Example #1

Called at the end of each server frame for each connected client
A fast client will have multiple ClientThink for each ClientEndFrame,
while a slow client may have multiple ClientEndFrame between ClientThink.
void ClientEndFrame(gentity_t *ent) {
	int i;

	// Nico, flood protection
	if (level.time >= (ent->client->sess.nextReliableTime + 1000) &&
	    ent->client->sess.numReliableCmds) {

		// Reset the threshold because they were good for a bit
		if (!ent->client->sess.numReliableCmds) {
			ent->client->sess.thresholdTime = 0;

	// Nico, update best speeds
	if (ent->client->sess.timerunActive) {
		float currentSpeed;

		currentSpeed = sqrt(ent->client->ps.velocity[0] * ent->client->ps.velocity[0] + ent->client->ps.velocity[1] * ent->client->ps.velocity[1]);

		// Nico, update overall max speed
		if (currentSpeed > ent->client->sess.overallMaxSpeed) {
			ent->client->sess.overallMaxSpeed = currentSpeed;

		// Nico, update max speed of the current run
		if (currentSpeed > ent->client->sess.maxSpeed) {
			ent->client->sess.maxSpeed = currentSpeed;

	// used for informing of speclocked teams.
	// Zero out here and set only for certain specs
	ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_BLACKOUT] = 0;

	if ((ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR) || (ent->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_LIMBO)) {       // JPW NERVE

	// turn off any expired powerups
	// OSP -- range changed for MV
	for (i = 0 ; i < PW_NUM_POWERUPS ; ++i) {

		if (i == PW_FIRE ||                 // these aren't dependant on level.time
		    i == PW_ELECTRIC ||
		    i == PW_BREATHER ||
		    ent->client->ps.powerups[i] == 0            // OSP
		    || i == PW_OPS_CLASS_1
		    || i == PW_OPS_CLASS_2
		    || i == PW_OPS_CLASS_3

		    ) {

		// OSP -- If we're paused, update powerup timers accordingly.
		// Make sure we dont let stuff like CTF flags expire.
		if (ent->client->ps.powerups[i] < level.time) {
			ent->client->ps.powerups[i] = 0;

	// If the end of unit layout is displayed, don't give
	// the player any normal movement attributes

	// burn from lava, etc

	// apply all the damage taken this frame

	// add the EF_CONNECTION flag if we haven't gotten commands recently
	if (level.time - ent->client->lastCmdTime > 1000) {
		ent->s.eFlags |= EF_CONNECTION;
	} else {
		ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_CONNECTION;

	ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->health;   // FIXME: get rid of ent->health...
	                                                    // Gordon: WHY? other ents use it.


	// set the latest infor

	// Ridah, fixes jittery zombie movement
	if (g_smoothClients.integer) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityStateExtraPolate(&ent->client->ps, &ent->s, level.time, qfalse);
	} else {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&ent->client->ps, &ent->s, qfalse);

	// DHM - Nerve :: If it's been a couple frames since being revived, and props_frame_state
	//					wasn't reset, go ahead and reset it
	if (ent->props_frame_state >= 0 && ((level.time - ent->s.effect3Time) > 100)) {
		ent->props_frame_state = -1;

	// DHM - Nerve :: Reset 'count2' for flamethrower
	if (!(ent->client->buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK)) {
		ent->count2 = 0;
	// dhm

	// zinx - #280 - run touch functions here too, so movers don't have to wait
	// until the next ClientThink, which will be too late for some map
	// scripts (railgun)

	// run entity scripting

	// store the client's current position for antilag traces
Example #2

This will be called once for each client frame, which will
usually be a couple times for each server frame on fast clients.

If "g_synchronousClients 1" is set, this will be called exactly
once for each server frame, which makes for smooth demo recording.
void ClientThink_real( gentity_t *ent ) {
	gclient_t   *client;
	pmove_t pm;
//	vec3_t		oldOrigin;
	int oldEventSequence;
	int msec;
	usercmd_t   *ucmd;
	int monsterslick = 0;
	int i;
	vec3_t muzzlebounce;
	gitem_t *item;
	gentity_t *ent2;
	vec3_t velocity, org, offset;
	vec3_t angles,mins,maxs;
	int weapon;
	trace_t tr;
// jpw

	// Rafael wolfkick
	//int			validkick;
	//static int	wolfkicktimer = 0;

	client = ent->client;

	// don't think if the client is not yet connected (and thus not yet spawned in)
	if ( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) {

	if ( client->cameraPortal ) {
		G_SetOrigin( client->cameraPortal, client->ps.origin );
		trap_LinkEntity( client->cameraPortal );
		VectorCopy( client->cameraOrigin, client->cameraPortal->s.origin2 );

