 
		     float *xin2, float *yin2,
		     float *xint, float *yint, 
		     int *intrsct, int *iret )
 * cgr_segintwn								*
 *									*
 * This function accepts two line segments and determines if they	*
 * intersect one another.  Note that if two line segments are extended	*
 * as lines, they will always intersect (unless they are parallel, ie.	*
 * their slopes are equal).  This intersecting point is returned	*
 * regardless of whether it falls on the segments themselves.  If the	*
 * segments are parallel, the intersecting point is (RMISSD,RMISSD).	*
 *									*
 * This is simply a copy of cgr_segint without the use of normalized    *
 * coordinates.  Output is in sys_M, inputs are assumed to be sys_M as  *
 * well.  If they are in any other coordinate system the results will   *
 * be undefined.							*
 *									*
 * cgr_segint ( xin1, yin1, xin2, yin2, xint, yint, intrsct, iret )	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*xin1	float	X-coordinate of endpoints for segment #1	*
 *	*yin1	float	Y-coordinate of endpoints for segment #1	*
 *	*xin2	float	X-coordinate of endpoints for segment #2	*
 *	*yin2	float	Y-coordinate of endpoints for segment #2	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*xint	float	X-coordinate of intersecting point		*
 *	*yint	float	Y-coordinate of intersecting point		*
 *	*intrsct int	Result: 					*
 *			0-FALSE (the segments do not intersect),	*
 *			1-TRUE (the segments intersect)			*
 *	*iret	 int	Return code					*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	09/06	copied from cgr_segint 			*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	10/06	make internal variables double to       *
 *				 ensure same results on all platforms   *
double	x, y, m1, b1, m2, b2;
double	x1[2], y1[2], x2[2], y2[2];

    *iret = 0;
    *intrsct = 0;
    *xint = RMISSD;
    *yint = RMISSD;

    x = RMISSD;
    y = RMISSD;

     *  Make local copies of the inputs.
    x1[0] = xin1[0]; x1[1] = xin1[1];
    y1[0] = yin1[0]; y1[1] = yin1[1];
    x2[0] = xin2[0]; x2[1] = xin2[1];
    y2[0] = yin2[0]; y2[1] = yin2[1];

     *  Check for vertical first segment and compute (x,y) intersect.

    if ( G_DIFF(x1[0], x1[1]) ) {

	x = x1[0];
	if ( G_DIFF(x2[0], x2[1]) ) return; 
	m2 = (y2[1]-y2[0]) / (x2[1]-x2[0]);
	b2 = y2[0] - m2 * x2[0];
	y = m2 * x + b2;


     *  Check for vertical second segment and compute (x,y) intersect.

    else if ( G_DIFF(x2[0], x2[1]) ) {

	x = x2[0];
	if ( G_DIFF(x1[0], x1[1]) ) return;
	m1 = (y1[1]-y1[0]) / (x1[1]-x1[0]);
	b1 = y1[0] - m1 * x1[0];
	y = m1 * x + b1;


     *  Finally compute (x,y) intersect for all other cases.

    else {

    	m1 = (y1[1]-y1[0]) / (x1[1]-x1[0]);
    	b1 = y1[0] - m1 * x1[0];

    	m2 = (y2[1]-y2[0]) / (x2[1]-x2[0]);
    	b2 = y2[0] - m2 * x2[0];

	if ( G_DIFF(m1, m2) )  {
	    x = RMISSD;
	    y = RMISSD;
	else  {
	    if ( G_DIFF(m1, 0.0F) )  {
	        x = ( b2 - y1[0] ) / ( - m2 );
	        y = y1[0];
	    else if ( G_DIFF(m2, 0.0F) )  {
	        x = ( y2[0] - b1 ) / ( m1 );
	        y = y2[0];
	    else  {
	        x = ( b2 - b1 ) / ( m1 - m2 );
	        y = m1 * x + b1;


     *  Check if intersecting point is within each segment's bounds.

    if ( ERMISS(x) || ERMISS(y) ) return;

    *xint = x;
    *yint = y;

    if ( x < G_MIN(x1[0],x1[1]) || x > G_MAX(x1[0],x1[1]) )  return;
    if ( x < G_MIN(x2[0],x2[1]) || x > G_MAX(x2[0],x2[1]) )  return;
    if ( y < G_MIN(y1[0],y1[1]) || y > G_MAX(y1[0],y1[1]) )  return;
    if ( y < G_MIN(y2[0],y2[1]) || y > G_MAX(y2[0],y2[1]) )  return;