	// mark the time, so the connection sprite can be removed
	ucmd = &ent->client->pers.cmd;

	ent->client->ps.identifyClient = ucmd->identClient;     // NERVE - SMF

// JPW NERVE -- update counter for capture & hold display
	if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_WOLF_CPH ) {
		client->ps.stats[STAT_CAPTUREHOLD_RED] = level.capturetimes[TEAM_RED];
		client->ps.stats[STAT_CAPTUREHOLD_BLUE] = level.capturetimes[TEAM_BLUE];
// jpw

	// sanity check the command time to prevent speedup cheating
	if ( ucmd->serverTime > level.time + 200 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time + 200;
//		G_Printf("serverTime <<<<<\n" );
	if ( ucmd->serverTime < level.time - 1000 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time - 1000;
//		G_Printf("serverTime >>>>>\n" );

	msec = ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime;
	// following others may result in bad times, but we still want
	// to check for follow toggles
	if ( msec < 1 && client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW ) {
		// Ridah, fixes savegame timing issue
		if (msec < -100) {
			client->ps.commandTime = ucmd->serverTime - 100;
			msec = 100;
		} else {
		// done.
	if ( msec > 200 ) {
		msec = 200;

	if ( pmove_msec.integer < 8 ) {
		trap_Cvar_Set( "pmove_msec", "8" );
	} else if ( pmove_msec.integer > 33 )     {
		trap_Cvar_Set( "pmove_msec", "33" );

	if ( pmove_fixed.integer || client->pers.pmoveFixed ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = ( ( ucmd->serverTime + pmove_msec.integer - 1 ) / pmove_msec.integer ) * pmove_msec.integer;
		//if (ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime <= 0)
		//	return;

	// check for exiting intermission
	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		ClientIntermissionThink( client );

	// spectators don't do much
	// DHM - Nerve :: In limbo use SpectatorThink
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR || client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_LIMBO ) {
		if ( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD ) {
		SpectatorThink( ent, ucmd );

	// JPW NERVE do some time-based muzzle flip -- this never gets touched in single player (see g_weapon.c)
	// #define RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME 150 // JPW NERVE this one goes with the commented out old damped "realistic" behavior below
	#define RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME 300 // per Id request, longer recoil time
	if ( client->sniperRifleFiredTime ) {
		if ( level.time - client->sniperRifleFiredTime > RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME ) {
			client->sniperRifleFiredTime = 0;
		} else {
			VectorCopy( client->ps.viewangles,muzzlebounce );

			// JPW per Id request, longer recoil time
			muzzlebounce[PITCH] -= 2 * cos( 2.5 * ( level.time - client->sniperRifleFiredTime ) / RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME );
			muzzlebounce[YAW] += 0.5*client->sniperRifleMuzzleYaw*cos( 1.0 - ( level.time - client->sniperRifleFiredTime ) * 3 / RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME );
			muzzlebounce[PITCH] -= 0.25 * random() * ( 1.0f - ( level.time - client->sniperRifleFiredTime ) / RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME );
			muzzlebounce[YAW] += 0.5 * crandom() * ( 1.0f - ( level.time - client->sniperRifleFiredTime ) / RIFLE_SHAKE_TIME );
			SetClientViewAngle( ent,muzzlebounce );
	if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] == PC_MEDIC ) {
		if ( level.time > client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] + 5000 ) {
			client->ps.powerups[PW_REGEN] = level.time;
	// also update weapon recharge time

	// JPW drop button drops secondary weapon so new one can be picked up
	// TTimo explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else'
	if ( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
		if ( ucmd->wbuttons & WBUTTON_DROP ) {
			if ( !client->dropWeaponTime ) {
				client->dropWeaponTime = 1; // just latch it for now
				if ( ( client->ps.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] == PC_SOLDIER ) || ( client->ps.stats[STAT_PLAYER_CLASS] == PC_LT ) ) {
					for ( i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPS_IN_BANK_MP; i++ ) {
						weapon = weapBanksMultiPlayer[3][i];
						if ( COM_BitCheck( client->ps.weapons,weapon ) ) {

							item = BG_FindItemForWeapon( weapon );
							VectorCopy( client->ps.viewangles, angles );

							// clamp pitch
							if ( angles[PITCH] < -30 ) {
								angles[PITCH] = -30;
							} else if ( angles[PITCH] > 30 ) {
								angles[PITCH] = 30;

							AngleVectors( angles, velocity, NULL, NULL );
							VectorScale( velocity, 64, offset );
							offset[2] += client->ps.viewheight / 2;
							VectorScale( velocity, 75, velocity );
							velocity[2] += 50 + random() * 35;

							VectorAdd( client->ps.origin,offset,org );