    *intrsct = 1;

Example #14
void pd_hans ( const float *tc1, const float *tc2, const float *dwpc,
               const int *np, const int *type, float *haines, int *iret )
 * pd_hans								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine computes low, middle, and high elevation Haines 	*
 * Indices from TMPC and DWPC.						*
 *									*
 * pd_hans ( tc1, tc2, dwpc, np, type, haines, iret )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tc1		const float	Temperature in Celsius		*
 *	*tc2		const float	Temperature in Celsius		*
 *	*dwpc		const float	Dewpoint in Celsius		*
 *	*np		const int	Number of points		*
 *	*type		const int	Type of Haines index		*
 *					  1 = Low			*
 *					  2 = Middle			*
 *					  3 = High			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*haines		float		Haines index			*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		 6/03	Created					*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 9/05	Translated from FORTRAN			*
    float a, b;
    int i, npt, itype;    
    *iret = 0;
    npt = *np;
    itype = *type;

     * Loop through all the points.
    for ( i = 0; i < npt; i++ ) {
         * Check for missing data.
        if ( ( ERMISS ( tc1 [i] ) ) || ( ERMISS ( tc2 [i] ) ) ||
     	     ( ERMISS ( dwpc [i] ) ) ) {
	    haines [i] = RMISSD;
        } else {
             * Compute the Haines index.
	    if ( itype == 1 ) {
	        a = ( ( tc2 [i] -  tc1 [i] ) - 3.0F ) * (2.0F/5.0F) + 1.0F;
		b = ( ( tc1 [i] - dwpc [i] ) - 5.0F ) * (2.0F/5.0F) + 1.0F;
            } else if ( itype == 2 ) {
	        a = ( ( tc1 [i] -  tc2 [i] ) - 5.0F ) * (2.0F/6.0F) + 1.0F;
		b = ( ( tc1 [i] - dwpc [i] ) - 5.0F ) * (2.0F/8.0F) + 1.0F;
            } else if ( itype == 3 ) {
	        a = ( ( tc1 [i] -  tc2 [i] ) - 17.0F) * (2.0F/5.0F) + 1.0F;
		b = ( ( tc1 [i] - dwpc [i] ) - 14.0F) * (2.0F/7.0F) + 1.0F;
	    a = G_MAX ( a, 0.9F );
	    a = G_MIN ( a, 3.1F );
	    b = G_MAX ( b, 0.9F );
	    b = G_MIN ( b, 3.1F );
	    haines [i] = a + b;
Example #15
int main (int argc , char **argv)

 * main                                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Main program of createbinfo.                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output (from printf) must be re-directed to the proper info file 	*
 * within the script.        						*
 *                                                                      *
 * main(argc, argv)                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  argc   int      number of parameters of command line                *
 *  argv   char**   parameter array of command line                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP     12/98						* 
 * T. Piper/GSC		 8/00	Modified for new generic boundary info  *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 6/05	Incr accuracy from 2 decimal digits to 4*

char	buff[256], id[7], name[64];
int	i, ier, ilat, ilon, k, length, nparts, nptot, npts, num, pst;
float	fltptr[20], lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon;

FILE	*fp;
long	lpos, lposp;

Bnd_t	boundary;
     *  Print out the name of the BOUNDARY file.
    boundary.filename = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
    strcpy ( boundary.filename, argv[1] );
    printf("!\n!    BOUNDARIES FILENAME \n%s\n!\n", 
		boundary.filename );

    fp = (FILE *)cfl_tbop ( boundary.filename, "bounds", &ier );

     *  Allocate and initialize boundary location structure
    boundary.nbnd = 0;
    boundary.bound = (BInfo_t *)malloc(MAX_BOUNDS*sizeof(BInfo_t));
    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BOUNDS; i++ )  {
	boundary.bound[i].name = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_NAMELEN + 1);
	boundary.bound[i].name[0] = '\0';
	boundary.bound[i].info = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_NAMELEN + 1);
	boundary.bound[i].info[0] = '\0';
	boundary.bound[i].strec   = 0;
    	boundary.bound[i].cenlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].cenlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].minlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].minlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].nparts  = 0;
    cfl_wher ( fp, &lpos, &ier );
    cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

    if ( ier == 0 )  {

	sscanf ( buff, "%s %s %d %d %d", id,
		     name, &ilat, &ilon, &nparts );

	boundary.bound[0].bndspt = 
	    (Bndsprt_t *)malloc(nparts*sizeof(Bndsprt_t));

	/*  Read the second header line  */
	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	strcpy ( boundary.bound[0].info, buff);
	for ( k = 0; k < nparts; k++ )  {

    	    cfl_wher ( fp, &lposp, &ier );
            cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	    sscanf ( buff, "%d %f %f %f %f", &npts,
		    &lat1, &lat2, &lon1, &lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].minlat = G_MIN ( lat1, lat2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].maxlat = G_MAX ( lat1, lat2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].minlon = G_MIN ( lon1, lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].maxlon = G_MAX ( lon1, lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].strec = lposp;
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].npts = npts / 2;
	    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
	    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, (int) (sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float)), 
		       fltptr, &num, &ier);
	    nptot = ( num - 5 );
	    while ( ier == 0 && nptot < npts )  {
                cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	        if ( ier == 0 )  {
		    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
		    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float), 
			       fltptr, &num, &ier);
		    nptot += num;
	        }   /*  Loop over all points in one part  */

	}  /*  Loop over all parts in one bound  */

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[0].name, name );
	    boundary.bound[0].strec = lpos;
	    boundary.bound[0].cenlat = ilat / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[0].cenlon = ilon / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[0].nparts = nparts;




    while ( ier == 0 )  {

        cfl_wher ( fp, &lpos, &ier );
	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

        if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    pst = boundary.nbnd - 1;
	    sscanf ( buff, "%s %s %d %d %d", id,
		   name,  &ilat, &ilon, &nparts );
	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[pst].name, name );
	    boundary.bound[pst].strec = lpos;
	    boundary.bound[pst].cenlat = ilat / 100.0;
            boundary.bound[pst].cenlon = ilon / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[pst].nparts = nparts;

	/*  Read the second header line  */
	    cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
  	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[pst].info, buff);

            boundary.bound[pst].bndspt = 
		(Bndsprt_t *)malloc(nparts*sizeof(Bndsprt_t));

	    for ( k = 0; k < nparts; k++ )  {

    	      cfl_wher ( fp, &lposp, &ier );
              cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

	      sscanf ( buff, "%d %f %f %f %f", &npts,
		    &lat1, &lat2, &lon1, &lon2 );
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].minlat = G_MIN(lat1,lat2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].maxlat = G_MAX(lat1,lat2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].minlon = G_MIN(lon1,lon2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].maxlon = G_MAX(lon1,lon2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].strec = lposp;
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].npts = npts / 2;
	      cst_rxbl( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
	      cst_rlst( buff, ' ', RMISSD, (int) (sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float)),
		       fltptr, &num, &ier);
	      nptot = ( num - 5 );
	      while ( ier == 0 && nptot < npts )  {
                cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	        if ( ier == 0 )  {
		    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
		    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float), 
			       fltptr, &num, &ier);
		    nptot += num;




    boundary.maxpts = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < boundary.nbnd; i++ )  {
        minlat =   90.0;
        minlon =  360.0;
        maxlat =  -90.0;
        maxlon = -360.0;
        for ( k = 0; k < boundary.bound[i].nparts; k++ )  {
	  minlat=G_MIN ( minlat, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].minlat );
	  minlon=G_MIN ( minlon, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].minlon );
	  maxlat=G_MAX ( maxlat, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].maxlat );
	  maxlon=G_MAX ( maxlon, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].maxlon );
	  boundary.maxpts = 
	    G_MAX ( boundary.maxpts, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].npts );
	boundary.bound[i].minlat = minlat;
	boundary.bound[i].minlon = minlon;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlat = maxlat;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlon = maxlon;

     *  Print out number of bounds.
    printf("!    TOTAL NUMBER OF BOUNDS\n%d\n!\n", boundary.nbnd );

    printf("!    MAX NUMBER OF POINTS per BOUND\n%d\n!\n", boundary.maxpts );

    printf("!    BOUNDARY STRUCTURE INFORMATION\n!\n" );