							VectorSet( mins, -ITEM_RADIUS, -ITEM_RADIUS, 0 );
							VectorSet( maxs, ITEM_RADIUS, ITEM_RADIUS, 2 * ITEM_RADIUS );

							trap_Trace( &tr, client->ps.origin, mins, maxs, org, ent->s.number, MASK_SOLID );
							VectorCopy( tr.endpos, org );

							ent2 = LaunchItem( item, org, velocity, client->ps.clientNum );
							COM_BitClear( client->ps.weapons,weapon );

							if ( weapon == WP_MAUSER ) {
								COM_BitClear( client->ps.weapons,WP_SNIPERRIFLE );

							// Clear out empty weapon, change to next best weapon
							G_AddEvent( ent, EV_NOAMMO, 0 );

							i = MAX_WEAPS_IN_BANK_MP;
							// show_bug.cgi?id=568
							if ( client->ps.weapon == weapon ) {
								client->ps.weapon = 0;
							ent2->count = client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon( weapon )];
							ent2->item->quantity = client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon( weapon )];
							client->ps.ammoclip[BG_FindClipForWeapon( weapon )] = 0;
		} else {
			client->dropWeaponTime = 0;
// jpw

	// check for inactivity timer, but never drop the local client of a non-dedicated server
	if ( !ClientInactivityTimer( client ) ) {

	if ( reloading || client->cameraPortal ) {
		ucmd->buttons = 0;
		ucmd->forwardmove = 0;
		ucmd->rightmove = 0;
		ucmd->upmove = 0;
		ucmd->wbuttons = 0;
		ucmd->wolfkick = 0;
		if ( client->cameraPortal ) {
			client->ps.pm_type = PM_FREEZE;
	} else if ( client->noclip ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NOCLIP;
	} else if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD;
	} else {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NORMAL;

	// set parachute anim condition flag
	BG_UpdateConditionValue( ent->s.number, ANIM_COND_PARACHUTE, ( ent->flags & FL_PARACHUTE ) != 0, qfalse );

	// all playing clients are assumed to be in combat mode
	if ( !client->ps.aiChar ) {
		client->ps.aiState = AISTATE_COMBAT;

	client->ps.gravity = g_gravity.value;

	// set speed
	client->ps.speed = g_speed.value;

	if ( client->ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] ) {
		client->ps.speed *= 1.3;

	// set up for pmove
	oldEventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	client->currentAimSpreadScale = (float)client->ps.aimSpreadScale / 255.0;

	memset( &pm, 0, sizeof( pm ) );

	pm.ps = &client->ps;
	pm.pmext = &client->pmext;
	pm.cmd = *ucmd;
	pm.oldcmd = client->pers.oldcmd;
	if ( pm.ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD ) {
		// DHM-Nerve added:: EF_DEAD is checked for in Pmove functions, but wasn't being set
		//              until after Pmove
		pm.ps->eFlags |= EF_DEAD;
		// dhm-Nerve end
	} else {
		pm.tracemask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	// MrE: always use capsule for AI and player
	//pm.trace = trap_TraceCapsule;//trap_Trace;
	//DHM - Nerve :: We've gone back to using normal bbox traces
	pm.trace = trap_Trace;
	pm.pointcontents = trap_PointContents;
	pm.debugLevel = g_debugMove.integer;
	pm.noFootsteps = ( g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS ) > 0;

	pm.pmove_fixed = pmove_fixed.integer | client->pers.pmoveFixed;
	pm.pmove_msec = pmove_msec.integer;

	pm.noWeapClips = ( g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_WEAPRELOAD ) > 0;
	if ( ent->aiCharacter && AICast_NoReload( ent->s.number ) ) {
		pm.noWeapClips = qtrue; // ensure AI characters don't use clips if they're not supposed to.

	// Ridah
//	if (ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOFOOTSTEPS)
//		pm.noFootsteps = qtrue;

	VectorCopy( client->ps.origin, client->oldOrigin );

	pm.gametype = g_gametype.integer;
	pm.ltChargeTime = g_LTChargeTime.integer;
	pm.soldierChargeTime = g_soldierChargeTime.integer;
	pm.engineerChargeTime = g_engineerChargeTime.integer;
	pm.medicChargeTime = g_medicChargeTime.integer;
	// -NERVE - SMF

	monsterslick = Pmove( &pm );

	if ( monsterslick && !( ent->flags & FL_NO_MONSTERSLICK ) ) {
		//vec3_t	dir;
		//vec3_t	kvel;
		//vec3_t	forward;
		// TTimo gcc: might be used unitialized in this function
		float angle = 0.0f;
		qboolean bogus = qfalse;