     *  Dump the information.
    for ( i = 0; i < boundary.nbnd; i++ )  {
	printf("!\n%-s %-12ld %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-5d\n",
		boundary.bound[i].nparts );
	printf("%s\n", boundary.bound[i].info);
	for ( k = 0; k < boundary.bound[i].nparts; k++ )  {
	    printf("\t%-12ld %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-8d \n",
		boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].npts );
Example #16
void de_srng ( const char *uarg, char *stprm, int *iret )
 * de_srng								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine computes the range of its scalar arguments among	*
 * ensemble members. The range is the difference between the maximum	*
 * and the minimum.							*
 *									*
 * de_srng ( uarg, stprm, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input and parameters:						*
 *	*uarg		const char	Function argument string	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*stprm		char		Substitution string		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -8 = cannot parse argument	*
 *					 -9 = ensemble cannot computed	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * R. Tian/SAIC 	 6/05						*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 1/06	Translated from Fortran			*
    char tname[13], pdum[13], time1[21], time2[21];
    int nsmax, nsmin, num, kxd, kyd, ksub1, ksub2, level1, level2,
        ivcord, nina, one, zero, i, j, ier;
    float *gnsmax, *gnsmin, *gnum, d1, d2, d3;
    *iret = 0;
    one = 1;
    zero = 0;

    dg_ssub ( iret );

     * Get new grid numbers for maximum and minimum fields.
    dg_nxts ( &nsmax, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;
    dg_nxts ( &nsmin, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Initialize the output grid.
    dg_getg ( &nsmax, &gnsmax, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    dg_getg ( &nsmin, &gnsmin, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
	gnsmax[i] = -FLT_MAX;
	gnsmin[i] =  FLT_MAX;

     * Set the number of input arguments.  There is only one argument
     * for DE_SRNG.
    nina = 1;
    for ( i = 0; i < MXARGS; i++ ) {
	_ensdiag.allarg[i][0] = '\0';
    strcpy ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], uarg );

     * Scan the allarg array.
    de_scan ( &nina, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 ) return;

     * Loop over number of members set by DE_SCAN.
    for ( i = 0; i < _ensdiag.nummbr; i++ ) {
	de_mset ( &i, iret );
	dg_pfun ( _ensdiag.allarg[0], iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, " ", &ier, strlen("DG"), strlen(" ") );
	    *iret = -8;
	dg_driv ( &one, iret );
	if ( *iret != 0 ) {
	    er_wmsg ( "DG", iret, _ensdiag.allarg[0], &ier,
	        strlen("DG"), strlen(_ensdiag.allarg[0]) );
	    *iret = -9;

	 * Retrieve the output grid from the stack.  Check that the 
	 * output is a scalar.
	dg_tops ( tname, &num, time1, time2, &level1, &level2,
	    &ivcord, pdum, iret );
	dg_getg ( &num, &gnum, &kxd, &kyd, &ksub1, &ksub2, iret );

	 * Compute the maximum and minimum.
	for ( j = ksub1 - 1; j < ksub2; j++ ) {
	    d1 = gnum[j];
	    d2 = gnsmax[j];
	    d3 = gnsmin[j];
	    if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) ) {
		gnsmax[j] = RMISSD;
		gnsmin[j] = RMISSD;
	    } else {
		if ( ! ERMISS ( d2 ) ) {
		    gnsmax[j] = G_MAX ( d1, d2 );
		if ( ! ERMISS ( d2 ) ) {
		    gnsmin[j] = G_MIN ( d1, d3 );
	dg_frig ( &num, &ier );

     * Compute the range.
    for ( i = ksub1 - 1; i < ksub2; i++ ) {
	d1 = gnsmax[i];
	d2 = gnsmin[i];
	if ( ERMISS ( d1 ) || ERMISS ( d2 ) ) {
	    gnsmax[i] = RMISSD;
	} else {
	    gnsmax[i] = d1 - d2;
    dg_frig ( &nsmin, &ier );

     * Reset DGCMN.CMN and set internal grid identifier.
    de_rset ( iret );
    dg_udig ( "EXX_", &nsmax, &zero, &_ensdiag.idgens, stprm, iret );
    dg_esub ( &nsmax, &zero, &zero, &zero, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 )  *iret = ier;

Example #17
void uka_jtin ( int njp, float jlat[], float jlon[], int nwp,
                float wlat[], float wlon[], float wspd [],
                float wlvl[], float wlvla[], float wlvlb[], int wtyp[], 
		int *nop, float olat[], float olon[], float ospd[], 
		float olvl[], float olvla[], float olvlb[], int *iret )
 * uka_jtin								*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function puts the core points, the wind barb points and the 	*
 * hash points in the correct order, and gets the wind speed values 	*
 * for the hash marks.							* 
 *                                                                      *
 * uka_jtin ( njp, jlat, jlon, nwp, wlat, wlon, wspd, wlvl, wlvla, 	*
 *            wlvlb, wtyp, nop,	olat, olon, ospd, olvl, olvla, olvlb, 	*
 *            iret )							*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      njp             int             Number of jet core points	*
 *      jlat[]          float           Latitudes of core points	*
 *      jlon[]          float           Longitudes of core points	*
 *      nwp             int             No. of wind (barb & hash) pts	*
 *      wlat[]          float           Latitudes of wind points        *
 *      wlon[]          float           Longitudes of wind points  	*
 *      wspd[]          float           Speed of wind points (m/sec)	*
 *      wlvl[]          float           Flight level of wind pts (m)	*
 *	wlvla[]		float		Flight level above jet (m)	*
 *	wlvlb[]		float		Flight level below jet (m)	*
 *      wtyp[]          int             Wind point types		*
 *                                         1 = wind barb point		*
 *                                         2 = hash point		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *      *nop            int             Total number of points		*
 *      olat[]          float           Latitudes of points		*
 *      olon[]          float           Longitudes of points		*
 *      ospd[]          float           Speed of points (m/sec)		*
 *      olvl[]          float           Flight levels of points (m)	*
 *	olvla[]		float		Flight level above jet (m)	*
 *	olvlb[]		float		Flight level below jet (m)	*
 *      *iret           int             Return code			*
 *                                         0 = normal return		*
 *                                        15 = curve fit problem	*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * M. Li/SAIC		02/04	Extracted from sig_jets			*
 * M. Li/SAIC		04/04	Added flight level above/below jet	*
 * M. Li/SAIC		05/04	Copied from sig_jtin			*
 * M. Li/SAIC		07/04	Added olvl to UKA_JTSP			*
 * M. Li/SAIC		01/06	Added CED projection  			*
    int 	ii, ier;
    char	proj[8];
    float 	minlat, maxlat, lllat, lllon, urlat, urlon;
    float 	angle1, angle2, angle3;
    float	dens, crvscl;
    float 	px[MAXPTS], py[MAXPTS], qx[MAXPTS], qy[MAXPTS],
          	tx[MAXPTS], ty[MAXPTS];
    int    	otyp[MAXPTS];
    int		widx[MAXPTS];
    *iret   = 0;

    dens = 5.0F;
    crvscl = 30.0F;
    *nop = MAXPTS;
    minlat = 9999.0F;
    maxlat = -9999.0F;
    for ( ii = 0; ii < njp; ii++ ) {
    	minlat = G_MIN ( minlat, jlat[ii] );
    	maxlat = G_MAX ( maxlat, jlat[ii] );


    if ( minlat >= 0.0F ) {
    	 * Use North STR projection.
    	strcpy ( proj, "STR" );
    	angle1 = 90.0F;
    	angle2 = -90.0F;
    	angle3 = 0.0F;
    	lllat = -15.0F;
    	lllon = -135.0F;
    	urlat = -15.0F;
    	urlon = -135.0F;
    else if (maxlat < 0.0F ) {
    	 * Use South STR projection.
    	strcpy ( proj, "STR" );
    	angle1 = -90.0F;
    	angle2 = -90.0F;
    	angle3 = 0.0F;
    	lllat = 15.0F;
    	lllon = -135.0F;
    	urlat = 15.0F;
    	urlon = -135.0F;
    else {
         * Use CED projection.
	strcpy ( proj, "CED" );
        angle1 = 0.0F;
        angle2 = 0.0F;
        angle3 = 0.0F;
        lllat = -90.0F;
        lllon = -180.0F;
        urlat = 90.0F;
        urlon = 180.0F;
    gsmprj ( proj, &angle1, &angle2, &angle3,
     	     &lllat, &lllon, &urlat, &urlon, &ier, strlen(proj) );
    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_D, &njp, jlat, jlon, px, py, &ier,
     	     strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D) );
    gtrans ( sys_M, sys_D, &nwp, wlat, wlon, qx, qy, &ier,
     	     strlen(sys_M), strlen(sys_D) );
    cgr_insert ( px, py, njp, qx, qy, nwp, dens, crvscl,
                 tx, ty, nop, widx, &ier );