		// NE
		if ( ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_N ) && ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_E ) ) {
			angle = 45;
		// NW
		else if ( ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_N ) && ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_W ) ) {
			angle = 135;
		// N
		else if ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_N ) {
			angle = 90;
		// SE
		else if ( ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_S ) && ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_E ) ) {
			angle = 315;
		// SW
		else if ( ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_S ) && ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_W ) ) {
			angle = 225;
		// S
		else if ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_S ) {
			angle = 270;
		// E
		else if ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_E ) {
			angle = 0;
		// W
		else if ( monsterslick & SURF_MONSLICK_W ) {
			angle = 180;
		} else
			bogus = qtrue;

	// server cursor hints
	if ( ent->lastHintCheckTime < level.time ) {
		G_CheckForCursorHints( ent );

		ent->lastHintCheckTime = level.time + FRAMETIME;

	// DHM - Nerve :: Set animMovetype to 1 if ducking
	if ( ent->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) {
		ent->s.animMovetype = 1;
	} else {
		ent->s.animMovetype = 0;

	// save results of pmove
	if ( ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence ) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;
		ent->r.eventTime = level.time;

	// Ridah, fixes jittery zombie movement
	if ( g_smoothClients.integer ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityStateExtraPolate( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, ent->client->ps.commandTime, qtrue );
	} else {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );

	if ( !( ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) ) {
		client->fireHeld = qfalse;      // for grapple

//	// use the precise origin for linking
//	VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
//	// use the snapped origin for linking so it matches client predicted versions
	VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	VectorCopy( pm.mins, ent->r.mins );
	VectorCopy( pm.maxs, ent->r.maxs );

	ent->waterlevel = pm.waterlevel;
	ent->watertype = pm.watertype;

	// execute client events
	ClientEvents( ent, oldEventSequence );

	// link entity now, after any personal teleporters have been used
	trap_LinkEntity( ent );
	if ( !ent->client->noclip ) {
		G_TouchTriggers( ent );

	// NOTE: now copy the exact origin over otherwise clients can be snapped into solid
	VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	// store the client's current position for antilag traces
	G_StoreClientPosition( ent );

	// touch other objects
	ClientImpacts( ent, &pm );

	// save results of triggers and client events
	if ( ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence ) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;

	// swap and latch button actions
	client->oldbuttons = client->buttons;
	client->buttons = ucmd->buttons;
	client->latched_buttons = client->buttons & ~client->oldbuttons;
//	client->latched_buttons |= client->buttons & ~client->oldbuttons;	// FIXME:? (SA) MP method (causes problems for us.  activate 'sticks')

	//----(SA)	added
	client->oldwbuttons = client->wbuttons;
	client->wbuttons = ucmd->wbuttons;
	client->latched_wbuttons = client->wbuttons & ~client->oldwbuttons;
//	client->latched_wbuttons |= client->wbuttons & ~client->oldwbuttons;	// FIXME:? (SA) MP method

	// Rafael - Activate
	// Ridah, made it a latched event (occurs on keydown only)
	if ( client->latched_buttons & BUTTON_ACTIVATE ) {
		Cmd_Activate_f( ent );

	if ( ent->flags & FL_NOFATIGUE ) {
		ent->client->ps.sprintTime = 20000;

	// check for respawning
	if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {

		// DHM - Nerve
		if ( g_gametype.integer >= GT_WOLF ) {
			WolfFindMedic( ent );
		// dhm - end

		// wait for the attack button to be pressed
		if ( level.time > client->respawnTime ) {
			// forcerespawn is to prevent users from waiting out powerups
			if ( ( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) &&
				 ( g_forcerespawn.integer > 0 ) &&
				 ( ( level.time - client->respawnTime ) > g_forcerespawn.integer * 1000 )  &&
				 ( !( ent->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_LIMBO ) ) ) { // JPW NERVE
				// JPW NERVE
				if ( g_gametype.integer >= GT_WOLF ) {
					limbo( ent, qtrue );
				} else {
					respawn( ent );
				// jpw

			// DHM - Nerve :: Single player game respawns immediately as before,
			//				  but in multiplayer, require button press before respawn
			if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) {
				respawn( ent );
			// NERVE - SMF - we want to only respawn on jump button now
			else if ( ( ucmd->upmove > 0 ) &&
					  ( !( ent->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_LIMBO ) ) ) { // JPW NERVE
				// JPW NERVE
				if ( g_gametype.integer >= GT_WOLF ) {
					limbo( ent, qtrue );
				} else {
					respawn( ent );
				// jpw
			// dhm - Nerve :: end
			// NERVE - SMF - we want to immediately go to limbo mode if gibbed
			else if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= GIB_HEALTH && !( ent->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_LIMBO ) ) {
				if ( g_gametype.integer >= GT_WOLF ) {
					limbo( ent, qfalse );
				} else {
					respawn( ent );
			// -NERVE - SMF

	// perform once-a-second actions
	ClientTimerActions( ent, msec );