    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        *iret = 15;
    else {
    	gtrans ( sys_D, sys_M, nop, tx, ty, olat, olon, &ier,
     		 strlen(sys_D), strlen(sys_M) );

    	for ( ii = 0; ii < *nop; ii++) {
	    olvl[ii]  = SIGRLMS;
	    olvla[ii] = SIGRLMS;
	    olvlb[ii] = SIGRLMS;
	    ospd[ii]  = SIGRLMS;
	    otyp[ii]  = ILINE;
    	for ( ii = 0; ii < nwp; ii++ ) {
	    ospd[widx[ii]] = wspd[ii];
	    olvl[widx[ii]] = wlvl[ii];
	    olvla[widx[ii]] = wlvla[ii];
	    olvlb[widx[ii]] = wlvlb[ii];
	    otyp[widx[ii]] = wtyp[ii]; 

     	 * Calculate wind speed for hash marks.

    	uka_jtsp ( *nop, otyp, ospd, olvl, &ier );

Example #18
static int pgdel_deleteElms ( void )
 * pgdel_deleteElms                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function deletes all the currently selected elements.           *
 *                                                                      *
 * static void pgdel_deleteElms ( )   	                                *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      none                                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return:                                                              *
 *      		int	number of deleted elements		*
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * E. Safford/GSC	04/04	initial coding				*
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   Added code to free TCA memory           *
 * B. Yin/SAIC          08/04   Changed pgtca_freeBkpts to cvg_freeBkpts*
 * J. Wu/SAIC           10/04   free GFA block pointers			*
 * S. Danz/AWC		07/06	Added new cvg_delet placement argument	*
    int         num      = 0,  ier      = 0, found, update_crg; 
    int		grpnum   = 0,  ii       = 0, 	nelm   = 0;
    int		curIndex = -1, selIndex = 0, 	selLoc = 0;
    int		iret     = 0,  *inxarry = NULL, count  = 0;
    char        grptyp   = '0';
    float       llx = 0, lly = 0, urx = 0, ury = 0, inf_bbox[4];
    VG_DBStruct el;

    pghdlb_getNextIndex( curIndex, &selIndex, &selLoc, &iret );

    update_crg = 0;
    while ( iret >= 0 ) {

 *  If this is the first deletion, start the undo step
	if( count == 0 ) {

        crg_getinx(selLoc, &num, &ier); 
        crg_ggrp (num, &grptyp, &grpnum, &ier);

 *  If deleting _by_ group, process the whole group 
        if (grptyp && grpnum && (grptyp == GRPTYP_COMSYM || 
	    grptyp == GRPTYP_CCF || pgpalw_getMode() == TYPE_GRP)) {

            crg_ggbnd (grptyp, grpnum, &llx, &urx, &ury, &lly, &ier);
	    llx -= EXTRA;
	    lly -= EXTRA;
	    urx += EXTRA;
	    ury += EXTRA;

            crg_ggnel(grptyp, grpnum, &nelm, &ier);

            inxarry = (int *)malloc(nelm*sizeof(int));
            crg_gginx(grptyp, grpnum, nelm, inxarry, &nelm, &ier);

            for ( ii = 0; ii < nelm; ii++ ) {

 * Mark elements in placement that are effected by
 * the delete, and get the area of influence back
                cvg_rdrec ( cvg_getworkfile(), selLoc, &el, &ier );
                cvg_checkplace(&el, 1, selLoc, &found, inf_bbox, &ier);
                if (found > 0) {

 * Update the refresh extent if the area impacted by placement is bigger
                    llx = G_MIN(llx, inf_bbox[0]);
                    lly = G_MIN(lly, inf_bbox[2]);
                    urx = G_MAX(urx, inf_bbox[1]);
                    ury = G_MAX(ury, inf_bbox[3]);

                    update_crg = 1;

 * Free TCA break point/GFA block memory
                if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
                    cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
	        else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
                    cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );

                crg_goffset(inxarry[ii], &selLoc, &ier);
	        pgundo_storeThisLoc(selLoc, UNDO_DEL, &ier);
	        cvg_delet(cvg_getworkfile(), selLoc, TRUE, &ier);

	        crg_clear (inxarry[ii], &ier);
            xpgpaste(llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);

 *  The deleted elements are deselected here so we won't 
 *  try to process them again in the outer while loop.
	    pghdlb_deselectEl (num, TRUE);
	    cvg_rfrsh(NULL, llx, lly, urx, ury, &ier);
        else {				/* non-group mode */
            pgutls_prepNew (selLoc, &el, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier);
            pgundo_storeThisLoc(selLoc, UNDO_DEL, &ier);

 * Free TCA break point/GFA block memory
            if ( el.hdr.vg_type == TCA_ELM ) {
               cvg_freeBkpts ( &el );
	    else if ( el.hdr.vg_type == GFA_ELM ) {
               cvg_freeElPtr ( &el );


 *  Check for the next selected element
	curIndex = selIndex;
        pghdlb_getNextIndex( curIndex, &selIndex, &selLoc, &iret );

    if( count > 0 ) {
        pglayer_setChngMade( pglayer_getCurLayer(), TRUE );

 * If we may have impacted other elements with placement
 * we will need to rebuild the range records
    if (update_crg) {

    return ( count );
Example #19
void cgr_segdist ( int *np, float *xx, float *yy, float *fx, float *fy, 
			float *distance, int *nearest_vrt, int *next_vrt, 
			float *nx, float *ny, int *iret )
 * cgr_segdist								*
 *									*
 * This function determines the nearest and next vertices of a		*
 * multipoint line to a fixed point, the closest point (on the line	*
 * segment defined by those two vertices) to the fixed point, and the	*
 * distance between the fixed point and the closest point.		*
 * The "next vertex" is simply the vertex following the nearest vertex	*
 * in the order of the points, not the next closest vertex to the fixed	*
 * point.								*
 *									*
 * cgr_segdist ( np, xx, yy, fx, fy, distance, nearest_vrt, next_vrt,	*
 *                                         nx, ny, iret )		*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*np		int		Number of points in figure	*
 *	*xx		float		X coordinates of figure		*
 *	*yy		float		Y coordinates of figure		*
 *	*fx		float		X coordinate of fixed point	*
 *	*fy		float		Y coordinate of fixed point	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*distance	float		Distance to the point		*
 *	*nearest_vrt	int		Closest vertex number		*
 *	*next_vrt	int		Other end of nearest segment	*
 *	*nx		float		Nearest x coord on figure	*
 *	*ny		float		Nearest y coord on figure	*
 *	*iret		int		Status return			*
 *					0 = great, 1 = not a line	*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Safford/GSC	02/98	copied cgr_dist				*
 * E. Safford/GSC	05/98	add G_NINT to handle rounding problem	*
 * E. Safford/GSC	07/98	add equal condition to horiz & vert	*
 * T. Piper/GSC		10/98	Prolog update				*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/99	clean up and commentary			*
 * W.D.Plummer/NCEP	12/02	make all inputs pointers		*
 * W.D.Plummer/NCEP	02/03	expand documenation in prologue		*
    int		ii;
    float	qx, qy, curr_dist, d0, d1, m2, m1, b2, b1;
    float	xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

    if (*np == 1) {
	*iret = 1;

	*nearest_vrt = *next_vrt = 0;
	*nx = xx[0];
	*ny = yy[0];

	*distance = (float) G_DIST (xx[0], yy[0], *fx, *fy);


    *iret = 0;
    *distance = FLT_MAX;

     * Isolate which line segment is closest to desired point.

    for (ii = 0; ii < *np-1; ii++ ) {

  	xmin = (float) G_MIN (xx[ii], xx[ii+1]);
	xmax = (float) G_MAX (xx[ii], xx[ii+1]);
	ymin = (float) G_MIN (yy[ii], yy[ii+1]);
	ymax = (float) G_MAX (yy[ii], yy[ii+1]);

	 * Must find the closest point on vertical and horiztonal
	 * seperately since the slope formula would cause a 
	 * divide by zero error

	 *  Vertical segments
	if (G_DIFF(xmin, xmax)) {
	    qx = xmin;
	    if (*fy < ymin)
	        qy = ymin;
	    else if (*fy > ymax)
		qy = ymax;
		qy = *fy;

	 *  Horizontal segments
    	else if ( G_DIFF(ymin, ymax) ) {
	    qy = ymin;
	    if (*fx < xmin)
	        qx = xmin;
	    else if (*fx > xmax)
		qx = xmax;
		qx = *fx;

	 *  All the rest
	else {
	     * find slope and intercept for initial line
	    m1 = (yy[ii+1] - yy[ii]) / (xx[ii+1] - xx[ii]);
	    b1 = yy[ii] - (m1 * xx[ii]);

	     * find slope and intercept for perpendicular
	    m2 = - 1.0F / m1;
	    b2 = *fy - (m2 * *fx);

	     * find the intersection of the two lines
	     * which would be the closest point
	     * formula for a line is y = mx + b
	     * y = (m1 * x) + b1  &&  y = (m2 * x) + b2
	     * (m1 * x) + b1 = (m2 * x) + b2
	     * (m1 * x) - (m2 * x) = (b2 - b1)
	     * x * (m1 - m2) = (b2 - b1)
	     * x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
	    qx = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2);
	    qy = (m2 * qx) + b2;

	 * find the distance
	if (xmin <= qx && qx <= xmax) {
	    curr_dist = (float) G_DIST (*fx, *fy, qx, qy);
	else {
	    d0 = (float) G_DIST (*fx, *fy, xx[ii], yy[ii]);
	    d1 = (float) G_DIST (*fx, *fy, xx[ii+1], yy[ii+1]);
	    curr_dist = (d0 <= d1) ? d0 : d1;

	if (curr_dist < *distance) {
	    *distance = curr_dist;

	    *nx = qx;
	    *ny = qy;	

	     *  Figure which end of segment is closest to point.
	    d0 = (float) G_DIST (*fx, *fy, xx[ii], yy[ii]);
	    d1 = (float) G_DIST (*fx, *fy, xx[ii+1], yy[ii+1]);

	    if (d0 < d1) {
		*nearest_vrt = ii;
		*next_vrt    = ii + 1;
	    else {
		*nearest_vrt = ii + 1;
		*next_vrt    = ii;

	    if ((*nx < xmin) || (xmax < *nx)) {
		*nx = xx[*nearest_vrt];
		*ny = yy[*nearest_vrt];
Example #20
void rscnfll ( int *np, int ix[], int iy[], int *iret )
 * rscnfll								*
 *									*
 * This function draws a filled polygon on a raster bitmap.		*
 *									*
 * void rscnfll ( np, ix, iy, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*np		int		Number of points in the polygon	*
 *	ix []		int		Array of x coordinates		*
 *	iy []		int		Array of y coordinates		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 4/96	Created					*
 * E. Safford/GSC	 3/97	Modified to use new cgr_ routintes 	*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 3/97	change xsize/ysize to scanlines		*
 * M. Linda/GSC		 7/97	Added a call to RLINE following fill	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 7/97	Cleaned up header files and global vars	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 8/97	Rewrite					*

	int	npts, *ixarr, *iyarr, iymin, iymax, i, j, index,
		nx1, nx2, ny2;
	float	tau, xout[100];


	*iret = G_NORMAL;

 *	Get the number of points and make sure that the polygon
 *	is closed.
	npts = *np;
	if ( ix[0] != ix[npts-1] || iy[0] != iy[npts-1] )  npts++;

 *	Allocate space for the working arrays.
	ixarr = (int *) malloc ( npts * sizeof(int) );
	iyarr = (int *) malloc ( npts * sizeof(int) );

	iymin =  INT_MAX;
	iymax = -INT_MAX;

 *	Double the dimensions for easier computations. Find the min
 *	and max in the Y direction.
	for ( i = 0; i < npts-1; i++ )  {
	    ixarr[i] = ix[i] * 2;
	    iyarr[i] = iy[i] * 2;
	    iymin = G_MIN ( iyarr[i], iymin );
	    iymax = G_MAX ( iyarr[i], iymax );

	ixarr[npts-1] = ixarr[0];
	iyarr[npts-1] = iyarr[0];

 *	For each scan line, compute intersections and fill.
	for ( j = iymin+1; j < iymax; j = j+2 )  {
	    index = 0;

	    for ( i = 0; i < npts-1; i++ )  {

		if  ( iyarr[i] != iyarr[i+1] )  {

		    tau = (float) ( j - iyarr[i] ) /
			  (float) ( iyarr[i+1] - iyarr[i] );

		    if ( tau >= 0.0 && tau <= 1.0 ) {

			xout[index] = tau * ( ixarr[i+1] - ixarr[i] ) +


 *	    Sort the values of the X coordinate.
 *  Added (int(*)(const void*, const void*)) cast to satisfy qsort
	    qsort ( xout, index, sizeof(float), 
		    (int(*)(const void*, const void*))_cmp_xout );

 *	    Loop over all the scan lines, filling the pixels
 *	    in the pattern.
	    for ( i = 0; i < index; i=i+2 ) {
		ny2 = j / 2;
		nx1 = xout[i  ] / 2;
		nx2 = xout[i+1] / 2;
		fillScan ( ny2, nx1, nx2, iret );


 *	Free the working arrays.
	free ( ixarr );
	free ( iyarr );
